【发音版】Buying A New Car买新车


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复:节目可参与本节目语音跟读版本Steven wants to buy a new car. Now he's negotiating the price with a car dealer. 史蒂文想买一辆车,现在他正在和一位卖车人议价。A: Wow, what a cool car. The styling of this car really appeals to me. 这辆车好漂亮啊,这辆车的风格样式真的吸引了我。B: Yes, this is a very popular car. 是的,这辆车很受大众欢迎。A: I want to buy it. How much does this car cost?我想买下它。这辆车多少钱?B: The car is beautiful, isn't it? Come on inside and we'll discuss the price.这辆车很漂亮,不是吗?进里面来,我们商量一下价钱。A: You can tell me here, I just want to know the price.你可以在这里告诉我,我只是想知道价钱。B: 50,000 Yuan. What a deal! That will, of course, include tax, license and registration fee. 5万元。多划算呀!这个钱包括车税、车牌执照费,还有注册费。A: I appreciate your help, but I think I'll look around a bit.很感谢,我想我还是再看看吧。B: Then, what price would be fair to you? 那么你认为什么价格对你合适?A: I think that 30,000 Yuan would be fair for this car.我认为这辆车值3万。B: I can see that you are a smart buyer. 40,000 is my best price.看得出你很精明啊,4万是我给你的最好的价钱。A: Can't you make it cheaper? I still can't afford the car.你就不能再便宜些吗?这个价钱,我还是买不下这辆车。B: 38,000 Yuan is my final offer. 38000元给你的最低价了。A: Um, okay, I'll take it.嗯,好吧,我买下了。发音讲解:buy a→jəhe is→jɪwith a→ðəwhat a→dəreally appeals→jəthis is a→sɪzəbuy it→jɪisn't it→dɪcome on inside→mɑːnɪlook around a bit→kədəcan't you→tʃuːmake it→kɪcan't afford→dətake it→kɪ

【发音版】Buying A New Car买新车

【发音版】Buying A New Car买新车
