

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩歌曲 :Bana Ellerini Ver*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。前段时间,法国总统马克龙访问了中国。这件事,无论在中国还是法国,都是quite a trending topic(非常热门的话题)。而且结束访华的法国总统马克龙,很兴奋。前脚刚走,后脚就发了一个视频。视频内容没什么政治味道,倒像是一个旅行博主拍的Vlog,很快乐。他发的视频,the first scene is a big hug with actor Huang Bo(第一个场景是与演员黄渤的一个大拥抱),紧接着是footage of the summit meeting(峰会的镜头),tea party with music performance(茶话会与音乐表演),university speech(大学演讲), and warm welcome from Guangzhou citizens(来自广州市民的热烈欢迎)。马克龙这段小视频配的法语文案意思是:深信法中友谊,促进“和平、稳定与繁荣”。此次中国一行,不仅马克龙开心,中国人民也开心,大家对他的印象还挺不错的。那我们今天就来聊一聊法国总统马克龙。1. 饱受争议的爱情故事When Macron was elected(自打他当选之后),一直都是controversial(很有争议), and comes with his own topics of discussion(有关马克龙的话题讨论不断)。He was the youngest president elected in France after Napoleon.他是拿破仑之后,法国最年轻的总统,he was 39 years old when he was elected(当选总统的时候才39岁)。There was also a lot of news around his unique love story.其实民间讨论更多的是马克龙的爱情故事。之所以引发那么多讨论,主要是the age difference is too big(年龄差距太大)。His wife Brigitte is 24 years older than him. 他的妻子比他大24岁。而且在跟马克龙结婚前,Brigitte is a married woman with children(Brigitte是已婚已育的女人)。Macron and Brigitte do not have any kids together. 马克龙和布丽吉特没有孩子。Brigitte has 3 kids.Her eldest son is 3 years older than Macron(马克龙比她的大儿子小3岁),her eldest daughter is 1 year older than him(比她大女儿小1岁), and their youngest daughter is 6 years younger than him(最小的女儿只比马克龙小6岁).Brigitte also used to be Macron’s high school teacher. 布丽奇特也是马克龙的高中老师。And actually her eldest daughter was classmates with Macron, and now she is his daughter.事实上,她的大女儿是马克龙的同学,现在她是他的女儿了。同班同学变成后爸。Wow, mind-blowing!在法国,teacher-student romance(师生恋) is considered taboo regardless of the age difference between them。不管年龄差多大,师生恋在法国都是一种禁忌。法国的教育法规定,教师与学生发生亲密关系的话,they may face disciplinary action and potential criminal charges(可能会面临纪律处分和可能的刑事指控)。Macron and Brigitte fell in love when Macron was 15. 马克龙15岁时,和Brigitte坠入爱河。因为Brigitte是马克龙的老师,所以their relationship had a lot of disapproval(受到了很多的反对)。But they remained committed to each other. 但他们仍然互相忠诚。马克龙的父母怎么介入的?因为担心焦虑,Macron’s parents actually transferred him to another school(给马克龙转学了) 。但在马克龙转学之前, he promised Brigitte that he would marry her someday(他答应过布丽吉特,总有一天他会娶她为妻的)。 2007年,他们结婚了,再然后,Macron’s career really took off(他的事业真正起飞了)!2. 总统竞选不易In 2016, Macron announced he was running for the French presidency as an independent candidate.马克龙在2016年宣布,他要作为一个independent candidate(独立候选人)来竞选总统。这个很不容易,因为in French history, no candidate ever won a presidential election without the support of a political party(法国的总统竞选历史上,还没有无政党支持的候选人赢得总统选举)。其实,西方的independent candidate(独立候选人),并不是指平头老百姓,只是可能不属于主要政党,但独立候选人可能拥有自己的支持者和政治基础。比如马克龙,竞选总统前就是 influential political figure(相当有影响力的政治人物)。他在竞选法国总统之前,曾担任法国社会党政府和社会民主党政府的高级公务员,曾在经济部门担任过多个职位。此外,他还曾担任法国总统的经济顾问,并在2014年至2016年期间担任法国经济部长。在经历了这些政府职位之后,马克龙创立了他的政治组织“前进”!在总统选举期间,他的确提出了一系列经济和社会改革计划,并成功地打破了法国传统政治的固有格局。He became the first independent candidate to be elected as the President of France.马克龙成为法国历史上第一个成功当选的独立候选人。With 65.5% of the vote, Macron became the eight president of France.获得了65.5%的选票,马克龙成为了法国的第8任总统。3. 从政并非一帆风顺总统的婚恋,肯定会引发一些民众戏剧性的反应。During interviews he would get questions about it, but he has always been very proud of his relationship. 在一些采访中,他会被问到这个问题,但他一直为自己的关系感到非常自豪。会有很多人觉得 he isn’t setting a good example (总统没有树立好的榜样),不应该和老师结婚。他却回答说:“This is not a question of setting an example, when you fall in love the choice is not yours at all.”这不是树立榜样的问题,当你坠入爱河时,选择权根本不在你。马克龙曾说,如果他能在一个外省小城,顶住各种羞辱和嘲笑,征服一个年长他24岁且有三个孩子的有夫之妇,那么他也能用同样的方法征服法国。It might be easy for him to conquer a lover but it is definitely not that simple to conquer France. 征服情人容易,征服法兰西可没那么简单。He has been thrown eggs, hit by crowds etc. 他被扔过鸡蛋,被打过,等等。• conquer /ˈkɑ:ŋkər/ v. 征服在法国,总统挨打都算小场面。In France the bigger way to show disapproval is through demonstrations.人民表现反对的更激烈的方式是示威活动。为什么法国人对马克龙有这么大意见呢?马克龙办的两件事were very unpopular among the French population causing a lot of chaos(很不得人心,造成了很多混乱)。(1) The first is the fuel tax increase proposed by the Mark Malone government in 2018.第一个是,2018年马克龙政府提出的提高燃油税计划。 这直接成了the spark for the yellow vest movement(法国黄马甲运动的导火索)。(2) The second is that Macron proposed to delay retirement.第二个就是,马克龙提出to delay retirement(延迟退休)。This caused strong dissatisfaction among the French people(这引发了法国民众强烈不满), and there were big strikes and demonstrations almost every day(几乎天天有花式罢工游行).Extending the retirement age to 64 is two years more than the original 62.原来是62,现在延迟到64。Most European countries have already extended the retirement age to over 65.多数欧洲国家早就已经把退休年龄延长至65岁以上了。Some countries have postponed retirement for more than ten years at once, and they have not aroused such anger.有些国家一下子推迟退休十多年,他们也没有引起这样的愤怒。法国人其实福利待遇以及假期都是超级好的,但是延迟退休就一下激起这么大的愤怒。干嘛马克龙非要做不顺民心的事呢?But well the reason by Macron is doing this is also because he claims that there is no money.有种种原因,总之就是没钱了,得想法子发展。他最近访问中国,其中一个目的也是to strengthen the France-Chinese trade relationship(加强法中贸易关系)。不管如何,巩俐同行也好,黄渤陪同也好,中山大学的同学们夹道欢迎也好,这种友好的氛围,可能都让马克龙感受到治愈。他在social media上面发了好几个posts,还用中法双语发布:法中友谊万岁!大家有什么想聊的,想要关注的,都可以留言告诉我们。


