#11 The Dark Past and The Bright Future for Chiropractic w/Dr.Brett Jones D.C.


Share and download the episode, drop a 5 star review with what resonates and Subscribe! #SoulCoffeePodcastConnect w/Dr.Brett Jones:IG: @DrbrettjonesFB: Dr.Brett JonesWebsite: Drbrettjones.comFind out more information on the WCCS: IG: @wccschirowccsworldwide.org“Unity with respect to Diversity” - World Congress of Chiropractic Students principle“The only standard you can create is the one for yourself” Dr.Brett Jones3:50 - Where are we at as a profession? 2.3% Latinx, 0.9% Black Whats been lacking is cultural diversity, but more so diversity in skin color 05:20 - In order to know where you’re going, you must know where you’ve been”06:50 - The power in respecting and understanding the shadow. Historically we’ve neglected it08:35 - How White Supremacy influenced the profession since its inception and trickled to other countries 11:50 - Noticing the lack of color in the profession, Dr.Brett’s Journey 13:50 - 1956 - 1st Palmer graduate, Dr.Stanley Dell, Dr. Fred Rubel, 1913 = first15:00 - “Palmer School of Chiropractic can not admit any negro students at this time”  while up until the 1960s Palmer was graduating 75% of the World’s chiropractors at the time after starting in 1895. 61 years we weren’t able to get in the game17:35 - Powerful Child Abuse analogy, 1619-1865 and arguebaly to this day What it means to be black in America 20:20 - We don’t need equality, but equity. Theres a difference21:05 - Invitation, leadership that exudes color, why is this important? Expansion of respecting diversity. Now the next layers are race ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation26:20 - Appreciation for the differences in expression, The Chiropractic Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the base being pain.  - What are our common values and purpose?*28:35 - Support another on the journey, the way to the #1 Healing profession in the world, the willingness to have shadow conversations*** collaboration!29:10 - A peephole to the shoebox of truth31:10 - Cultivating a standard of excellence level of integrity and congruence within self, layering through the conversations*35:50 - The only standard that can exist is the standard that you create for yourself**- What are the healing results that I would like to witness and observe in my chiropractic practice and place of service?-Who are those people that are receiving those results? What ways do you want to see them heal? -Who do you want to be around that would absolutely charge you up 70-80% of the time? - Who do I need to be to serve it?39:20 - Creating an image through your own Unshakeable Purpose! 44:20 - Dr.Gale Matthews and goal setting, you’re 42% more likely to achieve thee goals when you write them down! Success without fulfillment is the ultimately failure Chiropractic percentages - 3.7% Hispanic, 86.7% White, 1.9% Black, 5.4 % Asian, 0.5% Native AmericanWorkforce percentages - 16% Latinx, 64% white, 11.6% Black, 5.3% Asian, 0.5% Native AmericanTheres a disconnect, chiropractic is the whitest health profession out thereBooks:The indigenous American HistoryTable of U.S occupations* link will be provided Looking back to see ahead - Dr.Sid E WilliamsGreen booksBlue books (Stauss books)Dscbooks.comConnect with me!FB: https://www.facebook.com/jfruster?ref=bookmarksIG: https://www.instagram.com/jamalfruster/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCEO0ntWp2t3Zg5ryUMZUQ?view_as=subscriber


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#11 The Dark Past and The Bright Future for Chiropractic w/Dr.Brett Jones D.C.

#11 The Dark Past and The Bright Future for Chiropractic w/Dr.Brett Jones D.C.
