Тело привычки

Шторм х MELA

В новом сезоне основательница бренда MELA Мария Сальникова продолжает говорить с вдохновляющими людьми о том, какие привычки придают сил и помогают поддерживать себя в форме, как вписать в график спорт, хобби и семью и как привнести в свою жизнь спорт и здоровое питание. Сайт бренда MELA: https://sportmela.ru/ Для слушателей подкаста мы дарим промокод HABIT, который даст скидку 10% на все покупки на сайте бренда до 31 августа 2024 года. Все вопросы по сотрудничеству пишите на почту: support@sportmela.ru Это подкаст бренда спортивного инвентаря MELA и студии подкастов «Шторм». Продюсер: Диана Андреева Звукорежиссер: Даниил Шинкарев Обложка: Виктория Шишова

Красота требует мышц

Галина Огневая

В этом подкасте мы будем говорить про тренировки, пищевые привычки, мотивацию и любовь к себе. Наша общая цель - прийти к классной физической форме и хорошему самочувствию через системный подход в питании и тренировках. Без насилия над собой, изнурительных диет и эмоционального выгорания. Ведущая Галина Огневая - практикующий онлайн фитнес-тренер. Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/galinaognevaya Телеграм-канал: https://t.me/galinabulki По вопросам сотрудничества: https://t.me/galinaognevaya

Разговор по телу

Разговор по телу

Вместе с приглашёнными экспертами обсуждаем вопросы, которые волнуют каждую женщину в области бережного отношения к себе и своему телу. Поможем выбрать для себя то, что принесёт результат и удовольствие от процесса работы над собой, а также будет оптимальным с точки зрения затрат и безопасным для здоровья.

Сопли Кипчоге

Константин Кан, Артём Забавнов

В этом подкасте мы, то есть Костя Экросс и Артём Крауч, обсуждаем самые интересные новости прошедшей недели из мира лёгкой атлетики. А ещё вы можете найти нас в тг: канал Кости со свежими новостями из мира л/а и просто весёлым трешаком; канал Артёма с лонгридами, посвящёнными предстоящим стартам, и информацией по стримам самых крутых событий из мира л/а.

Женский подкаст

Olga Сherepanova

Привет! Меня зовут Оля Черепанова, я продюсер фитнес-платформы FitStars, и это Женский подкаст. Здесь мы будем говорить про серьёзные изменения в жизни женщин, обсуждать, какие эмоции проживаем в переломный момент, как отвечает наше здоровье и как помочь телу в этот период. Мои гостьи – сильные Self-made Women, которые не боятся проявлять слабость. Это женщины, которые строят карьеру или бизнес, ведут активный образ жизни и постоянно развиваются, делают лучше этот мир и периодически прыгают выше головы. Что стоит за женским успехом? Как справляться с трудностями, принять и полюбить себя и жить эту жизнь полноценно в гармонии с собой и окружающим миром? Ответы на эти вопросы мы и будем искать на этом канале вместе с экспертками из разных областей, поэтому подписывайтесь и делитесь своими мыслями – будем вместе строить сильное и поддерживающее Женское сообщество 🧡

Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin

Scicomm Media

This is Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin.  I'm Dr. Andy Galpin, a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton. With this podcast, my goal is to help you better understand and maximize your own physical performance, leveraging my two decades of experience with top-tier performers, including Olympians and world champions across numerous sports. We'll discuss a range of advanced tools, technologies, and strategies, striking a balance between the forefront of scientific research and simple solutions. The way we'll do that is by covering what I call the "3 I's". For every topic, we'll explore how to 1) Investigate (i.e., measure), 2) Interpret (i.e., what's good, bad), and 3) Intervene (i.e., change). We'll do this from the lens of high performance, letting you enhance your abilities from good to great.                                   In the upcoming episodes of Season 1, we'll explore topics like the science of muscle development, how to build endurance, the role of sleep and recovery in high performance, and how to create training programs for strength, improving VO2 Max and cardiovascular health, growing muscle and much more.   I'll share actionable insights ("do's and don'ts") and I'll discuss the effectiveness of various supplements, training equipment, and technology in elevating mental and physical performance. While not all of us are elite athletes, myself included, there are many lessons and tools that we can glean from those performing at the highest levels. And remember, as legendary coach Bill Bowerman stated, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." If you're not already, I hope you'll consider starting to train and recover like an athlete. 

Техника завал

Спорткастерная х Across the runiverse

Подкаст для любителей крутить педали и пить кофе после. Как череда событий и случайностей привела Костю Кана в мир любительского велоспорта. Подкаст выпускает «Спорткастерная» совместно с Across the runiverse. https://t.me/across_the_runiverse https://t.me/sportpodcast

ЗОЖ: правда и ложь


За последние годы здоровый образ жизни превратился в огромную индустрию. Она объединяет самые разные понятия и направления. И как и в любой гуманитарной сфере, в ЗОЖ существует множество белых пятен, мифов и заблуждений. Подкаст студии SoundStream «ЗОЖ: правда и ложь» будет разбираться в главных из них. Ведущие Катя Акулич и Игорь Лисник обсудят и попробуют разобраться, каким советам стоит следовать, от чего отказаться и что изменить в своем миропонимании, чтобы правильно вести Здоровый Образ Жизни. Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — podcasts@terminvox.ru

Ты - изменишься

Александра Шеклеина

"Ты изменишься"- это ваш источник вдохновения для здорового образа жизни! Здесь будут разговоры на темы мышления, фитнеса и психологии. После прослушивания цель поменять мысли, смыслы и углубить понимание себя и окружающего мира через призму спорта и мышления. Инстаграм: @alex_shekleina Телеграм-канал: @shekleina_form По условиям сотрудничества: @Sasha_Shekleina_FORM

Гибкий ЗОЖ

Антон Хоменко

Подкаст о том, что для здорового образа жизни не обязательно совершать над собой насилие. А регулярные занятия спортом могут приносить и пользу, и удовольствие.

Собака мордой вверх

Юлия Воронина

Это подкаст о йоге без эзотерики и серьёзных щей. Мне йога очень нравится, вдруг вам тоже? Обложку нарисовала Юлия Ильина, а звук делает Полина Панна💙 Telegram: https://t.me/sobakapodkast

The Unf*ck Your Fitness Podcast

Kristy Castillo

If you've tried all the fad diets and are sick and tired of not achieving your health and fitness goals long-term, you've come to the right place! Welcome to the Unf*ck Your Fitness Podcast with me, Kristy Castillo. I'm here to help you break the annoying diet cycle, gain confidence, and reach your health and fitness goals. This podcast will show you how to be proud of the body you have, build the body you want, and enjoy the process along the way. I'll cover topics like how to get the most from your workouts, the importance of feeding your body what it needs, and key mindset shifts that will empower you. I've broken through the BS surrounding diet culture and built my dream body, all while being a busy wife, Mom and business owner, and I know you can too!Connect with me on Instagram at @kristycastillofitLearn more about working together by visiting my website: https://www.kristycastillo.com/

Что такое wellness?

Polina Balance

Что такое wellness? Почему ментальное и физическое здоровье это две части одного целого? И как построить здоровый образ жизни для жизни? Рефлексируем и ищем баланс вместе с Полиной Balance, фитнес тренером, блогером и wellness экспертом. ___________________ https://t.me/balancepodcast - присоединяйся к телеграм каналу подкаста🎧 work.polinabalance@gmail.com - почта для ваших вопросов и коммерческих предложений https://www.instagram.com/polinabalance/ - мой блог в инстаграм https://polinabalance.ru/ - тренировки со мной и консультации по питанию и образу жизни🍃

Музыка для фитнеса

Ваняев Павел

Подкаст для профессионалов проводящих фитнес программы под музыкальное сопровождение.

Стиль тела

Александр Н.

https://t.me/BodyStylePodcast Лучший канал о теле, трансформации и привычках. Новый выпуск — каждые вторник и субботу😉 Поблагода₽ить автора:2204310312069878

PODRUNNER: Workout Music

Steve Boyett

Nonstop, one-hour, high-energy workout music mixes to help you groove while you move. Podrunner's fixed-tempo and interval exercise mixes are perfect for power walking, jogging, running, spinning, elliptical, aerobics, and many other tempo-based forms of exercise. An iTunes award-winner six years in a row!

Run Surrey Hills Absolute Beginners Running Podcast

Jude Palmer

If you are an Absolute Beginner* when it comes to running, this series of 8 podcasts are for you. Packed with coaching tips and commentary from England Athletics Running Coach, Jude Palmer, each episode will talk you through a warm up, a main session of run/walk and a cool down. Recorded in the woods around where she lives, not only will you get to hear the birds chirruping in the background but experience Jude running in real time, muddy puddles and all. Aimed at getting people out and active wherever they live, the podcasts are based on run/walk sessions which start simply and over time the **running/jogging/trotting increases to being able to run for 30 mins or more. Listen each week and use as a background, motivation for your running. If you have any questions no matter how big or small, please get in touch with Jude at https://www.runsurreyhills.com or runsurreyhills@gmail.com* Absolute Beginner - anyone and everyone who has never run, think they can't run or have been away from running for whatever reason for some time. And that has been ALL of us at some point. ** Running is running wherever you are. On road or off road this podcast applies.

Правда тела

Подкасты РИА Новости

Илья Переседов и Наталья Лосева препарируют темы похудения, питания, спорта, физического здоровья и психологических аспектов, которые со всем этим связаны. Откровенный подкаст о том, как людям победить в войне с ожирением. Или просто привести тело в порядок — правильно и с удовольствием.

Arnold's Pump Club

Arnold's Pump Club

Welcome to the positive corner of wellness! Arnold's Pump Club is a daily podcast by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thanks to a helpful machine he trained, Arnold shares 3 tips from his daily newsletter each day, and in just 5 minutes, you'll have the support, information, and inspiration you need to live a healthier life. This daily digest helps make sense of the research that matters, shares workouts and healthy recipes, and delivers motivation straight from Arnold. It's the perfect way to get your mind right; because where the mind goes, the body follows.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer, Justin Andrews, Doug Egge

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at mindpumppodcast.com. Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at mapsfitnessproducts.com

evotraining | podcast


Подкаст Евгения Богачёва для тренеров и атлетов о тренировках и спортивной подготовке. Тут мы обсуждаем нюансы тренинга, подготовки, профилактики травматизма фитнес клиентов и соревнующихся атлетов.

Sweat Daily with Kayla Itsines


Step into the best version of yourself and reach your health and wellbeing goals alongside global fitness sensation, Kayla Itsines. From fitness tips to food that fuels you, meditation to motivation - the Sweat Daily podcast is here to help you level up your life. Each week covers a new theme – from sleep to sugar, biohacking to birth control and more. Tune in on Mondays to start your week strong with for some one-on-one motivation tips and tricks. On Tuesdays, we bring you exclusive interviews with global stars and familiar faces, uncovering everything you’ve wanted to know about their health habits. We dive into the science of wellness with the help of industry-leading experts on Wednesdays, whilst Thursdays are about creating space for mindfulness with meditations from Shona Vertue. We’ll fuel you towards the weekend every Friday as Kayla chats to her family and friends about food. Sweat Daily, launching 29/04/2024. The happiest, healthiest, most confident version of you awaits. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Corpus Animus Podcast

Training Think Tank

This podcast is audio taken from our Training Think Tank YouTube channel for those on the go (or who just don't want to look at our ugly mugs)



「Study Room 自习室」是一个围绕阅读分享、个人反思、训练感悟、生活抉择等成长话题的灵感空间。 两位主播分别是最能对自己下狠手的运动学霸 Weiya,和互联网创业圈娃娃脸 Guxi。我们都热爱铁三,痴迷于剖析自我,偶尔神叨叨,时不时小八卦。 在两位卷王的眼里,没有什么是比「进步」更性感的事~ 【视频播客】 Weibo@播客_自习室STUDYROOM 小红书@自习室STUDYROOM B站@自习室STUDYROOM YouTube@自习室STUDYROOM 抖音@自习室STUDYROOM 视频号@自习室STUDYROOM 【音频平台】 苹果播客@自习室STUDYROOM 小宇宙@自习室STUDYROOM 喜马拉雅@自习室STUDYROOM 网易云音乐@自习室STUDYROOM 豆瓣@自习室STUDYROOM 【进群】 「花卷」听友群 VX: studyroom999 【合作】 商务联系 studyroom@fit4life.world

Na Zdorovie

World Class

Эксперты сети фитнес-клубов World Class рассказывают обо всем самом актуальном из мира фитнеса, правильного питания и здорового образа жизни. Мы не боимся быть первыми. Являясь признанным лидером в своей области, мы не останавливаемся на достигнутом, мы идем к новым победам, формируя Class последователей здорового образа жизни. Пишите нам на social@wclass.ru, если хотите оставить пожелания и обратную связь.

Просто о сложном

Мария Недре

Просто о сложном - о работе тела и мозгаМеня зовут Мария НедреЯ gреподаватель и спуиалист по прикладной неврологии и физической реабилитацииВ этом подкасте мы раскрываем тему здоровья тела и нервной системыРазоблачаем самые популярные фитнес-мифы И идем к понимаю того, что здоровье - это просто

Спина одна

Михаил Храмов

Про стороны этой жизни, где, оказывается(!), здоровая спина и красивая осанка играют очень большую роль. Для тех, кто хоть однажды почувствовал свою спину в не самом хорошем смысле слова. Ведут Миша Храмов (сертифицированный тренер Polestar Pilates USA и TRX Russia) и Юля Шестакова (редактор клуба с онлайн-разминками "Место спины": https://michael-fitnes.ru/online) Обратная связь: https://t.me/Michael_K1 Дел много. Спина одна :)

Три калеки


Подкаст, в котором три человека с хроническими травмами по очереди пробуют различные виды спорта – от карате до водных лыж. Алена Груздева, Саша Бушмакин и Денис Ярославцев расскажут, как совместить спорт с болячками, плотным графиком и даже с маленькими детьми. Подписывайтесь на наш Telegram-канал: https://t.me/trikaleki

WHOOP Podcast


At WHOOP, we are on a mission to unlock human performance. WHOOP Founder & CEO Will Ahmed sits down with top athletes, scientists, experts, and more to learn what the best in the world are doing to perform at their peak – and what you can do to unlock your own best performance. Every week, we dig deeper into sleep, recovery, nutrition, training, lifestyle habits, and more to help you reach your potential.

Joe DeFranco's Industrial Strength Show

Joe DeFranco

World-renowned strength & conditioning coach Joe DeFranco shares his thoughts on training for peak performance, mindset, and living your passion. As the founder and owner of DeFranco’s Gym, he also provides the business knowledge that helped him turn a 500-square-foot storage closet into a global brand. Each week, Joe will educate, motivate and entertain his audience by answering their questions and/or conducting interviews with top athletes, fitness professionals, entrepreneurs, and other highly successful people.

О балансе с Royal Forest

Royal Forest

Это подкаст Royal Forest - компании, которая на протяжении 10 лет создает натуральную продукцию с заботой о клиентах. Мы создали этот подкаст, чтобы поговорить с экспертами о питании и жизненном балансе. В выпусках первого сезона в гостях побывают известные спортсмены, нутрициолги и психологи, с которыми мы обсудим все, что может касаться баланса в питании, спорте и жизни. А спонсор этого сезона - протениновая линейка шоколада Royal Forest. Это больше, чем просто вкусное лакомство. Благодаря содержанию белка, шоколад обеспечивает значительную прибавку к вашей ежедневной норме питания, а низкое содержание сахара гарантирует, что вы сможете наслаждаться шоколадом без ущерба для здоровья. Состав тщательно продуман, чтобы обеспечить идеальный баланс вкуса и питательности. В конце каждого выпуска вас ждет промокод на скидку 30%, не переключайтесь! Сайт для применения скидки: https://royal-forest.ru/podkast-balans/

Fit Body, Happy Joints ®

Dr. Shannon Ritchey, PT, DPT

Develop your most fit body, while perserving your body. Dr. Shannon, DPT is a physical therapist and long-time fitness trainer. She integrates the current research with her experience as a PT and trainer to educate you on effective fitness practices that don't wreck your body. In her concise, no-fluff episodes, Shannon busts myths and gives you tangible takeaways in each episode. Try her workout platform here: https://www.evlofitness.com/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=link+in+bio&utm_campaign=evloTry her free class here: https://bit.ly/3jnJXi7Follow her on Instagram here: https://bit.ly/3DusHPjFollow her on Tiktok here: https://bit.ly/3Hn6cg5

The Stronger By Science Podcast


In each episode, the Stronger By Science team delves into exercise and nutrition research, health and fitness trends, and listener questions. Through deep dives, banter, and anecdotes, you'll learn how to interpret and apply the latest science, how to explain fitness trends to your friends, and what actually matters when it comes to living a strong, healthy life.

Ben Greenfield Life

Ben Greenfield

Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from BenGreenfieldLife.com! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.

BarBend Podcast


Learn from the top athletes, coaches, and influencers in strength! Each week, the BarBend Podcast brings together some of the world's biggest strength names across weightlifting, powerlifting, CrossFit, strongman, and more. BarBend Editor and Co-Founder David Thomas Tao sits down with the strength community's smartest and strongest minds to with a focus on their learnings through training, competition, and coaching. We dive deep on their journeys and where strength training has taken them. World record holders share their competition secrets. Coaches give their most underrated tips. And top thinkers and researchers from the realm of strength science go deep on their most promising findings. This podcast is the perfect companion for experts and beginners alike, covering a wide range of topics to keep listeners up to date on the world of strength.

Girl Fit Method Podcast


I am Natasha Wakefield, a Women's Fitness and Nutrition Coach and your new fitness BFF. I will be revealing the fitness industry secrets along with effective strategies to up-level your fitness, nutrition and mindset. From body image to manifestation, this podcast will cover ALL things health and fitness to empower YOU to live your best life.

Первый мужской танцевальный подкаст

Алексей Прытков

Уникальный проект для мужчин. Создан для того, чтобы собрать мужчин по интересам и развить культуру танца. Показать что мужчине танцевать не зазорно, а полезно, эстетично и весело. Продвигать некую концепцию современного джентльмена - уверенного в себе, социально активного, в хорошей форме и просто достойного члена нашего клуба. Как начинать с нуля? Как выигрывать танцевальные чемпионаты даже в 55+ лет? Что дарят нам танцы и как меняется жизнь мужчин, которые решились. История настоящего мужского клуба в танцевальных залах, в горах, на вечеринках и в жизни. Наш Сайт.https://menwhodance.ru/Наш Online курс.https://t.me/Mans_dance_onlineСвязаться с автором.https://t.me/scooby_dogg

Динамо бежит

Валерия Храмова

Беговой подкаст. Исследуем силу бега. Почта: info@jaxtor.ru

The Jordan Syatt Mini-Podcast

Jordan Syatt

You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, a lot. We’ll also talk about the gym, your workouts, nutrition, entrepreneurship, and more. Welcome to the Mini-Podcast - where we keep things quick, comical, and the opposite of politically correct.

The Dr. Joey Munoz Show

Dr. Joseph Munoz

Welcome to The Dr. Joey Munoz Show, the ultimate podcast for anyone looking to improve their health, nutrition, and fitness. As a leading health expert, Dr. Joey Munoz will not only share his extensive knowledge on different health-related subjects, like nutrition and resistance training, but will also interview other experts in various health-related fields. From health coaches and personal trainers to doctors and researchers, Dr. Munoz will bring in a diverse range of guests who will share their unique perspectives and insights on how to achieve optimal health. This podcast covers a range of topics, including weight loss, exercise, disease prevention, mental health, and more. Join us for engaging conversations, practical advice, and expert tips that will help you live your best life. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting on your health journey, The Dr. Joey Munoz Show has something for everyone.

The Jeff Nippard Podcast

Jeff Nippard

This podcast is dedicated to discussions and interviews with the fitness community's best science-based coaches, researchers and elite level athletes.

Суслинг — подкаст о велоспорте


Суслинг — подкаст о велоспорте от создателей gruppetto.ru Саши Сазонова и Салима Макеева. На суслинге мы будем обсуждать всë, что связано с велоспортом. Профессиональные гонки и их герои. Тактика и история велоспорта. Любительские соревнования, велосипеды и лайкра. А еще к нам иногда будут приходить крутые гости. Вы полностью окунетесь в мир велоспорта вместе с суслингом. По всем вопросам пишите в Telegram: sazon

The Coach Mark Carroll Podcast

Mark Carroll

Mark Carroll is a coach and leading educator in the fitness industry. Mark is an expert in exercise science, program design and nutrition for the performance and aesthetic transformation of men and women worldwide. He has now helped over 130,000+ people to transform their lives with his training and nutrition programs delivered via custom mobile app. He has also coached multiple bikini pros to world championships. You can learn more about Mark's programs at CoachMarkCarroll.com and his education business for personal trainers at CarrollPerformance.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

CrossFit Games Podcast

CrossFit Games

Each year since 2007, CrossFit has determined the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth through a series of events called the CrossFit Games. The CrossFit Games are a multi-day event where the top athletes in the world are tested with a variety of challenges including Olympic lifting, gymnastics, swimming, running, and more. At the end of a grueling competition, one man and one woman will have clearly distinguished themselves as the Fittest on Earth. Join Host Chase Ingraham and various guests as they break down the ins and outs of the CrossFit Games season each week on the CrossFit Games Podcast.

Optimal Health Daily

Optimal Living Daily | Dr. Neal Malik

Optimal Health Daily, hosted by the esteemed Dr. Neal Malik, a tenured professor, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist, is a treasure trove of health and wellness insights. Dr. Neal delves into the latest research and timeless wisdom in nutrition, fitness, and diet, presenting them in easy-to-understand, digestible episodes. His expertise shines through as he handpicks and narrates the most informative and inspiring blog posts, offering practical tips and motivational stories to help listeners on their journey to optimal health. Each episode is a blend of science-based information and real-life application, making it a unique resource for anyone looking to improve their health and wellbeing. Dr. Malik's approach is holistic and inclusive, recognizing the importance of balancing physical health with mental and emotional wellness. By focusing on diet, fitness, and nutrition, each episode provides you with the tools needed to achieve your health goals. His engaging narration and the podcast's diverse range of topics make it an essential daily listen for you as you seek to lead a healthier, more balanced life. This podcast is designed for those passionate about diet, fitness, and nutrition. It’s your go-to source for practical advice on managing your diet, improving your fitness, and understanding nutrition. Each episode offers actionable steps to foster a healthier lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of diet, fitness, and nutrition in achieving optimal health. Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...

That Triathlon Life Podcast

That Triathlon Life

Pro Triathletes Eric Lagerstrom, and Paula Findlay, team up with their friend and amateur triathlete Nick Goldston to hang out and answer questions about triathlon. https://www.thattriathlonlife.com

The Not So Fit Couple Podcast

Ben Haldon & Lucy Davis

Welcome to The Not So Fit Couple Podcast! A dose of education & entertainment brought to you by Online Personal Trainers & Fitness Couple Lucy Davis Fit & Ben Haldon. An off centre spin on everything health and fitness, relationships and business, with some epic guests along the way to help you transform your mind and body.

Ever Forward Radio with Chase Chewning

Operation Podcast

Hi, I'm Chase Chewning (@chase_chewning on Instagram) and this is the podcast that is devoted to help you build a life that propels you forward - EVER FORWARD. Conversations with industry leaders in health and wellness, personal development, entrepreneurship, celebrities and entertainers, creatives, military and so much more. I am a US Army veteran, ACE Certified Health Coach, and I hold a BS in Exercise Science and MS in Health Promotion and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.

Fitness mit M.A.R.K. - Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Ernährung und Motivation fürs Training

Mark Maslow | #DRNBLBR, Fitness Coach und Ingenieur

Dies ist kein Bodybuilding-Podcast. Es geht um eine athletische, gesunde Figur fürs Leben – ohne Druck und Drill, sondern mit einem guten Gefühl. Dich erwarten Tipps und Experteninterviews über Mentaltraining, ausgewogene Ernährung, richtiges Kraft- und Kardiotraining, die Dir helfen, gesund und fit zu leben und nackt gut auszusehen. Bock auf maximale Fitness mit minimalem Stressfaktor? Schon über 30.000 Menschen erhalten Marks Dranbleiber-Newsletter. Hol auch Du Dir auf entspannte Weise mehr Fitness in Dein Postfach – und Dein Leben: https://marfit.de/start Lies den #1 Bestseller „Looking Good Naked“ (auch als Hörbuch): https://marfit.de/buch

Look Good Move Well

Functional Bodybuilding

Fresh ideas for your training, nutrition, and lifestyle to immediately put to use. Hosted by Marcus Filly, the founder and CEO of Functional Bodybuilding, and CMO Satya Khan. We’ll be talking about avoiding burnout, keeping your passion alive for training, and fueling your body and mind so you can look good, move well now and for years to come. Learn more about the Functional Bodybuilding training method, lifestyle, and programs with our free weekly newsletter at https://functional-bodybuilding.com/. We would love for you to leave us a review - we value your feedback and we want to earn all five stars.

LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness


Dive into the joy of fitness with Lindsay and other guests exploring how it goes well and beyond the gym floor, the number on the scale, the size of your waist or the calories you're counting.

Mark Bell's Power Project

Mark Bell's Power Project

Hosted by Mark Bell, inventor of the Sling Shot; American record holding professional powerlifter. Joined by Professional Bodybuilder & Grappler Nsima Inyang and producer Andrew Zaragoza, the crew covers topics ranging from Health and Fitness, Nutrition, Masculinity, Dating, Powerlifting, life coaching and motivation. Join Mark on his journey to "Make the World a Better Place to Lift".

The Strength Coach Podcast

Anthony Renna

The Strength Coach Podcast is the Official Podcast to Michael Boyle's StrengthCoach.com, the World's Leading Source of Strength & Conditioning Information. Each episode we will speak to Coach Boyle about the latest in Strength & Conditioning, forum hot topics and everything that is happening at StrengthCoach.com- including the latest articles, videos and audio content. We will also "Hit the Gym with the Strength Coach." We talk to a different Strength Coach from the world of Professional and College sports to get an insight into real world strength training. This is the best place to stay informed about the most cutting edge training techniques.

Fit & Unfiltered

Jess & Melissa Randall

Welcome to Fit & Unfiltered - a podcast that delivers no-BS, simple strategies (with a side of humor) to women wanting to achieve the body of their dreams while still living their best life. A combination of fitness, lifestyle, and banter, this punchy podcast is a must-listen for women who are fed up with having to choose between “enjoying life” or “sticking to a diet”. Co-hosts Jess & Melissa are sisters and best friends who know from personal experience just how damaging the yo-yo diet cycle can be. After years of struggling, they finally discovered the path to creating lasting results without the restriction or FOMO found in traditional diets. Their transformation was so fundamentally life-altering that they made it their mission to share their knowledge with as many women as possible. In each episode, they provide the tools and education women need to regain confidence, build a healthy lifestyle, and form a new identity they never thought possible. Get ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired to create a life you love, completely unfiltered.

Нога За Головой

Nikita Lebedev

Подкаст про йогу, медитацию и прочие практики успокоения ума

Yoga Inspiration

Kino MacGregor

Join Kino MacGregor, one of the world’s master yoga teachers, as she shares her yoga life hacks to translate the wisdom of yoga into a happier, more peaceful, more loving life. Listen to authentic, raw conversations and talks from Kino on her own and with real students about what yoga is really all about. Ignite or rekindle your inner spark to get on your mat and keep practicing.

Trainers Talking Truths


Welcome to Trainers Talking Truths! This is an ISSA podcast dedicated to exploring the fitness industry and uncovering the whys and hows of personal training.

#sekta podcast

#sekta podcast

Здесь мы обсуждаем все, что кажется нам интересным и достойным комментирования в мире ЗОЖ. А если вы не знаете, что такое Школа #Sekta, — мы спортивное комьюнити. Создаём программы тренировок и помогаем людям разобраться в здоровом питании. Ищите нас на сайте sektaschool.ru или на научном портале sektascience.com.

Fun and Gains

Brittany Lupton

Fun & Gains will fuel your love for sweaty workouts, loving yourself through the process, and creating the strongest version of yourself mentally and physically. The Fun and Gains podcast is your weekly reminder that you aren't alone on your fitness journey & your motivation to keep going. Let the gains begin.

That Gym Girl

Angel Wallace-Miles

Weight lifter wannabe, carb lover, party gal and science nerd! That's how I'd describe me. I have started the podcast that I wish I had when I was starting out in the gym. I'll be chatting all things gym, mindset and lifestyle. Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/that-gym-girl. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews

Mike Matthews

OVER 25,000,000 DOWNLOADS AND COUNTING! If you want to know how to build muscle, lose fat, and be healthier, happier, and wiser...faster than you ever thought possible...then this podcast is for you. Hosted by the bestselling author and entrepreneur, Mike Matthews, each episode gives you simple, science-based know-how and inspiration that will help you build your best body and life ever. Find out more at www.legionathletics.com

Тренировки На Диване

Мошкин Виктор

Друзья всем привет, Делаем этот мир здоровее и силнее! Подпишись впереди много интересного

Talking Elite Fitness

Tommy Marquez & Sean Woodland

CrossFit Games Analysts Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez and Lauren Kalil, bring you all the latest information, updates, and analysis on the sport of fitness, and the CrossFit community.

The WODcast Podcast

wodcastpodcast.com | The funniest podcast about competitive fitness featuri

If you CrossFit, this is the show for you! The Wodcast Podcast is a fun show about functional fitness hosted by comedian Eddie Ifft. The host is knowledgeable (sometimes), experienced, and love the “sport of fitness.” They blend CrossFit experience and insight with humor, providing meaningful content without taking themselves too seriously. Each week the Wodcast Podcast hosts some of the biggest names in CrossFit including Games athletes, subject matter experts, coaches, fitness professionals, and many more. The hosts and guests hit it off so well you would think they are all sitting around having a beer which makes for a highly entertaining podcast whether you WOD or not.

Эволюция себя

Эволюция себя

Подкаст о здоровье, фитнесе и хорошем самочувствии. Поговорим про здоровое питание, занятия спортом, привычки и психическое самочувствие. Подписывайтесь на канал подкаста в телеграм, там я публикую еще больше интересных и полезных материалов о своем опыте в области зож и фитнеса: https://t.me/self_evolv

Il podcast di Denise - Yoga, benessere e lifestyle

Denise Dellagiacoma

A cosa serve lo Yoga e come può cambiare la tua vita? 🌸🌸🌸 Questo non è un semplice Podcast. 👇🏻 Qui troverai meditazioni guidate, informazioni e risposte sul mondo dello Yoga, della Meditazione e del Benessere in generale. Un viaggio alla scoperta di queste pratiche ma anche alla scoperta di te stesso, per portare più equilibrio ed energia nella tua vita quotidiana. A proposito... 🙃 Io sono Denise, insegnante di Yoga e fondatrice di Yoga Academy, la scuola di Yoga online che ti permette di praticare dove e quando lo desideri. Spero che questo podcast possa darti almeno in parte il benessere che lo Yoga ha dato a me nella mia vita. Un Abbraccio Namaste Denise🌸 Ps. Ecco alcuni link utili: Accedi alla community di Yogi gratuita 👉https://denisedellagiacoma.com/accedi-alla-community segui i miei video su youtube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCArw4_137rIo9ybVodR7cxA/featured leggi le mie guide blog👉 https://denisedellagiacoma.com/ seguimi su Instagram: https://instagram.com/blondieyogi/

Eat, Live & Move with Miyagi


Welcome to Miyagi! Driven by science and led by Dr. Ross Walker, and habit expert Dr. Gina Cleo, our programs tackle global health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and more. Our expert team of Accredited Practising Dietitians and Health Coaches provide 1:1 support, along with an app, education content, recipes, and a private community. We focus on the internal transformation, which then leads to external transformation. Discover the science, learn the proven methods to hack your habits and break free from the cycle of dieting with our habit focused approach that anyone can follow. Plus, receive a personalised plan to transform your health. Subscribe now for transformative health insights. Your journey to a healthier you begins here! #MiyagiHealth #WellnessJourney #YourHealthMatters



Mindset. Movement. Nutrition. Recovery. Sleep. Turns out the same five tools that pro athletes use to break records can help us all stay healthy, happy and strong. On “Trained,” host Jaclyn Byrer sits down with these athletes — along with psychologists, researchers, physicians, trainers and other experts — to reveal the most powerful, practical and surprising lessons in holistic fitness. With each episode, they dig deep, offering new insights to help us play a better game, run a better race, or just live a better life.

The Wonder Women Official

The Wonder Women Official

Tune into The Wonder Women Official podcast, as Michelle MacDonald sits down with top experts in fitness, nutrition, mindset, and more to discuss strategies, tools and resources to help you achieve your dream transformation. Known worldwide for her Transformation Programs, Michelle and her guests deliver world-class knowledge to help redefine the aging process like you never thought possible. Michelle has been coaching women online since 2013; she's a Physique Champion and ISSA Strength and Conditioning Specialist, the founder of The Wonder Women, and Co-Founder of Tulum Strength Club.

Evolve With Emily

Emily Hayden

Welcome to the Evolve with Emily Show where we do a deep dive into all things personal development: life, mindset, spirituality, faith, fitness, health, wellness, & so much more. The Evolve community is full of individuals just like you, who are actively pursuing the highest version of themselves. Join us for an episode, and leave a review if you find it helpful!

Bulletproof For BJJ Podcast

JT & Joey

This is the official podcast of the Bulletproof For BJJ movement. Hosted by JT & Joey. Each episode the founders break down problems that Jiu-jitsu people experience, giving guidance and tips to improve your training for BJJ. With the goal of helping every body on the Brazilian jiu-jitsu path reduce their chance of injury, improve their strength and mobility to become more resilient.

Well Beyond 40

JJ Virgin

Well Beyond 40 with JJ Virgin is the podcast for women who want to age powerfully and enjoy the best chapter of their lives. It’s YOUR turn now to focus on nutrition, wellness, fitness, mindfulness, and beauty. Refuel your body. Reignite your wellness. Renew your passion. Fall (back) in love with your life, and discover what it means to age powerfully. Every information-packed episode combines cutting-edge science, pearls of wisdom from JJ’s four decades as a health and wellness leader and the world’s leading experts on weight loss, metabolism, menopause, life transitions and much more. We dive deep into topics like cultivating mindfulness, building strong relationships and setting boundaries, and choosing health…in a nutshell, how we can AGE POWERFULLY into this second half of our lives. At Well Beyond 40, we empower women in their 40s, 50s, 60, 70s (and beyond!) to defy stereotypes and say, “It's my time now. It's my turn now. It’s my opportunity to step into my best life!” For four decades, JJ Virgin has helped people lose weight and stop weight regain by eliminating hidden food intolerances and lowering their sugar impact. As a triple-board certified nutrition expert and Fitness Hall of Famer, JJ helps you stay fired up and focused on being your healthiest rockstar self. In addition to hosting Well Beyond 40, JJ is a prominent TV and media personality. She was co-host of TLC’s Freaky Eaters and the on-camera nutritionist for Weight Loss Challenges on Dr. Phil. Over the years, JJ has made numerous appearances on PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and the TODAY Show. She also speaks regularly and has shared the stage with notables including Seth Godin, Lisa Nichols, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mark Hyman, Dan Buettner, and Mary Morrissey. JJ is the author of 4 New York Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, The Sugar Impact Diet, and The Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook. JJ is also the author of Warrior Mom: 7 Secrets to Bold, Brave Resilience. She regularly writes for major blogs and other publications including mindbodygreen and Medium. Visit jjvirgin.com for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus state-of-the-art programs, products, and plenty of support to help you rev up your metabolism, reignite your wellness, and step powerfully into the second half of your life.

MNML Health Podcast

Trey Cooper

We discuss all things health and wellness while tackling every aspect of the industry. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mnml-health/support

The Over 40 Alpha Podcast

Funk Roberts

Welcome to the Over 40 Alpha Podcast with your host Funk Roberts. In this podcast we discuss everything about health and fitness for the man in his 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, The goals is to help every man over 40, including you, to be in the best physical shape and health of your lives. Each week I will discuss topics like best workouts, nutrition, recovery, mindset, increasing testosterone, balancing hormones, health, life lesson and how to become an Over 40 Alpha. This pod cast will have frequent guest from doctors, specialists, fitness professionals, trainers, life coaches and more. Join Funk Roberts on your journey to become the ultimate Over 40 Alpha!

Флешка тренера

Арнольд Черногоров

Арнольд Черногоров рассуждает о фитнесе, спорте и обо всем хорошем против всего плохого.

Твой фитнес-тренер

Елена Руденко

Всем привет! Я Руденко Елена - практикующий женский тренер по фитнесу 👸 В этом подкасте я делюсь своими мыслями не только про современный фитнес, но и про состояние, мышление, привычки и затыки ✨ Каждый выпуск это небольшая заметка с самым важным 📝 Ссылка на инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/rudenko.lenaa

The Sam Plan Pod with Sam Gwazdauskas

Operation Podcast

This podcast is for all the girlies (men, you too) who learned at a young age to be ashamed and embarrassed of their bodies. Who maybe, even now, struggle to accept themselves and want (possibly need) to feel less alone. This podcast is also for those who want to LEARN how to be the absolute best versions of themselves (mentally and physically), without sacrifice and deprivation. I want to involve you guys in this, whenever you have a question, email me at samplanpod(at)gmail.com or DM me on Instagram @thesamplan

Modular Nutrition & Wellness

Harold Lee III, Ph.D

Modular Nutrition & Wellness is a full spectrum nutrition, fitness, & wellness company bringing you real scientific knowledge and products to assist you in achieving your nutritional or fitness goals.

CamBro Conversations

Colin Campbell

Learn how to pursue the best version of yourself across different areas of your life with weekly discussions with people who practice what they preach. Previous guests include Chris Williamson, Nir Eyal, Joe Delaney, Zuby, Rob Lipsett, TM Cycles, Daniel Priestley, Dr Stu McGill, Rory Sutherland, Sahil Bloom, and more.





Ultrahuman is the world's most advanced metabolic fitness platform. By using glucose biomarkers and the Ultrahuman Ring Air, we're helping people improve their energy levels, sleep better, move more efficiently and avoid metabolic disorders. Sign Up: www.ultrahuman.com

Women Strength Society

Women Strength Society

Welcome to Women Strength Society Podcast the go-to show for women with high-standards that strive to build a non-average body for a non-average life. Hosted by the power couple Dragana & Yannick, this podcast is here to inspire you to live out your inner strength & badassary. We cut out the fluff and share the lessons we've learned by coaching hundreds of women on how to transform their bodies and lives. Get ready for straight talk, good vibes, and tons of takeaways for your everyday life. Life's too short for average. BE BOLD. FIGHT NORMAL. Website: www.womenstrengthsociety.com

Experts in Sport

Loughborough University

Experts in Sport: The Loughborough University Sportcast, a podcast which brings together sporting excellence and academic knowledge. Hosted by the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University. 


Steve Boyett

Varied-tempo workout music mixes for runners, joggers, and power walkers, from the creator of Podrunner, the world's most popular workout mix series. These professionally designed, multi-week series are your training partner for 5K, 8K, 10K, HIIT, Tabata, and much more.

Walking is Fitness

Dave Paul

A daily ten-minute walking podcast that helps you build an exercise habit that sticks

Peak Performance Life Podcast

Peak Performance

We answer the big question: how can YOU optimize your health, energy and mind so that you can perform at your highest levels every day. If you’re the busy professional, mom on-the-go, the entrepreneur, or the avid health conscious individual, then tune in every week for a new episode. Topics include biohacking, detoxification, superfoods, gut health, brain health, nootropics, mobility, exercise, fat burning, ketosis, paleo, intermittent fasting, sleep optimization, stress relief, balanced living, meditation, immune health, inflammation reduction, habit building, productivity hacks and more!

Беговое шоу Каа и Коржика


Это подкаст двух любителей бега - пожившей жизнь женщины Каа и маленького гиперактивного Коржика. Мы болтаем о наших планах, тренировках, ожиданиях, боли, идеях, о любви и ненависти к бегу. Также мы беговые друзяшки и коллабораторы. А Каа манипулятор. (с) Коржик Беговое шоу существует в оффлайн уже три года и дало нам известность в узких беговых кругах. Мы решили, что способны на большее. Берите попкорн.

The Power Monkey Podcast

Power Monkey Fitness

We chat with the best in the world of fitness about what they do.

Я там еще не был!!!

Михаил Кобзарь

Когда меня спрашивают, нахрен ты ездишь куда- то с великом? Я отвечаю - Я там не был!!!

The ProPhysique Code

Paul Revelia

Welcome to the ProPhysique Code. Each week, the coaches at ProPhysique bring you a variety of information and topics inspired by their own experience within the fitness, nutrition, and online coaching industry. With each coach bringing their own unique perspective, we seek to provide valuable and thought provoking information in each episode.

Divine Feminines

Stephanie D'Sa

Mind•Body•Soul empowerment to help develop a high vibrational and emotionally fulfilling life. Hosted by Stephanie D'Sa and guests sharing their life experiences, wisdom and guidance from their own spiritual journeys. Spreading truth and light to those who seek it the most. The Divine Feminines support their listeners with authentic and soul enriching conversations about life within a Sacred Space that doesn't look to judge, yet embraces growth and transformation. Humanity needs more of your light. Join the high vibe soul tribe and together shine your light!

TOBU Fitness Podcast

Justin Shelby - TOBU Fitness

TOBU Fitness Podcast hosted by strength and conditioning coach Justin Shelby. This show is all about understanding how to train to improve at Ultimate Frisbee. We talk about exercises and training strategies to improve your athleticism to improve at Ultimate.

Beyond Fitness: The Body Recomposition Podcast

Kade Howell

The Beyond Fitness Podcast was made to bring you simple, science-based fitness information to help you lose fat, build muscle, & become the best possible version of yourself. Host Kade is a father, husband, dog dad, & owner of Beyond Fitness - an online fitness & nutrition coaching company specializing in body recomposition (losing fat + building muscle). Listen while he shares the lessons he's learned from coaching hundreds of people through body transformations - from tactics to set up your diet, workouts, & lifestyle for best results, to many things that go far 'beyond' fitness. Tune in to learn everything you need to know to transform your body (and life) through fitness! Enjoy the show!

Elev8 Mind & Body


The Elev8 Mind & Body Podcast is a great resource for busy individuals who want to get in the best shape of their life and develop mental strength to overcome limiting beliefs. Each weekly episode provides actionable steps and case studies focused on the core principle of growth, making it easy for time-strapped listeners to fit the podcast into their schedule and quickly gain valuable knowledge and tips for transforming their body and mind. The podcast offers tactical guidance on nutrition and exercise, helping individuals achieve confidence and energy they've never had before. Hosted by a body transformation expert..... aka ME ahah, the Elev8 Mind & Body Podcast can help listeners overcome mental and physical obstacles to become their best selves.

Lift Free And Diet Hard with Andrew Coates

Andrew Coates

To be updated Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thefitnessdevil/support

Sworn Hobbies

Антон Г.

Рассказы и интервью о хобби людей. О том, что влияет на всю жизнь, на то, что проносишь с собой с раннего возраста и к чему обращаешься в минуты радости и печали. Заклятые хобби это то, от чего не можешь избавиться и что является частью человека независимо от того где он сейчас и что делает.

Well To The Core

Robin Long

Get practical tips from top wellness experts to be resilient, vibrant and strong at every age, and in every season. Curated with busy women in mind, episodes are less than 30 minutes—so you can get daily wellness hacks while you commute, walk or enjoy your favorite hobby.

Sleeved Believe The Hype Podcast

Kedric Barrett

Host Kedric Barrett chronicles the ups and downs of his weight loss journey after having a gastric sleeve surgery. Each week he will tackle topics related to the weight loss process with industry professionals and others who are also on a weight loss journey.

The Yoga and Running Podcast

Michelle Heath

A podcast about all things Yoga and running. We'll also cover topics related to other areas of wellness with your host Michelle Heath, regular co-host Rachel Lacasse, and a number of guests that are runners, coaches, Yoga practitioners and teachers, and more! New episodes will be released the first and third of each month. Our first few episodes will feature both Michelle and Rachel and soon Michelle will be joined by our very exciting guests! To contact us email yogaxmichelle@yahoo.com Visit www.yogaxmichelle.com for more on Yoga, running, and life. Follow us on Instagram @theyogaandrunningpodcast Follow Michelle on Instagram @the_running_yoga_teacher Thanks for checking out the show. If you love it please like, subscribe, and share. If you have constructive/helpful feedback to offer please email yogaxmichelle@yahoo.com - we are new to this, we will make mistakes along the way, and we hope to learn and grow as we go along. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mastery Podcast with Mark Coles

Mark Coles

The Mastery Podcast provides personal trainers and fitness professionals, with the necessary tools to take full control of their careers. In order to reach this position, I believe mastery of three areas to be essential. Personal development, your craft and business. I have dedicated the last 15 years to becoming the very best that I can be, and I will continue to do so. It is my passion and mission to help each of you to do the same.
