Fait main

Mélanie Seynat

Fait Main, ce sont des conversations avec des artistes et des entrepreneuses créatives, qui ont fait de leur passion pour les loisirs créatifs, le DIY ou les beaux arts leur métier. En tissu ou en papier ; avec des ciseaux ou avec des pinceaux, les créatrices nous expliquent leur passion, leur pratique créative, leurs projets. Qu'on soit créateur amateur ou professionnel, ce partage d'expériences est passionnant et inspirant !

Knit A Spell

Katie Rempe & James Divine

Join Magical Maker Katie Rempe and Maker of Magic James Divine for two magical seasons every year as they knit together the symbiotic relationship between crafting and The Craft! Check out full video episodes of Knit A Spell on the Light From Lantern YouTube Channel.

The Woolshit Podcast

Avid Knitters

Perfect listening while knittingLisa & Caroline are two European knitters living in South Australia that simply love knitwittering about their favourite hobby. Their Woolshit podcast is everything related to wool, yarn, knitting and crochet.Each episode is a compendium of knitting anecdotes, project discussions, knitting techniques and knitting in the news. If it's Woolshit, they'll be chatting about it.If you're also an avid knitter, you're bound to identify with many of the topics Lisa & Caroline discuss. You can visit their Instagram and Facebook pages to see exactly what they are knitwittering about and join in the conversation.The Woolshit Podcast contains no advertising or paid promotions. You can enjoy listening without interruptions. It's perfect listening while knitting!


Radio Laser

La chronique qui vous parle d'architecture, d'éco-construction et de performance énergétique. Ensemble, avec Charlotte Piel, architecte de profession, nous prenons le temps de réfléchir à notre habitat et à son impact sur l'environnement à travers des données chiffrées, des bonnes pratiques, des astuces et des idées inspirantes. Améliorez votre qualité de vie, votre bien-être et votre confort tout en faisant des économies d'énergie ! Une architecture écologique qui respire le bien-être et l'efficacité énergétique. Plongez dans le monde passionnant de l'architecture durable, de l'éco-construction et de la performance énergétique. Réseaux : > https://www.linkedin.com/company/lezeko/ Mail : > contact@lezeko.fr HelloAsso : https://www.helloasso.com/associations/radio-laser/formulaires/1

Planner Pals

Planner Pals

Planner Pals, Mark and Jess, cover various topics about Planning, Bullet Journaling, Stationery, Productivity Methods, and more.

De l'or dans les mains

De l'or dans les mains

Avec son podcast, De l'or dans les mains (http://www.delordanslesmains.com)  donne la parole aux artisans et aux entrepreneurs de savoir-faire, pour qu’ils et elles nous partagent leur histoire, leurs matières, leurs outils et leurs gestes. Chaque épisode est un voyage en immersion, au sein des ateliers et des manufactures, pour susciter des vocations et changer notre regard sur les métiers du faire. De l’or dans les mains est aussi une association qui a pour mission de sensibiliser la nouvelle génération aux métiers manuels à travers des ateliers dans les établissements scolaires.  Crédits : Écriture et voix : Gabrielle Légeret.  Prise de son et montage : Malo de Saint Venant et Gabrielle Légeret  Musique  : Oscar Meurer Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Craft & Blabla : le podcast créatif et lifestyle🧵🎙️

Craft & Blabla

Craft & Blabla est un podcast qui mélange DIY et papotage ! Nous sommes Alice et Hortense, copines 👯‍♀‍ et passionnées de loisirs créatifs. Ici, deux thématiques récurrentes : la création et le lifestyle. Deux fois par mois, nous partageons nos inspirations, envies créatives mais aussi nos coups de cœurs. Faites chauffer la bouilloire 🍵, sortez votre ouvrage 🎨 et entrez dans notre atelier pour ce moment de partage.

Craft Industry Alliance

Abby Glassenberg

A recommendation show for creatives.

The World of Women Create Podcast

Women Create

Join the Women Create team on our podcast series The WORLD OF WOMEN CREATE. Inspired by the WOMEN CREATE magazines and community, the women featured in these intimate conversations are artists and makers, entrepreneurs, foodies and creators of the unusual and the exceptional. Their personal stories are filled with triumphs, perseverance, inspiration and a love of and commitment to the spirit of creativity. We invite you to join us to get to know these very special women — fellow creators, kindred spirits and friends — through our new podcast series: WORLD OF WOMEN CREATE.

Check Your Thread

Zoe Edwards

Hello! Welcome to Check Your Thread, a podcast about sewing more sustainably. Each episode we enjoy nerding out about sewing, whilst picking up ideas and useful tips for how to reduce our impact on the environment. My aim is always to approach topics with a sense of curiosity and fun, and hope to leave our listeners feeling inspired by the end of each episode. Examples of topics that we cover include sourcing second hand textiles, zero waste sewing patterns, mending, upcycling, scrap-busting and alternative and surprising sources for fabric. If there are any topics you’d like CYT to cover, anyone you’d like me to get on the podcast to chat to or you’d just like to say hi, please email me at zoe@checkyourthread.com or message me via Instagram @checkyourthread.



Le podcast CulturaCréas, c'est votre rendez-vous créatif au format audio, proposé par Cultura ! Écoutez ces rencontres avec des passionnés de tous horizons qui ont l'artisanat créatif au cœur de leur ADN ! Nous décortiquons ensemble leur pratique artistique, pour repousser les limites de notre créativité et prendre une bonne dose d'inspiration !

Why I Knit

Dr Mia Hobbs

Welcome to the Why I Knit podcast! My name is Dr Mia Hobbs and I am a Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about the mental health benefits of knitting. Each episode of the podcast I interview a different knitter about why they knit and the (k)nitty gritty of how it impacts their mental wellbeing. I have an inspiring and diverse range of knitters lined up who have generously shared their stories with me. You can follow me on Instagram @knittingistherapeutic and get more information on the therapeutic benefits of knitting at my website www.therapeuticknitting.org

Seamwork Radio: Sewing and Creativity


On Seamwork Radio, we share practical ideas for building a creative process, so you can sew with intention and joy.

VeryPink Knits - Knitting Q and A

Staci Perry

VeryPink Knits, the companion podcast to the VeryPink Knits YouTube channel, focused on answering your knitting questions. With Staci Perry and Polly Baker.


Maria Theoharous

Sew organised style- listen to people just like you. We'll cover sewing, style and interview people who are the backbone of our sewing community and provide you with reputable organisations you can go to for help when you need it. Go to our website: https://seworganisedstylepodcast.com/ There will be evolving playlist series as we find experts with gems of information and resources to keep you creative. Don't keep our podcast channel a secret. Tell your friends and rate us on Itunes.


Jenny Hassler & Moira Asheland

A mother-daughter team who rarely sleep, always sew, and sometimes compare notes.  Join us as we explore identity, inclusivity, and all things sewing.

Ma petite laine


Podcast créatif autour des arts de la laine : tricot, crochet, teinture, filage et bientôt tissage ... Pour mieux vous accompagner dans votre quotidien, vous retrouverez ici le format audio des podcasts vidéos publiés sur You Tube. Bonne écoute.

The Crochet Baes

Jessica Sellenberg

Grab your hook, yarn, and cup of coffee and hang out with Jess and Megs as they discuss all things crochet! We’ll cover yarn, patterns, Q and A, the business side of crochet, and more (all while having WAY too much fun). Tune in every other week for fresh episodes!

Fiber Nation


Join host Allison Korleski as she brings you stories from all corners of the yarniverse. From Victorian murder mysteries to the trenches of the Western Front, from deadly dyes to futuristic fabric, each episode explores the connections between fiber, history, and humanity. 

Les artisans en lumière

Nicolas Cléton

Je m'appelle Nicolas Cléton et je profite d'un tour de France en van aménagé pour réunir un maximum de créateurs·rices et producteurs·rices sur une carte. C'est dans cette dynamique que je vous partage mes rencontres dans ce podcast. Les invités racontent leur parcours, leurs galères et ils nous expliquent ce qu'ils aiment dans leur métier. Ces discussions peuvent donner des idées de reconversion ou donner un peu d'énergie à ceux qui travaillent de leurs mains.

Two Ewes Fiber Adventures

Kelly and Marsha

Who are we and why are we podcasting? We are Kelly and Marsha.  We came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but we both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn.  Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves.  Fiber is one of the many interests we share after over 30 years of friendship. 

Pardon My Stash

Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess

Knitters (and crafters) unite! Come join us weekly for a conversation about knitting, crochet, and yarn crafts all around. With a touch of comedy and sass, we talk about projects, pitfalls, and pointers about the fiber arts. Find more about our content and our cast at pardonmystash.com

Prairie Craft Almanac

Leanne of Moth and Rust DIY

Prairie Craft Almanac is a show exploring craft, nature and simple, creative living. Each episode, I talk about different topics that relate in some way to creativity, craft, art, nature, gardening, culture, etc. and also share my recommendations for different artists, books, and other various resources. Let's learn and grow together! Hosted by Leanne of MothandRustDIY.com Thoughts or questions? Want to request a show topic? Don't hesitate to send me a message!


Elise Grandidier

Bienvenue dans le podcast de l'association Le Tour des Terroirs, où on laisse la parole aux acteurs du Bien Manger ! Vous rencontrerez, à travers nos épisodes, nos membres Ambassadeurs du Goût et nos Producteurs - Artisans adhérents !

The Long Thread Podcast

Long Thread Media

The artists and artisans of the fiber world come to you in The Long Thread Podcast. Each episode features interviews with your favorite spinners, weavers, needleworkers, and fiber artists from across the globe. Get the inspiration, practical advice, and personal stories of experts as we follow the long thread.


Deborah Moebes

Casual conversations over coffee with award-winning author and sewing instructor Deborah Moebes, based on her blog, Whipstitch. Deborah shares insights about the connections sewing provides each of us: our relationships, our history, our homes, our community, our hearts, our minds. Engage with ideas that will enrich your sewing, make it more rewarding, and enjoy some time visiting together.

Lila | brujería herbal 🌿


Un podcast para charlar sobre brujería herbal, la creatividad, la salud menstrual y todos los temas que vayan surgiendo

Sew Mindful Podcast

Jacqui Blakemore

Tips, tricks and expert interviews to share everything you need to know to have fun making your own fabulous clothes

SEAMSIDE: Exploring the Inner Work of Textiles


Parole Créative

Créations & savoir-faire

Bienvenue sur Parole Créative, le podcast du salon Créations & savoir-faire, l’incontournable rendez-vous des passionnés du Do It Yourself (DIY). Animé par Mélanie Seynat du podcast Fait Main, ce programme a pour objectif de décrypter les tendances du faire soi-même de manière libre et décomplexé. Chaque épisode vous emmène dans l’univers d'un passionné du faire soi-même qui partagera avec vous son expérience. Nous espérons que ces récits captivants susciteront également votre créativité.      Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Make and Decorate with Stephanie: Sew, Quilt, Knit & Home Decor

Stephanie Socha

Host Stephanie Socha, a residential interior designer and maker presents a creative lifestyle podcast for those who love to sew, quilt, knit, decorate and make things for the home.  This podcast is for the maker who loves to dabble in many types of hobbies, mainly sewing and quilting, but also knitting, paper crafts (Cricut) gardening and interior decorating.  There are a mix of guest interviews and solo episodes where I present an informative topic and/or educational "how to" on specific maker techniques.Join my Patreon to get a bonus episode every month, year round (even during show hiatus). 

art for all

Sketchbook Skool

Creative inspiration and advice to help you stop procrastinating and start making stuff. Any kind of stuff. Hosted by best-selling author Danny Gregory. Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool. 

Ambitions créatives

Virginie Dallaporta

Ambitions créatives c’est LE podcast qui va réveiller votre esprit créatif. Je vous emmène à chaque épisode explorer votre créativité sous toutes ses formes mais également explorer l’envers du décor de chaque entrepreneur / entrepreneuse que nous sommes : de vos ambitions à vos réalisations… Alors bonne écoute !

Stitching Tales

The Last Stitch Media

The inside scoop on sewing your own clothes and running a sewing business. By the authors of Fit for Knits, Malena Hjerpe and Johanna Lundström. Stitching Tales on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/stitchingtalespod⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Stitching Tales on YouTube ⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/@StitchingTalesPod⁠⁠ About Johanna Lundström: Sewing book author, pattern designer and sewing content creator. ⁠⁠⁠https://www.thelaststitch.com⁠⁠⁠ About Malena Hjerpe: Professional pattern maker, sewing book author and owner of Hazelhen Patterns. ⁠⁠⁠https://hazelhenpatterns.com

Mostly knitting podcast

Mostly knitting podcast

Welcome to the Mostly Knitting Podcast. A monthly, free audio podcast, coming to you from Norway with Ingvild and Vibeke. We speak about knitting and creativity. Mostly knitting, but also some other crafty things. Sometimes we have guests from around the world.

The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Gayle & Sharlene

Gayle and Sharlene talk about what they are wearing, what they are stalking, and of course, what they are knitting. Grab your knitting needles, your favorite yarn--or your favorite craft--and come knit with us! We are on Ravelry as gayleywayley and knitterninjashar. Show notes at http://yarniacs.blogspot.com/



Conversations with greenwoodworkers, spoon carvers, bowl turners, tool makers and craftspeople from around the world.

The Grateful Thread Podcast

The Grateful Thread Podcast

Hey Threadheads! We’re launching this new podcast to reach our friends that are searching for their spots at the sewing table in this totally wicked quilting universe! We are so glad you’re here. Pull up a seat, get to sewing and press play. You can sit with us!

make good: a knitting podcast

Scratch Supply Co.

Techniques, skillbuilding, pattern discussion, interviews with makers we adore, our favorite tools... and the knitting advice column you've been waiting for!

Knit Picks' Podcast

Knit Picks

Find camaraderie and understanding as Knit Picks employees confess to their own knitting triumphs and complete blunders. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, tune in weekly for the further adventures of the gang at Knit Picks and any other knitters we can round up.

The Pentertainment Podcast


A PenBoyRoy Podcast on fountain pen related topics. Got good words? Wanna share? Email us at pentertainmentpodcast@gmail.com Podcast website: https://penboyroy.podbean.com

Fancy Plans & Things Radio


A Planner Babe Podcast Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fancyplansandthingsradio/support


Elab création

Petite intro au monde du tissu

Craft A Life You Love

Amy Tangerine

Join craft maven and creative coach Amy Tangerine as she extracts juicy wisdom from tastemakers, experts, and entrepreneurs. Her guests have found their own unique voices and infuse creativity, fun, and intention into their daily lives– so can you. Listen for the freshest takes on how to build the life of your dreams at the crossroads of creativity, passion, and purpose.

Textile Talk

Gail Cowley

This podcast is for craft and textile enthusiasts all around the world. We're constantly adding great interviews with textile artists, tutors and retailers plus a little advice on our own distance study courses in craft and much more. The School of Stitched Textiles is the largest UK provider of City & Guilds Accredited Textile based distance learning courses. You can find out site at https://www.sofst.org/. We also host the Stitch Directory, which showcases independent craft retailers and suppliers from around the world https://www.sofst.org/stitch-directory/.

Inappropriate Quilters

Leslie and Rochelle

A podcast with two quilting friends talking about all things quilting and a few things inappropriate.

Leathertainment Studio Podcast

Tanner Leatherstein

Hello and welcome to Leathertainment podcast with Tanner Leatherstein! Come and join in on the conversation as we talk about leather, the leather industry, fashion industry, etc. Anything leather, we'll talk about it with industry experts, craftsman and enthusiast users! Tune in every Monday for a brand-new leathertainment podcast episode!

The Making & Mending Rituals Podcast

Yarrow Magdelena

A podcast about creativity, ritual & slow seasons.

Oxford Clay

Katherine Tomlinson

Chats about pottery with an environmental focus. Tune in for pottery tips and a discussion of issues in the handmade pottery industry today. Oxford Clay creates resources for Potters seeking a more environmentally friendly pottery practice. Oxford Clay website: www.oxfordclay.co.uk

Näh deinen Stil

Elle Puls

Was steht mir? Wie nähe ich das? Was gibt es Neues und Altbewährtes in der Nähszene? Das sind nur einige der Fragen, die meine Gesprächspartner und mich bewegen. In Interviews und Soloepisoden gehen wir diesen Fragen auf den Grund. Es geht um Nähtechniken, Schnittmuster, Stilfindung, Farbberatung, Schnittänderungen, Nähideen, Nähanleitungen, Näh- und Modetrends, Nachhaltigkeit, Capsule Wardrobe und viele weitere spannende Themen, die uns Hobbynäherinnen umtreiben. Der Näh deinen Stil Podcast erscheint jede Woche montags neu. Wenn er dir gefällt, würde ich mich sehr über eine Bewertung bei iTunes oder einer der vielen anderen Podcast Apps freuen. Du kannst den Podcast direkt im Podcast Player auf www.naehdeinenstil.com hören. Viel praktischer ist jedoch, wenn du „Näh deinen Stil“ in deiner Podcast App (Overcast, podcastaddict, PocketCasts, Castbox, Podbean, Spotify, uvm) abonnierst. Damit verpasst du keine Episode und kannst den Podcast auf dein Handy herunterladen und auch unterwegs hören. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Zuhören. Deine Elle Komm in unseren Näh deinen Stil Club -Die Community, in der du lernst Kleidung zu nähen, die dir perfekt steht. Hier kannst du dich informieren und anmelden: https://naehdeinenstil.com/ Einfach schön und selbstbewusst in deinen Farben hier geht es zur Farb-Fitterie https://farbfitterie.de/ Oder stöbere in meinen Schnittmustern auf https://ellepuls.com/ Elle Puls auf Instagram: https://instagram.com/ellepuls/ https://www.instagram.com/naehdeinenstil/ Elle Puls auf Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/pulsinchen/ Elle Puls auf Facebook: http://facebook.com/ellepuls

Scrapbook Your Way

Jennifer Wilson

In a world where a camera is always within reach and creative options are abundant, “Your Way” is the memory-keeping approach that fills you up and fits your life right now. This free, scrapbooking-focused show celebrates the breadth of ways to be a memory keeper today. Scrapbook Your Way is hosted by Jennifer Wilson, owner of Simple Scrapper and author of The New Rules of Scrapbooking.

Fiber Coven Podcast

Fiber Coven

A weekly witchy themed fiber arts podcast! We’re a coven of two yarn witches trying to craft fiber magic through knitting, dyeing, spinning, and whatever we can get our witchy hands on. It’s a long distance coven, so we thought we’d open it up to yarn witches across the globe so we can spread our black magics far and wide. Lauren is the dyer behind Valkyrie Fibers and Emily designs knitting patterns under the name Kitty With A Cupcake. New episodes drop on Tuesdays!

Pattern Shift

Saskia de Feijter

Hi! My name is Saskia de Feijter and welcome to the Pattern Shift podcast. In this podcast, I support overwhelmed small business owners in the fiber and needlecraft industry, helping them set up and organize their businesses for growth and personal well-being. Together, we can be a force for good and a counterbalance to fast fashion, helping makers craft garments and accessories slowly and more sustainably. You can be part of that change and make a profit in the process.

The Sew Disorganised Podcast


A slightly chaotic podcast where I talk all things sewing and crafting.



《全台最熱門的威士忌Podcast》 竟然有台灣人在蘇格蘭擔任蒸餾師? 來自酒廠第一線最真實的業界秘辛, 帶你脫離酒商行銷話術, 體驗威士忌的歷史、製程與美味。 - IG及FB請搜尋《業務用威士忌指南》 - 歡迎小額贊助維護節目品質: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/8680042

Quilt & Tell

Quilting Daily

Every quilt has a story to tell. Tracy, Lori and Ginger from Quilting Daily cover the full spectrum of experience, from a third-generation quilter to a practicing novice, and pull inspiration from their distinct backgrounds. Each episode features a patchwork of in-depth conversations and engaging stories that appeal to quilters of all skill levels and all quilting genres.


anna luiza #10

Anna Luiza

Secret Society of Fly Tyers

Secret Society of Fly Tyers

SEASON 3: 4/8/2024. The fly tying world's biggest secrets and ultimate truths revealed twice a month by the dumbest podcast in the fish biz. 🧵🪶🐟

YoungFolk Knits: A Knitting Podcast

Kaci Apple

Join Kaci and Becky as they chat all about different fiber arts. Knitting, sewing, crochet and spinning.After sharing about what projects they have on their needles, they will jump right into answering viewer-submitted questions.


Oscar Ticas

Not Your Granny's Quilt Show

Amanda Oros

A slightly chaotic podcast about all things quilting. Join Amanda as she discusses the ups and downs of quilting, interviews famous and not-so-famous quilters, and navigates life as a modern millennial maker. Trust us, this is not your granny’s quilt show. Follow Amanda on Instagram at @notyourgrannysquiltshow

Imagined Landscapes Podcast

Sarah Schira and Katie Rora

Grab your tea and knitting and settle in with Sarah and Katie as we talk about the awesomeness of working with yarn. We’re Canadian urban prairie girls, sisters, sci-fi and fantasy fans, and can seriously talk about knitting all the time.

Twisted Stitches

Twisted Stitches

Welcome to Twisted Stitches, a podcast for the twisted knitter! Join hosts Kimberly and Thuy on their adventures as they knit, spin, sew, and craft their hearts out.

Fancy Free Time


Rachel Burke and Patience Hodgson like talking. They liked talking so much, they decided to get a couple microphones and turn their conversations into podcasts.

Leather Shop

Captain Eames Media

Conheça Aromas e Matérias-Primas Da Cacá

Aromas e Matérias-Primas da Cacá

Olá Pessoal! Conheça Agora nossa Loja Aromas e Matérias-Primas da Cacá com muitas Novidades! Comece Agora mesmo iniciar seu Negócio Próprio de Saboaria Artesanal, Cosméticos e Aromaterapia e tenha sua Liberdade Financeira, realizar-se e tenha Lucratividade!😍

Little Cabin Knits


Welcome to Little Cabin Knits. A podcast that explores knitting, crocheting, crafting, and mental health in my little cabin in the wilds of Alaska. Episodes include: On the Shelf, On the Couch, Storing Up, Roaming & Foraging, Homesteading, and Around the Campfire. You may find me on Ravelry as andersmillknits, with groups on Ravelry as Betweenknitsandpurls and on Instagram as andersmillknits, and betweenknitsandpurls. My website of https://andersmillknits.wixsite.com/website Please subscribe and leave a review!

FOSS and Crafts

FOSS and Crafts

A podcast about free software, free culture, and making things together.

Nördic Knitting

Johanne Ländin och Heléne Wallin

En podcast om långsam och krånglig stickning - allt från stickhistoria till intresanta intervjuer. Snabbstickat? Nej, tack.

3d Printing Basics

3d Printing Squared

3d Printing Basics is a show made for beginners, by a beginner. Tyler only has 3 years of experience in 3d printing, which to some is considered pretty novice. However, Tyler believes that he can use this "lack" of experience to his advantage, and curate a podcast that appeals to someone who is newer to 3d printing! Tyler wants you to follow along on his journey through 3d printing, as he navigates the ups and downs, hurdles, profits, losses, and whatever else is in store. He hopes that we can all grow together by working together, asking questions, and being apart of the 3d printing community

The Carpentry Show

Fix Radio

Join Robin Clevett as he takes a look at all the latest topics from the world of woodwork including product launches, top tips, and special guests. Robin will also be joined by some of the biggest names from across the industry giving their view on the latest news and developments. The Carpentry Show on Fix Radio is brought to you in partnership with Festool.

Pomcast! A knitting podcast from Pom Pom Publishing

Pom Pom Publishing

Pomcast is Pom Pom's knitty and witty podcast, now twice monthly! Lydia and Sophie talk to all sorts of interesting fibre folk, as well as indulging in knit-chat and plenty of giggles. Remember you can keep in touch with us and other Pomcast listeners via our Ravelry forum, and you can send us your musings via email at podcast@pompommag.com. To be kept informed with all the latest updates, delightful titbits, and treats, we recommend signing up to our weekly newsletter!  pompommag.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Creative Journey

Kaila Allen

Creative Journey is a podcast where we explore creativity and mindfulness. We believe everyone is creative, and we want to help you discover and nurture your creativity. We also believe mindfulness is essential for the creative process, and we want to help you cultivate a more mindful approach to your work and life. Let’s grow and expand together. E-mail us at creativejourney.kc@gmail.com. Join the list serve by sending a blank e-mail to creative–journey+subscribe@googlegroups.com. To join us each week on zoom, Send an e-mail to Community@acb.org

Workshop Banter


UK based woodworking maker podcast by Matthew Smith (Badger Workshop) and Keith Brown (Rag 'n' Bone Brown)

Spoon Carving Conversations

Simon Pouly

Conversations with Spoon Carvers from around the world. About how and why they carve spoons. Hosted by Simon Pouly alias Roots Spoons.

Conciliabulles by Nipcraft

@RaoulGendroz @WarcoBrienza

Dégustations houblonnées par les
 Maîtres brasseurs qui ont ouvert le marché de la bière craft en Suisse dans ce Conciliabulles by Nipcraft.

Cast On

Brenda Dayne

Cast On began on Monday, 31 October, 2005, founded on nothing more than the desire to talk about knitting to people who get it. All the other stuff, about how memories, thoughts, hopes and dreams are knit into the fabric we create, and so become part of the fabric of our lives; about how life and knitting intertwine, and how sometimes you simply cannot tell where one part leaves off the other begins; about how the only thing wrong with the world today is that there is not enough knitting in it, all that came later, over time. Since 2005 the podcast has evolved to focus on finding inspiration in the ordinary, using it to kick start the process of making stuff, and finding ways to carve out the creative time and space that allows you to work your ass off on the projects that matter most to you. Like knitting a sweater. Or saving the world.

Ma vie paysanne et créative


Carnets sonores de ma vie paysanne et créative. Je vous parle de la ferme, de création , d'art du fil, de lectures et de tout ce qui pique ma curiosité!

Ripstop on the Record

Ripstop by the Roll

Welcome to Ripstop on the Record. The podcast for makers, by makers. Where we talk about all things Make Your Own Gear (MYOG). You'll hear from gear companies, textile engineers, cottage vendors, and other leaders in the Textiles + Outdoor Gear industry. Brought to you by Ripstop by the Roll.

Simple. Handmade. Everyday.

Kristin Esser

The Simple Handmade Everyday podcast is where I talk about living a creative, intentional life. I like to chat about quilting, knitting, what I’m reading and watching, and even a little bit about keeping a cozy, organized home.

Here We Sew Again

Kate Zaynard

Three sewists from different backgrounds discuss sewing trends, new releases, techniques, patterns... anything sewing-related is fair game! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The LoveCrafts show


Welcome to the LoveCrafts show, the video and audio podcast everyone is talking about! The LoveCrafts Show is your monthly craft juice - where we chat everything crafts related, share news from the making community, and discuss the joy of making.

Stuff Stitch, the Upholstery Podcast that tells the story of the skill that lies beneath the covers!

Robbie Richardson

Essential listening for upholsters and teachers alike, you'll hear an eclectic 'weaving together' of life and skills as we talk to some of the best upholsterers in our business and provide a forum for those new to our trade. We'll delve into a rich tapestry of fascinating stories, experiences, skills sharing, and general 'chitchat' on our virtual couch. Because a chat is always a good thing, right?! Hosted by Robbie Richardson, Master Upholsterer, it's 100% by upholsters, for upholsters. Everyone is welcome, so switch on, tune in, grab a coffee or listen as you work.

L'édifice sonore

clément lahaye

Bonjour, Je suis ravi de vous présenter "Édifice Sonore", un podcast consacré à la découverte et à la valorisation du monde de l'artisanat et du bâtiment. En tant qu'artisan, mon objectif est de promouvoir et de démystifier les métiers du gros œuvre, un secteur plein de talents et de compétences incroyables. Dans un monde où l'intelligence artificielle et les technologies modernes semblent parfois effrayer et menacer certains emplois, ce podcast se veut un contrepoint rassurant. Bien que ces technologies fassent partie intégrante de la modernisation et de la simplification du travail artisanal, elles ne remplaceront jamais le savoir-faire unique et la technique de l'artisan. Ce sont ces éléments que nous voulons célébrer et valoriser ici. "Édifice Sonore" est un espace ouvert à tous : aux jeunes en quête d'orientation professionnelle, aux artisans expérimentés désireux d'échanger et de créer de la valeur ensemble, ou encore à ceux qui envisagent une reprise d'entreprise. Chaque épisode mettra en lumière l'expertise unique de chaque technicien du bâtiment, tout en partageant mon parcours et mes perspectives. Il s'agira également d'explorer la riche histoire de l'artisanat au sein de ma famille, à travers des interviews, des discussions et des histoires. Si vous êtes un jeune à la recherche d'une orientation professionnelle, un artisan chevronné, ou un entrepreneur qui souhaite découvrir une nouvelle vision de l'artisanat, je vous invite à participer à ce podcast. Que ce soit pour partager votre parcours, vos expériences ou vos perspectives, ou simplement pour engager une conversation intéressante autour de l'artisanat, j'aimerais beaucoup avoir de vos nouvelles. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire de ce podcast une plateforme dynamique pour mettre en valeur le monde fascinant du bâtiment et de l'artisanat, et construire l'avenir de ce secteur. Au plaisir de vous accueillir dans "Édifice Sonore".  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

All the Wool A Podcast for Hand Spinners, Knitters, and Yarn lovers

Kim Biegler

A podcast all about hand spinning yarn, knitting, wool processing and farm life with Kim Biegler, owner of Ewethful Fiber Farm and Mill. I own a wool mill where I process animal fibers into products for hand spinners. I share how to tips and life inside owning a wool mill, making yarn, spinning yarn and owning a fiber flock of animals. 

Unraveling ...a knitting podcast

Greg Cohoon and Pam Maher

A podcast about knitting, crocheting, sewing, and other fiber arts. Hosted by Greg Cohoon (KnittingDaddy on Ravelry) and Pam Maher (pammaher on Ravelry). Follow along as we talk about our knitting and explore books written by popular knitting authors.

Voor de draad ermee

Geja Muffels, Marleen Jansen

Welkom bij "voor de draad ermee". De nieuwste podcast op het gebied van handwerken en andere draadkunst. In deze podcast neemt Geja van Draadkracht, een expert in het creatief verven van wol, je mee op een reis door haar passie voor garens, kleuren en technieken. Aan de hand van gesprekken met Marleen vertelt ze over haar eigen ervaringen als handwerkster, de mensen die ze ontmoet in haar atelier en op beurzen, de projecten die ze maakt. Marleen en Geja geven tips en trucs op handwerkgebied. Je hoort verhalen van andere handwerkspecialisten, die hun creaties, inspiratiebronnen en uitdagingen met je delen. In iedere aflevering behandelen ze een vraag van een luisteraar. De afleveringen duren ongeveer 20 minuten en zijn gevuld met humor, enthousiasme en gezelligheid. Pak je haak-, brei-, of borduurnaalden erbij, zoek een lekker plekje op en laat je meevoeren naar het land van de draad. Dit is Voor de Draad ermee, de podcast waar je kunt genieten van draadkrachtig handwerk! www.draadkracht.nu https://www.facebook.com/draadkracht.nu https://www.instagram.com/draadkracht/

Créatif Cast

Créatif Fabrique

Le podcast de Créatif Fabrique. Sur Créatif Cast on parle de création, de DIY du moment, de fait-main et d'artisanat. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Not Your Average Culture

Chardeney Mason

Nothing is average about navigating life as a Creative Entrepreneur, and you're not alone. Join us on this podcast where we talk about it ALL! From conversations about pursuing a creative career path, managing business and social life, and pushing past the mental challenges of being a creative entrepreneur. We dive into the extraordinary world of the Creative Culture. Tune in for enlightening conversations with diverse individuals to help you maintain your sanity, embrace authenticity, and stay inspired on your journey. Hosted by VideograpHer and Creative Entrepreneur @Chardeney Mason. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/not-your-average-culture/support

Avec les mains et le cœur

Achille et Constance

Créer, militer, travailler la matière, sensibiliser, transmettre puis recommencer. main + cœur Par Achille Vaché et Constance Lefebvre

The Knit Chat

Claudia Joyal

My name is Claudia, I chat about knitting, spinning, crocheting and all the fiber goodness. 
