
Factanza Media

Squattrinati è il podcast di Factanza Media in cui parliamo finalmente di soldi, a una generazione che di soldi ne ha pochi. Host: Matteo Cellerino e Ami Fall Sound designer: Stefano Tumiati Sigla: Jacuzzi Gang Il podcast è stato realizzato negli studi VOIS House a Milano

HBR IdeaCast

Harvard Business Review

A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

The McKinsey Podcast

McKinsey & Company

The McKinsey Podcast, our new flagship podcast series, takes you inside our global firm, and features conversations with experts on issues that matter most in business and management. McKinsey & Company is a management-consulting firm that helps businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations realize their most important goals. Topics covered in this series include strategy, technology, leadership, marketing, operations, organization, and the role of business in society.

HBR On Leadership

Harvard Business Review

Hand-curated insights and inspiration to unlock the best in those around you.

Business Wars


Netflix vs. HBO. Nike vs. Adidas. Business is war. Sometimes the prize is your wallet or your attention. Sometimes, it’s just the fun of beating the other guy. The outcome of these battles shapes what we buy and how we live.  Business Wars gives you the unauthorized, real story of what drives these companies and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights -- or to ruin. Hosted by David Brown, former anchor of Marketplace. From Wondery, the network behind Dirty John and American History Tellers. New episodes come out Wednesdays for free. Binge new full seasons early and ad-free, plus get exclusive past seasons, only with Wondery+.

After Hours

TED Audio Collective / Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, & Felix Oberholzer-Gee

Harvard Business School professors discuss and debate current events that sit at the crossroads of business and culture. Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee engage in a spirited discussion on a range of topics torn from the headlines — from Facebook, to free trade, to the #MeToo movement. Informed by their unique expertise as professors at one of the world’s leading business schools, their takes are always surprising, unconventional, and insightful.

Obiettivo Leader - Il podcast per i leader in continua evoluzione

Roberto De Angelis

Obiettivo leader è il podcast italiano dove si parla in maniera semplice e diretta dei temi legati allo SVILUPPO DELLA LEADERSHIP e delle COMPETENZE MANAGERIALI STRATEGICHE. Tutto questo attraverso PILLOLE A TEMA oppure tramite INTERVISTE a Ceo, manager e personaggi autorevoli di ogni settore che raccontano le loro storie d'ispirazione.

Masters of Scale


On Masters of Scale, iconic business leaders share lessons and strategies that have helped them grow the world's most fascinating companies. Founders, CEOs, and dynamic innovators join candid conversations about their triumphs and challenges with a set of luminary hosts, including founding host Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock partner). From navigating early prototypes to expanding brands globally, Masters of Scale provides priceless insights to help anyone grow their dream enterprise.

Massimiliano Cavallo Public Speaking Top

Massimiliano Cavallo

Benvenuto su Public Speaking Top, il Podcast di Massimiliano Cavallo dedicato a chi vuole imparare a parlare in pubblico. Sono sempre di più le persone che dedicano tempo e risorse alla comunicazione, perché la comunicazione efficace è la chiave per migliorarsi sul lavoro e nel rapporto con gli altri. In questo Podcast troverai i consigli di uno dei trainer italiani più noti in questo campo.

WorkLife with Adam Grant


You spend a quarter of your life at work. You should enjoy it! Organizational psychologist Adam Grant takes you inside the minds of some of the world’s most unusual professionals to discover the keys to a better work life. From learning how to love your rivals to harnessing the power of frustration, one thing’s for sure: You’ll never see your job the same way again. Produced in partnership with Transmitter Media.

Salute d'impresa

BP Group - Alessandro Mattavelli

Salute d'impresa è il podcast per commercialisti che vogliono mettere al primo posto la salute delle imprese! Immaginate un mondo dove ogni sfida aziendale si trasforma in un’opportunità di crescita e di miglioramento. Dove il lamento per le cose che vanno male viene sostituito con chiacchiere costruttive per trovare soluzioni.Un mondo dove i commercialisti non sono solo consulenti, ma navigatori nella mappa del successo aziendale. Alessandro Mattavelli insieme a BP Group, vi porta in un viaggio oltre il lamento. 'Salute d'Impresa' è il podcast dedicato ai commercialisti e, perchè no anche ad imprenditori illuminati, che mettono la salute delle imprese al primo posto. Siete pronti ad iniziare questo viaggio con noi? allora seguici, indossa le cuffie e iniziamo! BP Group: https://www.bpholding.sm Sei commercialista? scopri la piattaforma che premia il tuo lavoro: https://bpclub.it Salute d'impresa è un Podcast prodotto da Look At Me Podcast https://www.agenzialookatme.com

Omnichannel Leaders

Omar Fogliadini/LIFEDATA

C’era una volta il digitale. Poi l’ecommerce. Il CRM. Ora il mondo è Omnichannel. Come cambia la shopping experience e la buyer journey quando il business avviene tra canali digitali e mondo fisico, e da offline a online? Cosa funziona e cosa no? Ogni mese portiamo spunti pratici dal campo: per business leader, da business leader. Con dati ed insights esclusivi dai tavoli di lavoro di Osservatori Digital Innovation, Nielsen IQ... Ogni puntata analizziamo, in modo semplice e diretto, il go to market di esperienze Omnichannel, CRM, Gen AI, B2B Commerce... raccontate da chi le ha già fatte

Climate Rising

Harvard Business School Business & Environment Initiative

Climate Rising is about the impact of climate change on business. It brings business and policy leaders and Harvard Business School faculty together to share insights about what businesses are doing, can do, and should do to confront climate change. It explores the many challenges and opportunities that climate change raises for managers, such as decisions about where they choose to locate, the technologies they develop and use, their strategies with respect to products, marketing, customer engagement, and policy—in other words, the full spectrum of business concerns.

The Procurement Conversation

Rich Sains

We tackle the hottest topics in Procurement.Speaking to Procurement Leaders and industry specialists 121, on panels, and on LinkedIn Live, we take deeper look at the biggest challenges and opportunities facing procurement.If you'd like to suggest a topic you think we should be covering - contact Rich Sains on LinkedIn.Please like, follow and share to catch the next episode.

Financial Modeler's Corner

Paul Barnhurst AKA The FP&A Guy

Financial Modeler's Corner is a podcast where we talk all about the art and science of financial modeling with distinguished Financial Modeler's from around the globe. Financial Modeler's Corner is hosted by Paul Barnhurst a global thought leader in the field of finance.  The Financial Modeler's Corner podcast is brought to you by Financial Modeling Institute. FMI offers the most respected accreditations in financial modeling. 

Inside the Strategy Room

McKinsey & Company

We talk with McKinsey partners and corporate executives on the challenges they face creating lasting strategies in a fast-changing world. We also examine the different ways these executives approach these challenges and the new and innovative ways they think of creating a vision for their enterprises.

FP&A Today

Glenn Hopper

FP&A Today is the podcast for Financial Planning and Analysis. The weekly show dives into the challenges and opportunities within the world of FP&A, interviewing FP&A leaders, CFOs and other finance pros in order to give you the freshest insights and takeaways. Each week our top guests provide actionable advice about financial planning and analysis – from career goals to navigating challenges, and powerful Excel tips. Our weekly show provides unrivalled insights for navigating FP&A. FP&A Today is brought to you by Datarails. Datarails is the financial planning and analysis platform that automates data consolidation, reporting and planning, while enabling finance teams to continue using their own Excel spreadsheets and financial models. Get in touch at www.datarails.com

Guerre d'Affari


Netflix vs HBO. Nike vs Adidas. Gli affari sono come la guerra: a volte il premio è il tuo portafoglio o la tua attenzione, a volte solo il divertimento di battere l'avversario. L'esito di queste battaglie definisce ciò che acquistiamo e il modo in cui viviamo. "Guerre d'Affari" ti offre la storia reale e non autorizzata di ciò che spinge queste aziende e i loro leader, inventori, investitori e dirigenti a nuove vette o alla rovina.

That's Y - Generazioni al Lavoro!

Giulio Beronia

Il primo podcast italiano dedicato alle Nuove Generazioni e al mondo delle Risorse Umane: People, Culture, Job, Inclusion.

this IS research

Nick Berente and Jan Recker

Professors Nick Berente from the University of Notre Dame and Jan Recker from the University of Hamburg talk about current and persistent topics in information systems research, a field that explores how digital technologies change business and society. You can find papers and other materials we discuss in each episode at http://www.janrecker.com/this-is-research-podcast/.

SMP LeaderTalks

Struktur Management Partner - SMP - Georgiy Michailov

Willkommen bei den SMP #LeaderTalks Unser Thema heute: Ihre Welt von morgen. Experten-Meinungen, Interviews, persönliche Entwicklung, Leadership-Exzellenz und mehr: Hier bei den SMP Leader Talks beschäftigen wir uns mit den Trends und Themen, die die Führungskräfte von heute bewegen– und besprechen, wie man daraus ein besseres Morgen macht. Inspirativ, informativ, kreativ und vor allem: Ganz persönlich. Interessiert? Noch mehr Beiträge mit Mehrwert finden Sie auf: https://www.struktur-management-partner.com/insights/leader-talks?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=podcast-description Die Interviews führt Georgiy Michailov. Georgiy Michailov ist Managing Partner bei SMP, Dipl.-Volkswirt, B. M. (TSUoE), Experte für Wachstumsmanagement und wertschaffende Performance-Programme.

Make Things That Matter

Andrew Skotzko

What if our products and companies gave more life to everything they touched? Making this a reality is our quest, through impactful product leadership, strategy, decision making, and culture. blog.makethingsthatmatter.com

The Conversation Factory

Daniel Stillman

Welcome to The Conversation Factory, where I investigate how to create change through changing conversations. Each episode I'll talk to an amazing conversation designer about how to Amplify, Shift or Transform conversations in Organizations, Teams, Communities and our own lives. Visit www.theconversationfactory.com where I distill these insights we can bring into our work and lives.

Supply Chain Revolution


The Supply Chain Revolution podcast is a series focused on the latest trends and innovations in sustainability and supply chain management. The podcast is hosted by Sheri Hinish, also known as the Supply Chain Queen, who is a sustainability consultant and digital transformation expert, and features interviews with a wide range of supply chain professionals, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs. The podcast covers a variety of topics related to the supply chain revolution, including digital transformation, sustainability, circular economy, diversity and inclusion, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, and robotics. Each episode features in-depth discussions and insights from guests, providing a valuable resource for supply chain professionals looking to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in the field. The Supply Chain Revolution podcast is known for its engaging and thought-provoking content, and has been featured in numerous publications and media outlets. It is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about the rapidly evolving world of supply chain management, and for professionals seeking to improve their skills and stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic field. Join podcast host, Sheri Hinish also called the Supply Chain Queen, and reimagine the future of how we interact with the world and business in the decade of our lives. In each episode, provocative points of view that challenge paradigms for progress are evangelized holding the SDGs, purpose, and diversity as a business imperative as a North Star. This is the TOP Supply Chain podcast unpacking the future of supply chain that explores shifts in generational, social, environmental, technological, and "the people side" of leading change in transformation. The Supply Chain Revolution is the supply chain podcast that highlights progressive ideas that challenge the status quo, giving people access to insights, strategies, and tools to make better choices that shape critical aspects of their business and personal lives, building transformational change for a better, sustainable world. This is the supply chain podcast for supply chain leaders, thinkers, dreamers, doers, learners, builders, and supply chain professionals who want to change the world using a different approach to traditional supply chain, leadership, circular economy, digital transformation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, technology, strategy, and camaraderie to create new ways of working in the supply chain revolution. We are an inclusive group where all are welcomed and represented. Learn more at http://www.supplychainqueen.com The host Sheri Hinish believes supply chains can save the planet, save lives, and transform traditional business models. Recognized as 2022, 2021, 2020 & 2019 Supply & Demand Chain Executive "Pro to Know," a 2021 Top 100 Women in Supply Chain Award winner, and recipient of the 2020 Global Women Supply Chain Leaders Award, Sheri Hinish is a leading advocate, strategist, and influencer in supply chain, sustainability & the SDGs, leading with purpose, and change management in digital transformations. She is a Principal and Global Lead for Innovation + Ecosystem at EY and formally the Global Lead for Sustainability, Alliances, and Strategy at IBM. Top Podcast Exploring #SupplyChain #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #Technology #Diversity and #DigitalTransformation

Supermoč podcast


Skozi izkušnje najvidnejših Slovencev, junakov slovenskega posla, ki ga cenimo doma in po svetu, iščemo odgovor na vprašanje »kaj je supermoč«. Od kod izvira, od kod jo črpamo, zakaj jo nekateri uporabljajo in zakaj drugi ne. Podcast s svojimi zgodbami najboljših in najbolj uspešnih »poživlja«, motivira, inspirira in dokazuje, da »se da!«. A pogoj za to je, da vsakdo najde svoj »svoj zakaj«. Podcast s pomočjo osebno-izpovednih zgodb, polnih prevratov, frustracij, srečnih naključij, hoje po robu, hazardiranja, odpovedovanja, in trdega učenja ter dela, poživlja. Poslušalci boste ob poslušanju »čistil« miselne kanale, dobil inspiracije, ideje, pogum. Vigor! Ta serija je poklon slovenskemu gospodarstvu in ljudem, ki so stebri naše prihodnosti. Podkast vodi Petra Kovič.

Sales Excellence Podcast


Strategie e processi di vendita delle migliori aziende italiane, raccontati dalla voce dei protagonisti. Gaspare Civiero intervista i direttori commerciali di alcune delle più prestigiose aziende italiane per approfondire le strategie, i processi e le metodologie di vendita.

Coaching for Leaders

Dave Stachowiak

Leaders aren't born, they're made. This Monday show helps you discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations. Independently produced weekly since 2011, Dr. Dave Stachowiak brings perspective from a thriving, global leadership academy, plus more than 15 years of leadership at Dale Carnegie. Bestselling authors, expert researchers, deep conversation, and regular dialogue with listeners have attracted 40 million downloads and the #1 search result for management on Apple Podcasts. Activate your FREE membership to search the entire episode library by topic at CoachingforLeaders.com

Digital HR Leaders with David Green

David Green

In this series, David Green will be speaking to a range of senior HR leaders who are pushing a data-driven and digital HR agenda. There is an increasing need for HR professionals to become more digitally and numerically literate – to acquire the skills necessary to process, produce and leverage digital information to create business value. You'll hear from people leaders who are driving transformation in their organisations on how HR can prepare for the future and what HR leaders need to do to prepare for the Future of Work. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Excellent Executive Coaching: Growing Your Business and Enhancing Your Craft.

Dr. Katrina Burrus PhD, MCC

Excellent Executive Coaching podcast will examples of leadership coaching issues and challenges. Excellent Executive Coaching will provide leadership coaching tips, strategies and resources that can resolve leadership issues. Subscribe today to learn about coaching top global leaders and their trials and successes. The Excellent Executive Coaching podcast is a platform of discussion and a source of knowledge sharing between professional coaches and leaders. It promotes continued education for executive coaches and leaders around the world. This podcast is mostly devoted to personal development and leadership coaching. The host is Dr. Katrina Burrus. She is a First Master Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation in Switzerland and founding Board Member for ICF Switzerland. She has served as an adjunct professor to several universities and speaks around the world on the topics of leadership coaching and Global Nomadic leadership and has been working as an executive coach for global leaders since 1994.

Big Ideas in Supply Chain


Our phones. The medicines we need. The cars we drive. The food we eat. The clothes we wear. The buildings we work in. Whether we’re aware of it or not, the global supply chain affects us all. In this podcast, we connect with supply chain experts and industry professionals to explore how all the stuff we need ends up in the right place at the right time.

The Modern Customer Podcast

Blake Morgan

Go behind the scenes with customer experience leader Blake Morgan to explore the secrets of the world’s most customer-centric companies. Blake is one of the world’s top keynote speakers, authority on customer experience and the bestselling author of “The Customer Of The Future” The Modern Customer reaches thousands of people each week conveying a message of how we make people feel - in business and in life - matters. Her weekly show explores how businesses can make customers’ lives easier and better, featuring experts that provide simple, tangible advice you can immediately apply at your own organization. Today’s customers have the luxury of choice. The answer is simple; choose customer experience and customers will choose you. Learn how to put a stake in the ground on customer experience by tuning into The Modern Customer Podcast each week with Blake Morgan.

Modern Mentor


Rachel Cooke is your guide to leadership and communication, helping you craft a workplace environment you can feel good about. She’ll share tips to help you balance your work and personal life, effectively invest your time, and be mindful about where you’re devoting your energy. Let Rachel help you navigate your path to success—however you define it.

The AtlasZero Podcast


The AtlasZero Podcast helps companies to find the right sustainability solution for their needs, by provide transparency to the market. If you are interested in sustainability reporting like the CSRD then this podcast will provide you with real experiences and learnings from other companies and sustainability experts.

Grow My Accounting Practice | Tips for Accountants, Bookkeepers and Coaches to Grow Their Business

Mike Michalowicz

A show dedicated to accountants and bookkeepers who are looking to grow their practice. We deep dive into both the theory and the exact steps you need to grow your practice in the way you always dreamed. You will learn marketing, sales, hiring, management, pricing... everything it takes to scale a practice. The one thing we don’t talk about are accounting skills. You already have those. What we do is give you business skills.

Jocko Podcast

Jocko DEFCOR Network

Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

OKR Digest, le podcast de la performance managériale

FDM Partners

A travers des apports pratiques, théoriques et de nombreux exemples, ce podcast vous propose de découvrir comment les OKR peuvent transformer votre manière de travailler, d’aligner vos équipes et de réaliser des résultats qui dépassent vos attentes. En s’appuyant sur différents formats, il fait intervenir des consultants et des managers qui partageront leurs expériences, les défis auxquels ils ont été confrontés et les leçons apprises.

Controllo Aziendale - Simone Brancozzi

Controllo aziendale - Simone Brancozzi

Canale di cultura aziendale rivolta a te che hai a cuore la salute e il futuro della tua azienda e delle aziende tue clienti.

Business Wars | حروب الأعمال

Atheer ~ أثير

شركات تستحوذ على أخرى، وسباق في تطوير الخدمات والمنتجات، أنت المستفيد بالطبع، لكنك قد تكون المستهدف أيضا في حرب شرسة تختبئ خلف كل ما تراه .. تترك أثرا في كل تفاصيل حياتك .. بل في غرفة معيشتك. بودكاست حروب الأعمال نتاج آخر من الجزيرة بودكاست بالتعاون مع وندري.

Handelsblatt Deals - der M&A Podcast

Nele Dohmen

Wer mit wem? Das ist die Frage bei „Handelsblatt Deals – dem M&A Podcast“. Hier geht es alle zwei Wochen um das, was die Wirtschaftswelt gerade bewegt: Welche Unternehmen sich annähern, welche Deals aktuell verhandelt werden und welche Wendungen Wirtschaftsinteressierte im Blick behalten sollten. Handelsblatt-Redakteurin Nele Dohmen spricht mit Gästen über aktuelle Fusionen, Übernahmen, Börsengänge und Finanzierungen.

The CFO Playbook


Being a finance leader is no longer just about controlling costs. 2024’s CFOS are trusted business leaders and innovators that drive growth throughout the organisation. Hosted by technology reporter, presenter and consumer champion, David McClelland, The CFO Playbook features interviews with world-class CFOs, finance leaders and founders from some of the fastest growing companies. The CFO Playbook is brought to you by Soldo.

The Leadership Podcast

Jan Rutherford and Jim Vaselopulos, experts on leadership development

We interview great leaders, review the books they read, and speak with highly influential authors who study them.

Coaching Real Leaders

HBR Presents / Muriel Wilkins

We all want to get to the next level of our career, but so many of us get stuck. Longtime leadership coach Muriel Wilkins takes you inside real-life leadership coaching sessions with high performers working to overcome professional challenges and grow as leaders. Listen in on real conversations and leave with new insights and practical guidance for your own career. The views expressed on this podcast are those of its hosts, guests, and callers, and not those of Harvard Business Review.

Vendere Valore


Come fai ad uscire dalla guerra dei prezzi al ribasso per vendere meglio, di più e con più margini? Paolo Pugni, ex manager d'azienda e a capo di un team di consulenti, ti aiuterà a Vendere Valore. VISITA IL SITO > http://youmediaweb.com/venderevalore Copyright © 2016 YouMediaWeb

This is Product Management


DISQO’s podcast features the brightest minds fueling product teams. Subscribe to learn how product management and strategy are being driven by putting customer experience (CX) front and center. Learn more and subscribe at tipm.feedbackloop.com

SDA Bocconi Insight

SDA Bocconi Insight

La raccolta di podcast di SDA Bocconi Insight, l’hub di contenuti e cultura manageriale di SDA Bocconi School of Management

Geopolitics of the Green Transition


Track the impact of geopolitics on the green transition. Justin Vela and Lauri Tähtinen founded GEOSTREAMS to explore the transition, understand the new regulations, and meet individuals working on the front lines. www.geostreams.org

Business Diplomacy Today

Dr. Matthias Catón

Sponsored and presented by the Indo-German Centre for Business Excellence, the podcast brings international relations and geopolitics to the business world. We live in a dynamic world where business, government, and society converge. Today, every business leader must be a savvy player in the public arena. Geopolitical events, new regulations in other markets, natural disasters, changing public perceptions, etc., directly impact a company’s future, even if they happen far away. Business Diplomacy Today addresses contemporary international relations and geopolitics, looking at the issues from a business perspective. It helps business leaders anticipate changing political and societal trends, build and leverage political networks and take a proactive stake in societal and political matters that influence their business environment.

Workflows & Espressos


"Workflows & Espressos," hosted by Meaghan Moylan of Outpost Group, is a podcast on the short-term rental industry, part of Hospitality.FM Podcast Network. In each episode, Meaghan shares her expertise in hospitality, discussing trends, operational challenges, and business strategies in the sector. The first season features 5 to 10 episodes, combining actionable advice, and personal stories for a comprehensive view of the field. The podcast caters to business owners, property managers, and industry enthusiasts, offering a stimulating mix of insights and narratives to accompany your morning coffee.



本節目由《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版執行長楊瑪利(Mary)所主持,帶你輕鬆學到人人都能應用的管理新知。讓我們一起拉近學習的距離,承襲著哈佛的知識觀點,做回自己人生的領導者!   主持人Mary擁有超過30年採訪經驗,足跡遍布全球,曾親炙佛里曼、傅高義等大師風采,個人榮獲近30座國內外新聞獎項,也曾帶領國內第一財經雜誌《遠見》拿下大大小小超過70座新聞獎項,包括金鼎獎、吳舜文新聞獎、曾虛白新聞獎和亞洲卓越新聞獎等。   這回,Mary希望用最平易近人的方式,融合過去財經採訪的經驗與心得,轉譯《哈佛商業評論》的關鍵趨勢,找出人人身上的哈佛DNA。 【輕鬆讀哈佛】 週一至週四,一起讀一篇《哈佛商業評論》的文章,由Mary幫你精準抓取重點,快速吸收商業思維,輕鬆Get哈佛知識。 【哈佛人物面對面】讓Mary用一杯咖啡的時間,彙整本週哈佛主題知識,邀請你我身邊各行各業的代表人物,不論是正在起步發展的新興創業家、時下最夯的YouTuber或是你家巷口的飲料店老闆,都是我們的邀約對象。擁有哈佛DNA的他們,將跟我們一起聊聊自己在經營、管理上的故事,想知道他們如何運用商業思維解決難題,聽下去就對。   了解更多《哈佛商業評論》  官網:https://www.hbrtaiwan.com/  FB:https://www.facebook.com/hbrtaiwan  IG:https://www.instagram.com/hbrtaiwan/  LINE:https://page.line.me/zfc8021l?openQrModal -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

It’s All Your Fault: High Conflict People

TruStory FM

Hosted by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. and Megan Hunter, MBA, It’s All Your Fault! High Conflict People explores the five types of people who can ruin your life—people with high conflict personalities and how they weave themselves into our lives in romance, at work, next door, at school, places of worship, and just about everywhere, causing chaos, exhaustion, and dread for everyone else. They are the most difficult of difficult people — some would say they’re toxic. Without them, tv shows, movies, and the news would be boring, but who wants to live that way in your own life! Have you ever wanted to know what drives them to act this way? In the It’s All Your Fault podcast, we’ll take you behind the scenes to understand what’s happening in the brain and illuminates why we pick HCPs as life partners, why we hire them, and how we can handle interactions and relationships with them. We break down everything you ever wanted to know about people with the 5 high conflict personality types: narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, antisocial/sociopath, and paranoid. And we’ll give you tips on how to spot them and how to deal with them.

Women at Work

Harvard Business Review

Women face gender discrimination throughout our careers. It doesn't have to derail our ambitions — but how do we prepare to deal with it? There's no workplace orientation session about narrowing the wage gap, standing up to interrupting male colleagues, or taking on many other issues we encounter at work. So HBR staffers Amy Bernstein, Amy Gallo, and Emily Caulfield are untangling some of the knottiest problems. They interview experts on gender, tell stories about their own experiences, and give lots of practical advice to help you succeed in spite of the obstacles.


Roberto Fioretto

Il podcast dedicato alle nuove frontiere della leadership nelle organizzazioni. Storie, ricerche, dialoghi e letture per trasformare il lavoro in un incubatore del potenziale umano.

Manager Tools

Manager Tools

Tired of management theory? Want to learn specific skills to help improve your management performance? Then Manager Tools is the podcast for you! Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, we discuss specific actions for professionals to take to achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. Go to http://www.manager-tools.com/testimonials to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives. Our goal: Every Manager Effective (TM)

Risorse Umane WTF

Emanuele Mascherpa

Risorse Umane WTF è un podcast che racconta, in modo schietto e con un po’ di ironia, la bellezza (e le rotture) di gestire persone. Un posto dove trovare suggerimenti per manager e dipartimenti Human Resources, dove approfondire temi gestionali e ascoltare consigli su come ottenere il massimo dai team e dalle persone.

Libero Pensiero Immobiliare Podcast

Libero Pensiero Immobiliare

Libero Pensiero Immobiliare Podcast Voce libera ed indipendente del Mercato Immobiliare Italiano e Riferimento dei professionisti Immobiliari – Confrontarsi, imparare, informarsi, crescere Web: http://www.liberopensieroimmobiliare.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1845724155654545/

Radio Advisory

Advisory Board

Radio Advisory is your weekly download on how to untangle healthcare's most pressing challenges, powered by 40 years of Advisory Board research. Whether it's workforce shortages, industry disruptors, or health equity strategy, we're here to help. Our hosts and seasoned researchers talk with industry experts to equip you with knowledge to confront today’s unanswered questions in healthcare. New episodes drop every Tuesday. | www.advisory.com

Thinkers & Ideas

BCG Henderson Institute

Inspiring and thought-provoking conversations with leading thinkers about influential ideas on business, technology, economics, and science. Hosted by Martin Reeves, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, and Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, Global Chief Economist of BCG. For more ideas and inspiration, sign up to receive BHI INSIGHTS, our monthly newsletter, and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy



A podcast by 37signals about the better way to work and run your business. The REWORK podcast features the co-founders of 37signals (the makers of Basecamp and HEY), Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson sharing their unique perspective on business and entrepreneurship along with host Kimberly Rhodes.

Social CEO – Führungskräfte als Corporate Influencer

Dr. Kerstin Hoffmann

Was ist überhaupt ein Social CEO? Wieso sollten sich heute alle Führungskräfte Gedanken über ihre digitale Präsenz machen? Wie sieht eine gute Strategie aus – und was ist dafür zu tun? Was kann ich von erfolgreichen Beispielen lernen? Welche Gefahren drohen? Was nützt die persönliche Sichtbarkeit mir selbst, und was bringt sie dem Unternehmen? Was hat es eigentlich insgesamt mit diesem Corporate-Influencer-Thema auf sich? – Ach, und wie überzeuge ich als Kommunikationsverantwortliche meinen skeptischen Vorstand? Ich heiße Kerstin Hoffmann. Im Podcast „Social CEO – Führungskräfte als Corporate Influencer“ teile ich mit Ihnen Erfahrungen und Einblicke aus Praxis, Beratung, Forschung und genauer Beobachtung. Es gibt Tipps, Interviews und jede Menge wertvolles Wissen.  Und Sie werden in Interviews viele verschiedene Führungskräfte kennenlernen – solche, von denen Sie vielleicht schon einmal gehört haben. Aber auch solche, die noch nicht in den bekannten Listen und Rankings auftauchen. Staffel 1 umfasst 12 Folgen.  Sie wollen sofort von der zweiten Staffel erfahren? Sie möchten mehr zum Thema wissen? Auf social-ceo.de finden Sie den kostenlosen Newsletter und viele weitere Informationen. 

Cold Call

HBR Presents / Brian Kenny

Cold Call distills Harvard Business School's legendary case studies into podcast form. Hosted by Brian Kenny, the podcast airs every two weeks and features Harvard Business School faculty discussing cases they've written and the lessons they impart.

Take Command: A Leadership Podcast

Dale Carnegie Flagship Podcast, Joe Hart

Embark on a journey of real-life business insights and inspiring personal growth narratives. Welcome to Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast, where we seek to uncover what leadership means in today’s world. Hosted by Joe Hart, CEO of Dale Carnegie, we’ll be talking to diverse leaders across various industries to help unlock your potential for success. We’ll be sharing real-life insights into leadership—which in turn can help spark the next level of your growth as a leader.


Enrico Florentino

Realizzato da Enrico Florentino, l’IMPRENDIPROMOTORE Podcast è uno show settimanale che discute di strategie, tattiche e strumenti per migliorare il tuo business di Consulente finanziario ed Agente di assicurazioni. Se cerchi un modo per crescere, per ottenere risultati, per differenziarti sul mercato, le puntate settimanali dell’IMPRENDIPROMOTORE PODCAST sono per te. Visita il sito: www.imprendipromotore.it/blog

The Sales Management. Simplified. Podcast with Mike Weinberg

Mike Weinberg

Execs, sales leaders, and aspiring sales managers: Ready to create a healthy, high-performance sales culture and drive significant long-term sales growth? Had it with the noise and nonsense that passes for sales advice today and the nonstop pitches promising you a new hack, trick, or tool to solve all that ails your sales? Join practitioner, speaker, coach, and globally trusted sales expert Mike Weinberg, author of the bestselling and most reviewed sales management book, for straight talk, blunt truth, and powerful, practical techniques that will maximize sales management effectiveness and help your team WIN MORE NEW SALES!

Lead The Game with Edoardo Grandi

Edoardo Grandi

Lead The Game Podcast is a sports leadership exploration, delving into the secrets of high performance, managerial strategy, and wealth creation in the sports industry.

Energy Espresso

Upright Digital

Energy Espresso is a unique and engaging podcast that intersects the dynamic world of energy solutions with the rich culture of coffee. Each episode aims to enlighten and energize its audience with insightful discussions on energy, engaging interviews with key industry executives, and a delightful exploration of various coffee brands and types.

Trade Talks

Sina Ebrahimi

صحبت ها و آموزش هایی در باب ترید و بازار برش هایی از گفتگو های روتینی که در بستر جامعه ترید بنده ارائه میشه شما هم میتوانید به همه این محتواها در کنار جزئیات تریدهای بنده و تحلیل های من و دیگر دوستان دسترسی داشته باشید با من در ارتباط باشید

Wegen guter Führung - Der ehrliche Führungspodcast

Harvard Business manager

Antonia Götsch, Chefredakteurin des Harvard Business managers, meldet sich alle zwei Wochen mit "Wegen guter Führung". Sie spricht mit anderen Führungskräften und Expert:innen aus der Wissenschaft über Zusammenarbeit, Teamführung und Karriere.  Ehrlich, fundiert, offen und auch mal lustig. Sie teilt, was sie selbst gelernt hat, woran sie scheitert, und versucht auch ihren Gästen zu entlocken, was sie sonst nur ihren Vertrauten verraten.

TOMorrow - Business. Stars. Lifestyle.

Tom Junkersdorf

TOMorrow ist das Instagram der Podcasts. Hier kommen die Stars und Love-Brands zusammen, die wir liken und die uns inspirieren. Willkommen in der Welt des Luxury Lifestyles. Als GQ-Chefredakteur und Gastgeber der legendären GQ Men Of The Year Awards hat Tom Junkersdorf die spannendsten Persönlichkeiten unserer Zeit kennengelernt. In TOMorrow spricht er mit den Stars, CEOs, Designern und Disruptor der berühmtesten Luxusmarken der Welt über ihr außergewöhnliches Leben. Wie sich ihr Business verändert, was Style heute ausmacht und darüber, was Luxus wirklich bedeutet. Exklusive Einblicke und Interviews über die wichtigsten Trends aus Fashion, Watches, Automotive, Movie, Musik, Sport und Style – ab jetzt jede Woche montags neu in TOMorrow. TOMorrow ist Partner von CUPRA

Wirtschaft im Gespräch

DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

Immer freitags laden wir ein zu "Wirtschaft im Gespräch". Bei uns zu Gast sind führende Ökonomen und Ökonominnen, aber auch Wirtschaftslenker, Unternehmerinnen, kritische Geister.

Finanza Personale in 5 minuti

Finanza Personale Semplice

Un podcast sulle basi della finanza personale. Ognuno degli episodi di questo podcast ha una durata massima di 5 minuti, ovviamente senza avere l’ambizione di coprire tutti gli aspetti della finanza personale, ma solo quello di poter fornire un’introduzione, riferimenti ad approfondimenti utili e spunti di riflessione per le persone che si affacciano a questi temi per la prima volta. Tra i temi discussi ci sono i possibili modi per migliorare la propria situazione finanziaria, come occuparsi della gestione delle spese, come definire obiettivi finanziari, e i passi da seguire per un percorso di risparmio ed investimenti. Non ci sono consigli finanziari o di investimento di nessun tipo. Il mio libro: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0C82Y49TY/

Team Emotional Intelligence


[Versione in lingua italiana 🇮🇹] E' il podcast che parla di Team Emotional Intelligence attraverso aggiornamenti, riflessioni e discussioni su come migliorare la performance e la collaborazione all'interno dei team. Un nuovo episodio ogni Martedì alle 18.00! Noi chi siamo? Giulia Baroni - Team Player & Ultimate Frisbee Player, Adjunct Faculty @ Bologna Business School, TEAMX Co-Founder Massimiliano Ghini - Emotional intelligence Enthusiast, Adjunct Faculty @ Bologna Business School, TEAMX Founder e, cosa più importante, tifoso dell'Inter Iscriviti alla Newsletter per non perderti le novità e le iniziative di Team Emotional Intelligence: http://eepurl.com/hFhlJj #TeamEI

The Revenue Formula


This podcast is about scaling tech startups. Hosted by Toni Hohlbein & Mikkel Plaehn, together they look at the full funnel. With a combined 20 years of experience in B2B SaaS and 3 exits, they discuss growing pains, challenges and opportunities they’ve faced. Whether you're working in RevOps, sales, operations, finance or marketing - if you care about revenue, you'll care about this podcast. If there’s one thing they hate, it’s talk. We know, it’s a bit of an oxymoron. But execution and focus is the key - that’s why each episode is designed to give 1-2 very concrete takeaways.

Spunta uno spunto

Cristian Boin

Coffee Knowledge Hub

Andrew Tolley

Do you work in the coffee industry or want to work in the coffee industry? This podcast is about the business of coffee, for people who want to improve their coffee businesses, start a coffee business, or be better at their jobs. Learn from industry leaders and experts from across the globe. Learn from the mistakes many have made before. Hosted by Andrew Tolley and Tibor Varady, whose experiences traverse cafe startup, management, training, retail, roasting, and leading diverse teams. We have a combined industry experience of over 30 years. We have been successful competitors, we are both past Chairs of the Barista Guild of Europe (as it was then). We are excited to help you navigate the dynamic world of coffee businesses.


Анастасия Лямцева, Андрей Косько

Подкаст о событиях мира через призму устойчивого развития. Студентка Болонского университета и популяризатор науки обсуждают происходящие в мире события с точки зрения их устойчивости и значимости для сферы устойчивого развития. Интересно, просто, о насущном. Обсудим?

The Remarkable Leadership Podcast

The Kevin Eikenberry Group

The Remarkable Leadership Podcast with Kevin Eikenberry is dedicated to all things leadership. Each week Kevin shares his thoughts about leadership development and ideas to help you see the world differently, lead more confidently and make a bigger difference for those you lead. He also has weekly conversations with leadership experts discussing a wide range of topics including teamwork, organizational culture, facilitating change, personal and organizational development, human potential and more.

Leaders in Value Chain

Alcott Global

Leaders in Value Chain Podcast is one of our projects focused on bringing some of the best thought leaders in the industry, pick their brains and share it with as many interested listeners as possible.We want to connect you with global experts, thought leaders and executives in all things value chain. We talk about Value Chain's leading-edge technologies, leadership stories, and personal success habits.

McKinsey Talks Talent

McKinsey People & Organizational Performance

McKinsey talent experts Bryan Hancock, Bill Schaninger, and others on how to make the most of talent as a competitive advantage, navigate today’s fast-changing talent landscape, and prepare now for the future of work.

The Procurement Software Podcast

James Meads

Procurement software, or "Procuretech", is a game changer. A key enabler and driver of rapid change in the profession. Want to find out how to significantly improve your operational efficiency and enable more to be done with fewer resources? This show is for Procurement, Purchasing, Supply Chain and Finance professionals, as well as C-Suite executives. We showcase all the best new software and bring you the latest trends and thought leadership from both myself and other industry leaders. We'll show you how technology can drive a competitive advantage. Show notes and further info available at: https://procurementsoftware.site/podcast Follow us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/procsoft Connect with me at: https://linkedin.com/in/james-meads/ Book an intro call here: https://calendly.com/jamesmeads/30-minute-intro-call

才能が見つかれば、仕事も人生もうまくいく|TALENT TALK(タレントーク)

TALENT Inc. × Chronicle

TALENT TALK(タレントーク) 才能研究を基盤としたタレントプロデュース・プロダクション・スクール・研修事業を行う株式会社TALENT代表取締役の佐野 貴(たかちん)が、Podcast Studio Chronicle代表の野村高文とともに、一人ひとりに秘められた才能を見つけ、その才能を活かして、自分らしい仕事や人生をつくっていくためのヒントを楽しく発信していく番組。毎週金曜朝6時配信。(シーズン1のタイトルは「SAI 〜凡人の非凡の才能を科学する〜」) ▼番組への感想、MCへのメッセージは以下までお寄せください。 https://forms.gle/KVchEoVpfr6FwquJA ▼感想ポスト X(旧:Twitter)には「#タレントーク」をつけて投稿ください。 ▼参考URL 株式会社TALENT 公式サイト https://talent-inc.jp/ Podcast Studio Chronicle 公式サイト https://chronicle-inc.net/ ▼MC 佐野 貴(たかちん/株式会社TALENT代表取締役) https://twitter.com/takachiiiiii3 野村高文(Podcast Studio Chronicle代表) https://twitter.com/nmrtkfm

The Art Of Hospitality

The Business Blacksmith

Welcome to "The Art of Hospitality," where the Operator meets the Philosopher to unravel the intricate tapestry of the vacation rental industry. Led by Conrad O'Connell, the Digital Strategist who turns clicks into bookings, and hosted by Scott Fasano, the "Operator," and Adam Norko, the "Philosopher," our podcast presents a trinity of perspectives that uniquely positions us at the intersection of practical operations, philosophical depth, and digital innovation. We tackle the gamut—marketing strategies, guest relations, property management, and internal operations—all while keeping an eye on the ever-changing landscape of our industry. This isn't just about running a vacation rental management business; it's about mastering the Art of Hospitality, where operational precision and thought leadership intersect to create extraordinary experiences. So, if you're keen on listening to discussions that marry tactical excellence with intellectual depth, all underpinned by game-changing digital strategies, you're in the right place. Join us as we redefine what it means to excel in the vacation rental industry.

Simone Verza | Controllo di Gestione e Reporting

Simone Verza

Controllo di Gestione, Reporting e dintorni: chiacchiere, interviste e molto altro. Simone aiuta imprenditori e manager ad introdurre sistemi di misurazione e controllo del proprio business, supportandoli sia nell’implementazione che nell’ottimizzazione del Controllo di Gestione della loro azienda. È specializzato nell'impostazione e nel miglioramento di sistemi di Reporting. Si occupa inoltre di formazione per Controller e per non addetti ai lavori. È l'unico IBCS Certified Trainer italiano ed eroga i corsi di formazione IBCS per migliorare comprensione ed efficacia dei Report aziendali. Per maggiori in formazioni visita: https://simoneverza.it/

The Look & Sound of Leadership

Essential Communications - Tom Henschel

An ongoing series of Executive Coaching Tips designed to help you be perceived in the workplace the way you want to be perceived.

Agevolazioni in Pillole

Rete Agevolazioni - Franco Rasotto

Aggiornamenti in pillole dal mondo delle agevolazioni, degli incentivi e dei Fondi Europei

Run the Numbers

CJ Gustafson

Run the Numbers is a twice-weekly podcast about financial metrics and business models, designed for ambitious people operating tech startups. It's a collection of things host CJ Gustafson (CFO at Partstech and writer of Mostly Metrics) has learned and thought about in the trenches as a tech CFO. This show is meant to serve as a playbook of sorts for the stuff CJ wishes he knew earlier in his career, both from experience and from copying people smarter than himself. Topics frequently touch upon Startup SaaS Metrics, Annual Budgeting, Financial Forecasting, Headcount, Equity, Dilution, and Fundraising – and how all of these drive business performance and growth. www.mostlymetrics.com

Cross-border Tax Talks


PwC specialists share insights and perspectives on key issues impacting the ever-changing tax landscape. Our podcasts aim to provide quick, easy and up-to-date tax developments to help you stay current and competitive in today's challenging business environment. Listen to episodes at your convenience via your desktop computer or smart device.

The Agency Profit Podcast

Parakeeto, Marcel Petitpas

Welcome to the Agency Profit Podcast hosted by Marcel Petitpas, CEO and Co-Founder of Parakeeto. Finally, an agency podcast that isn't JUST about getting more clients. On the show, we bring in experts, agency owners and consultants to share their actionable tips for improving profitability and operational efficiency. Here, you'll learn what systems to implement in your business, what kind of KPI's to track, and benchmarks to aim for. How to manage things like capacity, utilization, billing rates, processes and procedures, what tools to use, mistakes to avoid and so, so much more. If you're tired of putting out fires, working long hours, and growing revenue but not profits, you're in the right place.

Pillole di Organizzazione Aziendale

Andrea Benfenati

Dopo molti anni di attività nel settore della consulenza aziendale, ho deciso di dedicarmi a un progetto che mi stava a cuore e che è rimasto chiuso nel cassetto per molto tempo. Vorrei fornire “pillole” di informazione relative a strumenti, standard e best practices utilizzabili per ottimizzare i processi delle organizzazioni. L’obiettivo è di fornire spiegazioni di base e di stimolare all’approfondimento tutti coloro che selezioneranno i podcast di questa serie. Buon ascolto. Andrea Benfenati

At Work with The Ready

Rodney Evans and Sam Spurlin

Rodney Evans and Sam Spurlin have helped teams around the world adopt more modern ways of working and on At Work with The Ready they’re sharing the inside scoop with you, too. Whether you’re struggling with a carousel of ineffective meetings, annual strategy sessions that go nowhere, or decision-making churn that never ceases, they’ve seen it all and are here to help. In each episode, they'll break down common workplace challenges and show you the moves—both big and small—to start making real, lasting change. (Formerly “Brave New Work” with Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans)

Chiro Success Podcast with Dr. Tory Robson

Dr. Tory Robson

The Chiro Success Podcast is where we reveal the secrets to become a massively successful Chiropractic practice. Learn how you can create the dream practice and life today.

The Anxious Achiever

Morra Aarons-Mele

Host Morra Aarons-Mele is on a mission to reframe how we think about anxiety and mental health in the workplace. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. We desperately need better models for leadership and a more holistic view of mental health. Our culture tells those of us who suffer from anxiety and depression that we can’t succeed, but we tell a different story — without sugarcoating the tough stuff. We feature stories from people who’ve been there and experts who can help you thrive. Listen in your favorite podcast app: https://pod.link/1480904163

Consigli per gli ACQUISTI

Antonio Furci

IL PRIMO PODCAST ITALIANO DEDICATO AL MONDO DELL'APPROVVIGIONAMENTO   Parlo con voi di strategie, successi e metodi legati al variegato mondo degli acquisti.  In questo podcast potrai ascoltare i punti di maggior interesse per chi opera nel nostro mondo; attraverso gli appofondimenti tematici e grazie alle testimonianze di numerosi colleghi, racconterò le storie che possano diventare spunti per il tuo lavoro.  L'idea di questo podcast nasce durante uno dei momenti di scambio idee nel gruppo Linkedin Procurement Careers. Collaboro al suo interno sin dalla sua creazione nel 2020; in questo gruppo posso confrontarmi quotidianamente con migliaia di professionisti del settore. Condividendo e sostenendone il motto per il quale "La collaborazione e la condivisione rappresentano LA SOLUZIONE", ho deciso di dare vita a questa rubrica.  Per esporre i tuoi dubbi o raccontare i tuoi successi agli ascoltatori del podcast, puoi entrare nella community su LinkedIn, oppure scrivermi direttamente alla mail: consiglipergliacquisti@ik.me  Ti aspetto ogni due settimane per un nuovo momento di confronto, arricchimento e riflessione.  Buon Ascolto!  opere musicali : Marseille - Sweet Moments Musica di www.fiftysounds.com/it/

CFO Weekly


Looking to build an efficient accounting team so you can focus on strategy and business growth? As the role of the CFO changes to include long-term performance-driver, all-knowing technology expert and full-company strategic guide, more and more accounting leaders are left overwhelmed. Join us as we talk to CFOs, Controllers and other industry veterans who share their expertise on how to streamline accounting processes, create established efficiency and move to a data-driven model, allowing you to tackle what matters. CFO Weekly is brought to you by Personiv, a high-quality, people-powered solution to all of your accounting needs. From procure-to-pay and order-to-cash to record-to-report, and from transactional to Controller-level support and more. Personiv goes above and beyond to get results with a team as small as one in our offshore, cost-saving model.

The FMCG Guys

Dwyer Partners

The leading Consumer Goods and Retail Podcast in Europe and Beyond. We speak with senior leaders and industry luminaries to go deep into some of the most significant burning topics in the industry, leadership experiences, careers and the stories in between.

Retail Unwrapped - from The Robin Report

Robin Lewis and Shelley E. Kohan

Welcome to Retail Unwrapped, a podcast from The Robin Report. Join Robin Lewis and Shelley E. Kohan each week as they share insights and unpack issues at the core of retail and consumer products. The conversations are lively and the opinions are honest. New episodes every Friday.

Inside the Strategy Room

McKinsey & Company

We talk with McKinsey partners and corporate executives on the challenges they face creating lasting strategies in a fast-changing world. We also examine the different ways these executives approach these challenges and the new and innovative ways they think of creating a vision for their enterprises.

This Week - News for CHROs

HR Policy Association

HR Policy Association - The Association of Chief Human Resource Officers proudly presents the "This Week - News for CHROs" podcast. The Podcast will provide CHROs and HR Executives with the most important human resources public policy and C-Suite-level HR practice issues news every week. Listen to the podcast or check out the newsletter on www.hrpolicy.org

Next Practices Weekly


What are the people strategies that will power your organization for the years ahead? i4cp is a member-based HR research company devoted to connecting HR leaders and providing them with innovative solutions and research encompassing best practices and next practices in the industry. Next Practices Weekly, hosted by Tom Stone, is an extension of the company's mission, featuring Human Resources executives from many of the world's largest brands. Join us for thought-provoking discussions and insight into industry trends and solutions.

Lean Six Sigma Bursts

Brion Hurley

Brion Hurley from Business Performance Improvement shares his takes and thoughts on a variety of topics related to process improvement (specifically Lean and Six Sigma methods), Bursts are rapid improvement activities, so this sounded like a good word to use for these short audio clips. We'll try to keep them under 10 minutes each. Have a question? Use the anchor app to leave us a voice message, and we might pick your question for our next episode!


Reti S.p.A.

La prima stagione di Reti INNOVATIABLE si è conclusa. Vi aspettiamo a settembre con nuove puntate! ​Il podcast INNOVATIABLE è nato per scoprire insieme come la tecnologia possa essere utilizzata per creare soluzioni intelligenti che migliorano l'efficienza dei processi e delle nostre attività riducendo così l'impatto ambientale. ​Ma non solo! INNOVATIABLE sarà anche un luogo di confronto e di dibattito, dove potrete ascoltare storie ed esperienze legate all'innovazione e alla sostenibilità. ​Lo faremo attraverso interviste esclusive con esperti del settore, che ci parleranno delle loro sfide e dei loro progetti più ambiziosi. ​Attraverso INNOVATIABLE, il podcast di Reti S.p.A., scopriremo insieme come l'innovazione possa essere utilizzata per migliorare il nostro mondo e renderlo più sostenibile. ​Ti aspettiamo per scoprire insieme le meraviglie dell'innovazione.
