Flow Podcast

Estúdios Flow

Flow Podcast tem as melhores conversas que você vai ouvir!

Top Áudio Livros

Top Áudio Livros

O principal objetivo da A Top Áudio Livros, é agregar conhecimento ao ouvinte nos períodos em que estão realizando atividades do cotidiano, tais como: academia, dirigindo, relaxando e, em simultâneo, agregando valores fundamentais para o crescimento da sua Mentalidade, Produtividade e Inteligência Interpessoal.

6 Minute English

BBC Radio

Learn and practise useful English language for everyday situations with the BBC. Your weekly instruction manual for saying or doing something in English is published every Thursday.

Inglês do Zero

Jader Lelis

O Inglês do Zero Podcast é destinado às pessoas que têm dificuldade em encontrar bons materiais online para aprender inglês sozinhos. Aqui você encontrará o passo a passo do estudo auto-didata de um jeito descontraído e com uma metodologia que te ajudará a aprender definitivamente o idioma. Apresentação: Jader Lelis (Teacher Jay).

Psicologia na Prática

Alana Anijar

E aí, minha gente! Eu sou a Alana Anijar, psicologa, especialista em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental é esse é meu podcast Psicologia na Prática. Aqui, você vai encontrar semanalmente conteúdos práticos, simples e acessíveis para que possa aplicar os conceitos da Psicologia no seu dia-a-dia. Saúde mental, autoestima, autoconhecimento, inteligência emocional e muito mais! Me siga nas redes sociais para mais conteúdos @alanaanijar. Produção: @clav_music

TED Talks Daily


Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.

Histórias em Inglês com Duolingo


Melhore o seu inglês e conheça a cultura dos falantes nativos desse idioma com histórias reais e emocionantes. Elas são narradas em um inglês fácil de entender e incluem comentários em português para ajudar com o contexto. Criado por Duolingo, a melhor maneira do mundo de aprender idiomas. Apresentado por Helena Fruet e produzido em colaboração com Adonde Media. Compartilhe nosso podcast com seus amigos com a hashtag #DuolingoPodcastBR.

Inédita Pamonha


O Inédita Pamonha foi criado por Clóvis de Barros Filho para todos aqueles que buscam refletir sobre as coisas da vida //// REALIZAÇÃO: Revista INSPIRE-C //// PATROCÍNIO: Eastman Chemical do Brasil, BNP Paribas Asset Management e Profuse Aché Laboratórios.

Inglês Todos os Dias

Tim Barrett

Aprimore o seu inglês diáriamente com estes mini-podcasts de 5 minutos com o professor Tim Barrett de www.domineingles.com.br. Aprenda inglês do dia a dia, expressões, phrasal verbs, preposições, collocations e muito mais!

Pasquale Cipro Neto - A Nossa Língua de Todo Dia


Curiosidades do uso da língua portuguesa, a gramática, o estilo. Análise das frases faladas por políticos e personalidades.

American English Podcast

Sonoro | Shana Thompson

The American English Podcast teaches the language and culture of the United States. Through common expressions, pronunciation tips and interesting cultural snippets or stories, I hope to keep this fun, useful and interesting! All bonus material can be accessed at http://americanenglishpodcast.com/

Learning English For Work

BBC News

Short podcasts to help you improve your English at work. Find more programmes and activities at bbclearningenglish.com

Learning English from the News

BBC Radio

Learn the language you need to understand news stories in English. Find more at bbclearningenglish.com Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus

BBC Learning English Drama

BBC Radio

Dramas for English language learners from BBC World Service. Improve your English with retellings of stories classic and new. Each episode is between 6 and 10 minutes long.

Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español - Learn Spanish Daily Podcast

Hoy Hablamos

Este es el podcast diario para aprender español. Publicamos un podcast cada día, de lunes a viernes, sobre temas muy variados. Tenemos más de 1800 episodios. Para acceder al catálogo completo, hazte suscriptor premium en hoyhablamos.com


Portal Deviante

O podcast sobre ciência mais divertido da internet brasileira traz semanalmente informação, cultura e diversão envolvendo o público e tornando o aprendizado leve, simples e descomplicado.

6 Minute Vocabulary

BBC Radio

Build your English vocabulary in six minutes. Every Monday join two of our presenters and hear about different ways to develop your vocabulary knowledge and skills.

Sem Groselha Podcast

Sem Groselha

Sem Groselha Podcast: a resenha que liberta sua mente. Fermento traz convidados com o objetivo de discutir TUDO de maneira PROFUNDA. Sem papo furado, sem groselha. Estamos destruindo o sistema de censura e lacração, trazendo verdade, informação e conhecimento para todos através da transformação do olhar sobre o mundo. Quanto mais conhecimento, mais ferramentas disponíveis para tomar boas decisões e enxergar a vida de diferentes pontos de vista. Autoconhecimento, Política, Marketing, Esportes, Nutrição, Neurociência, Psicologia, Finanças, Relacionamentos, Religião, Viagens e muito mais! 🎙🧠

Audiobooks - Narval


📚 Audiobooks sem fins lucrativos destinado a ampliar a acessibilidade Ajude o nosso projeto em: https://apoia.se/audiobooksnarval Ou Pelo nosso Pix: audiobooksnarval@outlook.com Siga nosso Twitter: https://twitter.com/Audiobooknarval Algum conteúdo que pertença diretamente a você ou que infrinja direitos autorais e não gostaria que estivesse aqui? entre em contato conosco e removeremos imediatamente. Contado: https://twitter.com/Audiobooknarval Estamos em todas as principais plataformas de Podcast Muito obrigado!!!

The English We Speak

BBC Radio

Every week, we look at a different everyday English phrase or piece of slang in this fun three-minute programme. From BBC World Service


Me Poupe!

Bem-vinda e bem-vindo ao PoupeCast, o podcast que faz os seus sovacos suarem e os seus bolsos se encherem, porque por aqui circulam os maiores babados do mundo das finanças e do mercado financeiro! Você vai aprender como não fazer mais cagada com o seu dinheiro!

Aprenda Inglês com música

Teacher Milena

"Aprenda Inglês com música" é um projeto da Teacher Milena - www.teachermilena.com Baixe o PDF de todas as aulas gratuitamente! Cadastre-se para ter livre acesso à biblioteca #aicm (Aprenda Inglês com música) https://www.teachermilena.com/aprenda-ingles-com-musica Quer apoiar a série comprando o super pacotão? Siga o link ;) https://www.teachermilena.com/aicm-super-pacotao Conheça os outros projetos da Teacher Milena: CURSO INTENSIVO http://www.intensivo.teachermilena.com/ TEACHER MILENA FLIX https://www.teachermilena.com/flix Siga a Teacher Milena nas redes sociais: @teacher.milenagurgel Canal no YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6BWQaeJ2t4npJvYSxqWy6g ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Learn English through music" is a project created by Teacher Milena (www.teachermilena.com) It may very well serve English speakers learning Portuguese, since the lyrics and expressions are translated. All notes are available on a bilingual PDF file that can be downloaded for free once you register here: https://www.teachermilena.com/aprenda-ingles-com-musica There's also a Youtube channel with the same lessons on video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6BWQaeJ2t4npJvYSxqWy6g

Professor HOC

Heni Ozi Cukier

Heni Ozi Cukier (HOC) é cientista político, professor e palestrante. Formou-se em Filosofia e Ciências Políticas nos Estados Unidos. É mestre em Resolução de Conflitos e Paz Internacional pela American University, em Washington DC. Nos Estados Unidos, trabalhou no Conselho de Segurança da ONU, na Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA), no Woodrow Wilson Center e em outras organizações americanas. HOC também é professor de Relações Internacionais e tem popularizado o conhecimento sobre geopolítica por meio de seu canal PROFESSOR HOC no YouTube, que é o maior canal de geopolítica do Brasil.

RealLife English: Learn and Speak Confident, Natural English

RealLife English

Welcome to the RealLife English podcast! For over 10 years, RealLife English has helped millions of learners just like you from virtually every country to go beyond the classroom and live, speak and master English in the Real World. We’ve been able to do this through our unique method: The RealLife Way, which consists of three simple, but powerful components: Mindset: How to think like a successful English speaker Method: How to live, speak and master English in the Real World Mastery: How to become a confident Global Citizen In this podcast, you will listen to fun and dynamic English conversations with me and other experienced fluency coaches. These lessons are designed to help you become a confident, natural English speaker AND Global Citizen. You will learn: - The vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms, and slang that you ACTUALLY need to know - How to understand fast-spoken English from various native and advanced non-native fluency coaches - Native pronunciation and Connected Speech (How natives reduce, cut and connect the sounds) And so much more! By the way, to get the best experience with our podcast, we highly recommend you listen to it on the RealLife English App. With every episode you get a full, interactive transcript and vocabulary definitions. That way, you won’t miss a single thing! Just search for RealLife English in your favorite app store. Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss a single new episode. Aww yeah! Download the App: https://reallifeglobal.com/app/


Zottis e Alexander

Afinal, toda história acaba em pizza. Nos apoie e escute episódios exclusivos pelo https://www.patreon.com/geopizza ou https://orelo.cc/podcast/65051c0ba40f4efe7a9b9cf8 ou https://apoia.se/geopizza

All Ears English Podcast

Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan

Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn American English? Come hang out with Lindsay and Michelle from Boston and New York City and have fun while you improve your English listening skills! We are an English as a Second Language (ESL) podcast for intermediate to advanced English learners around the world. We will show you how to use everyday English vocabulary and natural idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs and how to make small talk in American English. We will also give you special tips on American culture, customs, etiquette, and how to speak with Americans as well as conversation and commentary on study tips, business English, life in America and Boston and New York, how to apply to university in the US, dating, travel, food and more. You'll get TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC help also from The Examiner of Excellence, Jessica Beck. This podcast is for adult students who are professionals and university students as well as ESL teachers. Join the community to learn to speak American English like a native! Connection NOT Perfection!

Camila Zen

Camila Zen

Trago pra você histórias e meditações pra acalmar a mente, relaxar o corpo e nutrir a alma. Amor e luz, namastê. *Instagram: @camilazenoficial *Canal no YouTube: Camila Zen #AcalmandoAMente #camilazen

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

Thinking in English

Thomas Wilkinson

A podcast for Intermediate to Advanced English Learners. Thinking is an incredibly important step on the road fluency, and we aim to help you achieve this by discussing topics ranging from politics and economics, to philosophy and science. Learn new vocabulary, listen to native level English, and test your comprehension! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thinking-english/support

VOA Learning English Podcast - VOA Learning English

VOA Learning English

Learning English programs use a limited vocabulary and short sentences. They are read at a slower pace than VOA's other English broadcasts. Our broadcasts were formerly known as Special English.

Le français avec Fluidité

Fabien Sausset

Bonjour, je suis Fabien, professeur de français. Dans le podcast Fluidité, tu vas AMÉLIORER TA COMPRÉHENSION et apprendre NATURELLEMENT le français en écoutant du contenu intéressant en language courant sur différents sujets pour obtenir un vocabulaire riche et varié : culture, art, histoire, géographie française, tourisme, vie quotidienne, dialogues, ma vie de polyglotte mais également mes astuces d'apprentissage... Pour qui ? Majoritairement pour un niveau de compréhension intermédiaire (B1, B2). ▶ MAIS, si tu es débutant ou si tu penses que je parle encore trop vite : 1 - Écoute en lisant la transcription gratuite en français du contenu sur mon site : https://lefranchute.com/mon-podcast/ 2 - Aide-toi des sous-titres en Français / EN / ESP / PT / AR / DE / RU de chaque contenu sur ma chaîne Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftkAUwCOQM_FhQ4216qFhA ▶ Rejoins notre club VIP : https://lefranchute.com/aboclubvip/ ✔️Une communauté de + 500 MEMBRES avec un groupe Télégram privé. ✔️Je réponds à tes questions de français par Whatsapp. ✔️le cours de groupe "je vous explique" 2 fois / mois (mercredi 18h30 France). ✔️des contenus privés pour étudier mes contenus pour les débutants. ✔️8 chats ZOOM par mois en groupe pour pratiquer tous ensemble (débutants, intermédiaires et avancés le mercredi 18h30 France et le vendredi soir 18h)... ✔️etc. Bonne écoute !

Descobri depois de adulta

Andrea Chociay

Bem-vindo ao "Descobri depois de adulta", o podcast que leva você a uma jornada pelo labirinto do crescimento pessoal, vida profissional e as aventuras e perrengues do dia a dia de adultos, tudo isso com uma boa pitada de humor. Seja durante aquele cardio obrigatório, no trânsito, lavando a louça ou fazendo o que precisa ser feito (adultos entendem), relaxe e permita que eu, Andrea Chociay, comunicadora, meio adulta e uma expert em perrengues, te guie por histórias reais, insights profundos de AUTOCONHECIMENTO, ROTINA, FITNESS DEPOIS DOS 30 e muito mais.

Listening Time: English Practice

Sonoro | Conner Pe

This podcast is for English learners who want to practice their listening comprehension in a natural way. In each episode, an American speaker talks about different topics without reading a script. He speaks in a natural way, with native words and phrases, but he speaks a little more slowly and clearly than other native speakers. Each episode includes the transcript, which you can use to help you understand the speaker. If you want my advanced podcast episodes and my specialized training, then join my membership on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/listeningtime

Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.

Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

The Speak English Now Podcast is your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will learn English with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You won’t need any grammar nor boring exercises. You will also learn about the English culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on learning English. All the audio is in English and you can get the text at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

The Mel Robbins Podcast

Mel Robbins

You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how. Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily. 143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible. Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide. Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today. In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life. Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday. To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

Real English Conversations Podcast - Learn to Speak & Understand Real English with Confidence!

Real English Conversations: Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies - English Podcast

Welcome to the Real English Conversations podcast, your ultimate destination for immersive English learning! If you're eager to elevate your English proficiency beyond the basics, you've landed in the perfect spot. Our mission is to empower you to master listening, speaking, and comprehending English in real-world scenarios, regardless of your location. From casual discussions to professional dialogues, we cover a wide spectrum of topics, ensuring you're prepared for any context. Learning with us is not only effective but also enjoyable! Our episodes are packed with engaging content designed to captivate your interest while enhancing your English skills. Whether you're pursuing personal growth or aiming to excel in your career, we've got your back. Our podcast is custom-tailored to support your goals and boost your confidence in English communication.

6 Minute Grammar

BBC Radio

Learn English grammar in six minutes. Every Tuesday join two of our presenters and learn a new key area of grammar. Our presenters include Finn, Emma, Rob, Neil, Sophie and Alice.



The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll

A master-class in personal and professional development, ultra-athlete, wellness evangelist and bestselling author Rich Roll delves deep with the world's brightest and most thought provoking thought leaders to educate, inspire and empower you to unleash your best, most authentic self. More at: https://richroll.com

English in Brazil Podcasts - sua dose de inglês a qualquer momento

English in Brazil

Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.

Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Coach Shane

Every day I will introduce a common expression or word that YOU NEED TO KNOW!! This podcast is for English learners around the world.

Inglês em Meia Hora

Educação em Meia Hora

Inglês em Meia Hora é um podcast feito por Luciano Cunha (@proflucianocunha) que ensina uma nova língua para os seus ouvintes de maneira objetiva e de fácil compreensão.

Acenda sua luz

Carol Rache

Pílulas de Inteligência Emocional para te ajudar a acender sua luz. Já me segue no insta? @carolrache

Confident Business English with Anna

Anna Connelly

**Formerly Anna with 2Ns Business English Podcast** A Business English podcast for international senior managers who lack confidence communicating but want to work hard to improve. My name is Anna and I'm from the UK. I'm an experienced Business English and Neurolanguage Coach® based in Madrid, Spain. My 20-minute episodes are full of practical tips to help you deal with the most common problems you face using English. Listeners from across the world say they love the podcast because it is clear, to the point and the topics are really useful. My style is conversational, professional and designed for intermediate levels+. I have a British accent from the south of England. Each episode is a different topic. I suggest starting from the most recent ones. There are episode series on specific topics such as Phrasal Verbs and Expressions. HOW TO SIGN UP TO THE NEWSLETTER If you love the podcast, you can sign up to my free weekly newsletter - Communicate Confidently. This includes a valuable summary of the key points from each episode + bonus content I don't share in the episode. To sign up, go to an episode and find the link included in the episode details. Find me on Instagram at @annabusinessenglish

Sua Motivação Diária

Victor Pinho

Escute a mensagem que você precisa para ser sua própria motivação!

Sua Manhã +Positiva

Juliana Aguilar

Host: Juliana Aguilar | Episódios Exclusivos para Assinantes APPLE! Instagram: @juaguilar Bem-vindos, ao Sua Manhã +Positiva, o podcast que traz uma dose extra de positividade para o seu dia! O Sua Manhã +Positiva foi criado para inspirar e ajudar a transformar o seu dia com doses de autoconhecimento, reflexões, inspirações e ferramentas práticas para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal. Acredito que a positividade começa de dentro para fora, e é por isso que abordo temas como autoconhecimento, neurociência, energia positiva, autocompaixão e habilidades emocionais em cada episódio.

Learn Russian with Dasha

Russian with Dasha

Слушай интервью с носителями русского языка, чтобы свободно и уверенно говорить по-русски. Подкаст, созданный сертифицированным преподавателем РКИ для среднего уровня (A2-B2). Учи новую лексику с транскрипциями на русском и английском. Listen to interviews with native Russian speakers to speak Russian fluently and confidently. A podcast created by a certified teacher for the intermediate level students (A2-B2). Learn new vocabulary by reading transcriptions in Russian and English patreon.com/russianwithdasha https://russianwithdasha.wixsite.com/website * Организация Meta признана экстремистской на территории РФ.

Meditação Estoica | Calma da Mente | Estoicismo Diário

Leo Simao

Assista a aula gratuita de como controlar sua mente e encontrar calma! 👇🏻 https://calmadamente.com.br/ -Treinei empresários bilionários e suas equipes, cujas empresas estão listadas nas bolsas de valores do Brasil e do mundo. -Além disso, treinei pessoas comuns como você e eu, utilizando as mesmas técnicas milenares que você aprenderá hoje. -Todos esses indivíduos alcançaram algo extraordinário após embarcar nessa jornada que você está prestes a iniciar: encontraram a calma da mente e passaram a viver uma realidade excepcional, que sempre esteve ao seu alcance.

Easy French: Learn French through authentic conversations | Conversations authentiques pour apprendre le français

Hélène & Judith

Bienvenue les amis ! The Easy French podcast was made for you if you love learning French while entertaining yourself with funny and educational content. In it, we explore cultural and day-to-day topics in a light-hearted way. While listening to us, you will learn tons of French expressions, phrases, and even slang to help you grasp French as spoken by the locals! And because we love interacting with French learners, we will also answer your questions and invite you to send us voice messages that may be broadcasted on the show! And for those who want to jump to the next level and become members, for each and every episode, we prepare full transcripts, a fantastic vocabulary helper that translates the most difficult words as you hear them, and bonus content so that our discussion never comes to an end!

Italiano con Amore

Eleonora Silanus

Ciao, sono Eleonora e con il podcast Italiano con Amore ti porto in Italia con me! Qui ti parlo di lingua e cultura italiana.

Espresso English Podcast

Shayna Oliveira

On the Espresso English podcast, you'll learn English grammar, vocabulary, phrases, idioms, and more. Espresso English lessons are clear and practical, making it easy to learn the language quickly and effectively. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net to get English courses and e-books that will help you learn faster!

The Daily Stoic

Daily Stoic | Wondery

For centuries, all sorts of people—generals and politicians, athletes and coaches, writers and leaders—have looked to the teachings of Stoicism to help guide their lives. Each day, author and speaker Ryan Holiday brings you a new lesson about life, inspired by the thoughts and writings of great Stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca the Younger. Daily Stoic Podcast also features Q+As with listeners and interviews with notable figures from sports, academia, politics, and more. Learn more at DailyStoic.com. New episodes come out every day for free. Listen 1-week early on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday and to all episodes ad-free, with Wondery+ or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

Fluency TV Inglês

Fluency Academy

Hey, everyone! Aqui na Fluency TV Inglês, você vai encontrar diferentes podcasts para aprimorar seus estudos com diferentes assuntos. Pratique diálogos, aprenda novas expressões, ouça como os nativos falam e fique por dentro das notícias — tudo isso enquanto segue sua rotina diária! Are you ready? Let’s go!

English with Thiago

Thiago Alencar

This is a podcast designed to help intermediate and advanced English learners communicate with more confidence, accuracy, clarity and awareness. Hosted by Thiago Alencar, a Brazilian English Teacher with over 15 years of experience, this podcast deals with topics such as English pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, exam preparation, writing, listening, mindset and everything else related to English learning. If you feel forever stuck at the intermediate level, this podcast is for you! Follow the show so you don't miss a single new episode!

Falando Bem

com Bianca Aydos

A fonoaudióloga, especialista em voz e professora oratória, Bianca Aydos, dá dicas exclusivas e ensina você a aprimorar sua comunicação para sentir-se mais confiante ao falar em público ou em vídeos! São 22 anos de carreira e mais de 12.000 alunos capacitados presencialmente em cursos, de oratória e comunicação, abertos ao público e em mais de 130 clientes corporativos por todo o Brasil.

Deutsch Podcast - Deutsch lernen


Lerne Deutsch mit Sandra und Virpi! Willkommen beim Deutsch-Podcast! Mit uns kannst Du Dein Deutsch verbessern, Deine Grammatik festigen und neuen Wortschatz lernen. Wir sind Virpi und Sandra, zwei zertifizierte Dozentinnen, Prüferinnen und unterrichten schon lange Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. In jeder Woche präsentieren wir Euch eine neue Folge, in der wir über ein Thema sprechen und Euch an einigen Beispielen wichtige Inhalte der deutschen Grammatik vermitteln. So kannst Du einfach und nebenbei Dein Deutsch verbessern.

Inglês em 5 Minutos

Agência Diferent

Aprenda falar inglês de uma forma simples e prática! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/agenciadiferent/support

Speak English with ESLPod.com - 3 New Lessons a Week


Escola da Vida - Mario Sergio Cortella


Uma conversa sobre educação, cidadania e aperfeiçoamento do ensino.

Simple English News Daily


Simple English News Daily is a 7-minute podcast which tells today’s news in clear, simple, British English. Start your day by listening to 7 minutes of the most important stories from everywhere in the world. With SEND7, you can stay up-to-date with world news, and improve your English at the same time. SEND7 is aimed at intermediate and advanced English learners and teachers, and people with English as a second language, as well as native English speakers who want a fast, daily summary of world events! The podcast is released Monday to Friday. SEND7 in an acronym for Simple English News Daily, in 7 minutes. Stephen Devincenzi, from the UK, started SEND7 in 2020, and hosts most episodes. Ben Mallett and Juliet Martin are also British, and host some episodes. For more information, or to contact us, go to www.send7.org The Simple English News Daily podcast is free, and is supported by generous listeners, who receive access to the transcripts of every episode and our weekly news quiz. To become a supporter and have access to the transcripts and quiz, go to www.send7.org/support

Direito Penal do Zero

Jean Campos

Olá meus amigos e minhas amigas, doutores e doutoras, concurseiros de plantão!! 👋 Sejam bem-vindos ao Podcast Direito Penal do Zero! Já somamos mais de 100 mil Ouvintes e 1.5 MILHÃO de Inicializações. Sou Jean Campos, e ensino por aqui de forma gratuita a matéria do Direito Penal. Este Podcast é para você que é acadêmico de direito ou que está se preparando para concursos públicos. Deixe o seu CURTIR e compartilhe este maravilhoso Podcast com seus amigos. Fale comigo pelo Instagram: @direitopenaldozero.podcast @jeanbronoski.campos Um forte abraço!! Criador: Jean Eduardo Bronoski Campos All Rights Reserved

How to Be a Better Human


Join How to Be a Better Human as we take a look within and beyond ourselves. How to Be a Better Human isn’t your average self improvement podcast. Each week join comedian Chris Duffy in conversation with guests and past speakers as they uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human. From your work to your home and your head to your heart, How to Be a Better Human looks in unexpected places for new ways to improve and show up for one another. Inspired by the popular series of the same name on TED’s Ideas blog, How to Be a Better Human will help you become a better person from the comfort of your own headphones.

anything goes with emma chamberlain

emma chamberlain

emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.

Learn English | EnglishClass101.com


EnglishClass101.com is an innovative and fun way of learning the English language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, video lessons, English Word of the Day, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by EnglishClass101.com today for a Premium 7-Day Free Trial and Lifetime Account!

Italian Stories In Italian

Barbara Bassi

This podcast is for all the lovers of the Italian language who think grammar is necessary but not sufficient. By listening to Barbara's stories in Italian you'll dive into the Italian world in order to learn Italian in an authentic way.

Deutsche im Alltag – Alltagsdeutsch | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen

DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

C1 | Deutsch für Profis: Hier findet ihr spannende Audiofeatures zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem deutschen (Sprach-)Alltag.

Escola do Amor Responde

Renato e Cristiane Cardoso

Renato e Cristiane Cardoso, apresentadores da Escola do Amor, respondem perguntas num bate-papo descontraído sobre o assunto na mente da maioria das pessoas... o amor.

Speak Italiano - Pensieri e Parole

Linda Riolo

A weekly podcast (in slow and easy Italian) to practice your Italian and immerse yourself in the fabulous sea of Italian literature, culture and language. Every week a story from the past, the present, or the future to give you the opportunity to discover Italian culture. Let's learn together! You can join the newsletter, buy transcripts and extra here: www.piccolomondoitaliano.com

Learn Italian with Lucrezia

Lucrezia Oddone

Practice your Italian listening skills while learning more about Italians and Italy!

Vou Aprender Italiano - Podcast

Pierluigi Rizzo

Pierluigi, italiano, criador de Vou Aprender Italiano e do Programa VAI, um programa de imersão na língua italiana para brasileiros.

Luke's ENGLISH Podcast - Learn British English with Luke Thompson

Luke Thompson

Luke's English Podcast is an award-winning podcast for learners of English. Listen, learn and have fun while picking up natural British English as it really is spoken. http://teacherluke.co.uk Sign up to LEP Premium on Acast+ and add the premium episodes to a podcast app on your phone. https://plus.acast.com/s/teacherluke. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Learn English with Coffee Break English

Coffee Break Languages

Coffee Break English is a podcast which will help you learn English in regular 15-minute episodes, perfect for your coffee break! Find out more about Coffee Break English at https://coffeebreaklanguages.com/coffeebreakenglish/ . Coffee Break English can help you improve your English with short lessons - the perfect time to enjoy a cup of coffee while learning. The course is presented in slow English which is easy to understand. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word, it’s more important to get the general meaning. Season one is at A2 level. This course is for you if you learnt some English at school or if you want to review the basics. Coffee Break English can help you improve your accuracy and understanding of English, to prepare you for many situations like using English at work, visiting an English-speaking country, taking exams, or talking with English-speaking friends. In each episode of the audio lessons, one of our colleagues from an English-speaking country tells us about an aspect of life or culture in their country. In season one, we hear from our friends in the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia, helping you understand lots of different accents and varieties of English.  Mark and Josie guide you through the text, explaining the language and helping you understand it better. Each text focuses on a specific language point, including tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs, and much more.  In addition to the main audio lesson, the course contains lesson notes, which explain the language in the lesson in more detail and provide a transcript of the text; practice exercises; a video version of the lesson; bonus audio episodes; and vocabulary lists in many different languages. Find out more at https://coffeebreakacademy.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Learn English with the British Council and Premier League

Jack Radford

The Premier Skills English podcast is a part of a project from the British Council and Premier League for people who are learning English and love football. If you want to know more visit the website https://www.britishcouncil.org/premierskillsenglish, or get in touch at premierskills@britishcouncil.org.

Beyond The Cave

Regis Rodrigues, Marco Antônio e Caio Fernandes

No podcast “Beyond the Cave”, comandado por Regis Rodrigues, Marco Antônio e Caio Fernandes, três médicos curiosos, investigam o labirinto da sociedade e a busca por sentido na vida com com a ajuda da Filosofia, da Ciência e das mais fantásticas estórias.

Effortless English Podcast | Learn English with AJ Hoge

AJ Hoge

Speak English powerfully using the Effortless English system. Learn English with AJ Hoge, "The World's #1 English Teacher". Learn tips and strategies to improve your spoken English. Learn English vocabulary. Learn about American English and American culture. Be a successful English speaker and international leader!


Diana Uribe

Aquí vamos a contar historias. Vamos a hablar de cultura, de cine, de paz, de viajes, de música. Vamos a continuar la conversación que empezó en la radio hace 25 años, pero además aprovecharemos las nuevas posibilidades que se abren con este medio. Bienvenidos a mi podcast de historia.

Podcast Reconectar-se

Clarice Moreira

Um espaço de muita reflexão, mergulhando no autoconhecimento, bem-estar & crescimento pessoal. Temos episódio novo, quinzenalmente, às quartas-feiras, 5h55min. Simbora se reconectar com você? 🧡 Acompanhe mais do trabalho da Clarice no Instagram @clasmoreira e no @oreconectarse :)

Isabela Matte Podcast

Isabela Matte

Acompanhe Isabela Matte para uma conversa enriquecedora, disruptiva e humana para mudar a forma como você enxerga os negócios e si mesmo. Esse podcast traz a tona assuntos importantes sobre digital, produção de conteúdo, negócios, vida, filosofia, empreendedorismo, psicologia e ciências sociais. O objetivo é te ajudar a evoluir, enquanto profissional e pessoa, porque uma coisa não é separada da outra. CREATORZ - curso de produção de conteúdo: https://imatize.com/creators/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/isabelamatte/ Youtube: https://youtube.com/@isabelamattevideos?si=dbA-8GSLy-heIRPT

Aprenda Inglês Online com Cambly

Ingles Online com Cambly

Experimente o Cambly: 7 dias para cancelar SEM CUSTO. Descubra uma nova forma de aprender idiomas! 🌐📚 https://bit.ly/3Vst1Ia Pratique seu inglês com tutores nativos em um ambiente internacional totalmente imersivo. Prepare-se para os desafios da vida real. O Cambly é a combinação perfeita entre tecnologia e metodologia de ensino de idiomas. Além de poder praticar a qualquer hora do dia com tutores nativos da sua escolha, você conta com uma série de ferramentas e materiais didáticos gratuitos que vão te ajudar a conquistar seus objetivos no inglês muito mais rápido. O Cambly tem um plano certo pra você. Ouse escolher!

Podcast Italiano

Davide Gemello

Podcast Italiano è un podcast per aiutare chi sta imparando la lingua italiana attraverso episodi di vario genere e argomento. Il mio sito: https://podcastitaliano.com Per contenuti extra dai un'occhiata al Podcast Italiano Club: https://www.patreon.com/podcastitaliano Visita anche il canale YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PodcastItaliano Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcast_italiano Facebook (poco aggiornata): https://www.facebook.com/podcastitaliano

Easy Italian: Learn Italian with real conversations | Imparare l'italiano con conversazioni reali

Matteo, Raffaele and the Easy Italian team

Take your Italian from learner to local with Matteo and Raffaele. Immerse yourself in authentic Italian as we share the ups and downs of daily life, interesting stories, and things that will surprise you about Italy. Plus, as a member, you’ll get interactive transcripts with a translation of your choice; bonus content; early access; and our magical vocabulary helper that shows you minute-by-minute translations while you listen. Com'è facile!

Podcast Francês Iniciante

Raquel Ferpin

O podcast pra você que está começando a aprender francês! Siga o podcast no Instagram @francescomraquelferpin e deixe seus comentários, sugestões e dúvidas por lá! Apoie o podcast!

Advanced Spanish Podcast - Español Avanzado

Spanish Language Coach

Podcast in Spanish for advanced students with Free Transcript & Vocabulary Flashcards - Learn Spanish with Cesar | www.spanishlanguagecoach.com Escucha conversaciones en español a velocidad real, aprende nuevo vocabulario, y usa los recursos gratuitos (transcripción y flashcards). Podcast para estudiantes de español de nivel avanzado de Spanish Language Coach

Onze Supremos

David Sobreira

Direito, divulgação científica e boas conversas.

Life Kit


Everyone needs a little help being a human. From sleep to saving money to parenting and more, host Marielle Segarra talks to experts to get the best advice out there. Life Kit is here to help you get it together.Want another life hack? Try Life Kit+. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks an exclusive sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/lifekit

Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern

Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German

On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

Joe Dispenza Meditations


This is a recopilation of the Dr Joe dispenza meditations, hoping this help to many people that want to change their lifes.

Learn French with daily podcasts

Choses à Savoir

Learn French with free daily podcasts, brought to you by French teachers from Paris. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

The Wellness Cafe

Trinity Tondeleir

Welcome to The Wellness Cafe Podcast. Your go to Hot Girl Walk podcast. Your host Trinity Tondeleir who you may know from TikTok, Instagram, or Youtube is serving all things wellness, lifestyle, girl-talk and everything in between. Come hangout every Wednesday! For sponsorship inquiries, please email trinitytondeleir@gmail.com

Legislação Integrada

Prof. Bruno Valente

Fique por dentro dos informativos de jurisprudência do STF e do STJ através dos informativos em áudio, comentados pelo Prof. Bruno Valente

Real Life French

Choses à Savoir

Immerse yourself with real French dialogues and learn French language structures naturally in everyday situations. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Español con Juan

1001 Reasons To Learn Spanish

Charlas Hispanas: Aprende Español | Learn Spanish

Charlas Hispanas

En este podcast aprenderás español diariamente (de lunes a viernes). Hablaremos sobre muchos temas variados, consejos para aprender español, cultura y noticias sobre América Latina, gramática, expresiones... Somos un equipo formado por profesores de español de Colombia, México y Perú.

Postcards from Italy | Learn Italian | Beginner and Intermediate

Postcards from Italy Podcast

Whether you're a beginner or intermediate Italian student, planning a trip or just dreaming of Italy, stop wishing you could speak Italian... And dive right into La Bella Lingua! Our unique story-based podcast takes you beyond the basics and into a deeper understanding of the culture, expressions, grammar and vocabulary of Italy. In Season 1, each episode features a dialogue between American tourists and local Italians they meet in Rome, and then a lively roundtable with hosts Erin and Elisa. *For full episodes and roundtables, get our premium online course content at www.PostcardsFromItalyPodcast.com *

Direito Administrativo do Zero

Estúdios Direito do Zero

Olá meus amigos e minhas amigas, doutores e doutoras, concurseiros de plantão!! 👋 Sejam bem-vindos ao Podcast Direito Administrativo do Zero! Toda sexta-feira irei trazer de forma gratuita conteúdos e dicas para você que quer aprender um pouco mais sobre Direito Administrativo. Este Podcast é para você que é acadêmico de direito ou que está se preparando para concursos públicos. Deixe o seu CURTIR e compartilhe este maravilhoso Podcast com seus amigos. Fale comigo pelo Instagram: @direitoadministrativodozero.podcast Um forte abraço!! Criador: Jean Eduardo Bronoski Campos All Rights Reserved

Geração Quântica®

Tanios & Camila

💫 Descubra como viver deliberadamente, conquistando relacionamentos harmoniosos, amor, alegria e prosperidade financeira! Conheça o Método Avatar®

Italiano Automatico Podcast

Alberto Arrighini

Un modo facile e naturale per arrivare a parlare l'italiano come dei veri italiani! Ascoltate, guardate i video e soprattutto DIVERTITEVI! :-)

How to Keep Time

The Atlantic

On this season of How to Keep Time, co-hosts Becca Rashid and Ian Bogost explore our relationship with time and how to reclaim it. Why is it so important to be productive? Why can it feel like there’s never enough time in a day? Why are so many of us conditioned to believe that being more productive makes us better people? Produced by Becca Rashid. Co-hosted by Becca Rashid and Ian Bogost. Editing by Jocelyn Frank. Fact-check by Ena Alvarado. Engineering by Rob Smerciak. The executive producer of Audio is Claudine Ebeid; the managing editor of Audio is Andrea Valdez. Write to us at howtopodcast@theatlantic.com.

Culips Everyday English Podcast

Culips English Podcast

Aussie English

Pete Smissen

G’day and welcome to the Aussie English podcast.I’m Pete Smissen and my objective here is to teach you guys the English spoken down under. Whether you plan to travel, to work or to live in Australia or you just have an interest in our culture, history and spoken dialect of English. You have come to the right place. And whether you aim to speak English like a true blue Aussie or you just want to be able to understand “what the flippin’ hell we’re on about when we’re havin’ a yarn”. You have come to the right place.If you listen to this podcast you will learn: •A ton of Aussie slang and vocabulary,•Heaps of terms and expressions, •And a bunch about Australian history and culture.So kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Aussie English!
