Voice of America

Voice of America

The voice of the Lord to the Church coming from the actual place of the former Voice of America Radio Station (now a park+ in Ohio). There are many voices in the land. Let us adhere to the voice of the Lord and respond to the heart of the Lord.

Truyện Phật Giáo

Truyện Phật Giáo

Chào các bạn ! Truyện Phật Giáo - TikTok ® là kênh Podcast được lập ra với thiện ý sưu tầm và chuyển âm những câu chuyện, điển tích trong Phật môn, từ đó người nghe sẽ rút ra những bài học bổ ích cho mình. Trọng tâm nội dung của kênh là những mẩu chuyện về nhân quả, nghiệp báo, những bạn nào là Phật tử hay là người mộ đạo có thể tìm kiếm những nội dung về điển tích nhà Phật qua kênh nhé. Nếu thấy truyện hay bạn có thể mời ad 1 ly cà phê, tùy lòng hảo tâm, Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật! Xin chân thành cảm ơn các bạn! Tk : Ngô Vủ Linh - 0281000655884 - VCB



“玄”起源于《老子》中的一句话“玄之又玄,众妙之门”,于是我们的节目名字-玄妙之门 由此诞生,这是引经据典的部分; 而生活的背景则是: 很不幸,在18年-19年,劣运的洪水冲击了我的生活、感情和事业,把我冲击得支零破碎; 很幸运,19年底遇到宗妙美丽,从此走向能量提升和自我探索之路,收获了很多神奇能量以及学会更恰然地与世界、与自己相处; 但最最幸运的是,今天我把她邀请进了生活里,我们一起做一个节目,她以专业的玄学学者身份,我以最落地的玄学受众身份,一起探讨生活的意义、神奇的现象、困境的哲学以及自救之路,希望每一位跟我们有缘的朋友,都能在我们的陪伴下获得各自意义里的高能量和幸福感。



更新日:月水金 幸せな生き方、安心な生き方について、金光教の考え方を元にしてお話ししています。気軽に聞いてくださいね。 信仰の違いを超えて聴いていただけます。宗教に関心がある人、神様について知りたい人にもお役に立つお話です。 話し手はヤマダシンジです。 ご感想/ご質問/リクエストは、ホームページからメールしてください。 https://konkoyokohama.jimdofree.com/

Oh No, Ross and Carrie

Ross and Carrie

Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life's biggest mysteries. We show up - so you don’t have to.

聞く信心/聴く祈り The Konko Kinjo Podcast



Michael Singer Podcast

Michael Singer

Join the New York Times bestselling author of The Untethered Soul, The Surrender Experiment, and Living Untethered for this free series of curated teaching sessions, recorded at his Temple of the Universe yoga and meditation center.

Cosmic Compass with Helena Woods

Helena Woods

There’s a huge gap between the world of astrology and the New Age spiritual rhetoric — but there doesn’t have to be. Astrocartographer, Helena Woods, hosts her highly-anticipated podcast — Cosmic Compass with Helena Woods! A space for conscious conversations that uplift, expand, and inspire you to create a magical life in places you love in a grounded way. This isn’t your average astrology podcast. Cosmic Compass grounds the mystical so you can come back home to yourself (literally and metaphorically 🗺️) In this heart-to-heart podcast, you can expect cosmic-inspired topics like: 🪐Understanding the magic of astrocartography (what even is astrocartography?!) 🪐Unlocking the “cosmic blueprint” that lies within your astrocartography map. 🪐Using relocation astrology to be in the right place at the right time. 🪐Trusting your intuition (and how it relates to astrology). Travel the world in real-time with astrocartographer Helena Woods as she collects astrological stories and shares her spiritual lessons from the road. If you’ve ever wondered… 🌙How can I use astrology to find magical locations to visit? 🌙Where are my best places to live in the world? 🌙Does astrology *actually* relate to intuition? 🌙How do I hear the whispers of my intuition? 🌙Where will I find love and romance? 🌙What’s my natal promise? Then you’re invited to grab your favorite beverage and press play. We’re about to dive deep to answer all your cosmic questions. With so much love, Helena Woods Follow the adventure on Helenas blog, Instagram, or YouTube. Plus, get your free astrocartography cheat sheet so you’re not confused when you look at your map for the first time!

The Exorcist Files

Ryan Bethea, Fr. Carlos Martins

For the last several years, the Catholic Church has noted an alarming increase in the number of exorcisms performed. And for some of the most disturbing and vicious cases of possession, one priest is often summoned. With almost two decades in ministry, renowned priest Father Carlos Martins has encountered evil in nearly every way imaginable. From Ouija boards and curses to witches and demonic pacts, Father Martins has battled the ancient serpent in many forms. The Exorcist Files are his stories.



かわいさんの法話を通じて、生きるヒントを聞くことが出来ます。 やさしく、わかりやすいことばで、いろんな法話を聞くことが出来ます。




Sounds True: Insights at the Edge

Tami Simon

Spiritual Teachings, where Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher of Sounds True interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges—the growing edge of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world.



O SNICAST é o podcast oficial da SEICHO-NO-IE DO BRASIL! Toda segunda-feira você encontra um episódio inédito, com dicas e respostas para questões do dia a dia. E, toda última sexta-feira do mês, o programa Vivências te convida para um bate-papo sobre assuntos da atualidade, com o olhar da SNI, de forma simples e trazendo experiências da vida cotidiana. Junte-se a nós! Contato: snicast@sni.org.br

The Astrology Podcast

Chris Brennan

A weekly podcast on topics related to astrology, hosted by professional astrologer Chris Brennan. The purpose of the show is to provide discussions ranging from explorations of specific astrological techniques, to treatments of issues pertaining to the history and philosophy of astrology.



Aprenda sobre as artes ocultas de maneira clara, objetiva e descompromissada pelos olhos de praticantes de diversos credos que se encontram nesta mesa redonda da magia contemporânea.


啓輔 森


The Interfaith Roundtable with Rabbi Mark

Listen Hagerstown

The Interfaith Roundtable explores various religious traditions and helps us all to understand both the differences and similarities between faiths. What is organized religion compared to spirituality? What do different religious traditions think about God? Is it true that organized religion has been the source of so much hatred and conflict resulting in wars over the centuries in different parts of the world? These questions and more are explored on The Interfaith Roundtable with various guests.

Meditation & Yoga with Melissa Abbott


Experience Embodied and Sacred Journeys and meditation techniques from Shaiva Tantra, Yogini, Dakini, and Vajrayana Buddhist Sources with Shubha Melissa Abbott


Umar Lee and Augustine Wetta

What do a Muslim activist and a Catholic monk have in common? It’s not a joke, it’s a podcast. We are two men with wildly different religious, political, and social convictions seeking mutual understanding. The point is dialogue--with some silliness thrown in.

I was a Teenage Fundamentalist. An Exvangelical podcast.

Brian McDowell & Troy Waller

Brian and Troy used to be loyal Christian megachurch leaders. They’re not anymore. This podcast explores life after fundamentalism.

Vida Encontré

Majo y Dan

Un podcast por Majo y Dan.

Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans


Pray.com’s Heroes in the Bible is an extraordinary audio series hosted by esteemed biblical scholar Dr. Tony Evans. This innovative series delves into the profound tales of despair and victory woven into the lives of the most revered figures in the Bible. ‍ Season 1 of this series brought the story of David to life —from humble beginnings as a shepherd to his ascension as King. Season 2 of Heroes in the Bible showcases the greatest story ever told -- the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This series will take us down the harrowing path from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. We will ascend the mountain where Jesus was tempted by Satan and sail through choppy seas where He walked on water. Then, we will behold the gruesome glory of the cross, where Jesus defeated sin and death. Sign up for our Heroes in the Bible devotionals at https://www.HeroesInTheBible.com/ Each episode revitalizes the biblical narratives, skillfully rendering these timeless stories through the lens of an array of distinct voice actors. The soundscapes are painted with cinematic precision, accompanied by bespoke musical scores, creating a deeply immersive auditory experience. Heroes in the Bible transcends traditional storytelling, serving as a vibrant, sonic tableau that brings these historical narratives to life. Designed to captivate the adult Christian listener, this series offers an innovative method to engage with and understand the Bible, fostering a deeper connection to these stories of faith and resilience. With each episode, be prepared to embark on an auditory pilgrimage, experiencing the Bible as never before.

Konko Talk

Koichi Konko

Konko Talk is a program where people in the Konko Faith talk about various topics. The thoughts and opinions we share on this program may differ from yours, but we hope that you will enjoy and learn something new. Perhaps we’ll learn something new that may affect our thoughts, behaviors and actions for the better. Our different backgrounds, religions, thoughts, and culture provide a diversity that strengthens our community, just like biodiversity is essential for a healthy planet Earth.

Deconstructing the Myth

Deconstructing the Myth

A podcast exploring why those who grew up in the American Evangelical church are now leaving it behind. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dtmpod/support



全球性的真實鬼故事以及都市傳說, 真實發生的靈異故事,喜歡聽鬼故事的朋友千萬不要錯過了。 💥每天至少講兩部鬼故事唷! 歡迎對靈異故事有興趣的朋友贊助本頻道 👇 👇 https://open.firstory.me/join/eagle791120 如果對拍影片有興趣的聽眾朋友🦻 歡迎找靈異小姐的導演朋友哦,非常專業的電影導演🎬👇👇👇👇👇 https://eagle-screenwriterdirector-huangweiting.mystrikingly.com/?fbclid=IwAR23_5c1M0B3RHv91PgeclooMqMkhsyXhdB0sAdirvH3NhjFA7MCWFaFf9M

Debates da Musical


Debates da Musical é um programa da rádio Musical FM, a maior referência de rádio evangelismo do Brasil e América Latina, onde por mais de 20 anos tem sido um importante meio de levar o Ide de Jesus. Conheça mais em www.fmmusical.com.br

La vida es bella

Roberto Carlos

Dar a conocer el amor de Dios y la belleza de la vida

3ABN Sabbath School Panel


Join our panel of pastors and teachers as we discuss the Sabbath School Lesson each week. Always fresh and relevant, you’re sure to gain deeper insights as we study the Word of God together.

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval

Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program.

درس گفتارهای قرآن - دکتر روزبه توسرکانی

روزبه توسرکانی

این جلسات با مباحثی پیرامون مفاهیمی کلی در قرآن آغاز شد و یک دوره جنبه‌های روایی داستان سوره یوسف بررسی شد و در مورد داستان آدم در قرآن و سپس یک دوره حول مفاهیم سوره نور صحبت شد و با جلساتی پیرامون سوره مریم و مسیحیت ادامه پیدا کرده است

Naked Mormonism Podcast

Bryce Blankenagel

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has been around for almost two centuries. It has ebbed and fluctuated in such a predictably adaptive manner throughout it's relatively short life in the religious realm. This Church has a very sordid past, which it does a very good job of teaching for itself, whether the history is slanted or not, is yours to decide. Join me on a journey through the history of the LDS Church through the eyes of the people that were actually there. We will learn about the founding members, where the practices came from, where the Book of Mormon (Mormon Bible) came from, and most importantly, we will examine Joseph Smith in every aspect possibly available to us today.

What's God Got To Do With It? With Leanne Ellington


Are you looking to carve out your own spiritual path and connect with a higher power? Maybe you’re on a quest for meaning, purpose, or a sense of belonging? Perhaps you grew up in a religion that doesn’t quite align with who you are now, or maybe you’ve lost your connection to God and want to find your way back? Or if you’re like a lot of people, you’re simply trying to make sense of a world that sometimes seems overwhelming and confusing… Welcome to "What's God Got To Do With It?" – a podcast that’s anything but preachy, but will cut through the noise to meet you exactly where you are in your journey – without judgment or shame. It’s your spiritual safe space, where skepticism and doubt are welcome. Join our host, Leanne Ellington, a once-skeptical bacon-loving, Hebrew-speaking Jew who, wrestling with her own beliefs, set out on a quest to discover her own faith and found God in the most unexpected places. Leanne, a “self-image scientist” will be your companion and guide on this incredible adventure, sharing her own unconventional journey while inviting you to discover your own spiritual path and connect with a higher power in a forum where you can build confidence and feel supported. And if you're wondering What's God Got To Do With It? The short answer is....EVERYTHING!

Chapelet de Lourdes

Radio Notre Dame

Chapelet de Lourdes

Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Blaze Podcast Network

Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.

The Mohamed Ghilan Podcast

Mohamed Ghilan

Commentary on subjects intersecting between religion, philosophy, science, society and culture



《美好時刻》是由台灣主言傳教會和主言家庭携手編輯的祈禱手冊。我們按照天主教會每日彌撒的經文,透過祈禱和在實際生活的經驗做更深一層的反思,希望祈禱者可以因此而親近聖言,用天主的話來豐富自己的生命,造福家庭和社會。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Dhamma Ways


ဆရာတော်ကြီးများ၏ တရားတော် များကို ဓမ္မမိတ်ဆွေ အပေါင်း အလွယ်တကူ နာယူနိုင်ရန် ရည်ရွယ်ပါသည်။

Radio Công Giáo

Radio Công Giáo

Radio Công Giáo là Podcast chia sẻ những câu chuyện, bài đọc hay và các tin tức về Công Giáo. Tất cả nội dung bài đọc được nhóm phát thanh viên thực hiện theo cách tự nguyện và không thu lợi nhuận. Mong muốn của Radio Công Giáo đó là được đóng góp sứ vụ truyền tin cùng Giáo Hội bằng hành động chia sẻ trên phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng. Chúng con cầu mong được sự tiếp nhận của anh chị em Kito hữu và những ai muốn tìm hiểu Công giáo ủng hộ bằng tinh thần để hoàn thành sứ mạng cao cả này lâu bền hơn. Mọi góp ý xin gửi về: catholic.com.vn@gmail.com

Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist

Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist

Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist believes in open, honest and friendly dialogue. He hosts a variety of shows ranging from Call-Ins, Interviews, Friendly Debates and even some Round tables! I guess you could say a more fitting name for the channel would be ADHD Atheism. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yfnatheist/support




Oração, Proteção, Libertação do Corpo e Alma

joão mendes rodrigues

Oração e proteção 🙏🏿😇 Corpo, mente e alma.

Teaching With Power

Benjamin Wilcox

"Teaching with Power" will help you teach or study the scriptures with more impact, relevancy and power. Its primary audience is members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints using the Come, Follow Me manual to teach at home or at church. It supplements but should not replace the manual. My name is Ben Wilcox and I have taught the scriptures in many capacities for 20 years, primarily the youth. I have a BA and MA in English literature which lends to my more literary approach to studying the scriptures.

The Dismantling Doctrine Podcast

Dr Clint Heacock

Reconstruction after Deconstruction--after leaving destructive religious dogma behind!

A Bíblia Narrada por Cid Moreira - Narval


Sem fins lucrativos destinado a ampliar a acessibilidade Estamos em todas as principais plataformas de Podcast Muito obrigado!!! Agradecimentos a Cid Moreira. Algum conteúdo que pertença diretamente a você ou que infrinja direitos autorais e não gostaria que estivesse aqui ? entre em contato que nós responderemos imediatamente.

The Catholic Gentleman

John Heinen, Sam Guzman, Devin Schadt

The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on topics related to living your best life in the modern world. Featuring conversations on all aspects of masculinity, as well as interviews with experts, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages. There are great Catholic men who are intentionally committed to the difficult work of actual life. Join us and be one of them. Hosts include John Heinen, Sam Guzman, and Devin Schadt. Episodes are released weekly. Be a Man. Be a Saint. View and Listen to Previous Episodes - https://catholicgentleman.com/all-episodes



樋口聖典さんのPodcast及び思想に影響を大いに受けてしまった(通称→樋口信者)に、中学一年生信者のKendeaとあらとあらゆるところでクリエイションするイッシュウがインタビューするPodcast番組です。 --- 信者の方は、ボイスチェンジをしております! どの人かわかったとしても、TwitterなどのSNSでの拡散はおやめください。。 --- 公式Twitter : https://twitter.com/HiguchiShinja イッシュウTwitter : https://twitter.com/issyudesign1 Kendea Anchor : https://anchor.fm/kendea-report

hr-iNFO Himmel und Erde


Lebensfragen - Glaubensfragen: Hintergründe zu Religion und Kirche


Hussien, Osman, Osman

An unapologetically real podcast hosted by 3 muslim brothers. We dive into topics that range all over from life and the deen to all that’s in between, while keeping Islam the center point. Our goal is to allow anyone regardless of religion to be engaged in the conversation and be able to take the lessons and advice we hope to provide and be able to use it in their lives to help them. Life is like a DETOUR, we just use the DEEN (Way of life in Islam) to navigate it. :)

Save Your tears Ft. XDIEGOX

Snowy ._.


Yale Religion

Yale Divinity School

The Marc Clair Show

Marc Clair

Welcome to The Marc Clair Show. Marc is a podcasting veteran. 9 years ago he co-founded Lions of Liberty and took the reins of the flagship program, bringing you the best liberty had to offer. Now Marc is venturing out into a more broad array of subjects to educate the masses and assist them as they attempt to navigate today’s reality. If you are one of the millions of people struggling to understand the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world tune in and subscribe to The Marc Clair Show. It may be your only hope.



我們是一群身心靈Podcast的團隊,夢想是把台灣最美麗的自然療癒 記錄下來,將善言傳遞出去,這裡是一個探討信仰自由、以及促進多元靈性成長的節目, 你是否有因為五花八門的宗教儀式而看得霧煞煞,搞不懂原來紙錢也有分種類?神與佛到底差在哪裡?拜過好兄弟的東西到底能不能吃? 我們會聊聊各種身心靈、宗教信仰、自然療癒、儀式、人物、節日及活動...等 我們會用白話及小故事,來探尋不同宗教與靈性的樣貌,以促進彼此的理解與包容。 節目播出: 我們節目會在每周更新至平台上, 將會邀請靈性領域的老師及朋友來節目聊聊天, 喜歡我們的節目可以訂閱加分享,也可以到臉書粉絲專頁來留言, 我們會分享更多精彩的內容,敬請期待。 團隊成員:徐峰/馬特/吉米/潘均/水星男孩/浩浩 ★Facebook:天靈靈地靈靈 https://www.facebook.com/07reiki ★聯絡/合作:07reiki@gmail.com ★小額贊助支持本節目:https://pay.firstory.me/user/reiki ★回饋留言/投稿:歡迎來臉書的粉絲專頁留言給我們喔 ^_^ ★目前可以收聽到我們節目的平台有:Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, KKbox, Pocket Casts, Firstory, SoundOn Powered by Firstory Hosting

In Parallel


Exploring biblical and contemporary poetry. Hosted by Brent Strawn.

Sojhi: A Kid's Cast

Sikh Research Institute

A kid’s podcast hosted by the Sikh Research Institute that will feature content that is relevant to Sikh children around the world.

El Reloj de Dios

El Reloj de Dios

Noticias actuales con un enfoque bíblico.



俗話說的好,錢不是萬能的,是萬代的。 歡迎收聽這個以推坑為主、生活為輔、EVA為骨的瞎雞巴雜談節目,也偶爾會聊聊時事,歡迎各方乾爹無情業配。 各類合作請聯繫 budgetisnotenough@gmail.com,本節目各大平台均有上架,感謝支持。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


Jasmine Kok

Christians against dinosaurs 🦕



關於 一個探究佛法真理,讓自己及他人皆能獲得幸福的地方。歡迎您的造訪! ようこそ、幸福の科学へ!Welcome to Happy Science ! 其他資訊 *幸福科學 台北支部精舍 台北市松山區敦化北路155巷89號 Tel:02-2719-9377 Fax:02-2719-5570 Email:taiwan@happy-science.org *幸福科學 台中支部 台中市東區東光園路286號2樓 Tel :0970-086-206 *幸福科學 高雄支部 高雄市苓雅區大順三路183號7樓之3 Tel:07-229-5247 什麼是幸福?什麼是人生的目的?什麼是心靈的沉靜?什麼是靈界的奧秘?什麼是守護、指導靈的庇佑?什麼是佛神的存在?這一些你都可以在「幸福科學」找到答案。 「幸福科學」是座寶山,進了寶山豈能空手而回?!此地每月皆有舉辦「永遠之法」等轟動人心的影片,以及各種公益心靈講座。歡迎您前來探索,掌握到人生真正幸福的真理! Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Religious Studies Project

The Religious Studies Project

The Religious Studies Project (RSP) features weekly conversations with leading scholars of Religious Studies and related fields. Our aim is to provide engaging, concise, and reliable accounts of the most important concepts, traditions, scholars, and methodologies in the contemporary study of religion. Episodes are produced by The Religious Studies Project Association (SCIO), a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number SC047750). RSP material is disseminated under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License and can be distributed and utilised freely, provided full citation is given.

Living in the Light with Ann Graham Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz

Called "the best preacher in the family" by her father, Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God's Word. The New York Times named Anne one of the five most influential evangelists of her generation. She's been profiled on 60 Minutes, and has appeared on TV programs such as Larry King Live, The Today Show, and HannityLive. Her "Just Give Me Jesus" revivals have been held in more than 30 cities in 12 different countries, to hundreds of thousands of attendees. Whether a delegate to Davos' Economic Forum, a commentator to the Washington Post, or a groundbreaking speaker on platforms throughout the world, Anne's aim is clear - to bring revival to the hearts of God's people. And her message is consistent - calling people into a personal relationship with God through His Word. Anne is a best-selling and award-winning author. Her releases include "Wounded by God's People,", "Fixing My Eyes on Jesus," "Expecting to See Jesus" and her first children's book, "Heaven: God's Promise for Me." Anne and her husband Danny Lotz have three grown children and three grandchildren. She is the founder and president of AnGeL Ministries.

Verhalen 'Abdu’l-Bahá voor kinderen

Mieke Quik-Verheij

Dit jaar is het 100 jaar geleden dat 'Abdul-Baha dit aardse bestaan achter zich liet.

Immanuel Nashville

Immanuel Church Nashville

The Podcast of Immanuel Nashville. Our mission is to make the real Jesus non-ignorable in our city and far beyond. Expect Sunday sermons, seminars and more! To support this ministry please visit immanuelnashville.com

Quaresma de São Miguel Arcanjo | Padre Filipe Mirapalheta Oliveira

REDEVIDA - O canal da Família

O Padre Filipe Mirapalheta Oliveira da Diocese de Novo Hamburgo / RS te convida para rezar a Quaresma de São Miguel Arcanjo, no período de 15 de agosto a 29 de setembro. São quarenta dias, onde, diariamente, vamos refletir sobre o mundo angélico, quem são os anjos, o que fazem, como se organizam. Ao rezar Quaresma, além do benefício espiritual, você poderá contar com uma pequena formação sobre a angelologia católica, para o aprofundamento de sua oração. Convide seu anjo da guarda e venha rezar a Quaresma de São Miguel Arcanjo. A Quaresma de São Miguel é uma tradição iniciada por São Francisco de Assis, que era muito devoto dos Santos Anjos e costumava rezar uma quaresma a São Miguel para pedir que ele fosse sua companhia na oração e na tarefa de levar as almas para o céu, principalmente aquelas que mais necessitavam. Vamos juntos fortalecer a nossa fé! Acompanhe, diariamente, aqui.

Orthodox Wisdom

Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy

Readings of the Writings and Lives of Orthodox Christian Saints. These recordings are free to download and share. All I ask is that you do so respectfully and reference this channel. You can also contact me, Timothy Honeycutt, at: orthodoxwisdom1@gmail.com Glory to Jesus Christ!

پادکست ترجمه صوتی قرآن - مسعود ریاعی - masoud riaei


ترجمه صوتی قرآن مسعود ریاعی این پادکست غیر رسمی بوده و برای استفاده راحت خودمون ساخته شده

Apóstol German Ponce

Ebenezer Honduras

Nuestro objetivo es que a través de la palabra de Dios, cada uno de los hogares de Honduras y a nivel mundial puedan ser llenos del Espíritu Santo y así poder restaurar hogares y por ende países enteros, presentando no una religión sino un estilo de vida en el Señor Jesucristo.

Deconversion Therapy


Church scandals, conmen, cults and charlatans. Deconversion "Therapy" Podcast is your place to laugh about shady televangelists to Christian rock concerts where no one is allowed to dance.



國際讀經會-台灣總會所開設的每研Podcast頻道! 【每研美言】: 每週一或三定期更新 【每研.美好的一天】: 每週四定期更新 【幸福時客 - 客語讀聖經】: 每週五更新 ------------------------------------------- 信仰應是靈魂最深處的渴慕,聖經應是我們一生的至寶,上帝的永不改變,讓我們至今能與神同行直到永恆。 研讀聖經,扎根真理,基督徒不應只是穿著基督教外衣的從者,而是將信仰落實在行為和生活中的見證。為了教會及信徒的需要,讀經會以聖經為基石,推出更多元、便利、結合時事議題、活潑的研經、見證分享節目,期許成為您追求上帝路上的最佳夥伴! 讀經會衷心地祝福,願每天敞開您的心,讓上帝的話語進入您的靈,福杯滿溢。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Abyssinian Baptist Church, Philadelphia

ABC podcast

We will feature sermons and classes from Abyssinian Baptist Church. We hope that is blesses you!

Freethought Radio

Freedom From Religion Foundation

A weekly show, broadcast live from Madison, Wis., on 92.1 FM, Saturdays 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents, Freedom From Religion Foundation. Slightly irreverent views, news, music and interviews.



我們都幹著正經的職業 有時候卻要說著不正經的話 因為我們都是這個世界的倒霉鬼 / 每周三晚上 都是我們實體被迫營業的時段 沒錯就是face to face的 歡迎有緣人隨時來問問題 / 啊聯繫方式這在邊 IG:nineking_feat33 Line:@655whczz / 如果真的很喜歡我們 喜歡到無法自拔... 那我們有:搞美的服務、搞身體壯壯的、搞點人生規劃的 但最重要的還是你們聽得舒服喜歡 我們就心滿意足了(才怪 / 喜歡的歡迎抖內 https://open.firstory.me/join/clgue2840023b01w2fhnf8w55 Powered by Firstory Hosting

EdenRules.com (Video)

Supreme Master Ching Hai

Welcome to EdenRules -- Supreme Master Ching Hai's inspiring and spiritually uplifting digital collection – all audio and video downloads are free of charge.

Paróquia Nossa Senhora Aparecida - Monte Kemel

Nossa Senhora MK

Acompanhe nosso podcast.

Glorian Podcast

Glorian Publishing

Download free lectures about spirituality, religion, kabbalah, the Bible, Greek myth, Runes, astrology, alchemy, meditation, the Zohar, Tantra, sacred sexuality, and much more. A free public service from Glorian Publishing, a non-profit organization.

Bíblia Sagrada

Cleber Moreno

Leitura cotidiana bíblica...

Place des religions

LA CROIX - Bayard

Le podcast de La Croix "Place des religions" traite de l’actualité des religions dans la société.  ► Dans "Place des religions : Marseille", à l’occasion de la visite du pape François à Marseille fin septembre, La Croix donne la parole aux habitants de la ville. Ils nous racontent leur vie quotidienne de Marseillais et de croyant, et dressent un portrait de Marseille, à partir de quatre mots indissociables de la ville : le frère, la plage, la violence, et la fête.   ► Dans "Générations JMJ", La Croix revient sur six JMJ emblématiques, à travers le récit de ses envoyés spéciaux et des témoignages de participants. Que nous disent ces JMJ de leurs époques et des générations qui y ont pris part ? C’est la question que nous vous proposons d’explorer dans cette sixième saison du podcast Place des religions.  ► Dans "Ecologie, où sont les religions ?", la cinquième saison de Place des religions, des théologiens, historiens, philosophes ou militants de terrain nous éclairent sur le rôle que peuvent jouer les traditions religieuses, afin de comprendre les défis écologiques auxquels nous sommes confrontés.  ► Dans "Autour de la table", la quatrième saison de Place des religions, La Croix vous invite à la table de grands chefs et de restaurateurs, afin d’échanger avec eux sur le poids des croyances dans la cuisine. Ils se confient sur leur rapport intime à la religion, mais aussi sur les valeurs qu’ils aiment partager, le temps d’un bon repas.  ► Dans "Le choix du risque", la troisième saison de Place des religions, des personnalités qui ont fait volontairement l’expérience du danger nous confient leurs grands questionnements spirituels.  ► Dans "Paroles de politiques", la deuxième saison de Place des religions, les journalistes du quotidien La Croix invitent des personnalités de tous horizons pour nous éclairer sur les relations entre la politique et les religions, à partir de leur expérience sur le terrain.  ► Dans "Ainsi soient-elles", la première saison de ce podcast, des femmes croyantes et engagées racontent comment elles vivent leur foi dans notre monde contemporain.  Place des religions est à écouter sur le site et l'application du journal La Croix, et sur toutes les plateformes de podcast.  ► Vos contributions :  Vous avez une question ou une remarque ? Écrivez-nous à cette adresse : podcast.lacroix@groupebayard.com  CRÉDITS :  Rédaction en chef : Fabienne Lemahieu et Dominique Greiner. Journalistes : Malo Tresca et Clémence Maret. Réalisation : Flavien Edenne et Clémence Maret. Chargée de production : Célestine Albert-Steward. Musique et mixage : Théo Boulenger. Responsable marketing : Laurence Szabason. Visuel : Yasmine Gateau.   Place des religions est un podcast original de LA CROIX – Septembre 2023 Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Global warming

Kyle Morris

We are talking how global warming is bad

God With Us

Pastor Dan Hahn

A weekly sermon and meditation by Pastor Dan Hahn, shepherd of St. John's Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh (Millvale), PA and the vacancy pastor for Zion, Lawrenceville and Bethel, Glenshaw

Morning prayer

Elizabeth Anna

Morning prayer

The Spooky Story Podcast

Anthony Curwen

Welcome to the BRAND NEW Spooky Story Podcast. If you would like your spooky story featured on The Spooky Story Podcast then please email us at: thespookystorypodcast@yahoo.com We also welcome and comments and suggestions you may have regarding this new podcast! Thanks!

Pr Coty

Pr Coty

Apaixonado por Jesus e comprometido com o discipulado dessa geração e o bem estar social, econômico e político do Brasil. Pastor, Missionário, Escritor, Conferencista, Engenheiro e Empresário @JocumAlmirante @EditoraJocum @EifolOficial Ministrações, ensinamentos e reflexões #PrCoty



神吉瑞祀,人以禮儀祀神,神以顯靈應人,都是值得紀錄的美事。 以往世人理解的乩身(神明代言人),都是以神靈附體的型態存在,而明和宮的這位神明代言人,是"靈魂本身內就有神尊存在",意指人即為半神,無須過多科儀就能切換為神尊型態,而這樣的存在於過往社會中,是沒有紀錄、也很少人知道的。 因此請示過後,該神靈也想以當代科技形式,分享行法濟世的實錄,信不信可以自己決定,明和宮只是很單純想在這世間裡,留住更多不同的濟世美好,野望您能在這些行法實錄中,尋找到屬於內心的那份安寧。 Powered by Firstory Hosting



很好听的圣经故事,一个个圣经典故娓娓道来,亲切易懂。不知不觉就已经熟悉了圣经里面的所有内容。 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/k2cu0is2f38/support

Liceu de Umbanda

Diego do Caboclo Sete Flechas

O Seu Podcast de Umbanda!



和賀心の体現者、合楽教会初代教会長大坪総一郎師の 「大坪総一郎師 御理解百選」に収められている御理解です

Islamic Guidance

Manan Ayoub

Islam teaches that God has sent prophets to humanity, in different times and places, to communicate His message. Since the beginning of time, God has sent His guidance through these chosen people. They were human beings who taught the people around them about faith in One Almighty God, and how to walk on the path of righteousness. Some prophets also revealed God's Word through books of revelation. This free podcast is for Sadka e Jariya YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SoldierOfAllah2HD https://www.youtube.com/SoldierOfAllah2


Ulfa Indriani

Media pembelajaran public speaking di IP Malang Raya

大坪総一郎師御理解集 第2集





統一教会草創期を生き、父母様の生き様を見つめ、半生を通して祝福家庭の皆様と共に歩んできた者としての心からの願いを込めたメッセージです。 是非、このメッセージに耳を傾けてくださることを願い、真実を求める方々の上に、天の大いなる愛と導きと祝福がありますようお祈り申し上げます。 (2020年公開したYouTube放送をポッドキャスト版で再放送しています)

Minuto de Fé | REDEVIDA


Uma mensagem para começar o dia com a Palavra de Deus, com a orientação e o carinho necessários para viver o Evangelho na prática, no seu dia-a-dia. Você também pode compartilhar com toda a família e os amigos! Acesse o link do grupo no whatsapp: https://juntosdaredevida.com/minutodefe



人生總有幾次會到廟裡求神問卜,求籤指點迷津,而每支籤詩到底是有什麼寓意跟故事?就讓地球爸爸告訴你~ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Andrew Rappaport's Rapp Report

Andrew Rappaport

Dalai Lama Speaks

Red FM

Dalai Lama Speaks

Paulo Junior

Paulo Junior

O que você vai encontrar aqui: Devocional, Resenha de Livros e pregações expositivas.


Muhammad Abdullah

The solution of those problems which we go throughout every life, these problems sometimes broke us we have no solution, its all about what to do in those situations.
