El Podcast de Soycomocomo con Núria Coll


Bienvenidos al podcast de Soycomocomo, en el que tengo el propósito de divulgar con todo el rigor que en la manera como nos alimentemos nos va la vida. Nos va la vida, de forma literal y ya hay miles de estudios que demuestran que con la alimentación podemos prevenir y sanar. Por eso cada semana en este Podcast hablaremos con profesionales del mundo de la alimentación saludable que, como nosotros, han venido aquí para hacer la revolución. http://soycomocomo.es/

Mañana Empiezo

Podium Podcast

El podcast para los que sueñan con tener una vida más sana. Si eres de los que cada dos por tres te dices a ti mismo “mañana empiezo a ir al gimnasio” o “mañana empiezo la dieta” o “mañana empiezo a dejar de fumar”, en Podium tenemos un podcast para ti.

Comiendo con María (Nutrición)

María Merino Fernández

Comiendo con María es el podcast de nutrición y dietética. En el encontrarás todo lo necesario para llevar una alimentación saludable que te ayudará a ganar salud. Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/comiendo-con-maria-nutricion--2497272/support.

¿Cómo comes?

Cadena SER

Comemos todos, ¿pero comemos bien? Cada dos semanas, la química y experta en nutrición clínica Ángela Quintas descubre cómo se alimentan artistas, deportistas, políticos y gente común pero con vidas muy particulares.

El Podcast de Soycomocomo con Núria Coll


Bienvenidos al podcast de Soycomocomo, en el que tengo el propósito de divulgar con todo el rigor que en la manera como nos alimentemos nos va la vida. Nos va la vida, de forma literal y ya hay miles de estudios que demuestran que con la alimentación podemos prevenir y sanar. Por eso cada semana en este Podcast hablaremos con profesionales del mundo de la alimentación saludable que, como nosotros, han venido aquí para hacer la revolución. http://soycomocomo.es/



Realfooding, el podcast donde Carlos Ríos y Carlota Fernández nos cuentan cómo llevar un estilo de vida saludable. ¡Únete y transfórmate en REALFOODER! 🖖🏼🥑

Las 3 R's

Nathaly Marcus

Repara, regenera y resetea para siempre tu cuerpo y vida. Esa es la filosofía de Nathaly Marcus. Junto a ella y sus invitados, descubre capítulo a capítulo técnicas, consejos y anécdotas sobre nutrición, mente, cuerpo. www.tiendabienesta.com YouTube: bit.ly/Las3RsYT Instagram: https://bit.ly/3c6lvLv TikTok: https://bit.ly/3fYWwLd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



Tu podcast sobre la dieta keto o cetogénica llevada por expertos en la nutrición. En Keto Real somos un equipo de profesionales enamorados de nuestra profesión. Llevamos 10 años pautando la dieta keto o cetogénica, pero siempre desde el punto de vista seguro, formativo y saludable. Te formaremos para que consigas cambiar tus hábitos poco a poco mientras recoges los resultados deseados. La dieta keto, NO es una dieta de moda, puede ser un modelo de vida.

El Podcast de Nutrición Consciente


Este es el podcast de Nutrición Consciente, un espacio de divulgación sobre alimentación saludable conducido por Laura Ribes, periodista especializada en salud, y producido por Lastcrit. Cada martes traerán al programa a los mejores profesionales del país en el ámbito de la nutrición para desmontar los principales mitos en torno a la alimentación y explicar con rigor qué y cómo comer para vivir de una manera más consciente y saludable. ¿Os apuntáis a este viaje hacia el bienestar? Podéis seguir a Laura a diario en su web www.lauraribes.com o en su instagram @nutricion_consciente_bcn

Como Curar Podcast by Coco March

Cocó March

CÓMO CURAR: Es tu programa de salud natural que traduce la ciencia y la convierte en educación útil, práctica y sencilla para armarte con todo lo que necesitas para decir NO a las sentencias médicas. Soy Cocó March investigadora científica, te invito a explorar mi podcast de entrevistas con los mejores expertos en salud del mundo en español. Únete a la temporada #1 que empezará el próximo sábado 15 de octubre 2022.

Mentoría clínica, con Carlos González

Academia Soy PRO

Da a tus pacientes respuestas que la medicina convencional no ha podido con Academia Soy PRO, la plataforma de nutrición funcional y PNIE para profesionales de la salud integrativa. Conocimientos aplicables de forma inmediata en consulta.

ZOE Science & Nutrition


The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery. Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.

Si el problema no es el hambre, la comida no es la solución

Ylenia López-Llata

Mi nombre es Ylenia López-Llata. Soy Dietista-Nutricionista y Coach Nutricional especializada en Psiconutrición. Y he creado este podcast sobre nutrición después de 15 años en el sector para hablar sin tapujos y lo más responsablemente posible sobre por qué si el problema no es el hambre, la comida no es ni será nunca la solución. Web: ylenia-lopez-llata.com IG profesional: https://www.instagram.com/ylenialopezllata IG personal: https://www.instagram.com/ylelolla YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjAnbLYOGzY Envía tus dudas o comentarios en forma de audio al: +34 623 06 82 47.

Ayuners - con Edgar Barrionuevo

Edgar Barrionuevo

Ayuners es un movimiento que promueve la divulgación de un nuevo estilo de vida, alternativo al convencional que nos han inculcado desde pequeños. Ya sabes... las 5 comidas al día, las dietas estrictas para bajar de peso, etc. Ayuners es un movimiento que nace para acabar con el estilo de vida en modo CPA. O lo que es lo mismo, las Comidas en Piloto Automático. Pero además del ayuno, en este podcast también hablaremos sobre salud, nutrición para ayuners, psiconeuroendocrinoinmunología y de todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar con buen pie a hacer un cambio positivo en tu salud. Si quieres más información sobre mi, te invito a visitar mi página web: https://edgarbarrionuevo.com/ o https://www.ayunizate.com/

Esto es Nutrición

Stefy y Vicky

El podcast es creado por @Stefyactiva y @Nutritionisthenewblack , dos nutricionistas cansadas de los mitos que abundan en redes sociales, cansadas de que la cultura de la dieta siga causando tantos estragos en la salud física y mental de las personas, y sobre todo que se le tenga tanto miedo a la comida. Es un espacio donde la nutrición es coherente, realista y sin extremismos. 📣 Estamos ahora en Podimo y nos puedes encontrar aquí para escuchar la nueva temporada que está 🔥: go.podimo.com/estoesnutricion 📅 Todos los miércoles un nuevo episodio

Intermittent Fasting Stories

Gin Stephens

Are you ready to be inspired? Tune in each week to hear real-world stories from successful intermittent fasters, including their best tips to help you find success. Intermittent Fasting Stories is hosted by Gin Stephens, author of the New York Times bestseller Fast Feast Repeat, as well as her other books: Cleanish, Delay, Don't Deny, and Feast Without Fear. Looking for a community of like-minded intermittent fasters? Go to ginstephens.com/community for more information and to join.

Save Yourself With Dr. Amy Shah

Dr. Amy Shah

Dr. Amy Shah is a double board-certified MD and Nutritionist who is always looking for ways we can "save ourselves." The real needle-mover of personal development is accepting the reality, no one is coming to save you. Don't panic, Dr. Amy believes everyone has the ability to single-handedly transform their own health, mindset, career and life. This podcast was created to equip you with the necessary tools for shifting your approach from helpless to hero.

Каша в голове

Лиза Гильман

Каша в голове — подкаст о питании, пищевом поведении, wellness и науке. Подкаст про питание и ЗОЖ без булшита и нонсенс с доказательным подходом. Питание не черно-белое, в нем много нюансов. В этом и будем разбираться. С гостями — нутрициологами, диетологами, психологами, учеными и врачами будем говорить о питании и развенчивать мифы. Лиза Гильман - нутрициолог, автор книги, 13 лет училась в Англии. Получаю докторскую (PhD) в Португалии. Мой инстаграм https://www.instagram.com/lizahilman/ Книга "Помирись с едой" https://alpinabook.ru/catalog/book-pomiris-s-edoy/

Radio Aleris

Centro Aleris

Radio Aleris es un podcast diseñado por Dietistas-Nutricionistas del Centro de Nutrición Aleris, para llevar lo que nos pasa a las ondas, y hablar de qué tienes que tener en cuenta para comer mejor.

Align Podcast

Aaron Alexander

Welcome to the Align Podcast, hosted by me, Aaron Alexander. This is a place where we focus on optimizing your mind, body, and movement through exploring unconventional approaches and unique viewpoints on all things health, wellness, and life. I'm joined by top wellness experts and world-renowned thought-leaders, including Byron Katie, Bruce Lipton, Aubrey Marcus, Jim Kwik, Marriane Williamson, Ben Greenfield, Robb Wolf, Shawn Stevenson, Abel James, Mark Sisson, Wim Hof, James Clear, Zach Bush, Gabby Reece, and many more. Get ready for deep conversations that open you up to new perspectives and ways of life that will ultimately take your mental, physical, and emotional wellness to the next level. If you love this podcast, I would love for you to connect with me on Instagram, @alignpodcast.

Factor Intrínseco

Daniel Sanz, Juan Revenga, Teresa Castillo.

Hazte con una suscripción de pago: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/factorintrinseco/subscribe Ese podcast diferente, con la ciencia en una mano y el micrófono en la otra, que te acercará de forma desenfada cuestiones candentes sobre nutrición, alimentación, dietética y salud. Conducido por Juan Revenga (que como buen nutricionista se encargará de atormentarte) y Daniel Sanz (produccaster, que se encargará de atormentar a Juan). Entre los dos atormentarán a su vez a Teresa Castillo, mujer de Daniel y técnico de sonido. Aquí se desgranará la actualidad y los mitos clásicos sobre nutrición, los “secretos” del adelgazamiento (que no existen) ¿Conoces el blog de Juan Revenga? Pues lo mismo pero en podcast. Y además gratis total, solo para tu solaz y disfrute. Un podcast sin tapujos, con cierta mala leche, pero siempre desde el cariño. O no.


Javi Aoiz

El Podcast de Javi Aoiz para todos los deportistas de habla hispana. Nutrición deportiva para la mejora del rendimiento. ¿Nos tomamos un café y hablamos de nutrición? Te espero, deportista!

CBG Radio

Justin Romaire

Justin Romaire is the host of CBG Radio. He has his masters degree from Yale University and has been nutrition coaching for over 10 years. Consistency Breeds Growth (CBG) is an online nutrition company that helps you crush your WODs while looking, performing and feeling confident in your own skin without tracking macros.



Tu podcast de nutrición y salud en general. Hablamos entre amigos para hacerte llegar la información de una forma sencilla y amena. ¿Te apuntas?

The Metabolic Classroom with Dr. Ben Bikman

Insulin IQ

Welcome to The Metabolic Classroom, a nutrition and lifestyle podcast focused on metabolism, which is how our bodies use energy, and the truth behind why we get sick and fat. Every week, Dr. Ben Bikman shares valuable insights that you can apply in your own life and share with friends and loved ones. The Metabolic Classroom is brought to you by InsulinIQ.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

V SHRED: Better Body Better Life.


Fitness doesn’t have to be complicated! What if you could burn fat, build muscle and get in the best shape of your life without giving up the foods you crave or wasting hours on a treadmill? With over 2 million lives transformed with our unique approach to health and wellness, the team at V Shred is here to break down popular fitness myths, unveil the secrets to achieving your dream body, and help you start building healthy habits for long term success. Tune in for exclusive content and interviews with fitness specialists, personal trainers, celebrity fitness experts, and more. Whether you want to learn how to break through a plateau, adopt a carb cycling eating plan, or just live a healthier lifestyle, we’re here to help you get results and live your best life!

The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee

Physicians Committee

Dive into the science of your diet! Learn how a humble blueberry can fight cancer or what the longest living cultures in the world are eating. Every episode is packed with facts that will raise your health IQ and boost your nutrition knowledge. "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll is joined by Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of The Physicians Committee, and other leading doctors and dietitians. Unlock the secrets to living longer and healthier life and how to fight diseases with every meal.

El Alimentólogo (Podcast de Nutrición)

José María Puya

Soy José Mª Puya, dietista-nutricionista y tecnólogo alimentario. Bienvenido a El Alimentólogo, tu podcast de Nutrición, Alimentación, Salud, Suplementos, Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Seguridad Alimentaria; además de dudas laborales para Dietistas-Nutricionistas, Técnicos en Dietética y Tecnólogos de Alimentos. ✉️Contacto profesional: alimentologia@gmail.com 📱Mis servicios: https://alimentologia.com

Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM

Have you ever wondered if there’s a natural way to lower your high blood pressure, guard against Alzheimer’s, lose weight, and feel better? Well, as it turns out, there is. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, founder of NutritionFacts.org and New York Times best-selling author of How Not to Die, How Not to Diet, and the just-released How Not to Age, uncovers the best evidence-based nutrition that may add years to our life and life to our years.

Veganismo y nutrición

Veganismo y Nutricion

Tan simple y tan complejo como lo define el nombre del programa. Hablaremos todo sobre veganismo y nutrición.



Orígenes, el podcast de Carla Zaplana. Un espacio para alimentar la mente y el cuerpo, para nutrir las emociones y el alma.  Conversaciones que regresan a tí, sabiduría que llevas dentro y que vamos a despertar a través de conversaciones con personas que son y han sido maestros a lo largo de mi viaje. Encuentra tus respuestas sobre salud, nutrición y bienestar a todos los niveles. Recuperando claves y herramientas milenarias para aplicar en esta nueva era. Respuestas que te ayuden a conocerte un poco más y te guíen a un estilo de vida más cercano a quien eres en este mundo tan acelerado.  Conocimiento ancestral que te llega para aplicar en la vida de hoy. Un espacio para compartir y sentirnos más cerca, de oreja a oreja, de corazón a corazón.

The Outlier Health Podcast

Matt Frazier, Matt Tullman, Isabelle Caputo, and Doug Hay

Vegan and vegetarian nutrition, running and training tips, and healthy lifestyle and habit change with well-known guests like Rich Roll, Brendan Brazier, Heather Crosby, Leo Babauta, Rip Esselstyn, Pamela Fergusson, Dan Buettner, make for an entertaining, informative, no-preach listen.

The Plant-Based Morning Show

Matt Frazier & Doug Hay, presented by Complement

New York Times bestselling author Matt Frazier and ultrarunner Doug Hay break down the latest headlines in the plant-based world. Streaming live every weekday at 11am Eastern on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Presented by Complement.

🥑Nutrición por un Nutricionista Real 🍉

Daniel Fresnillo - Health Nutrition Alicante - NutriHacker

El podcast destinado a resolver tus dudas sobre nutrición, y cada día, las de más gente.😜 Daniel Fresnillo Tu nutricionista online

The Model Health Show

Shawn Stevenson

The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever.

Josema Catalina

Jose Maria Catalina De La Peña

Nutrición, salud y rendimiento.

Lo del Comer - Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos

Mario Sánchez

El podcast de SefiFood. Creado y locutado por Mario Sánchez Rosagro. Espacio sonoro sobre ciencia y alimentación en general. Divulgación sobre nutrición, tecnología y seguridad alimentaria en particular. Reflexiones, entrevistas y contenidos relacionados con el sector agroalimentario en un tono cercano y sencillo.

EMPIEZA UN RETO, el podcast de INDYA


Javi Guerrero, CEO de INDYA y nutricionista deportivo, presenta junto Carlos Laserna, CMO y Co-Founder de INDYA, el podcast que está cambiando la forma de entender la nutrición deportiva a través de la tecnología y los datos. Invitamos a deportistas de élite, deportistas amateurs, entrenadores, fisios y otros profesionales del ámbito del deporte para profundizar y ayudarte a entender las claves de la nutrición y el rendimiento deportivo más personalizados.

Dr. Matthias Riedl - So geht gesunde Ernährung

FUNKE Mediengruppe

Im Ernährungspodcast mit Elisabeth Jessen und Dr. Matthias Riedl erfahren Sie alles über gesunde Ernährung. Der renomierte Mediziner Dr. Matthias Riedl gibt alle zwei Wochen Montags konkrete Hilfestellung wie sich das Leben gesünder gestalten lässt. Durch gesunde Ernährung und ohne Verzicht auf alles was Spaß macht. Ab dem 19. September auf allen bekannten Podcast Plattformen. Dr. Matthias Riedl ist Deutschlands bekanntester Ernährungsmediziner. Er ist ärztlicher Direktor des Medicum Hamburg, Europas größtem Diabetes Zentrum, und hat mit myFoodDoctor die erste deutsche medizinische Ernährungstherapie-App entwickelt. Weitere Infos unter dem Link: Amazon Music: https://bit.ly/3dbtpXS Spotify: https://bit.ly/3SaIzvj Apple Music: https://bit.ly/3diokgk Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/3ROTb2U Deezer: https://bit.ly/3UfHEeT Samsung Podcast: https://bit.ly/3eRSJT7 ------------ Impressum: www.abendblatt.de/service/unternehmen/article109174655/Impressum.html

Nutrición Imperfecta

Marta Mármol

El Podcast en el que quiero acercarte la nutrición y la salud de una manera más práctica y real de lo que estás acostumbrada. Olvida las dietas y deja de ver la alimentación como la única forma de perder peso, la nutrición y la salud en general tiene más utilidades, entre ellas disfrutar. Cada semana tendrás un episodio nuevo y en algunos invitaré a expertos en diferentes campos de la salud para que aprendamos con ellos.

The Proof with Simon Hill

Live better for longer

The Proof Podcast is a space for science-based conversation. Together with his guests, Simon Hill, a qualified physiotherapist and nutritionist, explores the health and longevity benefits that come with mastering physical exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, recovery, sleep, and alignment. Facts, nuance and trustworthy recommendations minus the hyperbole. All the proof you need to live better for longer.

Die Ernährungs-Docs - Essen als Medizin


Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hilft und die man leicht umsetzen kann. Deshalb gibt es am Ende jeder Folge ein Rezept für zu Hause.

Comer Para Ganar


Comer Para Ganar es un podcast en donde podrás aprender todo a cerca de la nutrición deportiva. ¿Qué debo de comer antes de hacer ejercicio? ¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi rendimiento? ¿Cuál es mi peso ideal? Y muchísimo más. Aurora León nutrióloga experta en el deporte quiere compartir contigo opiniones, consejos y anécdotas, que están basadas no solo en ciencia, pero además en su experiencia.

Microbiota desde cero (el podcast)

Miodrag Borges

Tu podcast de divulgación sobre microbiota, alimentación y estilo de vida saludables. Si quieres aprender sobre los pilares de la salud como la nutrición, el entrenamiento, los ritmos circadianos o los disruptores endocrinos, este es tu sitio.

The Plant Free MD with Dr Anthony Chaffee

Anthony Chaffee, MD

Hard Facts and science-based approach to nutrition, athletic performance, and obtaining optimal health and results. Technical enough to satisfy the nerd in anyone but delivered in an easy to digest format that everyone can enjoy. Dr Anthony Chaffee is a medical doctor and former professional rugby player who spent years researching optimal nutrition and living it out as a Carnivore. He has seen the benefits both in his personal life and in his patients. He is joined by world renowned experts in their field who have decades of experience, hard science, and facts to help you understand what you need to do in order to achieve optimal health.

¿Cómo preparar tu Mente para Adelgazar? 🙃

Fernando Aceiro

Motivación, concienciación, fuerza de voluntad, expectativas, objetivos y diálogo interno negativo. Cómo manejar todas las herramientas que te ayuden a prepararte mentalmente.

Mastering Nutrition

Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Vanessa G Fitcast

Vanessa Gillette, Omar Pozos

If you’re a woman who thinks "eating less” is the answer to losing weight, or that you have to choose between donuts and wine or a body you love, then the Vanessa G Fitcast, hosted by Vanessa Gillette and Omar Pozos, is for you. Vanessa is CEO and head coach of Vanessa G Fitness & Nutrition, an online health and wellness coaching company known for helping women create bodies they love through functional, science-based nutrition and training. We are FED UP with diet culture giving bad advice on how to eat and exercise, so this podcast’s mission is to bring you REAL, actionable information so you can start transforming your body. The short weekly episodes will motivate you, inspire you, and enlighten you. Fat loss is simpler than you realize - hit subscribe to find out.

The Hormone Solution with Karen Martel

Karen Martel Hormone Specialist

Welcome to The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel – your personal invitation to a world of hormone health, sustainable weight loss, holistic well-being, and embracing life's stages with a big old dose of vitality and confidence. (Remember, we used to go by The Other Side of Weight Loss – just in case you're wondering!) Meet Karen Martel, your go-to gal, a Certified Hormone Specialist and a total pro when it comes to women's hormones and busting through weight loss resistance. From dealing with all the craziness that comes with midlife to embracing the strength that comes with age, she's here to be your trusty sidekick through thick and thin. Our mission? Well, it's pretty simple: we're here to dish out practical solutions to those hormone-related puzzles that can drive you crazy, especially when perimenopause and menopause roll around. Expect to hear advice you can actually put into action, insights from the pros, and conversations that might just blow your mind. Step into episodes filled with enlightening conversations alongside experts, thought leaders, and fellow warriors united in their quest to optimize women's health. Ready to explore the vast universe of hormones and how they impact every little corner of your life? Yep, that's what we're all about. We're not afraid to shake things up, arm you with real tactics, and empower you with the knowledge to own your health journey. So, don't be a stranger! Tune in, hit that subscribe button, and let's dive headfirst into this thrilling adventure of transformation and empowerment. Get set to uncover the roadmap to becoming the best version of yourself – from the inside out. New episodes are released every Saturday! Take the free hormone quiz over at https://karenmartel.com

¿Qué ceno hoy?

Cadena Dial

De lunes a viernes Masito te da una receta sencilla y sin complicaciones para responder al interrogante que te planteas cada tarde… ¿Qué ceno hoy?

Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Brian Sanders - Filmmaker of Food Lies & Health Coach

Peak Human is a curated audio series taking an unbiased look at health & nutrition. With so much conflicting information available, filmmaker and health coach Brian Sanders sifts through the dogma and provides a framework that unifies all nutrition and dietary habits that lead to optimum health. World renowned doctors, researchers, and journalists are interviewed to find out what is the true human dietary framework that we should all be eating to live well and free of chronic disease. It is based around principles of nutrient density and uses a combination of ancestral health and modern science. It is produced ad-free to support the documentary 'Food Lies' (FoodLies.org)

Darmfreundlich essen - der Podcast

Carmen-Daniela Leuschen

In diesem Podcast dreht sich alle um Themen aus der Ernährungsberatung, unsere Verdauungsorgane und den Einfluss unserer Lebensumstände auf unsere Gesundheit. Natürlich beschäftigen wir uns auch mit darmgesunder, genussreicher und saisonaler Ernährung, aber auch mit Unverträglichkeiten und Intoleranzen, typischen Erkrankungen der Stoffwechselorgane und Themen wie Stress, Schlaf oder Bewegung. Unser Ziel ist es, euch wertvolle Hinweise für die Verbesserung eures Wohlbefindens und ein gesünderes Leben zu geben.

Explorando la Nutrición Enteral

Fresenius Kabi España

Bienvenido a Explorando la Nutrición Enteral, un podcast de Fresenius Kabi en el que se revisarán los temas más actuales relacionados con la Nutrición Enteral de la mano de diferentes especialistas. En Fresenius Kabi no impulsa una filosofía​, el cuidado de la vida. Estamos comprometidos con poner medicamentos y tecnologías esenciales en manos de personas que ayudan a los pacientes y encuentran las mejores respuestas a los desafíos a los que se enfrentan. El Podcast de Fresenius Kabi España, están producidos por Comunicontent: http://www.comunicontent.com

Fast. Feast. Repeat. Intermittent Fasting For Life

Gin Stephens and Sheri Bullock

Whether you are new to intermittent fasting or an experienced intermittent faster, tune in each week to this motivational and down-to-earth podcast to get inspired, learn, and have some fun along the way. Gin Stephens is the New York Times bestselling author of Fast Feast Repeat, and host of top-ranked podcast Intermittent Fasting Stories. Sheri Bullock works in healthcare, and her passion is helping others live their best lives. Gin and Sheri are friends and intermittent fasters, and their shared goal is helping others navigate their own intermittent fasting lifestyles. You can make submissions to the podcast by going to fastfeastrepeat.com/submit.

High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS

Author Mike Mutzel interviews Jeff Bland, Datis Kharrazian, Ben Greenfield, Abel James, Dave Asprey, Ben Lynch, Jade Teta and Corey chuler

High Intensity Health features breakthrough health tips and hacks from respected authorities in the Fitness, Nutrition and Functional Medicine fields. Our expert guests have shared insider information that has helped thousands of Moms, Dads, Executives, Health Care Professionals and High-Performing Athletes optimize their metabolism, belly fat, gut bacteria, immune system,both physical and mental performance and overall health. No matter where you sit on the health and nutrition spectrum, you’ll benefit from our cutting-edge discussions, 2-days per week.

La dieta KETO PERFECTA de tu Doctor Bayter

Doctor Bayter

Este es el podcast de la dieta Keto con tu Doctor Bayter. Cada semana te espero con un nuevo episodio para que aprendas cómo hacerla, qué comer, qué evitar y todos los beneficios sublimes que conseguirás con este maravilloso estilo de vida. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/doctor-bayter/support

Nutrición con cuerpo y alma con Juliana Nieto


No somos dieta es un Coaching Nutricional en línea, dirigido por un equipo interdisciplinario que se enfoca en crear y cultivar la salud integral en cada uno de los asesorados. En No Somos Dieta tendrás el apoyo necesario para lograr la consciencia, disposición y motivación para lograr el equilibrio en tu vida, a diferencia del plan de dieta tradicional, no nos enfocamos únicamente en el diseño de tu plan de alimentación, también hablamos contigo para conocerte, saber cuales son tus barreras internas y externas y así conocer tu realidad para hacerte participe a la hora de tomar decisiones.

Le rééquilibrage alimentaire

Maël Brossaud

Vous en avez marre de vous faire avoir par les géants commerciaux de l'alimentation et du régime minceur ? Ce podcast est fait pour vous ! Chaque jeudi on y parle nutrition, perte de poids, mode de consommation et bien être en général. L’émission est animée par Maël Brossaud coach sportif diplômé, expert reconnu en nutrition et en psychologie comportementale.

NutritionFacts.org Video Podcast

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, founder of NutritionFacts.org and New York Times best-selling author of How Not to Die, How Not to Diet, and the just-released How Not to Age, brings you the latest in evidence-based nutrition research, delivered in easy to understand video segments. NutritionFacts.org is a non-profit and non-commercial public health organization, and more than 2,000 videos on virtually every aspect of healthy eating are available on our website. New videos and blogs are uploaded every day–always without any sponsors, ads, brand partnerships, or paid subscriptions.

Iss klüger, nicht weniger - Gesunde Ernährung & Abnehmen

Milena Wiese

Möchtest du gesund abnehmen und dich in deiner Haut wohlfühlen? Hast du Schwierigkeiten bei deiner Ernährungsumstellung? Iss klüger, nicht weniger hilft dir mit Tipps zu einer gesunden Ernährung und wie du ohne zu Hungern abnehmen kannst.

Live Purely with Elizabeth

Elizabeth Stein

Host Elizabeth Stein is the founder of Purely Elizabeth, a leading health food company with clean, wholesome products. On the show, Elizabeth chats candidly with inspirational experts on such topics as health and wellness, gratitude, mindfulness, and career advice, to inspire you to thrive on your wellness journey.

LONGEVITY with Nathalie Niddam

Nathalie Niddam

LONGEVITY with Nathalie Niddam is your go-to podcast for diving deep into the science and protocols for increasing your healthspan. This podcast is all about nutrition, biohacking, longevity, peptides, bioregulators and more! Nathalie Niddam is a certified nutritionist, as well as a epigenetics and human potential coach.

Everyday Wellness

Everyday Wellness: Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Welcome to the Everyday Wellness podcast with Cynthia Thurlow! Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner, author of the best selling book Intermittent Fasting Transformation: IF45, 2x TEDx speaker, with her second talk having more than 10 million views, and the host of Everyday Wellness Podcast. With over 20 years experience in health and wellness, Cynthia is a globally recognized expert in intermittent fasting and women’s health, and has been featured on ABC, FOX5, KTLA, CW, Medium, Entrepreneur, and The Megyn Kelly Show. Her mission is to educate women on the benefits of intermittent fasting and overall holistic health and wellness, so they feel empowered to live their most optimal lives. Her goal with Everyday Wellness is to help her listeners make simple changes to their everyday lives that will result in improved overall wellness and long term health.

Nutrición Deportiva y Salud Hormonal Femenina con Rocío Delgado

Rocio Delgado

Te doy la bienvenida a mi canal de podcasts sobre Nutrición Deportiva y Salud Hormonal Femenina, donde compartiré contigo un montón de tips y recomendaciones para sumar bienestar, equilibrio y salud. ¡Disfrútalo!

Culturismo y Fitness con Toni Lloret - TOLLO


🎙Bienvenido!! Este es el podcast de WWW.TONILLORET.CLUB (Artículos, vídeos, rutinas, formaciones, etc.)

Nutrition Diva

QuickAndDirtyTips.com, Monica Reinagel

Every week, Monica Reinagel peels back the layers of nutrition news and research, answers listener questions, and helps you feel more confident about your food and nutrition choices.

Prana up your Life. Dein Podcast für mehr Lebensenergie.

Jasmin und Josephine Jess

Moin, Moin, & herzlich willkommen in a pranaful world. Schön, dass du da bist. In diesem Podcast erfährst du alles rund um die Themen Lebensenergie, moderne Spiritualität, Breathwork, Ayurveda & ganzheitliche Gesundheit. Die zwei Schwestern aus Hamburg, Jasmin & Josephine, begleiten dich mit ihrem Podcast seit 2017 auf ihrem Weg zu mehr Lebensenergie und sprechen ehrlich und mit viel Liebe über ihre Erfahrungen. Komm mit auf die Reise zu mehr Verbindung - zu dir selbst & zu etwas Größerem. Wir freuen uns auf dich! STAY CONNECTED, deine Jasmin & Josephine

Conditioned Food Sensitivity

Wendy Busse Consulting Ltd.

Welcome to the Conditioned Food Sensitivity Podcast. My name is Wendy Busse, I am a Registered Dietitian and director of the FAST Freedom Program. FAST stands for the Food Avoidance & Sensitivity Trap. We help people rebuild their body and food trust, so they can break out of the trap, soften their conditioned food sensitivities and expand their diet. Conditioned food sensitivity is an unconsciously learned, physical reaction to food. Each podcast episode explores practical strategies that will help you look at your food sensitivities from a different perspective and find a better quality of life. If you would like a written summary of the practical strategies after each episode, you can subscribe on our FAST Freedom Program website.

15 Minute Matrix

Andrea Nakayama

The 15-Minute Matrix with functional medicine nutritionist Andrea Nakayama. This award-winning podcast brings you bite-sized insights and lessons on how to use the most important tool in Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition. Download this week's matrix: fxnutrition.com/15-minute-matrix-podcast

The Endometriosis Nutritionist Podcast

Anne-Marijke Gerretsen

Learn how diet affects your Endometriosis symptoms and how you can take more control over your symptoms by changing what you eat and drink. Anne-Marijke Gerretsen is a qualified Nutritionist, specialised in Nutrition for Endometriosis.


Courtney Swan

Welcome to the Realfoodology podcast with your host, me, Courtney Swan! I’m an Integrative Nutritionist living in LA on a mission to change the way we eat in America. Each week I’ll be talking to doctors, food experts and health professionals to bring you the best info so you can thrive. Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of how powerful our food choices are. But it’s never too late to start. You’d be so surprised how resilient our bodies are when we start taking care of them. Trust me, I know it’s overwhelming. That's why I’m here. I’m going to break it down with you, make it more digestible and easier to navigate. Let’s get back to real food! For more info, visit www.realfoodology.com (http://www.realfoodology.com/) and follow me on ig @realfoodology

The Dr. Gundry Podcast


The mission of the Dr. Gundry Podcast is to help you live your best life — mind, body and soul — by empowering you with the tools and knowledge you need. Dr. Gundry interviews some of the world's leading health experts to glean life-changing insights and offers cutting-edge wellness advice during his topical lectures.

Optimal Protein Podcast (Fast Keto) with Vanessa Spina

Vanessa Spina

Vanessa Spina is a Sports Nutrition Specialist, the Best Selling author of Keto Essentials (Penguin Random House), the creator of the innovative TONE device, as well as a sought after international speaker. On the Optimal Protein (Fast Keto) podcast, Vanessa shares how to get effortlessly lean and improve metabolic health and fitness with an optimal protein intake! From tools such as protein sparing modified fasting to nutrient timing to maximize muscle protein synthesis, Vanessa covers the science of fat burning and optimizing for wellness & longevity! Featuring interviews with world renowned and leading edge protein scientists & experts, authors, and people with inspiring transformational stories discussing the best tools for becoming optimizing your metabolic health with whole foods, intermittent and longer term fasting, nutrition, exercise and more!

Good Bodies

Betches Media

Welcome to Good Bodies, a “wellness” entertainment podcast where all bodies are good bodies. If you’re still reeling from the toxic diet culture of the early 2000s (justice for Jessica Simpson) and constantly quoting your therapist, then Emily Lubin and Lauren Hope Krass are here to help you laugh (so you don’t cry). Diets can’t sit with us anymore but there’s a place at the table for body neutrality, body positivity, intuitive eating, and hot takes about which non-dairy creamer pairs best with our sharp cheddar cheese omelettes. For more Good Bodies content and the most relatable shit on the internet, follow us on Instagram at @everythingsfine.

Sport et nutrition naturelle — Bien manger pour mieux Bouger

Bertrand Soulier - Sportif passionné par l’alimentation

Sport et nutrition naturelle est un podcast sur l’alimentation sportive qui défend une conviction forte : bien manger pour mieux bouger. Vous êtes vous déjà posé une seule de ces questions ? Quel encas manger avant un entraînement running ? Comment booster sa récupération après une grosse séance de course à pied ou de vélo ? Que manger pour éviter le mur du marathon ? Quelle stratégie alimentaire pour nager, rouler et courir lors d’un triathlon et devenir un Ironman ? Qu'embarquer comme repas pendant une randonnée ou un trip à vélo ? Quels sont les meilleures stratégies diététiques pour se sentir en forme ? Comment éviter les maux de ventre pendant un trail ? Si oui ce podcast est fait pour vous ! La performance sportive repose sur trois piliers : l'entraînement, l’équipement et la nutrition. Dans ce podcast nous intéressons à ce dernier point important, complexe et personnel. Mais pas n’importe laquelle. La nutrition naturelle. Car j’ai une conviction. Pour mieux bouger il faut bien manger. Et le meilleur carburant est naturel. La Terre nous fournit un incroyable réservoir d'énergie. Mais nous le négligeons parfois en pensant que la chimie avec ses poudres et ses gels font mieux. Nous allons donc vous prouver le contraire. Nous allons donc vous parler de nutrition sportive naturelle. Pour apprendre à gérer au mieux ce point essentiel. Et le meilleur moyen d’en parler c'est de partir à la rencontre d'athlètes, de sportifs, d’aventuriers, d'entraîneurs, de spécialistes de l’alimentation sportive. Je vous propose des discussions avec des personnes inspirées et inspirantes. Je veux découvrir leur approche de cet élément si important à l’entrainement comme en compétition. Mais aussi très personnel. Nous discutons ainsi de leur philosophie, de leurs essais, de leurs bonnes et mauvaises idées, de leurs recettes, de leurs habitudes et de leurs petits secrets... Avec eux nous allons apprendre comment bien manger naturellement pour mieux bouger quelque soit notre sport, à l’entraînement, en compétition et dans tous les défis que nous nous lançons. Je suis Bertrand Soulier, créateur du podcast KM42. Je vous donne rendez-vous toutes les deux semaines.  Un podcast disponible sur toutes les plateformes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Bertrand Soulier - Podcast running Km42 : https://bertrandsoulier.com/km42 sur Instagram : @bertrandsoulier https://instagram.com/bertrandsoulier Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Bien Comer


Bien Comer es un podcast diseñado para todas aquellas personas interesadas en mejorar su alimentación y estilo de vida. Conducido por Fernanda Alvarado. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Food Matters Podcast

James Colquhoun

Welcome to the FOOD MATTERS Podcast! Bringing you game-changing health and wellness information, tips, tricks, and healthy hacks on all things nutrition, detoxing, weight loss, mindfulness, sleep, gut health, beauty, alternative healing, spiritual wellbeing, transformation, and more! This podcast is home to the best interviews with leading doctors, nutritionists, fitness experts, and thought leaders of the world who collectively share their wisdom and knowledge. Join hosts James Colquhoun & Laurentine ten Bosch as they crack the code on what it truly means to live a healthy, vibrant, and uplifting life free from the corporations that profit from our health. Discover more at foodmatters.com/podcast. This podcast is for you if you want to learn: - How to heal naturally from chronic disease - How to reduce inflammation naturally - How to optimize your gut health - How to reduce the use of medication and use food to heal - How to naturally boost energy & moods - How to naturally balance hormone levels - How to reduce cholesterol with healthy eating - How to prevent diabetes through diet - How to find healthy alternatives to sugar - How to naturally lower blood pressure - Healthy and delicious whole food recipes.

Beranara - Mediterranean lifestyle concept

Amanda Vergara Pardo

Si te apetece alimentar tu salud, aprender de alimentación, deporte, sueño, calidad de vida, salud, rendimiento, motivación, pérdida de grasa, ganancia de masa muscular y muchas cosas más... No puedes perderte este canal de podcast.

Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrison

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS

Helping people make peace with food since 2013. Registered dietitian nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and journalist Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS talks with guests and answers listener questions about making peace with food, healing from disordered eating, learning body acceptance, practicing intuitive eating, escaping harmful wellness culture, and more--all from a body-positive, anti-diet perspective. Along the way, Christy shares her own journey from disordered eater and dieter to food writer and anti-diet dietitian. This podcast challenges diet culture in all its forms--including the restrictive behaviors that often masquerade as wellness and fitness. Food Psych® is designed to offer safe and non-triggering support for listeners in recovery from eating disorders, weight stigma, and body shame. Subscribe for new anti-diet inspiration every week! Learn more and get full show notes and transcripts at christyharrison.com/foodpsych (Disclaimer: All content in this podcast, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship.)

What The Actual Fork Podcast

Sam Previte & Jenna Werner - Wave Podcast Network

What The Actual Fork Podcast is co-hosted by your favorite Intuitive Eating Registered Dietitians Sammy Previte (Owner of Find Food Freedom) and Jenna Werner (Owner of Happy Strong Healthy). These dietitian besties can’t stand diet culture bullsh*t and love keeping it real! Their mission is for all humans to believe that they are made for so much more than chasing a smaller body. They are also here to share with you that food can be fun and pleasurable again. Although these ladies are medical professionals, they are human too! They are not afraid to share their deepest secrets and how years of their lives were taken by diet culture. They started this podcast so no human has to feel alone in their journey towards food freedom. So join Sammy and Jenna and expect to laugh, cry, learn, and grow!

Fully Nourished®

Jessica Ash

The Fully Nourished® podcast, hosted by functional nutritionist and integrative health coach, Jessica Ash, is an evidence-based wellness podcast dedicated to empowering women with the tools and knowledge they need to tune into their body, understand their physiology, and truly nourish themselves inside and out. Join Jessica as she explores the principles of bioenergetics and the unique needs of female physiology. Each week she shares her candid and thoughtful insights on women’s health, nutrition, mindset, body image, embracing the divine feminine, stress addiction, and more! In a world that is constantly wrapping everything in rules, restriction, shame, and fear, this podcast aims to help women let go of control and perfection, and learn to nurture their body with awareness and intentionality. Think of each episode as your weekly coffee date with your BFF who is both your trusted ally and steadfast cheerleader as you both navigate your personal journey towards your strongest, most confident, and radiant self.

The Melanie Avalon Biohacking Podcast

Melanie Avalon

Join best-selling author and actress Melanie Avalon as she interviews today's leading health and wellness experts, going beyond the fads to bring you all the biohacking tips, tricks, and techniques to effortlessly upgrade your body, brain, and life. Because why not live awesome? You got this! Theme Music by Narek Mirzaei, Artwork by Barbara McGregor

Seems Like Diet Culture

Mallory Page, RD

Ever ask yourself "What the F does being healthy actually mean"? I mean there are 6000 diets, superfoods, wellness influencers, trends and somehow you're supposed to know what to do? Luckily there’s a podcast for that now…oh and you're looking at it. I’m your host, Mallory, a Registered Dietitian whose mission is to bring you no-bull information each week that will help you sift through all the health crap and misinformation that’s pervasive online. I’ll be giving you actionable information through a mix of solo episodes, guest shows and listener Q&As, all aimed at helping you learn what your version of health looks like. To work with me, go here https://pico.link/malloryjpage and to keep up with me, follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/malloryjpage/

Fueling Endurance - Nutrition for Runners, Cyclists & Triathletes

Stephanie Gaskell and Alan McCubbin

Nutrition podcast for runners, cyclists & triathletes. Sports dietitians Steph Gaskell & Alan McCubbin answer the most common nutrition questions the runners, cyclists & triathletes ask, with help from guest researchers, practitioners, athletes & coaches.



In un mondo dell’alimentazione affollato da promesse irrealistiche e prodotti miracolosi arriva “Buono a Sapersi”, il podcast che illumina il sentiero verso un sano stile di vita. Alla guida Elena Casiraghi, esperta in nutrizione e Alessandra Patitucci, sportiva della domenica che fanno parte della squadra di Deejay Training Center, il programma di Radio Deejay dedicato a chi si allena. In ogni episodio scopriremo cosa c’è di vero dietro le mode alimentari e faremo chiarezza su ciò che realmente può esserci d’aiuto: dalle diete con copyright ai superfood, dai regimi alimentari per vivere fino a cent’anni alle discutibili scorciatoie che promettono miracoli.


Juan Carlos Simō

Bienvenidos, Estamos haciendo este PODCAST para llevar un medio de comunicación donde podamos hablar de todos esos mitos y verdades que existen hoy en día, con una filosofía de vida en donde queramos ser o vivir a plenitud nuestra salud mental y física, teniendo presente siempre que tu biografía se convierte en tu biología.

Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels | Crossover Media Group

Fun, inspirational, informative, and empowering, Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels showcases weekly, in depth interviews with the world's foremost experts in all fields of wellness. From medicine, fitness, and nutrition to parenting, money, and relationships, the show focusses on facts and authenticity. Guests like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Lisa Ling, Tony Robbins, Suze Orman, Dr. Gail Saltz, Lindsey Vonn, Iliza Shlesinger, Kelly McGonigal, and more, give the audience all the info needed to enhance their lives in any way they choose to. So join Jillian each week and learn from top doctors, athletes, entrepreneurs, scientists, and more.

Be Well by Kelly Leveque

Kelly Leveque

Be Well By Kelly is on a mission to simplify the science of nutrition. I want to make choices, not cheats. I want to live in balance, quiet my inner perfectionist, and never feel like my goals are out of reach. I want to love the way I look AND feel. I want to be proactive about my long-term health and wellness. I want to have a positive relationship with food for the rest of my life. And I want the same for all of you! Join me and some of my favorite people every Wednesday as we give you all the good stuff (and none of the bad) about nutrition: the positive takeaways, the tools and tips that will help you feel and be well, and a dose of motivation to keep you going.

Bendita Nutrición


Beatriz Boullosa y Nicolás Mier y Terán son tus Nutriólogos de Cabecera. A lo largo de esta serie nos comparten información sobre los mitos, errores y aciertos más comunes relacionados con la buena alimentación y el rendimiento físico. Ya verás, el veneno, está en la dosis.

Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Dr. Karl Goldkamp

Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Chinese herbal medicine, areas of specialty Environmental medicine, nutrition, and nutrigenomics. Clinical practice 20 years.

Intermittent Fasting

Dr. Stephen Cabral

This Intermittent Fasting podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, goes in-depth on whom intermittent fasting (IF) is right for and whom it may harm. Plus, Dr. Cabral breaks down the nuances of what time your intermittent fast should start and end each day depending on your health, anti-aging, or weight loss goals.

Hábitos Inteligentes

Grace Ibarra

Bienvenidos a este espacio donde podemos crear juntos Hábitos Inteligentes. Mi nombre es Grace Ibarra soy Licenciada en Nutrición y mi objetivo es inspirarte a crear un estilo de vida saludable y sostenible.

Food, We Need To Talk

Juna Gjata

A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).


Marga Díaz

Ancestral Podcast es el podcast de salud integrativa presentado actualmente por Marga Díaz. Como especialista en Nutrición y PNI te acerco mi forma de ver y entender la salud tratando todo tipo de temas relativos a la salud con ayuda de distintos profesionales, por mi parte quiero centrarme en divulgar sobre mi punto fuerte: la salud digestiva y hormonal.

Eat to Live

Jenna Fuhrman, Dr. Fuhrman

Our health is our most precious gift and smart nutrition can change your life. Each month, join Dr. Fuhrman and his daughter, Jenna Fuhrman as they discuss important topics in the world of nutrition. Eat to Live will change the way you eat and think about food.

Nutrición con Mykdiet


Bienvenidos al Podcast de Nutrición con Mykdiet el podcast donde aprenderemos todas esas cosas que nos van a servir para perder peso, cambiar hábitos, y conseguir nuestros objetivos.

Eat Move Think

Medcan CEO Shaun Francis

The essential guide to living a longer, more active, and more fulfilled life, full of answers to your most-pressing health and wellness questions.

The Gut Health Podcast

Kate Scarlata and Megan Riehl

The Gut Health Podcast explores the scientific connection between the gut, food, mood, microbes and well-being. Kate Scarlata is a world-renowned GI dietitian and Dr. Megan Riehl is a prominent GI psychologist at the University of Michigan and both are the co-authors of Mind Your Gut: The Science-based, Whole-body Guide to Living Well with IBS. Their unique lens with which they approach holistic conversations with leading experts in the field of gastroenterology will appeal to the millions of individuals impacted by gut health. As leaders in their field, Kate and Megan dynamically plow through the common myths surrounding gut health and share evidence-backed information on navigating medical management, nutrition, behavioral interventions and more for those living with or without a GI condition.The Gut Health Podcast is where science, expertise, and two enthusiastic advocates for wellness come together to help you live your best life.Learn more about Kate and Megan at www.katescarlata.com and www.drriehl.com 

ISS SO – der Ernährungspodcast mit Achim Sam

Achim Sam & EDEKA

“ISS SO” ist dein Ernährungspodcast ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger – keine Sorge, denn Host Achim Sam ist alles andere als der klassische Ernährungswissenschaftler! Er ist fit in allen Themen rund um bewusste Ernährung, Lebensmittel, Food-Trends, Sport und kennt Gewichtsschwankungen nur allzu gut. Dabei hat er weder Angst vor Schnitzel, noch ist ihm vegane Ernährung unverständlich. Jeder so, wie es am besten passt und ohne Verbote, denn die bringen laut Achim gar nichts. Julia hilft die teilweise etwas schwierigeren Zusammenhänge in der Ernährungswissenschaft wirklich zu verstehen und stellt für dich deine Fragen an Achim. Dafür schreibst du uns an issso@edeka.de und falls du Themenvorschläge hast - immer her damit! Achim setzt sie gerne auf den Podcast-Speiseplan. “ISS SO” der Ernährungspodcast mit Achim Sam ist wöchentlich für dich am Start und versorgt dich ausgewogen im alltäglichen Game of Foods.


Rip Esselstyn

The mission of PLANTSTRONG is to further the advancement of all things within the plant-based movement. We advocate for the scientifically proven benefits of plant-based living and envision a world that universally understands, promotes, and prescribes plants as the solution to empowering your health, enhancing your performance, and restoring the environment. We welcome and support you wherever you are on your PLANTSTRONG journey and we hope you enjoy the show.