Á vettvangi


Í þátt­un­um fylg­ir Jó­hann­es Kr. Kristjánsson kyn­ferð­is­brota­deild lög­regl­unn­ar á höf­uð­borg­ar­svæð­inu eft­ir í um tveggja mán­aða skeið. Þáttaröðin fer í loft­ið á Heim­ild­inni þann 22. apríl og verða þætt­irn­ir fjór­ir og birt­ir viku­lega.

Dr. Football Podcast

Hjörvar Hafliðason

Vikulok Dr. Football - Hvernig stoppum við ólöglegt streymi og Arsenal liðið sem flýgur

Doc, Gunni Birgis og Keli

Í ljósi sögunnar


Í ljósi sögunnar

Þarf alltaf að vera grín?

Þarf alltaf að vera grín?

263. Þarf alltaf að vera grín? Umræður á internetinu vol.2

Áhugaverður þáttur um menninguna á interwebs. þetta er mjög nice þáttur sérstaklega ef þu ert over stimulated eða understimulants. njótið! Þátturinn er í boði: Eldum rétt, Aur, Orville poppkorn, Swiss miss, Wok on og Koffínlaust Coke! Stef- Hamstra Sjarma - Prins Polo


Birta Líf og Sunneva Einars



Unnur Borgþórsdóttir





Chess After Dark

Birkir Karl & Leifur Þorsteinsson

#164 Heimir Guðjóns & Höddi Magg

Að gefnu tilefni, einvígi þessarar aldar millli Heimis og Hödda, var hurðinni sparkað upp í Ellingsen studioinu. Þó kapparnir séu alla jafna perluvinir hafa þeir löngum eldað grátt silfur á reitunum 64. Þann 28 mars verður rígurinn útkljáður í eitt skipti fyrir öll. Budvar einvígið fer fram á 220 bar í Hafnarfirði en einnig verður beint streymi á Vísi. Leikar hefjast klukkan 8.Fyrsti hálftíminn gerir einvíginu góð skil. H&H eru þó ekki við eina fjölina felldir og fóru þeir vel yfir nýyfirstaðið landsliðverkefni. Fimleikafélag Hafnarfjarðar fékk góða umfjöllun ásamt Bestu deildinni í heild sinni. Við snertum á enska boltanum og settum hlutina í sögulegt samhengi. Ber þá hátt að nefna endurminningar Heimis á "Stjörnuráninu" 2014 er Kassim vaknaði af vondum draumi.







Klefinn með Silju Úlfars

Silja Úlfars

Klefinn með Silju Úlfars



#210 – Endurnýjuð heit í hagkvæmnishjónabandi ríkisstjórnarinnar – Flókin staða í hagkerfinu næstu mánuði

Hörður Ægisson og Stefán Einar Stefánsson ræða um skipun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar, hvort líklegt sé að hún nái að leysa þann ágreining sem ríkt hefur, hvaða aðrir möguleikar voru í boði, hvort að VG reyni að sprengja ríkisstjórnina síðar á árinu og hvort að gagnrýni þingmanna Sjálfstæðisflokksins á Svandísi Svavarsdóttur hafi verið innantóm. Þá er rætt um stöðu Alvotech sem hefur valdið óróa á markaði, aukna bindiskyldu bankanna sem mun fela í sér kostnað fyrir viðskiptavini þeirra, brotthvarf aðstoðarseðlabankastjóra, stöðuna í hagkerfinu og margt fleira.


Ritstjórn Morgunblaðsins

#8. - Sigurður Kári Kristjánsson, Ólöf Skaftadóttir og Björn Ingi Hrafnsson

Sigurður Kári Kristjánsson, stjórnarformaður NTÍ, situr fyrir svörum í áttunda þætti af Spursmálum. Í þættinum verður knúið á um svör við krefjandi spurningum um hlutverk náttúruhamfarasjóðsins og yfirvofandi aðgerðiráætlanir í ljósi atburðanna í Grindavík. Nístandi óvissa Grindvíkinga hefur sett mikinn svip á samfélagsumræðuna og ljóst að framtíð þeirra liggur í höndum ríkisstjórnarinnar og Náttúruhamfaratrygginga Íslands (NTÍ). Auk Sigurðar Kára mæta þau Ólöf Skaftadóttir, laxabóndi og fjölmiðlakona, og Björn Ingi Hrafnsson, fjölmiðlamaður, í sett til að rýna í helstu fréttir vikunnar.  




Heimildin - Hlaðvörp


Hlaðvarp Heimildarinnar


Bergþór Másson & Snorri Másson

#282 Alvöru vald er að segja nei


Upphaf kjötlífsins og endalok sannleikans, gæti þessi þáttur líka heitið. En aðallega: Ný speki bræðranna kynnt til leiks: Via negativa. Hér er farið yfir ritdeilur sem Snorri Másson ritstjóri hefur staðið í, hér er farið yfir nýjan kjötætulífstíl sem Bergþór hefur tileinkað sér og Snorri peppar, vandamálið við læknastéttina, hliðarverkanir alls sem við gerum og loks þá mikilvægu staðreynd að sannleikurinn býr aðeins innra með okkur. 

Call Her Daddy

Alex Cooper

Zayn: For the First Time in 6 Years (REVISIT) [VIDEO]

Multi-platinum recording artist Zayn joins Call Her Daddy for his first sit-down interview in nearly 6 years. From Alex's childhood home in Pennsylvania, he opens up about his surprisingly quiet life in PA, his pre-fame days, his X Factor audition, his reflections on his time with One Direction, and his decision to leave the group. Zayn also discusses the impact of fame on his mental health, proudly sharing his experiences as a father and how it has shifted his priorities. With his highly anticipated new music on the horizon, Zayn provides insight into his inspirations. Get ready to discover a whole new side of Zayn, zaddy gang ;) Pre-save Zayn’s new single coming out next week! https://zayn.lnk.to/presave
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices




Steve Dagskrá

Steve Dagskrá

Hvernig á að kveðja goðsagnir? Öld fyrirgefningar og lánlausir Liverpool-arar

Dominos ? Kjötkompaní ?
Red Bull ? VÍS ✍️
Bónus ? Netgíró ?
Play ? Hjá Höllu ??‍?
Hafið ? Ölver ?
R3 Ráðgjöf & bókhald ?

Ein Pæling

Thorarinn Hjartarson

Ein Pæling


Spjallið Podcast


Þetta helst


Listin að afstýra átökum

Lilja Bjarnadóttir og Dagný Rut Haraldsdóttir reka Sáttamiðlaraskólann og leiða samtöl deilandi aðila svo þeir geti sjálfir fundið lausn á sínum ágreiningsmálum. Þær sögðu Þóru Tómasdóttur frá því hvernig sáttamiðlun er beitt, hvaða verkfæri þær styðjast við og hvernig í ósköpunum þær fá fólk til að takast í hendur sem annars væri á leið inn í dómsali.

Gula Spjaldið

Gula Spjaldið

Gula Spjaldið



Þungavigtin - Blikar brotnuðu og City á siglingu.

Richard, Mike og Höfðinginn léttir á föstudegi.Celsius ?Netgiro.is  ?kfc.is ? Nói Sirius ?nings.is ?Ölver ⚽️


Lovísa Lára

Þáttur 33 - Laurie Show

Í þætti dagsins fjallar lögreglu um mál 16 ára gömlu Laurie Show sem var með ömurlegan eltihrelli og það endaði með morði.

Þáttur dagsins er í boði Dreamy Living www.dreamy.is þið getið notað afsláttarkóðan mannvonska fyrir 15% afslátt.

Fair í áskrift á www.pardus.is/mannvonska fyrir 4 aukaþætti í mánuði.

Titillag eftir Magnús Jón Aðalsteinsson - insta:magnusjon

Instagram: Mannvonska
Mitt instagram: lovylara




Umtalaðasti hundur Íslandssögunnar er án efa kínverski smáhundurinn Lúkas sem hvarf á Akureyri sumarið 2007. Út breiddist sú lygasaga að hópur drengja hefði leikið sér að því að drepa varnarlausan hundinn með hrottafengnum hætti. Þjóðin sameinaðist í sorg, haldnar voru minningarathafnir og kommentakerfi netheima loguðu. Þegar Lúkas fannst á lífi nokkrum vikum síðar tók málið aðra stefnu og varð kennslustund í hvernig á ekki að haga sér á internetinu.






Perfect Day – Fullkominn dagur (Live frá Kex Hostel)

Lou Reed – Perfect Day Í tilefni tíu ára afmælis Fílalag var ákveðið að hóa saman fólki og henda í snar basic live-fílun á Kex Hostel. Það þýddi ekkert annað en að fullkomna daginn með því að fíla Perfect Day. Er hægt að hugsa sér fílanlegra lag? Rammpirraður Lou Reed í lautarferð. Þetta gerist ekki […]

Með lífið í lúkunum


Með lífið í lúkunum

Podcast með Sölva Tryggva

Sölvi Tryggvason

Podcast með Sölva Tryggva

Dan Snow's History Hit

History Hit

Rwandan Genocide Explained

Warning: This episode contains some upsetting descriptions of human suffering.The Rwandan Genocide is a dark and pivotal moment in modern history; the catastrophic consequence of ethnic division and global inaction. Over 100 days in 1994, it's estimated around 800,000 predominantly Tutsi people were killed by the Hutu government and civilian militiamen. The groundwork for the atrocities had been laid decades earlier by the colonial Belgian powers that controlled Rwanda and sowed the seeds of division into the fabric of the country.Dan is joined by Dr Scott Straus, a professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley who unpacks the events and years that led up to the genocide as well as the inaction from the international community during it. Dan also hears from survivor Beatha Uwazaninka who was just a teenager when her entire family were killed and describes how neighbours turned on neighbours as she struggled to evade capture herself. Together t

70 Mínútur

Hugi Halldórsson

70 Mínútur

Er þetta fyrsta barn?

Er thetta fyrsta barn

"Þetta krefst mikillar vinnu en þetta er hægt"

Selma Dögg kom til okkar og deildi með okkur sínum meðgöngu og fæðingasögum auk þess að deila með okkur hvernig það er að vera fótboltakona með börn og hvernig ferlið hefur verið að koma til baka í fótbolta eftir barneignir.
Þátturinn er í boði:
Fyrstu sporin
Lind Scandinavia

Huberman Lab

Scicomm Media

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Using Sleep to Improve Learning, Creativity & Memory

This is episode 4 of a 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and author of the best-selling book "Why We Sleep." In this episode, we discuss the relationship between sleep, learning and creativity. 
We explain why and how sleep before and after a learning bout can improve memory and performance for both cognitive tasks and physical skills. We also discuss how to use time learning and sleep, how to use naps, non-sleep deep rest states, and caffeine to optimize learning, and the mechanisms for sleep and memory consolidation. 
We also explain the critical role that sleep plays in creativity and one's ability to discover novel solutions to challenges and problems. 
This episode is filled with actionable information on using sleep to enhance skill learni

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

Mark Manson

Exploring the Ancient Philosophy That Doesn’t Give a F*ck (ft. Ryan Holiday)

Get 10% off BetterHelp by signing up via my link: https://www.betterhelp.com/markmanson
And get your nutritional goodness with AG1 using my link: https://drinkag1.com/idgaf
And of course, check out The Tim Ferris Show here, and available on all podcasting platforms: https://tim.blog/podcast/
There’s an ancient philosophy that could actually help you give fewer f*cks, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of it.
Stoicism has been helping people manage their stress and anxiety for thousands of years and today, it’s more relevant than ever.
@ryanholiday is the New York Times Bestselling author of multiple books on Stoicism. He believes that Stoicism is the framework that can help you be a normal person in an increasingly crazy world.
Today’s episode dives into the life-altering benefits of following a philosophy that encourages you to focus on w



True crime podcast þar sem við munum fara yfir hin ýmsu glæpamál, morð, mannshvörf og margt fleira

The Price of Paradise


Trouble in Paradise | 3

A dramatic confrontation leaves Phil Gaskin a changed man. Meanwhile, local human rights lawyer, Maria Acosta, fights to reclaim the island.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Segðu mér


Marta Nordal

Marta Nordal leikhússtjóri hjá LA, hún er að söðla um og verður sérfræðingur í sviðslistum í Menningar- og Viðskiptaráðuneytinu. Hún segir frá námi sínu i Bristol, heimkomu og stofnun Aldrei stelandi sem hún og Edda Björg Eyjólfsdóttir stofnuðu. Undanfarin 6 ár hefur hún verið listrænn stjórnandi LA, og loka sýningin á hennar vegum var And Björk of course.
Love´s in need for love today - Stevie Wonder
Tæknimaður: Jón Þór Helgason

Hæ Hæ - Ævintýri Helga og Hjálmars

Helgi Jean Claessen

"Manni langar að koma upp um tilgerðina" -#414

Hjálmar áttaði sig á tilgerðinni þegar hann var á ströndinni á Spáni að taka myndir. Helgi fór á andlega tónleika í Hörpunni þar sem galsinn tók yfir hann og félaga hans.Þættina má finna inni í áskrift á pardus.is! IG: helgijean & hjalmarorn110 Takk fyrir að hlusta - og munið að subscribe'a!

Rauða borðið

Gunnar Smári Egilsson

Rauða borðið




Snorri Másson ritstjóri

Snorri Másson

Snorri Másson ritstjóri

The Official Jinx Podcast


Chapter 7: "Why Are You Still Here?"

Just before the finale of The Jinx Part One airs, Bob Durst goes on the run. Director Andrew Jarecki fears for his family’s safety until Bob is arrested by the FBI in New Orleans. Then, Andrew travels down to New Orleans to see if Bob has more to say. 
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Crime Junkie



Have you heard yet? Your newest obsession and the ultimate destination for 24/7 true crime, Crime Junkie Radio, is here and exclusive to SiriusXM’s app!On Crime Junkie Radio, you’ll hear episodes from not only Crime Junkie, but from some of our other chart-topping titles like The Deck. But the best part is… it will be the home for our brand-new show, Crime Junkie AF, where we’ll explore cases that are unfolding right now, hosted by the OG Crime Junkie herself, Ashley Flowers.On this first episode, Ashley sits down with special guest Delia D’Ambra to discuss one of the wildest headlines she’s seen in a while – the death of John O’Keefe. Be sure to head over to SiriusXM’s app and follow Crime Junkie AF so you don’t miss out on brand-new episodes releasing at the end of each month.Don't forget to follow Crime Junkie Radio on the SiriusXM app for your 24/7 true crime fix.You can click HERE to download the SiriusXM app directly and receive 3 mont

Út að hlaupa

Marteinn Urbancic og Þorsteinn Roy Jóhannsson


Þriðji þáttur af jóladagatalinu kominn út, Gleðileg jól!

The Mel Robbins Podcast

Mel Robbins

How to Read Body Language to Get What You Want: 6 Simple Psychological Tricks to Be More Confident

Do you want to know how to talk to anyone with ease and confidence? In this episode, you will learn science-backed psychological tricks to be more successful, charismatic, and influential today.Vanessa Van Edwards is the founder of The Science of People, a behavior lab that studies high achievers and the science of confidence and body language. Her research proves that anyone can learn these practical skills and become a more successful person by using the same simple habits that almost every high achiever has.Whether you want to be a better leader, land your dream job, achieve big goals, or align your life with what you want, this is the episode for you.For more resources, including links to Vanessa’s bestselling books, click here for the podcast episode page. If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love hearing Vanessa’s other appearance on the podcast: Research Fro

Frjálsar hendur


Þrjátíu ára stríðið 4

Í þessum fjórða þætti um 30 ára stríðið og þeim síðasta í bili er fjallað um herferð „ljóns norðursins“ Gustavs Adolfs Svíakóngs suður til Þýskalands til stuðnings mótmælendum, þegar keisaraherir Wallensteins og Tillys virtust þess albúnir að knésetja mótmælendur. Svíakonungur þótti glæsimenn mikið og fær herstjórnandi en jafnvel hann átti stt skapadægur í þessu blóðuga stríði. Umsjón: Illugi Jökulsson.

Stjörnuspeki – Orkugreining


Vikulegur þáttur um stjörnuspeki þar sem við komum til með að endurvekja áhuga fólks á sjálfsþekkingu. Hver ertu? Hverjir eru þínir styrkleikar og veikleikar, og hvernig getur þú unnið með þá. Þátturinn er frumfluttur á Bylgjunni klukkan 21:00 á sunnudagskvöldum og kemur svo inn á streymisveitur á mánudögum klukkan 15:00

The Basement Yard

Santagato Studios

#447 - Dating Apps Are Getting Too Specific

I don't want to say all that!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


Serial Productions & The New York Times

S04 - Ep. 6: Part 2, Asymmetry

After the worst happens at Guantánamo, the warden tries to explain it to the outside world – and to himself.


Fjölnir Gísla & Vilhelm Neto




Viðtalsþáttur á Vísi þar sem kafað er í mál í brennidepli.

Beint í bílinn


Beint í bílinn


Helgi Ómars

Þáttur 176 - Þórunn Eymundar frá Heimilisfriði um hlið meðferðaraðila gerenda ofbeldis

Þátturinn er í boði:
Nettó - www.netto.is - náið í Nettó appið í app-store og sparið!
Chitocare - www.chitocare.is - afsláttarkóði: Helgaspjallið
IceHerbs - www.iceherbs.is
Sleepy - www.sleepy.is - fæst í Vest Ármúla
Bpro - www.bpro.is

Í samfélaginu okkar höfum við aldrei verið eins vakandi og meðvituð um ofbeldi. Þórunn Eymundardóttir sálfræðingur hjá Heimilisfriði sem er meðferðarúrræði fyrir einstaklinga sem beita eða hafa beitt ofbeldi í nánum samböndum. Í vaxandi og áframhaldandi umræðu fannst mér mikilvægt að heyra frá meðferðaraðilum sem vinna beint með gerendum, og finna fyrir áframhaldandi von um að ofbeldi í samfélaginu, og heiminum ef útí það er farið, fer minnkandi og við hjálpumst að, að reyna koma í veg fyrir það að fólk finni þörfina til að beita öðru fólki ofbeldi af öllu tagi. Ég er þakklátur Þórunni að hafa komið og fengið að bæði kyn

The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett


Moment 159: The Most Important Sex Advice You NEED To Hear: Esther Perel

In this moment, world-renowned relationship therapist, Esther Perel discusses sexless relationships. In her work, Esther says that many of her patients focus so heavily on the amount of sex they are having, and begin to panic when this starts to change. Instead, she says that they should focus on the quality of the experience, and the connection they have with their partner. Esther believes that many of the issues and concerns around the amount of sex a couple is having can be reduced by having better communication around sex. These conversations include a partner’s fantasy life, what they enjoy, what excites them, and what do they look for in sex. Most couples have never had these conversations before and don’t realise that sexuality is a vast topic that changes with their lives.

Listen to the full episode here -
Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/5YgGK3Hw3Ib
Spotify- https://g2ul0.ap

Seinni níu

Logi Bergmann og Jón Júlíus Karlsson

Þáttur um golf. Allir léttir. Þáttastjórnendur eru Logi Bergmann & Jón Júlíus Karlsson

Ólafssynir í Undralandi

Útvarp 101


Já kæru hlustendur - í þætti dagsins ræða þeir Ólafssynir um allt og ekkert en þó aðallega um tímaflakk. Leggið vel við hlustir.

Sterk saman

Tinna Gudrun Barkardottir

#97 Talía Mjöll

Talia Mjöll er tvítug stelpa sem á stóra sögu sem aðstandandi. Móðir hennar hvarf úr lífi hennar í átta ár og á meðan bjó hún við mikið ofbeldi.




Myrka Ísland

Sigrún Elíasdóttir

Myrka Ísland

Draugar fortíðar


#186 Carlos Kaiser: Fótboltamaðurinn sem forðaðist fótbolta

Svikahrappar og svindlarar hafa ætíð vakið sérstaka athygli og jafnvel aðdáun meðal almennings. Stundum er ekki annað hægt en að dáðst að hugkvæmni þeirra sem nýta sér persónutöfra og samskiptahæfni til að koma sér áfram í lífinu. Vissulega eru til svindlarar sem engin ástæða er til að dást að. Fólk sem markvisst nýtir sér jafnvel neyð annarra og hagnast á því. Carlos Henrique Raposo fellur ekki í þann flokk hreinræktaðra illmenna en svikahrappur var hann vissulega og er í dag fyrstur til að viðurkenna það. Carlos fékk viðurnefnið Kaiser því hann þótti líkjast Frans Beckenbauer sem var einatt kallaður "Keisarinn". Eins og margir ungir drengir í Brasilíu dreymdi Carlos um að verða frægur fótboltamaður. Hann hafði útlitið og stæltan líkama. Þó var eitt mikilvægt sem Carlos vantaði: Hann var vita hæfileikalaus í fótbolta. Carlos var þó ákveðinn í að láta það ekki stoppa sig.

Viltu heyra fleiri þætt










To Die For

Tenderfoot TV and iHeartPodcasts

8) The Seduction That Went Too Far

"Knowing that I can kill, knowing that I can seduce anyone. knowing that my target was literally kissing my feet. In that moment, I felt so strong and so powerful."
Show Credits:

Produced by Tenderfoot TV in association with iHeart Podcasts
Host/Writer: Neil Strauss
Guest: Aliia Roza
Executive Producers: Neil Strauss, Donald Albright and Payne Lindsey
Lead Producer and Editor: Tristen Bankston
Additional Editing: Miles Clark and Christian Brown
Supervising Producer: Tracy Kaplan
Consultants: Nooshin Valizadeh, Chelsey Goodan and Jaime Albright 
Cover Art Design: Byron McCoy
Original Music: Makeup and Vanity Set, with additional music by Ben Fleisch
Mixed and Mastered: Dayton Cole
Theme song: Killer Shangri-lah by Pshycotic Beats featuring Pati Amor
Special thanks to: Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media and Marketing, Oren Segal, Rebecca J



Djúpið er á dagskrá X-ins 977 alla föstudaga á milli kl. 14 og 16. Stjórnendur eru Sigurjón Kjartansson og Aðalbjörn Tryggvason.

Ofurkona í orlofi

Bjargey Ingólfsdóttir

Ofurkona í orlofi

Maintenance Phase

Aubrey Gordon & Michael Hobbes

Jamie Oliver

In the 2000s, Jamie Oliver made a big splash with his work reforming kids’ meals in the UK and US. Was his work wicked slammin’, or just proper rustic?Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreBuy Aubrey's bookListen to Mike's other podcastLinks!BBC Profile - Jamie OliverJamie Oliver Puts America's Diet on a DietAll The Times Jamie Oliver Made Everyone AngryUnpacking School Lunch: Understanding the Hidden Politics of School FoodA brief history of school meals in the UKTurkey Twizzlers: A Complete HistoryMarcus Rashford Is Fighting the Government on Free School Meals. He’s Also Fighting Jamie Oliver’s LegacyHas Jamie Bitten off More Than He Can Chew?Jamie Oliver, you haven’t tasted real povertyJamie Oliver’s campaign against childhood obesity has classist undertonesJamie’s jerk rice is a recipe for disasterThanks to Doctor Dreamchip for our lovely theme song!Support the show

The Rest Is History

Goalhanger Podcasts

443. Lord Byron: Death of a Vampire (Part 4)

Rumours surrounding Lord Byron’s scandalous divorce rippled throughout the world. Finally, he had no choice but to abandon England in disgrace and flee to Italy, an exile but still the most famous man in Europe. Then, in the summer of 1816 in Geneva, he met a young poet named Percy Bysshe Shelley, and one of the most iconic literary friendships of all time was sparked. A handsome republican with an enthusiasm for free-love, Shelley immediately attracted Byron’s admiration. With him, however, was his sister-in-law Claire, a former lover of Byron’s, pregnant with his child whom he detested. Also, Shelley’s wife, Mary. So it was that on a stormy night of ghost stories, another great masterpiece was born…However, as time passed and in the wake of a series of tragedies, the aging Byron grew increasingly isolated and restive, his thoughts turning once more to Greece, that ancient land of myth and legend. Approached by the London Greek C

You're Wrong About

Sarah Marshall

George Michael with Marcus McCann

He turned a bright spark into a flame.(Part 1 of 2!)You can buy Marcus McCann's book, Park Cruising: What Happens When We Wander Off the Path, here.Content warning: this episode briefly discusses suicide around minute 13.An extended cut of this episode is available for Patreon and Apple Podcast subscribers.Support You're Wrong About:Bonus Episodes on PatreonBuy cute merchWhere else to find us:Sarah's other show: You Are Good[YWA co-founder] Mike's other show: Maintenance PhaseLinks:https://houseofanansi.com/products/park-cruisinghttps://www.teepublic.com/stores/youre-wrong-abouthttps://www.paypal.com/paypalme/yourewrongaboutpodhttps://www.podpage.com/you-are-goodhttp://maintenancephase.comSupport the show



Herbergið hennar Tove, rappstyrjöld, Juno Paul

Juno Paul er listamannsnafn tónlitstarmannsins Andra Franz Baldvinssonar, sem skaust fram á sjónarsviðið á síðasta ári. Andri hefur verið áberandi í reykvísku grasrótarsenunni undanfarið, og nú styttist í útgáfu á hans fyrstu plötu.

Það standa yfir miklar deilur í rappheimum vestanhafs þessa stundina, en Kendrick Lamar og Drake hafa meðal annars átt í útistöðum upp á síðkastið. Þeir hafa gripið til þess að kveðast á, komið skotum hvor á annan með grimmilegum níðvísum, diss-lögum. Sævar Andri Sigurðarson fer yfir stöðuna og segir frá sögu diss-lagsins.

Þórdís Gísladóttir, rithöfundur og þýðandi hefur þýtt tvær bækur eftir danska höfundin Tove Ditlevsen. Um þessar myndir er í sýningu myndin Tove's værelse, í Bíó Paradís, þrúgandi stofudrama byggt á bók eftir Tove. Við ræðum myndina og líf þessarar merkilegu skáldkonu.

Two Hot Takes

Morgan Absher

163: Anything but Perfect..

WE'RE ON TOUR !!! : https://linktr.ee/twohottakestour
Link for Google Form if you're attending one of our shows: https://forms.gle/A9WkQAci26LhMZjs5

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

MERCH IS HERE ! https://shop.twohottakes.com
I can't wait to see you all in these, especially at our live shows!!
Our PO Box!! Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
Bonus Content on Patreon: https://www.pat

The Campaign Moment

The Washington Post

Campus outrage and the GOP’s reckoning with Marjorie Taylor Greene

Senior political reporter Aaron Blake, who writes The Post’s new newsletter by the same name, Post Reports co-host Elahe Izadi and national politics reporter Colby Itkowitz sit down to talk about Tuesday’s congressional primaries, the latest presidential polling, and the potential effect on the presidential campaign from the protests on college campuses.Subscribe to Aaron’s newsletter here. Subscribe to The Washington Post here.Today’s show was produced and mixed by Rennie Svirnovskiy. It was edited by Renita Jablonski and Allison Michaels. 

Split Screen: Kid Nation


Episode 1: Dropped in the Desert

We introduce the concept of 'Kid Nation' through the lens of its controversial reception, including a campaign to have the show banned before it even aired. But how bad was it? We hear from one of the parents about their hopes for the show, and their daughter’s auditions and first few days. We’re left wondering: what have these kids signed up for?For early access to Split Screen: Kid Nation episodes and to listen ad-free, subscribe to CBC's Stories channel here.



Enski boltinn - Heimskur og heimskari

Viðburðarrík helgi að baki í enska boltanum þar sem bæði var spilað í ensku úrvalsdeildinni og þeirri elstu og virtustu, ensku bikarkeppninni.

Manchester United var stálheppið gegn Coventry, Guardiola brjálaður eftir sigurleik og Arsenal og Liverpool komust aftur á sigurbraut.

Gummi og Steinke eru á sínum stað en Emil Ásmundsson, leikmaður Fylkis, er sérstakur gestur í þættinum.

Rotten Mango

Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#352: The Nurses Watch Him Bleed Out On The Operating Table Because The Doctor Went Home

The first thing they feel is how stiff the table is underneath them… it feels so cold. Then, they open their eyes, and see a masked man staring straight at them holding a scalpel. 

The first instinct is to scream. To run. 
But that would be silly. They paid thousands of dollars for this surgery. 

Suddenly, their eyes start feeling heavy again. The room looks blurry and they start to feel like something heavy is sitting on their chest. 

The only comfort is knowing that they booked the best plastic surgeon in all of South Korea. It was a little strange that they had an opening for a surgery the same week… because wouldn’t his schedule be fully booked? If he’s that popular?

And they could have sworn that he had 5 other surgeries scheduled for this very time slot… how could the doctor be in 5 operating rooms at once?

But that’s why

Working Hard, Hardly Working

Grace Beverley

Ep. 84 The Truth About Nutrition With Em The Nutritionist

Emily English is a nutritionist on a mission - she’s a qualified nutritionist with a BSC from Kings College London, and she now has over a million followers who love her easy & healthy recipes, and simple explanations. Emily is a glowy picture of health, but it wasn’t until her relationship with food suffered that she decided to explore our relationship with food as a whole.I can’t thank Emily enough for sharing her story and being so open about the struggles she’s faced to get to where she is now. I really quizzed her in this episode about the fundamentals of diet & nutrition, there’s so much actionable advice in this one. I hope you enjoy it! +EMILY'S WEEKNIGHT RECIPES Satay UdonSupergreen PastaThai Green noodles+EMILY'S LINKS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emthenutritionist/?hl=en Cookbook pre-order: https://geni.us/SoGoodBook +MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/ +Download Revolut

The Freetrail Podcast with Dylan Bowman

Dylan Bowman

Trailgating | Fantasy Prediction Show

This is Freetrail's 2024 Canyons prediction show. Four Golden Ticket to the Western States 100 are on the line in a very competitive 100k race. We will also preview the talent-packed 50k. Our hosts today are Dylan Bowman, Hayden Hawks, and David Lam.   Topics: Weather/course update - Predicted top contenders - Anticipated breakthrough performers - A lot more! Our coverage is made possible by HOKA. Check out their wide range of trail running products at: https://www.hoka.com/en/us/   Play fantasy trail running: https://fantasy.freetrail.com/events   Freetrail Links: Website | https://freetrail.com/ Freetrail Pro | https://freetrail.com/freetrail-pro/ Patreon | https://www.patreon.com/dylanbowman Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/runfreetrail/?hl=en YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8MKI1xB8YMchI1764zJXHg Freetrail Experts | https://freetrail.com/freetrail-experts/   Dylan Links: Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/d

Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Team Coco & Earwolf

Jimmy Carr

Comedian Jimmy Carr feels contractually obliged about being Conan O’Brien’s friend. Jimmy sits down with Conan to discuss why now is a better time than ever to be in stand-up, developing his signature comedic style, workshopping new material on the road, and what Dunbar’s number tells us about the origins of comedy.  Jimmy Carr returns to Netflix with his latest stand-up special Jimmy Carr: Natural Born Killer out now. Jimmy’s brand-new international tour Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny is on sale now. For tickets and info visit jimmycarr.comWebsite: https://www.jimmycarr.comYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/@jimmycarrInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmycarrThreads: https://www.threads.net/@jimmycarr For Conan videos, tour dates and more visit TeamCoco.com.Got a question for Conan? Call our voicemail: (669) 587-2847.

Real Dictators


Oliver Cromwell Part 2: Civil War Across the Realms

England is plunged into conflict. Oliver Cromwell, an obscure politician, soon proves himself an outstanding military commander. King Charles, meanwhile, unveils his own star signing - a dashing young cavalry officer named Prince Rupert. A daring mission featuring the Queen threatens to tip the balance the Royalists’ way. But Cromwell’s New Model Army will prove itself unstoppable…
A Noiser production, written by Jeff Dawson.
Many thanks to Peter Gaunt, Clare Jackson, Anna Keay, John Morrill, Nicholas O’Shaughnessy, Micheál Ó Siochrú.
This is Part 2 of 4.
Get every episode of Real Dictators a week early with Noiser+. You’ll also get ad-free listening, bonus material and early access to shows across the Noiser network. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started. Or, if you’re on Spotify or Android, go to noiser.com/subscriptions.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


Þorsteinn V. Einarsson

S2:Þ1 „Bókin seldist vel og konur voru þakklátar og líka fullt af körlum“ - Hulda Tölgyes og Haukur Bragason

Þriðja vaktin – Jafnréttishandbók heimilisins kom út í lok nóvember í fyrra. Bókina skrifaði ég ásamt Huldu Tölgyes sálfræðingi og í nánu og góðu samstarfi við ritstjórann okkar, Hauk Bragason. Haukur hélt að hann þyrfti mest að passa að tóna okkur niður, passa að við værum ekki of róttæk, reið og stuðandi, en var í raun farinn að þurfa að tóna okkur upp. 
Í þessum þætti gefum við innsýn í ferlið á skrifunum, segjum frá því hvernig bókin þróaðist, segjum frá upplifun okkar af ofsafenginni en innihaldslausri gagnrýni og hvernig taugakerfi Huldu hrundi eftir að skrifunum lauk. 
Þátturinn er aðgengilegur öllum og án auglýsinga vegna bakhjarla Karlmennskunnar sem styrkja mánaðarlega í gegnum thridja.is/styrkja. 
Umsjón: Þorsteinn V. Einarsson / Þriðja.is
Viðmælendur: Hulda Tölgyes og Haukur Bragason
Tónlist: Mr. Silla - Naruto (án söngs)

Park Predators



Have you ever thought about whose job it is to track international fugitives, hunt child abductors, conduct espionage, or pull human remains from concealed mass graves? Everyday thousands of good and decent people work in these Dark Arenas. They’ve chosen professions that grapple with the grotesque, deal with the deviant, and dodge the dangerous. In this audiochuck original series, you will hear first-hand accounts of what it's like to investigate the darkest crimes and most violent criminals in society. Host Delia D’Ambra has traveled across the United States to collect one-on-one interviews with crime scene experts, FBI agents, forensic interviewers, medical examiners, DEA agents, a former CIA Director, ATF special agents, and more. Each week she works to understand how these professionals’ jobs affect them, and most importantly, why they keep at it day after day.

Björn Ingi á Viljanum

Björn Ingi Hrafnsson

Fréttaskýringar, pistlar og viðtöl um málefni líðandi stundar. Dagbókarbrot. Hugleiðsla og pælingar um ræktun líkama og andleg málefni.

The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll

Plant-Based Bassist Tanya O'Callaghan On How Changing Your Plate Can Change The World

This week, I am joined by Tanya O’Callaghan, a musician, speaker, and activist, to discuss her unconventional journey from Ireland to a globally touring rock musician dedicated to advocacy. She talks about her roots volunteering at an animal shelter, her unexpected rise through LA’s music scene after a chance encounter with Maynard Keenan of Tool, and her commitment to a plant-based lifestyle even while on tour playing alongside legendary acts like Whitesnake, Puscifer, Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson, and Dee Snider. Tanya discusses touring, the evolving food landscape in Ireland, and her deeply personal projects—a touring documentary promoting plant-based diets, and an upcoming film highlighting how plant-based nutrition can support veteran health and well-being. She also emphasizes staying true to your passions, engaging in respectful dialogue, and using storytelling to drive positive

Casefile True Crime

Casefile Presents

328: Case 281: Bibaa Henry & Nicole Smallman

*** Content warnings: Racial violence, sexual assault ***

In June of 2020, London social worker Bibaa Henry decided to celebrate her 46th birthday with a picnic at scenic Fryent Country Park. Celebrations continued late into the night, until Bibaa and her younger sister Nicole Smallman were the only partygoers remaining. When both failed to return home the following day, their family was quick to raise the alarm. Their search would lead to a teenager who believed he’d made a deal with the Devil…


Narration – Anonymous Host
Research & writing – Erin Munro
Creative direction – Milly Raso
Production and music – Mike Migas
Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn

Sign up for Casefile Premium:

Apple Premium
Spotify Premium

For all credits and sources, please visit casefilepodcast.com/case-281-bibaa-henry-nicole-smallman



Eyjamenn þurfa að skila skömminni - Yfir 25.000 heimili horfa á þjóðaríþróttina

Undanúrslitin um Íslandsmeistaratitilinn er í fullum gangi. FH-ingar eru komnir með níu fætur í úrslitaeinvígið og það yrði þjálffræðilegt afrek hjá Gunna Magg að koma Aftureldingu ekki í úrslitaeinvígið. Umspilið, úrslitakeppni kvennamegin og meira til - allt í Handkastinu og allt í Handboltapassanum.

History Daily

Airship | Noiser | Wondery

Saturday Matinee: The Burden

On today’s Saturday Matinee, we get the scoop on "disgraced detective" Louis N. Scarcella who helped incarcerate over twenty people that ended up walking free. Was Scarcella a crooked cop, or is there more to this story?Link to The Burden: https://link.chtbl.com/H-8BwRkXSupport the show! Join Into History for ad-free listening and more.History Daily is a co-production of Airship and Noiser.Go to HistoryDaily.com for more history, daily.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

An Old Timey Podcast

An Old Timey Podcast

An Old Timey Podcast

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

Ten Percent Happier

A Very Simple, Very Effective Meditation | Bonus Meditation with Cara Lai

Cara introduces you to the magic of doing less. These gentle no-frills instructions get right to the heart of meditation practice.About Cara Lai:Cara Lai spent most of her life trying to figure out how to be happy, or at least avoid total misery, which landed her on a meditation cushion for the majority of her adulthood. Throughout many consciousness adventures including a few mind-bendingly long meditation retreats, she has explored the wilderness of the mind, chronic illness, the importance of pleasure, and a wide range of other things that she might get in trouble for mentioning publicly. In the past, Cara has worked as an artist, wilderness guide, social worker and psychotherapist, but at this point she’s given up on being an adult in exchange for an all-out mindfulness rampage. Her teaching is relatable, authentic, funny and sometimes crass, and is accessible for many people. She tea


Hamda Hussein

Ep:50; Dib U Milicsi |Reflecting Back

Xilqaddan waxaynu dib ugu milicsanaynaa safarkii kabasho ee sannadka iyo badhka soo socday, waxaynu kale oo wax iska waydiinynaa muhiimadda ay leedahay 'Kabashada-Dareen' iyo calaamadaha aad ku garan kartid.Dhagaysi wacan.

The Daily

The New York Times

Introducing ‘The Interview’: Anne Hathaway Is Done Trying to Please

On the debut of ’The Interview,' the actress talks to David Marchese about learning to let go of other people’s opinions. For more on the show, please visit nytimes.com/theinterview.

The Tiny Meat Gang Podcast

TMG Studios

341: Cody’s CREAMi Protein Shake

Bonus Episodes & Ad Free Episodes: https://bit.ly/4bUjAai

The robots get revenge. Then, Noel shares stories from Utah, Cody recaps his recent Vegas trip and his creamy protein meal from hell. Plus, what happened at the Ryan Garcia fight and the coolest challenge of all: Excel Esports. 

Earn points by paying rent when you go to https://joinbilt.com/tmg.

Download PrizePicks today and use code TMG for a first deposit match up to $100!

Buy Our Merch: http://shoptmgstudios.com 
Highlights Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TMGPodcastHighlightsMain?sub_confirmation=1

TMG Socials: https://www.reddit.com/r/SmallDeliMeats/ https://twitter.com/tinymeatgang/likes https://www.instagram.com/tmgforreal/ https://www.tiktok.com/@tinymeatgang?lang=en 

CODY http://youtube.com/codyko http://twitter.com/codyko http://instagram.com/codykohttps://www.tiktok.com/@codyko?lang=en



180 - Raunir Boeing og körfuboltastjarnan Caitlin Clark

Flugvélaframleiðandinn Boeing hefur verið í talsverðum vandræðum undanfarin ár. Fyrirtækið hafði átt áratuga sögu sem framleiðandi öruggra og góðra farþegavéla. Hvað fór eiginlega úrskeiðis? Hallgrímur Indriðason leitar svara við því.

Körfuboltakonan Caitlin Clark er á vörum allra sem fylgjast með körfubolta í Bandarkjunum og víðar og hún er ekki einu sinni byrjuð í atvinnumennsku. Þorgils Jónsson segir okkur frá Clark.



Berlín - Mannæta

Árið 2020 fundust bein í almenningsgarði í Berlín. Við frekari skoðun komu í ljós ummerki eftir mannætu. Það var svo líkamsvefur á einu beinanna sem leiddi til handtöku í málinu.
Þessi þáttur er í boði Einn tveir og elda og PLAY 
Morðsál á instagram

Brodies Hlaðvarp


Brodies Hlaðvarp



Tvíhöfði á X-977 - Krónuspecial

Tvíhöfði rýnir til gagns.

Reply All


Search Engine with PJ Vogt

PJ Vogt introduces his new show, Search Engine, where he digs into all kinds of questions, big and small. On this episode: why are drug dealers putting fentanyl in everything? 

You can find the concluding episode of the story here. 

To find more episodes of Search Engine or to submit a question to the show, go here.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware

Jessie Ware

S16 Ep 28: Jessie and Lennie do Malibu

We’re doing something a little bit different this week, mum & I are in Malibu, California, and we’re bringing you along on some eating and drinking! We went to Broad Street Oyster to try their ‘world famous’ lobster rolls, caviar and fish tacos, we stopped by Diane Kron’s Chocolate shop to sample what is known as the ‘Rolls Royce of chocolates’ (Jackie Kennedy’s favourite, apparently) and then we popped over to Cornell Wine Company for a fabulous wine tasting with their wonderful expert Matt. It’s a whirlwind, it’s an adventure, we ate some delicious food and tried some excellent wine - and we got very drunk! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



Föstudagskaffið: Er launþeginn að komast í tísku aftur?

Þeir voru stúrnir í morgunsárið þeir Addi og Iddi, enda bara mannlegir og vissulega ekki frá Túrin. Alls konar pælingar í dag. Farið hratt inn í helgina og ekki búa til merch að óþörfu. Góðar stundir.

Þú veist betur



Jæja mín kæru, nú er komið að síðasta þætti í þessari seríu af Þú veist betur sem er númer 95 í heildina hvorki meira né minna. En í sumar ætlum við Ingvar Þór að koma með aðra seríu af Þráðum þar sem við lítum í baksýnisspegilinn, rifjum upp áhugaverð mál og gröfum í kistunni að efni sem hefur ekki heyrst í langan tíma. Því þarf athyglin að færast yfir á það verkefni í bili. Þú veist betur heldur svo auðvitað áfram næsta vetur, svo engar áhyggjur, við höldum áfram að fræðast um alls kyns hluti eftir smá pásu. En lokaþátturinn í þetta skiptið er heldur betur forvitnilegur. Það er oft talað um sveppi í nútímasamfélagi, þá kannski oftast myglusveppi og hvimleiðar afleiðingar hans. Nú eða fótsveppi, sveppasýkingar, þar fram eftir götunum. Svo mér fannst halla töluvert á þessa ótrúlegu lífveru, sem sinnir svo mikilvægu hlutverki í lífi okkar, hvort sem við vitum af því eða ekki. Það er nóg að nefna pensilín til að benda á hlutverk hans í sögu okkar. Svo til að kafa aðein