Sterrato - Il Trail Running in un podcast


Voleva essere solo un canale YouTube sul Trail Running e invece è un anche un podcast. Le domande di due semplici appassionati a chi gli sport di endurance li vive come un mestiere.

Runner 451 Podcast

Runner 451

Runner 451 è il canale dei podcast dedicati alla corsa. Non un solo show, ma più show, nello stesso canale, tutti sotto il cappello di Runner451 Programmazione Attuale: Lunedì R451 Training Giovedì Runation 451 CORSO&MANGIATO Il podcast tecnico per chi cerca risposte su allenamento e nutrizione, condotto e creato da Simone Cellini e Nicolas Cicognani RUNATION Il podcast quotidiano per chi ama la corsa e vuole essere sempre sul pezzo R451 Training I consigli sulla corsa di Simone Cellini di Runner 451 STORIE di R451 Show Le storie più belli, i consigli degli esperti, i super ospiti

Da 0 a 42 - Il mio podcast sul running

Lorenzo Maggiani

Idee, dubbi, esperienze, gare, allenamenti, recensioni, interviste, tapasciate e molto altro sul mondo della corsa e del trail running. A volte anche ruota libera, come un chiacchierata davanti ad un caffè o una birretta, solo per il piacere di vivere e di raccontare questo sport. Il tutto dal punto dei vista di un comunissimo (e scarsissimo) runner amatoriale, che si è avvicinato alla corsa quasi per sbaglio, fino a provare l'esperienza della maratona e dell'ultra trail. Seguimi! Canale Telegram: Instagram: Profilo Strava: Club Strava: Sito: Oppure contattami! Supporta questo progetto tramite un sostegno mensile su Patreon: In alternativa, puoi fare una donazione "una-tantum". PayPal: Buymeacoffee: Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:



Fuorisoglia è il podcast di Runlovers. Partiamo dalla corsa e dallo sport e arriviamo ogni volta in un posto diverso; viaggiamo insieme - a piedi - per migliorarci sempre di più, sotto ogni aspetto. Passo dopo passo. Puoi essere anche tu protagonista di Fuorisoglia, basta inviare le tue domande e i tuoi suggerimenti con un vocale su Whatsapp o Telegram al numero 347 6818091.

The Boulder Boys Show

The Boulder Boys

professional trail boys from Boulder, CO who like to run up and down things and talk about it

The Runner's World UK Podcast

Runner's World UK

The Runner's World podcast is your weekly dose of all things running, here to inform and entertain with unique interviews, news, advice, in-depth discussion and much, much more. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Esco a Correre: Il Podcast

Simone Luciani

Questo è il podcast ufficiale di Esco a Correre. Esco a Correre è nata su Youtube ed ora è anche un Magazine digitale e una community. La missione: Incentivare più persone possibile a cercare e trovare la propria migliore versione di se stessi attraverso la corsa.

Any Surface Available

Francesco Puppi

Storie, persone, luoghi, esperienze e notizie dal mondo della corsa. Attraverso la lente e le parole di Francesco Puppi

Personal Running Coach

Roberto Martini

In questo podcast voglio dare voce alle vostre storie di corsa, voglio parlare direttamente con voi, sono sicuro che tra di voi ci sono delle storie eccezionali di corsa e vita che possono essere di aiuto e motivazione anche per altre persone. Buon ascolto e buone Corse a tutti! #NoLimits

Formula 1 - Storie di mondiali

Nicolo' Ceccon

Una sintesi di tutti i campionati di Formula 1 e dei piloti che hanno fatto la storia di questo sport, dal 1950 ai giorni nostri. Instagram: @formula1storiedimondiali Mail:


Claudio Bagnasco

"Runningsofia" è il bollettino settimanale di un podista innamorato della corsa. "Runningsofia" è il podcast per, anzi di, tutti i podisti amatori. "Runningsofia" ha un sottotitolo, "E la corsa e la vita", che significa... beh, su: scopritelo ascoltandomi. Ogni martedì. Buone cose, buone corse!

Dal Verrazzano a Central Park / Maratona di New York Podcast

Lorenzo Maria dell'Uva & Pietro Paschino

Vuoi scoprire tutti i segreti della Maratona di New York? "Dal Verrazzano a Central Park" ti porta dietro le quinte (e lungo il percorso) di uno degli eventi sportivi più famosi e popolari del mondo, ripercorrendo, miglio dopo miglio, tutto il tracciato di gara. Ciascuna puntata è dedicata ad un miglio specifico del percorso ed in molti episodi affiancano i co-host Lorenzo dell'Uva e Pietro Paschino numerosi runner ed appassionati che hanno corso, vinto o ancora sognano la partecipazione alla TCS NYC Marathon. A proposito di Lorenzo & Pietro: - Lorenzo Maria dell’Uva lavora nel digital. È startupper, giornalista, runner e fotografo. Ha pubblicato “La corsa infinita” (, la guida completa alla Maratona di New York, e “Race Day" ( un reportage fotografico dedicato alla TCS NYC Marathon. Ha corso, fino ad oggi, la Maratona di New York dieci volte e sogna di entrare a far parte del club dei "15+ Marathoners". ‬ Su Instagram, Strava ed X il suo nickname è @delluva oppure lo trovate al sito - Pietro Paschino è un Medico Veterinario, ma anche Ricercatore ed Insegnante, e spesso scrive di corsa per RunLovers. Corre quasi tutti i giorni, ovunque si trovi nel mondo. Su Instagram, Facebook, Strava e Twitter il suo nickname è @pietropaschino. Che fantasia infinita, eh?

RDS Active, passione per la corsa

RDS 100% Grandi Successi

Ignite: A European Athletics Series

European Athletics

This is Ignite, a narrative podcast series from European Athletics telling the personal stories of athletes as they count down to the Roma 2024 European Athletics Championships. Throughout this series we will hear the first-person narratives from the likes of Keely Hodgkinson, Femke Bol, Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Zharnel Hughes, Yaroslava Mahuchikh and many more. If you want to see these stars in action in Rome this summer, visit: Ignite is a HWY61 production for European Athletics

Sempre di Corsa

Lorenzo Lotti e Silla Dario Gambardella

Il podcast di Lorenzo Lotti per aiutare tutti gli appassionati di running a correre meglio, più veloce e più a lungo. Ogni sabato pubblichiamo una puntata ricca di consigli pratici e storie che possano essere di ispirazione a tutti coloro che amano correre.



Cacciatori di fibbie

Running Rogue

Chris McClung

Running Rogue is a podcast produced by Rogue Running in Austin, TX. We are here to talk about all things running and help you become a better runner along the way! Check us out at

Trail Runner Nation

Trail Runner Nation

Trail Runner Nation is devoted to sharing knowledge and advice to the trail running community - from beginners to the pros! We offer tips and discussion regarding race nutrition, pacing strategy, mental focus and much more from well-respected members of the trail community.

Running long - A trail & ultra running talk

Vert is the home for every trail & ultra runner. On this podcast we host conversations with key members of our Trail & Ultra running community from all over the world. From professional world class athletes to our members and community. Narrating captivating stories and learning from and about this amazing sport.


Jason Koop

Coach Jason Koop covers training, nutrition and recent happenings in the ultramarathon world.

Der Running Gags Podcast

Running Gags

Wir teilen ja viel Laufcontent auf YouTube und Insta aber hier auf Spotify gibt es nochmal authentischere und persönlichere Einblicke aus unserem Leben als (halb)professionelle Läufer. Mit unterschiedlichen Mitgliedern aus unserem Team reden wir über vergangene Wettkämpfe, Training und was sonst so los ist.

SALTY Trailrunning Podcast

SALTY Trailrunning

Profi-Athlet:innen, Gäste aus der Community, Veranstalter:innen, Coaches und viele mehr sprechen mit uns über aktuelle Themen, Sichtweisen sowie ganz persönliche Meinungen - authentisch, ehrlich und inspirierend!

Run With Cotto di Cotto Al Dente

Realize Networks

Run With Cotto è il primo podcast di Davide Campagna meglio conosciuto come Cotto Al Dente. L'obiettivo è correre 10 km ad un buon ritmo in 8 lezioni!

Correre Naturale Podcast


Usando come filo conduttore la corsa, Daniele Vecchioni e Carlo Crestani ci accompagneranno in un viaggio alla riscoperta del vero significato di benessere, salute, forma fisica. Consigli sulla corsa, sull’allenamento e sulla vita quotidiana si alterneranno a episodi, racconti e approfondimenti sulla storia e cultura della corsa. Daniele e Carlo condivideranno le loro esperienze, le conoscenze e gli strumenti più utili per aiutarci a migliorare la nostra vita.

Your Personal Best

Paolo Capriotti

Your Personal Best è un progetto nato per aiutare a riscoprire la bellezza e la forza che risiede in ognuno di noi. Questo podcast è interamente idedicato all'Endurance, parliamo di Running, Trail, Triathlon, OCR e Spartan Race. Interviteremo i maggiori esperti del settore per approfondire argomenti specifici in maniera seria, competente e dettagliata. Il nostro Coach Paolo Capriotti è un preparatore atletico professionista con oltre 10 anni d'esperienza nel coaching sportivo e centinaia di casi di successo. Le sue qualifiche: ⭐ Laurea in Scienze Motorie e Sportive ⭐ Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Nutrizione ⭐ Istruttore di Triathlon FITRI e IRONMAN Coach ⭐ Spartan SGX Coach ⭐ Functional e CrossFit Trainer. Info e Coaching:

Caramelle Gommose


Il podcast sull'allenamento nel trail e nell'ultrarunning di Trail Running University, prodotto da RunTrento. Con Roberto De Gasperi e Michele Mattivi.

Marathon Training Academy

Angie and Trevor

The Marathon Training Academy Podcast will help you unlock your potential to conquer the marathon and change your life. Since 2010 Angie and Trevor have shared tips, inspiration, and interesting guests interviews to help listeners run smarter, avoid injury, and go the distance. What RUNNER’S WORLD says about the MTA Podcast: “If you’re training for 26.2, running coach Angie Spencer and her husband, Trevor, have everything you need to reach the finish line. The duo provides plenty of training tips, interviews, and reviews of marathons from around the world. (Angie has run one in every state!) While they don’t always bring on guests, runners like Sara Hall, Dathan Ritzenhein, and even actor Sean Astin have all stopped by.”

FatBoysRun - der Laufpodcast

Michael Arend, Philipp Jordan

FatBoysRun ist der Laufpodcast mit Philipp Jordan. Mit Interviews, Produkttests und Hörerfragen richtet er sich an alle, die das schönste Hobby der Welt haben: Laufen. Fat Boys Run - Der Lauf Podcast



Non ci sono storie di miglioramento, rivalsa, vittoria che non siano accompagnate da fatica e sudore. Sono storie di atleti straordinari che hanno cambiato il mondo e ispirato generazioni. Ma sono anche storie di persone normali che hanno dato il loro senso all’espressione “running needs nothing but you” (ossia “per correre basti tu”), tornando alla meravigliosa essenzialità della corsa. Senza limiti, senza preconcetti, ciascuno a modo suo. Stripes è un podcast che ti accompagna tra storie di corsa e sport, legate tra loro da invisibili strisce che passano attraverso le istruzioni per l'uso su come raggiungere i tuoi risultati nello sport. Percorreremo il tempo e le discipline in un viaggio in cui la corsa diventa la rappresentazione della vita stessa: sudore, fatica, gioia, fallimento, vittoria. Sarà un viaggio attraverso il superamento dei limiti, e le ipotetiche strisce passeranno attraverso lo sport raccontato per arrivare a quello praticato, con consigli che ti porteranno a diventare il protagonista della tua storia. Noi siamo Martino Pietropoli e Sandro Siviero. E questo è STRIPES, un podcast settimanale prodotto da Runlovers. In ogni episodio ti accompagneremo alla scoperta di un personaggio, di una storia, di un argomento. Perché lo sport - attraverso le esperienze, la storia, la cultura - diventa sempre un'espressione e una metafora della vita. Questo podcast è realizzato grazie al contributo e all’accesso agli archivi di adidas che, con i suoi prodotti e la sua passione, ha accompagnato gli atleti in quasi 100 anni di storia dell'umanità. Buon ascolto!

The Trail Network Podcast

The Trail Network Podcast

The Trail Network Podcast brings the untold stories of magical moments amongst trail runners to life. These stories of runners on and off the trail capture the spirit of trailrunning and the power of friendship and connection.

The Run Smarter Podcast

Brodie Sharpe

Expand your running knowledge, identify running misconceptions and become a faster, healthier, SMARTER runner. Let Brodie Sharpe become your new running guide as he teaches you powerful injury insights from his many years as a physiotherapist while also interviewing the best running gurus in the world. This is ideal for injured runners & runners looking for injury prevention and elevated performance. So, take full advantage by starting at season 1 where Brodie teaches you THE TOP PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME ANY RUNNING INJURY and let’s begin your run smarter journey.


Riccardo Palombo

Run is it è un podcast per onorare la corsa, il podismo, il running. Non tanto il gesto in sé, più l'impegno, la dedizione, i motivi che ci fanno andare a letto presto per svegliarci all'alba e correre, magari in salita, spesso soffrendo, cercando qualcosa o sfuggendo qualcosa o inseguendo qualcosa. Su Run is it vi parlerò di allenamenti, di alimentazione, di fisioterapia e di manutenzione del corpo, di scarpe e di indumenti tecnici, di attrezzatura e di GPS, e di sensori, di misuratori, di gare ed eventi.

Run Faq Podcast

Run Faq Podcast

RUN FAQ Подкаст — это ответы на вопросы, которые волнуют всех бегунов-любителей. От подготовки к конкретным дистанциям до методов восстановления. От работы с современными гаджетами до рекомендаций по питанию. От поиска мотивации до принципов подбора беговой обуви. Своим опытом и советами будут делиться опытные бегуны, знаменитые тренеры, практикующие врачи, организаторы забегов и специалисты по подбору экипировки, гаджетам и спортивному питанию. RUN FAQ Подкаст — это совместный проект канала RUN FAQ и многофункциональной продакшен-студия Face2Face, который ведёт Игорь Лисник, опытный бегун-любитель, атлет известного мирового бренда и официальный пейсмейкер забегов Бегового Сообщества. Мы выходим каждую субботу — как раз успеете послушать за завтраком или пока собираетесь на тренировку. Ставьте нам оценки, пишите комментарии и шлите ссылку на наш подкаст своим друзьям. Вопросы и предложения о сотрудничестве — Ждем ваших писем! Приятного прослушивания!

Doctors of Running Podcast

Doctors of Running

We are Doctors of Running, a group of doctors of physical therapy all working to provide you all with information about the art and science of running and what we are putting on our feet. In this podcast we will be giving evidence-based deep dives into running related topics as well as detailed running shoe reviews. You can also check us out at our website --, and on social media @doctorsofrunning To help us continue to produce content for you all, consider joining our support team: Support this podcast:

Höhenmeter pro Kilometer

Kimi Schreiber & Ida-Sophie Hegemann

Die beiden Profi-Trailrunner Ida-Sophie Hegemann und Kim Schreiber unterhalten sich in diesem Podcast wöchentlich über Rennen, Training, aktuelle und kritische Themen aus dem (Trail) Running Sport und geben Einblicke in das Leben als Leistungssportlerinnen. Ehrlich, (selbst-) kritisch und ungefiltert wird hier von Wettkampfoutfit über Preisgelder bis hin zu zyklusbasiertem Training alles thematisiert, was kein Tabu-Thema sein sollte. Zudem werden sie das ein oder andere Mal den Blick über den Tellerrand des Sports hinaus wagen und euch die Menschen „hinter den Läuferinnen“ vorstellen. Die beiden gehören zu den erfolgreichsten Trailläuferinnen im deutschsprachigen Raum, messen sich international in der World Series und haben für den Sport ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in die Berge verlegt. Abseits des Laufens verbindet sie eine enge Freundschaft, in der sie immer wieder feststellen wie unterschiedlich und doch ähnlich sie sich sind.

Coltellate all'Alba


Il salottino della corsa di RunTrento

Atletica Viva

Vita Sportiva

Il podcast di Vita Sportiva dedicato all'atletica leggera. Corsa, lanci, salti e non solo: commentiamo la Regina degli sport in ogni sua forma.

Slimmer Presteren Podcast

Gerrit Heijkoop en Jurgen van Teeffelen

Over sport, onderzoek en innovatie. Jouw wekelijkse kop koffie met wetenschapsjournalist Jurgen van Teeffelen en middle-aged-man-in-lycra Gerrit Heijkoop. Voor mensen die hun grenzen willen verleggen, maar daarbij de grens tussen 'onzin' en 'zinvol' niet uit het oog willen verliezen.

Km42 - courir pour ma forme physique et mentale

Bertrand Soulier - Hamsters Running Club

Sommeil. Alimentation. Mouvement. Mental. Ces outils que les athlètes professionnels utilisent pour battre des records nous aident à rester en bonne santé et heureux. C’est ce que j’ai découvert en reprenant le sport et la course à pied à 40 ans. Et c’est le sujet de ce podcast dédié à la course à pied et à la préparation mentale pour t’aider à devenir du Monde ton Monde. Il y a quelques années j’étais un gros hamster obèse de plus de 105 kilos coincé dans mon canapé. Après un rééquilibrage alimentaire et la reprise du sport, j’ai perdu 27 kilos et je me suis lancé dans le défi de courir un marathon pour mes 42 ans. Ma vie a changé ce jour-là. J’ai appris à courir, à mieux manger, à mieux dormir. J’ai découvert la puissance des habitudes sportives et j’apprends la préparation mentale.   Maintenant mon ambition est de devenir Champion du Monde de mon Monde. Et je veux vous aider à en faire de même en vous lançant vos propres défis et en vous accompagnant dans leur réussite. Toutes les semaines, je partage mon expérience, des conseils, des rencontres avec des personnes inspirantes pour explorer ces thématiques : Courir. Bouger. Manger. Dormir. Récupérer. Mental. recommencer. Tous les jours. KM42 n’est pas seulement un podcast sur la course à pied. Mais une quête de développement personnel par le sport. Je ne gagnerai jamais de course mais j’ai remporté la plus belle des victoires. Et je vous aide à faire la même chose. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Matt Choi Show

Matt Choi

Welcome to "The Matt Choi Show"! Get ready for insightful discussions with creators, runners, and entrepreneurs as we uncover their pursuit of health, wealth, and happiness. Let's dive into their journeys together and discover the secrets to living a fulfilling life!

Coach Bennett's Podcast

Coach Bennett

Coach Bennett brings the motivation and inspiration and a seemingly endless supply of useful and useless knowledge. This podcast is about running... and this podcast is not about running. 

Course Epique

Sportcast Studios

Course Epique c’est 1 invité.e., 1 course, 1 histoire hors du commun. Dans ce podcast consacré à la course à pied et au trail, Guillaume Lalu interviewe pendant 1 heure un.e athlète émérite ou un.e anonyme passionné.e qui a vécu, à son échelle, une histoire de course qui a marqué sa vie à jamais. Quand la légende d’une course et la destinée d’un coureur se rencontrent, c’est dans Course Epique qu’elles se racontent. En savoir plus : Contact : Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Auslaufen - der Laufsport Podcast

Felix Hentschel

Beim Auslaufen lassen sich Max Thorwirth, 5000m-Läufer (13:34min) und Felix Hentschel, Ex-Hindernisläufer über verschiedene Themen des Laufsports aus.


Achilles Running

Beim wöchentlichen ACHILLES RUNNING Podcast, moderiert von unseren laufbegeisterten Redakteur:innen Elliot und/oder Lilly, stehen Wissen, Motivation und Spaß an erster Stelle. Jeden Freitag sprechen wir hier über den (Lauf-)Sport, Fitness, Ernährung und Gesundheit und laden dafür bekannte Persönlichkeiten, Sportler:innen und Expert:innen aus der Gesundheitsbranche ein. Also, reinhören und loslaufen! Auf unserem Instagram-Account findet ihr jede Menge witzigen und informativen Content rund um’s Laufen. Und checkt auch unsere Website für informative Beiträge und Gewinnspiele aus! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Rambling Runner Podcast

Matt Chittim

A podcast about dedicated and motivated amateur runners who are working hard to get better and achieving inspirational results.

Running Commentary

Rob Deering and Paul Tonkinson

Comedians Paul Tonkinson and Rob Deering talk about life and comedy - but mainly running. Whilst running. Support this show Thanks for listening - we'll be back next week, and if you're desperate in the meantime, subscribe and become a Fan - there are hundreds of old episodes you can have a go on, AND you'll get next week's episode three days early. Happy running! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running

RunnersConnect : Running Coaching Community

Running podcast to motivate and help runners of every level, speed, and age run their best.

Ausdauerwelt Podcast

Ausdauerwelt - Laufen, Triathlon, Ausdauersport

Ausdauerwelt ist ein Podcast von Ausdauersportlern für Ausdauersportler. Wir führen Interviews mit Läufern, Triathleten, Radfahrern und Menschen aus der Szene des Ausdauersports. Außerdem geben wir Tipps und Erfahrungen aus unserem eigenen Trainings- und Rennalltag. Gastgeber sind John, Jörg und Sebastian, die leidenschaftlich dem Ausdauersport mit all seinen Facetten verfallen sind.

Capre Bipedi: Il Trail Running In Italia

Sirio Negri

Il primo podcast italiano sul Trail Running. Sirio, trailer per passione e fondatore di, vi porterà notizie, curiosità, nomi e racconti su quello che è il Trail Running nel Belpaese, confezionato per voi, capre, cinghiali o stambecchi che siate!

The Sunday Shakeout

The Sunday Shakeout

Imagine unlocking the secrets to becoming faster, stronger, and less injury-prone. Intrigued? Well, that's exactly what The Sunday Shakeout is all about. Join me, Nicholas, in training talks and candid conversations with running elites and experts as we dive deep into training insights and personal stories. But it's not just about running; it's about unleashing your full potential in every aspect of life. Click play now and let's transform not only your performance, but your entire mindset. Let's create a space where passion meets purpose.

Ali on the Run Show

Ali Feller

Every week on the Ali on the Run Show, I talk with inspiring people who lead interesting lives on the run and beyond. And while running is what brings us all together, on these episodes, we're digging a little deeper. These conversations are about the decisions people have made to get where they are today, and how getting sweaty has factored in. Whether you’re on the run toward something great or away from something that’s holding you back, join me on this never-ending adventure, and let’s all pick up the pace together.

Endorphine par Running Addict

Running Addict

Je suis Niko, aka Running Addict, et je cours depuis 18 ans. Après des années à partager mon expérience de coureur sur internet, me voici prêt à m’inviter dans vos oreilles pour vous accompagner pendant vos entraînements. J’ai envie de continuer de mettre à profit mon expérience en vous donnant accès au fond de mes pensées, de façon brut et sans script ! Ma mission reste la même, à savoir vous aider à éviter les erreurs que j’ai déjà commises et à comprendre les subtilités de ce sport pour que courir rime avec plaisir. Bref… COURSE À PIED = PLAISIR = ENDORPHINE ⚡️

Einer rennt Einer hinterher

Einer rennt Einer hinterher

Hendrik Pfeiffer, Deutscher Marathonmeister und Olympionike, trifft auf den laufverrückten Sat.1-Reporter Christian Schmidt, dessen Stärke vor allem auf der Zielgeraden liegt: Sein unwiderstehlicher Endspurt zur Kölsch-Theke. Wie schafft es der Laufsport, dieses ungleiche Duo zu vereinen? Was treibt eigentlich ein Marathonprofi den ganzen Tag? Natürlich kommen auch die Aufreger und Anekdoten der Woche nicht zu kurz und sogar vor den großen Fragen des Lebens wird (manchmal) kein Halt gemacht. Denn die beiden vereint nicht nur ihre Liebe zum Laufen, sondern auch eine gehörige Portion Humor.

Naar de Vaantjes

Susan Krumins & Imo Muller

Susan Krumins en Imo Muller, bekend van de podcast Susy Q&A, introduceren ‘Naar de vaantjes!’, een podcast over hoe jij jezelf kunt uitdagen ALLES uit het hardlopen te halen. Ze spreken de meest inspirerende gasten; van Olympische topatleten tot recreatieve lopers met een bijzonder verhaal. En ze leren van experts alles op het gebied van voeding, training, blessures en mentale kracht. Verder praten ze over koffie en gieren ze om hilarische hardloop-anekdotes. Dus haak aan voor een mooie, snelle en gezellige aflevering van Naar de Vaantjes.

Rock Run Roll. Running Podcast.

Marco Putelli

Il Podcast del Runner o di chi vuole diventarlo. Il primo Podcast italiano dedicato al mondo della corsa. Ispirazione, interviste, allenamento, audio coach e divertimento. Che aspetti? Premi play e corri.

Life in Stride

OTQ Boyz

Goal of the podcast: serve as a safe haven for the “try hard” amateur who loves to balance the demands of family, work and life while building their fastest self. We’re all about chasing smiles, miles and PRs.

The Strength Running Podcast

Jason Fitzgerald

Running and coaching tips for beginner and advanced runners with Coach Jason Fitzgerald. Featuring guests like Nick Symmonds and Shalane Flanagan, listeners will learn how to race faster, stay healthy, prevent running injuries, and get stronger in this informative and fun podcast.

RunWise Podcast


Podcast destiné aux passionnées de course sur route, du 5km au marathon. Nous recevons des athlètes, des entraineurs et divers experts pour explorer l’univers de la course avec des faits scientifiques (mais pas toujours!).

Run It Three Ways


Any excuse to talk running; Tom, Ben and Callum bring you the 'Run it three ways' weekly podcast talking all things training, racing, shoes and news. Send us you listeners questions to

The Sub Hub Podcast


Your hub for all things sub-ultra mountain and trail running.


Österreichischer Frauenlauf GmbH

Der offizielle Podcast des ASICS Österreichischen Frauenlaufs. Hier dreht sich alles um das Lebenselixier Laufsport und um die faszinierende Welt, die der Sport mit sich bringt – natürlich speziell aus der Perspektive von Frauen & Mädchen. Frauenlaufgründerin Ilse Dippmann lädt gemeinsam mit Host Florian Reiter in vorerst 14 Folgen interessante Gesprächspartner:innen ein, um unterschiedliche Blickwinkel zu diskutieren und dabei aktuelle Themen anzusprechen. Inspirierende Geschichten, Trainingstipps, Motivationstechniken und Gesundheitsaspekte verleihen dem Podcast zusätzlichen Mehrwert.

Fight your Schweinehund - der Laufmotivations-Podcast mit Annette

Annette - Fight your Schweinehund

Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum "Fight Your Schweinehund" Podcast! Hier dreht sich alles um (Lauf)Motivation. Ich bin dein Begleiter auf diesem Weg, und gemeinsam werden wir dich dazu motivieren, deine Ziele zu erreichen. Wir werden lustige und spannende Geschichten teilen, die dich zum Lachen bringen und dich gleichzeitig inspirieren werden. Also schnür deine Laufschuhe und lass uns gemeinsam deinen Schweinehund bekämpfen. Abonniere diesen Kanal gerne, um nichts zu verpassen 🤩 Bock mich zu unterstützen: Have fun!

The Trailhead


Buzz Burrell and Corrine Malcolm team up to bring you a lively mix of trail topics, stories and real runner questions. Whether you’re an experienced ultrarunner or newly “trail curious” and just getting started in the sport, start your run with UltraSignUp…and meet us at The Trailhead!

Correre Per Sempre Podcast

Francesco Guerra

“Il mio obiettivo è migliorare la qualità della vita praticando la corsa in modo divertente, sano e sicuro.” In questo Podcast troverai i migliori consigli sulla corsa, allenamenti, performance e alimentazione sportiva. Imparerai che, correre senza farsi male e divertendosi, è possibile ed è anche il modo migliore per ottenere grandi risultati migliorando la qualità della propria vita. Seguendo il mio stile di vita riuscirai a Correre Per Sempre. Seguimi su Instagram e Facebook @francescoguerracoach

Extrarunde - Der Biathlon Podcast

funk - von ARD und ZDF

Die Stars des Sports, Ergebnisse, Weltcupanalysen, News und Gedanken zweier Freunde, die den Biathlon-Sport lieben. Durch uns bist du immer auf dem neuesten Stand im Biathlon und bekommst alle Einblicke, die der Sport zu bieten hat.

Everyday Ultra

Joe Corcione

Tips on how to be a better endurance athlete, every day, directly from the world's best runners! Whether you participate in endurance races as a hobby, or you're a competitive ultra-endurance athlete, this podcast will help you achieve your goals when it comes to racing, training, and recovery. The show is hosted by Ultra-Endurance athlete, Joe Corcione, who has competed in Ultramarathons, Ultratriathlons, and Ironman races.

The Women's Running Podcast

Esther Newman

Running is the one thing that we all like talking about. Every week on the award winning Women’s Running podcast, we talk all things running, women, health and fitness with our own brand of happy, irreverent chat. Esther and Holly talk through their training highs and lows, and all the bits and pieces in-between. Every so often, we invite an expert to join us to help us figure out the confusing worlds of training, recovery, nutrition, health and more. And sometimes we get to talk to an incredible woman from the world of running, from Anna McNuff to Paula Radcliffe, Susie Chan to Nicky Spinks. So why do we do it? Because we realised that most of the running podcasts we listened to were full of blokes waffling on about quads and cadence (and we realised that we can do that perfectly well ourselves, thank you very much). Right here, we talk about all the things that affect us when we step out the door: sexism, hormones, menopause, food, pelvic floors, relationships, mental health, seagull attacks and wild weeing. But. BUT. We will also talk about races, PBs, shoes, training, starting running, enjoying running, finding the fun. And quads and cadence. This is the Women’s Running podcast, and it’s for women who love to run. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



Welcome to RunPod, the weekly run club you can join simply by listening. In this series Jenni Falconer welcomes special guests who share that passion for running. Together they’ll discuss the challenge, reward and sometimes obsession of pounding the pavement whilst asking what drives us to run, why some catch the bug more than others, and how it can transform the lives of those who do it. Along the way, you'll hear top training tips, monumental mistakes and some inspirational stories. So, whether you’re a seasoned marathoner, treadmill trainer, fitness guru or simply putting off that Sunday jog, RunPod is here for you.

The Drop

Believe in the Run

A running podcast from Believe in the Run, The Drop is brought to you by hosts Thomas Neuberger, Robbe Reddinger, and Meaghan Murray. But this isn't your typical running podcast– we'll talk about running (of course), but also discuss a wide range of topics, from pop culture to pigeons (not real) to picking up trash here in Baltimore. We also interview elite athletes, industry insiders, musicians, coaches, and more. Follow along as we also discuss our own running highs and lows, as well as our favorite shoes and gear.

Beyond the Trail Podcast


A free flowing on the move podcast about all things running, training, parenting and life.

Some Work, All Play

David Roche and Megan Roche

Five to ten topics, sometimes about running, with lots of love and enthusiasm and science. We dig deep into training, races, studies, pop culture, and much more! With Megan Roche, M.D. and David Roche!

Sweat Elite Podcast

Sweat Elite

Interviews with Elite Athletes, Professional Coaches, Sport Scientists and Thought Leaders in the Sport of Running.

Pushing Limits Podcast

Pushing Limits

Hier geht's ans Eingemachte! Im Triathlon und anderen Ausdauersportarten können in allen Bereichen Details den entscheidenden Unterschied ausmachen. Hier findest du von Erfahrungsberichten bis hin zu Interviews mit Experten, die auf den ersten Blick nichts mit Ausdauersport zu tun haben, alles was das Ausdauer-Nerd-Herz begehrt. Über Training, Ernährung, Regeneration, Equipment, Biomechanik, Motorik und vieles mehr! So richtig Spaß macht es doch erst, wenn man einen Sport in seine kleinsten Teile auseinander nimmt, um sie dann optimiert wieder zusammenzusetzen. Hier wird über genau diese Details diskutiert und das Wissen dazu geteilt.

Human Performance Outliers Podcast

Zach Bitter

Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast. Your host Zach Bitter, will take you through a series of interesting topics around health, fitness, endurance, running, hybrid athlete training, ultramarathon, and nutrition. Join in for interviews with folks exploring their outer limits and research in a wide variety of sports, fitness, and nutrition.

The Freetrail Podcast with Dylan Bowman

Dylan Bowman

Professional ultrarunner, Dylan Bowman, brings conversations with a wide-ranging cohort of guests, covering ultrarunning, sports, business, and the outdoor industry.

runskills – deine Lauf- und Marathon-Community

runskills I Laufen, Marathon, Ultrarunning, Motivation & Laufreisen

Laufschuhe an und los:runskills ist deine Lauf-Community, die dich bei Fragen rund um die Themen Training, Wettkampf, Motivation und Ernährung unterstützt. Du stehst gerade am Anfang deiner Laufkarriere, nimmst bereits an kleinen oder großen Volksläufen teil oder trainierst ambitioniert auf einen Halbmarathon oder Marathon hin? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Die "Laufwiesel" Susi und Dennis werden dich regelmäßig mit informativen, unterhaltsamen, lehrreichen und spannenden Lauf-Themen versorgen.Dabei können die Themen genauso vielfältig sein, wie das Läuferpaar aus München – von Trainingsplanung, Laufausrüstung, Ernährungstipps, Wettkampfplanung, Marathonreisen und Gesundheit bis zu Alternativsport, Ultramarathon und Trailrunning. runskills zeigt dir wie abwechslungsreich, schön und lebensverändernd laufen sein kann. Denn: "Beim Laufen gibt es nur Gewinner."Dafür berichten sie aus ihre eigenen Lauf-Erfahrungen, greifen auf ihr Wissen als angehende Ausdauer-Coaches zurück und holen sich den ein oder anderen Experten vors Mikro.So wie die beiden selbst, ist auch der runskills-Podcast: ehrlich, authentisch, ungestellt, echt, undogmatisch und vom Herzen kommend. "We run for chocolate". Und warum läufst du? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



привіт! ми – чумаки. не тільки подкаст, не тільки про біг. ми – середовище бігових дилетантів. тут ми говоримо про спорт та все, що довкола нього, припускаємося помилок та розбираємося у питаннях, що нас цікавлять разом із вами. більше тут:

the morning shakeout podcast

Mario Fraioli

Host Mario Fraioli gleans insight and inspiration from top athletes, coaches, and personalities in the sport of running. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Finn Melanson

Singletrack is a podcast covering the professional trail and ultrarunning scene.

Tread Lightly Podcast

Amanda Brooks & Laura Norris

Run smarter, not harder! Amanda Brooks and Laura Norris, MS bring their combined 20 years of coaching experience to break down common running myths, running tips, and more. We provide evidence-based running tips for runners of all distances and experiences.

The Planted Runner

Evergreen Podcasts

You’ve already made two of the best decisions of your life as a plant-based runner. Now it’s time to get better at both every week. I’m Coach Claire Bartholic, and I went from not running at all to finishing a marathon in 2:58 at age 42, all on a plant-based diet. I’ve coached hundreds of vegan, vegetarian, and plant-curious runners of all ages and abilities with science-backed training, plant-based nutrition, and proven mental strength techniques. Whether you are training for your first 5k or your 50th marathon, you can start exactly where you are right now, and get better today.

Runner's Tales

Runner's tales

Ogni runner ha una storia che merita di essere raccontata, fatta di sacrifici, allenamenti e quel pizzico di magia che solo la corsa sa dare Racconto storie di Runner, e ogni tanto ci chiacchiero anche

Keeping Track

Evergreen Podcasts

Alysia Montano, Molly Huddle and Roisin McGettigan are three Olympians, from 2 countries, including 2 Moms and 1 current pro coming together to talk about the inspiring figures, important topics and interesting stories in women's sports. We care about the landscape and future of our sport of Track and Field and we want to create more media coverage of women's sports in general. We'll be interviewing inspiring athletes, and discussing topics and news in the track world and beyond. Thanks for Keeping Track with us!

Corri con Herbalife Nutrition

Herbalife Nutrition Italia

Impara a correre e migliora le tue prestazioni grazie ai consigli di Herbalife Nutrition, Partner Ufficiale di FIDAL, Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera.

Laufen ist einfach

Jan Fitschen

Laufen ist einfach, aber nicht immer leicht. Quäl dich wenns sein muss und feier überschwenglich deine Erfolge. Damit du noch mehr Spaß am Laufen hast, bekommst du hier die besten Stories rund um unseren Lieblingssport: - Die erste Serie 'Einmal im Trainingslager...`, ist der Runners-Nerdtalk. Unter anderem mit vielen Gästen und ihren schmutzigen Details aus den Laufcamps rund um den Globus. - In Serie 2: #Projekt10.000x10.000, gibt es Tipps und Tricks zum Laufeinstieg. Denn unsere Begeisterung fürs Laufen mit anderen zu teilen und diese mitzureißen, das ist meine ganze Leidenschaft.

For The Kudos

For The Kudos

For The Kudos is a running podcast by Australian elite distance runners Brett Robinson and Joel Tobin-White. Expect professional athlete training insights, race predictions and recaps, and a star studded guest list - all done with plenty of humility, banter, and piss taking that will keep you riveted and coming back each week for more.

The Running Channel Podcast

The Running Channel

The Running Channel Podcast tackles one big topic each episode, amongst helpful tips and light-hearted chat on the latest news in the running world and answers to your burning running questions. Hosted by Sarah Hartley (amateur runner) and Andy Baddeley (former pro runner) alongside Rick Kelsey (recovering runner), the TRC Podcast is friendly, jargon-free, and the perfect accompaniment to your runs. For all enquiries contact


Philipp Pflieger & Ralf Scholt

Philipp Pflieger startete für Deutschland im Marathon bei den Olympischen Spielen von Rio 2016. Ralf Scholt hat schon viele Marathons erlebt, auch Olympische - als Sportreporter für die ARD. Wenn sich der Marathonprofi und der Journalist unterhalten geht es also natürlich um’s Laufen und das aktuelle Geschehen in der Ausdauersportwelt. Es geht aber auch um Behind-the-Scenes-Einblicke in ihr tägliches Leben für den Sport, ihre unterschiedlichen Erlebniswelten und die damit verbundenen Blickwinkel. Der Titel „BESTZEIT“ steht sinnbildlich nicht nur dafür, dass ihr beim Anhören eine gute Zeit habt, sondern im besten Falle auch gerade beim Training auf dem Weg zu eurer nächsten Bestzeit seid. In diesem Sinne: Have fun & keep on running! Für Feedback und Hörerthemen schickt gerne eine Mail an:

The Running Effect Podcast

Dominic Schlueter

The Running Effect Podcast aims to bring storytelling to the sport of running. What gets people invested in a sport, movie, or book? A good story. Our sport has plenty, but no one is telling them. The Running Effect is changing that. Through our podcast episodes that release every other day, we tell the stories of those at every level of our sport. Through these incredible athletes' stories, we hope it'll inspire you to turn your "what ifs?" into realities. You can also follow us on Instagram @therunningeffect to stay up to date on all current and upcoming projects!

The Running Explained Podcast

Elisabeth Scott

New episodes now on THURSDAYS! Welcome to Running Explained, where ALL your running questions are answered! For new AND experienced runners, from training to racing, nutrition, recovery, gear, AND MORE, there's always something new to learn about running!

Lo Spartano Medio

Alejandro Gonzalez

Lo Spartano Medio è un podcast che ti accompagna dal divano fino a metà classifica. Ogni settimana parliamo di ostacoli e di come uno Spartano Medio può affrontarli al meglio.

Trailrunning Geschwätz powered by Salomon!

two peaks endurance GmbH

Du bist auf der Suche nach Tipps rund ums Thema Training? Interessierst dich dafür was so in der Trailrunning Szene passiert oder möchtest wissen was es neues im Büro von two peaks endurance gibt? Über diese Themen und noch viel mehr wollen wir locker mit euch quatschen. Lars & Arne


Академия марафона

Подкаст о любительском беге и любителях бегать. От слова «любить». Основатель бегового клуба «Академия марафона» Сергей Черепанов общается со спортсменами клуба и приглашенными гостями, которые рассказывают историю своей жизни. Истории людей, для которых бег уже не просто хобби.

Science Of Ultra

Shawn Bearden

For endurance athletes who want to do more than improve race performance. How you sleep, think, eat, and move all play a role in helping you Become Your Ultra Best!

Estrategas del Trail y Run

Estrategas del trail y Run

Cada Miércoles a las 6am nuevo episodio con el entrenador de Trail Running Online Xim Escanellas hablaremos sobre el deporte de resistencia con entrenadores, deportistas, organizadores de carreras, nutricionistas... Todo lo que necesitas para aprender y disfrutar al máximo de cada kilómetro por montaña. ¿Quieres enviarnos un WHAT’S APP? Aquí: Si quieres ver más: Instagram: Web:

RMC Running


L'émission RMC Sport sur le Running avec Benoît Boutron.

Dans la Tête d'un Coureur

Sunday Night Productions

Le 1er podcast francophone dédié à la course à pied et à la préparation mentale by Sunday Night Productions Des conseils avisés, des interviews d'athlètes inspirants et du lifestyle Running ! Retrouvez-nous également sur Instagram, Facebook et sur

Trail Running Ireland Podcast

Trail Running Ireland Podcast

Welcome to Trail Running Ireland, a podcast for the Trail and Mountain Running Community in Ireland. The show is hosted by Eoin Flynn, UTMB Finish Line Race Announcer and 10 time Irish International Mountain Runner. First up in every episode, Eoin is joined by Waterville Trail Running Festival Race Director and Ultra runner Simon Kelly, who brings us the latest race results and fixtures. UKA qualified mountain running coach and professional trail running guide and race director, Rene Borg, also joins us to help make you a stronger and faster Trail runner. Rene can be contacted at Each episode also features a special guest interview. We´re here for you the listener so don´t hesitate to get in touch and finally a special thank you to band Basic Needs with Trail runner, Shane O´Mahony, from Cork on drums, for our very cool soundtrack. Get your running gear on, let´s go!

Marathon Running Podcast by Letty and Ryan

Letty and Ryan

Are you a runner looking for a new source of inspiration and motivation? Our weekly podcast brings experts in the running community straight to you, covering everything from training and nutrition to race recaps and reviews, and even mental training. We're more than just a podcast - we're a community. Our Facebook group, SpeedStriders, is a place for runners to connect, share their stories, and support each other on their running journeys. Our goal is to motivate and inspire runners of all levels, and to build a strong and supportive community of like-minded individuals. Join us!

A côté de mes pompes !

Sébastien MARTIN

Le podcast 100 % consacré au running et à la communauté de la course à pied ! Chaque semaine j'aborde cet univers qui est ma passion : l'entraînement, les séances, les aspects techniques mais aussi ses à-côtés : la nutrition, le matériel, le lifestyle, les chaussures. Que vous soyez débutant ou coureur confirmé, professionnel ou amateur, venez échangez sur ce sport qui est passionnant ! Deux rendez-vous :  Un épisode format capsule, relativement court sur des questions précises avec des experts : Bruno HEUBI pour l'OEIL DU COACH ; Nouchka SIMIC pour l'OEIL DE LA DIET ! Un épisode grand format, avec l'interview d'un sportif amateur, professionnel, un expert.... Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
