Di sana pianta

Chora Media - Stefano Mancuso

Timide, aggressive, a volte ciniche, spesso geniali. Ogni pianta ha un carattere e una storia, basta saperle osservare. O ascoltare chi le studia da sempre. In questo podcast, il neurobiologo vegetale e divulgatore Stefano Mancuso ci porta nel mondo delle piante, raccontando aneddoti, studi e storie capaci di cambiare il modo in cui noi esseri umani abbiamo sempre guardato al regno vegetale. “Di sana pianta” è una serie di Stefano Mancuso prodotta da Chora Media.  Cura editoriale di Sabrina Tinelli e Marco Villa Executive Producer: Ilaria Celeghin Supervisione suono e musiche: Luca Micheli Post produzione e montaggio: Luca Micheli Post produzione e montaggio: Mattia Liciotti Fonico di studio: Luca Possi  Post Producer: Matteo Scelsa

A Wild Mind

Andrea Bariselli

A Wild Mind, l'unico podcast italiano che parla di neuroscienze, natura e dell'intreccio che tiene unite tutte le cose. A cura di Andrea Bariselli. Canale Telegram: https://t.me/awildmind Email: awildmindpodcast@gmail.com

Giardino Rivelato | Il podcast di Francesco Cecchetti

Francesco Cecchetti

Da quattro anni il podcast per gli appassionati della natura che cercano il benessere nel proprio giardino. Ogni mercoledì storie, idee e consigli pratici per connetterti con la bellezza della natura. Unisciti a noi, perché abbiamo tutti bisogno di un giardino! A cura di Francesco Cecchetti. Visita giardinorivelato.it

TED Climate


We get it. You care about the climate crisis—but sometimes thinking about it is just too overwhelming. Well, we’re here to help with that. Host Dan Kwartler unpacks the problems and solutions behind big systemic issues in bite-sized episodes. You’ll find out which bag is best for the planet, imagine our world without humans, and follow the international journey of the very shirt on your back. Yes, we’re going to talk about the bleak stuff—it’s a crisis after all—but we’ll also share little ways you can make changes in your daily life, in your towns and cities, and at your workplaces to help change climate change. Ultimately we’re aiming for some HOPE through a focus on solutions, instead of just, you know, tumbling towards inevitable doom. You can also get involved by joining Countdown, TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis in collaboration with Future Stewards. Find out more at countdown.ted.com

Animali Straordinari


Questo podcast ti presenta le storie più interessanti, strane e intriganti del regno animale. Ogni settimana parliamo di un animale straordinario, dalle più piccole insetti ai più potenti mammiferi. Unisciti a noi mentre esploriamo le straordinarie adattamenti, comportamenti e habitat delle creature più affascinanti del mondo. Sia che tu sia un appassionato di natura o semplicemente ami imparare sugli animali, c'è qualcosa per tutti in Animali Strani. Rilassati e lascia che ti portiamo in un viaggio attraverso il mondo selvaggio degli animali.

Tree Lady Talks

The Tree Lady, Sharon Durdant-Hollamby

The Tree Lady, Sharon Durdant-Hollamby, talks all things trees, nature, forests, natural sciences and health and well-being to fascinating people from all walks of life. 

Le parole dell’ambiente

Arpae Emilia Romagna

“Le parole dell’ambiente” il podcast di Arpae Emilia-Romagna Raccontare l’ambiente intorno a noi attraverso le parole più significative. Termini scientifici che prendono vita e costituiscono il punto di partenza per la narrazione di storie ambientali quotidiane e di attualità. Arpae, attraverso la voce dei suoi protagonisti, vi accompagna nel viaggio. Le parole dell’ambiente è il podcast di Arpae Emilia-Romagna prodotto dallo Staff comunicazione e informazione. Scritto da Pino Caligiuri, Roberta Renati, Daniela Merli e Davide Sarti Musiche: Track: Meeting Point Music by https://www.fiftysounds.com Track: Route 66 Music by https://www.fiftysounds.com

Nature Guys

Nature Guys

Nature Guys connects you to the exciting natural world right in your own neighborhood. These nature connections will help you be cool, calm, collected and ready to make a positive difference in the world. Nature Guys is hosted by Bob a long time nature lover.

One Planet Podcast · Climate Change, Politics, Sustainability, Environmental Solutions, Renewable Energy, Activism, Biodiver

Creative Process Original Series

Trees A Crowd

David Oakes

Ever wondered what happens when you fill a cello with bees? Or how robins have successfully colonised the outer-reaches of our universe? Or why the world is destined to be populated purely by female turtles? This podcast celebrates nature and the stories of those who care deeply for it. Join artist, actor and Woodland Trust & Wildlife Trusts ambassador David Oakes, for a series of informal, relaxed conversations with artists, scientists, creatives and environmentalists as they celebrate the beauty of the natural world and how it inspires us as human beings. All episodes available at: https://www.treesacrowd.fm/ Why not become a "Subscription Squirrel" on our Patreon, and help support the production of this podcast? Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Gente che ci crede

Podcast NaturaSì

Gente che ci crede. Non supereroi, ma persone vere, diverse una dall’altra ma unite da un ideale comune: quello di pensare che le loro azioni, anche se piccole, possono portare un cambiamento positivo nel mondo in cui viviamo. Gente convinta che ogni piccola o grande azione a favore del pianeta, chiunque la compia, rappresenti un passo avanti per tutti. Ecco i protagonisti di questa serie podcast, che nasce dall’esperienza del precedente “Laboratorio 2050” e si rivolge a chi desidera fare qualcosa per rendere migliore l’unico mondo che abbiamo. Se senti di far parte anche tu della “gente che ci crede” e vuoi raccontarci la tua storia, o segnalarci quella di qualcuno che conosci, scrivici a podcast@naturasi.it Il tuo racconto potrebbe entrare in uno degli episodi!

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods Sightings and Encounters

W.J. Sheehan

You’ve heard him on Coast to Coast AM and the Sasquatch Chronicles. Now W.J. Sheehan, author of Bigfoot: Terror In The Woods, Sightings & Encounters Vol 1-6, brings you a podcast meant to chill the spine and stir your curiosity.

Sasquatch Tracks

Micah Hanks, Dakota Waddell and Jeff Smith

Sasquatch Tracks takes a scientific look at whether there are large animal species that remain undiscovered. With special emphasis on the Sasquatch in North America, the show looks at claims of apelike “relict hominoids” and other animals purported to exist in various parts of the world.

My Bigfoot Sighting

Vic Cundiff

My Bigfoot Sighting is a straight to the point, no-nonsense podcast where Bigfoot eyewitnesses talk about their Bigfoot sightings. If you listen to our show, you won't hear an interviewer asking guests questions or interrupting them, because all you'll hear on our show is non-stop Bigfoot sightings and encounters.

Living Planet

DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

Every Thursday, a new episode of Living Planet brings you environment stories from around the world, digging deeper into topics that touch our lives every day. The prize-winning, weekly half-hour radio magazine and podcast is produced by Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster - visit dw.com/environment for more.

Camminare che ispirazione

Epta Media

Il legame tra l'atto del camminare in natura e l'ispirazione per ritrovare il benessere, coltivare la creatività e affrontare i cambiamenti della vita. Un podcast autobiografico e di interviste di Francesca Sanzo per il tour operator Destinazione Umana.

La Terre au carré

France Inter

Vicini e lontani

Il Post

Vicini e lontani è un podcast sulle specie aliene, le specie alloctone, quelle che l’attività umana ha spostato dal loro biotopo per portarle dove non sono previste. Pappagalli, nutrie, alberi del paradiso, ratti, insetti parassiti delle palme: sono ormai moltissimi i casi, li conosciamo bene. Matteo Bordone e Adriano Martinoli dialogano su questi temi nelle loro declinazioni, con interviste ad altri biologi che si occupano sul campo di prevenire problemi futuri e gestire quelli per cui ormai tornare indietro è impensabile. Vicini e lontani è un podcast del Post prodotto in collaborazione con Istituto Oikos, condotto da Matteo Bordone e Adriano Martinoli


Radio Svolta

“Che caldo farà?” è una podcast sfida. E’ la sfida contro chi racconta di “bombe d’acqua” e di “nuova normalità”. E’ la sfida dell’uomo del terzo piano che per studio, esperienza e passione proverà a rendere “commestibili” alcuni degli argomenti che hanno a che fare con il nostro stesso futuro e con la meraviglia che abitiamo. Non ci sono velleità od ostentazione, né “credo” da disseminare. E’ una sfida in cui lo scopo è quello di sviluppare curiosità, riuscire a trasferire fatti in forma ordinata, raccontando esperienze e spiegando fenomeni.


Nicolas Lozito - Emons Record

Chi c'era prima di Greta Thunberg? Chi ha aperto la strada ai movimenti ecologisti? Cambiamenti è un podcast che racconta le storie, spesso sconosciute ma straordinarie, di queste figure chiave dell'Ottocento e del Novecento. Una produzione Emons Record

Clorofilla - Podcast ecologista

Davide Franzago

Ogni settimana (o quasi) raccontiamo il cambiamento climatico con interviste a personaggi dal mondo dell’ecologia: approfondimenti, un pizzico di ansia e una buona dose di divertimento.​

Agricoltura E News


Podcast di un piccolo agricoltore che cerca di far nascere la sua passione e le sue conoscenze per l'agricoltura.


Mauro Barbacci

In questo podcast ti racconto la mia storia di fotografo naturalista o meglio ancora di fotografo nella natura. Scoprirai come la natura e la fotografia hanno influito, nel corso degli anni, nella mia vita e di come ancora fanno la differenza nel mio modo di essere!

Oceans: Life Under Water

Crowd Network | Greenpeace UK

What does it sound like at the bottom of the ocean? How does it feel to swim with a humpback whale and her calf? What does an octopus' tentacle feel like when it wraps itself around you? Come and find out. This is Oceans: Life Under Water. Wildlife filmmaker, zoologist and broadcaster Hannah Stitfall wants to take you to the world beneath the waves. She'll be meeting freedivers, submarine pilots, whale experts, ship captains, marine biologists, and more, hearing the most mind-boggling stories about the oceans and the astonishing creatures that call them home. The hypnotic sound design and immersive storytelling will take you right there - from the Lost City to Galapagos, from the Mariana Trench to the Antarctic. Brought to you by Crowd Network and Greenpeace UK, which helps us tell these stories beautifully and responsibly. Producer: Anna Staufenberg. Executive producer: Steve Jones. Mixing and sound design: Anna Staufenberg. Archive courtesy of Greenpeace.


Guido Brera, ospite J-ax - Chora

Metallaria è un podcast che parla dell’aria che respiriamo tutti i giorni. Un’aria pesante, inquinata, che ogni anno, nel mondo, uccide oltre otto milioni di persone. L’inquinamento atmosferico è una delle conseguenze più gravi dell’impatto dell’uomo sull’ambiente. In particolare, in Pianura Padana, dove si respira l’aria più inquinata d’Europa. Guido Brera con ospite J-Ax, assieme ad esperti nel campo della scienza e della medicina, ci raccontano cause ed effetti dell’inquinamento dell’aria. Cosa è stato fatto, cosa stiamo facendo, e cosa dovremo fare per garantire a chi verrà dopo di noi un’aria migliore di quella che respiriamo oggi. Un podcast di Guido Brera con ospite J-Ax realizzato da I Diavoli promosso dalla fondazione Imation.

4 Corners

4 Corners

Who is most affected by the climate crisis? Is cutting meat from your diet enough to fix the environmental damage? How do we make the climate discussion more inclusive? Two brand new journalists from Chile and Canada - along with two contributors from Spain and Australia - embark on an environmental journey across a variety of topics. Listen as they exchange experiences and talk to experts who answer questions they’ve been dying to know the answer to, and we bet you have too. New episode every two weeks on Thursdays! Hosted by Fernanda Gándara Marchant & Charlotte Glorieux.

Bugtales.fm - Die Abenteuer der Campbell-Ritter


Wieso werden die Arme von Kraken einzeln von "Gehirnen" gesteuert? Wie funktioniert eigentlich ein Virus und wie war das damals mit der Entdeckung der Dinosaurier? Das und mehr erzählen euch die Schriftstellerin und Zoologin Jasmin Schreiber und der Biologe und Poetry-Slammer Lorenz Adlung!

Bigfoot Society

Jeremiah Byron

Welcome to “Bigfoot Society,” the podcast where host Jeremiah Byron delves into the captivating world of Bigfoot encounters. Through intimate interviews, Jeremiah aims to empower witnesses by providing them with a platform to share their experiences. By doing so, he offers a sense of relief and control, allowing them to take ownership of their stories. Join us as we explore these extraordinary encounters, unveiling the mysteries surrounding Bigfoot and its impact on the lives of those who have encountered this elusive creature. If you have had a Bigfoot encounter please share it with us and start the conversation by sending an email to "bigfootsociety@gmail.com".

Cambiamo Il Cambiamento

I Teatranti dello Stivale

I Teatranti dello Stivale sono una compagnia fondata da Vincenzo Di Bari e Alessia Mereu nel dicembre 2020, composta da attori con disabilità visiva provenienti da varie regioni d’Italia. Sul nostro palco virtuale si va solo con la voce accompagnata da effetti sonori che caratterizzano le molteplici ambientazioni. La storia, seppur divertente, tratta delle tematiche attuali e importanti come, per esempio, il surriscaldamento globale, l’omosessualità e la dipendenza dalla tecnologia. In “Cambiamo il Cambiamento” si evidenziano le differenze sostanziali tra due famiglie vissute a duecento anni di distanza: infatti troviamo la famiglia futuristica che sta vivendo nell’anno 2160 e la famiglia del passato che ha vissuto nel 1960.

Sea Shepherd Montréal Podcast

Sea Shepherd Montreal

[EN] Brought to you by Sea Shepherd Montreal, this new official podcast aims to keep you informed about all of our marine conservation campaigns. Join us as we dive deeper into the struggles of our oceans and their wildlife. For the oceans! [FR] Diffusé par Sea Shepherd Montréal, ce podcast est votre nouveau rendez-vous officiel pour vous tenir informé.e.s de nos campagnes de conservation marine. Embarquez avec nous pour décortiquer les enjeux qui touchent nos océans et leurs populations. Pour les océans! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

The Plodcast

Our Media

BBC Countryfile Magazine brings you The Plodcast - a weekly escape to the British countryside with fascinating guests and the wonders of the great outdoors. Enjoy a new escape into the countryside every Tuesday and wind down with our Sound Escapes on a Friday. Find out more about us at www.countryfile.com/podcast Subscribe to the print version of BBC Countryfile Magazine at https://www.buysubscriptions.com/print/bbc-countryfile-magazine-subscription

Tierisch! – Entdeckungsreise in die wilde Welt der Tiere

Weltwach / Dr. Frauke Fischer & Lydia Möcklinghoff

Tiere können sich in einer für uns nicht wahrnehmbaren Geheimsprache über tausende von Kilometern unterhalten, sie tarnen sich mit Kot, wechseln mal rasch ihr Geschlecht, haben Frostschutzmittel im Blut und wenn es zur Paarung kommt … ach, lassen wir das. Tiere sind jedenfalls zu vielen überraschenden und oft spektakulären Dingen fähig. Nur durch Begeisterung für diese wilde Seite unserer Erde sind Menschen für Natur- und Artenschutz zu mobilisieren. Das wissen Dr. Frauke Fischer und Lydia Möcklinghoff, zwei wildnisverrückte Abenteurerinnen, studierte Zoologinnen und Expertinnen für unterhaltsame und gleichzeitig verständliche Wissenschaftskommunikation. Deshalb machen sie sich auf, den ersten lustigen, leichten, zoologischen Plauderpodcast mit bodenloser wissenschaftlicher Tiefe auf die Beine zu stellen. Am liebsten zusammen mit euch. Website: https://weltwach.de/tierisch/ STAY IN TOUCH: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weltwach/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weltwach/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Weltwach/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WELTWACH Newsletter: https://weltwach.de/newsletter/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Into The Wild

Ryan Dalton & Nadia Shaikh

Into The Wild is a monthly podcast dedicated to nature, wildlife & conservation, where hosts Ryan Dalton & Nadia Shaikh have a run down on recent global conservation news & dive into a different monthly topic & ask the question ”so how did we get here?”. With much talk of the climate crisis, biodiversity loss & general ”wtf” moments from governments, Into The Wild is your one stop podcast to keep updated, informed & upbeat about the state of the natural world.

Sound By Nature

Sound By Nature

Nature sounds for relaxation, stress relief, meditation, sleep, or whatever you like. Enjoy. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/soundbynature/support


detektor.fm – Das Podcast-Radio

Spektrum der Wissenschaft gehört zu den renommiertesten Wissenschaftsmagazinen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Jeden Monat beleuchtet das Heft aktuelle Entwicklungen aus allen Facetten der Forschung. Im Spektrum-Podcast sprechen die Autorinnen und Autoren mit detektor.fm über die spannendsten Themen der aktuellen Ausgabe.

The Wild with Chris Morgan

KUOW News and Information

"THE WILD with Chris Morgan" explores how nature survives and thrives alongside (and often despite) humans. Taking listeners across the Pacific Northwest and around the world, host Chris Morgan explores wildlife and the complex web of ecosystems they inhabit. He also tells the stories of people working in and protecting the wild around us.

Movimento Elettrico

ALD Automotive Italia

Benvenuti in Movimento Elettrico, un podcast pensato per accompagnarvi verso un futuro migliore, ricco di benessere e felicità per tutti. Un futuro da raggiungere passo dopo passo seguendo la strada della sostenibilità con piccole scelte individuali solo in apparenza poco significanti, ma in grado di generare cambiamenti importantissimi per noi e per il Pianeta. Vi racconteremo di viaggi incantevoli immersi nella natura, di cibo sano e gustoso da assaporare e della gioia di muovervi in silenzio a zero emissioni, che sia al volante di un’auto elettrica o in sella a una bici a pedalata assistita. Vi faremo scoprire come la transizione energetica possa essere un’opportunità per recuperare risorse da dedicare ai piaceri della vita. Vi suggeriremo nuovi modi di pensare e soluzioni semplici per agire in armonia con la Terra e disegnare le città del futuro. In questo viaggio ascolterete storie curiose, inedite e divertenti, capaci di emozionarvi e ispirarvi scelte che renderanno il mondo un posto migliore dove vivere. E adesso mettiamoci subito in Movimento!

Blurry Creatures

Blurry Creatures

Blurry Creatures chases down answers for the weird questions and enigmatic creatures that inhabit the fringes between reality, myth, and imagination. Join podcast veterans Nate Henry and Luke Rodgers as they investigate Bigfoot, Ancient Giants, Cryptids, The Nephilim, The Watchers, Ancient Burial Mounds, Forbidden History, Megaliths, Conspiracy Theories, Dogman, Mothman, The UFO Phenomenon, Extraterrestrials, and The Unexplained.

Mongabay Newscast


News and inspiration from nature’s frontline, featuring inspiring guests and deeper analysis of the global environmental issues explored every day by the Mongabay.com team, from climate change to biodiversity, tropical ecology, wildlife, and more. The show airs every other week.

The Hotshot Wake Up

The Hotshot Wake Up

A podcast and newsletter by firefighters about wildfire and the world. Crew Supervisor and Ex Hotshot overhead. Call it like it is. Monthly Substack subscriptions go towards supporting this content and helping firefighters in need. https://thehotshotwakeup.substack.com/

Wind Is the Original Radio


This podcast series is aimed at helping us to connect to ourselves and to our earth by deep listening to natural soundscapes. Based on empirical evidence as well as numerous recent studies from all over the world, listening to natural soundscapes (particularly mindful listening) has a great positive impact on our wellbeing, and potentially on our respect for nature. However, these soundscapes are increasingly scarce as we humans continue to destroy the natural ecosystems which produce them.

Handelsblatt Green & Energy - Der Podcast rund um Nachhaltigkeit, Klima und Energiewende

Kathrin Witsch, Catiana Krapp, Kevin Knitterscheidt, Michael Scheppe

Handelsblatt Green & Energy ist der neue Podcast mit Fakten, Trends und Kontroversen rund um Nachhaltigkeit, Klima und Energiewende. Gemeinsam mit Expert:innen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik diskutieren wir die Herausforderungen und Chancen rund um die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Klima und Energie. Wie kann man den Konkurrenz- und Kostendruck eines globalen Industrieunternehmens mit nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungsketten in Einklang bringen? Und wie stellen sich Wissenschaftler eine Gesellschaft vor, die keine fossilen Rohstoffe mehr verbraucht? Diesen und weiteren Fragen gehen unsere Fachredakteure jeden zweiten Dienstag auf den Grund. Handelsblatt Green & Energy finden Sie auf allen relevanten Podcast-Plattformen. Jetzt reinhören: Jeden zweiten Dienstag mit den Handelsblatt Redakteur:innen Kathrin Witsch, Catiana Krapp, Kevin Knitterscheidt und Michael Scheppe Sound-Design: Christian Heinemann Logo-Design: Henrik Balzer, Michel Becker

Future Ecologies

Future Ecologies

Made for audiophiles and nature lovers alike, Future Ecologies is a podcast exploring our eco-social relationships through stories, science, music, and soundscapes. Every episode is an invitation to see the world in a new light — weaving together narrative and interviews with expert knowledge holders. The format varies: from documentary storytelling to stream-of-consciousness sound collage, and beyond. Episodes are released only when they're ready, not on a fixed schedule (but approximately monthly). This ad-free, independent podcast is supported by our community on Patreon: https://www.futureecologies.net/patrons

Nerdy About Nature

Nerdy About Nature

Hosted by Ross Reid, Nerdy About Nature is a passion project that creates fun, educational content with the aim of inspiring folks to engage with the outdoor world, to fall in love with it, and to advocate on it's behalf so that we can create a more inclusive, diverse, equitable, and just future for us all. From a 'Podchat' series that interviews experts in their field to the 'Undercurrent' news updates and everything in between, full of fun fact to make your time outside more fun. Visit NerdyAboutNature.com or @NerdyAboutNature on social media for more videos & ways to support this project. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nerdy-about-nature/support

South of 2 Degrees - The Science Behind Climate Change

Brian Barnes

Award winning environmental podcast dedicated to bringing scientific research to the forefront of the climate conversation in order to help individuals around the globe, regardless of political affiliation, make informed decisions on the greatest issue of our generation.

Dear Naturalist -自然を愛する人達へ


アメリカのオレゴン州でメディカルハーブ会社(Herb Pharm)のガーデナー歴20年の日本人ママが、世界中のナチュラリストさんを紹介し、自然からの癒し、生き物や植物を愛でる喜びをお伝えする番組です。また、ガーデニングをセラピーと考え、心や体の健康、植物と対話する事、ハーブ、食について、オレゴンの自給自足的な田舎生活と共に時々お話しています。聴くだけで癒される、皆さんの日常に自然からの息吹きをお届けします。



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FAO Podcasts


The FAO Podcasts, a multilingual audio series produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, addresses pressing global issues including hunger, poverty, agriculture, and sustainability. With content available in English, Spanish, and French, our dedicated audio team ensures these vital conversations are accessible to a global audience. Our three distinct formats - the concise FAO Brief, insightful FAO Talks, and the deeply human documentary pieces - serve as your gateway to understanding and participating in these critical global discussions. Tune in, enrich your perspective, and join us in shaping a more sustainable future for all.



"The host, Macken Murphy, is able to condense vast chunks of information into engaging and digestible episodes. Fact-filled and fun." — The New York Times

On refait la planète


Jean-Marc Jancovici, Virginie Garin et Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, évoquent dans ce podcast, les défis environnementaux qui nous attendent afin de préserver notre planète et ses habitants.

Y'a le feu au lac


Le podcast qui décortique ce que l'on croit savoir sur l'écologie. Que fait-on bien, que fait-on mal ? Que pourrions-nous faire mieux ? Des conseils qui vous aident à comprendre ce qui est vraiment bon pour la planète.

Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio

Vic Cundiff

They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world. You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch.

La cura della terra

Bosco di Ogigia

Agricoltura naturale, permacultura, buone pratiche agricole e sostenibilità. Coltivare la terra, il proprio orto e la propria vita. II podcast del Bosco di Ogigia, condotto da Francesca Della Giovampaola, con tanti esperti ogni settimana. Una tribù fantastica con cui condividere la passione per la cura della terra. Dal canale Youtube Bosco di Ogigia Podcast a cura dei giornalisti Filippo Bellantoni e Francesca Della Giovampaola Sito: www.boscodiogigia.it Seguici anche su Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boscodiogigia/

Tooth & Claw: True Stories of Animal Attacks

Wes Larson, Jeff Larson, Mike Smith | QCODE

True stories of the most extreme wild animal attacks ever documented, told and explained by Wes Larson, a wildlife biologist and animal behavior expert. Wes is joined by his brother Jeff and their mutual friend Mike, and in each episode the three pour over the details of animals attacks and explain how listeners can avoid these kinds of dangerous encounters, and learn a new appreciation for the wild things of the world

Radio Semilla

Radio Semilla

El podcast de la Red de Guardianes de Semillas, hablamos de regeneración ecológica y social Contacto: radiosemilla@redsemillas.org

Rettili TartaGuida Podcast

Edoardo Fivizzoli

Grazie alla sponsorizzazione di Amtra abbiamo potuto ridare voce ai nostri punti di vista sull'acquariologia e sulla terrariofilia. Una "chiacchierata divulgativa" per imparare a conoscere nuove tematiche sugli animali esotici. Nel nostro "salotto scomodo" avremo il piacere di confrontarci con ospiti amici presentando nuove idee, falsi miti, concetti curiosi e spesso verità scomode nel mondo degli animali non convenzionali.

Nature and Society

Zach Z

A look into the many facets of nature and society

Golden State Naturalist

Michelle Fullner

Golden State Naturalist is a love letter to California's ecological past, present, and future. Come with Michelle Fullner as she climbs to the top of a beaver dam, descends into a tar pit, peers into the canopy of a giant sequoia, and basks in the glow of the Milky Way under the eerie silhouettes of Joshua trees. Each episode, Michelle interviews captivating experts in their natural habitats across California to find out how the unique plants, animals, geology, and hydrology of this biodiversity hotspot make this state Golden.

Suoni della Natura

Suoni della Natura

Durante le mie passeggiate ho iniziato a scoprire la magia dei suoni della natura, medicina per l'anima e calmante naturale per i miei acufeni. Ho deciso di iniziare a registrarli e condividerli con chi vorrà ascoltarli, pur non essendo un esperto "cacciatore di suoni" e un tecnico audio spero di pubblicare qualcosa di interessante.

LifeWatch ERIC

LifeWatch ERIC

LifeWatch ERIC is a research infrastructure facilitating research into biodiversity and ecosystems, supporting society in addressing key planetary challenges. Our main series is 'A Window on Science', where we outline the progress made in the last two years, developing cutting edge e-services for biodiversity and ecosystem researchers. Learn more at www.lifewatch.eu.

Impronta Animale

Filippo Bigozzi

Racconto la vita degli animali e il rapporto uomo-animale a modo mio. "La scimmia nuda balla, mentre il babbuino pensa". Etologia, ecologia, folklore, benessere animale e fake animals facts. Su Instagram come impronta_animal Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/impronta-animale--4694390/support.

WCS Wild Audio

Wildlife Conservation Society

Welcome to the award-winning WCS Wild Audio podcast, where you will find reported audio stories covering the latest news and newsmakers from the Wildlife Conservation Society's global conservation program, zoos and aquarium, and their many conservation partners. www.wcs.org/wcs-wild-audio Executive Producer, Co-Host, Reporter: Nat Moss Associate Producer, Co-Host, Reporter: Hannah Kaplan Web Producer, Co-Host, Reporter: Dan Rosen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WCSWildAudio Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wcswildaudio/ X: https://twitter.com/WCSWildAudio Threads: https://www.threads.net/@wcswildaudio


SG 07


TTBOOK Presents: Deep Time

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Time rules our lives. We wake, eat, work, and sleep on the clock. Our days unfold in a standardized symphony of alarm clocks, school buzzers, and meeting timers. Meanwhile, global positioning satellites measure time in millionths of seconds, and financial trades circle the planet at the speed of light.  Time-keeping is among the greatest accomplishments of the human species – but somewhere along the way, we made a fundamental miscalculation: we began to mistake our clocks for time itself.  Deep Time is a new series all about the natural ecologies of time from To The Best Of Our Knowledge and the Center for Humans and Nature — with support from the Kalliopeia Foundation. In Deep Time, TTBOOK will explore biological time, geological time, cosmic time, ancestral time. We’ll imagine time as a spiral, a loop, and also as an eternal present – as we learn to live beyond the clock. To learn more about the series, visit ttbook.org/deeptime

THE BIG SHIFT ! Écologie

Xavier Seux

Bienvenue dans la ressource-thèque audio la plus complète pour comprendre les grands enjeux écologiques du siècle ! Je suis Xavier Seux, et chaque semaine, je rencontre une personne experte d'un sujet de la transition écologique, qui nous l'explique à vous et moi. Au-delà de nos efforts personnels, sensibiliser les autres est le meilleur moyen d'avoir un vrai impact ! Alors partagez vos épisodes préférés sans effort de modération, ça rend service à tout le monde ! Laissez une note avec le plus d'⭐ possible, ça m'aide énormément ! Et retrouvez-moi au quotidien sur vos réseaux sociaux préférés : LinkedIn - Instagram - Facebook

Climate Water Project

Alpha Lo

How we can restore our water cycles. A look at rain, groundwater, the small water cycle, how we can hydrate our landscapes.

Zeitweise - Der Natur Podcast


Der Zeitweise Natur Podcast mit Hermann Hirsch und Jan Leßmann. Wann fliegen Glühwürmchen, wo wohnt der Specht und warum bellen Rehe? Wir bieten euch viele spannende Einblicke in die Natur und inspirieren mit Buchtipps, Bildern und Kunst. Viele unwichtige aber umso interessantere Geschichten aus der Welt der Naturfotografie kommen natürlich nicht zu kurz. Viel Spaß!

zCast - a HVG fenntarthatósági podcastja

HVG podcastok

Beckman Unleashed

Joel Beckman & Eric

Top Dog Trainer Joel Beckman and his Producer Eric cover all things Dog Training, Wild Animals, Behind the Scenes look into his Videos, Crazy Comments and whatever else comes up.

Millefiori Podcast

Apicoltura Forasassi

Millefiori Podcast ti racconta storie di api e di apicoltura. Ascolterai la voce di apicoltori che raccontano la loro storia, la loro vita, il loro lavoro.

Radio REcyclerie

La REcyclerie

Radio REcyclerie, un espace sonore où vibrent les écologies. Au fil des épisodes, (ré)écoutez les foisonnantes discussions enregistrées à la REcyclerie,un tiers-lieu situé dans le 18e à Paris, au 83 boulevard Ornano. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Rewilding the World with Ben Goldsmith

Ben Goldsmith

Join Ben Goldsmith as he speaks to some of the most influential people behind the most exciting and dramatic rewilding projects across the globe. 

The Psychosphere

Melanie Challenger

What is it like to be an octopus or an elephant? What kinds of minds and perceptions do they have and how can we understand these other worlds? Why do living beings behave so differently to the material world that surrounds them? And how did all this remarkable, intelligent life emerge in the first place? If you are interested in these questions, join writer and broadcaster, Melanie Challenger, in conversation with some of the world's foremost scientists and philosophers as they enter The Psychosphere...The world won't look the same again.

Animali e Ambiente


Una nuova società libera potrà sussistere solo se saremo capaci di concepire un nuovo tipo di rapporto , paritario e solidale , con le altre società di viventi , gli animali , e la natura .


Filippo Ballardin

"IN CABINA" il primo podcast dedicato interamente all'agricoltura nato dall'idea di Christian Gramenga e di Filippo Ballardin, già fondatore di "Agricoltori e Simpatizzanti" ed operante su varie piattaforme social. In questo format che sfiora il talk show affronteremo qualsiasi argomento che giri attorno all'agricoltura, grazie anche a numerosi ospiti che avremo l'opportunità di conoscere, grazie ai quali scopriremo sempre maggiori informazioni e cose interessanti nello sconfinato universo che è l'agricoltura.


Lary Galvão

Esse podcast tem como intenção explicar como a paisagem vem sofrendo com as mudanças climáticas antropogênica. Trás também o conceito dos rios voadores

The Healthy Seas Podcast

Crystal DiMiceli

Come dive in and meet the people doing all they can for healthier seas and oceans- from above and below the waves! We talk to divers, fishers, experts, and more about what they are doing to protect our source of life and how we can help from wherever we are. Healthy Seas is a marine conservation organization whose mission is to tackle the ghost fishing phenomenon and turn this waste into an opportunity for a more circular economy. They do this through clean-ups, prevention, education, and working with partners who recycle and repurpose this material. Hosted by Crystal DiMiceli.

Dirty Bird Podcast

Dirty Bird

In each episode, your host Dr. John tells you everything you need to know about a bird species with a laid back attitude. Learn about bird evolution, taxonomy, and behavior, with a few myths and legends mixed in. John keeps the banter light, the energy bright, and the humor raunchy. Warning: Fowl language Follow on Instagram @Dirtybirdpodcast, send listener mail or voice memos at dirtybirdpodcast@gmail.com to have them heard on the show! Theme song by Dick Piston, aka Ricky Pistone. Outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers

Forces for Nature

Crystal DiMiceli

Get informed, get inspired, and get empowered to make more animal and eco friendly choices. The Forces for Nature podcast celebrates people who are doing great things in sustainability, conservation, and animal-related issues. We bring you uplifting stories of these everyday heroes; their trials and triumphs; and how they find the motivation to keep going. You’ll leave feeling hopeful, prepped with actionable tips that answer your question, “But what can I possibly do,” so that you, too, can be a Force for Nature.

Jason Hill's White Noise Sleeping Sounds

Jason Smith

Do you have issue going to sleep at night? Our white noise podcast can help you. White noise has many uses that can help you at night and during the day. To get the full use from white noise sounds you must understand what it is. A white noise machine, also known as a sound machine, can help you create a more relaxing bedroom environment that promotes healthy, high-quality sleep. In addition to white noise and other noise colors, these devices often produce ambient and natural sounds such as chirping birds and crashing waves.

Paris Ville Nature

France Télévisions

Une série de podcasts sur la nature dans les rues, parcs et jardins de Paris. Six épisodes sur les oiseaux , les animaux, les insectes, les arbres, les plantes sauvages, la vie aquatique, les lieux favorables au développement de la biodiversité, pour découvrir les richesses naturelles de la capitale et agir pour un Paris plus nature. Une coproduction Seppia & France Télévisions



Piantala è un podcast dedicato alla sostenibilità e all'ecologia


Meghan Holst and Amani Webber-Schultz

Meghan and Amani are 2 shark researchers exploring sharks and their relatives! Get ready to jump in every-other-week to the world of sharks where Meghan and Amani break down the science with some of the legends in the field.

Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast

Captain Paul Watson

In this podcast, we will check in regularly with Captain Paul Watson to speak about recent news and events regarding the oceans and their ecosystems. We will also feature interviews with other members of the Neptune's Pirates, especially once campaigns are in full swing. Periodically, we will post educational episodes highlighting the importance of marine organisms and what you can do to help the oceans. For the latest news and updates, please subscribe to this podcast (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio), and rate and review us if you like what you hear. The Captain Paul Watson Foundation is focused on the protection and conservation of the Ocean through direct intervention supported by education, documentation, research activities and partnerships with other NGO’s, governments and international institutions like the United Nations. To help the cause, go to www.paulwatsonfoundation.org

Mission Energiewende

detektor.fm – Das Podcast-Radio

"Mission Energiewende" ist der detektor.fm-Podcast zum Klimawandel und neuen Energielösungen in Deutschland. Eine Kooperation mit dem Klimaschutz-Unternehmen LichtBlick.

Beats & Bones

Auf die Ohren GmbH

Was können wir Menschen vom Sexualverhalten der Gorillas und Schimpansen lernen? Warum sind Wespen für unser Wohlbefinden so wichtig? Und warum sagt ein Vogelschiss mehr über unsere Welt als 1.000 Worte? Am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin forschen über 200 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler und suchen die Antworten zu unseren Fragen. 30 Millionen Objekte hat das Museum, darunter das größte ausgestellte Dinosaurierskelett der Welt, Giraffatitan brancai. Hier werden beinahe täglich neue Tierarten entdeckt, Geheimnisse um das Leben in der Tiefsee gelöst und ein Stückchen Welt dokumentiert. Was sonst im Museum hinter verschlossenen Türen passiert, bringen wir mit dem Beats & Bones Podcast ans Licht. Ein Podcast, um die Welt besser zu verstehen, ohne Schnickschnack und gefährliche Zusätze. Host Lukas Klaschinski stellt hier alle Fragen, die ihm einfallen. Warum zum Beispiel hat der Gorilla so einen kleinen Penis? Dieser Podcast wird produziert von Auf die Ohren. Weitere Informationen zum Podcast und Museum gibt es auf: [www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/beatsandbones](https://www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/beatsandbones)

Ager Cultura

Alessandro Bassoli

Il podcast che parla di agricoltura attraverso gli occhi dei protagonisti di questo settore. Si parlerà di clima, ambiente e tecnologia. Un grande tavolo dove sederci e confrontarci.

FAO Podcasts


The FAO Podcasts, a multilingual audio series produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, addresses pressing global issues including hunger, poverty, agriculture, and sustainability. With content available in English, Spanish, and French, our dedicated audio team ensures these vital conversations are accessible to a global audience. Our three distinct formats - the concise FAO Brief, insightful FAO Talks, and the deeply human documentary pieces - serve as your gateway to understanding and participating in these critical global discussions. Tune in, enrich your perspective, and join us in shaping a more sustainable future for all.

Learning from Nature: The Biomimicry Podcast with Lily Urmann

Lily Urmann

We share Earth with millions of other species, many of whom have been around much longer than us. Biomimicry is the promising practice of learning from nature’s forms, processes, and systems to create life-friendly designs that benefit both people and the planet. Lily Urmann – a biomimic, educator, and nature communicator – will explore this exciting field and showcase how biomimicry is applied and practiced around the world; from architecture and engineering to material science, manufacturing, business, design and everything in-between. Join Lily as she dives into the brilliant and beautiful world of how nature works and interviews biomimics across cutting-edge disciplines. Together, let’s discover what we can learn from nature!

A Life More Wild

Canopy & Stars

Come on outside! A Life More Wild is a series of wild walks with fascinating people, transporting you to the great outdoors and helping you connect with nature as you hear how they've woven the natural world into lives. In Series 3 join wildlife cameraman and Stricly winner Hamza Yassin for an eagle-spotting hike on the beautiful Ardnamurchan peninsula, hop a few fences with Right to Roam campainger Nick Hayes, and relax as Charlotte Church shows you round The Dreaming, her wellness retreat in a wooded Welsh valley. 


Pritam Rauth


The Science of Birds

Ivan Phillipsen

The Science of Birds is a lighthearted exploration of bird biology. It's a fun resource for any birder or naturalist who wants to learn more about ornithology. Impress your birding friends at cocktail parties with all of your new bird knowledge! Hosted by Ivan Phillipsen, a passionate naturalist with a PhD in Zoology.

Jord il Podcast al Naturale

Marco Lippini

Jord, dal norvegese significa terra. E' il podcast al naturale che tratta tematiche di ambiente, sostenibilità e del rapporto imprescindibile tra uomo e natura. Si spazia dalla letteratura all'alimentazione, dall'agricoltura fino alle arti applicate con spunti, riflessioni e interviste. Ideato e realizzato da Marco Lippini, Sommelier, esperto di vino naturale e di Agrimarketing. Inoltre songwriter e musicista da quasi 20 anni, che viene spesso ispirato dalla natura per scrivere e creare. Durata media episodi 10 min Per richieste commerciali scrivere a marcosong82@yahoo.it

Podcast dal Mesozoico


Benvenuti nel Mesozoico! Ogni settimana scopriamo insieme a Duilio Ballatore l'affascinante mondo dei dinosauri. Alla fine di ogni episodio Duilio risponderà alle vostre domande, che potete mandare a podcastdalmesozoico@gmail.com e su tutti i canali social di Playcultura. Fonti primarie: -National Geographic Magazine -Dinosaurs! Orbis Publishing Fonti secondarie e aggiornamenti -Wikipedia -National Geographic Magazine

Casa Sostenibile

Casa Sostenibile

Siamo Anna e Andrea, una giovane coppia che, stufa di millantare attività per rendere la nostra vita più sostenibile e il mondo un posto migliore, abbiamo deciso di attivarci. Come? Vogliamo diminuire il nostro impatto, creando un idea di sostenibilità cucita addosso alla nostra routine. Il nostro percorso inizia con tentativi, errori, ma anche piccoli successi ed obiettivi raggiungibili. Niente stravolgimenti o imprese impossibili, un passo alla volta, verso la meta.

The Rewild Podcast

James Shooter

In a world of damning environmental news and the ever-looming threat of climate change, we could all do with a bit of hope. Host of The Rewild Podcast, James Shooter, teams up with Rewilding Europe to shine a light on the passionate people and inspiring initiatives fighting back for nature. There will be monthly stories of nature recovery from Rewilding Europe’s pioneering Landscapes and European Rewilding Network.

Fatti di una Guardaparco

Fatti di Montagna

Ci sono tanti punti di vista e aspetti che si possono considerare per raccontare un Parco Nazionale. Abbiamo scelto di raccontarlo dalla prospettiva di chi ci lavora, ci vive e lo ama quotidianamente. Una serie di 8 puntate che ci faranno attraversare le stagioni seguendo Raffaella Miravalle, Guardaparco del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso dal 1° marzo 2000. Una grande passione quella di Raffaella per il suo lavoro che si traduce competenza, conoscenza e miriadi di storie da raccontare di avventure vissute anche con la sua fedelissima e straordinaria pastora tedesca Jodie. Neanche ci si immagina quante cose fa il Corpo di Guardia del parco: pronte e pronti a seguire Raffaella e le sue sfide quotidiane? Non sarà una passeggiata tenere il suo passo... non dimentichiamo che Raffaella è anche atleta skyrunner di successo! Dal 2 maggio 2023 in uscita ad ogni primo martedì del mese.

Fatti di una Guardaparco

Fatti di Montagna

Ci sono tanti punti di vista e aspetti che si possono considerare per raccontare un Parco Nazionale. Abbiamo scelto di raccontarlo dalla prospettiva di chi ci lavora, ci vive e lo ama quotidianamente. Una serie di 8 puntate che ci faranno attraversare le stagioni seguendo Raffaella Miravalle, Guardaparco del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso dal 1° marzo 2000. Una grande passione quella di Raffaella per il suo lavoro che si traduce competenza, conoscenza e miriadi di storie da raccontare di avventure vissute anche con la sua fedelissima e straordinaria pastora tedesca Jodie. Neanche ci si immagina quante cose fa il Corpo di Guardia del parco: pronte e pronti a seguire Raffaella e le sue sfide quotidiane? Non sarà una passeggiata tenere il suo passo... non dimentichiamo che Raffaella è anche atleta skyrunner di successo! Dal 2 maggio 2023 in uscita ad ogni primo martedì del mese.

The Lodge Cast

Beaver Trust

Welcome to The Lodge Cast! Join us as we welcome beavers back to British rivers and, with the help of amazing guests, chat about everything from the state of nature in the UK to diversity in conservation. Hosted by Sophie Pavelle and Eva Bishop. Produced and edited by Emma Brisdion.

Sustainable Wine

Sustainable Wine

Sustainable Wine interviews actors from across the wine value chain, mostly winemakers and growers, on key sustainability issues in the wine industry. Head over to www.sustainablewine.co.uk for more news and analyses on sustainability in wine, winemaking and circular economy.
