Il podcast di Aliseo

Aliseo Editoriale

Il podcast di Aliseo racconta in ogni puntata una storia di geopolitica, per capire che quello che succede "fuori", determina anche quello che succedente "dentro" Montaggio di Gianluca Paulon, voce di Francesco Dalmazio Casini

Romanzo Quirinale

Marco Damilano – Chora

È da secoli circondato da superstizioni e leggende nere. È stato il palazzo dei papi e dei re d’Italia. Oggi il Quirinale è il centro del potere italiano. Tutto ruota intorno alla presidenza della Repubblica: interessi politici ed economici, equilibri interni e assetti internazionali, trame occulte e campagne mediatiche. Per questo tutti i principali leader hanno coltivato l’ambizione di occuparlo. Per questo ogni sette anni le elezioni presidenziali si trasformano nel palcoscenico su cui consumare gli intrighi repubblicani. In Romanzo Quirinale, Marco Damilano racconta le stagioni più misteriose della storia d’Italia.Sei puntate, una ogni giovedì.Romanzo Quirinale è un podcast di Marco Damilano prodotto da Chora mediascritto con Tommaso De Lorenzis. Supervisione suono e musica di Luca Micheli. Post produzione e montaggio di Guido Bertolotti e Matteo Miavaldi. La cura editoriale è di Sabrina Tinelli con Alessia Rafanelli. Il producer è Matteo Perkins. I fonici di presa diretta sono Michele Boreggi, Roberto Colella e Alessandro Romano. Il fonico di studio è Jacopo LattanzioSi ringraziano Radio Radicale, le Teche Rai e l’Istituto Luce per i contributi di archivio

NATO Review


Babel: Translating the Middle East

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Babel will take you beyond the headlines to discuss what’s really happening in the Middle East and North Africa. It features regional experts who explain what’s going on, provide context on pivotal developments, and highlight trends you may have missed. Jon Alterman, senior vice president, Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, and director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies hosts the podcast along with his colleagues from the Middle East Program. This podcast is made possible through the generous support of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed here should be understood to be solely of those of the speaker(s).


BBC Radio

The authoritative twice-weekly US news and politics podcast from BBC News, Americast investigates the social and cultural issues that define America today. Is Joe Biden too old to win another go in the White House? What does Donald Trump’s latest criminal charge mean for the Republican campaign? And why have issues such as LGBT rights, global warming and the war effort in Ukraine become so divisive across the US political spectrum? From foreign policy to pop culture, Americast keeps you up to date and in the know about the stories that matter with on-the-ground insights from right across the US. Americast is hosted by trusted journalists including the BBC’s North America editor Sarah Smith, North America correspondent Anthony Zurcher, presenter Justin Webb, and disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring. Joined by special guests each week such as former chief medical adviser to the president, Dr Anthony Fauci, former FBI director James Comey, CNN anchor and author Jake Tapper, Succession actress J Smith-Cameron, and Suruthi Bala and Hannah Maguire from podcast RedHanded, they look at America through an international lens, trying to make sense of the increasingly polarised political debate. Each week on Americast, Marianna Spring also brings listeners the latest update on BBC Undercover Voters, the award-winning investigation into the content that is recommended to US voters on social media. Marianna has created undercover voters – multiple social media accounts belonging to different characters who sit across the US political divide. By tracking the content that is pushed at each of them, this investigation will cover a turbulent time for US politics with speculation over a Trump bid for the presidency and Biden facing domestic and international challenges. GET IN TOUCH: • Join our online community: • Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480 • Email • Or use #Americast Find out more about our award-winning "undercover voters" here:

The Next Page

United Nations Library & Archives Geneva

Are you curious about the power of international cooperation? And how it affects our future? Then tune in to the #NextPagePod, the podcast designed to advance the conversation on multilateralism! Each episode delves into global issues through a multilateral lens exploring how collaboration across disciplines can facilitate reaching common goals. Produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva, an evolving house of knowledge specializing in multilateralism, this podcast brings you conversations with experts, recordings of Library events and insights into the UN.

Strict Scrutiny

Crooked Media

Strict Scrutiny is a podcast about the United States Supreme Court and the legal culture that surrounds it. Hosted by three badass constitutional law professors-- Leah Litman, Kate Shaw, and Melissa Murray-- Strict Scrutiny provides in-depth, accessible, and irreverent analysis of the Supreme Court and its cases, culture, and personalities. Each week, Leah, Kate, and Melissa break down the latest headlines and biggest legal questions facing our country, emphasizing what it all means for our daily lives. Whether you’re a lawyer or law student, or you’re just here for the messy legal drama, Strict Scrutiny has you covered. New episodes out every Monday… plus bonuses whenever SCOTUS takes away another one of our rights.


University of Chicago Podcast Network

Is capitalism the engine of destruction or the engine of prosperity? On this podcast we talk about the ways capitalism is—or more often isn’t—working in our world today. Hosted by Vanity Fair contributing editor, Bethany McLean and world renowned economics professor Luigi Zingales, we explain how capitalism can go wrong, and what we can do to fix it. Cover photo attributions: If you would like to send us feedback, suggestions for guests we should bring on, or connect with Bethany and Luigi, please email: contact at capitalisnt dot com. If you like our show, we'd greatly appreciate you giving us a rating or a review. It helps other listeners find us too.

Humanitarian Fault Lines

IIHA Fordham University

Humanitarian Fault Lines, from Fordham University's Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs, explores what’s not going right in the world of humanitarian affairs. Jamie McGoldrick examines why these crises have developed, and he seeks to find voices to speak on these issues and what is, or isn’t, being done to address them. Jamie also looks to find answers to some of the most challenging questions in the humanitarian world. The IIHA offers undergraduate and graduate programs, and serves the humanitarian community through intensive local training, research, webinars, conferences, exhibitions, publications and this podcast. You can find more information by visiting the Institute's website.

Into Africa

CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Fearless music activists. Savvy tech entrepreneurs. Social disrupters. Into Africa shatters the narratives that dominate U.S. perceptions of Africa. Host Mvemba Phezo Dizolele, Africa program director and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington D.C., sits down with policymakers, journalists, academics and other trailblazers in African affairs to shine a spotlight on the faces spearheading cultural, political, and economic change on the continent.


Voci dalla Farnesina

Dalla cultura all'attualità, passando per la scienza e la geopolitica: le Monografie di Voci dalla Farnesina approndiscono tematiche trasversali, mettendone in luce gli aspetti più rilevanti dalla prospettiva del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale.

European Parliament - EPRS Policy podcasts

European Parliament

Listen to a selection of EPRS policy podcasts here. An in-depth look at different topical EU policy areas based on objective authoritative and independent research.


BBC World Service

In-depth, hard-hitting interviews with newsworthy personalities.

The Real Story

BBC World Service

Global experts and decision makers discuss, debate and analyse a key news story.

La Vida de Nosotros

La vida de nosotros

Desde Berlín para el mundo, un jóven equipo de migrantes latinos comparte su experiencia de vivir como extranjeros en la cosmopolita capital alemana. En este entretenido ciclo de podcast y entrevistas te informamos sobre los desafíos y retos que conlleva asentarse en un nuevo país, pero también sobre esas alegrías, curiosidades y costumbres que nos encantan de nuestro nuevo hogar de elección.

Barack Obama - Great Speeches

Barack Obama Speeches

Barack Obama is widely regarded as one of the greatest public speakers of all time. He is known for his eloquence, his ability to connect with his audience, and his use of powerful language and imagery to convey his message.Obama's speeches are often characterized by their clarity, their focus on substance, and their use of personal stories and anecdotes. He is also a master of the rhetorical device of repetition, which he uses to emphasize his key points and drive them home to his audience.Obama is also known for his ability to deliver his speeches in a way that is both engaging and informative. He uses a variety of vocal techniques, such as pauses, emphasis, and changes in tone, to keep his audience's attention. He also uses gestures and facial expressions to convey his emotions and make his speeches more personal.Here are some specific examples of Obama's strengths as a public speaker: Clarity and focus on substance: Obama's speeches are always clear and concise, and they are always focused on substance. He avoids using jargon or technical language, and he always takes the time to explain complex issues in a way that is easy to understand.Use of personal stories and anecdotes: Obama often uses personal stories and anecdotes in his speeches to connect with his audience and to illustrate his points. This makes his speeches more relatable and engaging.Use of repetition: Obama is a master of the rhetorical device of repetition. He uses it to emphasize his key points and drive them home to his audience.Engaging and informative delivery: Obama delivers his speeches in a way that is both engaging and informative. He uses a variety of vocal techniques and gestures to keep his audience's attention and to convey his emotions.Some of Obama's most famous speeches include: 2008 Democratic National Convention acceptance speech: In this speech, Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. He delivered a powerful and inspiring speech that called for a new kind of politics based on hope and change.2009 inaugural address: In this speech, Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. He spoke about the challenges facing the country and called for Americans to unite and work together to overcome them.2015 eulogy for Reverend Clementa Pinckney: In this eulogy, Obama spoke about the life and legacy of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, one of the nine victims of the Charleston church shooting. He delivered a moving and powerful speech that called for an end to gun violence and racial injustice.These are just a few examples of Barack Obama's many public speaking engagements. Throughout his career, Obama has used his voice to advocate for hope, change, and justice. He is a powerful and inspiring speaker who continues to make a difference in the world.

Uccidere la Bestia: Il Carcere e le sue Alternative

Milano Invisibile

«Le fauci o la bocca si aprono prontamente, se già non erano aperte durante l’agguato, e una volta rinserratesi, restano definitivamente chiuse». In questa serie di 4 episodi è proprio il carcere a rappresentare "una bestia", in quanto sistema feroce, che perpetua una violenza che non funziona e alla quale bisogna trovare delle soluzioni. Ma quali? Questo viaggio ci guida attraverso la storia del carcere, passando per le alternative attualmente esistenti - misure alternative e giustizia riparativa - , fino ad arrivare ad una prospettiva futura ideale e utopistica: l’abolizionismo. “Uccidere la Bestia: il Carcere e le sue Alternative” è un podcast originale di Milano Invisibile. È stato scritto da: Maria Alessandra Panzera, Martina Cangialosi e Giovanni Simioni. Le voci sono di: Anna Spirito e Andrea Roderi. La produzione e il montaggio audio sono di: Andrea Roderi.

The Trade Guys

CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Trade experts Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch break down the buzz around trade, how it affects policy, and how it impacts your day-to-day. The Trade Guys is hosted every week by H. Andrew Schwartz at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C. Email your questions to

Law in Action

BBC Radio 4

Joshua Rozenberg presents Radio 4's long-running legal magazine programme, featuring reports and discussion on matters relating to law

National Security Hub

CORE - Thinking Connections

Sicurezza nazionale alla prova dell’intelligenza artificiale è la serie podcast di 6 episodi del National Security Hub, osservatorio promosso da CORE sulla cybersicurezza analizzata in un’ottica di difesa nazionale e in chiave dell’evoluzione tecnologica. Presentato da Barbara Carfagna. Contatti: Crediti: Una produzione CORE Testi: Patrizia Feletig Voce: Barbara Carfagna Producer: Rossella Pivanti Montaggio e Sound design: Domenico Olivieri


Voci dalla Farnesina

L’Italia conta 129 ambasciate nel mondo, molte delle quali rappresentano il nostro Paese in contesti geograficamente lontani e, per vari aspetti, poco noti. “Avamposti”, la nuova serie podcast prodotta in collaborazione con l’agenzia AGI, ne ha selezionati alcuni per raccontarne le diverse sfaccettature e analizzarli anche alla luce delle loro relazioni con la cultura italiana. Grazie al contributo della rete diplomatica e delle voci degli italiani che, per ragioni professionali o personali, hanno avuto l’opportunità di indagarne a fondo usi e costumi, i profili di questi luoghi diverranno più nitidi e decifrabili. Un viaggio intorno al mondo di 6 tappe che conduce verso 6 destinazioni diverse. Dalla geopolitica alla storia, passando per l’imprenditoria e la cucina: i tanti volti di questi paesi osservati con lo sguardo dei nostri connazionali che li vivono in prima persona.

Sources diplomatiques

France Diplomatie

Sources diplomatiques est le podcast réalisé par les équipes du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères : une plongée au cœur de la diplomatie française, une invitation à découvrir les rapports d’influence, les négociations, les questions stratégiques et la mécanique des grands enjeux politiques internationaux. La première série du podcast est consacrée à la guerre en Ukraine. Des origines au déclenchement de la guerre, en passant par la mécanique de coordination interministérielle pour faire face à la guerre, vous entendrez la ministre et des agents du ministère raconter les premiers instants de l’invasion russe et la mobilisation des services du Quai d’Orsay, en France comme à l’étranger. Retrouvez les épisodes de notre première série consacrée à la guerre en Ukraine sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute.

Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

The Overhead Wire

A weekly podcast about the intersection between sustainable transportation, urban planning, and economic development. Hosted by Jeff Wood of The Overhead Wire.


Center for Strategic and International Studies

China has emerged as one of the 21st century’s most consequential nations, making it more important than ever to understand how the country is governed. True to the name Pekingology, or the study of the political behavior of the People’s Republic of China, this podcast aims to unpack the behavior of the Chinese Communist Party and implications these actions have within China and for U.S.-China relations. Jude Blanchette, the Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS, is joined by various experts to analyze the activities of the Chinese governing system and how these impact the complex relationships relating to China.

Focus Previdenza - Radio UCI

Radio UCI

Tutti gli aggiornamenti della nostra redazione su Welfare, Previdenza e Protezione Sociale.

Audio Briefs

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Listen to “Audio Briefs,” a CSIS product that lets you hear short spoken word summaries from CSIS experts about their latest reports, white papers and commentaries—in their own words.

Экономика на слух


Изучайте «Экономику на слух» вместе с нами! Мы разбираем самые интересные явления из мира экономики, финансов и инвестиций. «Экономика на слух» — это проект Российской экономической школы, а это значит, что нашими гостями будут ведущие профессора и эксперты с мировым именем. Вы услышите комментарии и мнения не только экономистов, учёных, бизнесменов и представителей госорганов, но и недавних выпускников РЭШ. Мы выходим каждый вторник и ждем ваши отзывы на нашу работу. Если захотите получше изучить освещаемые нами темы, то приглашаем на специально созданный портал -, там мы собрали все расшифровки и дополнительные материалы, которые помогут вам изучить "Экономику на слух" вместе с нашей командой! Спасибо, что слушаете! Для обратной связи:

A Matter of Degrees

Dr. Leah Stokes, Dr. Katharine Wilkinson

Give up your climate guilt. Sharpen your curiosity. Join Dr. Leah Stokes and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson as they tell stories about the powerful forces behind climate change — and the tools we have to fix it. This show makes sense of big climate questions and critical topics. Our episodes are filled with stories of bold climate leadership, groundbreaking campaigns, and people doing their best to be part of the solution. A Matter of Degrees is produced in partnership with FRQNCY Media, The 2035 Initiative at UC Santa Barbara, and The All We Can Save Project.

Competenze finanza ed economia locale

Scuola IFEL

Un podcast della Scuola IFEL dedicato allo sviluppo e al rafforzamento delle competenze per la finanza e l'economia locale. Un canale di formazione e aggiornamento dedicato ai dipendenti comunali.

Any Questions? and Any Answers?

BBC Radio 4

Alex Forsyth presents topical debate in which guests from politics, business, science, arts and the media answer questions from members of the public. Anita Anand presents listeners' responses to the issues raised.

U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments


Oral arguments before the Supreme Court of the United States, presented by Oyez, a multimedia judicial archive at the IllinoisTech Chicago-Kent College of Law.

Big Take DC

Bloomberg and iHeartPodcasts

Bloomberg’s Saleha Mohsin shares one reported story a week about how money, politics, and power shape Washington — and the consequences for people in America and all over the world.

Accordi e Disaccordi

Warner Bros. Discovery Podcast

Due ospiti in disaccordo su un tema specifico saranno i protagonisti di ogni puntata: un dibattito serrato e informale in cui Andrea Scanzi, Luca Sommi e Marco Travaglio di volta in volta cercheranno di trovare nei due protagonisti i punti di disaccordo (o accordo) riguardo al tema in questione. Guarda tutti gli episodi di Accordi e Disaccordi su discovery + senza pubblicità >

The Truth of the Matter

CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies

A weekly analysis of the complex policy issues driving the news.

The Lawfare Podcast

The Lawfare Institute

The Lawfare Podcast features discussions with experts, policymakers, and opinion leaders at the nexus of national security, law, and policy. On issues from foreign policy, homeland security, intelligence, and cybersecurity to governance and law, we have doubled down on seriousness at a time when others are running away from it. Visit us at Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Engelsberg Ideas Podcasts

Engelsberg Ideas Podcasts

Engelsberg Ideas podcasts bring together leading writers, thinkers and historians to discuss the biggest issues facing the world today. You’ll find calm conversations and thought-provoking analysis.

Leguia, Fujimori Y Nuestro Nuestro Pasado Olvidado


Hablare sobre quienes fueron y como han influido los gobiernos de los exs presidentes Augusto B. Leguia y Alberto Fujimori

Deep State Radio

The DSR Network

Twice a week, this podcast will take you on a smart, direct, sometimes scary, sometimes profane, sometimes hilarious tour of the inner workings of American power and of the impact of our leaders and their policies on our standing in the world. Hosted by noted author and commentator David Rothkopf and featuring regulars Rosa Brooks of Georgetown Law School, Kori Schake of Stanford University and David Sanger of the New York Times, the program will be the lively, smart dinner table conversation on the big issues of the day that you wish you were having...without the calories. Sometimes special guests will join the conversation and always the emphasis will be on providing the unvarnished perspectives others shy away from. Deep State Radio is the insider perspective on American national security and foreign policy that you can't find anywhere else. If you are enjoying this podcast, please consider becoming a member by visiting

The Podium and Panel Podcast

Dan Cotter and Pat Eckler

Each podcast episode, Pat Eckler and Dan Cotter will cover several oral arguments and decisions in civil matters at the Illinois Appellate Court and Illinois Supreme Court, with the occasional coverage of SCOTUS and other appellate courts. The purpose of the podcast is to inform of developments that may affect business and are not to be considered legal advice. They do not create a lawyer-client relationship. Information on previous case results do not guarantee a similar future result. The opinions are their own and do not reflect those of the firms for which they work or their clients.

The Sea Shepherd⚓️🚤🐳

Lucy W

My podcast is about the sea Shepherd and hunting Wales.

No es el fin del mundo

El Orden Mundial

El podcast semanal de El Orden Mundial (EOM) para entender qué pasa en el mundo. Análisis, contexto y matices sobre la realidad internacional. Porque estar al día de qué pasa más allá de nuestras fronteras no debería ser ni complicado ni aburrido. Producido por The Voice Village. Síguenos en redes en @elordenmundial.

Lignes de défense


Dans un système globalisé, où les menaces prennent des formes de plus en plus variées, la chronique de Franck Alexandre vous plonge chaque semaine, au cœur des enjeux et des problématiques de défense et de sécurité du XXIème siècle. Les acteurs d’un monde militaire en mutation et les meilleurs observateurs des questions de Défense répondent à Franck Alexandre tous les dimanches matins dans sa chronique.

El orden mundial en Julia en la onda


Cada semana en Julia en la onda, los chicos de El Orden Mundial nos hablan sobre política y Relaciones Internacionales con el objetivo de comprender cómo funciona el mundo

apolut: Standpunkte


"Standpunkte" ist der zweite Podcast, der bei Apolut sechsmal pro Woche erscheint und Themen aus den unterschiedlichsten Wissensbereichen aufgreift. In ausführlicher, vertiefender Art und Weise werden dem Zuhörer politische, gesellschaftliche aber auch ökologische Zusammenhänge näher gebracht. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Damage Report with John Iadarola

TYT Network

Welcome to The Damage Report with John Iadarola, your daily breakdown of the true threats and challenges facing our country and our world. John Iadarola hosts an unflinching, no-holds-barred look at the damage that the Establishment, corrupt special interest groups, the GOP and global corporations are causing.


Research Society of International Law (RSIL)

Imperium is the official podcast of the Research Society of International Law. It examines matters of international law and domestic law concerning Pakistan and the region.

Westminster Hour

BBC Radio 4

The big political stories with lively discussion and expert comment and analysis from politicians and journalists, 10pm every Sunday on BBC Radio 4.

Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer

Civic Ventures

We are living through a paradigm shift from trickle-down neoliberalism to middle-out economics — a new understanding of who gets what and why. Join zillionaire class-traitor Nick Hanauer and some of the world’s leading economic and political thinkers as they explore the latest thinking on how the economy actually works.

The Young Turks

TYT Network

The Young Turks is Home of The Progressives. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian and a host of progressive voices deliver the news and provocative commentary. Whether you are seeking a breakdown of current events, politics and the mainstream media or just a quick laugh, the TYT daily podcast will always keep you informed and entertained.

Official Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) Podcast

UK Parliament

Welcome to the official Soundcloud channel for UK Parliament. Follow us to hear podcasts about the work of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Edi Rama Podcast

Edi Rama

Prime Minister of Albania

apolut: Tagesdosis


Hier finden Sie ausgewählte, tagesaktuelle Artikel, Berichte und Kommentare die von unseren Autoren erstellt oder in einigen Fällen aus anderen Quellen übernommen werden. "Tagesdosis" erscheint an sechs Tagen die Woche. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Langley Files: CIA's Podcast

Central Intelligence Agency

You might have heard a thing or two about the CIA, but have you ever heard from the CIA? In the Central Intelligence Agency's first public podcast, you will. Let us be your guides around the corridors of CIA Headquarters in Langley, as you step beyond the Hollywood scripts and shadowed whispers to hear directly from the people serving each day as America's first line of defense. These are their stories. This is The Langley Files.

Law Report

ABC listen

From courtroom dramas to miscarriages of justice, to how the law affects you — and so much more. The Law Report is your accessible guide to the big legal stories unfolding in Australia and across the world.

Asia Pacific Defence Reporter


These podcasts are a way of shedding a bit more light on Defence decisions – particularly acquisitions – because the system has become secretive and taxpayers have a right to know what’s going on. But it’s even worse than that with Defence sometimes putting out information that is misleading and in some cases plain wrong. We discuss the Defence Strategic Review and debunk the claims that it is some sort of radical and positive move. No it is not. We also have a few words about the outrageous decision to purchase the SURTASS towed array sonar via FMS and preview the ANAO report into the Hunter class frigate program.   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

CBN Morar Bem - Marcio Rachkorsky


Tire suas dúvidas sobre disputa por vagas, infiltrações, atribuições do síndico e outros problemas que envolvem a convivência entre vizinhos.

Food for Europe

European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Have you ever wondered how food in Europe is produced or where it comes from? ‘Food for Europe’ brings you stories, analysis, and in-depth interviews on agriculture, rural development, and the developments that are transforming the way we shop, eat and cultivate our precious, scattered farmland. Brought to you by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, the podcast will shed light on the most important European policies for food and agriculture and discuss the ambitions to become a greener and more sustainable Europe. © European Union, 2021

L'Europa dei popoli

Francesco Vuocolo

Un viaggio nell'autodeterminazione dei popoli europei

The Cognitive Crucible

Information Professionals Association

The Cognitive Crucible explores all aspects of our generational challenge: Cognitive Security. It is the only podcast dedicated to increasing interdisciplinary collaboration between information operations practitioners, scholars, and policy makers. Join the discussion forum each week with the Cognitive Crucible host, John Bicknell. Have a question or would like to suggest a topic go to:

Ammazzare il Presidente

Jefferson - Lettere sull'America

"Ammazzare il Presidente" è il podcast di Jefferson - Lettere sull'America che vi racconta il prima, il durante e il dopo degli omicidi dei Presidenti americani.

Supreme Myths

Eric Segall

A podcast featuring the Supreme Court and Supreme Court cases. Hosted by Georgia State College of Law professor Eric Segall.

Inside Cyber Diplomacy

Center for Strategic and International Studies

A periodic look at how diplomacy and negotiation shape international cybersecurity. This podcast is made possible by the generous support of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Prologue Projects

5-4 is a podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks. It's a progressive and occasionally profane take on the ideological battles at the heart of the Court's most important landmark cases; an irreverent tour of all the ways in which the law is shaped by politics. Subscribe to our access our premium episodes & much more at Listen each week as hosts Peter, Michael, and Rhiannon dismantle the Justices’ legal reasoning on hot-button issues like affirmative action, gun rights, and campaign finance, and use dark humor to reveal the high court's biases. Presented by Slow Burn co-creator Leon Neyfakh, and hosted by Rhiannon Hamam, Peter Shamshiri, and Michael Morbius. 5-4 is a production of Prologue Projects. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

OPEN Echoes

OPEN Publications

OPEN Echoes reflects the original thoughts, analyses, and viewpoints shared by academics, thought leaders and non-military experts — spreading ideas, perspectives, and insights across the globe. It’s our hope that the insights shared in these episodes will help to impact and influence thinking and conversations long after you take off your headphones. OPEN Echoes alternates episodes between compelling interviews with non-NATO subject matter experts, and readings from OPEN’s wide range of publications.

Economia sostenibile

Scuola IFEL

Un podcast della Scuola IFEL dedicato allo sviluppo e al rafforzamento delle competenze per l'economia sostenibile. Un canale di formazione e aggiornamento dedicato ai dipendenti comunali.

"Э! Вы чё?!" Как Центр Э создает экстремистов


В сентябре 2008 года в России создали Центр по противодействию экстремизму. Он же центр “Э”.  На акциях протеста его сотрудники в штатском снимают протестующих на камеры. А в онлайне — заводят дела за посты в социальных сетях и находят в действиях активистов признаки террористической и экстремистской деятельности. Анархисту Филиппу Костенко регулярно поступали угрозы со стороны Центра Э. В неформальных беседах эшники неоднократно обещали "переломать ему ноги". В феврале 2012 года на Костенко напали неизвестные и сломали ему ногу. После этого в Петербурге состоялась акция против Центра Э — "Всех не переломаете". На одном из плакатов была надпись "Э! Вы че?!".  Именно так мы назвали подкаст, в котором расскажем, как благодаря Центру Э в России растет число экстремистов. Этот подкаст ведут Юля Тарковская и Регина Хисамова.



Special operations military news and straight talk with the guys in the community. Hosted by former military operators. As seen ranked #1 in Apple Podcasts government category.


BBC Radio 4

Programme examining the ideas and forces which shape public policy in Britain and abroad, presented by distinguished writers, journalists and academics.

Guardianes de azul

Comandante Zero

La policía de todo el mundo está sufriendo ataques de todo tipo. Además de tener que luchar contra el crimen, hoy también debe defenderse del creciente odio de la población y los medios de comunicación que están haciendo un excelente trabajo ... Un excelente trabajo de propaganda y mistificación de los hechos a favor de las organizaciones criminales. El gobierno, siempre y lamentablemente en todo el mundo, parece ser totalmente insensible a este problema, como si, casi, no fuera parte de él o como si pudiera prescindir de la Policía. A medida que se amplía la brecha entre operadores y civiles, hemos decidido hacer un impacto cultural para el enriquecimiento del conocimiento sobre estos extraños seres en uniforme. La cultura siempre es buena y por eso decidimos analizar país por país y descubrir las alegrías, dolores y dificultades de la Policía en diferentes países. Los policías descubrirán que compartimos la mayoría de aspectos y los ciudadanos podrán preguntarse si realmente es correcto odiar a quienes intentan, incluso a costa de sus vidas, defendernos.

سقراط مع عمر الجريسي

ثمانية/ thmanyah

تعيش السعودية مرحلة تحول ضخمة ومثيرة خلقت في أذهاننا عشرات الأسئلة وصنعت العديد من الحوارات، وفي سقراط ننقل أسئلتكم ونضعها على طاولة قادة التحول

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ)


"Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte" gibt's jetzt auch zum Hören: Viel Hintergrundwissen, kompakt in 30 Minuten – für alle, die vielleicht kaum Zeit finden, die APuZ zu lesen, die aber nicht auf das geballte Wissen unserer Expertinnen und Experten verzichten wollen und neue Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Themen suchen. Wir sind uns sicher, dass Sie und wir nach einer halben Stunde schlauer sind als vorher.

Crisis Lab

Crisis Lab

Are you a seasoned professional in crisis management, public safety, or business continuity looking to navigate the complexities of your field? "Crisis Lab" is your guide and ally in this journey. We understand that the world of emergency response is constantly evolving, and keeping up can be challenging. That's where "Crisis Lab" steps in – to illuminate the path and empower you with knowledge and insights. Each episode of "Crisis Lab" is a stepping stone towards mastery. We bring to you voices of world-renowned experts who have walked the path and conquered challenges you might be facing right now. They share not just their knowledge, but also their stories of resilience, innovation, and success. But "Crisis Lab" is more than just a podcast. It's a community where you can connect with peers, share experiences, and grow together. Our conversations delve into crucial topics like the latest in risk management, the impact of technology in crisis scenarios, and strategies for effective emergency response. By tuning into "Crisis Lab," you’re not just listening to a podcast; you're taking a significant step towards enhancing your professional skills and staying ahead in your career. You're joining a movement of dedicated professionals committed to making a difference in the world through enhanced preparedness and strategic thinking. Subscribe to "Crisis Lab" on your preferred platform and become a part of this transformative experience. Let’s navigate the challenges of crisis management together and emerge stronger and more resilient.

I4C Trouble with Daly and Wallace

Clare Daly, Mick Wallace

A brand new political podcast from Ireland's two best-known independent left wing MEPs, straight from the belly of the EU beast. Unfiltered by mainstream media they grapple with the problems at the very heart of the European project.

INSIDE BRIEFING with Institute for Government

Institute for Government

These are tumultuous times in UK politics. Government is under strain, the civil service is under pressure, and ministers are grappling with the fallout of Covid, the impact of Brexit and an unprecedented cost-of-living crisis. So where is government working well and what is it doing badly? What can be done to make No10, the Treasury and the rest of government function more effectively? And as a general election draws ever nearer, what are the key political and policy dividing lines – and what do they mean for the way this country is run?  Get behind the scenes in Westminster, Whitehall and beyond on the weekly podcast from Britain’s leading governmental think tank, where we analyse the latest events in politics and explain what they mean. Every week on INSIDE BRIEFING, IfG director Hannah White and the team welcome special guests for a free-ranging conversation on what makes government work – and how to fix it when it doesn’t.

Who Is Michelle Obama

Laura Sofia Cordoba Laverde

Life the ex-first lady in the united states by laura sofia cordoba and thaliana valentina triana

Una questione di metodo

Sviluppo Lavoro Italia

Servizi per il lavoro: andare incontro alle esigenze di cittadini e cittadine richiede grande attenzione. Occorre lavorare su più fronti, dalla formazione alle competenze digitali, senza mai dimenticare di prendere in considerazione il fattore umano. Una questione di metodo è il podcast con cui il team Digital Learning di Sviluppo Lavoro Italia fa il punto su come la pubblica amministrazione può cambiare passo ed essere vicina ai cittadini che si aspettano servizi pensati per loro. Un lavoro continuo e costante che richiede metodo, passione e, naturalmente, un buon lavoro di squadra.

P² Podcast

Peter Golob in Žiga Perović

P(2) je podcast o pravnih in tehnoloških temah ter predvsem tistih, ki se znajdejo med tema dvema področjema. Sva Peter Golob in Žiga Perović, dolgoletna kolega s pravnega faksa, ljubitelja kraft piva, ki oba aktivno delava na različnih pravnih področjih. Ideja za podcast se je porodila, kakopak, ob pivu, kjer sva ugotovila, da bi znalo biti zabavno poslušati aktualne teme z dodatkom “šank debate” pravnega komentarja. Najin cilj je … hmm, se naučiti vsakokrat nekaj novega, debatirat o zanimivih temah v družbi dobrega kolega in pa, seveda, poizkusiti različna slovenska piva in s tem dvigniti nivo vedenja o njih 🙂Za komentarje, vprašanja in kritike sva na voljo na:

erzähl davon - der Podcast für gute Kommunikation im Ehrenamt

Luisa und Katrin

Der Podcast für gute Kommunikation im Ehrenamt

code: SEVERE

National Counter Terrorism Police HQ

Code Severe is a podcast series hosted by Mark Strong, revealing previously untold stories of terrorist attacks from the files of UK Counter Terrorism Police. Each story is told by detectives, counter terrorism officers, witnesses and the terrorists themselves.They are brought to you by National Counter Terrorism HQ and ACT. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Pagamenti digitali

Scuola IFEL

Un podcast della Scuola IFEL dedicato allo sviluppo e al rafforzamento delle competenze per i pagamenti digitali. Un canale di formazione e aggiornamento dedicato ai dipendenti comunali.



Podcast di attualità e politica estera, per l’alto mare aperto.

Our Curious Amalgam

American Bar Association

Our Curious Amalgam explores topics in antitrust, competition, consumer protection, data protection, and privacy law around the world with leading experts in those areas. It is an amalgam because it is a group of diverse topics all in one place. It is curious because it gets the experts and asks them in-depth questions.



Welcome to The #DigitalDiplomacy Podcast, produced by the Embassy of Denmark in Madrid. Here we take a closer look at diplomacy in the digital age and how it is affected by the role that technology and digitalization is playing in the rapid changes that our societies are undergoing these years and will continue to undergo in the coming decades. This digital transformation on a global scale offers both opportunities, challenges and threats to our societies, and in each episode we will interview a relevant practitioner, observer, and analyst in and around the diplomatic world to get different perspectives on how this is changing the way that international relations are lead and the way diplomats work.

Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey

TYT Network

Truth and facts are what viewers can expect from ‘Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey.’ On the show, Dr. Richey delivers a heavy dose of fact-based truth with all his signature passion and insight. Every day Dr. Richey comments on the top news stories about criminal justice, social justice, policy and racism and welcomes a Conservative into 'The Bullpen' for a fiery debate.

European Parliament - EPRS Science and Technology podcasts

European Parliament

Listen to a selection of podcasts reporting on the latest science and technology developments, looking into the impact they will have on our lives and capturing their policy implications.

The National Security Podcast

ANU National Security College

Expert analysis, insights and opinion on the national security challenges facing Australia and the Indo-Pacific. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

First Things Podcast

First Things

First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. Learn more:

Technologically Speaking

DHS Science and Technology Directorate

Technologically Speaking is a podcast series that delivers insightful, thought-provoking, and unscripted conversations about timely national security challenges and the scientific solutions S&T is developing to tackle them.

Alternative Frequencies | غيّر الموجة

The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies

Alternative Frequencies | غيّر الموجة is a new bilingual podcast by the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies - a Beirut-based, independent, and non-profit research organization - dropping new episodes every Tuesday at 5PM (UTC+3). Recognizing a renewed interest in understanding the factors that led Lebanon into its overlapping crises, and wanting to discuss ways to move forward during these uncertain times, LCPS brings you informed 30-minute conversations with experts, scholars and activists on a range of pressing issues that concern all those interested in Lebanon and its ongoing developments.


University of Chicago Podcast Network

Rights matter, but conversations about rights can be polarizing, confusing and frustrating. Lawyers and law professors Claudia Flores and Tom Ginsburg have traveled the world getting into the weeds of global human rights debates. On Entitled, they use that expertise to explore the stories and thorny questions around why rights matter and what’s the matter with rights. Entitled is produced with the support of University of Chicago Law School and Yale Law School, and is part of the award winning University of Chicago Podcast Network.

Intelligence Matters: The Relaunch

Beacon Global Strategies LLC

Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell and former CIA Chief Operating Officer Andy Makridis interview top national security leaders -- intelligence officers, military leaders, and policymakers -- on the most critical security challenges of our time. Their interviews offer insights into the world's most pressing problems as well as the effectiveness of the U.S. policy response. They also delve into the biographies and careers of the individuals who have devoted their lives to protecting our nation.



Vårdpodden handlar om de stora förändringar som genomförs inom hälso- och sjukvården i Västra Götaland. Förändringarna berör medarbetare inom vården, både i Västra Götalandsregionen och hos privata vårdgivare. Vissa ämnen berör även medarbetare inom den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården och elevhälsan. Du kontaktar podden genom att maila Vårdpodden är en podcast från Västra Götalandsregionen.

Look West: How California is Leading the Nation

Democratic Office of Communications and Outreach

Look West - A unique view of the people representing you in the State Assembly who are leading California to a better future for all. A series of conversations with California State Assembly members and the people they represent, the Look West podcast brings you a unique view of the people leading California to a better future for everyone.

The Convergence - An Army Mad Scientist Podcast

The Army Mad Scientist Initiative

The Convergence is an Army Mad Scientist podcast with a distinct focus on divergent viewpoints, a challenging of assumptions, and insights from thought leaders and subject matter experts. The purpose of "The Convergence" is to explore technological, economic, and societal trends that disrupt the operational environment and to get a diversity of opinions on the character of warfare.

Future Hindsight

Future Hindsight

Future Hindsight is a weekly podcast that takes big ideas about civic life and democracy and turns them into action items for everyday citizens.

Spectator Out Loud

Spectator Out Loud

Each week we choose three pieces from the magazine, and ask their writers to read them aloud.

Social Media and Politics

Michael Bossetta

Social Media and Politics is a podcast bringing you innovative, first-hand insights into how social media is changing the political game. Subscribe for interviews and analysis with politicians, academics, and leading digital strategists to get their take on how social media influences the ways we engage with politics and democracy. Social Media and Politics is hosted by Michael Bossetta, political scientist at Lund University. Check out the podcast's official website:



誘思沙龍是青年職涯發展中心監製的節目,透過這個節目讓更多人在職場遇到困境時有方法可循,也分享不同產業的故事,分享青年的職涯故事。 節目規劃四大單元: ⌜教練來開講⌟:邀請業界資深前輩分享履歷面試的小秘訣 ⌜職想跟你聊⌟:說說在職場上種有些情緒過不去的問題 ⌜職人來播客⌟:邀請各行各業的職人分享酸甜苦辣 ⌜尬聊新鮮室⌟:分享近期很夯的職場議題&職場厚黑學 歡迎一起進入浩瀚的沃克星系、了解職涯戰場上的點點滴滴。 若你覺得我們節目不錯,請幫我們按下訂閱鍵!也歡迎到我們的粉絲團或IG留下你想知道的職涯問題~ Youth Salon臉書粉絲專頁 IG帳號 Youtube頻道 官方網站 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Resources Radio

Resources for the Future

Resources Radio is a weekly podcast by Resources for the Future. Each week we talk to leading experts about climate change, electricity, ecosystems, and more, making the latest research accessible to everyone.

The Strong Towns Podcast

Strong Towns

A weekly conversation on the Strong Towns movement hosted by Charles Marohn. The podcast blends fiscal prudence with good urban design to highlight how America can financially strengthen its cities, towns and neighborhoods and, in the process, make them better places to live. You can support the podcast and become a member of Strong Towns at
