The Autonomy Of Parenting In A Time of Chaos w/Dr. Kelly Barnette #26


6:20 - How can Mommas discern what is right and true? 

Education for self = empowerment for self
Otherwise you’re at the mercy of others in whats important
Reliable sources

08:30 - Doctors make mistakes, YOU know your child better than ANYONE. Restore the motherly intention*** 

Fighting the chiseling of a mother’s intuition. 
“I didn’t get my child from the government i ogt my child from the lord*** 
Take in the meat, spit out the bones* 

13:30 - Define boundaries and teach them boundaries for Bodily autonomy 
15:45 - It doesn’t have to be rude, even though it may be uncomfortable 

Choose to be uncomfortable in order to defend our liberties**** 
15:50 - Masked strangers approaching her* 
17:30 - Find your community** 

20:30 - What are some questions parents can ask?

Are you involving your body in medical research?
Are you going to wear a mask if you bring my child in public? 

29:00 - Homeschooling needs**

28:40 - Take back our children, it an opportunity** 

32:30 - The power of Growing up in the 90s

Being in alignment with principles vs
Learn how to make bread, learn how to cook and grow food

44:00 - Love yourself through the process of this. Give yourself grace as an important 
***46:10 - You as the parent get to make the decisions. *

You do not have to co parent with the government, doctor, nurse practitioner 
Moving with loving boldness* Protection of the family nucleus,  medical discrimination* 

Children’s Health Defense (research, legislation) - Understanding research + Law** 
Health Freedom For Humanity - Podcast, empowerment, designment of the body - Del Bigtree 
Miller’s review of critical vaccine studies -
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Instagram: @DrKellybarnette
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Facebook -  KellyBarnette


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The Autonomy Of Parenting In A Time of Chaos w/Dr. Kelly Barnette #26

The Autonomy Of Parenting In A Time of Chaos w/Dr. Kelly Barnette #26
