#17 Living The Examined Life w/DC2B Colton Engleman


Jamal’s personalized show notes!3:18 - What is life? The unexamined life is not worth living? Leaving called to go within* 7:40 - How clean is that lens/windshield of life? 9:00 - The influence of the Roman culture. How did that empire actually fall?9:52 - How can we have unity with respect to diversity w/o clear minds? Without tolerance?Language is perpetually changing? Who’s changing it?10:30 - Ineffective communication - the lack of minds connecting**Why gain the whole world and lose our soul?14:00 - Get past the what in life. Get past the how in life, Fundamental questions: Who am I? Question of identityWhy am I here? Question of purpose16:30 - A skipping of the most basic of needs, safety BEFORE healthTIlling the soil of your mind! How new thoughts enter your mind* Introverts + extroverts18:45 -  Does society embrace solitude??19:50 - What does it mean to be alone? “Be still for I AM God” - Psalms 22:15 - Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but does that mean that they call carry the same weight?26:10 - Philosophy is simply the love of wisdom** A virtuous life (courage, self-control, justice and reason)Getting to know oneself is to know nature a bit moreHow fast are we moving against the principles of nature?27:40 - EGO. Efforting God Out, Earth Guided Only29:30 - If we returned to nature, would there be less dis-ease in the world/ the being?Shifting the biotensegrity of the human species frame = ^^^ more lpm30:20 - How much life are you exuding in this moment?The triune of life baby!! → How much life are you operating at right now*****33:00 - All of us are artists. THe art that we make is produced through our intentionality which is produced through our beliefs. BElief is the art of life. What am I believing? What am i adhering to? What am I relying upon? What am I trusting to? 34:10 - The doctrine of man. Establishing the kingdom within!!!!36:30 - Awareness of your own belief. SUPA key. 38:00 - More distraction = Difference between what is, and getting lost in the circus of what seems*39:30 - Life crayon analogy* Coloring outside the lines and its beauty** Its okay to not know. But to know that you don’t now and NOT move? Oooof. Living the Unexamined life?42:30 - Busyness if a form of laziness, don’t confuse motion for progress!***44:00 - The concept of thought gains* “i don’t know how we don’t get excited look into the eyes of another person”46:00 - Faithful, available and teachable, YOU MATTER. Why? Because there is no other you, you got a part to play IF you want to. The sovereignty of thought* How? To ask questions!50:30 - Move, Breathe, Mediate in public schools** Where does the body go? Where the mind goes, where does the mind go? Where the breathe goes*52:40 - A beautiful eutopia* 55:00 - What is your superpower? “Many people see, but few observe.” “I didn’t get here alone”59:00 - What is your episode of soul coffee?1:00:30 - What is the color of your lightsaber? Connect w/Colton!Socials: Instagram + XboxLife + Twitter  =  @ChirocoltonBooks:Daily Stoic!!


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#17 Living The Examined Life w/DC2B Colton Engleman

#17 Living The Examined Life w/DC2B Colton Engleman
