Meg and Hina

Welcome to HOMEGIRL★ 週2 (水、日) 配信中! バイリンガルTikTokerメグひながお届けするEnglishポッドキャスト! 恋愛から仕事、うちらのガールズトークに参加して?♡ 🦋TikTok🦋 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJcqccKp/ 🌟YouTube 🌟 https://youtube.com/@megandhina?si=1_9RF4omH-QOca7t 💓Instagram💓 megu: https://www.instagram.com/meeggguuu/ hina: https://www.instagram.com/hinnaaaa/ fashion inspo: https://www.instagram.com/frenzy.lazy/ 【meg and hinaに質問、相談なんでも!】 https://forms.gle/K62USXYXRVgrBmwT9 【スポンサー募集】 HOMEGIRLはスポンサーを募集しています。 コンテンツ内にてあなたの企業をご紹介します。 お問合せは下記のメールアドレスにてお願いいたします。 megandhinaofficial@gmail.com

Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast

Higher Ground

Join Michelle Obama as she dives deep into conversations with family, friends, and colleagues to share tools for living in today’s world with her trademark humor, candor, and compassion. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


ABC listen

Spend an hour in someone else's life. Conversations draws you deeper into the life story of someone you may have heard about, but never met.




Date Yourself Instead

Lyss Boss

You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.

Lez Ketchup Podcast

Lez Ketchup

Хоёр найз суугаад хобо жибэ, аз жаргал, амьдрал ярьдаг подкаст

Love Strategies: Dating and Relationship Advice for Successful Women

Adam LoDolce

Welcome to the Love Strategies podcast, where we help women attract high-value men, date with strategy, and deepen their romantic relationships. We provide the latest research in dating and relationships, combined with plain old common sense, to give you insights into the male mind found nowhere else. Hosted by Adam LoDolce and Dr. Gary Lewandowski. For more, visit 


HKcropcircle | 廣東話Podcast

Hello大家好,歡迎嚟到麥田圈🌾~ 呢個podcast嘅主持會以近乎失控嘅狀態, 帶住你認真地探討生命中唔同嘅課題💭 一齊從唔同嘅角度,陪你認識自己,反思生命。     如果鍾意聽,記得訂閱同follow我哋IG:hkcrop.radio 請我哋飲杯咖啡☕ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hkcrop.radio 同埋俾個五⭐評分我哋呀! Patreon麥友可以按以下連結直接以Spotify收聽付費節目 : https://open.spotify.com/show/0cLITFZLQRGJwJVkhNfFeR     🎧每週更新時間:星期一 6 AM、星期五及星期五 6 PM     麥田圈 Podcast|合作邀約|hk.cropcircle@gmail.com

King of Hearts by Chiara King

Chiara King/W!ZARD Studios

Welcome to King of Hearts, the new podcast by artist and content creator Chiara King exploring what it means to wear your heart on your sleeve. Join her every week to follow her journey to true love, helping to solve your relationship troubles along the way, and joined by special guest experts. Full of honesty, vulnerability and real tangible advice - Chiara King has got your back. New episodes every Wednesday.

이번 생은 망했어


당신의 최악의 연애는 언제였죠….? 전 지금입니다. 본격 망한 연애 다시 보기 프로젝트 최악의 연애 포트폴리오 이번 생은 망했어! 업로드 : 매주 금요일 고민사연은 sbsloveisover@gmail.com

We Can Do Hard Things

Glennon Doyle and Audacy

Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every single day – things like loving and losing; caring for children and parents; forging and ending friendships; battling addiction, illness, and loneliness; struggling in our jobs, our marriages, and our divorces; setting boundaries; and fighting for equality, purpose, freedom, joy, and peace. On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle, author of UNTAMED; her wife Abby Wambach; and her sister Amanda Doyle do the only thing they’ve found that has ever made life easier: Drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard things including sex, gender, parenting, blended families, bodies, anxiety, addiction, justice, boundaries, fun, quitting, overwhelm . . . all of it. We laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone.

Три пункта | Психология и юмор

Три пункта | Психология и юмор

Психолог и креативщик субъективно отвечают на вопросы слушателей о жизни. Задать вопрос в выпуск, площадки для прослушивания - https://taplink.cc/tripunkta Телеграм канал - https://t.me/tripunkta Поддержать наш подкаст донатом - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/tripunkta ⠀ Подкаст — резидент лейбла Толк: https://www.tolktolk.me/ По вопросам рекламы: info@tolktolk.me

《愛情秋起OUT》Check Out LOVE


我是秋比特Chillpid AKA 前男友;一個妄圖改善男女對立問題又自以為是的異男觀點! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Hot Mess with Alix Earle


Join your favorite hot mess, Alix Earle, as she invites you to listen in on a weekly recap of her life revealing all the in-depth, exclusive details that has everyone watching, talking, and wanting more. For the first time ever, Alix will be letting you in on what is actually happening, beyond her trending TikToks. From friendships to family, relationship updates to rumors, traveling and navigating life after college, get ready for all the behind-the-scenes details that you've been waiting for. Let's be honest, life is messy, and Alix is here to remind you that we're all on this journey together. So welcome, you are now officially invited to the debrief.

Jillian on Love

Jillian Turecki | QCODE

Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself.  Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you. Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has guided others on journeys toward fulfilling relationships. ~~ Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove Email the show at hello@jillianonlove.com Subscribe to Jillian on Love+ on Apple Podcasts or Patreon Find Resources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations ~~ Follow Jillian Turecki on Instagram: @jillianturecki Tik Tok: @jillian.turecki Twitter: @JillianTurecki Visit her website at www.jillianturecki.com ~~ Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE.  To advertise on the show, contact us!

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown

Vox Media Podcast Network

I’ve spent over 20 years studying the emotions and experiences that bring meaning and purpose to our lives, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this: we are hardwired for connection, and connecting requires courage, vulnerability, and conversation. I want this to be a podcast that’s real, unpolished, honest, and reflects both the magic and the messiness of what it means to be human. Episodes will include conversations with the people who are teaching me, challenging me, confusing me, or maybe even ticking me off a little. I'll also have direct conversations with you about what I’m learning from new research, and we'll do some episodes dedicated to answering your questions. We don’t have to do life alone. We were never meant to. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey

Relationships are for heroes. Join bestselling author—and host of the #1 YouTube channel for women’s relationship advice—Matthew Hussey and his brother Stephen Hussey, as they offer tips and insights on how to make sense of the beautiful mess that is finding and maintaining love, while nurturing the relationship you have with yourself. In weekly episodes, they share practical advice, hard-won wisdom, and the occasional musing on relationships and the increasingly confusing world of modern dating. No matter your relationship status, the Love Life podcast will meet you where you are. About the Hosts: Matthew Hussey is the New York Times bestselling author of Get the Guy, and host of a YouTube channel that has received 400+ million views. Get the Guy co-writer and YouTuber Stephen Hussey holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University.



복잡하고 심심할 때 듣는 수다

Hey, It's Delilah


"Hey, It’s Delilah”, provides a daily dose of heartwarming moments from the most listened to woman in radio. It’s the perfect way to begin or end your day, or when you need a mid-day emotional hug. New episodes drop every weekday.

Twenty Whatever

Dear Media

Twenty Whatever features Sierra Schultzzie, Riayn Christina, and Paloma Malfavon talking candidly about navigating your 20's with your friends through different phases of life. (formerly Sierra Unfiltered)

PlanBri Uncut

Barstool Sports

Welcome to Plan Bri Uncut. A show about how comical it is to navigate life in your 20’s. Anchored in a twice weekly podcast, the two life long best friends Brianna Chickenfry and Grace O’Malley, banter about all things that matter: relationships, friends, work, mental health, and of course having fun. Their raw honesty, vulnerable candor, self-deprecating humor, and relatable tone celebrates the good, the bad, and the dysfunctional, knowing we are all just doing the best we can. Life ain’t easy, but Plan Bri is the friend that’s always there. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/planbri

Wine Wednesday

Janina and Alina

There is always time for a glass of wine... und gute Gespräche mit einer Freundin! Schenk' dir ein Glas Wein ein und mach es dir gemütlich, denn es ist Mittwoch und wir müssen reden! Ob Beziehungen, das Erwachsenwerden oder die Erlebnisse vom letzten wilden Wochenende - Jani und Alina nehmen kein Blatt vor den Mund. Jeden Mittwoch, überall wo es Podcasts gibt! Für mehr Schabernack checkt unsere Instagram Accounts: Alina: https://www.instagram.com/alinasophieee/ Jani: https://www.instagram.com/janihager/ Wine Wednesday: https://www.instagram.com/winewednesday.official/

La Maladie d'amour

Louie Media x Jour Premier

Le podcast qui décode vos histoires d'amour. Présenté par Camélia Jordana. La Maladie d'amour est un podcast documentaire adapté de la série Irrésistible, une comédie romantique en six épisodes disponible sur Disney+. Le podcast, co-produit par Louie Media et Jour Premier, est rendu possible grâce au soutien de Bumble, l'application de rencontres où les femmes font le premier pas. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.



《好女人的情場攻略》是一個針對女性所打造的 Podcast 兩性熱門節目。由主持人路隊長領軍,帶領一群軍師提供多元而實用的戀愛知識,讓你在愛情的路上不再迷惘,成為更好的自己,遇見你的理想型。 【官方網站】https://goodwoman.tw 立即訂閱《好女人的情場攻略》電子報,路隊長會寄給你一份〈路隊長的乾貨筆記〉 【快速約會/免費講座/課程】https://portaly.cc/onelovepodcasteam 熱銷線上課程【貝理詩的練愛筆記】男人解密:讓他不知不覺愛上妳 https://reurl.cc/RW7jDZ 【小額贊助本節目】https://open.firstory.me/join/captainluteam 【合作邀約】captainluteam@gmail.com

Ziemlich beste Fremde

Ceddo & Laura Abla

Ceddo und Laura, zwei Fremde, die sich eigentlich nur von Social Media kennen, wagen ein aufregendes Experiment: Wie intensiv können sie sich mithilfe von nur 36 ausgewählten Fragen innerhalb kürzester Zeit kennenlernen? Inspiriert von den Erkenntnissen eines amerikanischen Wissenschaftlers entdecken die beiden die Facetten von zwischenmenschlichen Verbindungen. Jeden Montag erwartet Euch eine neue Folge mit unglaublich intensiven, persönlichen und humorvollen Gesprächen. Wie schnell können zwei ziemlich beste Fremde zu ziemlich besten Freunden werden und was passiert nach der letzten Frage? Ziemlich beste Fremde ist eine Produktion von NOHYPE Studio. Kontakt: zbf@no-hype.de

on the floor

Esther Sim

Chat "on the floor" with Esther and her various guests as they process the all-too-familiar thoughts and feelings that come with being a young adult. New episode biweekly on Wednesdays! For business inquiries, please email esther.sim888@gmail.com. ☆ INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/35iTsEo ☆ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3wL00YD

Dear Sugars


Radically empathic advice. Produced by WBUR.

Love Letters

The Boston Globe

Love stories. Dating stories. Relationship stories. Stories about romance, marriage, partnership, sex, loss, and the human heart. Served with a side of advice. Hosted by Boston Globe advice columnist Meredith Goldstein. Distributed by PRX.

Its a Girls World Podcast

Its a Girls World

Its a Girl's World is a podcast hosted by Millicent Rose and Marie-Lou Duvillier. Every Tuesday the girls sit down and discuss all things from; relationships, becoming your best self and navigating life through your twenties. In some of the episodes the girl's will give you their best 'Big Sister Advice' by answering your dilemmas. So make yourself a tea or pour yourself a drink and enjoy the podcast. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

bulgogi podcast with hanakattt


A lifestyle podcast for anyone trying to navigate their 20s. Hana talks with her guests on all things dating, personal revelations, and 20-something struggles. With guests like Andrew Kwon, and Joon Lee Comedy, Hana and her guests explore what it means to be the dash between Asian-American. Coining it a Personal Public Diary, Hana and her guests use their humor and vulnerability to connect with our Gogis on a weekly basis. New episodes every Tuesday. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bulgogipod/support

Brooke and Connor Make A Podcast

TMG Studios

The Internet’s favorite dynamic duo, Brooke Averick and Connor Wood, make a podcast — and they’re not holding back. Together, the two break down pop culture's biggest moments, share their hottest takes, and push each other’s buttons. Nothing’s off limits.

Were You Raised By Wolves?

Nick Leighton

Editors’ Notes: “I want to give everybody the tools to solve their own etiquette problems,” says Nick Leighton, cohost and producer of Were You Raised by Wolves?, a weekly podcast in which he and cohost Leah Bonnema look into the many sticky social situations we all face. “With each of the questions that we get, from the bonkers to the ordinary, I always try to take a step back and ask, ‘What are the bigger principles here?’ I'm always looking for topics that help us make a larger point.” In each episode, Leighton, a two-time Emmy Award-winning journalist, and Bonnema, a comic/writer, share practical advice on how to navigate a wide range of situations, from the serious to the whimsical—whether they tackle interrupting excessive talkers, establishing healthy boundaries with coworkers, or the proper way to eat Cheetos. When they developed the show in 2019, Leighton and Bonnema had one goal in mind: to have empathy for other people. Their informal conversations tackle a mix of personal topics, viewer questions, and the occasional historical fact with warmth and positivity and humor. Leighton views this approach as an antidote to a lot of the negativity he sees in the online world, while Bonnema thinks the show’s premise is a natural fit for her situational style of comedy. “A lot of my comedy is about events where I’m like, ‘What just happened here?’ or where I embarrass myself,” she says. “And, ironically, all of these fall under the guise of etiquette, where you either feel aggrieved or you feel like you committed some sort of social crime. I just loved the topic.” Leighton and Bonnema credit the show’s ongoing success to their work ethic. They haven’t missed a single week since they launched the show, which recently hit a new milestone: 100 episodes. But what they value the most, above all else, is how they've built a community of listeners from all backgrounds. “We have conservative grandmothers in Tallahassee to nonbinary chefs in Seattle and everybody in between,” he says. “Because who among us has not experienced an etiquette crime? This is universal.” --- Etiquette, manners, and beyond! Join Emmy® Award-winning journalist Nick Leighton and acclaimed comedian Leah Bonnema ("Late Show with Stephen Colbert"), the perfect odd couple, as they try to make the world a nicer, more polite place and offer up practical advice to help you smoothly glide through any situation. Please listen and follow! (We'd send you a hand-written thank you note if we could.)

The Boundless Show

Focus on the Family

Life is challenging for Christian singles. How do you balance work and personal life? How do you own your faith? How can you date with a purpose? And prepare for marriage? All while honoring God through it all? Hit up The Boundless Show, a Christian podcast for young adults, for some good, honest conversation. The young adult years are full of possibility and choices that shape who you become. Join host Lisa Anderson to discuss the highs and lows, lean on each other, and trust God in this important season of adulthood.



【毎週月曜日(ごろ)配信】 集まれ!恋愛体質女たち! アラサー女子2人が、恋愛ときどき人生についてあーだこーだ等身大でぶっちゃけます😉 🧡かこ マッチングアプリ歴3年 出会った人数は数知れず 奮闘の末、現在は最高のパートナーに巡り会う 🧡えり マッチングアプリ歴3年 現在は職なし恋人なし 人生の行き詰まり中!? -------------------------------------------- ▼お便りやご質問などあればこちらまで! 【お便り📮】 https://forms.gle/y3N9bXwSX8xdRk9aA 【Gmail】 tourazi.kakoeri@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- ▼気楽につぶやいてるからSNSもチェックしてみてね! 【X(Twitter)】 https://twitter.com/tourazi_podcast 【Insutagram】 https://www.instagram.com/tourazi_podcast ⚠️本チャンネルはだいぶ偏った個人的主観に基づきます笑

【雞雞炸炸】by Ada and Louis

Ada and Louis


Why Won't You Date Me? with Nicole Byer

Team Coco & Nicole Byer

Dating can be a hot mess, from being ghosted by your crush to realizing that you've been catfished by a Tinder match. Why Won't You Date Me? is here to help. Join Nicole Byer, the perpetual singleton, as she invites fellow comedians, friends, and ex-flings to talk romance and share their wildest dating tales, from cringeworthy first dates to jaw-dropping hookup stories. Nothing is off-limits.

Andrea after dark

Andrea G

Welcome to Andrea After Dark a podcast where I share my personal stories and also stories sent by the audience.

Made It Out

Made It Out Media

We've made it out of the closet, now it's time to unpack all that comes with finding yourself! Every week, Mal Glowenke, a recovering Texas-raised lesbian, will bring her unfiltered perspective to conversations with other queer women across the country, digging into everything from relationships to religion, sex and culture, and anything that affects or interests the lesbian community. Subscribe to get new episodes every Tuesday! Follow and connect with all things @madeitoutpodcast on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Unsolicited Advice with Ashley and Taryne


Every week, YouTubers/Comedians Ashley Nichole and Taryne Renee answer listeners' wild questions about everything from love to dating to jobs to life's most embarrassing situations. No question is off-limits and no answer is professionally certified in any way. Listening to the advice is required, but taking it is 100% optional. For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com   To send us your questions/stories to be read on the podcast, email us at: AdviceUnsolicitedPod@gmail.com We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4  Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

Women of Impact

Impact Theory

WARNING: Subscribing to this podcast will lead to feeling like a badass with total confidence, zero excuses, and living life on your frikin terms! Before becoming the co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, before writing the best-selling book Radical Confidence, before becoming president of Impact Theory Studios, I had ZERO confidence. I was playing small, trying to be a good Greek housewife, but totally lost myself and her hopes and dreams in the process. And so with this podcast, no matter where you are on your journey, I have gotchu covered, homie! I interview some of the most successful, inspiring, and badass people in the game to bring you the straight-up, no-BS approach to build your confidence and get you from where you are to where you want to go! So get ready for a dose of badassery! Get ready to be motivated. Get ready to be empowered to stop waiting for someone to come and save you and finally become the hero… of your own life!

Girls Gone Deep

Elle and Vee

Two sex-positive ladies in the ethically non-monogamous lifestyle chatting about how we use dating and sex as a space for personal development and growth, and creating the most joyous life possible. A podcast for the open-minded, curious and naughty. @girlsgonedeeppod www.girlsgonedeep.com

That's Orgasmic with Sexologist Emily Duncan

Emily Duncan

A sex positive podcast that provides a shame free perspective on all things sex. Nothing is off bounds in this uncensored podcast, delving into all the juicy and taboo topics you can imagine. Most importantly this podcast aims to break down the stigmas surrounding sex and provide the tools to create a liberating sexual experience for everyone. Disclaimer: the educational information within this podcast does not take place of professional or medical advice. FOLLOW US on instagram @thatsorgasmic. Email your questions, stories and comments to: emilyduncan@thatsorgasmic.com This podcast is created on the land of the Wadawurrung people, the traditional custodians of this land. I pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past and present. I acknowledge that it always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage

Focus on the Family

Did you know the Hebrew root word for marriage is the same as mess? Okay, maybe not, but it wasn’t a stretch to believe, right? This is the podcast for Christian married couples who are in the middle of a messy moment. They need to laugh. They need clear, practical advice. And they need to hear from someone with an actual degree in this thing. Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley are those people. They have reached millions of couples through their counseling practices, books, events, and work at Focus on the Family.



辛辣观点(300mg)、新奇体验(300mg)、飞跃想象力(200mg)、贴心小棉袄(100mg) 药效:毒舌 狂野 奇幻 温暖 效果:一小时镇痛


Atheer ~ أثير

بودكاست سكن يعود بنا إلى كنف العائلة لنكتشف مفاتيح السعادة الأسرية وأسرار نجاح العلاقة الزوجية، ونصحّح مفاهيمنا الخاطئة عن الحب والعلاقات والزواج والأسرة، كي نجد الطريق نحو السكينة والسكن، ونخرج من تأثيرات الأفكار الغربية إلى المبادئ الإسلامية الصحيحة والقواعد العلمية المثبتة.. مع ضيفنا الشيخ والمستشار الأسري حمود العنزي

This Is Dating

Magnificent Noise

Come for the cringe, stay for the connection. Follow four modern daters as they trade the swiping, the small talk, and the fumbled first kiss for a curated virtual date with a team of fairy godmothers behind the scenes. You might have eavesdropped on a first date before, but never like this. From the producers of Where Should We Begin, This is Dating, a series of recorded first dates. If you would like to get new episodes a week or so in advance in addition to ad-free listening subscribe to This Is Dating on Apple Podcasts. Visit the This Is Dating show page on Apple Podcasts for more info. We will be back in the fall with a whole new series of recorded first dates. Thanks for being a part of this first season we can’t wait for you to hear who we will set up next.


Quiet. Please

"Dating" is a dynamic podcast series comprising nine episodes that serve as a comprehensive roadmap through the contemporary dating landscape. Hosted by relationship experts and seasoned daters, each episode provides practical advice, insightful tips, and relatable stories to help listeners navigate the complexities of modern romance.From understanding oneself to mastering communication, exploring online dating to decoding flirting cues, "Dating " covers it all. Through engaging discussions, expert interviews, and real-life anecdotes, this podcast empowers listeners to approach dating with confidence, authenticity, and grace.Join us on this transformative journey as we unravel the mysteries of love, explore the intricacies of human connection, and discover the true essence of finding and maintaining meaningful relationships in the digital age. "Navigating Love" is your essential companion on the path to love and fulfillment.



「不把天聊si」是由青年媒体品牌「WhatYouNeed」出品的聊天类播客节目,每周更新一集。我们想尽量最真实地分享,二十几岁的我们正在经历着的生活是什么样子的。 在这里,可以听到编辑部的秘事杂谈、年轻人说出来太小不说又憋得慌的生活烦恼、90 后的感情职场经历、以及不同人的不同生活方式。我们的目的是,不把天聊死。以及,让你和朋友也有聊不完的天。 同时也欢迎关注我们的公众号@我要WhatYouNeed。 无论是什么形状的你,都可以在这里成为我们 | 商务联系whatyouneedoffice

Optimal Relationships Daily

Optimal Living Daily | Greg Audino

Optimal Relationships Daily, steered by the insightful Greg Audino, a seasoned life coach, is a podcast dedicated to enhancing your personal connections. Greg explores the intricate dynamics of relationships, from romantic partnerships to familial bonds and friendships. He handpicks and narrates insightful content from a variety of respected bloggers and experts, offering listeners a rich tapestry of perspectives on relationship building, communication, conflict resolution, and self-love. Greg's approach is both compassionate and pragmatic, blending his life coaching expertise with relatable experiences and actionable advice. His warm, engaging narration makes even the most complex relationship topics accessible and understandable. Whether you're looking to deepen your existing relationships, navigate challenges, or understand the subtleties of human connections, Greg's guidance offers a daily dose of wisdom and inspiration to help you foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships in all areas of your life. Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...

Мы расстались

Мы расстались

Мы были вместе пять лет, а теперь обсуждаем отношения через призму личного опыта, психотерапии и черного юмора 🌝 Подпишитесь в Телеграм: https://t.me/mirasstalis По рекламе пишите: nikita.savelyev@gmail.com

빅 리틀 라이프


때론 은밀하고 때론 찌질한 내면 깊숙한 이야기 모음집. 쓰는 대신 말하는 토크 대나무숲! 빅 리틀 라이프에 오신걸 환영합니다.

Conversations with a Dom

Chief (KinkyEvents.co.uk)

A podcast for the sexually curious and hedonistic adventurers, by the people behind KinkyEvents.co.uk. Feel empowered sexually, and learn about kink, BDSM and Dom/sub dynamics. Chief (a male Dom) and Moineau (a female sub) discuss everything from events they've been to, to advice on starting a D/s relationship, becoming comfortable with your sexuality, getting your partner to be more dominant, explaining the world of D/s for newbies, and some killer tips for the more experienced kinksters amongst you. The show contains adult themes, strong language, and discussions of sexual activity.

The Self-Hype Podcast

CHOBO Studios

Welcome to ”The Self-Hype Podcast,” hosted by Eli Vazquez – your ultimate destination for unfiltered discussions on dating, love, personal development, and relationships. Get ready for Eli’s No-BS advice, raw talk on love, and empowering insights from expert guests in the dating and personal development sphere. Join us as Eli cuts through the noise, providing practical tips, relatable stories, and transformative wisdom to navigate the modern landscape of love and self-improvement.



【节目介绍】 传承粤语文化,传播粤语文化; 同声同气最岩倾 【夫妻简介】 两位80后的国粤双语广州人,结婚已有15年,一位是有20年资深经验的电台新闻主播、体育节目主持人、足球赛事解说员超锋搭配一位打过工也创过业的两娃宝妈丝奇雨文组合成为“广州夫妻” 【节目更新时间】 每周一更 【节目听友群】 微信搜索:vinkey20092017 【节目投放平台】 喜马拉雅、苹果播客、粤听、荔枝、TME、小宇宙、皮艇 欢迎收听《广州夫妻讲粤语》! 请关注与赐教! 欢迎各大小商家以各种形式的赞助合作。



我以為我的podcast是治失眠,但好多人跟我說聽了睡不著。 好吧,失眠不要聽! 🐧每週日:更新週報 🐧每週二、五:更新社會觀察(盡量啦XD) 🔎 FB:唐綺陽占星幫 🔎 YT:唐綺陽官方專屬頻道 🔎 IG:jessetang11 *本節目使用 Firstory 發佈,Firstory 讓你輕鬆被世界聽見。

exes and o's with shannon beveridge

Shannon Beveridge

Join Shannon Beveridge each week at her house, in her bed, for a weekly video podcast to talk about queer relationships and sex with a rotating influential queer guest. The podcast will feature a mix of breakup, sex, and relationship stories from our guest and host, games, and audience solicited questions and stories. Who better to give relationship advice than someone who’s going through their third public break up, right?

Кто бы говорил


В первом сезоне трое ведущих обсуждали заметные события в России и мире, статьи Лайфхакера, фильмы и музыку, а ещё много шутили и даже общались со слушателями в прямом эфире во время записи выпусков. В феврале 2022 года подкасту «Кто бы говорил», как и многим другим, понадобилась перезагрузка. Поэтому мы решили посвятить второй сезон заботе и вниманию к себе. Ведущие Михаил Вольных и Дарья Бакина вместе со специалистами разбираются, как реагировать и что делать в разных жизненных ситуациях. Как избежать зависимости от смартфонов, эмоционального выгорания, где находить друзей, стоит ли обращаться за помощью, если близкий человек говорит сам с собой – и не только. В каждом эпизоде ведущие зачитывают реальные истории слушателей о том, что их волнует, и вместе с экспертами обсуждают, как можно преодолеть эти трудности. Пишите свои истории нам в бот: https://t.me/lifehacker_podcasts_bot Наш сайт: https://lifehacker.ru/ Наша почта: podcasts@lifehacker.ru Канал наших подкастов в Telegram: https://telegram.me/podhacker

Dear MOR

MOR Entertainment

Sariwain natin ang nakakaiyak, nakakakilig, nakakatawa, at nakaka-inlove na mga kwentong pagibig, pagkasawi, at pagtatagumpay dito sa #DearMOR. Linggo-linggo tayong maantig sa mga kwento ng ating mga kaMORKada. Ikaw? Anong kwento mo?

Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse

Abuse Survivor Network

Narcissist Apocalypse is an empowering and informative storytelling podcast that amplifies the voices of those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, domestic violence, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Narcissist Apocalypse validates, educates, supports, and helps abuse survivors discover themselves. Through listening to Narcissist Apocalypse, you will gain valuable insights and understanding on topics ranging from 'Why do abuse victims stay?' to 'What is narcissism?' to 'How do I heal from abuse and relationship trauma?'. Our guests share their stories of abuse survival and resilience, providing a source of inspiration and hope for those going through similar experiences of domestic violence, narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Join us and discover how you, too, can overcome the narcissist apocalypse.


Agathe Lecaron

Dans ce podcast produit par Agathe Lecaron, vous trouverez des témoignages d'anonymes qui ont vécu des histoires d'amour qui ont tout changé dans leurs vies : ils ont vibré, parfois énormément souffert, il ont été déçus, parfois trahis, ont vécu des passions destructrices ou au contraire fondatrices, mais quoiqu'il en soit, même si ce ne sont pas que des histoires d'ex..., elles sont ex...traordinaires. Merci à notre sponsor The Bradery. Avec le code promo EX15, tu bénéficies de 15€ de réduction sur ta 1ère commande dès 60€ d'achats. Alors, n’attends plus et télécharge l’application The Bradery >> https://thebradery.go.link?adj_t=1ar0kt4e Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Am I the Jerk?


Voice acting stories from Reddit and more! FULL VIDEOS on youtube.com/amithejerk instagram.com/amithejerk

How's Work? with Esther Perel

Esther Perel Global Media

This season on How's Work?, iconic couples therapist Esther Perel focuses on the hard conversations we're afraid to have in our jobs: Colleagues navigating the new etiquette of a work from home workforce. Newsrooms whose journalists feel that covering breaking news has broken them. A doctor who wants to walk away from his profession, during a pandemic. And lobbyists whose fight for racial equality ends up dividing them. Esther Perel brings a new perspective to the invisible forces that shape workplace dynamics, connections, and conflict through one-time therapy sessions with coworkers, cofounders, and colleagues—listen and learn as you hear your own workplace dilemmas play out in the lives of others.

decaying (asmr + music)

hi :)

ASMR roleplays and more! All credit goes to the owners!!

The stuff you should know with Ju & Mo

Julius and Monica

Allll the things you need to know, we are touching topics such as dating, religion, marriage, & urban news. Stick around we may have a guest or two. Send us topics and we will discuss it then listen to the episode and enjoy it !



【毎週月曜日(ごろ)配信】 集まれ!恋愛体質女たち! アラサー女子2人が、恋愛ときどき人生についてあーだこーだ等身大でぶっちゃけます😉 🧡かこ マッチングアプリ歴3年 出会った人数は数知れず 奮闘の末、現在は最高のパートナーに巡り会う 🧡えり マッチングアプリ歴3年 現在は職なし恋人なし 人生の行き詰まり中!? -------------------------------------------- ▼お便りやご質問などあればこちらまで! 【お便り📮】 https://forms.gle/y3N9bXwSX8xdRk9aA 【Gmail】 tourazi.kakoeri@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- ▼気楽につぶやいてるからSNSもチェックしてみてね! 【X(Twitter)】 https://twitter.com/tourazi_podcast 【Insutagram】 https://www.instagram.com/tourazi_podcast ⚠️本チャンネルはだいぶ偏った個人的主観に基づきます笑

Dear Future Husband

Christian Bevere

As women, we Pinterest and plan nearly every detail of our wedding day long before it arrives, but what if we better focused our time and energy to prepare and pray for our future marriage. On the Dear Future Husband Podcast we’ll enter the taboo to tap into the transformative; discussing topics such as strategic singleness and positioning yourself for a thriving marriage.



このポッドキャストでは、人生や恋愛に悩む男女のガチ相談に真正面から向き合っている TikTokerのスーパーじゅんさんが、現代の恋愛や人生における幸せにあり方についてお話しています。寝る前のリラックスタイムのおともにお楽しみください。 この番組は皆様からのお便りを元に構成されています。 お悩みは下記応募フォームからお送りください。 ▼各種SNS/ご相談窓口はこちらから https://pont.co/u/superjunsan



真诚、有爱、包容。我们相信即使没有金汤匙、出身阶层普通、目前收入也不丰厚,依旧可以破茧重生。 元婴:节目制作人,在节目中主要起一个“张三”作用。 王璇:心理咨询师,华五本科,留美理科博士,临床社工硕士接受EMDR创伤学培训和精神分析督导,有系统的科学训练与诚挚的人文关怀,现在仍然是一名斜杠青年:科研搬砖/一线精神科/临床咨询间无缝穿梭。



北海道出身・沖縄在住の、独身アラサー女こと私りーさの【毒ラジオ】。 TikTokでは、【沖縄に住む妖怪酒飲み独身アラサー女】と名乗っています。現在100万人超えを達成しました!日常の愚痴や不満など、日頃の毒を吐いていきます! りーさへ毒を浴びせたい方はコチラ! https://forms.gle/fwEjiEu2WY5HeTxo6 メッセージお待ちしております! ▼各種SNSはこちらから https://vir.jp/fujicochan

Death, Sex & Money

Slate Podcasts

Anna Sale explores the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation.



Hi 我们是关一辣和曹导 是一对在一起快五年的情侣 这档节目是我们的深夜聊天 有八卦也有思考 让我们一起透过亲密关系的视角 来追逐宇宙的蝴蝶 希望我们可以成为大家生活餐桌上的 单山蘸水

It Can't Just Be Me

Podimo & Mags Creative

Anna Richardson is primed and ready to solve that big dilemma in your life. And she’s invited some very special celebrity guests and experts to help. Have questions about sex? Divorce? Motherhood? Menopause? Mental health? With no topic off limits, Anna’s here to prove that whatever you’re going through, it’s not just you. If you have a dilemma you’d like unpacked, visit http://itcantjustbeme.co.uk and record a voice note. Or tell Anna all about it in an email to itcantjustbeme@podimo.com This podcast contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children. Listener caution is advised. From Podimo & Mags Creative Producer: Alice Homewood with support from Laura Williams Editor: Kit Milsom Theme music: Kit Milsom Executive producers for Podimo: Jake Chudnow and Matt White Follow @annarichardso and @podimo_uk on Instagram for weekly updates

Father Knows Something

THT Studios

Welcome to Father Knows Something! Real People. Real Stories. Real Dad advice. Jerry is just a normal guy who has an abundance of life experience, kindness, quirkiness, and humor. If you're struggling with something, maybe his advice is just what you need. And if he can't maybe the millennials that join him, Morgan and Justin, can chime in to help. Jerry is not a licensed therapist, doctor, or life coach. He's just a 64 year old guy who knows some stuff (maybe?)

Les Pachas

Mayadorable & Jules Pedretti

Les pachas est un podcast fun et divertissant qui ouvre des débats de société, raconte des histoires personnelles et décrypte le quotidien de Mayadorable créatrice de contenus et de son copain Jules entrepreneur, les autoproclamés “Pachas”. Rendez-vous chaque Lundis & Vendredis pour un nouvel épisode des Pachas Podcast Suivez nous sur Instagram : @LESPACHAS Hosted by @Mayadorable et @JulesPedretti Silence, ça pach'......... Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Ramit Sethi

Imagine listening in on these raw, unfiltered conversations with real couples… One partner is in $300,000 in debt, but shrugs it off. The other cries at night, anxious about the future. A couple that’s so worried about money, they never feel they’ll have enough. When they eat out, they order chicken instead of steak to save $10. Their household income: $600,000. Two parents who feel overwhelmed by work, kids, and debt. When I ask them how they’d describe their lives, they instantly say the same word: “Stuck.” Ramit Sethi asks the questions we wish we all could ask, presenting a totally different philosophy on money: • Spend extravagantly on the things you love, as long as you cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t. • Ask $30,000 questions, not $3 questions. • A Rich Life is more than math -- it’s mastering your money psychology. From the author of the bestselling book, ‘I Will Teach You To Be Rich,’ learn how money psychology affects these couples… and how to create your own Rich Life.

Your Mama’s Kitchen

Higher Ground

“Tell me about your mama's kitchen.” That’s the simple request which begins each episode of this Audible Original podcast from acclaimed journalist Michele Norris (NPR’s All Things Considered, The Washington Post) and Higher Ground, Barack and Michelle Obama's media company.   Every week, hear guests like Michelle Obama, Glennon Doyle and Abby Wambach, Matthew Broderick, D-Nice, José Andrés, and more explore the complexities of family life and how their earliest culinary experiences helped shape their personal and professional lives—and of course, each guest brings a recipe for a favorite dish from their youth so you can taste a bit of their story.   With a delicious buffet of actors, authors, chefs, musicians, and more, the rich conversations that flow from that simple, initial prompt reveal the histories, memories, and cultures that emerge from the kitchen—the heart of the home—where we are nourished physically and spiritually. Some of our most valuable and vulnerable moments happened there as we watched parents struggle with bills, wrestle with shifting family dynamics, or figure out new roles for themselves as feminism changed the national terrain. Your Mama’s Kitchen is a podcast about cuisine and culture, ingredients and identities, and the meals and memories that make us who we are. Please Note: This is now the home of Your Mama’s Kitchen hosted by Michele Norris. To listen to Michelle Obama: The Light, search for it wherever you listen. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth

Dear Media, Kenzie Elizabeth

House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth (formerly known as the ILYSM podcast) is the go to podcast for your twenties. Listen to Kenzie and guests dive into life, relationships, navigating different stages of life, friendship, career and more. You’ll feel like you’re on the couch in your friends living room & leave feeling empowered & grounded.

Life Matters - Full program podcast

ABC listen

Helping you figure out all the big stuff in life: relationships, health, money, work and the world. Let's talk! With trusted experts and your stories, Life Matters is all about what matters to you.

Green Dreamer: Seeding change towards collective healing, sustainability, regeneration

Kamea Chayne

Green Dreamer explores our paths to collective healing, biocultural revitalization, and true abundance and wellness *for all*. Curious to unravel the dominant narratives that stunt our imaginations and called to spark radical dreaming of what could be, we share conversations with an ever-expanding range of thought leaders — each inspiring us to deepen and broaden our awareness in their own ways. Together, let's learn what it takes to thrive — in every sense of the word.

20 30 40女人進行式

Nancy Tsai

20 30 40的我們,只聊姐妹話題的地方。 關於感情、職涯、生活、美妝...分享美麗的小秘密,享受當女人的樂趣。 Nancy IG:https://www.instagram.com/ntsai25/ Nancy FB:https://www.facebook.com/ntsai25 Nancy YT:https://www.youtube.com/@nancytsai 合作邀約:hi@madebydys.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn



「夫妻離婚 不愛了 才是關鍵」 不愛就散! 主持人 方念華 與名人離婚 第一指名律師 賴芳玉 攜手主持 改編 法庭累積30年 案例 以及 身旁閨密好友 分合故事 為情海浮沉的紅男綠女 提供實用又有效的解決方案! 按下訂閱👉https://www.youtube.com/c/不愛就散 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Nodap Podcast


NODAP PODCAST -Fashion Youtuber DAHYESHKA and her husband 180JCJCJC TALK Everything

Something More Human

Sam & Elliot

Explore the power of human connection and its impact on our well-being, relationships, and overall fulfillment. Dive into raw and honest conversations with Sam & Elliot as they explore the secrets to building authentic connections through stories of meaningful bonds they've made in their own lives and interviews with individuals who have forged deep and lasting relationships. Each episode raises questions from listeners and reveals practical strategies, insights, and inspiration that empower listeners to embark on their own journey of connection, belonging, and personal growth. Join us in creating something more human. Stay Connected with Sam & Elliot Visit our website and stay in touch with us on Instagram @somethingmorehuman and TikTok @somethingmorehuman. Want us to answer your question, address a special topic, or discuss a story of yours? Your input will be an integral part of our future episodes! Submit your question, topic request, or personal stories HERE.

Staying Up with Cammie and Taryn

Staying Up with Cammie and Taryn

By lovebirds Cammie Scott and Taryn Arnold, Staying Up is a podcast. These lesbians have a sleepover every night, and every week, you’re invited to join. From deep talks to hot goss, Taryn and Cammie are awake and ready.

[KBS] 그맘알지


소통전문가 이호선 교수와 함께하는 대표 상담 코너



《中场时间》是由“三联中读”编辑部原创出品的一档泛话题性播客栏目。中读编辑们以“有味、有趣、有料”为目标宗旨,在栏目中畅聊当下青年人关心的热点、新鲜话题,提供来自文化、艺术、生活的声音体验。“吐槽我所欲也,干货亦我所欲也”,在这里你可以听到的“不正经”议题研讨,也可以听到话题人物的背后故事的有趣分享。 节目每月双周更新,想要第一时间收听节目,参与更多福利活动,欢迎下载《三联生活周刊》官方APP“三联中读”。 内容合作:zhangtianjian@lifeweek.com.cn 商务合作:zhongdu@lifeweek.com.cn

Активное согласие

Даша Краснова / Рамблер

Всем привет, меня зовут Даша Краснова! В подкасте «Активное согласие» мы вместе с сексологами, психологами и секс-просветительницами разрушаем мифы о сексе и делимся своим опытом. В общем, говорим о сексе открыто, честно и без пошлости (если только чуть-чуть). Выпуски будут выходить каждую неделю, а вопросы, жалобы и предложения можно присылать мне в Инстаграм @hideyourson. 18+

The Mark Groves Podcast

Mark Groves

Jam out with Mark Groves as he takes you on a journey to explore the juiciest parts of the human experience and what it’s like to live authentically in the modern world. You’re invited to lay down what you were taught and explore new viewpoints and discoveries in mental and emotional health, physical health and wellness, relationships and the human connection, and hot topics of the world. Open your ears and your eyes to The Mark Groves Podcast.



【TACA原創】 「剛好你點進來聽,剛好我想說點什麼。」 帶著剛好的心情,恰是剛好的天氣,剛好的時機,你我在空中巧遇,「剛好玉見你」 「剛好玉見你」,由賴芳玉律師談法律、讀性別心理、聊聊我們都曾走過的孩童階段,說一些隨心所欲的話語、想傳達的理念,為你帶來輕鬆舒心與專業的多元角度觀點,希望這個空間能為收聽者找到歸屬感,化為療癒,傳送溫暖。 合作邀約|taca01tw@gmail.com 更了解TACA|http://tacatw.org/ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Dear MOR

MOR Entertainment

Sariwain natin ang nakakaiyak, nakakakilig, nakakatawa, at nakaka-inlove na mga kwentong pagibig, pagkasawi, at pagtatagumpay dito sa #DearMOR. Linggo-linggo tayong maantig sa mga kwento ng ating mga kaMORKada. Ikaw? Anong kwento mo?

Mark Narrations - Reddit Stories

Mark B

Welcome to the Mark Narrations Reddit Podcast where we cover a whole host of reddit stories. From AITA stories, Revenge stories and Relationship stories. With 2 episodes posted daily weekdays you'll find plenty to listen to. I hope you enjoy your stay! Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/mark-narrations-the-wafflecast-reddit-stories. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

We Met At Acme

Dear Media, Lindsey Metselaar

We Met At Acme is the OG dating podcast. In each episode, you'll learn about attachment styles, rules and guidelines to follow when dating, red flags, the importance of therapy, and more. With host Lindsey Metselaar you’ll hear from dating experts, licensed professionals, celebrities, and influencers all sharing their dating experiences or dating insights. Most importantly, you'll improve your confidence, self-worth, and overall outlook towards dating - you'll laugh a little along the way and learn not to take yourself too seriously.

К тебе или ко мне? 18+

Кристина Вазовски, Егор Егоров

«К тебе или ко мне?» — секс-подкаст, в котором Кристина Вазовски и Егор Егоров каждую неделю выбирают одну неоднозначную секс-тему, спорят и пытаются разобраться — чья правда. Инстаграм Кристины: @krisvazovsky Инстаграм Егора: @psy_chay Телеграм-канал: @ktebe_komne Инстаграм: @ktebe_komne Почта: info@tolktolk.me

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Year 13

Mo Twister

Hosted by Mo Twister. This is GTWM the Podcast Year 13 for 2024! Listen to Mo as he takes calls from Filipinos all around the world talking about love, life, sex -- or any interesting topic they'd like to discuss. It's the first and fiercest podcast from the Philippines and holding strong over 12 later. Good Times! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/djmotwister/support

Fairly Odd Sisters

Lo and Sarah Beeston

The Fairly Odd Sisters Podcast is for the girls. It's a fun and honest podcast that gives listeners a deeper look into our lives! Oh, and we’ve got A LOT of unfiltered opinions on topics ranging from relationships, to empowering women, to just everyday life. Your hosts, Sarah and Lo, are sister-in-laws turned best friends. Tune in every Thursday for new episodes.

Dear Prudence

Slate Podcasts

Slate's premier advice column, featuring Jenée Desmond-Harris, helps you navigate the thorniest questions of relationships, work, and life.

Beyond Bitchy: Mastering the Art of Boundaries

Vicki Tidwell Palmer, LCSW

Victoria Priya, LCSW (formerly Vicki Tidwell Palmer), is the author of Personal Boundaries For Dummies®, host of the NEW Boundaries Queen podcast, and creator of the 6-Step Boundaries Clarifier. Beyond Bitchy dispels the common misperception that boundaries are selfish, rigid, and controlling, and offers a fresh vision of personal limits as a source of freedom and liberation. Get expert information about how to identify, create, and establish effective personal and relationship boundaries so that you can get the space you need, and the connection you crave.

Психология с Александрой Яковлевой

Александра Яковлева

Александра Яковлева, автор и ведущая подкаста, психолог, журналист, создала уникальную экспертную платформу, куда она приглашает авторитетных психологов и педагогов, разговаривает с ними на самые разные и важные темы — от стресса и зависимостей до поиска пары и причин семейных конфликтов. «Психология», в первую очередь, образовательный проект, где гости выпусков делятся своими знаниями, которые могут быть полезны каждому. Взгляд конкретного гостя не является истиной в последней инстанции, но позволяет задуматься и обратить внимание на некоторые аспекты нашей жизни. Реклама и сотрудничество: https://t.me/tttreshka


saori _eri

はじめまして、えりとさおりです! 大学時代から10年以上友人であるえりとさおりが、カフェの片隅でお話しているようなPodcastです。のんびり過ごす時間のお供にどうぞ。 今までタイトルが2回ほど変わっているので、初めて聴く方は#86から、もし良いなと思ってくださった方は#5から聴き始めることをお勧めします🥰 --------------------- この番組ではみなさまからのお便りやご質問を受け付けています。こちらからお寄せください→ https://forms.gle/ypNRe1bVdNryswng9

Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Dear Media

Kristin Cavallari is back behind the microphone and more f*cking honest than ever. Let's Be Honest sets the record straight on everything from dating and relationships, nutrition and wellness, to what’s really going on behind those headlines. In her new lifestyle podcast, Cavallari dives into what connects people (and breaks them up), what makes people feel physically and spiritually healthy, and how to love yourself along the way. New episodes drop every Tuesday!