La Madriguera Podcast

La Madriguera, es un podcast de marcado corte divulgativo, cuyos contenidos tratan variados temas en torno a la ciencias naturales y el medio ambiente. Estudios de campo, problemas ambientales de actualidad, actividades físicas al aire libre, entrevistas, debates… en torno a un mismo y único objetivo: Transmitir pasión por la naturaleza, de forma directa y amena.

Agenda Naturaleza

Cultura popular

Breves sobre naturaleza, ecología, sustentabilidad y respeto a la naturaleza. Para los oyentes que, informados, decidan actuar desde lo local para un planeta vivo y con futuro. Porque personas sencillas con pequeños cambios en distintos lugares, pueden cambiar el mundo y hacer la diferencia.

Eco Podcast

RCN Radio

Un espacio para informar sobre la crisis climática y también reportar los esfuerzos que se hacen desde distintos sectores para mitigar el daño hecho al planeta. Ecopodcast es la apuesta por un mundo sostenible. Dirige y conduce Pepe Morón

Notas de Naturaleza

Iván Vega

Notas de Naturaleza es el podcast de naturaleza, ornitología y fauna salvaje de la Península Ibérica. En él aprenderemos sobre diferentes técnicas para observar y comprender la vida salvaje. Conoceremos la historia de naturalistas ilustres y nos conectaremos con la cultura y las tradiciones que rodean a nuestros ecosistemas. Además, charlaremos con expertos que comparten su pasión por la naturaleza y su trabajo por conservarla. Soy Iván Vega y en cada episodio compartiré mis experiencias y emociones, aquí aprenderemos juntos, reflexionaremos y disfrutaremos de la belleza de la vida salvaje.

Споры грибов


Добро пожаловать в «Споры грибов» — научно-документальный гонзо-подкаст о грибах, где журналистка Настя Ларионова идёт на всё, чтобы разобраться: что такое грибы, где они обитают, как влияют на наше настоящее и будущее. В каждом выпуске мы будем исследовать новую загадку грибного царства вместе с приглашенными экспертами: микологами, грибными шаманами и учёными. Мы попробуем разобраться: действительно ли грибы везде, даже в космосе? Был ли Ленин грибом? Зачем люди едят несъедобные грибы и как они воздействуют на мозг? Умеют ли грибы общаться между собой и порабощать других существ? По вопросам сотрудничества:

Ruido de lluvia y truenos para dormir

Ruido de lluvia

Deja que la fuerte lluvia y los potentes sonidos de los truenos te ayuden a resolver tus problemas de sueño. El sonido de la lluvia es uno de esos ruidos blancos, científicamente probados para ayudar a su cerebro a relajarse y dormirse. Además, también puede hacer que te concentres muy bien, puedes reproducir este vídeo de lluvia mientras estudias, trabajas o necesitas concentrarte para terminar de leer tu grueso libro. Fuerte tormenta nocturna | Lluvia torrencial y sonidos de truenos muy potentes en el techo de hojalata de una casa de campo | Sonidos de tormenta y lluvia para dormir.


Alexa Firmenich

A podcast series that explores how to orient your life around nature. We discover the mindsets, skills and actions that are required to partner wisely with other forms of life and engage in acts of brilliant restoration. Join me on this intimate journey into the eyes and minds of other species; learn how our guests are living in deep relationship with ecologies; be electrified by expanding your field of reality, and let these stories spark your reconnection to nature’s multiverse. By restoring our relationship with nature, and learning what it is to be nature, we begin to restore ourselves. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Plodcast

Our Media

BBC Countryfile Magazine brings you The Plodcast - a weekly escape to the British countryside with fascinating guests and the wonders of the great outdoors. Enjoy a new escape into the countryside every Tuesday and wind down with our Sound Escapes on a Friday. Find out more about us at Subscribe to the print version of BBC Countryfile Magazine at

Mécaniques du vivant

France Culture

La Terre au carré

France Inter

¿Así que te gustan las plantas?

Así que te gustan las plantas

¿Así que te gustan las plantas? ¡A nosotros también! Aquí hablamos de las plantas, de la vida y de la vida con plantas, todo mientras nos tomamos unos traguitos 🍻. ¡Acompáñanos todos los fines de semana! Episodios nuevos todos los sábados y domingos.

Spektrum-Podcast – Das Podcast-Radio

Spektrum der Wissenschaft gehört zu den renommiertesten Wissenschaftsmagazinen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Jeden Monat beleuchtet das Heft aktuelle Entwicklungen aus allen Facetten der Forschung. Im Spektrum-Podcast sprechen die Autorinnen und Autoren mit über die spannendsten Themen der aktuellen Ausgabe.


Karla Lora

Descripción de Astronomía

La Senda de las Plantas Perdidas

Aina S. Erice

Este pódcast es una invitación a descubrir las historias —más o menos perdidas, más o menos olvidadas, siempre fascinantes— de las plantas que nos rodean. Les pone voz la bióloga y escritora Aina S. Erice, que no cree en la división entre ciencias y letras, y por tanto propone un experimento vegetófilo donde botánica, biogeografía y genética conviven con literatura, mitología e historia (y se lo pasan en grande todas juntas). Equipaje imprescindible para el viaje: curiosidad, y un mínimo interés/afecto por las plantas.

THE BIG SHIFT ! Écologie

Xavier Seux

Bienvenue dans la ressource-thèque audio la plus complète pour comprendre les grands enjeux écologiques du siècle ! Je suis Xavier Seux, et chaque semaine, je rencontre une personne experte d'un sujet de la transition écologique, qui nous l'explique à vous et moi. Au-delà de nos efforts personnels, sensibiliser les autres est le meilleur moyen d'avoir un vrai impact ! Alors partagez vos épisodes préférés sans effort de modération, ça rend service à tout le monde ! Laissez une note avec le plus d'⭐ possible, ça m'aide énormément ! Et retrouvez-moi au quotidien sur vos réseaux sociaux préférés : LinkedIn - Instagram - Facebook

De cause à effets, le magazine de l'environnement

France Culture

BASF Podcast: Conversaciones para un futuro sostenible


Aprender de los mejores. Este es el espíritu con el que BASF ha creado su primer podcast en España: ‘Conversaciones para un futuro sostenible’. Durante diez capítulos, el director general de la multinacional en el país, y máximo responsable de las actividades de la empresa en la península ibérica, Carles Navarro, entrevistará a personalidades que están liderando la transformación actual de la sociedad. Expertos y organizaciones líderes protagonizarán, mes a mes, estas charlas que pretenden dar a conocer proyectos transformadores, inspirar y generar una gran alianza en base al conocimiento para acelerar el camino hacia un mundo sostenible. Los ODS, la transición energética, la movilidad eléctrica o el papel de la ciencia en este reto planetario serán algunas de las temáticas que se abordarán.

Movimento Elettrico

ALD Automotive Italia

Benvenuti in Movimento Elettrico, un podcast pensato per accompagnarvi verso un futuro migliore, ricco di benessere e felicità per tutti. Un futuro da raggiungere passo dopo passo seguendo la strada della sostenibilità con piccole scelte individuali solo in apparenza poco significanti, ma in grado di generare cambiamenti importantissimi per noi e per il Pianeta. Vi racconteremo di viaggi incantevoli immersi nella natura, di cibo sano e gustoso da assaporare e della gioia di muovervi in silenzio a zero emissioni, che sia al volante di un’auto elettrica o in sella a una bici a pedalata assistita. Vi faremo scoprire come la transizione energetica possa essere un’opportunità per recuperare risorse da dedicare ai piaceri della vita. Vi suggeriremo nuovi modi di pensare e soluzioni semplici per agire in armonia con la Terra e disegnare le città del futuro. In questo viaggio ascolterete storie curiose, inedite e divertenti, capaci di emozionarvi e ispirarvi scelte che renderanno il mondo un posto migliore dove vivere. E adesso mettiamoci subito in Movimento!

La Trinchera Verde - ATAN


uMkFNpoG5catIBUtoQnP Actualidad ecologista a nivel internacional, nacional y canario. Programa producido por ATAN - Asociación Tinerfeña de Amigos de la Naturaleza. ¡Biodiversidad, cambio climático, activismo ecologista, espacios naturales, ciencia y mucho más! Comparte, la información es nuestra herramienta más poderosa :)

99% Verde (y saludable)

99 Verde

Podcast en el que hablaremos de tecnología aplicada a ecologismo, energías renovables, paneles solares, coches eléctricos… informando de lo bueno y lo malo , los grandes mitos verdaderos y falsos, con entrevistas y mucho mas...

Marine Conservation Happy Hour

Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic

The Marine Conservation Happy Hour is a podcast that looks at the many different sides of Marine Science and Conservation in an informal setting - a during a pub Happy Hour, chatting casually over a few (or more) drinks. The show is co-hosted by @DrScarlettSmash and @Craken_McCraic. Everyone is a marine scientist who is passionate about the Ocean, marine mammals (whales, seals, dolphins, porpoises, polar bears and more), sharks and other fish, invertebrates (especially squid & octopuses because they are cool), and other marine biology things that live under the sea. Join us as we gossip about, for example, how shows like Game of Thrones are similar to Marine Conservation, the sex lives of sea creatures, hot marine science & conservation topics of the week and learn about the challenges of attaining a marine biology or conservation career. Podcast Owners, Creators, Producers, & Hosts: Dr Scarlett Smash and Dr Craken MacCraic. You can support the show at: (c) ECM Parsons and Ashley Scarlett

Radio Semilla

Radio Semilla

El podcast de la Red de Guardianes de Semillas, hablamos de regeneración ecológica y social Contacto:

Beats & Bones

Auf die Ohren GmbH

Was können wir Menschen vom Sexualverhalten der Gorillas und Schimpansen lernen? Warum sind Wespen für unser Wohlbefinden so wichtig? Und warum sagt ein Vogelschiss mehr über unsere Welt als 1.000 Worte? Am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin forschen über 200 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler und suchen die Antworten zu unseren Fragen. 30 Millionen Objekte hat das Museum, darunter das größte ausgestellte Dinosaurierskelett der Welt, Giraffatitan brancai. Hier werden beinahe täglich neue Tierarten entdeckt, Geheimnisse um das Leben in der Tiefsee gelöst und ein Stückchen Welt dokumentiert. Was sonst im Museum hinter verschlossenen Türen passiert, bringen wir mit dem Beats & Bones Podcast ans Licht. Ein Podcast, um die Welt besser zu verstehen, ohne Schnickschnack und gefährliche Zusätze. Host Lukas Klaschinski stellt hier alle Fragen, die ihm einfallen. Warum zum Beispiel hat der Gorilla so einen kleinen Penis? Dieser Podcast wird produziert von Auf die Ohren. Weitere Informationen zum Podcast und Museum gibt es auf: [](

The Wild Life: 8D Soundscapes

The Wild Life

Immersive 8D Nature Soundscapes for focus, sleep, or meditation.

TED Climate


We get it. You care about the climate crisis—but sometimes thinking about it is just too overwhelming. Well, we’re here to help with that. Host Dan Kwartler unpacks the problems and solutions behind big systemic issues in bite-sized episodes. You’ll find out which bag is best for the planet, imagine our world without humans, and follow the international journey of the very shirt on your back. Yes, we’re going to talk about the bleak stuff—it’s a crisis after all—but we’ll also share little ways you can make changes in your daily life, in your towns and cities, and at your workplaces to help change climate change. Ultimately we’re aiming for some HOPE through a focus on solutions, instead of just, you know, tumbling towards inevitable doom. You can also get involved by joining Countdown, TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis in collaboration with Future Stewards. Find out more at

The Science of Birds

Ivan Phillipsen

The Science of Birds is a lighthearted exploration of bird biology. It's a fun resource for any birder or naturalist who wants to learn more about ornithology. Impress your birding friends at cocktail parties with all of your new bird knowledge! Hosted by Ivan Phillipsen, a passionate naturalist with a PhD in Zoology.

The Wild with Chris Morgan

KUOW News and Information

"THE WILD with Chris Morgan" explores how nature survives and thrives alongside (and often despite) humans. Taking listeners across the Pacific Northwest and around the world, host Chris Morgan explores wildlife and the complex web of ecosystems they inhabit. He also tells the stories of people working in and protecting the wild around us.

Espacio Protegido

Canal Extremadura

Actualidad medioambiental, naturaleza, biodiversidad, conservación, investigación y entornos naturales. Con Jesús Teniente.

The Mushroom Hour Podcast

Mushroom Hour

Hi there...welcome to Mushroom Hour. Listen in as we venture into kingdom fungi with unique and beautiful humans who all share a passion for mushrooms. We'll go forage for wild mushrooms, explore their potency as nature's medicines, become citizen mycologists, transform human consciousness and learn how mushrooms inspired art, spirituality and culture throughout our history. There are so many ways that mushrooms can benefit (wo)mankind - we just need to tap into the mycelium network and let them share their gifts. Excited to have you along for the journey! Mush Love



Klima larrialdiari eta ingurumenari buruzko azken berriak zabaltzen dituen saioa.

Bonsai Para principiantes

Bonsai para principiantes Leonardo A. A.

Te daré típs relacionados con el arte del bonsai. Mantenimiento, diceño y cultivo

L'Alule ! Un podcast ornitho🪶

L'Alule! - Un podcast ornitho

Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Bienvenue sur l’Alule, un podcast dédié à l’ornithologie. L’observation des oiseaux occupe aujourd’hui une place insoupçonnée dans notre société. Accessible à toutes et tous et réalisable partout, l’ornithologie est une pratique aux multiples facettes : elle est diverse, engagée, scientifique, géographique, historique, politique, culturelle et artistique. L’Alule vous emmène donc sur le terrain, dans un voyage où on parlera d’oiseaux, de lieux, à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui pratiquent, vivent et découvrent l'ornithologie aujourd'hui.

Living Planet

DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

Every Thursday, a new episode of Living Planet brings you environment stories from around the world, digging deeper into topics that touch our lives every day. The prize-winning, weekly half-hour radio magazine and podcast is produced by Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster - visit for more.

Bigfoot Crossroads

Matt Knapp

Bigfoot Crossroads brings eye witness stories of bigfoot and other unexplained mysteries directly to you. Join veteran podcast host and former bigfoot investigator Matt Knapp, as he speaks candidly with people about their encounters with sasquatch, the paranormal, UFOs, and other unexplained phenomenon. Become a supporter of this podcast:

El Guardabosques WildPodcast

Laura Núñez Bañuls y Fracesco Rovedo

¡Bienvenidos a El Guardabosques, la guarida de las voces más salvajes! Te esperamos para excavar en las historias de supervivencia que nos regala cada día la naturaleza y acompañaros en un nuevo viaje a través de noticias, curiosidades, experiencias de vida ¡e increíbles huéspedes!Síguenos en Instagram y Spreaker para estar al día de todas las novedades de El Guardabosques.@elguardabosques.wildpodcast

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin

Dive into the Depths: Join Andrew Lewin on 'How to Protect the Ocean' – Your Gateway to Exclusive Ocean Insights! Explore the latest, uncharted realms of ocean science and conservation that you won't find anywhere else. Andrew takes you on an inspiring journey to uncover the hidden gems of oceanic discovery and initiatives. Tune in to discover how you can transform your life for a better ocean, one episode at a time. The How To Protect The Ocean is your resource to keep you informed on the latest ocean news; teach you how to speak up for the ocean; and, how you can take action to live for a better ocean. There is so much information on the ocean and the issues that are affecting it that it can be difficult to find optimism in the future of the ocean. Climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, water pollution, and coastal development have altered the ocean in ways that have negatively changed the way we use it. The repercussions of climate change, including the ominous specter of rising sea levels, the relentless march of warming ocean temperatures, and the ominous shadow of ocean acidification, have not only altered the very fabric of our coastlines but have also conjured fiercer storms and summoned floods with growing frequency. The fossil fuel industry may whisper in your ear that the situation is insurmountable, an inescapable fate. However, this podcast is here to unveil a different narrative, one that empowers you to take action. It illuminates the path to change by casting your vote for leaders committed to implementing climate-rescuing policies and by offering invaluable insights into how each of us can shrink our individual carbon footprint. The grim reality of overfishing casts a long shadow, fueled by governmental shortcomings in the stewardship of both commercial and recreational fisheries. Within the delicate balance of our oceans, every fish population possesses a threshold - a point at which the relentless harvest of fishermen begins to erode their numbers. The management of these aquatic resources is a formidable task, as the elusive currents of the sea often defy easy tracking. Furthermore, the menace of illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing looms large in many nations, adding to the crisis. Yet, a glimmer of hope shines through the depths. A beacon for responsible consumption emerges in the form of seafood programs, guiding conscientious individuals toward choices that safeguard our oceans. By heeding these programs, you not only savor the delights of sustainable seafood but also become an informed guardian of marine ecosystems. The relentless scourge of plastic pollution has unleashed an epidemic of death upon the denizens of our oceans. It's a ruthless killer, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of marine mammals, majestic sharks, grandiose fish, gentle sea turtles, and the graceful sea birds that soar above. The malevolence of this crisis knows no bounds, with microplastics infiltrating even the remotest depths of the ocean and etching their presence along every coastline. To mount a defense against this ecological cataclysm, the clarion call for action echoes on the international and national stages. It beckons governments far and wide to adopt resolute policies, wielding the power to outlaw the menace of single-use plastics and demanding the meticulous detoxification of our supply chains. In this grand battle to safeguard our seas, the fight against plastic pollution knows no borders. The ominous specter of water pollution looms large, a consequence of our thoughtless disposal into the arteries of our planet – our streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This callous act reverberates, sending shockwaves through the intricate ecosystems of our coastal havens, where the likes of coral reefs, resilient mangroves, and swaying seagrasses thrive. But alas, this intrusion is not benign; it bears the capacity to corrode and dismantle these vital sanctuaries, the very lifebloo

Alimoches al habla

Loubé (Lourdes Berzas) & Podcastidae

Alimoches al habla es un podcast sobre el campo, los ríos, las aves, las personas y sus historias. Siguiendo el calendario biodiverso de Loubé, cada mes exploraremos una especie eclipsada y cuestiones relacionadas. Descubriremos el trabajo interdisciplinar de personas muy interesantes, con el arte y la psicología ambiental como maestras de ceremonia. Al igual que todo lo que está hecho desde el ensayo y error, no esperes perfección, pero sí mucho cariño. Y, si te apetece contarnos algo, ¡coge la térmica y escríbenos!

Vores Vejr - podcast


I Vores Vejr podcast elsker vi vejret. DR Vejrets værter går i dybden med vejrfænomener og ekstremt vejr og taler med danskere, som har haft det helt inde på livet.

Podcast Ladera Sur - Inspirados por la Naturaleza

Ladera Sur

“Inspirados por la Naturaleza”, un podcast de Ladera Sur ( Un giro hacia la Naturaleza, la ciencia, el activismo y la vida al aire libre. Lo que nos mueve y lo que nos llena el alma, a través de personas que han dedicado su vida a salvar al planeta. Conducen Bárbara Tupper y Martín del Río. Esta quinta temporada es presentada por Patagonia. Revive las cuatro temporadas anteriores en esta misma cuenta. Estreno temporada N°5 viernes 16 de junio

On refait la planète


Jean-Marc Jancovici, Virginie Garin et Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, évoquent dans ce podcast, les défis environnementaux qui nous attendent afin de préserver notre planète et ses habitants.

Les Grands Entretiens de Reporterre

Les Grands Entretiens de Reporterre

Rencontre avec les penseurs de l'écologie, politiques, acteurs, militants, écrivains...  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Choses à Savoir PLANETE

Choses à Savoir

Un podcast dédié à la protection de la planète ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Fotografiando la Naturaleza

Xavi Vicient

Podcast donde encontrarás todo lo relacionado con la Fotografía de Naturaleza: Noticias, técnica, trucos y consejos, entrevistas, procesado, etc. Hablaremos de fotografía de fauna, fotografía de paisaje, macrofotografía, astrofotografía, fotografía de viajes… Como ves hay mucho que aprender y lo haremos de una forma amena y fácil. Coge tú cámara, entra y ponte cómodo.

Vivir sin plástico

Vivir sin plástico

Todo lo que siempre has querido saber sobre medio ambiente contado de una forma amena y cercana. Entrevistamos a expertos en sostenibilidad, gestión de residuos, biología, consumo responsable y cualquier tema relacionado con el medio ambiente.

Sasquatch Tracks

Micah Hanks, Dakota Waddell and Jeff Smith

Sasquatch Tracks takes a scientific look at whether there are large animal species that remain undiscovered. With special emphasis on the Sasquatch in North America, the show looks at claims of apelike “relict hominoids” and other animals purported to exist in various parts of the world.

Di sana pianta

Chora Media - Stefano Mancuso

Timide, aggressive, a volte ciniche, spesso geniali. Ogni pianta ha un carattere e una storia, basta saperle osservare. O ascoltare chi le studia da sempre. In questo podcast, il neurobiologo vegetale e divulgatore Stefano Mancuso ci porta nel mondo delle piante, raccontando aneddoti, studi e storie capaci di cambiare il modo in cui noi esseri umani abbiamo sempre guardato al regno vegetale. “Di sana pianta” è una serie di Stefano Mancuso prodotta da Chora Media.  Cura editoriale di Sabrina Tinelli e Marco Villa Executive Producer: Ilaria Celeghin Supervisione suono e musiche: Luca Micheli Post produzione e montaggio: Luca Micheli Post produzione e montaggio: Mattia Liciotti Fonico di studio: Luca Possi  Post Producer: Matteo Scelsa

Le billet sciences



Jermaine Estores

This is our podcast about nature

A Life More Wild

Canopy & Stars

Come on outside! A Life More Wild is a series of wild walks with fascinating people, transporting you to the great outdoors and helping you connect with nature as you hear how they've woven the natural world into lives. In Series 3 join wildlife cameraman and Stricly winner Hamza Yassin for an eagle-spotting hike on the beautiful Ardnamurchan peninsula, hop a few fences with Right to Roam campainger Nick Hayes, and relax as Charlotte Church shows you round The Dreaming, her wellness retreat in a wooded Welsh valley. 

Sound Healing / Sound Bath

Omandala Vietnam

Hello, This is The sound from Tibetan singing bowls. We create these podcasts to help you moving out of stress, anxiety with a deep relaxed session from the distanced Sound Bath.

Sound By Nature

Sound By Nature

Nature sounds for relaxation, stress relief, meditation, sleep, or whatever you like. Enjoy. Support this podcast:

The Clean Energy Show

James Whittingham and Brian Stockton

Exploring the accelerating transition from fossil fuels to clean, carbon-free energy across the entire economy. Join hosts Brian Stockton and James Whittingham on a journey of inspiration and exploration, scrutinizing innovative solutions and technologies while navigating the diverse paths toward a world of zero emissions in weekly episodes covering the latest trends in energy, cleantech, clean transportation, renewables, food tech, and the environment, with passion and humor!

Chris Skinner's Countryside Podcast


Nature, wildlife and countryside livingwith Chris Skinner from High Ash Farm.Join Norfolk farmer Chris Skinner and broadcaster Matthew Gudgin every Sunday morning as they talk nature, wildlife and countryside living.  Enjoy walks and talks around High Ash Farm with Chris, and conversations between Chris and Matthew in the studio, answering your questions. New episode released every Sunday at 0700 GMTTo support and donate to the podcast: updates, join the newsletter:

Bioeconomy Matters

Hailey Ciantar and Rita Escórcio

Delve into groundbreaking bioeconomic insights and revelations with podcast host Hailey Ciantar and podcast editor and producer Rita Escórcio. Through a series of interviews, you will learn about bioeconomy's presence in various sectors. Our creators are among the EU bioeconomy youth ambassadors, a group of 15 outstanding young minds chosen by the European Commission. Their mission is to educate, act, and engage stakeholders on the role of bioeconomy to tackle the climate crisis and protect nature. This podcast was kindly funded by BioBeo, a EC Horizon Europe project.

道草を食む 〜雑草を暮らしに活かすRadio〜


私たちにとって1番身近な植物である《雑草》を生活に取り入れて暮らしを豊かにする方法を模索していく番組です。毎回ひとつの雑草を取り上げて、具体的な調理方法や活用術について実体験を交えてお話しさせていただきます。 雑草を通して、みなさんの日々が少しでも彩り豊かな毎日になりますように☘️ 農系ポッドキャストに仲間入りしました😊 ●Instagram 日々の雑草料理のお写真など ●twitter メインアカウント 身のまわりの雑草図鑑 ●Youtube 雑草料理を作るようすなど(AMSR風)

Tooth & Claw: True Stories of Animal Attacks

Wes Larson, Jeff Larson, Mike Smith | QCODE

True stories of the most extreme wild animal attacks ever documented, told and explained by Wes Larson, a wildlife biologist and animal behavior expert. Wes is joined by his brother Jeff and their mutual friend Mike, and in each episode the three pour over the details of animals attacks and explain how listeners can avoid these kinds of dangerous encounters, and learn a new appreciation for the wild things of the world

Jardineria al 101

Angeline Hernandez

Estos podcast están creados para crear, instruir e informar sobre temas de jardinería y agricultura.

Migrations d'oiseaux

Espace pour la vie

C’est plus de 300 espèces d’oiseaux qui reviennent chaque printemps au Québec. Si certains se dirigent vers le Grand Nord, d’autres s’établissent dans les régions plus au sud de la province, ainsi que dans nos villes. Mais qu’est-ce qui pousse les oiseaux à faire ces longs voyages chaque année? Quels sont les avantages que procure la migration? Comment les décisions se prennent-elles dans les groupes d’oiseaux en mouvement? Et comment se fait-il qu’ils reviennent année après année aux mêmes endroits? Autant de questions fascinantes et bien plus encore sont l’objet de cette série de balados, animée par Jean-Philippe Gagnon qui travaille au sein de l’équipe responsable des collections vivantes du Biodôme.

Foodie Pharmacology Podcast

Co-Conspiracy Entertainment

Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? Not just where it’s grown today, but where it originally popped up in the world? Have you ever bit into a delicious ripe fruit and wondered, hey – why is it this color? What’s responsible for this amazing flavor? Is this good for my health? Could it even be medicinal? Foodie Pharmacology is a science podcast built for the food curious, the flavor connoisseurs, chefs, science geeks, plant lovers and adventurous taste experimenters out in the world! Join American ethnobotanist Dr. Cassandra Quave on this adventure through history, medicine, cuisine and molecules as we explore the amazing pharmacology of our foods.

Oceans: Life Under Water

Crowd Network | Greenpeace UK

What does it sound like at the bottom of the ocean? How does it feel to swim with a humpback whale and her calf? What does an octopus' tentacle feel like when it wraps itself around you? Come and find out. This is Oceans: Life Under Water. Wildlife filmmaker, zoologist and broadcaster Hannah Stitfall wants to take you to the world beneath the waves. She'll be meeting freedivers, submarine pilots, whale experts, ship captains, marine biologists, and more, hearing the most mind-boggling stories about the oceans and the astonishing creatures that call them home. The hypnotic sound design and immersive storytelling will take you right there - from the Lost City to Galapagos, from the Mariana Trench to the Antarctic. Brought to you by Crowd Network and Greenpeace UK, which helps us tell these stories beautifully and responsibly. Producer: Anna Staufenberg. Executive producer: Steve Jones. Mixing and sound design: Anna Staufenberg. Archive courtesy of Greenpeace.



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Cryptids Of The Corn

Cryptids of the Corn Podcast

Welcome to Cryptids of the Corn! We are a couple of buddies with a shared interest in the cryptozoological, paranormal and the plain strange. We focus on the Midwest and the Appalachia regions of the U.S and venture out of those borders. We cover big cryptids, one off cryptids, some big questions on the subjects of the strange, interviews with eyewitnesses and a little bit of a science lesson. We invite you on this journey with us thru this strange, wonderful world of ours. Find us on Facebook and other social media or email us at Find us where you listen to podcasts.

The Casual Birder Podcast

Suzy Buttress

Suzy shares the joy of watching wild birds, from her garden visitors in southern England to birds seen internationally. Learn how to identify species, notice their behaviours, and recognize songs and calls. Join Suzy for recorded bird outings, interviews with experts and enthusiasts, and stories from birders around the world. Suzy says: “Birding is a great pastime. It can be done with others or alone. You don't need expensive equipment, your eyes or ears are enough. And best of all, the Casual Birder can do as much or as little birding as suits them. It's perfect for fitting into our busy schedules.” Find Suzy on Twitter @CasualBirderPod

Frecuencia Ambiental

Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Territorial de Jalisco

Frecuencia Ambiental es un programa radiofónico que tiene el objetivo de comunicar temas ambientales con un enfoque educativo en formato de entrevista. Todas las piezas de audio que se incluyen cuentan con sus créditos correspondientes, mencionados al término de cada pieza musical, a través de este programa radiofónico no se obtiene compensación monetaria y es de origen público, no tiene fines de lucro y no incluye anuncios comerciales, por lo que el contenido incluido en cada podcast tiene estrictamente un objetivo educativo para impulsar la sensibilización y conciencia ambiental de Jalisco.

Handelsblatt Green & Energy - Der Podcast rund um Nachhaltigkeit, Klima und Energiewende

Kathrin Witsch, Catiana Krapp, Kevin Knitterscheidt, Michael Scheppe

Handelsblatt Green & Energy ist der neue Podcast mit Fakten, Trends und Kontroversen rund um Nachhaltigkeit, Klima und Energiewende. Gemeinsam mit Expert:innen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik diskutieren wir die Herausforderungen und Chancen rund um die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Klima und Energie. Wie kann man den Konkurrenz- und Kostendruck eines globalen Industrieunternehmens mit nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungsketten in Einklang bringen? Und wie stellen sich Wissenschaftler eine Gesellschaft vor, die keine fossilen Rohstoffe mehr verbraucht? Diesen und weiteren Fragen gehen unsere Fachredakteure jeden zweiten Dienstag auf den Grund. Handelsblatt Green & Energy finden Sie auf allen relevanten Podcast-Plattformen. Jetzt reinhören: Jeden zweiten Dienstag mit den Handelsblatt Redakteur:innen Kathrin Witsch, Catiana Krapp, Kevin Knitterscheidt und Michael Scheppe Sound-Design: Christian Heinemann Logo-Design: Henrik Balzer, Michel Becker

Tierisch! – Entdeckungsreise in die wilde Welt der Tiere

Weltwach / Dr. Frauke Fischer & Lydia Möcklinghoff

Tiere können sich in einer für uns nicht wahrnehmbaren Geheimsprache über tausende von Kilometern unterhalten, sie tarnen sich mit Kot, wechseln mal rasch ihr Geschlecht, haben Frostschutzmittel im Blut und wenn es zur Paarung kommt … ach, lassen wir das. Tiere sind jedenfalls zu vielen überraschenden und oft spektakulären Dingen fähig. Nur durch Begeisterung für diese wilde Seite unserer Erde sind Menschen für Natur- und Artenschutz zu mobilisieren. Das wissen Dr. Frauke Fischer und Lydia Möcklinghoff, zwei wildnisverrückte Abenteurerinnen, studierte Zoologinnen und Expertinnen für unterhaltsame und gleichzeitig verständliche Wissenschaftskommunikation. Deshalb machen sie sich auf, den ersten lustigen, leichten, zoologischen Plauderpodcast mit bodenloser wissenschaftlicher Tiefe auf die Beine zu stellen. Am liebsten zusammen mit euch. Website: STAY IN TOUCH: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: YouTube: Newsletter: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Sasquatch Experience

Sean Forker

At "Sasquatch Experience," Bigfoot is more than a pop culture phenomenon. Bigfoot is a living, breathing mystery inhabiting the forests of the globe. It's an undiscovered creature continuously witnessed by thousands of people, leaving little to no evidence behind. Join us as we discuss this mystery with researchers, scientists, experiencers, and ourselves. Hosted by Sean Forker. Featuring Henry May, Vance Nesbitt, James Baker, & Matt Arner. Visit us on Facebook, or on our website, Become a supporter of this podcast:



KISS THE PLANET, el compromiso del Grupo KISS Media con el medio ambiente.

Planeta Agua


¿Quieres descubrir los secretos que esconden nuestros ríos, lagos, mares y océanos? Si es así, estás en el podcast correcto. En este podcast podrás escuchar entrevistas a profesionales de la biología marina y el estudio de sistemas de agua dulce a nivel tanto nacional como internacional. Además, tendrás información ampliada, contenido visual y bibliografía asociada sobre todos los temas que se traten en cada episodio en el blog Un podcast de Natalia Perez Valle.


Rocio Puhl

Cambios en la madre y el bebé

CO2 mon Amour

France Inter

Zéro émission


Blurry Creatures

Blurry Creatures

Blurry Creatures chases down answers for the weird questions and enigmatic creatures that inhabit the fringes between reality, myth, and imagination. Join podcast veterans Nate Henry and Luke Rodgers as they investigate Bigfoot, Ancient Giants, Cryptids, The Nephilim, The Watchers, Ancient Burial Mounds, Forbidden History, Megaliths, Conspiracy Theories, Dogman, Mothman, The UFO Phenomenon, Extraterrestrials, and The Unexplained.

Sonidos Naturales


Si buscas tranquilidad, paz interna, meditar, estás en el lugar correcto.

Rewilding the World with Ben Goldsmith

Ben Goldsmith

Join Ben Goldsmith as he speaks to some of the most influential people behind the most exciting and dramatic rewilding projects across the globe. 

Nature Tripping

Jo Kennedy and Cathy Shaw

Jo and Cathy go out to immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of nature at various locations around the British Isles. Join them as they chat about the wildlife around them and listen in to their surroundings.

Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio

Vic Cundiff

They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world. You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch.

Bigfoot Society

Jeremiah Byron

Welcome to “Bigfoot Society,” the podcast where host Jeremiah Byron delves into the captivating world of Bigfoot encounters. Through intimate interviews, Jeremiah aims to empower witnesses by providing them with a platform to share their experiences. By doing so, he offers a sense of relief and control, allowing them to take ownership of their stories. Join us as we explore these extraordinary encounters, unveiling the mysteries surrounding Bigfoot and its impact on the lives of those who have encountered this elusive creature. If you have had a Bigfoot encounter please share it with us and start the conversation by sending an email to "".

The Knepp Wildland Podcast

Penny Green

Join Knepp ecologist, Penny Green, and experience some of the wildlife wonders encountered, the secrets uncovered and the remarkable people who are part of the Knepp Wildland project.


Maria Aparecida Moraes

A fotografia é uma das poucas coisas que tem poder sobre o tempo: ela o paralisa.

Hakai Magazine Audio Edition

Hakai Magazine

Every Tuesday, Hakai Magazine brings you the best stories from the world’s coastlines. Each episode is a recording of our weekly feature story. Find all of our stories at

Generación Futuro


Generación Futuro, un espacio para los jóvenes que quieren cambiar el mundo. Un podcast de Leroy Merlin. Presentado por Marta Vilar.

Mi Jardín en el Desierto

Mi Jardín en el Desierto

Un podcast sobre que debes saber para crear un impacto positivo en el mundo horticultor

Huerto Orgánico

Erika Huerta

Proyecto de Taller un Huerto Orgánico en la Hacienda de apulco

Das Klima

Florian Freistetter, Claudia Frick

Die Klimakrise ist umfassend und global. Sie hat Auswirkungen auf alle und alles und wird ohne Zweifel unser Handeln und unseren Alltag in den nächsten Jahrzehnten in sämtlichen Bereichen bestimmen. Darum ist es nötig, dass möglichst viele Menschen über das Klima und die Wissenschaft hinter der Klimakrise Bescheid wissen. Der Weltklimarat IPCC veröffentlicht regelmäßig sogenannte “Sachstandsberichte” die das jeweils aktuelle Wissen zum Klimawandel zusammenfassen. Diese tausenden Seiten sind schwere Lektüre, die wir euch mit diesem Podcast ersparen wollen. Der ab August 2021 erscheinende Sechste Sachstandsbericht des IPCC wird von uns Kapitel für Kapitel durchgearbeitet. Eine Podcastfolge pro Kapitel, in der die wesentlichen Inhalte so vermittelt werden, dass sie auch ohne Studium der Klimawissenschaft verständlich sind. Ein Podcast von Florian Freistetter (Astronom und Autor) und Claudia Frick (Meteorologin und Professorin für Wissenschaftskommunikation). Wer den Podcast unterstützen will, kann das gerne tun: und

Le jardin France Bleu Cotentin

France Bleu

Réponses aux questions jardinages des auditeurs par l’expert de France Bleu Cotentin. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.

Ocean Protect Podcast

Ocean Protect

The health of our oceans is under major threat. Every fortnight, Brad Dalrymple (Environmental Engineer with Ocean Protect) hosts a variety of guests, including scientists, engineers, and activists – to discuss the key issues affecting the health of our oceans – and what can be done about it. This podcast is for anyone interested in learning more about the health of our oceans, the key pressures, and potential solutions. Disclaimer: This podcast is for general discussion purposes, and the views expressed by its hosts and guests are opinions only. Care has been taken in the preparation of this podcast, however no guarantee, representation or warranty is given or made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information conveyed. Listeners seeking information relevant to their own personal circumstances should seek independent advice as appropriate. To the maximum extent permitted at law, IES Stormwater Pty Ltd and its affiliates, and the hosts and guests of this podcast, exclude liability for any loss or damage to any party caused by or arising from reliance on its content.     Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Accidental Gods

Accidental Gods

The old paradigm is breaking apart. The new one is still not fully shaped. If we're going to emerge into a just, equitable - and above all regenerative - system, we need to meet the people who are already living, working, thinking and believing at the leading edge of inter-becoming transformation. Accidental Gods exists to bring these voices to the world so that we can all step forward into a future we'd be proud to leave to the generations that come after us. We have the choice now - we can choose to transform…or we can face the chaos of a failing system. Our Choice. Our Chance. Our Future. Join the evolution at:


Rafael Che

Aquí habrá muchas grabaciones de lo que necesita un buen jardinero, de los cuidados de las plantas. Etc.

Wildlife Health Talks

WDA Communications Committee

This is the podcast of the Wildlife Disease Association (WDA, Our host Dr Catharina Vendl chats with wildlife health professionals including researchers, vets, pathologists and more, about the joys and challenges of their job and the emerging issues of wildlife health locally and worldwide. All of our guests have a longstanding affinity with the WDA and a true passion for wildlife in common. So brush up your knowledge of current wildlife issues and One Health with Wildlife Health Talks.

Freaky Fauna Friday

Cryptids of the Corn LLC

Just come hang out every Friday with a cool species from the planet earth! If you have a species, you would like to know more about please email below!

Get Out Alive: An Animal Attack Podcast

Ashley Bray

Hosted by forensic wildlife biologist Ashley Bray, Get Out Alive aims to have honest conversations about intense human-wildlife conflicts, especially those resulting in attacks. She is often joined by friends, experts, authors, and even attack survivors themselves. Join her every other week as she tells stories of animal attacks, why they happen, and how we can all avoid them.

One Planet Podcast · Climate Change, Politics, Sustainability, Environmental Solutions, Renewable Energy, Activism, Biodiver

Creative Process Original Series

Vicini e lontani

Il Post

Vicini e lontani è un podcast sulle specie aliene, le specie alloctone, quelle che l’attività umana ha spostato dal loro biotopo per portarle dove non sono previste. Pappagalli, nutrie, alberi del paradiso, ratti, insetti parassiti delle palme: sono ormai moltissimi i casi, li conosciamo bene. Matteo Bordone e Adriano Martinoli dialogano su questi temi nelle loro declinazioni, con interviste ad altri biologi che si occupano sul campo di prevenire problemi futuri e gestire quelli per cui ormai tornare indietro è impensabile. Vicini e lontani è un podcast del Post prodotto in collaborazione con Istituto Oikos, condotto da Matteo Bordone e Adriano Martinoli

Buena Huella

Podium Podcast

¿Se planteaban los agricultores de Albacete si eran sostenibles en el siglo XII? ¿Usar el ganado para mejorar el suelo es ecología o sentido común? De la mano de la periodista María Gómez, conocemos diferentes iniciativas que recuperan en la actualidad técnicas y formas de hacer tradicionales de la España más rural, de cuando éramos sostenible sin saberlo. María estará acompañada por Carmela, una inteligencia artificial que le irá enseñando la huella de carbono que tienen las acciones cotidianas y nos ayudará a que el proceso de producción del podcast sea lo más sostenible posible, aunque resulte un poquito repelente... 

Plan(s) B

Cyrus Farhangi

Les entreprises de tous les secteurs d'activité sont concernées voire fragiles face aux limites planétaires et l'Anthropocène : Plan(s) B propose des interviews d'experts et de décideurs, ainsi que des exposés de son animateur (Cyrus Farhangi) pour tenter de démêler un peu tout ça. Vous pouvez soutenir notre démarche sur notre page Tipeee :


Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Immerse yourself in the sounds of the riverbank, crashing tides, wild marshes filled with birds and the underwater sounds of the humble pond as we bring to life our incredible wetlands - and reveal their power to shape our future for the better. Join zoologist and wildlife presenter Megan McCubbin as she explores the wonders of our watery worlds and how wetlands have fed, inspired and transported us from countryside to city, source to sea.  Our wetlands bring us together across species and continents. They’re the source of life as we know it. Yet wetlands only cover about 6% of our planet, and they’re disappearing fast, despite the fact that people and 40% of all wildlife are reliant on them.  This is a podcast all about the wonderful, sometimes surprising and often underappreciated watery places around us, and how they can help us with some of the biggest issues facing life on this planet. ​  You’ll never look at a marsh or pond the same way again. Finalist - Best Climate Podcast, British Podcast Awards 2023

Wilde Wieven Podcast

Lieve Galle

In deze podcast doorkruis ik - Lieve Galle, herboriste, plantenfluisteraar en wild wief - de lage landen om in gesprek te gaan met wilde wieven die net als ik met wilde planten en natuur bezig zijn. Want we hebben zo veel rijke wijsheid daarrond in onze contreien. Als het geheel meer is dan de som der delen, wat er gebeurt er dan als we al deze wilde wijsheid samenbrengen? Je ontdekt het in deze podcast. Vergeet even de hectiek van alledag en luister naar de hartslag van de natuur. Kom te weten wat je nooit verteld is, maar wat je ziel eigenlijk wel weet. Word ook een wild wief! Wil je nog meer leren over wilde planten? Surf dan even naar mijn website

The Rewild Podcast

James Shooter

In a world of damning environmental news and the ever-looming threat of climate change, we could all do with a bit of hope. Host of The Rewild Podcast, James Shooter, teams up with Rewilding Europe to shine a light on the passionate people and inspiring initiatives fighting back for nature. There will be monthly stories of nature recovery from Rewilding Europe’s pioneering Landscapes and European Rewilding Network.

Jason Hill's White Noise Sleeping Sounds

Jason Smith

Do you have issue going to sleep at night? Our white noise podcast can help you. White noise has many uses that can help you at night and during the day. To get the full use from white noise sounds you must understand what it is. A white noise machine, also known as a sound machine, can help you create a more relaxing bedroom environment that promotes healthy, high-quality sleep. In addition to white noise and other noise colors, these devices often produce ambient and natural sounds such as chirping birds and crashing waves.