Seamwork Radio: Sewing and Creativity


On Seamwork Radio, we share practical ideas for building a creative process, so you can sew with intention and joy.



Im Wollkanal erzählen Frieda und Laura was sie grade Stricken, Spinnen, Weben, Nähen oder anderweitig handarbeiten, welche neuen handarbeitigen Errungenschaften sie haben und wofür sie sich grade begeistern.

Check Your Thread

Zoe Edwards

Hello! Welcome to Check Your Thread, a podcast about sewing more sustainably. Each episode we enjoy nerding out about sewing, whilst picking up ideas and useful tips for how to reduce our impact on the environment. My aim is always to approach topics with a sense of curiosity and fun, and hope to leave our listeners feeling inspired by the end of each episode. Examples of topics that we cover include sourcing second hand textiles, zero waste sewing patterns, mending, upcycling, scrap-busting and alternative and surprising sources for fabric. If there are any topics you’d like CYT to cover, anyone you’d like me to get on the podcast to chat to or you’d just like to say hi, please email me at or message me via Instagram @checkyourthread.

La cabaña del Luthier

vael de gines

Pódcast sobre el mundo de la luthería y el trabajo del luthier. En este pódcast charlamos sobre las maderas usadas para la construcción de guitarras, máquinas, herramientas, tipos de barnices, diferentes sistemas de construcción, barras armónicas, cuerdas, historias y entrevistas a luthiers de todo el mundo. Un programa creado y dirigido por Vael de Ginés.

Pardon My Stash

Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess

Knitters (and crafters) unite! Come join us weekly for a conversation about knitting, crochet, and yarn crafts all around. With a touch of comedy and sass, we talk about projects, pitfalls, and pointers about the fiber arts. Find more about our content and our cast at

Viticultura, enología y sommelier


Un poco del proceso que lleva la vida de la vid hasta el momento de servir el vino en tu copa 🍷

art for all

Sketchbook Skool

Creative inspiration and advice to help you stop procrastinating and start making stuff. Any kind of stuff. Hosted by best-selling author Danny Gregory. Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool. 

VeryPink Knits - Knitting Q and A

Staci Perry

VeryPink Knits, the companion podcast to the VeryPink Knits YouTube channel, focused on answering your knitting questions. With Staci Perry and Polly Baker.

Knit Picks' Podcast

Knit Picks

Find camaraderie and understanding as Knit Picks employees confess to their own knitting triumphs and complete blunders. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, tune in weekly for the further adventures of the gang at Knit Picks and any other knitters we can round up.

Maker Chat

Maker Chat

Somos Bruno Cosentino, Juan Manuel García, José Torres (y Martín Calcagno en el corazón) y esto es Maker Chat. En este espacio vamos a hablar sobre qué significa ser maker, qué nos moviliza, qué nos inspira y cómo es el día a día en el taller.

Classic Tattoo Spain

Classic Tattoo Spain

“Actualidad del tatuaje en España” con José Perro y Mauricio Noguera

Scrapbook Your Way

Jennifer Wilson

In a world where a camera is always within reach and creative options are abundant, “Your Way” is the memory-keeping approach that fills you up and fits your life right now. This free, scrapbooking-focused show celebrates the breadth of ways to be a memory keeper today. Scrapbook Your Way is hosted by Jennifer Wilson, owner of Simple Scrapper and author of The New Rules of Scrapbooking.



Ein Podcast übers Stricken, Nähen und sonstige Frickeleien. Dazu gibt es die neuesten Neuigkeiten aus der DIY-Welt, Interviews mit Designerinnen, Bloggern und anderen kreativen Menschen und ab und zu auch Berichte von Events. Der Frickelcast ist eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion der beiden Bloggerinnen Frau Feierabendfrickeleien und Frau Jetztkochtsieauchnoch.

Planner Pals

Planner Pals

Planner Pals, Mark and Jess, cover various topics about Planning, Bullet Journaling, Stationery, Productivity Methods, and more.

Inappropriate Quilters

Leslie and Rochelle

A podcast with two quilting friends talking about all things quilting and a few things inappropriate.

Little Cabin Knits


Welcome to Little Cabin Knits. A podcast that explores knitting, crocheting, crafting, and mental health in my little cabin in the wilds of Alaska. Episodes include: On the Shelf, On the Couch, Storing Up, Roaming & Foraging, Homesteading, and Around the Campfire. You may find me on Ravelry as andersmillknits, with groups on Ravelry as Betweenknitsandpurls and on Instagram as andersmillknits, and betweenknitsandpurls. My website of Please subscribe and leave a review!

Fait main

Mélanie Seynat

Fait Main, ce sont des conversations avec des artistes et des entrepreneuses créatives, qui ont fait de leur passion pour les loisirs créatifs, le DIY ou les beaux arts leur métier. En tissu ou en papier ; avec des ciseaux ou avec des pinceaux, les créatrices nous expliquent leur passion, leur pratique créative, leurs projets. Qu'on soit créateur amateur ou professionnel, ce partage d'expériences est passionnant et inspirant !

Cosiendo sin canilla

Lulú Ferris

Bienvenid@s a Cosiendo sin canilla, un podcast de costura con dos costureras que les falta canilla, Patri de byTricia y Laura de Lulú Ferrris. Lo que vas a escuchar en nuestro podcast va a ser un poco de todo relacionado con la costura, ya sea de accesorios, máquinas telas, experiencias... etc, de una manera amena y con nuestra y vuestra experiencia, ya que tenemos una sección donde os hacemos preguntas y también nos las podéis hacer. Si te gusta la costura y quieres pasar un rato divertido y aprendiendo , este es tu podcast. Patri y Laura

Gibrán Gibranki

GIbran Valverde

Charla de amigos

Making Stitches Podcast

Lindsay Weston

A podcast celebrating creative crafts and inspiring makers.


Chiara Monteton, Mara Pischl

Sie teilen sich die Liebe fürs Handwerk, die Abneigung vor`m Dixi und die Furcht vor unzufriedenen Architekten - und jetzt auch einen Baustellen-Podcast.Mara ist Tischlerin (pardon: Schreinerin) aus Bayern , Chiara turnt über die Dächer des Ruhrgebiets. Zusammen besprechen die Beiden allerlei Skurriles und Alltägliches vom Bau.

Skarlett Costura

Skarlett Costura

PodCast sobre costura en el que compartiremos y aprenderemos juntos sobre este maravilloso mundo. ¡Hola!, mi nombre es Armando, y soy la persona que está detrás de este PodCast. La costura me apasiona y trato de enseñar y compartir -con todo el que quiera- esta gran pasión. Si queréis más información, podéis visitar el blog oficial de Skarlett Costura o encontrarme en las redes sociales, principalmente Facebook. ¡Bienvenidos! y muchas gracias por acompañarme.

YoungFolk Knits: A Knitting Podcast

Kaci Apple

Join Kaci and Becky as they chat all about different fiber arts. Knitting, sewing, crochet and spinning.After sharing about what projects they have on their needles, they will jump right into answering viewer-submitted questions.

Pomcast! A knitting podcast from Pom Pom Publishing

Pom Pom Publishing

Pomcast is Pom Pom's knitty and witty podcast, now twice monthly! Lydia and Sophie talk to all sorts of interesting fibre folk, as well as indulging in knit-chat and plenty of giggles. Remember you can keep in touch with us and other Pomcast listeners via our Ravelry forum, and you can send us your musings via email at To be kept informed with all the latest updates, delightful titbits, and treats, we recommend signing up to our weekly newsletter! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Laura Algarra

Todo sobre el mundo craft : punto, ganchillo, bordado, diseño, arte.... de la mano de Laura Algarra y una infinidad de invitados que comparten su proceso creativo, sus herramientas y sus experiencias dentro de ese mundo creativo.

Craft Industry Alliance

Abby Glassenberg

A recommendation show for creatives.

The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Gayle & Sharlene

Gayle and Sharlene talk about what they are wearing, what they are stalking, and of course, what they are knitting. Grab your knitting needles, your favorite yarn--or your favorite craft--and come knit with us! We are on Ravelry as gayleywayley and knitterninjashar. Show notes at

The Crochet Baes

Jessica Sellenberg

Grab your hook, yarn, and cup of coffee and hang out with Jess and Megs as they discuss all things crochet! We’ll cover yarn, patterns, Q and A, the business side of crochet, and more (all while having WAY too much fun). Tune in every other week for fresh episodes!

Nur noch eine Reihe - Maschenfein Podcast


"Nur noch eine Reihe" ist der Podcast für Strickerinnen und Stricker, die genau wie wir fast jeden Abend immer wieder viel zu spät denken: "Ach, die eine Reihe noch". In diesem Podcast gibt es Inspirationen und Ideen rund um das schönste Hobby der Welt: Wir erzählen euch von unseren Projekten, sprechen mit Designern, Garnherstellern und anderen Strickverrückten.

Two Ewes Fiber Adventures

Kelly and Marsha

Who are we and why are we podcasting? We are Kelly and Marsha.  We came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but we both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn.  Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves.  Fiber is one of the many interests we share after over 30 years of friendship. 

Unraveling ...a knitting podcast

Greg Cohoon and Pam Maher

A podcast about knitting, crocheting, sewing, and other fiber arts. Hosted by Greg Cohoon (KnittingDaddy on Ravelry) and Pam Maher (pammaher on Ravelry). Follow along as we talk about our knitting and explore books written by popular knitting authors.


Maria Theoharous

Sew organised style- listen to people just like you. We'll cover sewing, style and interview people who are the backbone of our sewing community and provide you with reputable organisations you can go to for help when you need it. Go to our website: There will be evolving playlist series as we find experts with gems of information and resources to keep you creative. Don't keep our podcast channel a secret. Tell your friends and rate us on Itunes.

Mostly knitting podcast

Mostly knitting podcast

Welcome to the Mostly Knitting Podcast. A monthly, free audio podcast, coming to you from Norway with Ingvild and Vibeke. We speak about knitting and creativity. Mostly knitting, but also some other crafty things. Sometimes we have guests from around the world.

Ambitions créatives

Virginie Dallaporta

Ambitions créatives c’est LE podcast qui va réveiller votre esprit créatif. Je vous emmène à chaque épisode explorer votre créativité sous toutes ses formes mais également explorer l’envers du décor de chaque entrepreneur / entrepreneuse que nous sommes : de vos ambitions à vos réalisations… Alors bonne écoute !

Handarbeta Mera

Pernilla Hellström och Malin Ahl

Att handarbeta är bra för välmåendet! Malin och Pernilla har handarbetat med många olika tekniker ända sedan de var små, och hoppas att ännu fler ska börja Handarbeta Mera!


Emilia Deborath Raquel Gonzales Bravo

Descripción de la evolución de la Materia Prima De La Tela, Confección y Bordado... Estudiante: Rony Wilfredo Ordires Gomez.


Gemma A.

¡Bienvenida al podcast de Yarnitas! Si te encanta tejer, este es un podcast sobre punto donde podrás aprender algunos trucos para tejer más y mejor.

Cast On

Brenda Dayne

Cast On began on Monday, 31 October, 2005, founded on nothing more than the desire to talk about knitting to people who get it. All the other stuff, about how memories, thoughts, hopes and dreams are knit into the fabric we create, and so become part of the fabric of our lives; about how life and knitting intertwine, and how sometimes you simply cannot tell where one part leaves off the other begins; about how the only thing wrong with the world today is that there is not enough knitting in it, all that came later, over time. Since 2005 the podcast has evolved to focus on finding inspiration in the ordinary, using it to kick start the process of making stuff, and finding ways to carve out the creative time and space that allows you to work your ass off on the projects that matter most to you. Like knitting a sweater. Or saving the world.

The Tipsy Sewists

Elle & Hazel

Join Elle and Hazel for a wine (or a tea!) as they talk all things sewing, fashion and fabric!

The Craft Room Podcast

Dawn Lewis

The Craft Room Podcast is fully dedicated to crafts of all kinds. Card making, quilting, crochet, stamping, painting, embroidery ... there's so much craft to talk about, so join Dawn Lewis in The Craft Room.

Sew Mindful Podcast

Jacqui Blakemore

Tips, tricks and expert interviews to share everything you need to know to have fun making your own fabulous clothes

Der Geist des Junk Journal

Agnes Johanna Art

Mein Name ist Agnes Johanna, ich bin Künstlerin, Mutter, YouTubeCreator, Krankenschwester und betreibe einen Onlineshop. Ich veröffentliche zweimal die Woche Tutorials zum Thema Junk Journal auf YouTube und einmal im Monat einen Newsletter mit Impulsen, News und kostenlosen Downloads zum basteln. Da ich mich mit dem Schreiben der Impulse im Newsletter immer sehr schwer getan habe, habe ich mich dafür entschieden stattdessen eine Sprachnachricht an meine Abonnenten zu schicken. Dann kam mir die Idee einen Podcast einzurichten... Ich rede nämlich gern und viel. Dieser Podcast ist also eine Art von Sprachnachricht für meine Newsletter Abonnenten, und all diejenigen Kreativen die Lust auf ein bisschen Kaffeeklatsch und Hobbyphilosophie beim basteln haben. ***** Thematisch dreht es sich hier um den Geist meines Junk Journals und die Gedanken die dort Platz finden. Der Podcast ist rein spekulativer Natur, stellt offene Fragen, gibt manchmal Antworten oder Impulse zum Nachdenken und hat eine Meinung, die schon mal etwas direkt und unverblümt ausgesprochen wird. ***** Achtung Trigger Warnung: - Ich nutze keine Sternchen*innen - Ich fluche und nutze Kraftausdrücke Nimm mit was dich inspiriert und dir gut tut, oder schalt ab wenn es dich aufregt. ***** Junk Journal on You Tube ***** Intro Musik von Ronald Kah, Web:

Machine Embroidery with Kimberbell


Machine Embroidery With Kimberbell is a weekly podcast celebrating the machine embroidery hobby. We share helpful tips and tricks, introduce exciting new products, interview popular industry leaders, and more! Hosted by Kim Christopherson, founder of Kimberbell Designs, our podcast invites listeners to discover new possibilities with their home embroidery machine and Experience the Joy of Creativity™ with us.


dreissiggrad handmade

Nähen, Sticken und vieles mehr

Gravel Knits

Gravel Knits

A knitting podcast with some life and drinking mingled in. Support this podcast:

Wollinspirationen - DER Podcast zum Stricken, Spinnen, Häkeln und anderen Faserkünsten

Caia Gossens vom Lanaphilia Wollshop

DER inspirierende Podcast zum Stricken, bei dem auch gehäkelt und gesponnen wird. Vielleicht auch gefärbt. Oder mal gewebt? Jedenfalls probier ich immer mal was Neues aus. Mit Caia Gossens vom Lanaphilia Wollshop Ich freu mich auf Euch!

My Creative Corner3- quilting, crafts and creativity

Vicki Holloway

My Creative Corner3 is a podcast about my creative journey in quilting, crafts and life in a northern town.

Semana de papel


Un podcast sobre planners con un toque de perros. ¡Y las manualidades en papel son siempre bienvenidas en la conversación!

Leathertainment Studio Podcast

Tanner Leatherstein

Hello and welcome to Leathertainment podcast with Tanner Leatherstein! Come and join in on the conversation as we talk about leather, the leather industry, fashion industry, etc. Anything leather, we'll talk about it with industry experts, craftsman and enthusiast users! Tune in every Monday for a brand-new leathertainment podcast episode!

Life Handmade by

A podcast about scrapbooking, stamping, cardmaking, die cutting and papercrafting in general. Listen to interviews with designers and creatives who help empower beautiful, meaningful handmade creation. Get behind the scenes looks at the product creation process and other fun handmade topics!

SEAMSIDE: Exploring the Inner Work of Textiles


Stitch Please

Lisa Woolfork

Dive deep into the vibrant world of sewing with the Stitch Please podcast, an official show of Black Women Stitch – the sewing group where Black lives matter. Uniquely crafted for those who love sewing, this sewing podcast is a gem that centers around Black women, girls, and femmes, weaving threads of creativity, technique, and passion with every episode. Hosted by Lisa Woolfork, a 6th generation sewing enthusiast, this podcast not only mirrors her ardor for the craft but also her roles as an artist, activist, and academic. Specializing in African American literature and culture, Lisa seamlessly stitches together her varied backgrounds to produce episodes that are both informative and engaging. You'll be immersed in lively interviews that are enriched by her expertise, presenting a fresh perspective that few other podcasts in the sewing community can offer. As an artist, Lisa Woolfork brings a unique eye for detail and aesthetics, offering listeners the chance to envision sewing in new, vibrant ways. As an activist, she ensures that the podcast sewing narratives and discussions are rooted in liberation, particularly emphasizing the significance of Black lives. Her academic background adds another layer of depth to the podcast, allowing listeners to delve into the rich tapestry of African American literature and culture, shedding light on how these narratives can influence and inspire one's sewing journey. Each week, listeners of the Stitch Please podcast can look forward to insightful discussions that celebrate Black creativity in sewing and quilting. Moreover, as a bonus, this sewing podcast shares invaluable tips and techniques, making it a must-listen for both beginners and seasoned sewists alike. Join us as we thread the needle of history, art, and activism with the love of sewing, creating a tapestry of stories and tips that resonate with every stitch. If you cherish the world of sewing, quilting, and the rich narratives of Black creativity, the Stitch Please podcast is your ideal companion. Tune in weekly. This sewing podcast will “help you get your stitch together.”

el Podcast de Cocoloko

Raquel Cantó

Si te gustan las manualidades y te pirras por los papeles de Scrapbooking este es tu Podcast! Scrapbooking, DIY, Lettering, Fotografía, Viajes, Redes Sociales,… y todo lo que se nos pase por el bolo va a tener cabida en el Podcast de Cocoloko. Un espacio que pretende acercarte a personas que te inspiren, motiven a seguir creando y documentando todo aquello que te ayuda a conectar contigo misma y con aquellos que más quieres. Descubre más sobre Cocoloko, tu marca happy de Scrapbooking, en la web y síguenos en Instagram:

Beer In Front

Dave Zalatoris

I'm Dave, a regular Chicago Beer Guy with a podcast about some old school beers and new classics. Sometimes the Beer In Front of you is the best one yet!

Historias de Carpintería

Carlos Zedillo

Este Podcast es un espacio para crear una comunidad entorno al gran oficio de la carpintería, con la misión de motivar e impulsar a las personas que les interesa comenzar en este oficio, ya sea como hobby o dedicarse totalmente a él, también, compartir experiencias con los que ya lo practican y se dedican a la carpintería. Aquí podrán escuchar historias de Maestros carpinteros, Ebanistas, emprendedores, hobbistas, makers, incluso principiantes con el objetivo de crecer esta comunidad y enriquecer con información a todos.

Nördic Knitting

Johanne Ländin och Heléne Wallin

En podcast om långsam och krånglig stickning - allt från stickhistoria till intresanta intervjuer. Snabbstickat? Nej, tack.

A Todo Tejer

Mora Seoane

Radio en hebras

Не без дела

Не без дела

Разговоры с мастерами о мастерах и для мастеров. Вдохновляющие истории и анализ проблем ремесленников. Подписывайтесь на наш канал в телеге, любите своё дело и не бездельничайте. По вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы пушите автору проекта Марине

Workshop Banter


UK based woodworking maker podcast by Matthew Smith (Badger Workshop) and Keith Brown (Rag 'n' Bone Brown)

The Making & Mending Rituals Podcast

Yarrow Magdelena

A podcast about creativity, ritual & slow seasons.

Pattar pysslar

Pattar pysslar

En podd om hantverk i allmänhet och stickning i synnerhet.

Crochet Circle Podcast

Fay Dashper-Hughes

A crochet podcast with a little bit of knitting on the side. You are in the right place for all things yarn based!

Charlando un Pichintún con ...


Charlaremos del maravilloso mundo del Scrap. El Scrapbooking, es una maravilla forma de conservar tús recuerdos, de crearles un soporte donde los momentos especiales y cotidianos se verán aún más bellos, documentar tu vida, y muchas cosas más. Las charlas serán con diseñadoras, scraperas conocidas y no conocidas, dueñas de tiendas, ... Por lo que en cada episodio me acompañará alguien con quien charlaremos y lo pasaremos muy bien. Únete a este podcast que te puedo asegurar no te dejará sin una sonrisa en cada episodio.

Microsoft Project

saara suellen

Podcast Microsoft Project

Imagined Landscapes Podcast

Sarah Schira and Katie Rora

Grab your tea and knitting and settle in with Sarah and Katie as we talk about the awesomeness of working with yarn. We’re Canadian urban prairie girls, sisters, sci-fi and fantasy fans, and can seriously talk about knitting all the time.


just wanted to post some songs :D

Proceso Del Algodón A Tela

alan de lucio


Sew & Tell

Sew Daily

Three sewists from different backgrounds — fashion, indie sewing and theater — discuss sewing topics and chat with big names from the sewing world. Join Meg Healy, Amanda Carestio and Kate Zaynard as they share their collective knowledge, insight and inspiration, connecting the sewing community and keeping listeners up-to-date on news and trends of sewing and fashion.

De l'or dans les mains

De l'or dans les mains

Avec son podcast, De l'or dans les mains (  donne la parole aux artisans et aux entrepreneurs de savoir-faire, pour qu’ils et elles nous partagent leur histoire, leurs matières, leurs outils et leurs gestes. Chaque épisode est un voyage en immersion, au sein des ateliers et des manufactures, pour susciter des vocations et changer notre regard sur les métiers du faire. De l’or dans les mains est aussi une association qui a pour mission de sensibiliser la nouvelle génération aux métiers manuels à travers des ateliers dans les établissements scolaires.  Crédits : Écriture et voix : Gabrielle Légeret.  Prise de son et montage : Malo de Saint Venant et Gabrielle Légeret  Musique  : Oscar Meurer Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.