時間栄養学のじかん Welcome to Chrono-nutrition !

新田 理恵: Lyie Nitta

⭐週1ペース(不定期)で配信中⭐ 今、注目の「時間栄養学」。 「何を」「どれくらい」食べるのかを中心に栄養学は考えられてきましたが、実は「いつ」食べたかで栄養効果が増減したり、違う意味を持ったり、とっても重要であることが遺伝子解析技術が発展したおかげでわかってきました。 学問に新領域が展開されるのは、とっても珍しいこと。 私は、そんな時代の岐路にいることにわくわく莫大な可能性を感じて思わず大学院に進学してしまった管理栄養士。 まだまだ勉強中の身ですが、エピデンスをもとになるべくわかりやすく基本の基本や、すぐ暮らしに取り入れられるTipsをご紹介するPodcastをはじめました! 基本的には論文をわかりやすくご紹介してます◎ マイペースに更新してますが、ぜひみなさまの暮らしにお役立ていただければ嬉しいです。 ようこそ、新時代の栄養学/食養生へ◎ 【話すひと】 新田 理恵 Lyie Nitta 管理栄養士であり、国際中医薬膳調理師。 時間栄養学がおもしろすぎて思わず進学し、柴田重信教授の薬理学研究室にて研究。早稲田大学で修士(理学)を取得。 普段は、大好きな薬草(和漢生薬)を日本中を旅して探し、地域のみなさんに暮らしや昔ながらの知恵や癒やしの文化を教えていただき、伝統茶{tabel}という小さなお茶のブランドを運営している。 https://tab-el.net/



雑誌『POPEYE』の連載「A COOKING GUIDE FOR CITY BOYS 原川慎一郎の定番料理のニューディール」がPodcastのプログラムに。 毎回、誰もが食べたことがあるお決まりの定番メニューを、簡単に、かつちょっとお洒落に作れるレシピを紹介しています。この番組は長崎県雲仙市小浜町にある原川さんのレストラン『BEARD』から、実際の取材現場の様子や、レシピを作り出すまでの試行錯誤についての話、食材として使う「古来種」と呼ばれる野菜のこと、なんでもないこぼれ話なんかをお伝えしていきます。 レシピは本誌の最新号、およびPOPEYE Webのページでどうぞ。 インスタグラムで公開中のレシピのムービーもぜひ。 本誌:magazineworld.jp/popeye/ POPEYE Web:popeyemagazine.jp Instagram:www.instagram.com/popeye_magazine_official chef: Shinichiro Harakawa music: Haruka Nakamura photo & movie: Haruki Anami text: Ryota Mukai edit: Kenta Enomoto web edit: Ayaka Nomura mastering: Ryoma Uchida



『管理栄養士も知らない未病予防栄養学®️』 日々の勉強やビジネスにおいてインプットしてきた内容やそこから得た気づきを📣 WELL BE INDUSTRYの栄養おたく山本の個人の見解にて配信しております。 #未病予防栄養学#分子栄養学 ✉️メルマガ✉️(未病予防栄養学マガジン)始めました! ↓登録してね https://d.bmb.jp/bm/p/f/tf.php?id=bm16063yc&task=regist   ■インスタから分子栄養学の無料勉強会へご招待 https://www.instagram.com/takuma_wellbe/   ■健康第1学校、WELL BE CHECKなどの各種情報・登録はこちらから↓ https://bit.ly/3DfPFtx

Be Well by Kelly Leveque

Kelly Leveque

Be Well By Kelly is on a mission to simplify the science of nutrition. I want to make choices, not cheats. I want to live in balance, quiet my inner perfectionist, and never feel like my goals are out of reach. I want to love the way I look AND feel. I want to be proactive about my long-term health and wellness. I want to have a positive relationship with food for the rest of my life. And I want the same for all of you! Join me and some of my favorite people every Wednesday as we give you all the good stuff (and none of the bad) about nutrition: the positive takeaways, the tools and tips that will help you feel and be well, and a dose of motivation to keep you going.

Rebuilding Trust With Your Body

Katy Harvey

This is a podcast for those who are ready to finally discover peace with their bodies. Registered dietitian, Katy Harvey, breaks down the nonsense of diet culture and the many ways we are taught not to trust food - and ourselves. Since 2011 Katy has been helping 1:1 clients heal from chronic dieting, eating disorders, disordered eating, and negative body image. Every Tuesday, she provides actionable tips on how to find freedom with food and connect with the wisdom of your body, so that you can have the time, confidence, and energy to do what you love (without constantly stressing about your weight). If you’re ready to discover the joy and freedom of rebuilding trust with YOUR body, you’re in the right place! Hit subscribe, and get ready to change your life. www.nondietacademy.com

Lara Briden's Podcast

Lara Briden

Everything women’s health in under 15 minutes by an experienced naturopathic doctor and bestselling author of the books Period Repair Manual, Hormone Repair Manual, and Metabolism Repair for Women. Simple explanations for topics such as PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal birth control, and more. For more, visit LaraBriden.com

The ATP Project

ATP Science

The ATP project takes a look under the skirt of the Science,media and hype and real breakthroughs surrounding the Health industry. Like Watson & Holmes, Steve and Nic search for the truth and provide it in a fun and irreverent way. It may shock you, excite you or even make you mad - but The ATP Project will entertain you.



このPodcastでは分子栄養学や自律神経にまつわる身体生理学を中心とした、心と体ケアのヒントになるような内容をお話ししています。聴いてくださる皆さんの毎日が、よりあたたかく、愛溢れるものになりますように。 分子栄養学カウンセラー まなみ

LONGEVITY with Nathalie Niddam

Nathalie Niddam

LONGEVITY with Nathalie Niddam is your go-to podcast for diving deep into the science and practices for increasing your longevity and healthspan. This podcast covers topics from nutrition, biohacking, longevity, peptides, bioregulators, cutting edge research, health technology and more! Nathalie Niddam is a certified nutritionist, as well as a epigenetics and human potential coach.


PeyKing Gaming

Asmr fruit



【毎週火・土曜日更新】 ※2024年から新章スタートしました! 心と身体研究所がお送りする健康情報局。 僕らの身体は毎日食べたもので作られる! 毎日少しずつ意識するだけで健康になっていく そんな知ってるだけで得する情報をお届け! 自分の健康を医者にだけ任せるのではなく、自分でなんとかするんだー! って思ってる人の応援しています! #薬剤師 #鍼灸師 #オーソモレキュラー #分子栄養学 #ヘルスケアアドバイザー #コンサルタント #ファイナンシャルプランナー #健康 ブログ https://cocokara-lab.com Twitter http://twitter.com/yoppy_0 公式LINEメルマガ https://lin.ee/rU3Jvyq Instagram(作ったレシピ集) http://instagram.com/yoppi.ppy YouTube(同じ内容を字幕付きで) https://www.youtube.com/@cocokara-lab 僕への個別相談はまずこちらをお読みください。 https://cocokara-lab.com/service/ お手伝いさせていただいた企業様 東京美肌堂様 https://bihadado.tokyo/ 青山薬局様 https://www.taihou6114.com 有限会社サンメディカル様 株式会社DEL TOP LAX様 http://food-control-shop-zero.com/ その他コラボやお仕事の相談は TwitterのDMからお願いします。

The Proof with Simon Hill

Live better for longer

The Proof Podcast is a space for science-based conversation. Together with his guests, Simon Hill, a qualified physiotherapist and nutritionist, explores the health and longevity benefits that come with mastering physical exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, recovery, sleep, and alignment. Facts, nuance and trustworthy recommendations minus the hyperbole. All the proof you need to live better for longer.



理学療法士歴20年の医療の知識と自分自身が何度も無理なダイエットをして、1年で12kg痩せてキープした経験をもとに苦しくて食べない無理なダイエットを卒業できる様になるチャンネルです。 「食事」「睡眠」「運動」の三本柱を大切に健康に必要なことをして体重ではなく体調にフォーカスして楽しく痩せていきます。 一気に痩せるのではなく1ヶ月で1~2kg位だからリバウンド率も大きく下がります。 ダイエット指導をご希望の方は公式LINEから受付中👇 https://lin.ee/zaQcExu 現在、30分の無料相談をオンラインにてプレゼントしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。



栄養満点voice💖管理栄養士しょくみです。毎日食べても飽きない、記憶に残る懐かしい味こそ家庭料理✨そんな思いで配信中!シェフにならなくて良い!「あなたが楽しく作る」が1番です🥰 👇HP🍳✨ https://shokumi.com/ 🔶NEW ‼️初心者向けレシピ本 ハードル0cmエッヘン!はな歌ごはん https://amzn.asia/d/jg8zKVY 🔶 Kindle「食」のエッセイ🍎思い出のレシピ付 りんごは進化する https://amzn.asia/d/1jhaRpN 🔶公式LINE https://page.line.me/120ycugw 🔶note https://note.com/shokumi 料理研究家アシスタント→ 栄養士専門学校生2年 →保育園栄養士→ 管理栄養士免許取得 現在、フリー管理栄養士として誰でも楽しく作れる家庭料理、オンラインクッキング好評開催中✨ 💖 好き・得意 食べ歩き、温泉、フルーツパフェ🍓 犬に好かれる、よく道を尋ねられる 💙苦手・不得意 植物を育てる、数字、アイロン、寒さ ✅2021.1.3 stand.fm start❣️ 【定期LIVE】  毎週火・木 AM6:10〜  (火) 心理・哲学・フリートーク  (木) 栄養・食の話 ✅2021.10.25〜メンバーシップ開設 ・毎月の特集4回(料理実況、レシピ)+2〜3回 2024年、丸2年をもって一旦終了、次ステージへ ✅2022.2.22 SPP承認🎉 ✅2022.3.25 国家試験 管理栄養士免許  栄養士として実務経験経て一発合格🙌 🚩 哲学は日常にフィロソフィーch しょくみ&息子(Spotify) https://open.spotify.com/show/15FtP2Z14IMhXfju4fKDPh?si=V1MHf5LsSHm6uTHEhyFXbA 🚩YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBcqA5oOWwn5BmzrIl73g9A 🚩Instagram https://instagram.com/shokumi_tasty_beauty/ 🚩X https://twitter.com/shokumi3 #管理栄養士 #健康 #家庭料理 #スタエフ医療部 #SPP

ZOE Science & Nutrition


The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery. Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.

Nutrition Diva

QuickAndDirtyTips.com, Monica Reinagel

Every week, Monica Reinagel peels back the layers of nutrition news and research, answers listener questions, and helps you feel more confident about your food and nutrition choices.

Vegetarian Zen

Vickie Velasquez and Larissa Galenes

Vegetarian and vegan information, tips, recipes, and more presented in a light, conversational, and nonjudgmental manner. We welcome input and feedback from our followers regarding issues you would like us to address as well as ways in which we can improve. Please don't hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help. If you enjoy and find value in our podcast, we would very much appreciate a favorable review on iTunes. This would help us tremendously. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy Vegetarian Zen.

Pep Talk with Dr Eric Nepute

Renew Media Group LLC

PEP Talk with Dr Eric Nepute #ericnepute #health #peptalk

The Dr. Gundry Podcast


The mission of the Dr. Gundry Podcast is to help you live your best life — mind, body and soul — by empowering you with the tools and knowledge you need. Dr. Gundry interviews some of the world's leading health experts to glean life-changing insights and offers cutting-edge wellness advice during his topical lectures.



「専門家が答える介護飯(かいごはん)ラジオ」は、高齢者を痩せから救うために発足した「高齢者の痩せ対策委員会」がお届けする番組です。 医師や看護師・管理栄養士など食支援の専門家をゲストにお招きし、在宅介護に関わる方から寄せられた「食事」や「痩せ」に関するお悩みに回答、明日から使える実践的な解決策やヒントをお伝えします。 ▼専門家に聞きたい高齢者の「痩せ」「食事」「栄養」にまつわるお悩み、番組へのご感想などは以下までお寄せください。 https://forms.gle/9BCXMGNqHeZYNgJ29 ▼高齢者の痩せ対策委員会「介護飯ラジオ」制作委員 ・ニュートリー株式会社(https://www.nutri.co.jp) 病院や介護施設で利用される栄養療法食品を開発・製造・販売。 └「食べられない」を解決する 食べラボ(https://www.tabe-labo-nutri.jp) ・メディバンクス株式会社(https://medi-banx.com) ・knock'x Media(ノックス メディア)(https://podcastjp.com/knockxmedia) ▼問い合わせ先 PODCAST運営事務局 メディバンクス株式会社 info@medi-banx.com



まさこのゆる飯と言うYouTubeを配信してます。パソコンもできないアラフィフまさこが、なぜかYouTubeを撮る事になり、悪戦苦闘してる日々をリアルに配信していきたいです。 目もショボショボ、肩もパンパンに張ってますが、人生一度きりなので、無理なく楽しくゆるりとチャレンジしていきますので、YouTubeとともに可愛がっていただけたら幸いです。



ケトジェニックダイエットで 社会の脂肪を減らす 健康をアップデートする 『糖質デトックス』っていう ケトジェニックダイエットに関する 書籍とか出してます ミウラタクヤ商店経営してます。 https://miuratakuya.store/ ◆LINEでケトジェニック発信 https://lin.ee/Bj36rez ※LINE登録でケトの教科書プレゼント。 ファスティング(断食)や ケトジェニックダイエットについて 楽しい音声をお届けします。 (あとお店の商品のこと) 「痩せたい」って人は ぜひ、チャンネル登録お願いします。 Twitter https://twitter.com/miuratakuyajp Instagram https://www.instagram.com/miuratakuyastore/ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@miuratakuyastore ケトジェニックダイエットを発信してるマンです。 ゆるっと友達感覚で痩せる方法を喋ります。 よかったら絡んでください。 ◆ミウラタクヤ商店 https://miuratakuya.store/ ◆ファスティング(断食)プロテイン https://miuratakuya.store/blogs/ad-article/petit-fasting-ad20211213 ◆ケトジェニックドライブ https://miuratakuya.store/products/atp-drive-140 ◆ケトジェニック7日講座(無料) https://bit.ly/3XhTNAO (メールアドレスが必要です) ◆ケトジェニックダイエットマガジン https://bit.ly/3iGbf2Y SNSフォローするとケトの情報とか いろいろ届きます、役立つので登録してね。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■主婦の友社から書籍出しました。 ケトジェニックに関する書籍を出版しました、 ケトジェニックに興味ある人は読んでね。 糖質デトックス https://amzn.to/3BZgdOM 7日で勝手に痩せる ケトジェニックコンビニ飯 https://amzn.to/3EDY1eC 34歳で10キロ痩せた39歳メンズ。 京都住まい、お酒大好き。



慢性的な不調は、自分で治せます。 5年後もリバウンドしない体質改善 わたしと一緒にはじめませんか? ウチカラ整体院は、24時間いつでも通えるオンラインの整体院です。 当院では一生使える体質改善術を身につけるため、あなたの症状に合った解決方法を提案しています。   ・長年同じ症状に悩まされている ・体質改善をしたいけど、継続できない   そんな悩みを抱えている方は、ぜひ来院ください。 一生使えるセルフケアを身につけ『笑顔な毎日』を取り戻しましょう。 ◆もっと学びたいあなたへ ・メンバーシップ・900円/月  詳細  https://lmc-seitai.com/online/ ◆経歴 ・20年のサラリーマン経験 ・40歳~治療家の道へ ・三軒茶屋あおば整体院長 ・JACM認定カイロプラクター ・メンタル心理カウンセラー ・NBM(分子栄養学認定講座)基礎・応用コース終了 ◆コンテンツ ・YouTubeチャンネル  https://www.youtube.com/@ktakada ・三軒茶屋あおば整体院  https://lmc-seitai.com/



食×健康の話やちょっとした豆知識などをご紹介しています。 ※2020年12月からボイスメディア「Voicy」で放送している過去放送を順番にアップロードしています。 より新しい放送回も含め全放送回をVoicyで聴くことができますので、宜しければVoicy内でもフォロー頂けますと幸いです。 https://voicy.jp/channel/1374/all

Boundless Body Radio

Casey Ruff

Boundless Body Radio explores the wide range of health and fitness! We will be speaking with our amazing guests about the lifestyle factors that keep them at the top- low carbohydrate, ketogenic, and carnivore nutrition, movement, stress management, and so much more! Please rate and review us, and subscribe to get all the latest content! Let us show you how to create your BOUNDLESS life!



健康生活无需变身苦行僧,无能之辈才会传递说教和乏味,养生其实简单日常不神秘,健康可以和快乐同行,科学可以严谨而逗趣,听几位吃货主播们每期给你一记“纳尼?居然是这样!”的暴击! 风物背后原来有这些故事;食材处理原来有这些窍门;调料从工厂到餐桌原来有这些流程;厨具餐具的选择原来有这些讲究;减脂增肌成功的秘诀原来并不是“意志力”;运动后原来并不能因为消耗就可以疯狂摄入;食品添加剂原来并不是洪水猛兽;健康生活的达成原来并不需要教条主义。 原来我们可以这样摹画生活,原来我们可以这样看待世界,讲原理我们专业,讲技巧我们擅长。 运动营养师、食品博士、健身教练三强联手,讲一讲饮食男女关心的健康生活、食品安全、运动营养、科学减肥的硬道理,聊一聊与口味、习惯、偏爱、禁忌、困惑、执念有关的食事。 「津津有味」由「津津乐道播客网络」制作播出,是2021、2022年苹果编辑精选播客、年度精选频道,2022年 CPA 中文播客奖年度健康类播客。 【主播简介】 粒粒:健康管理项目「吃较瘦」创始人,运动营养师(公众号:吃较瘦),干货输出狂人,答疑解惑深入浅出,破除迷思一针见血。 馋虫:一个学术精神爆表的食品微生物学女博士,擅长在不经意处开始科普,唤醒被化学老师控制的恐惧。 朱峰:津津乐道播客创始人,最会做饭的程序员。 C哥:健康管理项目「吃较瘦」运动导师,社会体育指导员(人话:持证上岗的健身教练),努力用工科思维为健康营养普及打辅助的老码农。

We Do Science - The Sports Nutrition Podcast

Dr Laurent Bannock, The Institute of Performance Nutrition

For current and aspiring sports and exercise nutritionists! The Institute of Performance Nutrition's We Do Science podcast, hosted by Dr Laurent Bannock, features a wide variety of leading guest experts (elite practitioners and scientists) with expertise in sport and exercise nutrition, and related fields relevant to real-world practice.

Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels | Crossover Media Group

Jillian Michaels is renowned for transforming lives. Her fearless honesty, passion, and extensive knowledge on health, fitness, and nutrition have made her America’s go to motivator and wellness expert for the past two decades. Now, she's expanding her horizons with Bill Maher's Club Random Studios to bring her hugely popular audio podcast to video. This new format features an impressive lineup of guests and broadens the conversation to tackle the tough topics which matter the most in helping us better understand ourselves and the world around us. Through in-depth discussions and short form content, Jillian brings valuable insights, inspiring life stories, and actionable advice from leading thinkers, innovators, and change makers in a variety of fields. Her guests aren’t just experts they’re pioneers who’ve reshaped their industries and the way we think. From medicine to mental health, groundbreaking science to current events, relationships to career she explores the frontiers of knowledge and personal development that changes lives.  In an era where we’re inundated with conflicting information and compromised narratives, "Keeping It Real" stands out as trusted resource that informs, inspires, and empowers its audience. A forum where the power of dialogue and diverse perspectives reigns supreme and the information shared is actionable for everyone. Tune in, stay curious, and be fearless. Join Jillian and her guests on a journey of growth, comradery, and candor. Together, we can navigate the complexities of our time, break down barriers, and unlock the potential for a better tomorrow! PREVIOUS GUESTS HAVE INCLUDED: Lindsay Vonn. Tony Robbins. Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Suze Orman. Dr. Peter Attia. Lisa Ling. Gary Vee. And many more. 




The Model Health Show

Shawn Stevenson

The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever.

Каша в голове

Лиза Гильман

Каша в голове — подкаст о питании, пищевом поведении, wellness и науке. Подкаст про питание и ЗОЖ без булшита и нонсенс с доказательным подходом. Питание не черно-белое, в нем много нюансов. В этом и будем разбираться. С гостями — нутрициологами, диетологами, психологами, учеными и врачами будем говорить о питании и развенчивать мифы. Лиза Гильман - нутрициолог, автор книги, 13 лет училась в Англии. Получаю докторскую (PhD) в Португалии. Мой инстаграм https://www.instagram.com/lizahilman/ Книга "Помирись с едой" https://alpinabook.ru/catalog/book-pomiris-s-edoy/



このラジオでは、管理栄養士国家試験の過去問題の解説をしています。 まず初めに設問を読み、そのあとに選択肢を読みます。最後に、それぞれの選択肢の正誤と簡単な解説を付け加えます。 このラジオはカコモンズ(旧Nスタディ)が運営しております。

FettUcation - Meine Abnehmreise aus der Adipositas

Serdar Deniz

Hi, mein Name ist Serdar, ich bin 36 Jahre alt und lebe mit Typ 2 Diabetes. Kurz gesagt, ich bin fett. Mit meinem Podcast „FettUcation“ möchte ich euch einen ehrlichen, persönlichen und authentischen Einblick in mein Leben als adipöser Typ 2 Diabetiker geben und Menschen aufklären, die sich mit Übergewicht, Adipositas und einem gesunden Lebensstil auseinandersetzen. Und ja, auch die hässlichen Seiten dieses Lebens versuche ich wiederzugeben. „FettUcation“ ist eine Mischung aus Audio-Vlog und spannenden Experten-Interviews. Jede zweite Woche nehme ich meine Hörer*innen mit auf meine abenteuerliche und emotionale Reise zu den Ursachen und möglichen Lösungen für mein Übergewicht. Ich teile alle meine Herausforderungen und Erfahrungen, von emotionalem Essen und dem Umgang mit Abnehmspritzen wie Ozempic und Mounjaro bis hin zu gesunder Ernährung. Offen spreche ich über Themen wie Bodyshaming, Selbstakzeptanz und mentale Gesundheit. Ich habe meine Abnehmreise im Februar 2023 bei 125,2 Kilogramm und einem BMI von 42 begonnen. Mittlerweile wiege ich 110 Kilogramm und mein BMI liegt bei 37. Trotz dieser Fortschritte kämpfe ich weiterhin täglich mit meinem Übergewicht und den gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen, die damit einhergehen. In Deutschland sind 55,7 Millionen Menschen übergewichtig, fast jeder Vierte leidet unter Adipositas. Mit meinem Podcast möchte ich einen sicheren und schamfreien Raum schaffen, in dem offen über die alltäglichen Herausforderungen und Erfahrungen von Menschen mit Übergewicht und Diabetes gesprochen wird. Ein besonderer Aspekt von „FettUcation“ ist mein persönlicher Blickwinkel als Betroffener. Ich möchte zeigen, wie es sich wirklich anfühlt, als Mann mit Übergewicht zu leben und wie wir uns gemeinsam gegen Fat-Shaming wehren können. Durch Gespräche mit Experten, Ernährungsberatern, Ärzten, Influencern wie Christian Wolf, Joana Link alias Jona Health, Julia Sahm und anderen Betroffenen erforsche ich Wege und Strategien, die mich zu einem gesünderen Lebensstil führen können. Mein Ziel ist es, Menschen zu ermutigen, sich selbst zu akzeptieren und ihren eigenen Weg zu finden. „FettUcation“ bietet nicht nur wertvolle Informationen, sondern auch Unterstützung und eine Gemeinschaft für alle, die von Übergewicht, Adipositas oder Diabetes betroffen sind oder Interesse an Themen wie gesunde Ernährung und Gewichtsverlust haben. Schaltet ein, begleitet mich auf meinem Weg und lasst uns gemeinsam eine positive Veränderung in der Welt der Gesundheit und Selbstakzeptanz bewirken. Schaltet ein, begleitet mich auf meinem Weg und lasst uns gemeinsam eine positive Veränderung in der Welt der Gesundheit und Selbstakzeptanz bewirken. Folgt mir auf Instagram unter @FettUcation, um immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben. Bewertet meinen Podcast auf eurer Lieblingsplattform, damit wir noch mehr Menschen erreichen und das Bewusstsein für Übergewicht und Diabetes stärken können. Euer Support ist entscheidend – zusammen können wir etwas bewegen!


Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, DO, MPH, MS, FAAP

You are here for a reason. But navigating this human life can be challenging. How do you care for your body, mind and spirit to make the most of your time here on earth? This podcast explores these questions through rich conversations on plant-based nutrition, lifestyle medicine, personal development, and spirituality. We help bring to light valuable insights to promote health, well-being, longevity, and joy and help you craft your best life yet. I AM HUMAN is hosted by Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, a board-certified pediatrician, board-certified lifestyle medicine physician, and national board-certified health and wellness coach. Dr. Yami is a curious human interested in living a long, healthy, and joyful life. New episodes drop every Sunday.

The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee

Physicians Committee

Dive into the science of your diet! Learn how a humble blueberry can fight cancer or what the longest living cultures in the world are eating. Every episode is packed with facts that will raise your health IQ and boost your nutrition knowledge. "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll is joined by Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of The Physicians Committee, and other leading doctors and dietitians. Unlock the secrets to living longer and healthier life and how to fight diseases with every meal.

Healthful Pursuit Podcast

Leanne Vogel

Join Functional Medicine Practitioner and Holistic Nutritionist, Leanne Vogel as we seek answers on the fringes of the health space. Together we'll explore the principles of functional health to help you thrive in mind, body, and spirit. In each episode, we'll delve into the latest research, practical tips, and insightful interviews with experts in the field of functional medicine and holistic health.

Eat to Live

Jenna Fuhrman, Dr. Fuhrman

Our health is our most precious gift and smart nutrition can change your life. Each month, join Dr. Fuhrman and his daughter, Jenna Fuhrman as they discuss important topics in the world of nutrition. Eat to Live will change the way you eat and think about food.

Food, We Need To Talk

Juna Gjata

A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).

RP Strength Podcast

Nick Shaw

On the RP Strength Podcast, RP co-founders Dr Mike & Nick Shaw breakdown tons of hypertrophy training, nutrition, and other fitness related topics. As a bonus, you'll get plenty of laughs as they go down various tangents on every episode!

食✕マインドフルネス わたしの食事軸で心と体の土台をつくる


あなたの“いただきます”は 生きる源 “今ここ”の心に寄り添い食事をすると 自然にカラダと暮らしが整う 整うと、生きる力が湧き出します。 「食事」と「マインドフルネス」を掛け合わせて あなたを愛し、自己肯定感を上げて毎日を最幸に 生きるヒントを、管理栄養士資格を持つ おおにしめぐみ(めぐみん)がお伝えします。 ================================ 「五感をフルに活かし心と体の土台をつくる」 3ヶ月体験型オンラインプログラム のモニターさまを募集中! ================================ 今回のモニターさま募集は、私が独立して 初めての講座となります。 これから続いていく講座の土台を創っていく 仲間を募集します! お申し込みリンク ▶https://www.reservestock.jp/pc_reserves_v2/courses/52410 発信内容は2つの軸です。 ・「こころ」が整う思考や考え方 ・「こころ」と「からだ」が整う食材や栄養素の話(タイトルに【食】がついています) “何だか満たされない” “好きなものをお腹いっぱい食べたいけどダメだよね” “今日もお菓子いっぱい食べちゃった” 私は長年こんな思いを感じ、 食べることで心を満たそうとしてきました。 そんな中で、「今ここ」に意識を向けて 食事をする“食べる瞑想”に出会います。 目の前の食べ物の色や味・風味・食感を 十分に味わうことで「食べる」に繋がる全てのことに 感謝の気持ちで満たされるようになりました。 体が求める栄養、心が求める栄養のバランスが とれることで、本来の「自分」と繋がっていくヒントをお伝えします。 あなたの今日の「いただきます」が、 心と体の健康をつくり、1日1日が輝いていきますように。 #マインドフルネスイーティング#食事#自己肯定感#幸福#マインドフルネス#ジャーナリング#ダイエット#バランス#人生

Everyday Wellness

Everyday Wellness: Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Explore holistic health with Cynthia Thurlow, a seasoned Nurse Practitioner, and an expert in intermittent fasting and nutrition. As a 2x TEDx speaker and author of the best-selling book, "Intermittent Fasting Transformation: IF:45", Cynthia offers a wealth of knowledge in health and wellness. Her specialty intermittent fasting programs have empowered countless women to take the reins in their wellness journey and propel them toward optimal health. Cynthia's core mission is to help women understand and achieve optimal wellness. Through the Everyday Wellness podcast, she provides accessible, engaging content on the benefits of intermittent fasting and holistic health. Her approach combines practical strategies with insightful education, making her podcast a valuable resource for those seeking a healthier, more fulfilling life.

It's Beyond the Food

Stephanie Dodier

Welcome to the feminist well-being podcast! Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. We beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. New episodes drop every Tuesday and bonus episodes when available on Thursday. Your host Stephanie Dodier is a Non-Diet Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Cognitive Behavorial Coach. She earned a PhD in diet culture at the age of 40 after graduating from a 25 years dieting career. This podcast has been helping women since 2016.

Feel Your Best Formula with Lilias Lewis

Lilias Lewis

This is the Feel Your Best Formula podcast and I’m your host Lilias Lewis, a Certified Nutrition Coach and former registered nurse. After age 40, many women struggle with their weight and sticking to healthy habits. My Feel Your Best Formula takes the guesswork out of building a healthy lifestyle, so you can lose weight for good and never buy another diet plan again! Getting fit after 40 can be a minefield of misinformation, struggles from your past, and hormonal changes. I spent years chasing weight loss, trying to get back to my "goal weight", eating low calorie and working out like crazy - but never being able to maintain my results. Now at age 47, I am stronger and more confident that ever - let me share the solution with you. The solution to gaining muscle, losing fat and finally feeling confident in your own skin!If you’re motivated to build better habits and routines and looking for realistic solutions when it comes to your nutrition, your fitness, and your mindset, then you’re in the right place. So, let’s leave the complicated diets behind - and let me help you build your formula for feeling your best.


江哲均營養師 & Medicathon團隊

我是一個營養師,最不營養的那種 如果我是營養素 那我願意變成一顆青豆 雖然你不愛我,但最後我會化為纖維 變成大便,守護你 然後噗通一聲,我們永別不見! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn



ためきよとゆい 小学1年生で出会って、はや15年。 よく2人で遊んでいた、たこ公園の雰囲気そのままお届け。 よければ聞いてってください。 感想や希望などあればtakokoenn@gmail.comまで‼︎ ポッドキャストの書き起こしサービス「LISTEN」 https://listen.style/p/sjuqlgoa?0SAYYLG4



營養師下班了! 這是叮噹&Liz營養師下班後開的Podcast節目, 來和我們一起聊聊下班後的那些是… 好事壞事,只要能紓壓的都是好事。 希望能讓你在上班通勤、下班放鬆、假日無聊的時候,聽到滿滿的好玩與有趣! ●夢想:無形置入營養觀念 ●注意:小心笑聲音量 ●更新:沒意外應該是每週二晚上下班 可以email或用以下方式找到我們↓ *Facebook粉絲專頁:白袍下班後 *Instagram:@dietitian_afterwork {music by Flummusic.ok: Funky Logo, Taigasoundprod/ https://filmmusic.io} {Hosting Provided by SoundOn} -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Optimal Protein Podcast with Vanessa Spina

Vanessa Spina

Vanessa Spina is a Sports Nutrition Specialist, Best Selling author, creator of the innovative TONE device, as well as a sought after international speaker. On the Optimal Protein podcast, Vanessa shares how to get effortlessly lean and improve metabolic health and fitness with an optimal protein intake! Featuring interviews with world renowned and leading edge protein scientists & experts, authors, and people with inspiring transformational stories discussing the best tools for becoming optimizing your metabolic health with whole foods, nutrition, exercise and more!

The Evolving Wellness Podcast with Sarah Kleiner Wellness

Sarah Kleiner

Sarah Kleiner Wellness challenges preconceived notions about modern health + wellness by breaking down scientific research into digestible, actionable actionable information to help people live genuinely healthy lives. We dive deep into circadian health, quantum health, hormone health, nutrition, and more. As a certified Nutrition + Quantum Health Coach, I provide instructor-led and self-led workshops and programs that allow people to regain control and intention over their wellness journey and health outcomes.

Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM

Have you ever wondered if there’s a natural way to lower your high blood pressure, guard against Alzheimer’s, lose weight, and feel better? Well, as it turns out, there is. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, founder of NutritionFacts.org and New York Times best-selling author of How Not to Die, How Not to Diet, and the just-released How Not to Age, uncovers the best evidence-based nutrition that may add years to our life and life to our years.

The Fasting Method Podcast

The Fasting Method

The Fasting Method Podcast is your source for the science of intermittent fasting, offering the best advice and most compelling insight on what it takes to lose the weight for good. Co-hosted by world-leading fasting experts, Megan Ramos, Nadia Pateguana, N.D., and Terri Lance, Ph.D., each episode takes a deep dive on a range of hot topics, and answers listeners' questions about fasting.

Food For Thought

Rhiannon Lambert

Food For Thought is brought to you by Rhiannon Lambert, the UK's leading Nutritionist, founder of private Harley Street clinic Rhitrition and her evidence-based supplements Rhitrition+, and Sunday Times Bestselling author of The Science Of Nutrition and The Science of Plant-Based Nutrition. On a mission to simplify wellness, Rhiannon’s Food For Thought podcast will equip you with all the evidence-based advice you need to live and breathe a healthy lifestyle. She is joined by special guests, all of whom can be considered experts in the world of wellbeing, so that together we can learn fact from fiction and empower the healthiest versions of ourselves with trusted, expert advice. For more information, please visit http://Rhitrition.com and follow @Rhitrition. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



『管理栄養士も知らない未病予防栄養学®️』 日々の勉強やビジネスにおいてインプットしてきた内容やそこから得た気づきを📣 WELL BE INDUSTRYの栄養おたく山本の個人の見解にて配信しております。 #未病予防栄養学#分子栄養学 ✉️メルマガ✉️(未病予防栄養学マガジン)始めました! ↓登録してね https://d.bmb.jp/bm/p/f/tf.php?id=bm16063yc&task=regist   ■インスタから分子栄養学の無料勉強会へご招待 https://www.instagram.com/takuma_wellbe/   ■健康第1学校、WELL BE CHECKなどの各種情報・登録はこちらから↓ https://bit.ly/3DfPFtx

Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition

Dr. Jockers

Join Dr David Jockers, Doctor of Natural Medicine and Functional Nutritionist as he shares science-based solutions to improve your health. Dr Jockers' work has been published in various popular media outlets including ABC, Fox News, The Hallmark Channel - Home & Family TV Show and the Dr Oz Show. On this podcast, Dr Jockers shares his best strategies to reduce inflammation, burn fat, improve your brain, natural detoxification, gut health, immune health and much more. To learn more about Dr Jockers and access free health and nutrition resources go to drjockers.com **This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The information in this podcast has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other medical body. **In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume that I receive a commission from sales of the products discussed in the podcast.

The Wellness Hub

Drew Munro

Hosted by Drew Munro, The Wellness Hub is a show dedicated to helping you lead your most productive & healthy life. Each week we host entrepreneurs, innovators, and disruptors to share their personal journeys and advice on how to prioritize your health and accomplish more in the modern world. We explore topics ranging from healthy eating, technology, bio-hacking, fitness, mindfulness & more.



Trime je první ryze český startup s vlastní výrobou prémiových výživových doplňků pro prevenci chorob a celkové zdraví člověka. Soustředí se na kvalitu a účinnost zvolených ryze přírodních surovin i kontrolu nad výrobním procesem bez plnidel a příměsí. Ve vlastním podcastu se formou rozhovorů s odborníky věnujeme tematice zdraví, výživy, suplementace, pohybu či spánku. Základním kamenem filozofie Trime je výroba prostřednictvím nejpokročilejších technologií dle vlastních přísných standardů – ty zákonné naší vizi nedostačují. Pro Trime zkratky ke zdraví neexistují, všechny produkty tvoříme na území EU, na základě vlastního důkladného výzkumu a ve spolupráci s odborníky. Trime, to je kvalita až do poslední molekuly.

High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS

Author Mike Mutzel interviews Jeff Bland, Datis Kharrazian, Ben Greenfield, Abel James, Dave Asprey, Ben Lynch, Jade Teta and Corey chuler

High Intensity Health features breakthrough health tips and hacks from respected authorities in the Fitness, Nutrition and Functional Medicine fields. Our expert guests have shared insider information that has helped thousands of Moms, Dads, Executives, Health Care Professionals and High-Performing Athletes optimize their metabolism, belly fat, gut bacteria, immune system,both physical and mental performance and overall health. No matter where you sit on the health and nutrition spectrum, you’ll benefit from our cutting-edge discussions, 2-days per week.

ITS HERTIME with Cody and Jess

Cody Sanders

Its Hertime is a podcast aimed to change the conversation about periods and women's hormonal health. Your period is supposed to simply just show up each month, without the pain and emotional upheaval that so often comes for the ride of hormonal imbalance. Cody and her guests dive deep into the root causes and discuss holistic solutions that can lead to healthy hormones and happy periods at every age and stage of a woman's life.

Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast

Dr. Shawn Baker

We share carnivore diet success stories that are truly inspirational and life-changing! www.carnivore.diet

Dishing Up Nutrition

Nutritional Weight & Wellness, Inc.

Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balance hormones and so much more! For recipes, articles and more, visit us at weightandwellness.com

Дроб и чѝли

Валерия Ангелова и Йордан Жечев

Дроб и Чѝли е подкаст от мрежата на Говори Ѝнтернет за храна, места и хубавото в живота. Пускаме нов епизод на всеки 2 седмици. Обикновено в петък преди обяд, но може и друг път. Ако харесвате това, което правим - Подкрепете ни, за нас това е Много важно е безценно! https://www.patreon.com/govori_internet

Nutrition Unlocked

Nestlé Health Science

Have you ever wondered why the nutrients in the food we consume have particular effects on our bodies? Why food allergies are on the rise? How gut health is linked to everything from mood to immunity? Or simply just wanted to know more about the relationship between science, nutrition, and our bodies?   Scientists are continually uncovering new understandings of how nutrition affects our strength, mobility, energy, and even mood. And there’s fascinating research on the horizon.    Join us as we invite our expert hosts and globally renowned guests as they share their knowledge and expertise in the fields of health and nutrition, to help us uncover the simple science behind successfully managing our complex everyday health needs. We’ll cover everything related to nutrition: from how it affects our brains to women’s health, to the meaning of “sustainable nutrition” and more. We even myth-bust.    The Nutrition Unlocked podcast, sponsored by Nestlé Health Science, brings to life the intersection of science and nutrition. With aging populations and people taking greater control of their health than ever before, we are making the science of nutrition simpler and more accessible for people all over the world and at every stage of life.    This podcast represents the opinions of our hosts and their guests and does not reflect the opinion of Nestlé Health Science. The content is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.     The podcast is available for download across all major podcast platforms including Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts. You can also access it via the official Nutrition Unlocked website. 

Carnivore Conversations

Dr. Robert Kiltz

Carnivore Conversations is a radical and enlightening examination of how the keto/carnivore diet can help to improve a wide range of complex health and environmental issues contributed to by the Standard American Diet (SAD). Board Certified and Practicing Reproductive Endocrinologist Dr. Robert Kiltz, MD and his guests tackle modern health practices and debunk the stories we’ve been told. No subject is off-limits! You will be presented with unique and extreme ideas based on personal experience and research that will guide you to transform your habits and optimize your health and wellness.


Rip Esselstyn

The mission of PLANTSTRONG is to further the advancement of all things within the plant-based movement. We advocate for the scientifically proven benefits of plant-based living and envision a world that universally understands, promotes, and prescribes plants as the solution to empowering your health, enhancing your performance, and restoring the environment. We welcome and support you wherever you are on your PLANTSTRONG journey and we hope you enjoy the show.



このPodcastでは分子栄養学や自律神経にまつわる身体生理学を中心とした、心と体ケアのヒントになるような内容をお話ししています。聴いてくださる皆さんの毎日が、よりあたたかく、愛溢れるものになりますように。 分子栄養学カウンセラー まなみ

Mind Over Macros

Mike Millner

A perfect blend of science and practical application in the fitness and nutrition world. Host Mike Millner discusses ways to improve your health, your relationship with yourself, and how to accomplish your fitness goals... focusing on the most important factor: mindset.

Find Food Freedom

Find Food Freedom

The Find Food Freedom Podcast is hosted by Sam Previte, registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and certified intuitive eating counselor. Sam is also the co-host of the What The Actual Fork Podcast. The Find Food Freedom Podcast was created to help you take simple steps towards food freedom and body respect. Diet culture has taught you to distrust your body; it's time to dismantle that together!

We Only LOOK Thin

Catherine and Donald Wygal

Catherine and Donald Wygal are a married couple who, after a life-long struggle, have each lost over 100 pounds. Join them as they work on keeping the weight off and pass along what they've learned along the way.

Las 3 R's

Nathaly Marcus

Repara, regenera y resetea para siempre tu cuerpo y vida. Esa es la filosofía de Nathaly Marcus. Junto a ella y sus invitados, descubre capítulo a capítulo técnicas, consejos y anécdotas sobre nutrición, mente, cuerpo. www.tiendabienesta.com YouTube: bit.ly/Las3RsYT Instagram: https://bit.ly/3c6lvLv TikTok: https://bit.ly/3fYWwLd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Metabolic Classroom with Dr. Ben Bikman

Insulin IQ

Welcome to The Metabolic Classroom, a nutrition and lifestyle podcast focused on metabolism, which is how our bodies use energy, and the truth behind why we get sick and fat. Every week, Dr. Ben Bikman shares valuable insights that you can apply in your own life and share with friends and loved ones. The Metabolic Classroom is brought to you by InsulinIQ.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


Shimohira Hitomi

人生まんぷくラジオへの訪問ありがとうございます📻 このラジオはアラフォーに突入した昭和62年生まれの私が、「看護師人生」「分子栄養学」「薬膳」そして沢山の気づきを与えてくれた「ホリスティックヘルス」などの学びからたどり着いた現在地の視点でおしゃべりする番組です。 人生まんぷくの由来は、食の満腹だけでなく、日々感じる気持ちを存分に味わおう、今を大切にしよう!という思いを込めています♡ 喋り下手ですが、どうぞお楽しみ下さい✨ ●食を楽しむラジオ エピソード1〜19 ●人生まんぷくラジオ #1〜 この番組について皆さんの声をお聞かせください♩ →Instagram(@hitomi_eiyo)のDMへお願いします♡ https://www.instagram.com/hitomi_eiyo

EP10 Sports Nutrition for Teens

Nutrition for Teens

Sports Nutrition for Teens is where we talk all things food, sports and nutrition for peak athletic performance. This podcast is for teenage athletes, because teenagers are unique. We talk with expert sports dietitians from around the world who work with the biggest and best athletes. Together we will simplify nutrition so that you can apply it to your busy, sporty teenage life. This is not yo mama’s podcast, but she is welcome to join us.

Food Matters Podcast

James Colquhoun

Welcome to the FOOD MATTERS Podcast! Bringing you game-changing health and wellness information, tips, tricks, and healthy hacks on all things nutrition, detoxing, weight loss, mindfulness, sleep, gut health, beauty, alternative healing, spiritual wellbeing, transformation, and more! This podcast is home to the best interviews with leading doctors, nutritionists, fitness experts, and thought leaders of the world who collectively share their wisdom and knowledge. Join hosts James Colquhoun & Laurentine ten Bosch as they crack the code on what it truly means to live a healthy, vibrant, and uplifting life free from the corporations that profit from our health. Discover more at foodmatters.com/podcast. This podcast is for you if you want to learn: - How to heal naturally from chronic disease - How to reduce inflammation naturally - How to optimize your gut health - How to reduce the use of medication and use food to heal - How to naturally boost energy & moods - How to naturally balance hormone levels - How to reduce cholesterol with healthy eating - How to prevent diabetes through diet - How to find healthy alternatives to sugar - How to naturally lower blood pressure - Healthy and delicious whole food recipes.


Yannick Haldenwanger

Der Podcast von www.this-is-vegan.com - dem Plantbased Lifestyle Magazin. In „PLANTBASED“ stellen sich internationale Gäste aus der Veggie- & Nachhaltigkeits-Community den Fragen von This Is Vegan-Gründer Yannick Haldenwanger. 🎙️ „Dafür haben wir doch Reißzähne!“ „Vegane Steaks sind pure Chemie!“ „Was kannst du überhaupt noch essen?“ „Vom Salat schrumpft der Bizeps!“ „Was ist mit Vitamin B12-Mangel?“ "Vegan wäre mir viel zu teuer!" „Vegetarisch geht ja noch, aber vegan ist zu extrem!“ "Fleisch ist mein Gemüse!" 🥩🥦 ❌ Kommt Dir bekannt vor?! Dann bist du bei PLANTBASED genau richtig! Yannick und seine prominenten Gäste informieren ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger über pflanzliche Ernährung und alles rund um einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil. Gemeinsam stellen sie Dir die neusten kulinarischen Highlights vor, räumen mit Mythen auf und verraten Dir ihre Lifehacks, um in die pflanzliche Welt einzutauchen. 📲 Abonniere diesen Podcast, um keine Folge zu verpassen! ♻️ 🌍 Be the change! #thisisvegan Werde Teil unserer Community 💚 💚 Folge uns gerne! 📲 Instagram 📲 Pinterest 📲 LinkedIn 📲 Facebook 📲 TikTok 📲 YouTube ------------------------------------------------------------- 📲 Begleite PLANTBASED auf der Reise durch die bunte Veggie-Welt und abonniere diesen Podcast, um keine Folge zu verpassen! 💚 Dir hat der Podcast gefallen? Schreibe eine positive Bewertung. Danke. ------------------------------------------------------------- 🎶 Die This Is Vegan-Playlist Mehr zum Podcast ------------------------------------------------------------- Du hast einen Themenvorschlag? 💌 info@this-is-vegan.com

Seems Like Diet Culture

Mallory Page, RD

Ever ask yourself "What the F does being healthy actually mean"? I mean there are 6000 diets, superfoods, wellness influencers, trends and somehow you're supposed to know what to do? Luckily there’s a podcast for that now…oh and you're looking at it. I’m your host, Mallory, a Registered Dietitian whose mission is to bring you no-bull information each week that will help you sift through all the health crap and misinformation that’s pervasive online. I’ll be giving you actionable information through a mix of solo episodes, guest shows and listener Q&As, all aimed at helping you learn what your version of health looks like. To work with me, go here https://pico.link/malloryjpage and to keep up with me, follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/malloryjpage/

The Happy Menopause

Jackie Lynch - Nutritionist & Author

Join award-winning nutritionist and author Jackie Lynch as she takes you on a journey through midlife to learn how diet and lifestyle can help you take control of your menopause symptoms. Each month Jackie covers a different topic, from managing hot flushes or dealing with anxiety to intimate health and strong bones. She'll introduce you to some fascinating guests who can offer expert advice on managing midlife hormonal changes and challenges, so that you truly can have a happy menopause. Find out more about the podcast and Jackie's work by visiting well-well-well.co.uk or follow on Facebook,  Instagram or X  at @WellWellWellUK.

Fuel for the Sole

Fuel for the Sole

Fuel for the Sole is a podcast hosted by Believe in the Run and sports dietitian, Meghann Featherstun. Together they answer your questions about nutrition, hydration and the effects it has on performance. They’ll discuss the latest tech gadgets, nutrition products on the market and bring in the occasional specialist. Share your questions! Email us at fuelforthesolepodcast@gmail.com to be featured on the show.

Organic Healthy Lifestyle

Talk 4 Radio

Nancy delivers the right recipe for healthy bodies and minds through a personal journey of discovery of what nourishes every cell, tissue, organ, and thought. Audiences are invigorated by her charismatic approach to eating healthy as they gain a real understanding that what we eat is, truly, who we are. Nancy’s clients have reversed medical conditions, lost weight, and learned how to eat energizing, healthy, fresh food. Nancy’s presentations give everyone some easy to implement health suggestions that can impact their health in a positive way for the rest of their life! Organic Healthy Lifestyle is broadcast live Tuesdays at 3PM ET. Organic Healthy Lifestyle TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com). Organic Healthy Lifestyle Radio Show is broadcast on W4CY Radio (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). Organic Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.

Intermittent Fasting Stories

Gin Stephens

Are you ready to be inspired? Tune in each week to hear real-world stories from successful intermittent fasters, including their best tips to help you find success. Intermittent Fasting Stories is hosted by Gin Stephens, author of the New York Times bestseller Fast Feast Repeat, as well as her other books: Cleanish, Delay, Don't Deny, and Feast Without Fear. Looking for a community of like-minded intermittent fasters? Go to ginstephens.com/community for more information and to join.

In a Nutshell: The Plant-Based Health Professionals UK Podcast

Clare Day and Daisy Lund

This podcast is hosted by NHS GP's, Dr Clare Day and Dr Daisy Lund who will take you through all things health and plant based. They are both experienced clinicians with an interest in plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine, and a passion to share nutritional education with colleagues and the general public. But they don't do this alone. Episodes have interviews with experts within the field of plant-based nutrition, bringing the most up to date evidence-based information in an accessible way, all while sharing tips and recipes on plant-based eating to improve your health and wellbeing.


Nozomi Ito


Inside Sports Nutrition

Bob Seebohar and Dina Griffin

So you think you know a lot about sports nutrition? Think again. Inside Sports Nutrition is for all ages, genders and abilities of athletes, from the recreational to the Olympic level, who want to learn real life nutrition implementation strategies to improve health and athletic performance. If you’re a coach, nutritionist/dietitian, or parent/guardian of a youth athlete, you’ll also find plenty of nutrition nuggets here to better support your athletes. Hosts Bob Seebohar and Dina Griffin, renown Registered Sport Dietitians and Board Certified Specialists in Sports Dietetics, will entertain

EmPowered Radio

Emma Montgomery

Welcome to EmPowered Radio, a podcast dedicated to educating listeners on all things nutrition, training, mindset, and personal development. Each week, join host Emma Montgomery, founder of Macros with Em, as she empowers you and gives you tangible takeaways to take the guesswork out of your fitness and nutrition.

The Nutrition Couch

Susie Burrell & Leanne Ward

Unlock your best health in just 30 minutes a week. Join the thousands of listeners who’ve transformed their lives with The Nutrition Couch, Australia’s top-ranked nutrition podcast. Each Wednesday at 6am AEST, dietitians Leanne Ward and Susie Burrell deliver powerful, bite-sized advice that’s easy to implement and designed to make healthy living simple and enjoyable. Ready for a healthier you? Subscribe now and start your journey with actionable tips that fit seamlessly into your busy life. Don’t wait—your path to better health begins here with The Nutrition Couch.

Menopause Uprising with Catherine O'Keeffe

Collaborative Studios

The Wellness Warrior Podcast with Catherine O’Keeffe discussion on menopause and life. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Fast. Feast. Repeat. Intermittent Fasting For Life

Gin Stephens and Sheri Bullock

Whether you are new to intermittent fasting or an experienced intermittent faster, tune in each week to this motivational and down-to-earth podcast to get inspired, learn, and have some fun along the way. Gin Stephens is the New York Times bestselling author of Fast Feast Repeat, and host of top-ranked podcast Intermittent Fasting Stories. Sheri Bullock works in healthcare, and her passion is helping others live their best lives. Gin and Sheri are friends and intermittent fasters, and their shared goal is helping others navigate their own intermittent fasting lifestyles. You can make submissions to the podcast by going to fastfeastrepeat.com/submit.

Good Bodies

Betches Media

Welcome to Good Bodies, a “wellness” entertainment podcast where all bodies are good bodies. If you’re still reeling from the toxic diet culture of the early 2000s (justice for Jessica Simpson) and constantly quoting your therapist, then Emily Lubin and Lauren Hope Krass are here to help you laugh (so you don’t cry). Diets can’t sit with us anymore but there’s a place at the table for body neutrality, body positivity, intuitive eating, and hot takes about which non-dairy creamer pairs best with our sharp cheddar cheese omelettes. For more Good Bodies content and the most relatable shit on the internet, follow us on Instagram at @everythingsfine.

🥕 KINOA, le podcast qui sème les graines d'une vie plus saine et plus digeste !

Julie Coignet , Naturopathe et Professeur de Yoga

Bienvenue sur Kinoa, le podast qui sème les graines d'une vie plus saine et plus digeste ! Je suis Julie Coignet, naturopathe spécialisée dans les troubles digestifs et les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin, j’accompagne aussi les femmes enceintes, les enfants et les sportifs via des consultations sur Montpellier ou à distance, des programmes en ligne et des cours de yoga. Ma mission à travers ce podcast est de vous aider à comprendre, simplement, comment vous fonctionnez, vous inspirer de nouvelles habitudes de vie plus saines et vous motiver à passer à l'action pour gagner en légèreté au niveau de votre corps, de votre digestion et de votre esprit.   Pour échanger, vous pouvez me retrouver sur Instagram @juliecoignet_naturopathe (https://www.instagram.com/juliecoignet_naturopathe/)  Pour recevoir les prochains épisodes du podcast, mes news et des conseils chaque jeudi dans votre boite mail, inscrivez-vous à ma News du Jeudi ICI (https://2dd5-naturo.systeme.io/newsletter-troubles-digestifs)  Pour savoir comment se porte votre ventre, faites mon test gratuit LÀ. (https://juliecoignet.com/maux-de-ventre/)  A bientôt ;) Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Fruity Ashtray


とあるシェアハウスで生活を送る大学生三人のお話 お便りはこちらから https://forms.gle/jqiVC7JEbSPftzdE9

The Melanie Avalon Biohacking Podcast

Melanie Avalon

Join best-selling author and actress Melanie Avalon as she interviews today's leading health and wellness experts, going beyond the fads to bring you all the biohacking tips, tricks, and techniques to effortlessly upgrade your body, brain, and life. Because why not live awesome? You got this! Theme Music by Narek Mirzaei, Artwork by Barbara McGregor

Grace Filled Food Freedom

Brandice Lardner

Grace Filled Food Freedom is a podcast that helps Christian women ditch the diet mentality and find food freedom through their faith. It's the place for real, honest talk about eating, weight loss, and body image all through a Biblical lens. Listen in and find hope, motivation, and encouragement that'll inspire you to keep your eyes on God and His plan for your health and wellness.

well said

well said syd

Dive into real talk on wellness, mental health, and personal growth with Well Said Syd. Each week, complex health topics are broken down into actionable advice, mixing expert insights with unfiltered stories of life's ups and downs - including your written in advice needs & stories. From anxiety to relationships, Syd tackles it all with honesty and humor. Well Said isn't just a podcast—it's a community of people supporting each other as we navigate life's challenges. Because we're all just doing our best, and it's better when we do it together. Join for those "I needed to hear that" moments and practical strategies to level up your life. Inspired by her own path of living well & self-discovery, Syd creates a space where listeners feel seen, understood, and empowered.

Fuel for the Sole

Fuel for the Sole

Fuel for the Sole is a podcast hosted by Believe in the Run and sports dietitian, Meghann Featherstun. Together they answer your questions about nutrition, hydration and the effects it has on performance. They’ll discuss the latest tech gadgets, nutrition products on the market and bring in the occasional specialist. Share your questions! Email us at fuelforthesolepodcast@gmail.com to be featured on the show.

Keto For Women Show

Shawn Mynar

The Keto For Women Show is designed to help women thrive on a high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet in a safe and effective approach. The keto diet can be an extremely powerful and healing diet for women, but needs to be approached differently than men in order to get these benefits! Holistic nutritionist and passionate health-seeker, Shawn Mynar of shawnmynar.com, provides you with the tips and tricks you need to feel amazing, have great energy, find your happy weight, and heal your body.

Nutrition with Judy | Carnivore Diet

Judy Cho

The Nutrition with Judy podcast is for people wanting root-cause healing with an elimination Carnivore Diet. Judy Cho, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and author of Carnivore Cure shares holistic health insights and wellness tips from her thousand clients, as well as interviews with experts and researchers in nutrition, psychology, and medicine. Judy shares the latest research in nutrition and wellness, and ultimately promotes self-knowledge and self-advocacy. Judy believes in nutrition and wellness for all, and passionately advocates for the people. Judy got a second chance at life with a meat-only elimination diet and is now driven to help people live the life they are meant to live, nearly symptom-free. 

Vegan Kids Nutrition

Karla Moreno-Bryce, MDA, RD, LD

Have you ever wanted expert advice on how to feed your kids a vegan diet so that you can leave behind that little doubt in the back of your mind? Karla Moreno-Bryce, a vegan, Registered Dietitian, and mom to two girls, created the Vegan Kids Nutrition Podcast to give you tips and strategies on how to help you feel confident as a vegan parent. Each episode focuses on a specific topic that you may be struggling with, where Karla shares tips and strategies to help you feed your vegan kids with more confidence. You'll learn behind the scenes strategies of how Karla feeds her own daughters. This show is about sharing Karla's own philosophies, evidence-based nutrition information, and insights on raising kids on a vegan lifestyle to help you feel empowered of your choice and reassurance in meeting their nutritional requirements. No matter where in your vegan journey you may be, you'll discover strategies you can implement right away to feel supported so you can ultimately feel proud as a vegan parent and have peace of mind you're doing the right things. 

NHA Health Science Podcast

Dr. Frank Sabatino

The NHA Health Science Podcast is brought to you by the National Health Association (NHA) championing the Gold Standard of a Whole Plant-Food Diet and Lifestyle Since 1948. The NHA's Mission is to educate and empower individuals to understand science-backed results from an integration of all aspects of health; personal, environmental, social, and the animals. All of our experts subscribe to a whole food, plant-based nutrition, no SOS, lifestyle and take a leadership role in advocating for healthy living and social justice. Many of our experts identify as ethical vegans. NHA supports medically supervised water-fasting. Water-fasting is a widely accepted protocol for healthy fasting.

Bicycle Talk

Ron Manizza, Fran Storch

Call-in talk show about bicycling.



食聊电台的目的是给听众带来最前沿最中立的营养学知识,帮助你更好的了解自己与食物的关系,为你的健康做出更好的选择! 我们致力于为大家提供关于营养学、健康饮食、运动健身、饮食与运动心理以及生活方式方面的科学知识和指导。 关于主理人 Connie珂楠,在北京运营自己的训练馆STRIVE Training。曾任职于世界顶级私募股权投资基金,为了追求自己热爱运动的梦想而转行投身健身健康行业,成为一名专长于力量和体能训练的教练和认证的营养专家。 拥有PrecisionNutrition一级营养师认证、ACE私人教练认证、NSAM CES纠正训练认证、PPSC训练计划认证、CrossFit L1、FMS L1、AnimalFlow L1认证。 Email: connie.sui@outlook.com

Sound Bites A Nutrition Podcast

Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RD, CDE

Hosted by award-winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Melissa Joy Dobbins, the Guilt-Free RD - "because food shouldn't make you feel bad!" Join Melissa’s conversations with a variety of experts on topics ranging from fad diets to farming and gain credible information to help you make your own, well-informed food decisions based on facts, not fear. For more information visit www.SoundBitesRD.com.

Dr. Matthias Riedl - So geht gesunde Ernährung

FUNKE Mediengruppe

Im Podcast 'Dr. Matthias Riedl - so geht gesunde Ernährung' mit Elisabeth Jessen und dem renommierten Ernährungsmediziner Dr. Matthias Riedl erhalten Sie alle zwei Wochen sonntags wertvolle Tipps und praxisnahe Hilfestellungen rund um gesunde Ernährung. Lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihr Leben durch ausgewogene Ernährung verbessern können – ganz ohne auf Genuss zu verzichten. Dr. Matthias Riedl ist Deutschlands führender Experte für Ernährungsmedizin, ärztlicher Direktor des Medicum Hamburg, Europas größtem Diabeteszentrum, und Entwickler der innovativen App myFoodDoctor, der ersten deutschen medizinischen Ernährungstherapie-App. #GesundeErnährung #Ernährungsberatung #DrMatthiasRiedl #MedicumHamburg #myFoodDoctor #DiabetesPrävention #GesundLeben #PodcastEmpfehlung #Ernährungstherapie #Gesundheitstipps
