

Hanna et Juliette sont deux meilleures amies depuis l'enfance, toutes les deux jeunes ingénieures, elles sont parties en vélo sur les route de France en quête de trouver des réponses à leurs questions. Elles vont rencontrer et vivre avec des paysannes et agricultrices de tout domaine, discuter de quête de sens, de l'agriculture de demain, de rythme et du futur qu'on souhaite construire. Prise de son, interview, écriture, montage : Hanna Cisaruk & Juliette Verdeil Création musicale et sonore : Rym Melano Avec le soutien de l'association Paroles de Paysans et le studio La Poudre de la Cité Audacieuse par la Fondation des Femmes Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

L'agroécologie, notre rapport à la nature

Edith Lecadre-Barthelemy

Mouvement social ou politique, discipline scientifique ... l'agroécologie est décidément un terme que tout le monde connait, rejette ou se réclame. Dans cette chronique, Edith Lecadre-Barthélémy décryptera les différents sens de ce mot, et explorerons si l'agroécologie peut être une solution aux enjeux de changement climatique, de sécurité alimentaire et de préservation des ressources naturelles.

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.

Physique de l'intérieur de la terre - Barbara Romanowicz

Collège de France

L'existence de la tectonique des plaques est acceptée depuis plus de cinquante ans, mais il reste encore beaucoup à découvrir sur le fonctionnement du « moteur » interne qui la nourrit et sur l'évolution de la terre et des planètes rocheuses au cours des temps géologiques. L'intérieur profond de ces planètes n'étant pas directement accessible, ceci nécessite une approche pluridisciplinaire qui combine les informations apportées par différentes spécialités des sciences de la terre. Dans les premières séries de cours, les processus dynamiques qui animent le noyau de la terre, son manteau profond, et le système lithosphère-asthénosphère ont été abordés. Une série de cours a été consacrée aux planètes et objets rocheux du système solaire. Plus récemment, l'ensemble des processus de déformation dans le manteau ont été étudiés. Les résultats récents sur la sismogénèse des tremblements de terre géants ainsi que celle des séismes profonds ont également été présentés. Pour la dernière série de cours de cette chaire, les techniques de pointe d'imagerie sismique de la terre profonde seront présentées.

Sustainability, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Politics, Activism, Biodiversity, Carbon Footprint, Wildlife, Regenerative

Environmental Solutions · One Planet Podcast · Creative Process Original Series

Les sols, merveilles invisibles - Tiphaine Chevalier

Tiphaine Chevalier

Revenons sur terre, à la terre, au sol, cette matière meuble sous nos pieds et nos bitumes. Les liens forts que nous entretenons avec les sols depuis des milliers d’années s’effilochent. Dans nos villes, nous n'apercevons presque plus leur surface, nous les connaissons de moins en moins. Dans ces chroniques, je vous propose de creuser et d'observer tout ce que les sols ont à nous offrir.

Bionic Planet: Reversing Climate Change by Restoring Nature

Steve Zwick

We've entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene, and nothing is as it was. Not the trees, not the seas – not the forests, farms, or fields – and not the global economy that depends on all of these. What does this mean for your investments, your family's future, and the future of man? Each week, we dive into these issues to help you Navigate the New Reality.

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

John Kempf

This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.



Poubelle est le podcast qui parle de la crise des déchets et des solutions pour en sortir.

Culture Champs

Culture Champs

 Culture champs : de quoi s’agit-il ? Un podcast qui nous parle de culture, celle d’un secteur qui nourrit le corps et désormais l'esprit : l’agriculture. Tous les 15 jours, découvrez au travers d'un mot le langage de celles et ceux qui cultivent les champs et qui façonnent nos paysages.  Qu’ils soient techniques, poétiques, récents ou ancestraux. A chaque numéro, nous explorerons ce champ de mots sans image mais en audio...  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.


Shangwei, MInghao


Nourrir le vivant


Comment répondre durablement aux besoins alimentaires de dix milliards de personnes en 2050 ? Nourrir le vivant, le podcast du Cirad, part à la découverte de territoires et populations qui réinventent leur agriculture, et revisite ainsi notre rapport au monde vivant. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

regenagri podcast


Featuring experts in the agricultural industry, the regenagri podcast explores the ways that global farming is steering towards more regenerative agriculture approaches and how the movement is evolving at pace. Tune in regularly to hear about all things regenerative and stay at the forefront of the global movement.

Agir pour le climat : Comment réduire nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre liées à l'énergie?

Les Ateliers du Futur

L'urgence climatique rend cette décennie critique pour les générations futures.  Nous devons tous agir vite et efficacement pour réduire de 50% nos émissions à horizon 2030.   3/4 de ces émissions proviennent de nos énergies fossiles.   Le verdissement de l’énergie sera donc un sujet central de la COP 28.  Dans ce Podcast, l'ONG, les Ateliers du Futur, décrit les solutions à notre portée : la sobriété et l'efficacité énergétique, l'électrification des usages et la décarbonation des énergies avec notamment les énergies renouvelables.  Nous savons donc comment agir pour construire un monde plus propre et plus durable. Chacun, citoyen, entreprise, état, a un rôle à jouer face à ce défi collectif.   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Carbon Farming Podcast

Agoro Carbon Alliance

The Carbon Farming Podcast with Agoro Carbon Alliance brings you the latest news and insights from the world of agricultural carbon. Hear from industry experts, farmers, ranchers and agronomists about the carbon market and farm-based carbon credits in this ad-free podcast. Farmers and ranchers across the United States are increasingly making sustainable practice changes including: transitioning to strip/no-till, adding cover crops, managing nitrogen, and pasture and rangeland management. Now, with the addition of carbon credits − financial products that represent 1 ton of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere − these practices also provide a new revenue stream. Join us, we're creating a solution that is grounded in soil.

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast

Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum & Phil Totaro

Uptime is a renewable energy podcast focused on wind energy and energy storage technologies. Experts Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum, and Phil Totaro break down the latest research, tech, and policy.

Rare Earth

BBC Radio 4

Tom Heap and Helen Czerski tackle a major story about our environment, work out how we got here and meet the brave, clever people with fresh ideas to help us - and nature - thrive. They won’t shy away from the big stuff - temperatures rising while wildlife declines - but this won’t be a weekly dose of doom-laden predictions and tortured hand-wringing. Rare Earth is here to celebrate the wonder of nature and meet the people determined to keep it wonderful.

Crazy Town

Post Carbon Institute: Sustainability, Climate, Collapse, and Dark Humor

With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves.

Quirks and Quarks


CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.

A Voyage to Antarctica


Journalist and broadcaster Alok Jha talks to leading explorers, scientists, conservationists and artists about Antarctica’s fascinating past, present and future, to discover why the icy continent matters to us all. Created by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first sighting of Antarctica. UKAHT is a charity, championing the public understanding of, and engagement with Antarctica through the history of human endeavour in the region. UKAHT looks after British historic sites and artefacts in Antarctica and invests in global public programmes and education; enabling more people to discover, understand, value and protect this precious wilderness.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Climate One

Climate One from The Commonwealth Club

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Co-Hosts Greg Dalton and Ariana Brocious bring you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us. Subscribe to Climate One on Patreon for access to ad-free episodes and the Climate One Discord server.

Nuclear Waste: The Whole Story

Deep Isolation

At Deep Isolation, we believe that listening is one of the most important elements of a successful nuclear waste disposal program. A core value of the company is to seek and listen to different perspectives on the matter of nuclear waste, nuclear energy, and disposal solutions. We have created this series to interview experts and stakeholders that represent aspects of nuclear waste. Our hope is to bring clear picture of Nuclear Waste: The Whole Story.


Jen Gale

If you feel like you're drowning in plastic and need to use a small child to jump up and down on top of your black bin each fortnight to get the lid to shut, or you want to save the planet but you're exhausted at the very idea, then this is the podcast for you! Sustianable(ish) isn't about austerity, or deprivation, or needing to live off grid in a yurt (although if that's your bag you're also very welcome!) - it's about you, and me, and the power of our actions. The small tweaks we can make, the baby steps, and how they add up to change the world.

RSM River Mechanics Podcast

Stanford Gibson

Conversations about River Mechanics, Sediment Transport, and Fluvial Geomorphology


Adame Rouchdi

Quel est l’impact des conditions de fusion partielle de la peridotite mantellique sur la surface du globe?

Principio de Incertidumbre

Canal Extremadura

Te acercamos los avances más destacados de la ciencia, una disciplina necesaria para el desarrollo y bienestar de nuestra sociedad. Con Jorge Solís.

The Sustainability Agenda

Fergal Byrne

The Sustainability Agenda is a weekly podcast exploring today’s biggest sustainability questions. Leading sustainability thinkers offer their views on the biggest sustainability challenges, share the latest thinking, identify what’s working --and what needs to change -- and think about the future of sustainability.

Cities 1.5

University of Toronto Press

Cities 1.5 is a podcast featuring progressive policy conversations with urban leaders taking action to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. Hosted by David Miller and developed by University of Toronto Press, this podcast serves as a platform to discuss the most pressing policy and underlying economic issues facing cities in their effort to lead on transformational climate action. The podcast is an extension of the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (, which publishes timely, evidence-based research that contributes to the urban climate agenda and supports governmental policy towards an equitable and resilient world. Join Editor-in-Chief and host David Miller as he speaks with mayors, city policymakers, economists, youth leaders, and scholars, among others, who are implementing and fighting for ambitious, near-term climate action.

For the love of weather

Gemma Plumb & Aisling Creevey

Meet Gemma and Aisling. They have worked in the UK as meteorologists for over ten years. Gemma came up with the idea that maybe others might like to listen to the non stop conversations they still have all these years later about the weather. Over the years they have forecast for festivals, farming, road, rail, energy, media, aviation and even the humble ice cream demand forecast and so much more. They have gone through job changes, life changes and delved in and out of many hobbies and somehow the weather still weaves in and out of their lives. So this podcast is for anyone who would like to join our weather conversations and wherever the jet stream may take us! We hope you join us for our bi weekly chat and leave each episode loving the weather just that little bit more.

One Health, à la découverte de la santé globale

Fondation Paris Saclay

Bienvenue dans ce podcast dédié à l'exploration des interconnexions entre la santé humaine, animale et environnementale à travers le prisme de l'approche One Health. Cette perspective unifiée nous incite à envisager la santé sous un angle nouveau, reconnaissant l'indissociabilité de ces trois piliers. Ensemble, explorons comment une vision intégrée de la santé peut bénéficier à toutes et tous ! One Health est un podcast de la fondation Paris Saclay, animé par le Master Marketing Pharmaceutique et Technologie de Santé, produit par MedShake Studio avec le soutien du Leem.  Saison 1 - Galien, et après ? Ce podcast vous donne à écouter des étudiants en pharmacie qui s’interrogent sur la santé d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Quel est l’avenir de la santé mentale ? A quoi ressemblera la communication digitale dans le futur ? Le numérique peut-il soigner les patients ? Et vous verrez, les pharmaciens ne servent pas qu'à vendre des boîtes ! Bonne écoute ! Si ce podcast vous plaît, parlez-en autour de vous, abonnez-vous sur les plateformes d’écoute et couvrez-nous d’étoiles ! Ce podcast vous est proposé par MedShake Studio, studio de production spécialisé dans la santé créé par Marguerite de Rodellec et Anca Petre. Sachez que nous avons d’autres podcasts qui parlent de santé. Pour les écouter, rendez-vous sur ( Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The MapScaping Podcast - GIS, Geospatial, Remote Sensing, earth observation and digital geography


A podcast for the mapping community. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial and the mapping world. This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community


Randall Carlson

All the Randall you can handle


Catie Payne

Reskillience is a podcast about skills, about the resilience they bring, and about living closer to the ground so we don’t have quite so far to fall if our fragile modern systems fail us. Hosted by Catie Payne, released every Monday.

Geology Bites

Oliver Strimpel

What moves the continents, creates mountains, swallows up the sea floor, makes volcanoes erupt, triggers earthquakes, and imprints ancient climates into the rocks? Oliver Strimpel, a former astrophysicist and museum director asks leading researchers to divulge what they have discovered and how they did it. To learn more about the series, and see images that support the podcasts, go to Instagram: @GeologyBites Twitter: @geology_bites Email:

Green Tech Today (Audio)


Green Tech Today is the essential show for the eco-minded geek. Brought to you by the TWiT network and hosted by Becky Worley and Dr. Kiki, Green Tech Today covers the technology, news, gadgets, and innovation fueling the green movement! Green Tech Today is fun, informative, and full of ideas! Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.

Grains de culture

Grains deCulture

Face à l’urgence climatique et à l’augmentation de la population mondiale, les agriculteurs sont au coeur de tous les défis : nourrir 8 milliards de personnes, tout en développant une agriculture résiliente. C’est-à-dire capable de lutter contre les bouleversements du climat, de tendre vers la neutralité carbone et de préserver la biodiversité.  VIVESCIA ( appartient à 10.000 agriculteurs coopérateurs.  Sa mission, c’est d’être chaque jour à leurs côtés.  Cette collection de podcasts vous explique comment agriculteurs et collaborateurs de VIVESCIA s’engagent et innovent pour une agriculture plus résiliente et une alimentation plus durable. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.



Dangers of pollution and call to action against it.

It's Sedimentary, My Dear: A Geology Podcast

Ellen & Jane

Micro et truelle, la chronique des archéologues de la Ville de Lyon


Qu’est-ce que l’archéologie aujourd’hui dans une ville comme Lyon ? Où fouille-t-on ? Que trouve-t-on ? Qu’apprend-t-on sur notre environnement et son évolution ? Une co-production du Service archéologique de la Ville de Lyon et Cité anthropocène.

Échos de Ferme

Sophie Dias

Bienvenue sur Échos de Ferme ! Je suis Sophie Dias, l'hôte de ce podcast qui donne la parole à des agriculteurs et agricultrices passionnés pour comprendre leurs défis et s'interroger sur l'avenir de notre agriculture et de notre assiette. Ici tu découvriras les systèmes agricoles traditionnels et les nouvelles pratiques innovantes tout en abordant avec légèreté des sujets d'actualité. Je compte sur toi pour me soutenir sur les réseaux sociaux et recommander mon podcast. Installe-toi, notre aventure commence ! Jingle : Spark de Vexento (Licence : CreativeCommons by 3.0)

NOAA Ocean Podcast

National Ocean Service

From corals to coastal science, connect with NOAA experts in our podcast series that explores questions about the ocean environment.

Earth Day

Katie Brown

Earth Day is a compelling six-part podcast series designed to ignite passion and action for our planet. Celebrating Earth Day's legacy, this series delves into its origins, showcases environmental success stories, and confronts the stark realities of the climate crisis. Listeners will be taken on a journey through the importance of biodiversity, innovative solutions for sustainable living, and the groundbreaking green technologies shaping our future. Each episode, enriched with interviews from leading environmentalists and experts, offers a deep dive into the challenges and triumphs of conservation efforts worldwide. "Earth Matters" culminates in a powerful call to action, inspiring individuals and communities to join hands in safeguarding our planet for future generations. Join us as we explore the beauty, resilience, and vulnerability of Earth, laying the groundwork for a more sustainable and hopeful future

The Hydrogen Podcast

Paul Rodden

Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! This show is for energy investors and analysts who want to learn about how hydrogen is driving the evolution of energy. We will drill down into the hydrogen market and discuss where capital is being deployed and where financial opportunities are developing. Learn from Paul Rodden, the hydrogen consulting expert that is on the speed dial of billionaire oil magnates and is dialed in to the advances and financial opportunities that hydrogen presents in the energy market. Inside each episode, Paul interviews thought leaders who are invested in the future of energy and driving the hydrogen market to new heights. He also shares his insights on the current opportunities and developments with complete transparency. From overall strategy, to future casting, to lessons learned, Paul will be your guide as you explore the concept of hydrogen as a fuel source, the advancements in the industry (present and future), and the economic opportunities that are available for potential investors.

SolarPunk Permaculture

Sam Betteridge

The SolarPunk Permaculture Podcast seeks to forge the powerful narrative force of the SolarPunk movement w/ the ethics and design principles that underpin Permaculture.



At Animalia we aim to share important stories and information related to protecting this planet and positively impacting the public discussion around climate, biodiversity, and the natural world.

Things You Can't Live Without

Rio Tinto / Listen

Phones, cars, saucepans, reading glasses… These are everyday items that we often take for granted. But how did these items come about? What goes into creating them? How did they become so vital to us? And what is the impact of living with them, now and into the future?    Hosted by material scientist Dr. Anna Ploszajski, each episode welcomes a different guest, and a selection of experts and scientists, to discuss the truths about our reliance on the earth’s resources and to look at what needs to happen to create a sustainable future for the everyday items we have come to rely on.   Things You Can’t Live Without is brought to you by Rio Tinto. Available wherever you get your podcasts. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Lyne Morissette

Découvrez nos contenus audio qui mettent en valeur la recherche scientifique québécoise et la conservation du milieu marin d'ici.

Greenosphere Show

Boris Rezaire

Bonjour à tous, je m’appelle Boris Rezaire et bienvenue sur le Greenosphere show. Mais du coup c’est quoi le Greenosphere show? L’idée de ce podcast est de promouvoir un nouveau visage de l’écologie et montrer qu’on peut kiffer sa vie à fond tout en ayant un mot de vie qui protège la vie sur terre. On va rencontrer des entrepreneurs, des aventuriers, des activistes, des créatifs qui vont nous partager leur parcours, leurs expériences, leur vision du monde et leurs astuces pour mieux construire l’avenir. Plus d'infos sur ! Bonne écoute :)

PlanetGeo: The Geology Podcast

Chris and Jesse

A Geology and Earth Science Podcast. Join Chris, an award-winning geology teacher, and Jesse, a geoscience professor, in discussing the amazing features of our planet and their impact on your everyday life. No prior knowledge required. New episodes coming at you every week. Listen, subscribe, share with someone you know!

Permaculture for the Future

Josh Robinson

The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture for the Future Podcast is about spreading positive and impactful stories, tips, and ways that each one of us can transition into a regenerative lifestyle. We talk about simple ways to make lifestyle changes and interview authors, teachers, and other folks that are collectively healing ourselves and the planet.If you want to make an ecological impact, stick around because this podcast is for you.

Living on a Changing Planet

Carter Powis & Patrick Kennedy-Williams

Climate change has been endlessly debated. Is it happening? Are humans causing it? How bad is it going to get? What should we do about it? In this podcast a climate scientist and clinical psychologist team up to tackle the topic that’s missing from the climate conversation: how do you learn to live with it? Whether you’re an energy worker who’s facing the loss of your job and ability to provide for your family, a youth activist afraid of what the future holds, or a nature-lover grieving the rapid ongoing destruction of our biosphere - we sit down with world-leading experts on climate change and the energy transition to explore the thoughts and feelings that keep them up at 2 A.M., and talk about how they manage them productively. No political agenda. No alarmism. Just open, fact-based conversation about what it means to be a human being living on a changing planet. New episodes weekly!

The Biochar Podcast


The Biochar Podcast presented by ANZBIG features experts speaking about Biochar,  how it's made, its uses and applications, and the impacts it has socially, economically and environmentally. ANZBIG is a not-for-profit industry group, and as a global leader in biochar, assists companies, governments, and institutions in the effective production and use of biochar. ANZBIG works to streamline education, research, collaboration, and the commercial uptake of biochar. Our aim is to help create a more sustainable future, greater economic prosperity and an improved quality of life for all of us.

American Shoreline Podcast Network

The American Shoreline Podcast Network

ASPN is the platform for top minds in the coastal and ocean space. Whether your interest is coastal business, policy, science, engineering or advocacy, with ASPN you'll be better prepared, better informed, and better equipped to adapt and thrive. No other platform brings together so many cross-sectional coastal experts. We believe understanding the spectrum of coastal issues and interests is the key to truly thriving on the American shoreline. Hear the complete coastal conversation on the American Shoreline Podcast Network. ASPN is a service of Coastal News Today.

Deep Seed Podcast

Raphael Esterhazy

Welcome to the Deep Seed Podcast, where we delve into the transformative world of regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration. Join your host, Raphaël, on a captivating journey, as we explore groundbreaking solutions for a healthier planet. From in-depth conversations with farmers revolutionizing their fields to insights from leading experts reshaping our understanding of sustainability, each episode is a deep dive into the challenges and triumphs of creating a vibrant, regenerative future. Whether you're an environmentally conscious individual, a professional in the fields of agriculture and environmental science, or simply someone passionate about sustainability and eager to learn, this podcast is your gateway to the stories and strategies shaping our world. Tune in, be inspired, and join the conversation towards a regenerative tomorrow. This podcast is produced in partnership with Soil Capital, a company that supports regenerative agriculture for food system resilience and climate action, by financially rewarding farmers who improve soil health. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

Sustainable Asia

Sustainable Asia

Stories about Asia and the environment...that you probably haven’t heard yet.  A new perspective on how different countries in Asia are tackling a changing planet. 

Cutting Carbon

GE Gas Power

Climate change is the dialogue of our future. With the “Cutting Carbon” podcast series, GE Gas Power joins the conversation in a meaningful way. We provide the basics of decarbonization, the technologies behind and how we can implement them into how we generate electricity in the future. Join our host Jeff Goldmeer, GE’s fuel guy, as we bring various guests and exciting perspectives together. Questions or ideas? Email us at


Barbara Vasque

Entrevista sobre o universo

The Global Energy & Environmental Law Podcast

The International Environmental Law Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association

A discussion of global and local energy and environmental law issues. Produced by Myanna Dellinger of the EinStrong Foundation, in conjunction with the International Environmental Law Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association

For What It's Earth

Emma Brisdion & Lloyd Hopkins

Environment, climate and sustainability podcast. We make big green issues bite-sized and explore the things that we can do to help out. Hosted by Emma Brisdion and Lloyd Hopkins.

Cities 1.5

University of Toronto Press

Cities 1.5 is a podcast featuring progressive policy conversations with urban leaders taking action to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. Hosted by David Miller and developed by University of Toronto Press, this podcast serves as a platform to discuss the most pressing policy and underlying economic issues facing cities in their effort to lead on transformational climate action. The podcast is an extension of the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (, which publishes timely, evidence-based research that contributes to the urban climate agenda and supports governmental policy towards an equitable and resilient world. Join Editor-in-Chief and host David Miller as he speaks with mayors, city policymakers, economists, youth leaders, and scholars, among others, who are implementing and fighting for ambitious, near-term climate action.

Performa 360 | Le Podcast


Dans ce podcast, nous mettons en lien des agricultrices et agriculteurs avec des experts Terrena ( de l’agronomie et de la nutrition des Ruminants. Du sol au rumen, nous vous accompagnons pour y voir plus clair dans vos problématiques du quotidien. 🌱


Cibele Guglielmi

Já pensou em estudar geografia de uma forma prática e rápida? Pois bem, fique conosco e aprenda um pouco mais sobre Geopolítica. Feito pela dupla: Cibele Guglielmi e Mariana Brum Strapasson. Turma: 23M


Indra Shekhar Singh, The Greenhorns

Tune in to EARTHLIFE, a podcast from Greenhorns about landscape restoration and ecological exploration. We talk with people doing the work, and interpreting the potential of their landscapes. Let’s make a foray together.

Rethink Talks

Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

From pandemics to production supply chains: how do we make sense of the complex world we live in? Every month, we bring together the best thinkers and practitioners within resilience thinking and sustainability science, to discuss how we can achieve a sustainable planet that enables well-being for all. Rethink talks provides you with the latest science on global development. Subscribe to our podcast by searching for “Rethink Talks” on Spotify or any of the major podcast platforms. Read more: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Katie C. Sawyer Podcast

Katie C. Sawyer

The Katie C Sawyer podcast is a reflection of the outdoors and our changing seasons. Curious about lifestyles within the outdoor industry? Katie is bringing guests to cover ranging topics from the offshore billfishing industry to bow hunting on our nation’s public lands. Looking for stimulating conversations revolved around the outdoors? We have specialized guests including, but not limited to: fishery scientist, professional freedivers, Lure aficionados, professional offshore photographers, global tournament directors, big game hunters, and so many more. If you have a passion for the wild, are always striving to expand your knowledge, and value the concepts behind sustainable meat harvesting, this podcast is for you.

Life on Planet A

Heidi and Bella

A sustainability podcast for those with good intentions. A podcast about sustainability, the environment, politics and all the craziness that’s going on in the world. You’ll hear it all from the perspective of Bella, the marine ecologist and Heidi, the sustainability consultant. Whether you're working in the field or you have never heard of the term sustainability, welcome to Life on Planet A.

Geology Podcast Network


The Geology Podcast Network is a source for geology news, career highlights, and insights by experts in the field from around the world.

Actualidad y Empleo Ambiental


Un podcast semanal de Empleo y Actualidad Ambiental asociado a la web Dirigido por Juan María Arenas y Enoch Martínez. (Twitter: @jmarenas_eco y @enochmm) En cada programa tendremos un invitado que nos ayudará a analizar la actualidad del sector del Medio Ambiente (Energía, Residuos, Conservación de Ecosistemas, Movilidad, Ciencia y Ecología, etc). También podrás escuchar algunas de las ofertas destacadas que tengamos en nuestra web, y también comentaremos las noticias relacionadas con el empleo en el sector. Cada lunes, tu cita con la Actualidad y el Empleo.

IGS Clima Podcast

Intelligent Growth Solutions

We’re always finding new insights around smart solutions. That’s why we’ve created Clima, a thought leadership content platform designed to educate and help businesses unlock their full potential.

Atmospheric Tales

Shahzad Gani

A podcast that amplifies stories and experiences related to air pollution and climate change from around the world.



「地球真好玩」是一档由日谈公园品牌播客厂牌——日有万机和吉尼斯世界纪录共同出品的播客节目。 来自「黑猫侦探社」主播咪仔、「日知录」主播柯紫、「人间布洛芬」主播小T,集结成最勇敢、奇怪的“地球小队”,带你一起探索地球上最奇趣的事与最传奇的人。 我们对一切事物保持好奇,热衷于在单调日常中挖掘独特体验,在多元视角中感受奇妙共鸣。欢迎大家在每周四加入我们的地球探索之旅!

Flora | Il mondo, attraverso le piante


Vi siete mai chiesti che influenza hanno le piante sulla nostra vita? Quando pensiamo al mondo vegetale la prima immagine che ci viene in mente sono i grandi parchi naturali o le foreste pluviali o ancora i rigogliosi giardini botanici. Ma se affiniamo lo sguardo, scopriamo che questi esseri verdi in realtà sono molto più presenti nella nostra vita di quanto pensiamo: dai vestiti alle medicine, dal cibo all’energia, le piante sono infatti le colonne portanti che sostengono la nostra vita sulla Terra. In questo nuovo podcast raccontiamo la loro influenza sulla nostra storia e le possibilità di simbiosi tra noi e loro per rendere più equo e prospero il nostro Pianeta. Flora 🪻 è il podcast di @Flowe 🌱, prodotto da @WillMedia 🎧. Host 🗣️ : Benedetta Gori (etnobotanica, ricercatrice) e Mattia Battagion (sostenibilità, Will)

The Bright Idea

Stanford Law Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program

The Bright Idea is a Stanford Law School podcast that highlights some of the most promising and inspirational work around the world in sustainability and conservation. Professor Buzz Thompson begins this series by talking to some of the past winners of Stanford Law School's Bright Award. The Bright Award is an annual environmental award given to individuals who have dedicated their careers to improving sustainability and conservation. It is the only award like it in the world, and it is the highest environmental prize given by Stanford University. Stanford Law School Alumnus, Ray Bright, established the Bright Award with the goal of recognizing the winners' prior sustainability work and supporting and extending that work into the future.



Les femmes et les hommes ne sont pas égaux face aux changements climatiques : c'est ce que souligne une étude de la docteure Annie Rochette, publiée en 2017 par l’Université du Québec à Montréal. De la gestion de la vie domestique, aux décisions politiques, dans cette série de cinq épisodes, nous discutons avec des femmes de la place que doivent prendre les Québécoises dans la lutte face aux changements climatiques et des moyens pour y parvenir.

Carton vert

Le Point

Avec eux, le changement c’est maintenant ! Partez à la rencontre d’écoentrepreneurs et de patrons engagés qui ont réussi la transition écologique de leur entreprise. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Tout contre la Terre, le podcast

Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Genève et Chahut Média

L’environnement est à bout et le climat est déréglé: pourquoi alors n’agissons-nous pas massivement pour sauver le vivant? En raison de nos émotions. Comment la peur, la tristesse, la colère, mais aussi la joie ou l’émerveillement peuvent nous aider à rétablir notre relation à la Terre? Dans cette série podcast en 6 épisodes, on raconte avec des chercheur·euses du Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives (CISA-UNIGE) comment les émotions jouent un rôle déterminant dans et face à la crise climatique. tout contre la Terre, le podcast: une série podcast originale produite par le Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Genève. Une réalisation Chahut Média

Ag Future: Innovation in Agri-Food


Ag Future focuses on the challenges and opportunities that exist within the agricultural sector. Join us as farmers, entrepreneurs and other agri-food industry leaders, both on and off the farm, discuss some of the most significant issues facing our planet and how they are working together for a better tomorrow.

Planet Possible


Planet Possible tells the stories of the people paving the way for positive planetary and societal change. Join host Niki Roach as she explores what's possible with practitioners and visionaries working on the big issues like adaptation and resilience to climate change, enhancing our natural environment and improving equality, diversity and inclusion in the environment sector. Everything is connected, follow this series as we explore those connections and discover what's really possible for our planet. Planet Possible is brought to you by CIWEM; a community of environmental professionals creating a more positive world. Season 5 of Planet Possible is sponsored by Accordion - find out more at Not enough time to listen to a full episode? Choose the length of pod to fit the time you have with Accordion by clicking the link above.

Volcan De Bardarbunga


Información sobre el volcán de bardarbunga

PFAS Pulse Podcast

HRP Associates Inc.

A companion piece to HRP’s PFAS Pulse newsletter, this podcast will keep you informed on the latest content from The PFAS Pulse, HRP’s free subscription service for PFAS data, regulation, legislation, and much more. We’ll be breaking down the complex topics you’ll see on the pulse into bite sized podcast episodes, as well as sitting down in conversation with experts in the field to talk about what’s new. PFAS Pulse subscribers, make sure to subscribe to this companion podcast as well to stay on top of the latest!


The Climate Lab

Poszerzamy swoją i Waszą wiedzę o tym, co możemy zrobić dla klimatu. Tworzymy przestrzeń wymiany doświadczeń i zapraszamy do niej wszystkich tych, którzy wykorzystują naukę, biznes, lub oddolne akcje, wytyczając nowe ścieżki w zakresie ochrony naszej planety.

Jeranism Podcast

Jeranism Podcast

Welcome to the Jeranism Friday Lounge, Thursday LIVE (DITRH Stein And Me)... [Audio Podcast Edition] a new show... with no specific topic, let's see how it goes. Enjoy the show. Some links will be listed below following the live stream! IF YOU CANNOT FIND THE LATEST EPISODES OF JERANISM PODCAST ON YOUR PODCAST PLATFORM GO TO FOR ALL EPISODES

Global Warming

Christensen Jack

Global warming, next way out

We Are Carbon

Helen Fisher

We Are Carbon is the interview show that helps us to recognise that the future of both our planet and our societies can be incredibly beautiful - and that we all play a role in getting there! Hosted by Helen Fisher with guests joining from across the globe. There's a new episode every other Tuesday, and they'll average 1 hr long. We see endless headlines warning us of the horrific impact that we're having on the climate and how dire the outlook is, but we're going to re-frame this crisis and start putting the solutions into our own hands. I'm inviting in voices from science, agriculture, business and more, to help us gain an understanding of how we might live in greater harmony with the world around us. How we can build a society where our everyday choices have a positive impact on regenerating and stabilising the planet that we depend upon. Because when the planet and nature are thriving; that's when we can thrive! That's when we can live in a world less focused on fear and restrictions. I don't think that real solutions are ever found until we zoom out, see the full picture and recognise how it all connects together. We can't view climate change as an isolated issue. Our health, our food security, stability of economies and the way we interact with one another, they're are all tied in. The topics can seem expansive, so we're using carbon as a focus. We're exploring some important, and at times complex subjects here. But the whole point is to make this info accessible and transparent to us all. So let me know if there's ever anything that you'd like breaking down or exploring further. Or if there's related topics that you feel should be discussed. Reach out and let's keep this project expanding! And if you're a visual learner, look out for the animations! I'm creating short digestible videos to illustrate some of the key concepts that we're exploring. Find them at Follow on Instagram Let's keep figuring this all out together!

Ecologia -


Quando l'amore per la natura si trasforma in odio verso l'uomo

Mycotoxin Matters


Mycotoxins present an ever-increasing threat to livestock production throughout the world. Mycotoxin Matters investigates these issues, discussing their impacts, potential solutions, sustainable farming and the Alltech Mycotoxin Management vision for a Planet of Plenty.

Earth Regenerators Podcast

Earth Regenerators

A podcast hosted by the Earth Regenerators exploring how to restore planetary health through regenerating both our natural as well as socio-cultural ecosystems.

The Seventeen

Kate Hutchinson

Kate Hutchinson talks to eco experts about how to meet The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Imagining Tomorrow

Emma Newman with Friends of the Earth

It’s hard to imagine a bright future in the face of the climate crisis. This new podcast, from Hugo Award winning podcaster and author Emma Newman,  will take you on a journey from despair to the most radiant, radical hope. Made in partnership with Friends of the Earth, Imagining Tomorrow shows how we can create a future that is good for people and for nature, based on innovations in technology and community action that are already having a positive impact. Join Emma as she pieces together the roadmap to utopia by interviewing amazing inventors, communities and award-winning science fiction authors. We can’t build a better future until we can imagine it, so let’s imagine it together.

In Over My Head

Michael Bartz

Michael is on a quest to get his environmental footprint as low as humanly possible. So he built his own off-grid Tiny House. But downsizing and minimizing weren’t enough. He had to take more drastic measures, altering his lifestyle in some extreme ways, all in the name of saving the planet. But when it comes to his goal, he still feels in over his head. He doesn’t know if all the downsizing, minimizing, reducing, reusing, recycling, and sacrificing make a difference. It’s time to bring in the experts. Join Michael as he sits down with scientists, policymakers, industry leaders, and environmental experts to figure out how to effectively reduce his footprint in all aspects of life. From food and fast fashion to cars and caskets, he gets into what the worst culprits really are and how we can all make more informed choices when it comes to the impact we have on the planet. If you have feedback or would like to be a guest on In Over My Head, please email:

Brújula Sonora Podcast


Somos un podcast de entrevistas e historias de América Latina que busca entender conexiones entre ambiente, economía, clima y salud, analizar el panorama mundial y compartir soluciones innovadoras que nos muestren la ruta a otras posibilidades. Somos Brújula sonora Podcast, aguja magnética para tiempos de cambio. Una iniciativa de @TransformaGlob

100 Climate Conversations


As Australia’s most ambitious climate-focused cultural project, 100 Climate Conversations aims to inspire action by presenting an evidence-based and empowering vision of the future. The program showcases 100 visionary Australians, taking effective action to respond to the most critical issue of our time, climate change. Featuring Mike Cannon-Brookes, Victor Steffensen, Ronni Kahn, Clover Moore, Rebecca Huntley, Grace Vegesana, Ross Garnaut and Ketan Joshi in conversation with some of the nation’s most respected journalists.


Rose Njambi

A podcast dedicated to all things geospatial. This podcast is based on blog posts on:

Tierra a la vista

SER Podcast

El podcast de medio ambiente, con Toni Ulled y Bruno Sokolowicz

Climate Curious


Are you Climate Curious? If you care about the world, but find the current conversation about climate change confusing, scary or boring – then this might be the podcast for you. Join TEDxLondon and co-hosts Maryam Pasha and Ben Hurst as we lift the lid on the climate emergency by speaking to the world’s leading and most relatable climate pioneers. Find out why cities are key to the climate fight, why we need to tackle systemic problems (and not just plastic straws), and why we’re all a bit crap at sustainability.

Back to Blue by Economist Impact

Economist Impact

Back to Blue is an initiative by Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation that aims to improve evidence-based approaches and solutions to the pressing issues faced by the ocean, and to restoring ocean health and promoting sustainability. The initiative will focus initially on aspects of the vexing challenge of pollution. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Sustainababble: comedy, nature, climate change.

Sustainababble: a weekly comedy podcast about the environment. Visit us at, on Twitter @thebabblewagon, or search for 'Sustainababble' on Facebook. Contact at

Tipping Point

Constantine Waltz

Hosted by Constantine Waltz, this series of podcasts collaborates with others to shed light on climate issues facing South Florida. From sea-level rise to water contamination, all the way to storm response efforts, this series dives into major issues facing South Florida now, and in the future. Listeners will both be informed and find ways that they can help with the climate crisis.

Soils For Life

Soils For Life

The Soils for Life podcast brings you the voices of farmers around Australia who are regenerating our precious soils and landscapes. In each episode we share the stories of farmers who are discovering ways to farm with nature, and explore how we can all help more farmers to head in this direction, for healthier food, humans and planet. These stories show how resilient, regenerated soils and landscapes can support profitable food-producing businesses, thriving and resilient people and regional communities, and abundant and nutritious food. Produced by Grow Love Project and Soils for Life.

Fatti di clima e meteo

Fatti di Montagna

Clima, meteo, ghiacciai... Per non rimanere vittime di fake news o della cultura del disastro non basta riempire i discorsi con "climate change", "fusione dei ghiacciai" o "non ci son più le mezze stagioni": ci affidiamo alla Società Meteorologica Italiana che da moltissimi anni è in prima linea nella divulgazione su basi scientifiche per capire meglio cosa succede e cosa possiamo fare.
