

Saftschubse!? Von wegen! Der Job als Flugbegleiterin beinhaltet viel mehr als nur Getränke und Snacks zu servieren. Sophie bietet euch in diesem Podcast einen exklusiven Einblick in die Welt der Luftfahrtbranche und nimmt euch mit, auf ihrer Reise um die Welt. 
Sie räumt mit Vorurteilen auf, gibt wertvolle Tipps für alle, die davon träumen, in der Airlinerbranche zu arbeiten und berichtet von ihren eigenen Erfahrungen als Flugbegleiterin. 
Das klingt interessant für euch? Dann schnallt euch an und genießt den Flug in der Höhenluft!

Cockpit Diaries

Julia und Anna

Wir sind Julia und Anna, ziemlich beste Freundinnen und angehende Pilotinnen mit ordentlich Kerosin im Blut. Wir freuen uns, euch in unserem Podcast auf unserem Weg ins Cockpit und darüber hinaus mitzunehmen. In Cockpit Diaries quatschen wir mit euch über unsere Pilotenausbildung, teilen unsere Erfahrungen und unsere Höhen und Tiefen des Flugschullebens. Wir sprechen über stundenlanges Klicken und den Theorie-Stoff, das Kribbeln im Bauch vor der ersten Flugstunde und auch, wie es ist, als Frau in einer männerdominierten Branche durchzustarten. Zeit zum Anschnalle, wir sind ready for departure!


Fritz v. Westernhagen, Johann Anders

In diesem Podcast geht es um die allgemeine Luftfahrt - u.a der Ausbildungsweg vom Fußgänger zum Piloten. An welchem Platz gibt es den besten Burger? FoF (Fliegen ohne Flugleiter), Flugplan aufgeben, wie ging das nochmal? Wir laden Gäste ein und sprechen über wichtige Themen, wie z.B. die ZÜP. Soll ich eine Flugschule besuchen, oder lieber im Verein meinen Schein erwerben? Wieviel kostet das eigene Flugzeug? Wie erlange ich meine IR-Berechtigung, was brauche ich dazu? Als dies soll hier in lockerer Runde besprochen werden.

Heldinnen in Strumpfhosen


Feuerwehr, Polizei, Arzt, Psychologe und Serviertöchter. Heldinnen in Strumpfhosen - der Flugbegleiter*innen Podcast! ✈️✨ Schluss mit den Klischees! In unserem ehrlichen Podcast erzählen wir euch von unserem Leben in der Luft und allem was dazu gehört. Zwischen perfekt manikürten Fingernägeln und Notfällen an Board. Wir zeigen euch, was es mit den Vorurteilen über Flugbegleiter*innen auf sich hat und warum wir Heldinnen in Strumpfhosen sind! ✈️ Schreibt uns gerne eine Mail an heldinneninstrumpfhosen@gmail.com oder folgt uns auf Instagram @heldinneninstrumpfhosen!

fliegermagazin Podcast

fliegermagazin Crew

Der fliegermagazin Luftfahrt-Podcast – von der Monatszeitschrift für aktive Piloten von Motorflugzeugen in der Allgemeinen Luftfahrt

Abgehoben - Der Hubschrauber Podcast

Andreas Hennig und Tim Pittelkow

Zwei totale Hubschrauber- und Luftfahrtenthusiasten sprechen über alles, was mit der Fliegerei zu tun hat. Hier treffen sich nicht nur zwei Berufspiloten, Tim und Andreas sind außerdem noch Fluglehrer und Prüfer. Sie machen also aus Fußgängern begeisterte Piloten und sorgen dafür, dass diese in ihren jährlichen Checkflügen zeigen, was sie alles gelernt haben. Andreas als Rettungspilot und Tim als Polizeipilot können auf mehrere tausend Flugstunden zurückblicken und teilen hier ihre Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen, ihre Tipps und Empfehlungen für Flugschüler und solche die es werden wollen und versuchen Licht ins Dunkel für die zu bringen, die noch nie etwas mit der Luftfahrt oder Hubschrauberfliegerei zu tun hatten. Ein schöner und unterhaltsamer Mix aus Unterhaltung und Information.

AvTalk - Aviation Podcast


An aviation podcast by aviation geeks for anyone who looks up when they hear an airplane fly overhead. Listen in as Ian Petchenik and Jason Rabinowitz bring you aviation news, views, and special guests every Friday. If you're a new avgeek or just can't get enough aviation in your life, get your avgeek fix with us.

The Flying Reporter Podcast

Jon Hunt - The Flying Reporter

Welcome to the Flying Reporter Podcast. I’m Jon Hunt, a private pilot and YouTuber from the UK. This new podcast features essential aviation news and updates, interesting people, and general aviation adventures from the UK.

AIRCRAFT Stories - Der Podcast über Flugzeug-Legenden und Ihre Geschichten

Fightertown Productions mit Unterstützung von Wikipedia in CC Lizenz

Herzlich willkommen bei AIRCRAFT Stories – der Podcast über Flugzeug-Legenden und Ihre Geschichten. In jeder Podcast Folge widmen wir uns einer Flugzeug-Ikone! Wir erzählen Dir ihre Geschichten: viele spannende Details z.B. zur Entwicklungsgeschichte, technische Details wie z.B. zu Design, Aerodynamik aber auch Einsätze und Varianten. Du bist Flugzeugfan und willst Dir ein breites Flugzeugwissen aufbauen? Dann bist hier genau richtig - willkommen bei AIRCRAFT-Stories - dem Podcast über Flugzeug-Legenden! #Flugzeugpodcast #Luftfahrt #Fliegerei #Flugzeug

Ready 4 Pushback

Nik Fialka

If you're looking to enter the commercial aviation industry, we've got the right podcast for you! With pilot and interview coach Nik Fialka as your host, we will deliver exceptional and insightful content to help you understand the landscape of professional aviation. We will help you organize your thoughts, score interview points, and ace the aviation recruitment process. You will get a deep dive into all the facets of the aviation industry by hearing directly from leaders and recruiters. You’ll learn how to stay composed and articulate yourself with impact as we uncover airline-specific pilot selection demands, analyze the aviation industry's culture, and give you great interview advice. Listen to the Ready 4 Pushback podcast to transform yourself and gain valuable perspective about your dream job!

The Mover and Gonky Show

C.W. Lemoine

Every Monday, Mover (F-16, F/A-18, T-38, 737, helicopter pilot, author, and wanna be race car driver) and Gonky (F/A-18, T-38, A320, dirt bike racer, and aspiring author) discuss everything from aviation to racing to life and anything in between. https://www.cwlemoine.com *The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.* *Views presented are my own and do not represent the views of DoD or its Components.*

Fighter Pilot Podcast

E. Vincent "Jell-O" Aiello, Retired U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot

The Fighter Pilot Podcast explores the fascinating world of air combat: the aircraft, the weapons systems, and most importantly—the people. Each episode typically features a guest who helps explain the topic at hand such as how ejection seats work or what it's like to fly on and off nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. If you love the roar of a high-speed flyby or are enamored by the poise and confidence of the brave men and women who pilot these aircraft, then this show is for you! For advertising, partnerships or other business opportunities, please contact: fpp@fearlessotter.com

I Learned About Flying From That

Flying Magazine

Tune in for the rest of the story—with exclusive interviews with pilots who have shared their emergencies, crises, and mistakes over 950-plus installments of Flying's iconic series, "I Learned About Flying From That." Host Rob Reider relates the tale as told by the author, then catches up with that pilot to ask the questions we know have been on your mind.

Pilot's Discretion from Sporty's

Sporty's Pilot Shop

Pilot's Discretion brings you authentic conversations with some of aviation's most interesting people. From honest discussions about flight training to fascinating stories from airshow pilots, this podcast is for anyone who loves to fly. Stay tuned for our rapid-fire "ready to copy" segment at the end of every episode, where we go beyond the cliches to find out what each guest really thinks. Brought to you by Sporty's Pilot Shop, training and equipping pilots worldwide since 1961. Have a comment? Email us: podcast@sportys.com

Boarding Completed

Nanda, Marielena

Zwei leidenschaftlichen Fliegerinnen, die in die faszinierende Welt des Fliegens entführen. Erlebt mit uns unvergessliche Geschichten die wir über die Jahre bei mehreren internationalen Fluggesellschaften gesammelt haben. Unverfälscht und schonungslos erzählen wir sie, in der Hoffnung euch zu unterhalten! Bei "Boarding Completed" ist das Boarding abgeschlossen, und wir starten gemeinsam zu einem Flug voller spannender Erlebnisse und kurzweiliger Unterhaltung. Willkommen an Bord! ✈️

The Afterburn Podcast

John "Rain" Waters

Strap in the cockpit as we dive into the stories of the men and women who defend the freedoms we love. From the cockpit of military jets to boots on the ground. The Afterburn Podcast dives into their stories, the planes they fly, and the missions they fight. 🎙️Afterburn Podcast Sponsors🎙️ Secure Your Digital Identity - Aura: https://aura.com/afterburn Launch Your Aviation Career - BogiDope: https://bit.ly/BogiDope For advertising, partnership, or other business opportunities, please contact: TAP@fearlessotter.com



Willkommen bei Flightdeck! Piloten und Fluglehrer der Motorflugschule Egelsbach erzählen von ihrem Arbeitsalltag und empfangen spannende Gäste. #ImmerWiederMontags

Pilot werden

Gregor Meier

Ein Podcast für alle die Pilot werden wollen oder sich für die Fliegerei interessieren.

Pilot Briefing - Aviation Podcast


Get your top five general aviation news updates each week right here! A quick aviation update for pilots or anyone who enjoys aviation, flying, airplanes, aircraft, or just your average #AvGeek!

The SAF Podcast

SAF Investor

The SAF Podcast is the only podcast on the internet that exclusively covers sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). So if you want to find out the real issues and challenges are for commercialising and scaling SAF production, look no further. Every week we will be hearing from senior industry leaders who are actively shaping the future of SAF and aviation. 

ATCpilot Podcast

Sebastian Thoma & Nils Menßen

Der Podcast mit interessanten Einblicken in die Welt der Fliegerei. Von und für Fluglotsen, Piloten, Luftfahrt-Nerds und allen die mit Flugzeugen zu tun haben.


Felix und Florian

Moin Leute, willkommen bei fensterplatz – eure Cockpitansage mit Felix & Flo. Wir, beide Verkehrspiloten, bringen Euch alle zwei Wochen die Welt der Luftfahrt direkt in’s Ohr: Wie wird man Pilot? Wie läuft die Ausbildung ab? Was unterscheidet Fracht- und Passagierfliegerei? Wir beleuchten die spannenden Themen und ermöglichen Euch den Blick hinter die Kulissen – willkommen an Bord bei fensterplatz! Alle zwei Wochen sonntags neu auf Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music und Google Podcast

Radar Contact - Pilot trifft Lotse

Tim Holderer und Saeed Aramin-Zimmer

Hallo, wir sind Tim, der Pilot, und Saeed, der Fluglotse. Wir sind beide luftfahrtbegeisterte Podcast-Hörer. Wir haben nicht nur beruflich miteinander zu tun, sondern tauschen uns auch privat oft und gern über die Fliegerei aus. Dabei erstaunt uns immer wieder, wie viel wir voneinander lernen können. Diese Erfahrungen und dieses Wissen möchten wir mit Euch in unserem eigenen Podcast teilen: mit der Sicht aus dem Cockpit - und dem Blick vom Radarschirm. Deshalb machen wir "Radar Contact - Pilot trifft Lotse".

Aviation News Talk podcast

Max Trescott | Glass Cockpit Publishing

General Aviation news, pilot tips for beginners & experts, interviews, listener questions answered, technical details on G1000 & Perspective glass cockpits & flying GPS approaches. 40 yrs experience flying general aviation aircraft. As an active flight instructor, I bring my daily experiences in the air to this show to help teach pilots and future pilots to fly safely. I'm a Platinum Cirrus CSIP instructor and work with people who are thinking about buying a new or used SR20 or SR22. Go to AviationNewsTalk.com for my contact information, or to click on Listener Questions, which lets you speak into your phone to leave a question you’d like answered on the show.

On-Air with Dan and Alex

Nonstop Dan & Alex Macheras

Join Dan and Alex 'On-Air' for a fresh take on aviation & travel's hot topics and beyond, complete with lively discussion, listener Q&As, and a whole lot of fun along the way.

The Flyover Podcast

USAFA Aviation

Welcome to The Flyover Podcast, part of USAFA Aviation. We will explore a variety of military aviation related topics by having Air Force pilots and other aviation related career fields on the podcast. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss our latest clips! *Views expressed are not endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense or its components.*

Pilot to Pilot - Aviation Podcast

Justin Siems

The Pilot to Pilot podcast is a place for aviators to come for inspiration and encouragement. We aim to help all types of aviators to continue pursuing their aviation dreams, whether that be flying commercially or flying for fun.

The Essence Of Safety

The Essence Of Safety Podcast

Hosted by airline pilot and safety investigator Nicolaus Dmoch (M.Sc.), the Essence of Safety podcast takes deep dives into accidents to uncover the often overlooked underlying causes. In the first season, we are going to look at the accidents of a Ju-Air Junkers Ju-52 in the Swiss Alps, a deadly, inadvertent activation of an ejection seat that killed one of the pilots of the famous Red Arrows aerobatics team, and the accident of Rescue 116, an Irish helicopter that was lost during a search-and-rescue missue - and many more.

Airline Pilot Guy - Aviation Podcast

Capt Jeff

The View from Our Side of the Cockpit Door

Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

Air Traffic Talk

RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots that host a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences in the national airspace system. The hosts and guests do not represent the FAA or NATCA and express their own views and opinions.


Lovefly Paul Tizzard

Bringing over 25 years’ experience of helping nervous flyers into each episode. Paul Tizzard, fear of flying coach brings experts and fear of flying insight together.

Hard Landings

Hard Landings Podcast

We are a weekly podcast here to give you insights into commercial aviation disasters and how they shape the aviation industry and make it safer to fly! Listen and check out our sources on our website at: www.hardlandingspodcast.com and check out our Patreon at: www.patreon.com/hardlandingspodcast. Please email us at info@hardlandingspodcast.com with suggestions/feedback. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hard-landings-podcast/support

Behind the Wings

Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum™

Wings Over the Rockies has a new podcast! Based on our hit YouTube and PBS series of the same name, the Behind the Wings podcast will cover everything from aviation history to the future of space exploration with thought leaders and experts in the industry. This one's going to be cool!

The Malibu Guru

Casey Aviation

The Malibu Guru Podcast features interviews and discussions about all things PA46. We'll talk about everything from PA46 acquisition, training, and ownership to emergency survival stories to just about anything else in the aviation world. If you fly (or are just thinking about flying) a PA46, this is the podcast for you.

Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast

Gavin McClurg

The Cloudbase Mayhem podcast is where you will find fascinating and educational interviews with the best free-flight pilots in the world. If you fly a hanglider or paraglider, if you fly acro or cross country, the Cloudbase Mayhem podcast is where we glean how the great pilots of the world get there. Hosted by Red Bull X-Alps pilot, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year and current holder of the North American foot launch record, Gavin McClurg. Follow me on Instagram @gavinmcclurg or on Facebook @ facebook.com/gavinnmcclurg or Twitter on @cloudbasemayhem.

Non-Rev Lounge

Monique, Lara and Tyler

Non-Rev Lounge is an airline employee travel and aviation podcast. Monique, Lara and Tyler work as Gate Agent, Flight Attendant, and Ramper they discusses our non-rev travels as well as having guests on to share their trips and tips. Stay in touch with us on Twitter @NonRevLoungePod and Instagram.com/nonrevloungepodcast

Meisterwarnung - Cockpit Chroniken


"Meisterwarnung - Cockpit Chroniken" ist euer Podcast für alle Luftfahrtbegeisterten, der euch mit hinter die Kulissen des Cockpits nimmt. Begleitet Stephan, den Boeing 737 Captain, und Tobias, den Tonmeister, auf ihrer Reise durch faszinierende Fluganekdoten und die geheimen Geschichten des Pilotenlebens.

Airplane Geeks Podcast

Airplane Geeks

Our aim to educate and inform you, explore and develop your passion for aviation, and entertain you a little along the way.

Barnstormers Broadcasting

Philipp Prinzing

Barnstormers Broadcasting ist der deutschsprachige Luftfahrt Podcast in dem erfahrene Flieger, bekannte Warbird-Piloten und interessante Persönlichkeiten aus der historischen Luftfahrt den Zuhörer mitnehmen in die Welt der fliegenden Klassiker. Detaillierte Gespräche und Interviews über die heute noch fliegenden Doppeldecker, Warbirds und Klassiker. Deren Geschichten, Technik und Flugeigenschaften. Die ganze Welt der historischen Fliegerei bekommt ihr hier in diesem Podcast.

planeTALK - der PilotsEYE.tv Podcast

über Menschen die Aviation leben und lieben

planeTALK - der PilotsEYE.tv Podcast macht die Faszination Fliegen hör- und sichtbar. |::| Die Gästeliste der 30-40min langen Episoden reicht von Piloten und Crewmitgliedern aus der TV-Serie bis zu Experten für tagesaktuelle Aviation-Themen. |::| Als Besonderheit bietet planeTALK auch die Möglichkeit, Fragen an kommende Gäste zu stellen. Mehr Info auf https://planetalk.tv |::| Ich wünsche Ihnen informative und unterhaltsame Momente mit unseren Podcasts oder unseren PilotsEYE.tv Dokumentationen. |::| Ihr Thomas Aigner (Kontakt: ta@planetalk.tv)

The Vertical Space

Jim Barry, Peter Shannon & Luka Tomljenovic

A podcast at the intersection of technology and flight. Here we discuss the most important forces shaping the market of advanced air mobility, with a particular focus on why and how they matter to those building a business in this very exciting and growing industry. 

The Next Trip - An Aviation and Travel Podcast

Doug and Drew

The Next Trip is a weekly podcast with aviation insiders Doug and Drew, who together bring more than 40 years of industry experience as a professional pilot and a hub operations manager at a major airline. Join them, and their frequent guests, as they create a network for other AvGeeks and travel enthusiasts to obsess about all things aviation. Doug and Drew discuss today’s aviation news, share personal operational stories, regale listeners with trip reviews, and engage in friendly AvGeek banter. All thoughts and opinions are their own.Visit us at www.nexttripnetwork.com or follow us on Twitter at @nexttrippodcast

"There I was..." An Aviation Podcast

AOPA Air Safety Institute

There I was…, presented by the AOPA Air Safety Institute, invites you into the cockpit with pilots across the aviation community. We fly with them as they encounter unpredictable scenarios and we learn from the knowledge and skills they utilize to fly safely out of them. This podcast honors the tradition and heritage in aviation to leverage “hangar flying” as an avenue to pass along knowledge and experience.

Air Traffic Out Of Control

Amy Tango Charlie Media

Air Traffic Out Of Control brings you the wildest air traffic control recordings you will ever hear from airports around the world. Emergency landings, stolen planes and even sightings of guys in jetpacks...we've got it all right from the control tower to your headphones!

Layovers - Air Travel podcast

Paul Papadimitriou

The Air Travel podcast — created by Paul Papadimitriou, hosted along with Alex Hunter — top #1 in 35 countries and counting.

10 Percent True - Tales from the Cockpit

Steve Davies

Interviews and anecdotes from military pilots and aircrew from across the globe. As the rule says, so long as it's 10 percent true, you're allowed to tell the story! Head over to the 10 Percent True YouTube channel to listen and watch at the same time. 

The Allplane Podcast


FAR AIM | Aviation Reg's | Aeronautical Info | FARAIM

Lee, Scott and Robert

A Drinking Podcast; That Sometimes Talks About Airplanes And Learning To Fly. A Private Pilot, A Commercial Pilot And An Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) As Hosts. They Got Board With The FAR AIM Book Years Ago But Are To Lazy To Change The Podcast Name (or do any show prep whatsoever for that matter). Welcome To The Oddest, Most Irreverent And Controversial Pilot Podcast In America.

pozri ja uz letim


Letecký podcast. Všetko čo si sa chcel dozvedieť o letectve. Príbehy z cockpitu, kabíny, hangáru. Plus letecký true crime - špeciálne epizódy Mayday o leteckých nehodách. Svetom lietania ťa prevedú Filip - nadšený Spotter a pilot s licenciou PPL, Lucia - bývalá Stewardka, Jorginho - pilot B737 a Palo - majiteľ simulátora B737

Popopropeller Podcast

Florian Rauls

Björn Lürßen und Florian Rauls behandeln Inhalte aus dem Paramotorfliegen gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Gästen und interessanten Themen. Instagram Flo: @tonspion88 Instagram Björn: @east_west_flying Web: www.east-westflying.de / www.florauls.com

Push To Talk - Pilot Deep Talk

Juan Becerra Cabas

Der Podcast, in dem Piloten nicht nur über das Fliegen reden, sondern auch über den ganzen Kram drum herum.

Airchats with Airmacs

Samuel Macadam

Welcome to Airchats with Airmacs, a series that opens doors to reveal the captivating stories of aviation professionals. Join us, your hosts from Airmacs Aviation, the air transport specialists, as we embark on a journey through the skies and into the lives of the people who keep the aviation industry soaring. We sit down with industry experts to explore their unique experiences, challenges, and insights. From navigating the complexities of air travel to the innovations shaping the future of flight. Buckle up for a behind-the-scenes look at the human side of aviation & business. Whether you're a seasoned aviation enthusiast or just curious about the world above the clouds, Airchats with Airmacs is your ticket to a diverse range of perspectives within the dynamic world of aviation. Welcome aboard!

MAVGEEKS: A Military Aircraft Obsession

BFBS Radio

Calling all AvGeeks! Join Gini and Jamie as they get completely obsessed with military aircraft. They talk to the pilots, air crew and ground crew who flew them, fixed them, loved them and sometimes even hated them.

Aircrew Interview

Mike Young

Interviews with past and present aircrew of both military and civilian types. © Aircrew Interview, all rights reserved

The Aerospace Advantage

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

The Aerospace Advantage podcast hosts real discussions with the world‘s top aerospace power leaders, both military and civilian, to tackle the most pressing aerospace issues that we face.

Atenção, Passageiros


O Comandante Lito está de volta - e mais habilitado do que nunca! Na 2ª temporada do “Atenção, Passageiros”, cada episódio terá uma nova formação de cabine. Assim como acontece num flight deck, a 10 mil pés de altitude, a tripulação deste podcast também conversa sobre carreira, tecnologia, viagens, músicas, e, claro, aviões. Afinal de contas, a vocação do nosso Comandante é consertar coisas. E nada mais reparador, do que uma boa conversa, não é mesmo? Seguindo os protocolos de aviação, que preveem melhorias constantes, a 2ª temporada levanta voo com algumas novidades. Para começar, chega de medo: a pergunta inicial foi atualizada. A qualquer momento do papo, uma chamada da torre vai informar as novidades da aviação, incluindo notícias curtinhas - as “pontes aéreas”. E para um desembarque mais seguro, o novo quadro “tela azul”, quando o convidado pode fazer perguntas sobre tecnologia para o Lito. Vale bug de qualquer sistema. Venha embarcar nos próximos episódios de “Atenção, Passageiros”, o bate papo em modo avião. A 1ª temporada conta casos curiosos da aviação e desmistifica muitas ideias e preconceitos de quem tem medo de voar.​

The Finer Points - Aviation Podcast

Jason Miller

The Finer Points is the original educational aviation podcast. Launched in 2005, TFP delivers expert CFI wisdom from award winning certified flight instructor, Jason Miller. Over the last 20 years Jason has been working to perfect the art of flight instruction. He was named FAA Wester Pacific CFI of the year in 2009 and 2016, works as an AOPA Air Safety Institute instructor, and writes monthly columns for FLYING magazine. Jason is passionate about conveying accurate, meaningful information to pilots.

Exit Point

Exit Point

Welcome to Exit Point - A podcast about the advancement of BASE jumping and the exploration of its culture. Whether you‘re curious about getting into BASE, passionate about mountain sports, want to learn how top adventure athletes approach risk assessment or are even a 2000 jump expert, you‘re sure to pick up tidbits of actionable advice on best practices or gain new perspectives when you listen to Exit Point. Laurent Frat and Matt Blank draw on their experience and network of professional jumpers to gain a deeper understanding of all things BASE.

Welcome To The Sky Podcast

LewDix Aviation

This is the Welcome To The Sky Podcast hosted by LewDix Aviation. In each episode LewDix will be talking about everything aviation, from flight training to the airlines and beyond. Guests will appear on episodes from time to time to chat about the best thing in the world: Flying! LewDix is a CFI, CFII and ATP in the United States. His career thus far has produced some interesting and funny stories that he can't wait to share with you and through the podcast conversations hopefully we will all learn something along the way!

„Check-in“ Der Flughafen-Podcast

Hamburger Abendblatt

Der Podcast über den Hamburger Flughafen und das Fliegen: Berndt Röttger, stv. Abendblatt-Chefredakteur und Reisender, spricht mit interessanten Menschen, die uns abheben lassen. Alle 14 Tage neu. Ein Podcast der Funke Mediengruppe



Histórias da Aviação produzida pelo Aviador Agnaldo "Felix" Silveira e seus filhos "Janjo" e "Tidous". Instagram: @pilotcastbr E-mail: pilotcastbr@gmail.com #aviation #aviação #aviôes

Flight Safety Detectives


World-renowned aviation-industry consultants and former NTSB investigators John Goglia and Greg Feith have 100 years of worldwide aviation safety experience between them. In this hard-hitting podcast series they talk about everything aviation -- from the behind-the-scenes facts on deadly air crashes to topics of interest such as tips and tricks for navigating through airports and security, traveling with infants and children, unruly passengers, and packing your bags to ease through security.

Uncontrolled Airspace: General Aviation Podcast

Jack Hodgson, Jeb Burnside, Dave Higdon

Three times a month the UCAP gang gathers to talk about all things GA. You can listen-in as some of General Aviation's most knowledgeable, opinionated, and plain-spoken characters do some online, hangar-flying. Show-notes can be found at http://www.uncontrolledairspace.com/

The Producers Cut Podcast

F-14 Calverton ATG Tomcat Podc

A community bulletin board show for the F-14 Tomcat. Join us as we listen to a few minutes of some great moments in Naval Aviation, talk modern Navy News, Movies, Airshows etc.. Another "SALTY" Production by F-14 Calverton ATG Baby!

RC Roundtable

Fitz Walker, Lee Ray, & Terry Dunn

RC Roundtable is a podcast about all kinds of radio control vehicles...but mostly the kind that fly. Fitz, Lee, and Terry seem to get their hands into just about every corner of this hobby. We like it all! The truth is, we share a lot of common interests, but we each have our own specific favorites and specialties. That's probably why we have so much fun when we get together. We use the recording sessions to catch up with each other, get things off our chests, and throw around a few light-hearted insults. We start each episode with a short list of topics we plan to cover, but you never know where the conversation will go.

Plane Talking UK's Podcast

Carlos, Nev, Armando, Matt & John

Carlos, Nev & Matt bring you a weekly Podcast that will focus on the Aviation news relating to us long suffering passengers.

Poďme spolu lietať


Zákulisie leteckej dopravy ako nikdy doteraz! Brutálne storky z lietadiel a letísk od pilotov a pilotiek, letušiek a stewardov, mechanikov a iných zamestnancov letiska a leteckých spoločností. Zoznámte sa s posádkou tohto podcastu... Filip je spotter s licenciou PPL, Maťo je pilot, ktorý lieta na Boeingoch, a Palo, majiteľ leteckého simulátora, to celé vymyslel a dal túto bláznivú partičku dohromady.Tešiť sa môžete vždy na nové príbehy z kabín a kokpitov.

So There I Was

Chuck Newton and Pete Harmon

"So - There I was." It's how ALL great aviation tales begin! Join hosts, Fig and Repete, as they bring in some great aviation raconteurs to relate the glamorous, hilarious, poignant, tragic, and incredible tales of aviation. Fig and Repete met more than 30 years ago as Marine Attack pilots in Marine Attack Squadron VMA-223 flying the AV-8B Harrier II. Both have since gone on to careers in the majors. Realizing that they are around the most accomplished professionals in aviation with amazing stories to tell, they decided these stories are too good to be kept quiet. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll laugh until you cry, but you won't ever be bored!

The Flying High Club Podcast

Raza ali

Welcome to the ultimate aviation experience! Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey as we bring you real, hard-hitting conversations with two of the industries up and comers. In this unique aviation-focused podcast, we dive deep into the fascinating world of flight. As we guide you through thought-provoking discussions that leave no topic untouched. From innovation that pushes the boundaries of aviation to exploring the diverse career paths within the industry, we've got you covered.

Behind the Prop

Bobby Doss, Wally Mulhearn

Behind the Prop is the Podcast for anyone involved in aviation from general aviation to professional pilots. Our hosts Bobby Doss is the owner of a flight school in Houston, Texas, and Wally Mulhearn is a pilot for a major airline and is also a designated pilot examiner (DPE) based in Houston, Texas. Weekly they tell stories, share lessons and tips from behind the prop. Together they have over 24,400 hours of flight time (Wally has over 24,000 of those) and collectively they provide very unique perspectives on general aviation, airplanes, and all things aviation.

Sicher & Noch Sicherer

AWiAS Aviation Services

Hör rein in 'Sicher & noch sicherer' – der Podcast, der einen faszinierenden Einblick in die Welt von Spezialhunden und Luftsicherheit ermöglicht! Moderatoren Daniel Jannett und Annette Wiedemann bieten abwechselnde Serien zu ihren Spezialgebieten: Daniel teilt Einblicke in die Fähigkeiten von Spezialhunden, während Annette aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Luftsicherheit beleuchtet. Erlebe Insiderwissen, unterhaltsame Anekdoten und spannende Gäste bei "Sicher & noch sicherer".

Lufthansa Technik Podcast

Lufthansa Technik

Listen to our experts: hot topics presented professionally and entertainingly. Immerse yourself in the world of Lufthansa Technik and gain valuable insights.

Plane Talk

Plane Talk

"Plane Talk" is the only live talk show of its kind in the world exclusively dedicated to General Aviation and the community of pilots. The show is produced by Radek Wyrzykowski - A Certificated Flight Instructor whose instruction is focused on aviation safety and pilot proficiency; Jon King Roberts - a Pilot, musician, and entertainer and Jason Archer - Chief Flight Instructor & Lifelong Educator. The program is an open discussion: opinions and commentary about General Aviation issues and news with a dose of hangar flying humor. We also explore aspects of flying such as training, proficiency, and safety. Occasionally guests from various fields of aviation come aboard, including flight instructors, industry insiders, and manufacturers. During our live shows, you can call 866-424-0172 with any aviation-related questions, suggestions, problems, or opinions. We'll do our best to laugh at you, answer questions - if we've got a clue, and have a little fun at your expense while doing it! This is a call-in show, but watch out, you can call us, but we can and will also call you!

British Airways Official Podcast

British Airways

Welcome to the British Airways Official Podcast. Every month we will be discussing key subjects around the airline. Each episode will see hosts joined by special guests who also work at British Airways, to delve into some of the exciting activity going on at the airline.  The podcast is a first for British Airways and will be hosted by four of its colleagues, who work in different areas of the business. Julian Marshall, a British Airways 777 training captain; Paul Ewen, a customer service manager (CSM) based at London Gatwick airport; Molly Armstrong, a team leader based in the Manchester customer engagement centre; and Caroline Ali, a customer experience representative based at London Heathrow airport will spend each episode finding out more about little-known areas of the airline.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Flight Talk


Aviation talk!

Fly Cool Shit - An Aviation Podcast About Flying Cool Shit

Mark Pollard & Jeff Petrocelli

Push to Talk with Bruce Webb: A Helicopter Podcast

Bruce Webb

Bruce Webb has spent four decades flying helicopters. Now, he’s stepping out of the cockpit to learn more about the different lives lived around the industry. Each episode examines a different guest — pilots, technicians, photographers, wildlife experts and more. In the air and on the ground, every person has something unique and useful to say. contact: bruce@webbsightaviation.com

V1, Rotate. - Der Podcast zum Abheben

Stefan Jaeger

V1, Rotate! Alles zur Faszination Fliegen – packend erzählt von den Menschen, die hautnah dabei sind: Airliner, Piloten, Crews, Techniker und Luftfahrt-Liebhaber.

Student Pilot Journal Aviation Podcast HD

Greg Summers

An audio and video aviation podcast documenting private pilot flight training. High quality video with clear cockpit audio so you are able to understand the flight lesson. Most video contains a brief introduction to what will be covered in the podcast.

Plane Safety Podcast - Safety from the flightdeck

Pilot Pip

Join Pilot Pip for a look at aviation safety news, incidents and your plane safety feedback.

Hangar Talk - An Aviation Podcast


Every other week the experts at AOPA bring you up to speed on all things flying.


Leon Mael

Hier besprechen wir Interessantes und Aktuelles aus der Luftfahrt. Flugzeugkäufe, Durchstartmanöver, was bestimmte Teile am Flugzeug machen und auch Abstürze. Mehr Informationen unter: flugcast.wordpress.com unter „Weitere Informationen“ und jegliche Fragen bitte an: flugcast@gmail.com. Instagram: flugcastpodcast.

The Thermal Podcast

Herrie ten Cate

The Thermal is a monthly podcast devoted to the sport of gliding. You’ll hear about the latest cutting-edge sailplanes and technology. We’ll also be talking about gliding safety, instructing, gliding history, cool pilot interviews, towing, winching and a whole lot more. New podcasts will be released the 1st Saturday of every month.

Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase!

Flight Attendant Betty

Travel the world with Flight Attendant Betty!!! This is a airline and travel podcast with funny stories from the airplane and around the world!! I actually have a book coming out...if go to my website www.bettyinthesky.com you can find out more about the book and e-book!

Ask Drone U

Drone U

We’re Drone U, a group of guys who have turned their passion for flight into a profitable business. We love hearing from our fans, and we love helping by answering their questions. That’s why we started the Ask Drone U podcast in 2015. Since then, we are one of the largest, most popular DAILY drone podcasts out there. Each episode features an actual question submitted from someone just like you! We wish we could answer everyone’s question(s), but we’ll do our best to get through as many of them as we can. So plug in those headphones because it’s time to learn together about everything drone: FAA, insurance, business strategies, videography, drone tips, flight techniques, drone tricks, expert advice, cameras, gimbals, and so much more. #askdroneu

Soaring the sky a glider pilot‘s Podcast

Chuck Fulton

An Aviation podcast about soaring with sailplanes. Adventures in soaring with your host Chuck. Join us for each episode to hear whats next ! Talk with you soon on Soaring The Sky !

Australian Aviation Podcast Network

Momentum Media

The official podcast network of Australian Aviation – where we unpack all the latest insights and developments plus the big issues impacting Australia’s aviation sector.

Ready For Takeoff - Turn Your Aviation Passion Into A Career

Captain George Nolly

The Ready For Takeoff podcast will help you transform your aviation passion into an aviation career. Every week we bring you instruction and inspiring interviews with top aviators in their field who reveal their flight path to an exciting career in the skies.

Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

Mick Cullen

Capturing stories of helicopter pilots and crew from around the world. Find out about different helicopter career paths, pick up some tips and learn more about what life as helicopter aircrew has to offer.

Runway Reflections

Runway Reflections

Bei Runway Reflections beleuchten wir, Gregor, Flo und Paul, drei Berufsreisende mit unterschiedlichen Statusstufen bei der LH-Gruppe, wie Vielfliegerprivilegien die Reiseerfahrung beeinflussen. In 20-minütigen Episoden, veröffentlicht im zweiwöchentlichen Rhythmus, teilen wir unsere Erlebnisse und Einblicke rund um Flugverspätungen, exklusive Lounges und den Service verschiedener Hubs. Ein Podcast für alle also, die hinter die Kulissen des Vielfliegens blicken möchten. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr mit uns alle zwei Wochen ON AIR seid.

Sustainability In The Air


Travel makes the world a smaller and better place. Aviation has bounced back. However, as we experience climate change, we worry about our environmental impact. Sustainability in The Air, the world’s first podcast dedicated to sustainable aviation. Every week, Shashank Nigam, the CEO of SimpliFlying, talks to Airline, airport, travel and technology executives to help make sense of the Wild-West scenario. Our mission is to show the many paths to net zero, for an industry that is one of the hardest to decarbonize. Whether you're a frequent flier, an airline Executive or just love traveling, if you care about sustainable global travel then welcome aboard. Our mission is to get you the latest insight from a top airline or technology C-level executive willing to share their organization's journey to building a sustainable future.Feel free to reach out via email to podcast@simpliflying.com. For more content about sustainable aviation visit our website simpliflying.com and join the movement. It’s about time.

Drone News Update

Pilot Institute

Weekly episodes discussing the latest drone news in the United States. Whether you're a hobbyist or a Part 107 Remote Pilot, staying up to date is important, especially in such a fast-changing industry.

The Helicopter Podcast

Halsey Schider

Welcome to The Helicopter Podcast, with your host Halsey Schider!This podcast is for helicopter pilots, maintainers, and enthusiasts! Whether you've been in the industry for 30 years or are just someone that loves helicopters, this podcast is for you! The podcasts will feature guests from a wide array of industry sectors to have casual conversation, answer questions, give sound advice, and talk shop. Finally, a podcast produced by helicopter professionals for all types of helicopter people!

Включите Авиарежим

Включите Авиарежим

Аня и Серёжа несут авиапросвет в массы  🛫 ⠀ Что будет, если аэрофоб встретит человека, который знает о самолетах все? Они запишут подкаст! ⠀ Что такое турбулентность, почему самолет издает странные звуки, где парашюты для пассажиров и сможет ли пилотов заменить искусственный интеллект? Выходим раз в месяц ✌🏻

The Pilots Pandemic

Emma Laczko and Maddie Miller

A podcast that aims at breaking the stigma of mental health in aviation; Talking about what many aviators are thinking or feeling but are unable to say out of fear. Expect the real, the raw, and no bullsh*t discussions about mental health in aviation, current events in the avworld, with guest speakers sharing how they navigate a life in flight. Hosted and founded by Emma Laczko. A second generation instrument pilot, and creator of the aeromedical reform petition. Co-Hosted by Maddie Miller, an aviation wellness expert, pilot wife and former airline employee. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thepilotspandemic/support



a podcast all about aviation - galleytalk. Eine Flugbegleiterin und Kollegen reden über ihre Erlebnisse an Board und im Layover.

Failure To Launch

Failure To Launch Podcast

This is a podcast about all the mistakes, failures, and explosions that made space exploration possible.

Класс Гольф - легкая авиация и компактные самолеты

Hrvatski Pilot & Ilya Sabanin

Пилоты самолётов Илья и Алексей (Hrvatski Pilot ) беседуют о полётах, авиации общего назначения, пилотировании, обучении и получении новых сертификатов и рейтингов, а так же других интересных авиационных темах. Илья Сабанин является пилотом-инструктором (CFI) из Филадельфии и летает в основном на самолёте Cirrus SR20. Алексей получил PPL в Хорватии на самолёте Diamond DA-20. https://www.instagram.com/hrvatski.pilot https://www.instagram.com/sabanin.aviation

The UAV Digest

The UAV Digest

The UAV Digest is an audio podcast devoted to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems. We cover new developments in the industry, regulatory issues, unmanned technology, and a lot more. We consider both commercial and military applications, from all perspectives.

CFI Podcast by MzeroA.com

CFI Podcast by MzeroA.com

A Good Pilot Is Always Learning