O Corre Delas

Obvious Podcasts

Oie! Você tá preparada pra falar sobre trajetória profissional sem romantização? Eu sou Luanda Vieira, jornalista, e depois de um burnout e uma reviravolta na minha carreira, to aqui pra te convidar a acompanhar o Corre Delas, o novo podcast da Obvious. Vamos?

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Stanford GSB

Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business, as he sits down with experts in the field to discuss real-world challenges. How do I send my message clearly when put on the spot? How do I write emails to get my point across? How can I easily convey complex information? How do I manage my reputation? Whether you’re giving a toast or presenting in a meeting, communication is critical to success in business and in life. Think Fast, Talk Smart provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively.

A Bit of Optimism


The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism - I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things.

De Carona na Carreira

Thais Roque

De carona na Carreira, é apresentado por Thaís Roque às quintas-feiras. O programa conta sobre as mais incríveis jornadas profissionais, de executivos a celebridades através de entrevistas e cápsulas rápidas, te levando para passear pelos caminhos percorridos por gente de sucesso, e mostra que o impossível é uma questão de ponto de vista.

Mundo Corporativo


Comentários de Carlos Julio, Jaime Troiano e Cecília Russo, Leny Kyrillos, Luis Rasquilha, Max Gehringer, Sandra Boccia, além de entrevistas feitas por Mílton Jung.

Lugar de Potência por Ricardo Basaglia

Ricardo Basaglia

Ricardo Basaglia, ou melhor o Basa, é CEO da Michael Page no Brasil, a maior empresa de recrutamento de executivos da América Latina e o headhunter mais acompanhado do Brasil. Como host do podcast Lugar de Potência, entrevista executivos, empreendedores, atletas e artistas. Com seu estilo provocativo, ele busca decodificar a história e lições que levaram essas pessoas ao sucesso, com um objetivo principal: ajudar você a encontrar o seu Lugar de Potência. Adquira o livro Lugar de Potência: Lições de carreira e liderança de mais de 10 mil entrevistas, cafés e reuniões: https://amzn.to/3NyXc9m

5 Minutes Podcast com Ricardo Vargas

Ricardo Viana Vargas

Desde 2007, Ricardo Vargas publica o 5 Minutes Podcast, onde aborda, de uma forma rápida e prática, os principais temas da área de gerenciamento de projetos, portfólio e riscos.

Product Guru's

Paulo Chiodi

Um podcast semanal que une aprendizado e bom humor em uma conversa simples, sem ser simplista. Com um olhar critico e de peito aberto, damos voz as pessoas por trás dos produtos com o foco de compartilhar ideias, sem a necessidade de ganhar discussões.

INFRA Podcast

INFRA Podcast

Voltado para mercado de engenharia civil com foco em infraestrutura, abrangendo tópicos importantes da carreira de um engenheiro, mercado de trabalho, projetos e obras. A educação também faz parte do dia a dia por isso temos como parceiro o IPOS Especialização, que proporciona cursos de pós-graduação para engenheiros civis.


BG Podcast Network

Diverse Dialogues from IELTS USA   Each episode of our podcast draws together a diverse range of voices, including educators, administrators, students, and everyone in between, to explore topics vital to international education. Listen as these different perspectives build compelling, multi-faceted dialogues around today's most pressing higher education themes.     https://www.ielts.org/usa     https://www.bgpodcastnetwork.com/

Leonardo Mader - Arquitetura Alto Padrão

Leonardo Mader

No Podcast Arquitetura Alto Padrão o arquiteto Leonardo Mader divide com você as estratégias para entrar e se destacar no mercado de Alto Padrão da Arquitetura. Conteúdo voltado tanto para arquitetos experientes como iniciantes. O Podcast lhe ajudará a se diferenciar no mercado e a conquistar os melhores clientes da Arquitetura.

Career Relaunch®

Joseph Liu

The Career Relaunch® podcast helps you navigate the dynamics and emotions of a major career transition. Hosted by career change consultant and keynote speaker Joseph Liu, each episode features candid, honest interviews with professionals around the world who have changed career paths to find more fulfilling and meaningful work. Their stories of reinvention can provide you with inspiration, companionship, and reassurance as you relaunch your own career. Check out episode show notes, access free career change resources, or join our global community of listeners in 170+ countries at https://CareerRelaunch.net.

The Strategy Skills Podcast: Strategy | Leadership | Critical Thinking | Problem-Solving

FirmsConsulting.com & StrategyTraining.com

CEOs and business leaders, management consulting senior partners, ground-breaking professors, thought-provoking writers and journalists, record-setting athletes and coaches, and award-winning actors and celebrities discuss the key issues facing the business world and broader society. Get free access to our newsletter, Monday Morning at 8 am, along with sample episodes from our training programs on www.strategytraining.com. Go to https://www.firmsconsulting.com/promo.

Café Previdenciário IBDP

Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Previdenciário

Olá! Seja bem vindo(a) ao Podcast oficial do IBDP (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Previdenciário) trazendo pílulas de 30 minutos com as principais novidades da área. Através de conteúdos inéditos vamos provocar especialistas, advogados e juízes para pensarem diferente e trazerem um informativo de excelência. Os episódios são semanais e vão ao ar toda terça-feira, às 8h

Mas e aí, Paula?

Paula Boarin

Oi, eu sou a Paula Boarin, Mentora de Carreira e esse é o “Mas e aí, Paula?”.   Aqui vou falar sobre tudo que eu gostaria ter aprendido quando comecei minha carreira. Vou compartilhar com você meus erros, acertos, aprendizados e "casos de empresa" no melhor estilo “bate papo cabeçudo”.   Ah, e não se preocupe, que casos não vão faltar, afinal, são mais de 90 empresas atendidas e 100 mil pessoas treinadas em 20 países, é coisa, viu?!   Pegue seu cafezinho, me coloque no seu fone de ouvido e vem comigo transformar sua carreira com boas provocações!   Contato: oi@paulaboarin.com | @paulaboarin

Proudly ADHD at work and in business

Cathy Rashidian, Certified Coach

Welcome to Proudly ADHD at Work and in Business with host Certified Executive Coach, Cathy Rashidian! If you’re a professional or entrepreneur and suspect you have Adult ADHD or have been recently diagnosed, this is the podcast for you. I bring you the latest in ADHD science, expert interviews, success stories, practical strategies, and much more. My goal is to help you understand how to work with your ADHD brain instead of struggling against it, so you can tame that inner fire and unlock your potential for a more fulfilling career and personal life.

LideraCast - Mentoria para Líderes

Octavio Alves Jr

Temas do LideraCast são LIDERANÇA, CARREIRA, SOFT SKILLS e NEGÓCIOS. Sou o Octavio Alves Jr, sou pai da Sofia e do Rafael, casado com a Andrea. Eu sou o estagiário que se tornou VP. Tenho larga experiência em vendas, marketing e desenvolvimento de negócios no Brasil e exterior. Sou Linkedin Top Voice 2024, palestrante, professor de MBA e mentor de líderes. Quer me conhecer mais? https://linktr.ee/octavioalvesjr_ Instagram: @octavioalvesjr e @lideracast_podcast LinkedIn: @octavioalvesjr YouTube: @octavioalvesjr


Paulinho Siqueira

O PODCAST que não fala só o que você quer ouvir, mas o que você precisa ouvir e de uma maneira que nunca ouviu!

RH Estratégico


RH Estratégico é uma curadoria e produção de conteúdos sobre RH e Desenvolvimento Humano, produzida pela Intentus com condução de Lilian Sanches, especialistas no assunto. Conheça mais em - https://intentus.com.br/

Tiktok Talk

Tiktok Talk

The Podcast About Everything Tiktok

The Reboot Podcast


The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.

The Raiam Show

Raiam Santos

A ideia do podcast Mundo Raiam é entrevistar pessoas que literalmente tocaram o fo**-se para as expectativas da sociedade, e se deram bem, justamente por serem diferentes, e entender o porque elas são tão boas no que fazem.

RH na Prática

Elissandra da Mata

Bem vindo(a) ao Podcast RH na Prática! Eu sou Elissandra da Mata, Psicóloga apaixonada pelo mundo organizacional. Há mais de 13 anos atuando na área de desenvolvimento humano organizacional e dedicando energia a entender e desenvolver não somente as pessoas, mas também as empresas ATRAVÉS das pessoas. Minha maior missão é propagar o RH estratégico e formar cada dia mais profissionais que sejam referência em excelência PRÁTICA!

The Wall Street Skinny

Kristen and Jen

This podcast is a smart and entertaining peek into the world of investment banking, sales & trading, private equity, hedge funds and more. Hosted by two lifelong friends with a passion for teaching, and over two decades of experience on Wall Street.  Discover the basics, ranging from “what is investment banking?” to “what moves markets?".  Learn about different roles and exit opportunities, and get tips on how to land the job.  Our mission is to make the world of Wall Street accessible to everyone, while keeping things relatable and fun.Whether your goal is to work on Wall Street, or if you have NO idea what any of those things are and just want to learn some basics, this podcast is for you.

DarrenDaily On-Demand

Darren Hardy LLC

Every hero needs a mentor, a guide. To provide insight, advice, training or even (what seems like magical) proven tools to help you succeed on your journey, every day. DarrenDaily On-Demand, hosted by Darren Hardy, is designed to act as a companion to the DarrenDaily morning mentoring sessions. A way to re-visit, be reminded and to turn ideas into practice and practice, ultimately, into success mastery. DarrenDaily, and now DarrenDaily On-Demand, is a global movement of over 350,000 unusually driven high-achievers who are committed to Better Every Day. Each week we publish 5 new episodes for you to gain the success advantage you seek. Helping you become the hero you were meant to be... for your family, your team and your community. Welcome to DarrenDaily On-Demand.

The Career Mentor Podcast

Hunger For Success

The Career Mentor Podcast

CBN Comunicação e Liderança - Leny Kyrillos


A fonoaudióloga especialista em voz ensina como transmitir uma mensagem com objetividade e segurança.

Le Podcast de Pauline Laigneau

Pauline Laigneau

Côtoyer le succès pour inventer le sien... c'est l'ambition que je me suis fixée avec ce podcast. Dans ce podcast, je décortique avec mes invités leur parcours, erreurs, réussites, astuces ou philosophies. Mon objectif : vous aider, via ces mentors virtuels à devenir la meilleure version de vous-même. Je m'appelle Pauline Laigneau, et suis - en plus de votre hôte sur le podcast ! - cofondatrice de la marque de joaillerie Gemmyo.

The Resilient Recruiter

Recruitment Coach Mark Whitby

Join "the Recruitment Coach" Mark Whitby as he and his guests unpack the secrets of what it takes to be a profitable and long-lived professional in the recruitment industry.

Seja Ágil

MindMaster Treinamentos

Somos Pioneiros em Treinamentos Online de Métodos Ágeis no Brasil Aprenda Mais sobre Métodos Ágeis e como eles podem Melhorar a sua Carreira . Confira conteúdos exclusivos! ... link abaixo: linktr.ee/mindmaster

Fala Guerreiro Cast

Fala Guerreiro Cast

Canal direcionado a policiais, militares, admiradores das forças de segurança e a concurseiros que pretendem ingressar à carreira policial. Por aqui você acompanhará os melhores bate-papos entre nossos anfitriões e os melhores guerreiros e especialistas em segurança pública do Brasil. O Fala Guerreiro Cast tem como host's Rômulo Brito (Instagram @romulobrito_) e Rafa de Martins (Instagram @rafademartins11).

The Lonely Office


If you’ve ever wondered “What should I do if I get laid off?” or “Is it still taboo to talk about politics at work?”—this is a show for you. Welcome to The Lonely Office: a podcast about the increasingly blurry line between work and life, brought to you by Glassdoor. The stories that inspire our discussions are sourced firsthand from the anonymous conversations happening on the Glassdoor app.  It’s hosted by Matt Sunbulli (serial tech entrepreneur and co-founder of Fishbowl), Aaron Calafato (podcaster, 7 Minute Stories), and Leah Ova (content creator and advertising executive), with special appearances from industry thought leaders and experts. 

The New Way We Work

Fast Company

Fast Company deputy editor Kathleen Davis takes listeners on a journey through the changing landscape of our work lives. Each episode explores the future of work, including the state of remote and hybrid work amid the return-to-office battle; how AI will change the way we do our jobs; the status of gender equity and DEI efforts; rethinking career ladders and ambition; motivation and what makes work meaningful; and the progress on mental health and disability issues at work. And as if all that isn’t enough, she also shares practical advice for interviews, résumés, and salary negotiations, as well as the latest office jargon, just how useful personality tests really are, and more.

Radical Candor: Communication at Work

Kim Scott, Jason Rosoff & Amy Sandler

Learn to love your job and kick ass at work without losing your humanity by practicing the principles of Radical Candor. Improve your feedback and communications skills, become a better leader, manager or team player, and drive your #careergoals in the direction of your dreams. Host Amy Sandler leads discussions with Radical Candor co-founders Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff about what it means to be Radically Candid, why it’s simple but not easy to Care Personally and Challenge Directly on the daily, and why it’s worth it. Tune in to get actionable tips for doing the best work of your life and building the best relationships of your career, and don't forget to read Kim Scott's New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/radical-candor-communication-at-work--5711404/support.

Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips for Finding Work, Advancing your Career, and Loving Your Job

Mac Prichard

Build a career that matters to you with job search strategies and career advice from Find Your Dream Job. Every week, we share insider secrets and job search tips on how to get a great job and develop a purposeful career. Looking for your first job, searching for direction in your career, or just need tools to find a job? Join Mac Prichard, the Mac's List team, and our expert guests every week for job search inspiration, empathy, and actionable advice to help you find work that matters! Find out more at https://www.macslist.org/podcast

Squiggly Careers

The Squiggly Career

Squiggly Careers is a weekly podcast that will help you take control of your career development. Hosted by the founders of Amazing If (https://www.amazingif.com/), Sarah Ellis and Helen Tupper, together they cover all things work: from how to manage stress and overcome your confidence gremlins to micro-aggressions and discovering your strengths. Each episode is full of ideas, actions, hints, and tips that you can put into practice straight away.  Every so often they take a break from talking to each other to interview other people who are leading the way in making work better. Past guests include entrepreneur and philanthropist Dame Stephanie Shirley, author of The Joy of Work Bruce Daisley, and neuroscience expert Amy Brann.  The Squiggly Careers podcast has been recommended by Harvard Business Review, Stylist, Marie Claire and Management Today. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Hired Hub

Hired Remoteli

Welcome to The Hired Hub Podcast. Join us on a journey of discovery, learning, and empowerment. Whether you're making your first career steps, seeking to pivot into a new field, or aiming to refine your skills for the remote work landscape, The Hired Hub is here to guide you. Our episodes are packed with actionable tips, deep dives into cultural nuances, and expert advice on everything from acing your next interview to mastering the art of working with clients across cultures. We are brought to you by Hired Remoteli, where we blend the vibrant cultures of Miami with the limitless possibilities of remote work. As part of a company deeply rooted in facilitating career growth and opportunities, this podcast serves as your bridge to navigating the complexities of the global job market. Inspired by Miami's unique position as a cultural and economic bridge between the U.S. and Latin America, we're here to share insights that are as diverse as they are valuable. Hired Remoteli's mission to create seamless remote work opportunities is echoed in each episode, offering you a platform to learn, grow, and connect. The Hired Hub Podcast invites you to become part of a community that's breaking down barriers and building bridges. Let's explore what it means to thrive in today's interconnected world, where your career path is not just a journey but an adventure.

Живи, пиар!

Great Women in PR. Eurasia

Вы работаете в PR и хотите знать больше о том, что происходит в индустрии, о новых трендах и интересных людях в профессии? Тогда подкаст “Живи, пиар!” для вас. Ирина Гущина, со-основательница ассоциации Great Women in PR. Eurasia, встречается с экспертами в PR и смежных отраслях, а также коучами разных направлений, чтобы узнать что-то новое, интересное, обменяться мыслями, вдохновиться свежими и порой неожиданными идеями. Гости подкаста говорят о разном - о новых диджитал-инструментах, об этических коллизиях в профессии, о кризисе середины карьеры, бирюзовых организациях, счастье на работе - и многом другом, что может быть интересно активным, неравнодушным, любознательным и целеустремленным людям. И еще - авторы подкаста верят в профессию пиарщика, в ее ценность и высокую миссию - способствовать диалогу и взаимопониманию. Поэтому важная задача проекта - расширить понимание возможностей PR и усилить репутацию профессии в разных странах. Это подкаст международной профессиональной ассоциации Great Women in PR. Eurasia, объединяющей более 700 пиарщиц в регионе Евразия. Наш сайт: https://gwpreurasia.com/. Сотрудничество: gwprpodcast@gmail.com

ROI Hunters | Marketing Digital & Growth

ROI Hunters | V4 Company

ROI Hunters o podcast para quem gosta de marketing e growth-hacking! Novos episódios todas as Terças-feiras.


Project Management Institute

Projectified[R] is your guide to the future of project management. Created by Project Management Institute, this podcast is for people who lead strategic initiatives and collaborate on teams to deliver value to their organizations. It features dynamic thought leaders and practitioners who share their real-world experiences and expertise to inform, inspire and prepare you for success.

Criminal Cast - Missão Criminalista - Professor Warlem Freire

Missão Criminalista

Bem vindo ao Criminal Cast. O seu podcast semanal de Processo Penal e Prática Penal. Aqui o Professor Warlem Freire irá compartilhar com vocês tudo sobre a atuação do advogado nos processos criminais. O Professor Warlem Freire é Advogado Criminalista, Professor de Processo Penal, fundador do Complexo de Estudos Professor Warlem Freire e idealizador do treinamento Missão Criminalista!

Liderança Que Transforma

Fabiana Mello

Liderança que Transforma é um espaço para compartilhar com você uma nova perspectiva e como ela pode transformar a sua vida e a dos seus colaboradores. https://www.fabianamello.com.br

CBN Professional


O CBN Professional é uma parceria com o jornal Valor Econômico. O podcast promove conversas com líderes de grandes empresas e especialistas em negócios para ajudar o desenvolvimento profissional dos ouvintes e reflexões no mundo dos negócios.

Working It

Financial Times

Whether you’re the boss, the deputy or on your way up, we’re shaking up the way the world works. This is the podcast about doing work differently. Join host Isabel Berwick every Wednesday for expert analysis and watercooler chat about ahead-of-the-curve workplace trends, the big ideas shaping work today - and the old habits we need to leave behind. Brought to you by the Financial Times. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Direito de Resposta

Renato Sapiro

Bem-vindos ao Direito de Resposta, um raio-x do Mercado Jurídico. Este é um Podcast leve e informal, onde falaremos com os principais personagens deste meio sobre carreira, tendências e curiosidades. E este é um podcast quinzenal. Então já sabe, temos um encontro marcado segunda sim, segunda não.


Phellip Mkt

Aumente seus níveis de criatividade!

The Project Management Podcast

Cornelius Fichtner

Become the project manager everyone wants on their team. Tune in to The Project Management Podcast™ and join Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, as he interviews global PM experts to uncover what drives their project success. Subscribe at https://www.pm-podcast.com and get actionable advice you can apply today. Each episode is packed with hands-on tips for beginners and experts to help you integrate good practices and the latest insights to lead your projects more effectively.

Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel


Ever wish you had a pal who could break down the biggest ideas of the new world of work and distill them into actionable insights you could apply to your own life, right away? Meet LinkedIn's Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel! Each week, Jessi explores the changing nature of work and how that work is changing us. Jessi welcomes big thinkers to share their best ideas: everyone from game-changing entrepreneurs like Aurora James, to research-based experts like Daniel Pink, to notable figures like Megan Rapinoe and Bozoma Saint John. Start your week by joining us every Monday for a dose of fresh ideas, then join us in community and conversation on LinkedIn. New episodes weekly.

Per My Last Email

Morning Brew

Is it okay to ask your coworker how much they make? Is Gen Z set up for failure in the workplace? Should you really bring your whole self to work? Each week on Per My Last Email, Morning Brew's resident career experts Kaila and Kyle—whose careers have collectively spanned the corporate, government, nonprofit, and startup sectors—debate the trickiest challenges in work life, and share tactics on how to overcome them.

Psicologia Nova

Alyson Barros

Seu podcast para: notícias sobre concursos de psicologia, preparação, bancas de concursos, questões de psicologia, variedades, livros de psicologia e entrevistas com psicólogos. Instagram @psicologianova

Minha Vaga, Minhas Regras

Folha de S.Paulo

Arrumar emprego dá trabalho. Quem nunca sonhou com uma vaga, mas se frustrou quando ouviu aquele "muito obrigado pelo interesse, mas escolhemos outro candidato"? Avançar na carreira também não é nada fácil. Como lidar com isso? Feito em parceria entre a Folha de S. Paulo e o LinkedIn, o podcast Minha Vaga, Minhas Regras vai te ajudar nessa jornada atrás de um trampo –de preferência, com a sua cara. Bruno B. Soraggi, repórter da Folha, e Claudia Gasparini, editora sênior do LinkedIn Notícias, trazem conselhos de especialistas e histórias de gente que passa pelos mesmos perrengues que você na busca por trabalho. Os episódios vão ao ar quinzenalmente, às terças-feiras.​

Podcast Positive Sua Mente

Giuliano Milan

Giuliano Milan é mentor de alta performance de atletas olímpicos, empresários e artistas. Ele aplica meditação para gestão de estresse, ansiedade, insônia, aumento da criatividade, compaixão e resolução de conflitos. Giuliano trabalhou com os atletas de vôlei da seleção brasileira em 2016 nas Olimpíadas do RJ. Brasil ganhou a medalha de Ouro. O podcast Positive sua Mente disponibiliza ferramentas de positivação da mente como: meditações guiadas além de bate papo com clientes e profissionais da área da saúde mental/emocional. Instagram: https://instagram.com/giu Site: giulianomilan.com.br

Jurídicos Advocacia

Advogadas Elisama & Tatyana

Podcast de Advocacia. Venha aprender sobre: *Teoria; *Prática; *Documentos requisitados em cada caso e *As peças processuais (procuração, petição inicial, contestação, recursos e outras peças) necessárias para cada caso. Demonstrar a advocacia de um jeito simples é o nosso objetivo. A advogada Tatyana ensinará a parte teórica (doutrina, fundamentos normativos e análises de jurisprudência) enquanto a advogada Elisama ensinará a parte prática (peças processuais) aos jovens advogados. Site: https://juridicosadvocacia.com.br/ Página no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juridicosadvocacia

Estratégia Tech

Estratégia Concursos

Podcast do Estratégica concursos, sendo o pioneiro em ter conteúdo voltado para concursos de Tecnologia da Informação. Aqui damos dicas, resolvemos questões, entrevistamos professores e tiramos dúvidas dos nossos concurseiros (canetas pretas) Participante: Diego Carvalho, Thiago Cavalcanti, Raphael Lacerda, Fernando Pedrosa (Neymar Pedrosa)


Fabiana Del Padre Tomé

Sejam bem-vindos ao Tributário Cast, um novo podcast feito por e para advogados, em que a professora Fabiana Tomé vai comentar as notícias tributárias mais importantes da atualidade, para que você possa advogar com segurança e consiga aproveitar as melhores oportunidades tributárias que estão próximas de você.

Arquiteto Empreendedor

Club&Casa Design

O Arquiteto Empreendedor é um podcast oficial do Club&Casa Design.

Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

Jeb Blount

Jeb Blount is the bestselling author of 15 of the most definitive books ever written for the sales profession. He believes that Sales Professionals are the Elite Athletes of the Business World. On the Sales Gravy podcast Jeb teaches you how to open more doors, close bigger deals, and rock your commission check.

The Learning & Development Podcast

David James

This is a fortnightly topical podcast show for L&D professionals hosted by David James and presented by 360Learning. In each episode David James discusses and debates topics affecting the profession alongside expert guests.  David is a Learning & Talent leader of 25 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa. As well as being the Chief Learning Officer at 360Learning, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjameslinkedin/ Website: https://www.360learning.com/

Remota por Sylvia Hartmann

Sylvia Hartmann

Iniciando a carreira com muita ambição, rapidamente Sylvia Hartmann percebeu que a produtividade não se sustenta em jornadas exaustivas de trabalho, que mais desperdiçam tempo do que o otimizam. Mesmo após 20 anos escalando posições no mundo corporativo, ela buscava um equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional que não prejudicasse sua saúde. A demissão, em 2016, marcou o início de uma transformação, onde descobriu o valor da flexibilidade e da gestão do próprio tempo, o que a levou a questionar a estrutura organizacional tradicional. Hoje, como CEO da Remota, Sylvia Hartmann se dedica a promover o trabalho flexível e compartilhar conhecimentos sobre novos modelos de trabalho, visando a um futuro onde a flexibilidade é a chave.

The Productivity Show

Asian Efficiency

Win back time, double your energy, and achieve your goals. Become more productive at work and in life. Get weekly episodes on productivity, time management, and efficiency to achieve your goals in record time. At The Productivity Show, we believe you should get your important things done without sacrificing your health, family and things that matter to you. This is a weekly podcast where we show you ways to save time, and increase your productivity and happiness.

Direito Imobiliário e Regularização Imobiliária

Viviane Guimarães

O Direito Imobiliário faz parte do nosso dia a dia, da nossa sociedade! Aqui buscamos abordar temas relacionados com a Regularização Imobiliária no Brasil, com muita troca de experiências, novas tendências no ramo, e muito mais... Se você quiser deixar a sugestão, ou participar, me escreva: direitoemimoveis@gmail.com ou visite o Insta: direitoemimoveis. Até breve!!

Wealth Cast

Rick Silva

Dicas, macetes, boas práticas e tudo sobre como ser um profissional melhor no mercado financeiro!

The Nurse Keith Show

Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC

The Nurse Keith Show offers up-to-date advice and knowledge for savvy 21st-century nurses. During each episode, Board-Certified holistic career coach Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC explores career management and development; multidisciplinary collaboration; public health and healthcare delivery; social justice; entrepreneurship; and personal growth, through inspirational monologues and inspiring interviews with healthcare thought leaders and innovators. With the goal of helping you create the most satisfying nursing career and life possible, The Nurse Keith Show is an invaluable audio destination for ambitious, thoughtful, and forward-thinking nurses.

TPA Podcast: Carreira Internacional & Tech

Gabriel Rubens

O Tudo Pro Alto é um podcast sobre carreira em TI, experiências fora do país e viagens. www.tudoproalto.com/links


Michael Page

Com o intuito de dar suporte para profissionais que estão buscando novas oportunidades de carreira, ajudar consultores a aprimorarem seus processos seletivos, o podcast EntreVistas por Michael Page, chega no atual cenário do mercado de trabalho trazendo bate - papos com diversos profissionais que têm um papel decisor dentro de grandes companhias e que podem mostrar o que as empresas estão buscando em suas contratações. Candidate-se em uma de nosssas vagas: https://www.michaelpage.com.br/job-search https://www.pagepersonnel.com.br/job-search

Quinto dia útil

Carreira Muller

O “Quinto dia útil” vem para provar que remuneração pode ser tema de conversas leves e descontraídas. Vamos descomplicar assuntos técnicos, ouvir opiniões de especialistas na área e trazer diferentes pontos de vista sobre tudo que tange o universo dos salários e do RH.


Luis Ramos

Si hay algo constante en nuestras vidas es el cambio. La insatisfacción que sentimos está motivada por estar demasiado tiempo estáticos, sin cambios. Pero cambiar, re:inventarnos, nos cuesta, nos da miedo, vértigo... hay demasiadas preguntas sin respuesta. En re:Invéntate te voy a intentar dar las mejores respuestas, las más constructivas, las que puedas poner en práctica, para así dar el paso y poder re:inventarte. re:Invéntate es un podcast de Luis Ramos, creador de Libros para Emprendedores, MENTOR360 y Tu Marca Personal, podcaster líder en español con más de 100 millones de descargas. Da el paso, abraza el cambio... re:Invéntate!! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Carreira Engenharia Civil - 2B Educação

2B Educação

Temos a missão de proporcionar o desenvolvimento profissional para Engenheiros Civis. Mas esse desenvolvimento precisa ser completo. Não nos daremos por satisfeitos entregando apenas conhecimento técnico. Proporcionaremos desenvolvimento de habilidades, de novas competências, sem esquecer de um pouco de entretenimento – que sempre foi a nossa marca – para que a jornada também seja divertida.


Engenharia de Alta Performance

Diálogos relevantes e convidados cheios de experiência prática e ferramentas para potencializar os resultados dos profissionais da construção civil. Toda semana o time do Engenharia de Alta Performance traz um novo episódio cheio de conteúdo! Fique ligado no nosso Podcast.

Clause 8

Eli Mazour

The podcast listened to by sophisticated in-house counsel, judges from around the world, IP policymakers, senior USPTO officials, and top patent dealmakers and attorneys to stay ahead of the curve by understanding the personalities and forces shaping IP. Eli Mazour’s love of talking to people – along with his belief in the importance of America’s patent system – led him to start Clause 8. Clause 8 features conversations that provide strategic insights about how to best deal with various patent-related issues. Some of the previous guests include America’s great innovators, federal judges, USPTO Directors, top IP staffers on Capitol Hill, and Carole Baskin’s attorney from the documentary Tiger King. It's the #1 podcast about IP and is in the top 2.5% of all podcasts according to Listen Score. The podcast has been covered and cited in many publications, including Bloomberg, Law360, Courthouse News Service, Above the Law, IAM, and Original Jurisdiction. www.voiceofip.com

Negotiate Anything

Kwame Christian Esq., M.A.

"Negotiate Anything" is the #1 negotiation podcast in the world, celebrated with over 10 million downloads, hundreds of 5-star reviews, and a global audience from +180 countries. Negotiation is the ultimate problem solving tool, allowing you to not only get better deals, but to also have better relationships. Our podcast dives deep into the art of negotiation. Hosted by lawyer, bestselling author, and CEO of the American Negotiation Institute , Kwame Christian Esq., M.A., each episode is a transformative journey that equips listeners to confidently navigate challenging conversations with negotiation and communication experts around the globe. Listeners learn to balance assertiveness with empathy, building trust while setting boundaries and managing emotions. As in the bustling business world, exceptional negotiation skills can be the differentiator, our episodes are tailored to give you that unique advantage. But it's not just about transactions or business discussions. "Negotiate Anything" emphasizes that life itself is a series of negotiations. Whether you're deliberating with a tough client, discussing terms with a new partner, or navigating personal relationships, our show promises invaluable insights. Prepare to immerse in practical scenarios, absorbing techniques that don't just improve your negotiation prowess but also elevate your career and personal life. At The American Negotiation Institute, we believe the best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations. And our goal is to change the world, one difficult conversation at a time. So, tune in, and empower yourself with the tools to negotiate anything, anywhere. Produced by the American Negotiation Institute Part of the LinkedIn Podcast Network About the host: Kwame Christian is a business attorney, best-selling author, and Founder & CEO of the American Negotiation Institute  (ANI), a global consulting firm that specializes in negotiation and conflict resolution. Recognized as one of the world's top negotiation experts, Kwame gained prominence after his viral TEDx Talk, Finding Confidence in Conflict, which has garnered over 400,000 views. He has authored two best-selling books, Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life (2020) and How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race: Practical Tools for Necessary Change in the Workplace and Beyond (2022). He is also a regular contributor to Forbes. Kwame is also the host of Negotiate Anything, the world's #1 negotiation podcast, which has attracted more than eight million downloads and listeners in over 180 countries since its inception in 2016. He has taught negotiation, communication, and mediation advocacy at the university level, including The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, the country's top-ranked law school dispute resolution program. Kwame earned his law degree, masters in public policy, and bachelors in psychology from The Ohio State University. He was the winner of the John Glenn College Young Alumni Award (2020) and Moritz College Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award (2021), making him the only person in the university's history to win alumni awards in consecutive years from both the law school and the masters of public affairs program. He was also named among Columbus' 2022 40 Under 40 award recipients. In addition to his accomplishments, Kwame is a practicing attorney, working with businesses and their owners to secure better deals, solve complex problems, and overcome legal challenges. He is also a popular LinkedIn instructor, teaching over a dozen courses with over 600,000 learners taking his courses. Outside the professional sphere, Kwame is a devoted family man and proud father of two boys. An avid chess enthusiast, he has played over 20,000 games and earned a ranking in the 99th percentile on Chess.com.

Código Aberto


Conversas francas com os profissionais mais influentes do mercado, suas grandes ideias e o que pensam sobre o futuro da mídia, da tecnologia e da comunicação. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Life at Disney

Disney Careers

Welcome to the “Life at Disney” podcast, the show where you’ll discover what it’s like to Be Part of the Story in a career with Disney. Each season, your hosts will uncover remarkable stories from the perspective of the people and teams behind the unparalleled storytelling, iconic brands, and innovative technologies that have defined The Walt Disney Company for the last 100 years. Join us as we talk with cast members, crew, Imagineers, and employees to learn more about what makes working at Disney so special and explore career opportunities across the globe.

Honest HR


Honest HR is the podcast for HR professionals, people managers and team leads intent on elevating how they improve and grow their companies. Co-hosts Amber Clayton, Wendy Fong and Monique Akanbi for bring you honest, forward thinking conversations and relatable stories from the workplace that challenge the way it’s always been done, because after all, you have to push back to move forward. Honest HR is a podcast from SHRM, and by listening, you’re helping create better workplaces and a better world. This podcast is approved to provide SHRM-CP/SCP recertification PDCs. Details are included during qualifying episodes.

O que não me contaram

Bruna Gunther

Bem-vindo ao ‘O que não me contaram', um espaço dedicado a histórias inspiradoras de trajetórias não lineares e reinvenções de vida e carreira, liderado por Bruna Gunther. Aqui, compartilhamos relatos autênticos de pessoas que ousaram seguir caminhos diferentes e alcançaram o seu sucesso. Seja para buscar inspiração pessoal, se encorajar a tomar um caminho diferente na sua carreira ou apenas fazer companhia num dia normal. Junte-se a nós aqui e em nossas redes enquanto exploramos o que ainda não te contaram sobre trajetórias além do óbvio!

Podcast Profissão Policial

Gabriel Serpa

🚨 Você está no podcast do CONCURSEIRO POLICIAL 🦅 ! Siga o canal para ter acesso às entrevistas com policiais, dicas de estudo e motivação todos os dias. Seja aprovado com nossos cursos completos do Profissão Policial Concursos: https://profissaopolicial.com.br/cursos Vem ser Águia também! 🦅


Cantora Naiane Santos

Deus vai te surpreender .cidadão do céu

The Elite Recruiter Podcast

Benjamin Mena

The Elite Recruiter Podcast is the number one podcast for recruiting professionals. This is where the top recruiters share: How they got there. What kind of work did it take. Tips, Tools, and Tricks. The Mindset needed to get them to where they are. What they are doing with their success. Goals and visions for the future. So please join me on this journey as I interview some of the best in our industry. Benjamin Mena The Elite Recruiter Podcast Host http://www.selectsourcesolutions.com/

Promovida à Lider Podcast

Aline Decker

O que faz uma pessoa ser promovida à líder? É sorte? É o QI (quem indica)? Tempo de empresa? Idade? Eu não acredito em nada disso... eu acredito que são comportamentos que fazem uma pessoa ser escolhida no meio de vários à ocupar um cargo de liderança. São esses comportamentos que eu vou compartilhar, com base na minha experiência, na vivência no EAG Empresa Autogerenciável e dos convidados. Sempre com muita verdade e autenticidade. Bem-vinda à sua jornada de promoção à líder!

The $100 MBA Show

Omar Zenhom

Awarded Best of iTunes, The $100 MBA Show is a podcast where you simply get better at business with our practical business lessons for the real world. These no fluff episodes are packed with only the pure business building training you want. Omar Zenhom (@TheOmarZenhom) shares some of the best lessons, concepts, examples and insights from inside The $100 MBA training and community. Omar also calls upon some of the industry's top experts as guest teachers on the show. Again, no backstories or promotions, just solid business lessons from the best in the game.

The Privacy Advisor Podcast

Jedidiah Bracy, IAPP Editorial Director

The International Association of Privacy Professionals is the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource, helping practitioners develop and advance their careers and organizations manage and protect their data. More than just a professional association, the IAPP provides a home for privacy professionals around the world to gather, share experiences and enrich their knowledge. Founded in 2000, the IAPP is a not-for-profit association with more than 70,000 members in 100 countries. The IAPP helps define, support and improve the privacy profession through networking, education and certification. This podcast features IAPP Editorial Director Jedidiah Bracy, who interviews privacy pros and thought leaders from around the world about technology, law, policy and the privacy profession.

Best of Both Worlds Podcast


Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of four, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician and mom of two (soon to be three!) discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.

Tech and Accent

Alekson Fortes and Walmyr Filho

Welcome to Tech and Accent. Join us for insightful conversations on working and living abroad, the latest in technology, and more. Each episode brings diverse topics, featuring experts, expats, and tech professionals, offering valuable perspectives and practical advice. Stay informed, inspired, and connected in our world of Tech and Accent.

ABRAPS Podcast


O podcast da ABRAPS é uma iniciativa da Associação Brasileira dos Profissionais pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentável que se propõe a debater temas relacionados à Agenda 2030 da ONU com a participação de profissionais que dedicam suas carreiras ao cumprimento dos ODS. O projeto mais recente é a série Descarbonizando a Economia, idealizada pelo GT Inovação da ABRAPS, com o propósito de discutir inovação para o desenvolvimento sustentável a partir da descarbonização da economia. Contato: podcast@abraps.org.br | Site: abraps.org.br.

“Bora Empreender” com Sebrae!


Ter seu próprio negócio é um sonho compartilhado pela maioria dos brasileiros e para conectar ainda mais nesse universo, o Sebrae Minas está realizando o projeto “Bora Empreender”, um podcast com informações e dicas para você conhecer sobre empreendedorismo e se preparar para entrar nesse mundo de oportunidades de negócios.

The Next Chapter by American Express Business Class

American Express

Join the host Cardiff Garcia as he speaks with best-selling business authors. Each episode will focus on an essential work in our guest’s career and culminate in a look ahead to their next chapter. The series will offer inspiration for those looking to expand their business or elevate their career. This season, our guests will include Maria Konnikova, Mashama Bailey and John O. Morisano, David Epstein, Susan Cain, Julie Zhuo and James Clear.

Podcast do Comitê Alumni de Desenvolvimento Profissional e Empregabilidade do Insper

Comitê Alumni de Desenvolvimento Profissional e Empregabilidade

Este podcast é uma produção do Comitê Alumni de Desenvolvimento Profissional e Empregabilidade do Insper. Neste episódio, Flávia Júlio, Janaina Augusto e Patrícia Palomo, coordenadoras do comitê, apresentam a proposta do canal e dão uma "pincelada" sobre os próximos episódios. A sua opinião é importante para nós. Se você tiver comentários, dicas, temas de interesse, encaminhe e-mail para: caprofissional@insper.edu.br. Agradecemos, e saiba que será um prazer interagir com você!



La penalidad del delito sexual pornografia

Vontade não tem a ver com idade


Existe idade certa para empreender? Michel Alcoforado entrevista empreendedores com a reflexão de que o desejo de tocar o próprio negócio não tem hora para aparecer. Ouça histórias de pessoas que estão no mercado fazendo sua própria trajetória profissional, independentemente da idade.

The Leader Assistant Podcast with Jeremy Burrows

Jeremy Burrows

The Leader Assistant Podcast exists to encourage and challenge executive assistants and administrative professionals to become confident, game-changing Leader Assistants. Assistants have an enormous amount of influence as we manage the good, the bad, and the ugly in the life and work of our high-capacity, fast-paced CEOs, executives, pastors, celebrities, and politicians. The question is, what will we do with our influence? My name is Jeremy Burrows. I’m a longtime executive assistant, speaker, coach, founder of LeaderAssistant.com, and author of the #1 Amazon Best Seller, The Leader Assistant: Four Pillars of a Confident, Game-Changing Assistant. In this practical and inspirational podcast, my guests and I discuss a variety of topics including productivity, time management, resisting burnout, leadership, and artificial intelligence as it relates to the future of the assistant role. Are you ready to become the #LeaderAssistant the world needs?

Maria vai com as outras

revista piauí

Podcast da revista piauí sobre mulher, apresentado por Branca Vianna. Produção Rádio Novelo.

Entrepreneurs on Fire

John Lee Dumas of EOFire

John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 100 million listens of his 3000+ episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire into a media empire that generates over a million listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is the modern day version of Think and Grow Rich with a revolutionary 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. Learn more at UncommonSuccessBook.com

Get Hired with Andrew Seaman


Get Hired helps people live better lives by teaching them how to find work that aligns with their interests, values and needs. Join a community that you can listen to, lean on, learn from, and share with throughout your career.



Para mulheres que sonharam com o sucesso profissional tanto quanto sonharam com a maternidade é muito difícil ter que escolher viver apenas um desses sonhos. E quem disse que é preciso? Aqui no podcast CARREIRA E MATERNIDADE, vamos aprender muito com histórias de profissionais que se tornaram mães e que arrasam nas duas áreas. Sabemos que mães não são todas iguais, e que não existe uma fórmula mágica, mas as histórias dessas mulheres maravilhosas com certeza vão te inspirar. Acompanhe o podcast CARREIRA E MATERNIDADE e seja você nossa próxima mãe profissional inspiradora.



gente com história para contar participa de um bate-papo cheio de aprendizados e reflexões sobre suas vidas e carreiras. Henrique de Moraes é o host dessa entrevista que mais parece uma mesa de bar para encontro entre amigos. notas, links e transcrições de todos os episódios em: www.wee.digital/calma

Product Thinking

Melissa Perri

Successful product management isn’t just about training the product managers who work side by side with developers everyday to build better products. It’s about taking a step back, approaching the systems within organizations as a whole, and leveling up product leadership to improve these systems. This is the Product Thinking Podcast, where Melissa Perri will connect with industry leading experts in the product management space, AND answer your most pressing questions about everything product. Join us each week to level up your skillset and invest in yourself as a product leader.

Informática Para Concurso

Jonas Gomes

DiversiTalk - O podcast da Mais Diversidade

Mais Diversidade

DiversiTalk é o podcast da consultoria Mais Diversidade. A cada episódio, João Torres e Ricardo Sales recebem convidados para uma conversa diversa e necessária. Novos conteúdos são postados a cada quinze dias, sempre no começo e no meio do mês. Siga a gente para não perder nada! Para saber mais, acesse: http://www.maisdiversidade.com.br


Relay FM

David Sparks and Mike Schmitz are not nearly as productive as they’d like to be. Join these fellow travelers (and a bunch of special guests) as they share the best ways to get focused, and talk through their successes and failures along the way. Hosted by David Sparks and Mike Schmitz.

Jefa de tu vida. El podcast de Charuca

Charo Vargas

Hola muy buenas y bienvenida a Jefa de tu Vida, el podcast de CHARUCA. En este podcast, además de pasarlo bien (ya sabéis que eso es lo primero) te damos recursos e inspiración para que construyas una vida en la que te sientas a gusto, es decir, para que te sientas la JEFA DE TU VIDA.
