Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Stanford GSB

Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business, as he sits down with experts in the field to discuss real-world challenges. How do I send my message clearly when put on the spot? How do I write emails to get my point across? How can I easily convey complex information? How do I manage my reputation? Whether you’re giving a toast or presenting in a meeting, communication is critical to success in business and in life. Think Fast, Talk Smart provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively.

ROI Hunters | Marketing Digital & Growth

ROI Hunters | V4 Company

ROI Hunters o podcast para quem gosta de marketing e growth-hacking! Novos episódios todas as Terças-feiras.

Lugar de Potência por Ricardo Basaglia

Ricardo Basaglia

Ricardo Basaglia, ou melhor o Basa, é CEO da Michael Page no Brasil, a maior empresa de recrutamento de executivos da América Latina e o headhunter mais acompanhado do Brasil. Como host do podcast Lugar de Potência, entrevista executivos, empreendedores, atletas e artistas. Com seu estilo provocativo, ele busca decodificar a história e lições que levaram essas pessoas ao sucesso, com um objetivo principal: ajudar você a encontrar o seu Lugar de Potência. Adquira o livro Lugar de Potência: Lições de carreira e liderança de mais de 10 mil entrevistas, cafés e reuniões:

Seja Ágil

MindMaster Treinamentos

Somos Pioneiros em Treinamentos Online de Métodos Ágeis no Brasil Aprenda Mais sobre Métodos Ágeis e como eles podem Melhorar a sua Carreira . Confira conteúdos exclusivos! ... link abaixo:

O Corre Delas

Obvious Podcasts

Oie! Você tá preparada pra falar sobre trajetória profissional sem romantização? Eu sou Luanda Vieira, jornalista, e depois de um burnout e uma reviravolta na minha carreira, to aqui pra te convidar a acompanhar o Corre Delas, o novo podcast da Obvious. Vamos?

Direito 4.0

Direito 4.0

Neste podcast conversamos com as pessoas que estão transformando o direito por meio da inovação, criatividade e tecnologia. Tenha acesso a dicas, conhecimentos e experiências que irão trazer você para o Direito 4.0. | Instagram: | LinkedIn: |

A Bit of Optimism


The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism - I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things.

Product Guru's

Paulo Chiodi

Um podcast semanal que une aprendizado e bom humor em uma conversa simples, sem ser simplista. Com um olhar critico e de peito aberto, damos voz as pessoas por trás dos produtos com o foco de compartilhar ideias, sem a necessidade de ganhar discussões.

5 Minutes Podcast com Ricardo Vargas

Ricardo Viana Vargas

Desde 2007, Ricardo Vargas publica o 5 Minutes Podcast, onde aborda, de uma forma rápida e prática, os principais temas da área de gerenciamento de projetos, portfólio e riscos.

De Carona na Carreira

Thais Roque

De carona na Carreira, é apresentado por Thaís Roque às quintas-feiras. O programa conta sobre as mais incríveis jornadas profissionais, de executivos a celebridades através de entrevistas e cápsulas rápidas, te levando para passear pelos caminhos percorridos por gente de sucesso, e mostra que o impossível é uma questão de ponto de vista.

CBN Comunicação e Liderança - Leny Kyrillos


A fonoaudióloga especialista em voz ensina como transmitir uma mensagem com objetividade e segurança.

Café Previdenciário IBDP

Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Previdenciário

Olá! Seja bem vindo(a) ao Podcast oficial do IBDP (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Previdenciário) trazendo pílulas de 30 minutos com as principais novidades da área. Através de conteúdos inéditos vamos provocar especialistas, advogados e juízes para pensarem diferente e trazerem um informativo de excelência. Os episódios são semanais e vão ao ar toda terça-feira, às 8h


Project Management Institute

Projectified[R] is your guide to the future of project management. Created by Project Management Institute, this podcast is for people who lead strategic initiatives and collaborate on teams to deliver value to their organizations. It features dynamic thought leaders and practitioners who share their real-world experiences and expertise to inform, inspire and prepare you for success.

API School

API School

Seu portal de treinamento para provas de certificações e evolução da sua carreira no setor de investimentos. Visite API School e faça o download dos materiais. WWW.APISCHOOL.COM.BR



Somos especialistas de imigração para os Estados Unidos. Ajudamos profissionais e investidores na aplicação de processos até o recebimento do Green Card.

Mundo Corporativo


Comentários de Carlos Julio, Jaime Troiano e Cecília Russo, Leny Kyrillos, Luis Rasquilha, Max Gehringer, Sandra Boccia, além de entrevistas feitas por Mílton Jung.

The Raiam Show

Raiam Santos

A ideia do podcast Mundo Raiam é entrevistar pessoas que literalmente tocaram o fo**-se para as expectativas da sociedade, e se deram bem, justamente por serem diferentes, e entender o porque elas são tão boas no que fazem.

Daily Sales Tips

Scott Ingram - Sales

A podcast for B2B sales professionals featuring a new tip everyday, 7 days a week. All tips will be 5-10 minutes or less so that you can binge through a week's worth of tips in less than an hour.



「時間」と「場所」にとらわれずに自分らしい生き方をしている人=ライフトラベラー。この番組では、みずからも夫婦で世界を飛び回るマツダミヒロが、各地からその国のエネルギーとともに、自分らしく生きるヒントと「魔法の質問」をお届けします。「ライフトラベラーカフェ」には、自分らしい「ライフスタイルとビジネス構築」のヒントが満載です。 【マツダミヒロ:プロフィール】『魔法の質問』シリーズをはじめ、著書は30冊以上。国内外で魔法の質問のメソッドを使い活躍するインストラクターは3,000人を超えている。

The Leadership 480 Podcast Series


Make the most of your 480 minutes, days, and months. As a leader, time is the limit you can’t control. You have 480 minutes every day to make an impact, 480 work days to achieve your business goals for the next two years, and 480 months to chart the arc of your career. The Leadership 480 Podcast from DDI is about making the most of it all—with insights, research, advice, practical tips, and expertise to help you spend your time more wisely. Topics covered range from leadership skills, business trends, career planning, and a host of others. This leadership podcast will be time well spent!

CBN Professional


O CBN Professional é uma parceria com o jornal Valor Econômico. O podcast promove conversas com líderes de grandes empresas e especialistas em negócios para ajudar o desenvolvimento profissional dos ouvintes e reflexões no mundo dos negócios.

Mas e aí, Paula?

Paula Boarin

Oi, eu sou a Paula Boarin, Mentora de Carreira e esse é o “Mas e aí, Paula?”.   Aqui vou falar sobre tudo que eu gostaria ter aprendido quando comecei minha carreira. Vou compartilhar com você meus erros, acertos, aprendizados e "casos de empresa" no melhor estilo “bate papo cabeçudo”.   Ah, e não se preocupe, que casos não vão faltar, afinal, são mais de 90 empresas atendidas e 100 mil pessoas treinadas em 20 países, é coisa, viu?!   Pegue seu cafezinho, me coloque no seu fone de ouvido e vem comigo transformar sua carreira com boas provocações!   Contato: | @paulaboarin

Working It

Financial Times

Whether you’re the boss, the deputy or on your way up, we’re shaking up the way the world works. This is the podcast about doing work differently. Join host Isabel Berwick every Wednesday for expert analysis and watercooler chat about ahead-of-the-curve workplace trends, the big ideas shaping work today - and the old habits we need to leave behind. Brought to you by the Financial Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Código Aberto


Conversas francas com os profissionais mais influentes do mercado, suas grandes ideias e o que pensam sobre o futuro da mídia, da tecnologia e da comunicação. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Fala Guerreiro Cast

Fala Guerreiro Cast

Canal direcionado a policiais, militares, admiradores das forças de segurança e a concurseiros que pretendem ingressar à carreira policial. Por aqui você acompanhará os melhores bate-papos entre nossos anfitriões e os melhores guerreiros e especialistas em segurança pública do Brasil. O Fala Guerreiro Cast tem como host's Rômulo Brito (Instagram @romulobrito_) e Rafa de Martins (Instagram @rafademartins11).

Papo de Líder

Allan Pimenta

Liderança, gestão, autodesenvolvimento, empreendedorismo, protagonismo e otras cositas más. Ideias e reflexões que provoquem sua melhoria contínua! Com Allan Pimenta

Engenharia de Dados [Cast]

Luan Moreno M. Maciel

Esse podcast tem como principal objetivo esclarecer as mais diversas faces de Big Data. Hoje em dia a quantidade de produtos e tecnologias disponíveis no mercado é imensa e saber o que usar e quando irá posicionar qualquer engenheiro de dados no topo da cadeia alimentar. Iremos apresentar diversas discussões calorosas além de explicações em detalhes sobre as mais diversas necessidades para se tornar um profissional diferenciado nessa área.

Médico Empreendedor

José Netto - Otorrino

Este podcast é para Médicos que desejam captar, encantar e fidelizar muito mais clientes particulares, exercer a medicina apenas no seu consultório e ter mais liberdade e lucros.

Direito de Resposta

Renato Sapiro

Bem-vindos ao Direito de Resposta, um raio-x do Mercado Jurídico. Este é um Podcast leve e informal, onde falaremos com os principais personagens deste meio sobre carreira, tendências e curiosidades. E este é um podcast quinzenal. Então já sabe, temos um encontro marcado segunda sim, segunda não.

CPA 10 - Márcio Morra

Marcio Morra de Lima Filho

Curso CPA 10


Fabiana Del Padre Tomé

Sejam bem-vindos ao Tributário Cast, um novo podcast feito por e para advogados, em que a professora Fabiana Tomé vai comentar as notícias tributárias mais importantes da atualidade, para que você possa advogar com segurança e consiga aproveitar as melhores oportunidades tributárias que estão próximas de você.

Forecast de Carreira da Assetz

Assetz Expert Recruitment

O Forecast de Carreira da Assetz é o primeiro canal de conteúdo de carreira voltado exclusivamente ao profissional de Finanças. Liderados pelos sócios-fundadores da Assetz Expert Recruitment, os episódios trazem análises e tendências do mercado de recrutamento e seleção para Finanças, dicas de carreira e entrevistas, além de bate-papos com grandes executivos.


Michael Andrade

By Michael Andrade

Você Bancário | Carreiras, notícias e certificações!

Você Bancário

Informações sobre economia, dicas para quem trabalha ou deseja trabalhar no mercado financeiro, CPA10, CPA20 e CEA e MUITO MAIS! Quer receber bônus exclusivos e acompanhar nossas notícias e atualizações? Acesse e siga as nossas redes, e

APM Project Management Training

Parallel Project Management Training

These podcasts are part of the parallel project learning system. As an accredited training provider, they are based on the APM Body of Knowledge and can be used standalone or in conjunction with the Parallel study guides, on-line e-learning and workshops. Visit our website,, for full details. We're with you all the way

Pensamiento Positivo Podcast (OFICIAL)

IPP Podcast

Pensamiento Positivo fue el primer programa de radio en España que combinó desarrollo personal y desarrollo profesional. Dirigido por Sergio Fernández, descubre claves prácticas para aplicar en tu vida en asuntos como la pareja, la familia, el trabajo y las finanzas personales. Más información en



Sejam bem-vindos ao canal de conteúdo e carreira do Desenvolve, a plataforma de desenvolvimento do Itaú. Aqui vamos te dar o caminho das pedras para você alcançar excelentes resultados e crescer na carreira. Se você está aqui já saiu na frente porque sabe o quanto o aprendizado contínuo é importante pra que a gente possa se desenvolver. Continue com a gente, siga o canal e ative as notificações. Vem que a gente vai longe!

RH Cast

Jessica Martins, People Academy

O RH Cast é um videocast focado em conteúdos sobre o universo de Gestão de Pessoas. Diversidade, Inclusão, Carreira, Experiência, Liderança, Performance e Transformação Digital, são alguns dos temas que você irá encontrar por aqui. Apresentado pela especialista Jessica Martins, CEO da People Academy, o RH Cast está na quarta temporada e já convidou profissionais de todo tipo de empresa para inspirar o desenvolvimento dos profissionais de RH. Inscreva-se para receber uma notificação, sempre que um novo episódio for ao ar.

Dan Lok Show

Dan Lok

Discover how to “Unlock” your greatest success in business and in life each week as bestselling author and internationally renown business mentor Dan Lok shares his inspiring insights, interviews the world’s most brilliant business minds, including influential celebrities, to inspire you to develop high income skills, create financial momentum, and unshakable confidence and help you to unlock your higher self.

The Cardone Zone

Grant Cardone

THE CARDONE ZONE is the one place to find everything Grant Cardone: Real Estate Investing Made Simple, Power Player interviews with superstar entrepreneurs, authors, experts, coaches, and business leaders; The G&E Show - the business of Marriage and How to Build an Empire; Digital Marketing tips; Young Hustlers for Sales Professionals; and much, much more!

Vendedor do Futuro | Vendas, Estratégia e Gestão

Adriano Borges

Vender é uma arte que Adriano Borges conhece bem. Apaixonado pelo universo comercial desde criança, mesmo antes de conhecer as técnicas e táticas que fazem tanto sucesso hoje, Adriano sempre soube que sua missão era encantar e ajudar pessoas através de suas vendas. Com uma longa trajetória profissional, atualmente é empresário e Diretor Comercial do IPOG Vitória, e enxerga esse podcast como uma oportunidade de disseminar os seus conhecimentos e ajudar quem também é apaixonado por vendas a melhorar sua performance e crescer profissionalmente. Produção:

Lugar de Potência com Ricardo Basaglia

Rádio Eldorado

O headhunter mais acompanhado do Brasil dá dicas e lições de carreira e liderança.

Life at Disney

Disney Careers

Welcome to the “Life at Disney” podcast, the show where you’ll discover what it’s like to Be Part of the Story in a career with Disney. Each season, your hosts will uncover remarkable stories from the perspective of the people and teams behind the unparalleled storytelling, iconic brands, and innovative technologies that have defined The Walt Disney Company for the last 100 years. Join us as we talk with cast members, crew, Imagineers, and employees to learn more about what makes working at Disney so special and explore career opportunities across the globe.

Recruiting Future with Matt Alder

Evergreen Podcasts

Innovation and futurology in Recruiting, Recruitment Marketing and HR Technology. Matt Alder interviews thought leaders who are influencing and changing an industry

Job Interview Preparation Simplified

Based on insights into who is really getting the job (plus exactly how they do it), this podcast is a new and simple approach to job interview preparation. Each episode is only five minutes long. This way, you can make progress even if you only have a couple of minutes. It contains one specific topic, gives you the relevant background and a clear and simple, step-by-step approach to help you prepare the perfect answers. Visit for more information on how to prepare for an interview, to provide feedback or to make suggestions for upcoming episodes..

Raridade Anderson Freire

Andréa Marques

Raridade anderson Freire

The Safety Pro Podcast

Blaine J. Hoffmann, MS OHSM

No management theory, platitudes, or guru speak - just actionable workplace safety and health info you can use right now.

New Here

Harvard Business Review

Whether it’s your first job or a fresh start, “New Here” is the young professional's guide to work — and how to make it work for you. Every Wednesday, join host Elainy Mata in conversation with career experts and friends as they share stories, tips, and advice that will help you build a meaningful career on your own terms. Have a career question? Let us know at

Office of Cards di Davide Cervellin

Davide Cervellin

Il podcast del libro Office of Cards, in italiano! Scopri i segreti per avere successo nelle grandi aziende, ascolta interviste di top manager che ce l‘hanno fatta e che condividono le storie e le tecniche che li hanno portati al successo. Ascolta spunti tratti da best seller di miglioramento personale, commentati e contestualizzati per renderli chiari e applicabili alla tua vita. Office of Cards e‘ il primo podcast italiano dedicato a costruire carriere di successo nelle grandi aziende, provalo e condividilo con gli amici!

Liderança Que Transforma

Fabiana Mello

Liderança que Transforma é um espaço para compartilhar com você uma nova perspectiva e como ela pode transformar a sua vida e a dos seus colaboradores.

Wealth Cast

Rick Silva

Dicas, macetes, boas práticas e tudo sobre como ser um profissional melhor no mercado financeiro!

English Job Interview

Jakob G

Jakob, Emre, Hakan, Yannik

Carreira e Negócios - Cristina Dantas

Cristina Dantas

Neste podcast você irá encontrar todos os programas semanais da Jovem Pan Porto Alegre sobre Carreira e Negócios com a comentarista Cristina Dantas. Para maiores informações sobre Cristina acesse : Instagram @cristinadantas.oficial Linkedin : Cristina Dantas

RH na Prática

Elissandra da Mata

Bem vindo(a) ao Podcast RH na Prática! Eu sou Elissandra da Mata, Psicóloga apaixonada pelo mundo organizacional. Há mais de 13 anos atuando na área de desenvolvimento humano organizacional e dedicando energia a entender e desenvolver não somente as pessoas, mas também as empresas ATRAVÉS das pessoas. Minha maior missão é propagar o RH estratégico e formar cada dia mais profissionais que sejam referência em excelência PRÁTICA!

5 Minutes Podcast with Ricardo Vargas

Ricardo Viana Vargas

Since 2007, Ricardo Vargas publishes the 5 Minutes Podcast where he addresses in a quick and practical way the main topics on project, portfolio and risk management.

Steering Engineering Podcast


Software engineering leaders face major hurdles to delivering value. On Steering Engineering, Gartner experts offer up-to-the-moment insights and key trends for achieving success today and tomorrow.


Joubin Mirzadegan

Grit explores what it takes to create, build, and scale world-class organizations. It features weekly episodes highlighting the leaders who are pushing their companies to make a difference. This series is hosted by Joubin Mirzadegan, go to market operating partner at Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm investing in history-making founders.

LideraCast - Mentoria para Líderes

Octavio Alves Jr

Temas do LideraCast são LIDERANÇA, CARREIRA, SOFT SKILLS e NEGÓCIOS. Sou o Octavio Alves Jr, Linkedin Top Voice 2024, professor de MBA na FIA e na FGV, mentor de líderes. Executivo LATAM e conselheiro de empresas. Quer me conhecer mais? Instagram: @octavioalvesjr e @lideracast_podcast LinkedIn: @octavioalvesjr YouTube: @octavioalvesjr

Estratégia Tech

Estratégia Concursos

Podcast do Estratégica concursos, sendo o pioneiro em ter conteúdo voltado para concursos de Tecnologia da Informação. Aqui damos dicas, resolvemos questões, entrevistamos professores e tiramos dúvidas dos nossos concurseiros (canetas pretas) Participante: Diego Carvalho, Thiago Cavalcanti, Raphael Lacerda, Fernando Pedrosa (Neymar Pedrosa)

The Wall Street Skinny

Kristen and Jen

This podcast is a smart and entertaining peek into the world of investment banking, sales & trading, private equity, hedge funds and more. Hosted by two lifelong friends with a passion for teaching, and over two decades of experience on Wall Street.  Discover the basics, ranging from “what is investment banking?” to “what moves markets?".  Learn about different roles and exit opportunities, and get tips on how to land the job.  Our mission is to make the world of Wall Street accessible to everyone, while keeping things relatable and fun.Whether your goal is to work on Wall Street, or if you have NO idea what any of those things are and just want to learn some basics, this podcast is for you.

How to Be Awesome at Your Job

How to be Awesome at Your Job

Get more fun, wins, meaning, and money from your job! With 25,000,000 downloads and mentions in The New York Times, Forbes, and Linkedin Learning. This show helps grow your skills and impact at any job that requires thinking and collaborating. Each week, Pete interviews thought-leaders and results-getters to discover specific, actionable insights that boost work performance. Their stories and advice sharpen the universal skills to flourish at work. Boost your time/energy management, leadership, confidence, career opportunities, and fulfillment—while still getting home earlier. Try starting with episode 0: START HERE and listener favorite episodes we put at the beginning numbered: A, B, C, D, E, and F. (Subscribe and/or sort Old to New to find these starter episodes.) Welcome!


Hernane Ferreira Júnior

Cansado de ver o sucesso sendo contado no passado por quem já chegou lá, criei o EMCONSTRUcast para todos nós que ainda não chegamos lá, mas estamos no caminho! Aqui você acompanha, literalmente, a efetiva #CONSTRUÇÃO e não somente a história daqueles que já chegaram lá. Tem para todos os gostos... Episódios curtos e individuais ou, se preferir, entrevistas mais longas com pessoas e assuntos bem legais. #BoraConstruir? Instagram: @hernaneferreirajr |

Scuba Ponto Dev


Alunos e alunas da Alura contam sua trajetória, suas vitórias e desafios, com insights para você sobre carreira e desenvolvimento.


Cantora Naiane Santos

Deus vai te surpreender .cidadão do céu

Product Thinking

Melissa Perri

Successful product management isn’t just about training the product managers who work side by side with developers everyday to build better products. It’s about taking a step back, approaching the systems within organizations as a whole, and leveling up product leadership to improve these systems. This is the Product Thinking Podcast, where Melissa Perri will connect with industry leading experts in the product management space, AND answer your most pressing questions about everything product. Join us each week to level up your skillset and invest in yourself as a product leader.

OFFBounds - #1 Podcast for Commerce Leaders

Paula Macaggi

OFFBounds is a podcast where commerce executives share their perspectives, successes, and lessons learned in their careers to inspire other global leaders in their journey and decision-making.Every week, the host Paula Macaggi meets industry leaders to discuss business strategies, careers, and leadership in one-on-one conversations challenging the limits of borders and boundaries.Paula unveils the person behind the leader and brings to her audience of commerce executives experiences to relate, motivate, and reflect on decisions that are shaping commerce.OFFBounds is the first podcast recorded in person with audio and video featuring executives in commerce from around the world.

Mentalidade Ambidestra

Mentalidade Ambidestra

Bem-vindo/a ao MENTALIDADE AMBIDESTRA, o seu portal para transformar as dualidades do mundo em seu maior trunfo. Neste espaço audacioso e provocativo, mergulharemos profundamente nas águas da gestão, liderança e assuntos afins, emergindo com pérolas de sabedoria que desafiam o convencional. Aqui, os amigos Victor de Almeida Moreira e Henrique Takemoto, entusiastas da inovação e da adaptabilidade, conduzirão você através de um labirinto de ideias, onde cada episódio é uma aventura que afia sua mente e fortalece sua habilidade de navegar nas complexidades da vida ambidestra.

Criminal Cast - Missão Criminalista - Professor Warlem Freire

Missão Criminalista

Bem vindo ao Criminal Cast. O seu podcast semanal de Processo Penal e Prática Penal. Aqui o Professor Warlem Freire irá compartilhar com vocês tudo sobre a atuação do advogado nos processos criminais. O Professor Warlem Freire é Advogado Criminalista, Professor de Processo Penal, fundador do Complexo de Estudos Professor Warlem Freire e idealizador do treinamento Missão Criminalista!

Travessia de Carreira


Apoie o Travessia de Carreira - Este é o Podcast Travessia de Carreira, o #PTC, apresentado por mim, Erih Carneiro. Ele foi criado para me ajudar na minha transição de carreira. Espero te ajudar, também. Toda semana um papo sobre travessia de carreira com gente real, que passou por esta aventura e tem algo a ensinar. Vamos juntes? Vamos! No Instagram você me acha como @eridabaea, no LinkedIn Eri Carneiro 🏳️‍🌈 ou no e-mail

O Contador de Histórias Podcast

Contabilidade Facilitada

Gabriel Rabelo é fundador do Contabilidade Facilitada, o maior perfil do universo contábil no Instagram. Também é host do podcast O Contador de Histórias, abordando temas relacionados à contabilidade, empreendedorismo e desenvolvimento pessoal de forma leve e descontraída.

The 80000 Hours Career Guide — Find a fulfilling career that does good

Benjamin Todd & the 80,000 Hours team

Coming September 4: an audio version of the 2023 80,000 Hours Career Guide also available on Amazon, Audible, and free on our website ( It contains 11 chapters, from 'What makes for a dream job?' to 'Which jobs help people the most?' to 'What’s the best way to gain connections?' It also has 9 appendices on a range of topics like 'All the evidence-based advice we found on how to be more successful in any job' and 'is it ever OK to take a harmful job in order to do more good?'

The Strengths Whisperer

34 Strong

We spend so much of our lives thinking about what's wrong with us instead of recognizing what we do best. If we can play to those strengths, think of how powerful we could be. Think of how powerful businesses and organizations could be. The most common denominator of the most successful leaders is self-awareness. On this show, hosts Darren Virassammy and Brandon Miller help leaders uncover and their superpowers by using the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Along the way you’ll learn how a strengths-based approach can transform businesses into engaged workplaces. This is The Strengths Whisperer, a show empowering leaders to create, build, and sustain great places to work.

Cliche Talks

Vitoria Fiore

Oi mozões, meu nome é Vitoria Fiore (mais conhecida na internet como Not That Cliche) e esse é o Cliche Talks. Nesse espaço a gente vai receber convidados que assim como eu, gostam de fugir do óbvio. E a melhor parte - eles vão contar pra gente como chegaram até la.

50 Fires: Money and Meaning with Carl Richards

Blind Nil Audio

Talking about money is hard. All over the world, people are taught never to talk about money, politics, sex or religion in polite company. On 50 Fires: A Podcast About Money and Meaning from Executive Producers Chip and Joanna Gaines, host and financial conversationalist Carl Richards will remove money from that list by having frank, funny, and often difficult conversations about money - the kind we were all told not to have! - with guests from all walks of life. In each episode, Carl will invite a new guest to answer the question “What does money mean to you?” Their answers will reveal much more than their attitudes about money, spanning revelations about identity, community, faith, family and the true meaning of wealth. Please direct business inquiries to: Website:

Pharmacist Diaries

Anisha Patel

Welcome to Pharmacist Diaries. In this podcast we are going to explore all aspects of peoples’ lives; their passions, starting a career in pharmacy, transitioning into different roles, overcoming challenges, entrepreneurship, and innovation. My goal is to dive deeper into the secret lives of pharmacists, revealing their journeys and inspiring you to progress in your career. Join me, my friends, and my colleagues for a new episode every week and get a look into what life is like behind the scenes of real people.

Entrepreneurs on Fire

John Lee Dumas of EOFire

John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 100 million listens of his 3000+ episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire into a media empire that generates over a million listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is the modern day version of Think and Grow Rich with a revolutionary 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. Learn more at

The Geotechnical Engineering Podcast

Anthony Fasano, PE and Jared M. Green, PE

The Geotechnical Engineering Podcast (TGEP) provides engineering career advice and success stories specifically for geotechnical engineers. Jared M. Green, PE, D. GE, F.ASCE, NOMA, Principle at Langan Engineering and Award-Winning Geotechnical Practice Leader hosts the show and showcase geotechnical engineering projects and professionals. Topics covered include but are not limited to large diameter foundations, design-build, energy foundations, ground anchor systems, career planning tips, unsaturated soil mechanics, geosynthetics, soil erosion, dynamic compaction, earthquake engineering and more.

Sales Questions Show - Brutally Honest Answers - B2B Sales answers regardless of what you sell from saas to private jets


If you have a Sales Question please submit it via LinkedIn and I will answer it. If you like The Advanced Selling Podcast and other Sales and Selling Podcasts you will love this.

The Treasury Career Corner

Mike Richards

In this weekly podcast I interview Treasury professionals from across the globe about their treasury careers. I talk to them about their roles, how they built their careers, where they are now and where do they see both themselves and the treasury profession developing. Other areas we talk about include; -Career highlights and lowlights -Where they got their big break -What they see as key to their success -Where do their careers go from here? -What do they see as the future of the Treasury profession As a treasury recruitment company, we also explore treasury talent issues and what they believe is the future for treasury profession?

We The Sales Engineers: A Resource for Sales Engineers, by Sales Engineers

Ramzi Marjaba

Lots of resources are available for sales people, and a lot more for technical people, but not enough for Sales Engineers. This resource is available for Sales Engineers who are interested in learning from other Sales Engineers as many will be interviewed on this platform.

The Take Off - Australian Leading Construction Podcast

Mick Donaghy

The Take Off is a Specialist Construction Podcast for the Australian & New Zealand Construction Markets. Each week, your host, Mick Donaghy will interview a leading Construction Entrepreneur or Leader within the Built Environment to share their story. Our goal is to show the good, the bad and the imperfect of the construction industry. As we all know, construction is a people business and we as people are fundamentally, imperfect. Which is part of the reason why we all love stories. The Highs, the Lows and the continued Battle to be Better.

Dicas de RH da Professora Juliane

Juliane Lourenço do Carmo

O RH estratégico e seu impacto positivo nas Organizações!!

The Circuit with Emily Chang


Bloomberg journalist Emily Chang sits down for intimate interviews with the biggest names at the intersection of tech, business, entertainment and culture. Join us every Thursday for a behind-the-scenes look at the most exciting and influential trends, and the big personalities behind them.

RH Estratégico


RH Estratégico é uma curadoria e produção de conteúdos sobre RH e Desenvolvimento Humano, produzida pela Intentus com condução de Lilian Sanches, especialistas no assunto. Conheça mais em -

David Goggins Motivational Speech


Ted Talks

Ted Vuong

Perspective, ideas, and values shared by an ambitious Asian American who is just trying to make it through the day.

Erika Linhares - SEGUNDOU

Erika Linhares

O que te impede de ser feliz de segunda a sexta? Problemas profissionais? Vamos resolver! Está com medo de ser mandado embora? Está tentando ser promovido mas não consegue? Está procurando emprego mas não passa nas entrevistas? Está infeliz com o emprego que tem? Neste Podcast vamos falar das suas dores no trabalho. Vou te ajudar a resolver o seu problema! Sua segunda nunca mais será a mesma! Vem comigo!

The Nurse Keith Show

Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC

The Nurse Keith Show offers up-to-date advice and knowledge for savvy 21st-century nurses. During each episode, Board-Certified holistic career coach Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC explores career management and development; multidisciplinary collaboration; public health and healthcare delivery; social justice; entrepreneurship; and personal growth, through inspirational monologues and inspiring interviews with healthcare thought leaders and innovators. With the goal of helping you create the most satisfying nursing career and life possible, The Nurse Keith Show is an invaluable audio destination for ambitious, thoughtful, and forward-thinking nurses.

Career Contessa

Dear Media, Lauren McGoodwin

Shortcut your path to being more successful at work. This show helps you figure out what you truly want, land a job, make more money, advance your career, and improve your work life with actionable insights from experts that boost work performance. We're covering job searches, job interviews, resumes, LinkedIn, how to get paid and get a salary raise, career growth tips, leadership and management advice, workplace interpersonal skills, wellness strategies, work-life balance, confidence, career transitions, workplace toxicity, and more! Listen wherever you get your podcasts, follow @careercontessa on Instagram for daily career tips, and subscribe to our newsletter at


Rodrigo Barbosa

O podcast sobre carreira, liderança e ambiente corporativo





Michael Page

Com o intuito de dar suporte para profissionais que estão buscando novas oportunidades de carreira, ajudar consultores a aprimorarem seus processos seletivos, o podcast EntreVistas por Michael Page, chega no atual cenário do mercado de trabalho trazendo bate - papos com diversos profissionais que têm um papel decisor dentro de grandes companhias e que podem mostrar o que as empresas estão buscando em suas contratações. Candidate-se em uma de nosssas vagas:

The CMO Podcast

Gallery Media Group & Jim Stengel

Jim Stengel, former CMO of the largest marketer in the world (Procter & Gamble), and now small company entrepreneur sits down for intimate conversations with the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This is not your typical marketing podcast, this is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO. Jim, who put purpose on the map gets in depth with each guest to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions Jim and his guests paint a picture of this demanding position that very few understand, yet affects the entire consumer experience. The CMO Podcast is sponsored by Deloitte and Webflow.

Per My Last Email

Morning Brew

Is it okay to ask your coworker how much they make? Is Gen Z set up for failure in the workplace? Should you really bring your whole self to work? Each week on Per My Last Email, Morning Brew's resident career experts Kaila and Kyle—whose careers have collectively spanned the corporate, government, nonprofit, and startup sectors—debate the trickiest challenges in work life, and share tactics on how to overcome them.

Real Estate Rockstars Podcast

Aaron Amuchastegui & Shelby Johnson

Make more sales and earn higher commissions by learning directly from real estate's top performers! Counting more than six-million downloads from over 100 countries, Real Estate Rockstars is the industry’s most trusted, most popular podcast. With a new guest on each episode, you’ll learn from up-and-coming agents, seasoned brokers, real estate investors, and more. Robert Kiyosaki, Barbara Corcoran, and Ryan Serhant are just a few of the many notable guests who have shared their industry expertise with the Rockstar Nation. Real estate legend Aaron Amuchastegui asks the questions that matter and uncovers actionable answers–no filler and no clichés. Implement the strategies you learn listening to this bi-weekly podcast and start making more money in real estate. It’s that simple.

PlanVision by Mark Zoril

Mark Zoril

Mark Zoril is the Founder of PlanVision. With 26 years of experience he is intimately aware of the practices of the financial services industry. He shares his ideas on how you can have a simple, great investment plan in a series of short, concise podcasts and interviews. If you want to learn more visit

The Brutal Truth about Sales and Selling - We interview the world's best B2B Enterprise salespeople.

Brian Burns

No BS Allowed - Are you sick of empty suits telling you to work harder? - Learn about The Maverick Selling Method, which models the world's best salespeople and what they do differently. If you are in sales and are passionate about selling, you will like this podcast. The focus is on b2b sales and selling. If you are selling or in sales, this podcast is for you. I cover cold calling, spin selling, challenger sale, solution selling, and advanced selling skills. Strategic selling, LinkedIn, saas, sales leadership, sales management, social media, b2b marketing, maverick selling method and how sales have changed. If you are in sales and like selling, this podcast is for you. I have been selling for over 25 years, and today I help companies increase revenue and reduce sales cycles by understanding how their customers make purchase decisions. I avoid the old-school tips and trick approach to sales and instead create a sales and buying pattern map which enables salespeople to understand the selling and buying pattern. My clients are rewarded with over a 300% increase in new business and a 30% reduction in the time it takes to close business. My approach is direct and without the fluff that other sales training companies take, so if you want the brutal truth about sales and selling, you have found the right place.

Radical Candor: Communication at Work

Kim Scott, Jason Rosoff & Amy Sandler

Learn to love your job and kick ass at work without losing your humanity by practicing the principles of Radical Candor. Improve your feedback and communications skills, become a better leader, manager or team player, and drive your #careergoals in the direction of your dreams. Host Amy Sandler leads discussions with Radical Candor co-founders Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff about what it means to be Radically Candid, why it’s simple but not easy to Care Personally and Challenge Directly on the daily, and why it’s worth it. Tune in to get actionable tips for doing the best work of your life and building the best relationships of your career, and don't forget to read Kim Scott's New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity! Become a supporter of this podcast:

LDB: princípios e fins da educação


Princípios e fins da educação no Brasil

Be More with Tom Bassett


A podcast series where I'll connect with Trailblazers from the Salesforce CRM ecosystem to inspire those wanting to seek a new career path or those wanting to firm up their current career plans and become a expert in their field. @TomForce92
