82. How to Change the Way we Approach the Initiation of Infertility (with Shereen Öberg)


Our guest today, Shereen Oberg draws from a unique and rich mix of influences in her women’s empowerment work. She is the author of The Law of Positivism, she’s a yoga teacher and acupuncturist, and alongside this she holds a business and economics degree, and has recently completed a Master's degree in Global Sexual and Reproductive health and rights. She comes from a long lineage of strong, Kurdish matriarchs and political, social rights activists who shared their natural birth stories with her, this inspired her to train both as a nurse and a doula. Today we chat about how all of these influences wove together in her recent thesis about how we need to change the way we approach infertility across the globe. We explore:How 186 million people are affected by infertility in the world today, and most are feeling a degree of loneliness and isolation.The three big themes that occur across the globe; the grief felt with each loss, a deep questioning of purpose and existence, and the feeling of being let down by the healthcare system. What ancient goddess myths can teach us about the initatory process of infertility. ---The Menstruality Podcast is hosted by Red School. We love hearing from you. To contact us, email info@redschool.net---Social media:Red School: @redschool - https://www.instagram.com/red.schoolShereen: @lawofpositivism

82. How to Change the Way we Approach the Initiation of Infertility (with Shereen Öberg)

82. How to Change the Way we Approach the Initiation of Infertility (with Shereen Öberg)
