The FÜKMOR Parenting Method


One of the most common and socially acceptable excuses for not having sex as a couple, is when you have children. No one will fault you for that.Oh, you have a new baby? Of course you aren’t having sex! You haven’t had sex in a few years? Well you have so many children, how could you ever find the time?” The irony here is that the more you have sex, the easier and more effective your parenting will be. The better the sex you have, you’ll find that your whole life, especially as a parent, flows with ease and grace and harmony. Wanna know why? Because your bed is the epicentre of your family. The energy that you cultivate from your intimate life radiates out and reverberates into everything you do. Especially your children and family. You, as the couple, are the engine. When you are in love and having passionate, life-changing, life-building sex, you are feeding and nourishing yourselves and everyone around you. In this episode: Couple with six children magically finds/makes the time to have regular sexMom of 6 has 30 cervical orgasms in a rowThey share how the delicacy of the connection between them as parents/lovers impacts their children Hot sex life = hot business life. Getting two hours of sleep because you’ve been up most of the night making love and having so much energy from each other that you float through the day, unfaze-able How much easier it is to magnetize opportunities in your life when you put your relationship first 

The FÜKMOR Parenting Method

The FÜKMOR Parenting Method
