RapaduraCast - Podcast de Cinema e Streaming

Cinema com Rapadura

O podcast sobre cultura pop pioneiro do Brasil. Um bate papo semanal sobre cinema, séries e streaming! Assistir é apenas o começo!



As estreias e destaques da semana. Nos cinemas, na TV ou no streaming. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Morning Show

Jovem Pan

A revista radiofônica da Jovem Pan, pilotada por Paulo Mathias com a participação de convidados.

Podcast MdM – Melhores do Mundo

Podcast MdM – Melhores do Mundo

Podcast, HQ, Cinema, Games

Drama Queens


Take yourself back in time...back to high school. The ups and downs, the loves the losses, the struggles the triumphs, being together with your friends...feeling every emotion of it.   Is 23 more than just a number to you? Do you respond to people by saying I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately? Do you expect to have life-changing moments while caught in the confetti or the rain?   Are you One Tree Hill obsessed?...it's OK...we're here for you. You can sit with us.   Are Brooke, Peyton and Haley your BFF goals?   These Drama Queens are getting back together!! Bethany Joy Lenz, Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush are the biggest Drama Queens and they are here with you to dissect every episode, deliver every detail you must know, and devote themselves to you as you rewatch every single scene together.   Join Joy, Hilarie and Sophia each week.   Relive it, Relove it, Rewatch it ...every One Tree Hill minute of it. Be a Drama Queen. Drama Queens, an iHeartRadio Podcast.

Jogabilidade (Não Games)


Podcasts do Jogabilidade que não discutem jogos, aqui você vai encontrar o Linha Quente e o Fora da Caixa. No Linha Quente, discutimos e respondemos perguntas ridículas, dilemas absurdos, propostas indecentes e damos conselhos que definitivamente não devem ser seguidos por ninguém. Já o Fora da Caixa, nasceu de nossa ânsia por poder falar do dia a dia e das fontes de entretenimento que existem além dos jogos: filmes, quadrinhos, música, séries e tudo mais que der na telha.

Xwars Cultura Nerd

Xwars Podcast Cultura Nerd

XWARS é um podcast semanal de cultura nerd. Humberto, Paulo e Vitor conversam sobre o mundo nerd, seus filmes, séries, animações, HQs e muito mais. Gene X se expressando e guiados pela Força, junte-se à essa equipe nerd!

Falando de Nada

Michel Arouca e Aline Diniz

Falando de Nada é aquele papo gostoso entre amigos sobre séries, cinema, nerdices, mercado do entretenimento... Vários nadas, sabe? Aline Diniz e Michel Arouca são amigos apaixonados por tudo que move a indústria cinematográfica e televisiva. Hoje, ambos apresentam o Oscar, Emmy e Globo de Ouro na televisão e bombam no YouTube com seus canais ‘Entre Migas’ e ‘Série Maníacos’. Esse é o ‘Falando de Nada’, uma conversa semanal sem frescura, divertida e informativa.



Podcast focado em Cinema, que não deixa de falar de outros produtos em audiovisual. Criado em 2011, com o nome de "Enquadrando & Andando", quando a mídia podcast era consumida apenas por um punhado de apaixonados, teve seu fim em 2013, apesar das críticas positivas, do grande incentivo dos ouvintes, além de ter permanecido por quase 4 meses em destaque no iTunes. O 'Enquadrando' retorna anos depois com sua formação original – Fábio Rangel, Daniel Cavalcanti e Rodrigo Carvalho –, além da inclusão, mais do que especial, de Gabriel Gaspar, do canal do Youtube "Acabou de acabar".

Derivado Cast

Derivado Cast

O Derivado Cast é um podcast em áudio e vídeo comandado por Alexandre Bonfá, Michel Arouca e Bruno Clemente. Toda semana esses três amigos se reúnem para um divertido bate papo sobre séries de TV, cinema e cotidiano.

Tomada 2


PH Santos e Marcelo Hessel se unem pela primeira vez em um podcast para debater os principais lançamentos no Cinema e no Streaming (episódios todas as sextas-feiras, em todas as plataformas e no YouTube da Wondery: https://www.youtube.com/@WonderyBrasil), além de se aprofundarem em listas temáticas, entrevistas e análises dos temas mais quentes do momento (episódios todas as terças-feiras exclusivos e de graça no Amazon Music).

The MSR Files

ATTHS Productions

An in-depth look into all those shippy moments in The X-Files. We’ll be breaking down each episode and all those MSR moments that helped create the term “shipper”.


The Dark One

Um podcast sobre filmes trash, feito por adoradores do trash! Criado pela equipe da The Dark One.



Vamos discutir, lembrar e nos emocionar com cada momento de One Piece!


Canal PeeWee


Zain Shabbir

Are reflection on presintaion Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz

Papo de Novela


Siga o podcast do Gshow, agora com novo nome e episódios todos os dias da semana, para mergulhar no mundo das novelas, conferir entrevistas exclusivas com atores e atrizes, além de ficar por dentro de bastidores e curiosidades de sucessos da dramaturgia.

Plano Geral


Flavia Guerra e Vitor Búrigo conversam sobre o assunto que mais amam na vida: cinema. Um bate-papo divertido e com muita informação sobre tudo o que está rolando no cinema do Brasil e do mundo. Os grandes lançamentos de Hollywood, o melhor do cinema brasileiro, os filmes de autor do mundo todo que estão bombando nos festivais. As estreias da semana nas salas, dicas do streaming e muito mais. Edição: Danilo Cica. Siga no insta: @planogeral_podcast

Esqueletos no Armário


Podcast sobre horror feito por uns viadinhos mórbidos. Aqui você vai encontrar debates sobre cinema e televisão, viadagem, recomendações, piadas escatológicas, pouca vergonha, risadinhas frouxas, assassinatos brutais e absolutamente tudo de melhor que o gênero horror pode oferecer (na ficção e realidade). Um episódio novo todas as quartas-feiras. Confira o nosso site: https://www.esqueletosnoarmario.com/ Apoie o nosso projeto: https://apoia.se/esqueletosgays @esqueletosgays no Twitter e Instagram

Pod People

Pod People Podcast

Listen in as Cleveland, Matisse, and Ben dissect horror movies new and old, compete in challenges, and share plenty of laughs. Support the Pod Boys on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


República do Medo

Produzido e apresentado por Thiago Natário, Gabi Larocca e Gabriel Braga, o RdMCast é um podcast semanal que explora o horror em suas mais variadas faces culturais e históricas. Toda quinta-feira conversamos sobre filmes, séries, livros, casos e relatos assustadores. Vem bater um papo com a gente!! Nos acompanhe no instagram e facebook em /republicadomedo e no twitter na @rdmcast!

Mesacast BBB


Mesacast BBB é o podcast oficial do BBB 24 apresentado por Ana Clara, Nany People, Vítor di Castro, Jojo Todynho, Ed Gama, Mari Gonzalez, Henrique Lopes, Thamirys Borsan, Guto TV e Pequena Lo. Episódios inéditos todos os dias ao vivo, às 19h30, no gshow, Multishow e no Globoplay.

The Nerdz

The Nerdz - Podcast

É isso que o Mercúrio escuta quando está correndo com seu fone de ouvido ⚡️ Entre em contato: comercial.thenerds@gmail.com



Chegou a hora de tirar o crachá de críticos e vestir o pijama de espectadores comuns que realmente somos, para falar de filmes e séries do jeito que a gente quiser. Vamos descomplicar as conversas sobre filmes, séries e a indústria cinematográfica, aproximando nosso discurso da realidade de quem é fã... mas também de quem é hater. Porque, no fim, “a gente adora tanto, que odeia”.

Talk Flow

Talk Flow

Cortes dos episódios do canal do YouTube do talk flow e alguns episódios na íntegra



Podcast sobre cinema e séries de TV. Uma análise opinativa muito bem humorada sobre produções novas e antigas, trazendo informação e diversão na medida certa. Com Fernando Caruso, Gustavo Guimarães, Helvecio Parente, Nadia Lirio e Tibério Velasquez.



Muta-Xhow é um podcast com "p" de "Pela madrugada! Esse podcast vai revisitar X-Men: A Série Animada de 1992, episódio a episódio, fazendo análises, trazendo curiosidades e apontando momentos memoráveis, momentos absurdos e momentos engraçados, dessa que é considerada uma das melhores produções envolvendo os mutantes da Marvel. Tudo isso com o trio de três, Felipe 'Cavalo Manco" Garcia, Evandro "Loco" Morais e Amaro "Hellbolha" Junior em episódios lindos, cheirosos, garbosos e elegantes. Esse é o Muta-Xhow, o podcast que... ainda não tem uma frase de efeito bacana... MAS QUE É XHOW!

Podcast Filmes Clássicos

O Podcast dos Clássicos

O Podcast definitivo sobre Filmes Clássicos. Os grandes filmes, filmografias de diretores, dicas, episódios temáticos e muito mais. Hitchcock, Kubrick, Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, Renoir, Leone, Bergman, Lynch, Ford, Welles, Visconti, Eisenstein entre muitos outros. Visite www.filmesclassicos.com.br para ouvir o cinema como você nunca ouviu.

The Grimmcast

Hazy Mills Network

The ladies of Grimm — Claire Coffee, Bitsie Tulloch, and Bree Turner — take you on a journey through each episode of the hit NBC show. They will share behind-the-scenes stories, show lore, and of course talk to special guests along the way. They’ll also answer fan questions and highlight stories from the Pacific Northwest. To leave Claire, Bitsie, and Bree a message for them to answer on the show, please go to https://bit.ly/TheGrimmCast Follow the show on social media @TheGrimmCast Hosts: Claire Coffee, Bitsie Tulloch, Bree Turner Executive Producers: Rebecca Eisenberg & Todd Milliner Coordinator & Researcher: Riley Villiers Researcher: Emily Benton Production & Editing by: Rabbit Grin Productions Original Music by: Richard Marvin Originally developed and produced by: Claire Coffee and Erica Tuchman Formed by Emmy Award winners Sean Hayes and Todd Milliner, Hazy Mills Productions is dedicated to making entertaining, high-quality podcasts with a purpose. From HypochondriActor to The GrimmCast to The Randy Rainbow Podcast, HMP's vision is to be recognized as a leader of innovative, award-winning content while improving the world around us. We laugh. We create. We connect. For more information about The GrimmCast and other Hazy Mills Podcasts go to www.HazyMills.com For podcast sponsorship inquiries please reach out to Nina Cwik at PMM at nina@publicmediamarketing.com For press inquiries please reach out to Katie Fuchs at Lippin Group at kfuchs@lippingroup.com

LoGGado - Séries, Cinema, TV, Música e Muito Mais

LoGGado Team

Sua dose de diversão e entretenimento semanal!

Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide


Welcome to the Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide! Join Ned (Devon Werkheiser), Moze (Lindsey Shaw), and Cookie (Daniel Curtis Lee) as they rewatch their hilarious adventures on the series, share their own ups and downs from middle school to adulthood, and chat with special guests throughout the podcast. Dive back into the classic Nickelodeon show to relive all the wacky moments, lessons learned, and all the crushes had. Whether you're a nostalgic fan or discovering the show for the first time, join us for a wild ride through the halls of James K. Polk Middle School. Get ready for some new survival guide tips, tricks, and ridiculous anecdotes from the ultimate podcast survival guide. For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4   Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy   



90210... It's been THIRTY years since we walked the halls of West Beverly High, since we all hung out at the Peach Pit, since Brandon and Kelly had their first kiss, since we shouted Donna Martin Graduates!Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling are here for it all! Join them as they rewatch every episode from the very very beginning. Discover all the behind the scenes juicy details you've dreamed about for thirty years. Super fan and radio host, Sisanie, sits in to guide them through it all. Listen each week and relive it all with your favorite 90210 BFF's. Reminisce, Reflect, Rewatch.90210MG

Cruising the Movies

Cruising the Movies

Cruising the Movies is a new monthly podcast and screening series at IFC Center in New York from the creators of Ask Any Buddy. In each episode, Elizabeth Purchell and KJ Shepherd take a look at a different film from the fringes of queer cinema history. Through interviews, archival sources, and conversations with filmmakers, critics, and historians, this podcast and screening series will uncover how cinema is inextricable from queer history at large.

Script Apart

Script Apart

A podcast about the first-draft secrets behind great movies and TV shows. Each episode, the screenwriter behind a beloved film shares with us their initial screenplay for that movie. We then talk through what changed, what didn’t and why on its journey to the big screen. Hosted by Al Horner and produced by Kamil Dymek.

The House of Halliwell / A Charmed Rewatch Podcast

(Drew Fuller, Brian Krause, Holly Combs)

Join original Charmed cast members Holly Marie Combs, Drew Fuller, and Brian Krause (also known as Piper Halliwell, Chris Halliwell, and Leo Wyatt) as they discuss their time on the hit TV show episode by episode. Hear behind the scenes stories and get insight into the production process of the hit cult show.

the afictionados - stranger things

the afictionados

We're a network that likes to talk about tv shows and make bad jokes. This feed is for Stranger Things, a currently airing Netflix show. See our other feeds below

2 Black Girls, 1 Rose

2 Black Girls, 1 Rose

Why don’t reality dating shows look or feel like reality? Where are all the rose ceremonies and romantic getaways when dating IRL? Is popular TV teaching us anything about modern dating, relationships, and marriage? These are all topics discussed on 2 Black Girls, 1 Rose — a podcast uncovering what we can learn about modern dating, love, and relationships from popular television. Come ready to unpack, have a laugh, and commiserate with co-hosts and real-life BFFs Justine Kay and Natasha Scott-Reichel and let’s see if we can make sense of this thing called love! *New episodes every TUES, WED, & THURS! FOR AD-FREE EPISODES, VIDEO, REACTION CONTENT, AND MORE, JOIN US ON PATREON: patreon.com/2blackgirls1rose. Connect with us on Instagram @2blackgirls1rose and email us at 2blackgirls1rose@gmail.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Conversa Fiada Matou Carambola - Cultura Pop A Rigor

Cultura Pop A Rigor

Conversa Fiada Matou Carambola é um podcast do site Cultura Pop A Rigor CFMC - podcast de aleatoriedades, em que comentamos noticias e outros assuntos relacionados a cinema, música e sociedade CFMC no Cinema - nosso podcast dedicado a comentar filmes Esse filme vai ter ou já teve? - Vagando por outras dimensões, falando de filmes que deveriam existir (ou não)

Filmduelle: Filmanalyse, Making of und Trivia

Rüdiger Meyer / Michael Hille

Alle 14 Tage suchen sich Michael Hille und Rüdiger Meyer zwei Filmklassiker heraus, die überraschend viel gemeinsam haben. Ob nun Blockbuster wie James Bond, Marvel, ”Fluch der Karibik”, ”Lethal Weapon” und ”Star Wars”, Oscar-Gewinner wie die Filme von Pixar und Disney oder Filmklassiker wie ”Pretty Woman” oder die Werke von Alfred Hitchcock. Alles kann dabei sein, egal ob Action, Romanze, Komödie, Animation, Thriller, Horror oder Abenteuer.

Arrepio Na Nuca


O Arrepio na Nuca é um projeto de dois calvos amantes de filmes de terror, que buscam semanalmente (na medida do possível) trazer um episódio sobre algum filme recentemente visto. Inicialmente a ideia era falar apenas de bons filmes, mas quem gosta de terror sabe que a produção anual de bons filmes é pequena demais pra conseguir fazer um podcast semanal.



Soltando suas webs pelas web assim como solto trocadilhos cretinos, chega a podosfera seu mais novo podcast totalmente dedicado a uma das produções mais aclamadas do Cabeça de Teia, Homem-Aranha: A Série Animada de 1994! Esse é o Pod-Parker! Então vista seu pijama com motivos aracnídeos e una-se a Felipe Garcia, Evandro Morais, Edson Junior e Amaro Junior para revisitar essa clássica série, conhecer curiosas curiosidades e rir com defeituosos defeitos e divertidos momentos episódio a episódio! Sejam bem-vindos e bem vindas ao Pod-Parker, o podcast que, por pouco, não se chama Aracnofolia..

NRJ Séries News

NRJ France

Tous les vendredis à 12h30, on fait le point sur l'actualité Séries.

NRJ Ciné News

NRJ France

NRJ Ciné News

That Was Us

Mandy Moore, Sterling K. Brown, Chris Sullivan

This Is Us stars Mandy Moore, Sterling K. Brown, and Chris Sullivan dive back into the world of the Pearsons, reliving each episode and all the life lessons that came with it. Together, they dig in and dig deep, have the tough conversations, bring in very special and familiar guests, share never before heard behind-the-scenes moments, and feature listeners in highly anticipated fan segments. With new episodes out every Tuesday, join your favorite family back in the living room to examine our past, cherish our present, and look to the future. That Was Us... Follow the show for more! Instagram @thatwasus TikTok @thatwasuspod X @thatwasuspod Threads @thatwasus Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thatwasus

Papo de Cinema

Papo de Cinema

Espaço de debate entre jornalistas e críticos do site Papo de Cinema (www.papodecinema.com.br), sempre comentando destaques sobre filmes e séries, com participantes de diversas regiões do Brasil. Com Robledo Milani (@robledomilani), Marcelo Muller (@marcelo_p_muller) e Victor Hugo Furtado (@vhfurtado). CONTATO: papodecinema@papodecinema.com.br

The Weekly Planet

Planet Broadcasting

The Weekly Planet covers all things movies, TV shows and comics. Often considered the first and worst podcast on the Planet Broadcasting Network. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Séries no bar

series no bar

o podcast em que a gente bebe e fala de série @seriesnobar em todas as redes sociais

Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen

Bravo TV

Every night, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen brings you lively conversations about everything in the world of entertainment, politics, and pop culture. Now, get that same dose of celebrity (and Bravolebrity) fun as a podcast! Subscribe to hear every episode, plus the live after show and exclusive behind-the-scenes content.  Join the conversation! Twitter: @BravoWWHL Instagram: @BravoWWHL Facebook: Facebook.com/WatchWhatHappensLive Download the Bravo app to watch all your favorite shows: bravotv.com/getbravo

Cinemou! Podcast

Cinemou! Podcast

Podcast semanal sobre cinema com Ricardo Rente e Alexandre Almeida. Lançamentos, clássicos, as séries que estão bombando, últimas notícias e mais! Se é dia de cinema... então CINEMOU!

Pretty Little Liars: True Crime


Pretty Little Liars' Tammin Sursok and Lindsey Shaw delve into the twisted secrets of Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and the mysterious town of Rosewood. In every episode, with help from forensic scientist and death investigator Joseph Scott Morgan, they dissect the jaw-dropping plot twists and never-ending drama that made Pretty Little Liars the guilty pleasure you couldn’t look away from. Now go grab your black hoodie and strap in, because your journey’s about to begin… 

Acervo Fantástico

Felipe Sobreiro, Diego Nunes e Igor de Campos

Podcast sobre cinema, voltado especialmente aos gêneros de terror, fantasia, ficção científica e afins!

Bridgerton: The Official Podcast

Shondaland Audio and iHeartPodcasts

The beloved Shondaland series, Bridgerton, is back on your screens for season 3! With that, Bridgerton: The Official Podcast returns, with more behind-the-scenes insight into the Bridgerverse. Executive producer Betsy Beers hosts Inside The Ton: a deep dive into the genesis and journey of some of the most beloved characters from the show. Then, host Gabrielle Collins is going episode by episode, sharing exclusive peeks behind the Regency curtain. Binge the series on Netflix, then join us for conversations with the cast and creatives who brought the show to life. Listen to new episodes of Bridgerton: The Official Podcast every week starting May 2.

A TV Aberta - Reality Shows

A TV Aberta

Por que reality shows fazem tanto sucesso no Brasil? A jornalista Amanda Serra conversa com produtores, diretores e ex-participantes, pessoas que viveram de perto a história, na busca de entender esse fenômeno cultural brasileiro. A cada episódio temas que ajudam a montar esse cenário: fandoms, redes sociais, diferenças culturais com outros países, novos amores e cancelamento.


Jornal O TEMPO

Toda segunda, quarta e sexta, dicas de lançamentos de séries, filmes, documentários e programas que estão em alta e conquistando os telespectadores do universo infinito do streaming. O que há de melhor para assistir em todas as plataformas. 


Alexandre Maron

Zing! traz os jornalistas Alexandre Maron e Luciana Obniski discutindo cultura pop como se fosse coisa séria.

Im Gehörgang Ihrer Majestät | Der deutschsprachige Podcast über James Bond 007

Commodore Schmidlabb

Im Gehörgang ihrer Majestät ist der erste und einzige deutschsprachige Podcast über James Bond 007. Seit Februar 2020 zelebrieren Kai Sternberg und Sebastian Meinke jeden Monat die Abenteuer des britischen Geheimagenten – von Ian Flemings Romanen, über die Comics und Videospiele, bis zu den beliebten Filmen. Dazu gibt es die Bond-Nachrichten, Reiseberichte von Drehorten und Interviews mit Akteuren der Fan-Szene.

O Brasil Que Deu Certo

O Brasil Que Deu Certo

As lives do canal O Brasil Que Deu Certo agora também em formato de podcast!

Podcast Friends

Podcast Friends

Aquele Com O Podcast - Um podcast semanal em que 4 amigos discutem episódio por episódio de uma das melhores séries de TV de todos os tempos. 2 fãs de carteirinha @jujumassena @magrolima 2 newbies que verão os episódios pela primeira vez @barbarasacccomori @lucianopotter

The Filmcast

The Filmcast

In The Filmcast, hardcore geeks David Chen, Devindra Hardawar, and Jeff Cannata debate, pontificate, and delve into the latest films, TV shows, and other entertainment-related items from the past week. Weekly guests include everyday bloggers, webmaster luminaries, film directors, and movie stars from all walks of life. You can reach us at slashfilmcast@gmail.com and find more podcast episodes at http://www.thefilmcast.com

Sessão Cine Garimpo

Vida Simples

Sessão Cine Garimpo, o podcast de Suzana Vidigal, agora por Vida Simples. Com uma ambientação da sala de cinema, a jornalista Suzana garimpa séries e filmes que merecem ser comentados e que trazem reflexões interessantes sobre o universo do cinema e sobre a vida.

Newbie Star Trek

Fugitive Frames

Ricardo and Sara have never watched Star Trek before! So Marvin and Dan are taking them on a journey to watch it all, one episode at a time! We‘re currently going through TNG! New episodes every Tuesday! Newbie Star Trek is part of Fugitive Frames.

Pop Culture Happy Hour


Get obsessed with us. Five days a week, Pop Culture Happy Hour serves you recommendations and commentary on the buzziest movies, TV, music, books, videogames and more. Join arts journalists Linda Holmes, Glen Weldon, Stephen Thompson, and Aisha Harris - plus a rotating cast of guest pop culture aficionados. The Happy Hour team leaves room at the table for exploring a range of reactions and opinions on every bit of the pop universe. From lowbrow to highbrow to the stuff in between, they take it all with a shot of cheer.Make your happy hour even happier with Pop Culture Happy Hour Plus! Your subscription supports the podcast and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/happyhour

Plugado Podcast

Carlos Mafia

Bem-vindos ao Plugado Podcast, um programa onde histórias incríveis e inspiradoras são contadas de forma descontraída e divertida. Comandado pelo apresentador Carlos Mafia, diretor de filmes publicitários, o programa explora áreas, desde desenvolvimento pessoal às artes, buscando extrair histórias incríveis e mostrar como superar desafios e alcançar o sucesso. Além disso, a música é um elemento importante no programa, criando uma atmosfera envolvente e agregando valor ao conteúdo. Junte-se a nós e prepare-se para ser inspirado e motivado a alcançar o sucesso em sua própria vida. Vamos começar!

The Big Picture

The Ringer

Sean Fennessey and Amanda Dobbins review the movies you need to see. Plus: Top 5s, Movie Drafts, Oscars analysis, and more, featuring a rotating cast of Ringer colleagues like Chris Ryan, Van Lathan, and Bill Simmons.



Dicas de séries ou filmes. Cada participante escolhe uma, os outros não sabem qual é. Sua tese defendida ou refutada!

You Must Remember This

Karina Longworth

You Must Remember This is a storytelling podcast exploring the secret and/or forgotten histories of Hollywood’s first century. It’s the brainchild and passion project of Karina Longworth (founder of Cinematical.com, former film critic for LA Weekly), who writes, narrates, records and edits each episode. It is a heavily-researched work of creative nonfiction: navigating through conflicting reports, mythology, and institutionalized spin, Karina tries to sort out what really happened behind the films, stars and scandals of the 20th century.

Critérios de Programação

Critérios de Programação

Ei, você aí que ama novelas e gosta de televisão de modo geral e estava procurando um podcast que comenta esses assuntos de um jeito divertido e irreverente: não precisa mais procurar! Aqui falamos sobre novidades das novelas e dos reality shows, relembramos novelas antigas, a trajetória dos grandes teledramaturgos e muito mais. Gostou, né? Então aperta o play e vem com a gente se divertir! Apresentado por Fábio Sousa (@fabbiosousa) e João Dantas (@ojoaobdantas). Aperta o play e vem com a gente!

Podcast MdM – Melhores do Mundo

Podcast MdM – Melhores do Mundo

Podcast, HQ, Cinema, Games



Cinem(ação), o ponto de partida para reflexões sobre cinema, arte, humanidade, sociedade e política. Publicado às sextas-feiras, Rafael Arinelli, conduz conversas leves e informativas em que discute com diferentes convidados os mais diversos temas que permeiam a sétima arte. Venha ampliar a visão e desconstruir barreiras. • Site: https://cinemacao.com/ • Contato: contato@cinemacao.com • Produção: https://issoai.com.br/

Canal do Mando - Um Podcast Star Wars

Canal do Mando

O seu podcast para notícias, teorias e curiosidades de filmes e séries de Star Wars. Aqui falamos sobre personagens, naves, planetas e outros elementos de Star Wars. Tudo sobre a maior saga do cinema. Nosso conteúdo é feito de fã para fã. Então, siga nosso podcast e faça parte do nosso clã! This is the Way!

Big Name Bitches


Millennial queens, Anneliese van der Pol and Christy Carlson Romano give you exclusive Hollywood stories and hot takes you won’t hear anywhere else. Tune in for your weekly dose of sass from two grown-ass women who aren’t afraid to speak their minds 💅 For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4   Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy   

Podcast Cinema em Cena

Cinema em Cena

Episódios temáticos sobre a sétima arte, incluindo debates sobre grandes filmes e obras de grandes diretores.

2 Heures De Perdues

2 Heures de Perdues

Petit podcast de rigolos pour les amateurs de cinéma. Pourquoi gagner du temps quand on peut en perdre devant de mauvais films   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Happy Sad Confused

Big IP

On Happy Sad Confused, Josh Horowitz gets nerdy and intimate with the biggest movie stars and filmmakers on the planet. Each and every week, you’ll hear in-depth, career-spanning conversations with everyone from Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson to Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it was like to get casual with A-listers like Tom Hiddleston or Kristen Stewart (all HSC regulars), then come on in and join Josh on Happy Sad Confused.

Cinema Falado - Rádio Executiva

Grupo Jaime Camara

Programa sobre cinema da Executiva

Horrorizadas Podcast


Bate papo entre fãs de terror, com episódios focados em filmes undergrounds e independentes.

The Big Conn: The Official Podcast

Apple TV+

If you’re from eastern Kentucky, you know the name Eric C. Conn—a lawyer better known as “Mr. Social Security,” he had miles of bright yellow billboards, TV commercials, and a larger-than-life personality. While winning millions in social security benefits for clients, Conn cruised around one of the nation’s poorest counties in a Rolls-Royce, traveled the world, opened a brothel, intimidated his rivals, and so much more. But there was a problem: Conn was breaking all the rules to defraud the United States government of more than $550 million. And when he finally got caught, he fled the country! Featuring shady government officials, voodoo dolls, and an unbelievable manhunt, this is the story of one of the largest scams in U.S. history.  The Big Conn: The Official Podcast is an Apple TV+ podcast, produced by Fun Meter. Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts. Watch The Big Conn on Apple TV+, where available. https://apple.co/thebigconn_apatv

The Editing Podcast

The Editing Podcast

Jordan Orme is a video editor that has worked with Justin Bieber, Post Malone, Nike, Amazon Prime, and many more. Hayden Hillier-Smith is a leader in online video editing with a client list that includes household names like Logan Paul and MrBeast. Together they are The Editing Podcast: a podcast for video editors by video editors…because editing is in our lives more than ever. Whether it's the latest social media star or a literal Oscar winner, Jordan and Hayden interview the editors whose timelines have changed the world. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-editing-podcast/support

How Rude, Tanneritos!


How Rude, Tanneritos! A Full House Rewatch Podcast is here!! Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler are a pivotal part of American pop culture. These iconic characters are ingrained in the lives of actresses Jodie Sweetin and Andrea Barber for eternity. Frenemies onscreen and BFFs off, they’ve decided to team back up and look back…from the very VERY beginning. Think you know everything about your favorite Friday night comfort show? HOW RUDE!! So join us, and say hola Tanneritos, as Jodie and Andrea tell all. They’re heading home and our hearts are full.


Doctor Who Brasil

Podcast oficial do Doctor Who Brasil! Reviews, notícias e conteúdos exclusivos de Doctor Who. Série moderna, série clássica, universo expandido e muito mais! Apresentado por Freddy Pavão e Thais Aux!

Race Chaser with Alaska & Willam

Moguls of Media

RuPaul’s Drag Race superstars and fan favorites Alaska (All Stars S2 Winner, S5 Top 3) and Willam (S4 standout and Emmy Nominated actor) bring you an insider’s look at the worldwide phenomenon that is Drag Race by discussing and dissecting every episode ever. They also dive into Hot Goss, go behind the curtain of the Drag scene, and answer emails from their dedicated listeners. Produced by the Forever Dog Podcast Network.


Portal Refil

Podcast de humor sobre entretenimento; filmes antigos e lançamentos; séries; eventos; cultura pop, geek e nerd em geral; games; quadrinhos; nostalgia; entrevistas e muito mais.

Geek History Lesson

Jason Inman & Ashley Victoria Robinson

Not just another geek podcast, Geek History Lesson guides you through the fictional biography of pop culture characters! Diving deep into the history of superhero, film, tv and comic book characters. Each episode hosts Jason Inman and Ashley Victoria Robinson will have animated debates, recommended reading and bad impressions. Enter your mind university! You’ll geek out, grin and learn!

Overly Animated Miraculous Ladybug Podcasts

Overly Animated

Join Ladybug experts Dylan, Delaney, & April who've been podcasting on Miraculous Ladybug since Season 1 to talk about the latest Ladybug episodes and other fun topics! We actually like this show and think it's really good, but also very intentionally absurd and fun :)

Dawson's Speak: A Podcast About Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Speak

A Dawson's Creek podcast where Traci Lee and first-time viewer Charles Lam take deep dives into the classic teen soap. Imagine we're just chatting in the cafeteria the next morning after the episode aired. We'll even share our snacks.

That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast

Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network

Each week, comedians and amateur detectives Liza Treyger and Kara Klenk break down episodes of NBC’s Law & Order: SVU, take a deep dive into the true crimes they're based on and interview on-screen talent, ranging from big stars to joggers who find the body. These are their stories. Dun dun! Tune in as they discuss all things not only Law & Order: SVU, but unfiltered hot takes on entertainment, TV, pop culture and more! Members of the elite squad like Kelli Giddish, BD Wong and Diane Neal have previously guested along with many more! Plus, the two friends frequently take to the stage with live shows featuring a PowerPoint, games and lots of laughs. Go to http://thatsmesseduplive.com or check their Instagram @thatsmesseduppod to check tour dates and get episode homework! That’s Messed Up: An SVU Podcast is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, I Said No Gifts!, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more.

The John Campea Show Podcast

Big IP

The John Campea Show Podcast features John Campea and guests as they discuss the news and trends in the world of movies as well as other topics that catch their interest from TV shows to sports to world events.

Freaks & Creeks: a Dawson's Creek Podcast

Freaks and Creeks

A Dawson's Creek Rewatch Podcast for those who missed the boat! Freaks & Creeks: a Dawson's Creek Podcast dives into each episode of the hit '90s TV show Dawson's Creek with a fresh perspective. Join Cody, Stella, Mal and James as they set sail through turbulent waters determined to understand this iconic teen drama’s place in the modern television zeitgeist.

The Suspense is Killing Us

Kevlar C

Podcast by Kevlar C

Papo de Trilha

Papo de Trilha

Podcast quinzenal sobre trilhas sonoras com Gustavo Camargo e Maurício Sellmann.

Gleek of the Week - A Glee Podcast


We're rewatching every performance from Glee to crown the ultimate performance from the series. Each episode, Andrew is joined by a different Gleek to discuss the show and move a few lucky songs forward on the Glacket - the Glee Bracket. Listen along to find out where your favorite performances end up!

Peregrino da Alvorada

IPB Multi

Com convidados mais que especiais, cada episódio nos levará para lugares da nossa imaginação, conectando a grande narrativa bíblica com a cultura, a fé e o nosso anseio pela eternidade. Ancorado por Alexandre Antunes e Guilherme Iamarino, o barco Peregrino da Alvorada partirá em viagem e você não pode perder! Embarque com a gente nesta incrível viagem! Este podcast é uma produção da APECOM



Podcast que nasceu da paixão sobre a animação oriental, os animes, junto aos cartoons ocidentais. Com objetivo de falar sobre animes e mangás para aqueles que não otakus, mas gostam, ao mesmo tempo desmistificar a ideia que desenho e filme de animação é somente para criança.

The Prestige TV Podcast

The Ringer

The Prestige TV Podcast covers the best shows on television with unparalleled passion and expertise. The feed features must-listen commentary from The Ringer’s own Bill Simmons, Joanna Robinson, Sean Fennessey, Mallory Rubin, Van Lathan, and many more. Subscribe to The Prestige TV Podcast for weekly recaps, comprehensive breakdowns, and exclusive creator & cast interviews.

And That's What You REALLY Missed


 Calling all Gleeks! We’re baaaaack…again. Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams) and Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina Cohen-Chang) are heading back to William McKinley High School to rewatch all 6 seasons of Glee! We’re taking you all the way from McKinley High to New York City, from the choir room to Nationals, and from the Super Bowl to a world tour! We’ll look back on your favorite moments and never before heard stories with a slew of guests including cast, crew, celebrities and you, the fans! So warm up those vocal chords and tune those ears, because it’s all coming out on And That’s What you REALLY Missed, an iHeartRadio Podcast.  

MUBI Podcast


The MUBI Podcast is an audio documentary series about great cinema–how it happens and how it brings people together. Each season, host Rico Gagliano deep dives into a different facet of the film world, from history making cinemas to legendary needle drops. It has been twice named Best Arts or Entertainment Podcast in the L.A. Press Club’s 2022 and 2023 National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards. It was nominated for a 2022 Webby Award for Best Individual Podcast Episode - TV or Film, and for Best New Podcast at the 2022 British Podcast Awards. Most recently, the series was nominated for Best Entertainment Show and Best Scriptwriting (Non-fiction) at the 2023 Ambie Awards.

A Divisão


Esse é podcast oficial de 'A Divisão', uma série original Globoplay produzida pela Afroreggae Audiovisual em parceria com o Multishow e a Hungry Man. Em cinco episódios, sempre às quintas-feiras, o ator Silvio Guindane, o Mendonça da série, recebe o autor e produtor José Júnior para conversas com figuras centrais da produção e convidados que comentam e contam histórias sobre as duas temporadas. 'A Divisão' é inspirada em fatos reais, retrata a onda de sequestros no Rio de Janeiro nos anos 90 e como ela foi combatida por um divisão especializada da polícia carioca. A segunda temporada já está disponível no Globoplay!

Media Club Plus

Friends at the Table

Welcome to Media Club Plus: a podcast about diving into the media that interests us and the stories that excite us, as always we are brought to you by Friends at the Table. This season, we're watching 2011's Hunter x Hunter, based on the manga by Yoshihiro Togashi

House of R

The Ringer

Welcome to ‘House of R,’ where Mallory Rubin and Joanna Robinson explore your favorite fictional universes with their signature Deep Dives into everything from ‘Game of Thrones’ to ‘Star Wars,’ ‘The Lord of the Rings’ to Marvel, and beyond. Whether they’re parsing mythology, story themes, and character arcs or tracing influences across decades of fantasy and sci-fi stories, Jo and Mal will be here weekly with Deep Dives into new nerd culture releases, nostalgic revisitations of their favorite tales in fandom, Tropes Course examinations, Hall of Fame inductions, Hype Meters, drafts, mailbags, watch lists, top moments countdowns, recommendations, and more.

Não Apague A Luz

Não Apague a Luz

Diretamente das sessões da meia-noite, vinho barato e opiniões duvidosas. Surge do túmulo um podcast sobre cinema e séries de terror!
