В спортивках


Привет! Меня зовут Андрей Барышников, я работаю в спортивном маркетинге, активно бегаю и катаюсь на велосипеде. Участвую в трейлах и марафонах, иногда заползаю в призы. В пятом сезоне подкаста «В спортивках» мы разбираемся: зачем люди занимаются спортом и ведут активный образ жизни. Изучаем литературу, болтаем со специалистами и фанатами бега. Написать мне по подкасту: @andybary или me@andybary.com. Сайт: andybary.com.


Академия марафона

Подкаст о любительском беге и любителях бегать. От слова «любить». Основатель бегового клуба «Академия марафона» Сергей Черепанов общается со спортсменами клуба и приглашенными гостями, которые рассказывают историю своей жизни. Истории людей, для которых бег уже не просто хобби. academymarathon.ru

Марафон — это реально

Беговое Сообщество

«Марафон — это реально» — подкаст Бегового сообщества, организатора Московского Марафона и крупнейших забегов страны. В этом подкасте мы обсуждаем темы, которые волнуют и новичков, и продвинутых любителей. А помогают нам врачи, тренеры и бегуны. Может ли обычный человек пробежать марафон, или для этого нужно профессионально заниматься спортом? Мы уверены, что марафон может преодолеть каждый. В том числе и вы. Не верите? Тогда слушайте подкаст «Марафон — это реально». Мы выходим каждую неделю по вторникам. Сайт Бегового сообщества: runc.run

Run Faq Podcast

Run Faq Podcast

RUN FAQ Подкаст — это ответы на вопросы, которые волнуют всех бегунов-любителей. От подготовки к конкретным дистанциям до методов восстановления. От работы с современными гаджетами до рекомендаций по питанию. От поиска мотивации до принципов подбора беговой обуви. Своим опытом и советами будут делиться опытные бегуны, знаменитые тренеры, практикующие врачи, организаторы забегов и специалисты по подбору экипировки, гаджетам и спортивному питанию. RUN FAQ Подкаст — это совместный проект канала RUN FAQ и многофункциональной продакшен-студия Face2Face, который ведёт Игорь Лисник, опытный бегун-любитель, атлет известного мирового бренда и официальный пейсмейкер забегов Бегового Сообщества. Мы выходим каждую субботу — как раз успеете послушать за завтраком или пока собираетесь на тренировку. Ставьте нам оценки, пишите комментарии и шлите ссылку на наш подкаст своим друзьям. Вопросы и предложения о сотрудничестве — podcast@runfaq.ru Ждем ваших писем! Приятного прослушивания!

The Dom Harvey Podcast

Dom Harvey

It started off as a podcast about people who run. Now it is just a podcast about people. Hosted by New Zealand broadcaster, author and marathon runner, Dom Harvey. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


Спортмастер PRO

Беседы о беге на бегу вместе с Велимиром Назарычевым и его гостями

The Runna Podcast


Welcome to the Runna Podcast!  Each week we deep dive into the world of running with some truly inspiring individuals. Join our hosts, Coach Ben (Head Coach and Co-Founder of Runna) and Coach Anya Culling (professional marathon runner), as they sit down with passionate individuals from all walks of life who share a common love for running. Expect a blend of captivating interviews exploring inspirational journeys, hilarious tales of running mishaps, and invaluable coaching tips from Olympian and Coach, Steph Davis. Each episode is packed with wisdom, encouragement, and plenty of motivation to fuel your next run. From seasoned athletes to beginners taking their first strides, Runna is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re aiming to conquer a faster 5k or cross the finish line of your first ultra-marathon, our tailored Runna plans and weekly podcast episodes are designed to keep you motivated. Use code ‘RUNNAPODCAST’ if you’re feeling inspired to give it a go for a 2-week free trial. Join us on the Runna Podcast as we celebrate the joys, challenges, and triumphs of running, and help you achieve your Runna goals one stride at a time. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



Парить над землей, дышать полной грудью, находить решения и чувствовать себя свободным. Все это объединяет бег. Он тренирует тело, помогает вырваться из рутины и прочищает мозги. Бегун — автор своей жизни. Каждый может стать автором. Достаточно надеть кроссовки, выйти из дома и включить подкаст «Побежали?!». Это проект главного русскоязычного портала о беге NewRunners. Мы говорим о питании, тренировочных планах, соревнованиях и типичных ошибках, которые приводят к травмам. Кроме того, мы мотивируем на то, чтобы начать и не бросить спорт, преодолеть себя, пробежать марафон и раскрыть в себе новые грани — показывая, что бег может быть разным. «Побежали?» — ваш напарник, который даст нужный совет и поддержит на сложной трассе. Подкаст подойдет как начинающим бегунам, так и опытным спортсменам-любителям. Мы выходим каждый четверг. Задавайте нам вопросы и советуйте темы на podcast@newrunners.ru.

Говорит беговая Москва


История развития бегового движения в Москве.

Are You Supersport?

I Love Supersport

Бег, плавание, велоспорт, триатлон, беговые лыжи, здоровье, восстановление, питание и мотивация. Подкасты школы I Love Supersport.

Trail Running School

Сергей Шабалин

Подкаст про атлетов Trail Running School, тренирующихся под руководством Димы Митяева, Кати Митяевой и Алексея Толстенко. https://trailrunningschool.com/

PRO parkrun

PRO parkrun

PRO parkrun - это истории с бескрайних просторов паркранов России. Когда еженедельные пробежки на 5 км по субботам становятся не просто спортивным досугом, а наполняются смыслом, друзьями и знакомыми, иногда даже вторыми половинками и обязательно большим числом увлекательных историй, которыми и будут делиться гости подкаста: участники и волонтеры, организаторы и туристы! Мир parkrun огромен и мы откроем его для вас!

Бегу и баста

Pavel Tentser

Говорим о беге с разными крутыми беговыми гостями на разные беговые темы: трейл, организация мероприятия, как выжить на интервалах, как правильно одеваться на тренировку зимой, как бегать в 70+ лет

Сила в теле


Подкаст о беге и здоровом физическом развитии с научным подходом. В эпизодах вы найдете микс из научных данных, философии и психологии спорта, приправленных личным опытом тренера, мастера-спорта и сооснователя бегового проекта ROCKET SCIENZE Евгения Пищалова. Добро пожаловать в мир спортивной науки и управляемых результатов! Сайт проекта https://rocketscienze.com Инстаграм https://www.instagram.com/rocketscienze podcastsilavtele@gmail.com

Some Work, All Play

David Roche and Megan Roche

Five to ten topics, sometimes about running, with lots of love and enthusiasm and science. We dig deep into training, races, studies, pop culture, and much more! With Megan Roche, M.D. and David Roche!

От себя не убежишь

GRI х Спорткастерная

Подкаст «От себя не убежишь» выпускает бренд спортивной одежды GRI совместно со студией Спорткастерная. В первом сезоне мы делились искренними историями бегунов и говорили о том, какую ответственность каждый из нас несет перед самим собой. Героями подкаста стали участники эстафеты, которую GRI ежегодно проводит в Ленинградской области. Во втором сезоне мы говорили о социальной ответственности. Ведущая подкаста, Ксения Афанасьева, обсуждала вопросы экологии, благотворительности и волонтёрства с друзьями бренда GRI. Третий сезон — полностью женский. В нем мы возвращаем формат эстафеты, когда гость из одного эпизода становится ведущим в следующем. Подруги бренда делятся тем, как спорт в целом и бег в частности помогает справляться с жизненными трудностями, искать и находить себя, улучшать физическое и ментальное здоровье. Сайт GRI: https://www.grigri.ru/

Marathon Training Academy

Angie and Trevor

The Marathon Training Academy Podcast will help you unlock your potential to conquer the marathon and change your life. Since 2010 Angie and Trevor have shared tips, inspiration, and interesting guests interviews to help listeners run smarter, avoid injury, and go the distance. What RUNNER’S WORLD says about the MTA Podcast: “If you’re training for 26.2, running coach Angie Spencer and her husband, Trevor, have everything you need to reach the finish line. The duo provides plenty of training tips, interviews, and reviews of marathons from around the world. (Angie has run one in every state!) While they don’t always bring on guests, runners like Sara Hall, Dathan Ritzenhein, and even actor Sean Astin have all stopped by.”



Welcome to the FORDY RUNS Podcast & Livestream – your go-to destination for all things running, inspiration, and personal growth! In this captivating fusion of podcast and livestream, FORDY RUNS unravels his journey, unmasking the man behind the passion! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Когда твой тренер - доктор

Александр Элконин

Алекандр Элконин - основатель и тренер бегового клуба ERA, кандидат медицинских наук, трейлраннер, ультрамарафонец - отвечает на ваши вопросы о беге, восстановлении, физиологии спортивных нагрузок, методике беговых тренировок, стратегии и тактике на соревнованиях. Каждую субботу мы записываем подкаст «Когда твой тренер - доктор, или все что вы хотели знать о беге, но не знали, у кого спросить». Подкаст обладает психотерапевтическим и противовирусным эффектом. Эффект утраивается при прослушивании во время пробежки. Пожалуйста, задавайте вопросы тренеру Александру Элконину : https://era.run/theory/answers/ Лекции Александра Элконина о беге: https://era.run/lectures/ Статьи о беге: https://era.run/articles/ Телеграм канал бегового клуба ERA: http://t.me/era_run Телеграм для связи: http://t.me/era_running ERA.RUN © 2023


Morgan McDonald

A few runner bois sitting down drinking coffee and having a chat. We would love for you to join.

The Running Explained Podcast

Elisabeth Scott

New episodes now on THURSDAYS! Welcome to Running Explained, where ALL your running questions are answered! For new AND experienced runners, from training to racing, nutrition, recovery, gear, AND MORE, there's always something new to learn about running!

Set the Pace

New York Road Runners

NYRR Set the Pace Presented by Peloton is the official podcast of New York Road Runners. Join hosts Rob Simmelkjaer, CEO of New York Road Runners, and Becs Gentry, Peloton Instuctor, every Thursday in conversation with inspiring athletes, from everyday enthusiasts to elite marathoners, to hear stories of perseverance, drive, and dedication. Each episode also includes an NYRR Member Moment spotlight and pro tip from 2009 New York City Marathon champ and Olympic medalist Meb Keflezighi.

The Running for Real Podcast

Tina Muir

A collective of conversations that inspire, motivate, and encourage runners who know deep down that the world we want to create already exists. We all play a role in bringing it to life. Join former professional runner and life-long athlete, Tina Muir in this unique running podcast. We do not talk to professional runners about their wins or the Olympics. We do not talk about what shoes to wear or what training is best. Instead, we relate every experience back to you, and love to think hard about the questions you would always love to ask. While we bring on well known guests like Malcolm Gladwell, Reshma Saujani, Ryan Holiday, Des Linden, Michael Gervais, and David Epstein, these are not the same old conversations. This feels more like overhearing two friends talking about the deep conversations that weigh on our hearts daily. Join us in discovering the power of running, why our sport has always been part of humanity, and how we can use it as a tool for realizing our truest self, uplifting our communities, celebrating cultures, and taking care of our Mother Earth.

Ни дня без спорта


Подкаст Спортмастера о тренировках, соревнованиях, экипировке и здоровом образе жизни. В нашем подкасте мы рассказываем о самых популярных видах спорта и физической активности. Для этого приглашаем спортсменов, тренеров, экспертов, знаменитостей и всех, кто будет лично вам, нашим дорогим слушателям, полезными и интересными.

Coach Bennett's Podcast

Coach Bennett

Coach Bennett brings the motivation and inspiration and a seemingly endless supply of useful and useless knowledge. This podcast is about running... and this podcast is not about running. 

Runners FM

Andreas Almkvist & Victor Smångs

A podcast focusing on anything and everything to do with running. Subscribe on Spotify and Apple Podcasts to be more entertained on your journey towards becoming a better runner. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Trail Runner Nation

Trail Runner Nation

Trail Runner Nation is devoted to sharing knowledge and advice to the trail running community - from beginners to the pros! We offer tips and discussion regarding race nutrition, pacing strategy, mental focus and much more from well-respected members of the trail community.

Marathon Talk

Deena Kastor & Martin Yelling

Marathon Talk has returned in 2022 as part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors family. Hosted by Martin Yelling and the great Deena Kastor, every two weeks we'll bring you news, views and some amazing guest interviews from across the world of marathons and running.

I'll Have Another with Lindsey Hein Podcast

SandyBoy Productions

I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein is a place for conversations that leave you feeling inspired and refreshed. During each episode, Lindsey will talk with everyday runners, elite runners, Olympians, World Record Holders and everyone in between. We talk about current events in our lives as well as the good, bad, and the ugly of how we got to where are now. The podcast is light, funny with a side of serious. We’ll discuss real life, hard gritty stuff, but will also be sure to cover what happened latest in The Bachelor or whatever we’re loving! I’m all about living with purpose and passion while not taking things too seriously.

C Tolle Run

C Tolle Run

Get After It with Olympian Carrie Tollefson! Each week, Carrie and a different celebrity guest discuss running, fitness, and how to live a healthy, balanced life as a runner.

Бежим со мной

Philipp Golubev

Аудио версия видео подкастов  Youtube канала "Бежим со мной"."Бежим со мной" - это подкаст, в котором рассказываются истории бегунов, как любителей, так и профессионалов. Его ведет бегун - любитель, а также, болтун-любитель, Филипп Голубев. Не стандартные вопросы, индивидуальный подход к каждому гостю, истории, которые не могут не затронуть душу "беганутого" и, конечно же, беговое "Что Где Когда" и бонусы в конце выпуска. Хотите знать больше, подпишитесь: https://t.me/bezhimsomnoy https://www.youtube.com/@bezhimsomnoy

Talk Ultra

Ian Corless

An ultra running podcast bringing you news, reviews and interviews from around the ultra world

Nobody Asked Us with Des & Kara

Des Linden and Kara Goucher

Once competitors and Olympic teammates, now friends and podcast partners, Des Linden and Kara Goucher share their hot takes about all things running with a little bit of life-stuff sprinkled in too. Come for the insights on running and stay for the inspiration from two legends in the sport. No filter needed.

Dans la Tête d'un Coureur

Sunday Night Productions

Le 1er podcast francophone dédié à la course à pied et à la préparation mentale by Sunday Night Productions Des conseils avisés, des interviews d'athlètes inspirants et du lifestyle Running ! Retrouvez-nous également sur Instagram, Facebook et sur http://www.danslateteduncoureur.fr

On Coaching with Magness & Marcus

Steve Magness

Steve Magness and Jon Marcus team up to bring you an insider's view on coaching. Taking you inside the thoughts and conversations that usually occur behind the scenes. They bring a diverse background having both worked with athletes at the collegiate and professional level. They hope to bring a mixture of science, old-fashioned wisdom, and a touch of philosophy to help understand the process of coaching and maximizing endurance performance. For more information visit www.ScienceOfRunning.com


Юрий Строфилов

#Непробег. Подкаст про любительский бег

Москва бегом


«Москва бегом» — подкаст о беге в городе. Его ведут авторы ютьюб-канала «Бег вреден» Алексей Иванов и Александр Смирнов. Вместе с гостями — профессионалами и любителями от мира спорта — они открывают новые беговые маршруты в Москве, чтобы освежить ваши отношения с бегом. «Москва бегом» — это совместный подкаст спортивного бренда Puma, команды ютьюб-канала «Бег вреден» и студии подкастов «Техника речи».

Ланч Run


Ланч Run - подкаст из самого сердца Черноземья! В свои выпуски мы приглашаем не только профессиональных спортсменов, но и специалистов широкого профиля, а также любим поговорить про прошедшие старты, в которых принимали участие мы сами или наши друзья! Больше информации в нашим телеграм-канале: https://t.me/vrnrunners

Первая дорожка

Первая дорожка

Добро пожаловать на наш подкаст "Первая дорожка"! Здесь мы предлагаем вам открыть для себя увлекательные истории из мира спортивных подвигов и достижений. Ведущие: Баур - @serious_lynx Алишер - @alisher667 Жанат - @turgumbayev Ержан - @spongebobaga Айгерим - @aigerimka007 Айгерим - @aika_aaaika1 Айжан - @aizhan_tugelbayeva Мира - @ultramirun Отправляйте нам свои вопросы, предложения и тем в наш инстаграм https://instagram.com/1dorozhka.podcast Нас можно поддержать на этих платформах Boosty - https://boosty.to/1dorozhka.podcast/donate Patreon - https://patreon.com/1dorozka_podcast Так же у нас доступен ранний доступ в Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3mBUeJ9 Наша видео версия https://www.youtube.com/@1dorozhka.podcast



Беговой подкаст о Москве. С любовью к городу и его истории.

Большие гонки

Александр Назаров

Тревел-подкаст о поездках на самые интересные забеги в мире. «Можно было бы сидеть дома и бегать в соседнем парке» — герои этого подкаста точно так не думают. Они отправляются на самые крупные асфальтовые марафоны, дикие трейлы и горные гонки с топовыми видами. Зачем? Чтобы открыть новые города и страны, лучше узнать себя и встретить беговых бро со всего света. Вас ждут личные истории, детали забегов, тревел-советы, секреты спортивной подготовки, лайфхаки и обзоры экипировки — в общем, всё то, за что мы любим беговые путешествия. Автор и ведущий: https://www.instagram.com/yvessaintnazar/ Обложка: https://t.me/StNazareth Джинглы: https://www.instagram.com/manysent/

The Runner's World UK Podcast

Runner's World UK

The Runner's World podcast is your weekly dose of all things running, here to inform and entertain with unique interviews, news, advice, in-depth discussion and much, much more. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Running Channel Podcast

The Running Channel

The Running Channel Podcast tackles one big topic each episode, amongst helpful tips and light-hearted chat on the latest news in the running world and answers to your burning running questions. Hosted by Sarah Hartley (amateur runner) and Andy Baddeley (former pro runner) alongside Rick Kelsey (recovering runner), the TRC Podcast is friendly, jargon-free, and the perfect accompaniment to your runs. For all enquiries contact podcast@therunningchannel.com.

Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running

RunnersConnect : Running Coaching Community

Running podcast to motivate and help runners of every level, speed, and age run their best.

The Running Effect Podcast

Dominic Schlueter

The Running Effect Podcast aims to bring storytelling to the sport of running. What gets people invested in a sport, movie, or book? A good story. Our sport has plenty, but no one is telling them. The Running Effect is changing that. Through our podcast episodes that release every other day, we tell the stories of those at every level of our sport. Through these incredible athletes' stories, we hope it'll inspire you to turn your "what ifs?" into realities. You can also follow us on Instagram @therunningeffect to stay up to date on all current and upcoming projects!


Louise Guyonnet

Votre collègue en est déjà à son deuxième, votre parent le prépare, votre meilleure pote y pense. On pourrait appeler cela le paradoxe du marathon :  42,195 km de course,  une véritable aventure humaine, physique, sportive et psychologique. Cependant, sa popularité contribue depuis plusieurs années à sa désacralisation. A la télévision, les anonymes sont balayés d’un regard de caméra, les histoires personnelles sont noyées dans le flux des coureurs du dimanche et vite abandonnés au profit des têtes d’affiches.  On pourrait traduire ce flux d’anonymes en chiffre : 50 000 participants au marathon de New-York cette année et  environ 20 000 participants sont attendus au marathon pour tous des JO de Paris. Pendant la tristement célèbre année 2020, le nombre de coureurs a augmenté de + 12,5 % en France, soit environ 1,4 million de runners supplémentaires depuis 2019 selon l’Observatoire du running.  Une masse de coureurs donc, réunis en short et basket devant la ligne d’arrivée avec une seule et même ambition : arracher ces 42 km à la route, ne pas laisser les heures de course impacter le mental, mobiliser des mois de préparation pour cet ultime effort, porté par les clameurs de la foule et les rythmes des respirations.  A travers ce podcast, je voudrais sortir du flot des coureurs ces raisons qui portent, et sont consacrées au cours de ces dizaines de kilomètres. Mettre en exergue les motivations et les ambitions qui justifient un tel dépassement physique et psychologique. Extirper ces pensées et témoignages qui mobilisent les foulées régulières.

Marathon Running Podcast by Letty and Ryan


Are you a runner looking for a new source of inspiration and motivation? Our weekly podcast brings experts in the running community straight to you, covering everything from training and nutrition to race recaps and reviews, and even mental training. We're more than just a podcast - we're a community. Our Facebook group, SpeedStriders, is a place for runners to connect, share their stories, and support each other on their running journeys. Our goal is to motivate and inspire runners of all levels, and to build a strong and supportive community of like-minded individuals. Join us!

Ali on the Run Show

Ali Feller

Every week on the Ali on the Run Show, I talk with inspiring people who lead interesting lives on the run and beyond. And while running is what brings us all together, on these episodes, we're digging a little deeper. These conversations are about the decisions people have made to get where they are today, and how getting sweaty has factored in. Whether you’re on the run toward something great or away from something that’s holding you back, join me on this never-ending adventure, and let’s all pick up the pace together.




The Freetrail Podcast with Dylan Bowman

Dylan Bowman

Professional ultrarunner, Dylan Bowman, brings conversations with a wide-ranging cohort of guests, covering ultrarunning, sports, business, and the outdoor industry.

Sweat Elite Podcast

Sweat Elite

Interviews with Elite Athletes, Professional Coaches, Sport Scientists and Thought Leaders in the Sport of Running.

ITRA Trail Talks

ITRA - International Trail Running Association

Insights from inspiring trail athletes

The CITIUS MAG Podcast | A Running + Track and Field Show


Track and field's biggest names on the track, in the coaching ranks and within the industry sit down and open up in-depth to share brilliant insights and vivid snapshots from their professional/personal accomplishments and experiences in the sport. Hosted by CITIUS MAG founder Chris Chavez. The show was named one of "The Best Running Podcasts" by Runner's World. ▶ Visit https://CITIUSMAG.com ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CitiusMag ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/citiusmag ▶ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CitiusMag ▶ Patreon: https://patreon.com/citiusmag

Siberman / Новости бега, триатлона и велоспорта.


Еженедельный выпуск новостей про циклические виды спорта. Рассказываем про интересные события прошедшие за неделю, анонсируем предстоящие старты, мониторим лучшее и даем краткую выжимку, достойную ваших ушей и нашего внимания




RUNNEA Podcast I Escúchanos cuando salgas a correr


Bienvenidos a Runnea Podcast, un espacio para runners y trail runners que está pensado para que lo escuches cuando sales a correr. Gorka Cabañas te trae cada semana un nuevo episodio en el que queremos conocer a personajes relevantes a los que les encanta correr. Conocer un poco más de sus vidas, de como entrenan, de porqué corren o que les motiva a realizar sus retos. ¿Runneas con nosotros? https://www.runnea.com

Stryd Power Podcast

Stryd Power Podcast

The Stryd Power Podcast brings you training discussion, interviews, and news about running with power!


Philipp Pflieger & Ralf Scholt

Philipp Pflieger startete für Deutschland im Marathon bei den Olympischen Spielen von Rio 2016. Ralf Scholt hat schon viele Marathons erlebt, auch Olympische - als Sportreporter für die ARD. Wenn sich der Marathonprofi und der Journalist unterhalten geht es also natürlich um’s Laufen und das aktuelle Geschehen in der Ausdauersportwelt. Es geht aber auch um Behind-the-Scenes-Einblicke in ihr tägliches Leben für den Sport, ihre unterschiedlichen Erlebniswelten und die damit verbundenen Blickwinkel. Der Titel „BESTZEIT“ steht sinnbildlich nicht nur dafür, dass ihr beim Anhören eine gute Zeit habt, sondern im besten Falle auch gerade beim Training auf dem Weg zu eurer nächsten Bestzeit seid. In diesem Sinne: Have fun & keep on running! Für Feedback und Hörerthemen schickt gerne eine Mail an: bestzeit.podcast@gmail.com

afterparty - беговое супер-шоу


Околобеговой подкаст с людьми, которые любят быстро переставлять ноги. В студии Яна Кржижановская и Владимир Болотин, и это afterparty - наверное, самое смешное беговое шоу. *** Совместный проект телеграм-каналов спортивные волонтёры × Run&Roll https://t.me/sportvolunteers https://t.me/runandroll *** ⚡️Помочь проекту: Тинькофф https://www.tinkoff.ru/cf/3RBliCZTR6G


Harry Morgan

Connecting people through a love of running and adventure Thank you for listening. For more: https://www.thisisjogon.com/

The Women's Running Podcast

Esther Newman

Running is the one thing that we all like talking about. Every week on the award winning Women’s Running podcast, we talk all things running, women, health and fitness with our own brand of happy, irreverent chat. Esther and Holly talk through their training highs and lows, and all the bits and pieces in-between. Every so often, we invite an expert to join us to help us figure out the confusing worlds of training, recovery, nutrition, health and more. And sometimes we get to talk to an incredible woman from the world of running, from Anna McNuff to Paula Radcliffe, Susie Chan to Nicky Spinks. So why do we do it? Because we realised that most of the running podcasts we listened to were full of blokes waffling on about quads and cadence (and we realised that we can do that perfectly well ourselves, thank you very much). Right here, we talk about all the things that affect us when we step out the door: sexism, hormones, menopause, food, pelvic floors, relationships, mental health, seagull attacks and wild weeing. But. BUT. We will also talk about races, PBs, shoes, training, starting running, enjoying running, finding the fun. And quads and cadence. This is the Women’s Running podcast, and it’s for women who love to run. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

A Runner’s Life

Marcus Brown

Capturing the conversations that runner’s have offline and matter to them. The podcast is hosted by Marcus @marcus_runs and he explores the topics around training, racing and the impact running has on our day to day life’s.

Norsk Ultra

Magnus Thorud

The Running Public

Kirk Dewindt & Brakken Kraker

Two endurance athletes and coaches sit down to talk all things running! We bring you high level running knowledge and present it at a practical level.


Ariel Mora


Hablemos de Correr de Runner a Runner

Hablemos de Correr

Esta es una nueva iniciativa para que podamos compartir todo sobre nuestra vida en el running: metas, triunfos, buenas prácticas, tips, aciertos, desaciertos y más. Cada semana encontrarás al menos un episodio donde compartiré consejos o tips de todo lo que he aprendido y sigo aprendiendo (a las buenas o a las malas) sobre el running, acompañado también por otros profesionales como doctores, nutricionistas, fisioterapeutas, entrenadores y runners con más experiencia, para que junto con ellos aprendamos a tener un mejor estilo de vida saludable a través del running. La invitación está hecha, ¿qué esperas? Hablemos de Correr. Sígueme en Youtube Aquí: https://bit.ly/36KGTkr

LetsRun.com's Track Talk: The Home of Running and Track and Field


LetsRun.com's weekly podcast where we go behind the scenes of the professional running, marathoning, and track and field world.

5 Miles Easy

Rose Harvey & Steph McCall

Running pals Steph McCall and Rose Harvey are joined by guests to bring you conversations about training, nutrition, mindset and much more to inspire, motivate and get you one step closer to your running goals. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

runskills – deine Lauf- und Marathon-Community

runskills I Laufen, Marathon, Ultrarunning, Motivation & Laufreisen

Laufschuhe an und los: runskills ist deine Lauf-Community, die dich bei Fragen rund um die Themen Training, Wettkampf, Motivation und Ernährung unterstützt. Du stehst gerade am Anfang deiner Laufkarriere, nimmst bereits an kleinen oder großen Volksläufen teil oder trainierst ambitioniert auf einen Halbmarathon, Marathon oder Ultralauf hin? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Ultraläuferin Susi Lehmann wird dich regelmäßig mit informativen, unterhaltsamen, lehrreichen und spannenden Laufthemen versorgen. Die Themen sind vielfältig – von Trainingsplanung, Laufausrüstung, Ernährungstipps, Wettkampfplanung, Marathonreisen und Gesundheit bis zu Alternativsport, Ultramarathon und Trailrunning. runskills zeigt dir, wie abwechslungsreich, schön und lebensverändernd laufen sein kann. Denn: "Beim Laufen gibt es nur Gewinner." Dafür berichtet Susi aus ihren eigenen Lauferfahrungen, greift auf ihre Expertise aus 12 Jahren Training und Wettkämpfen zurück und holt sich den einen oder anderen Experten vors Mikro. So wie Susi selbst, ist auch der runskills-Podcast: ehrlich, authentisch, ungestellt, echt, undogmatisch und vom Herzen kommend. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Running long - A trail & ultra running talk


Vert is the home for every trail & ultra runner. On this podcast we host conversations with key members of our Trail & Ultra running community from all over the world. From professional world class athletes to our Vert.run members and community. Narrating captivating stories and learning from and about this amazing sport.

Vom Laufen – Das Laufsport-Feuilleton von Alles-laufbar.de

Christian Bruneß und Juliane Bruneß

 Ist Laufen mehr als ein Sport? Gibt es so etwas wie eine Laufkultur? Welche gegenwärtigen Phänomene lassen sich im Laufsport und insbesondere im Trailrunning erkennen und was sagen sie aus? Ist Laufen politisch? Warum und wofür laufen wir überhaupt?  Wir wollen hinterfragen, nachdenken, diskutieren, streiten, lachen und unterhalten. In den Kategorien "Ausprobiert",  "Aufgeschnappt", "All in, all out" und "Lauf der Dinge" besprechen wir aktuelle, kontroverse, banale, lustige, ernste Themen rund um das Thema Laufen und Trailrunning.  

Trail Running Women

Hilary Spires: Trail Runner, Coach, Sports Junkie

The women of the trails share their stories about running, racing, and life. These badass ladies from around the globe get honest about everything from competing, motherhood, and trying to have it all. Get ready for training ideas, gear tips, and a healthy dose of inspiration.

RunBuzz Running Podcast

Steve Carmichael

A running podcast for runners who want practical training, nutrition, and mindset tips that integrate with your busy lifestyle. The RunBuzz running podcast features expert advice from experienced coaches, fitness experts, trainers, athletes, mindset coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists as well as everyday, recreational runners. Host Steve Carmichael is a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Track and Field / RRCA certified running coach, health and wellness coach, former running club director, and speaker with over 11 years of coaching experience. He owns Run For Performance, a sports performance company in Central Ohio who helps athletes develop strength, speed, agility, quickness and endurance.

the morning shakeout podcast

Mario Fraioli

Host Mario Fraioli gleans insight and inspiration from top athletes, coaches, and personalities in the sport of running. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


RUNNER'S WORLD Deutschland

RUNNER'S WORLD ist das größte Laufmagazin der Welt. In unserem Podcast besprechen wir aktuelle Themen der Läuferwelt, interviewen Gäste – oder plaudern auch einfach mal nur. Viel Spaß beim Hören! Feedback gern an webmaster@runnersworld.de


Achilles Running

Beim wöchentlichen ACHILLES RUNNING Podcast, moderiert von unseren laufbegeisterten Redakteur:innen Elliot und/oder Lilly, stehen Wissen, Motivation und Spaß an erster Stelle. Jeden Freitag sprechen wir hier über den (Lauf-)Sport, Fitness, Ernährung und Gesundheit und laden dafür bekannte Persönlichkeiten, Sportler:innen und Expert:innen aus der Gesundheitsbranche ein. Also, reinhören und loslaufen! Auf unserem Instagram-Account findet ihr jede Menge witzigen und informativen Content rund um’s Laufen. Und checkt auch unsere Website www.achilles-running.de für informative Beiträge und Gewinnspiele aus! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Road to the Olympics

Stephen Scullion

Follow my journey from Tokyo 2020 Olympics to Paris 2024, attempting to make Rio Olympics a quad tear put those plans on hold,Tokyo was a tough Olympics for me, but the knowledge there will help me make Paris an Olympics to remember. Enjoy the Journey

The Women's Running Podcast

Esther Newman

Running is the one thing that we all like talking about. Every week on the award winning Women’s Running podcast, we talk all things running, women, health and fitness with our own brand of happy, irreverent chat. Esther and Holly talk through their training highs and lows, and all the bits and pieces in-between. Every so often, we invite an expert to join us to help us figure out the confusing worlds of training, recovery, nutrition, health and more. And sometimes we get to talk to an incredible woman from the world of running, from Anna McNuff to Paula Radcliffe, Susie Chan to Nicky Spinks. So why do we do it? Because we realised that most of the running podcasts we listened to were full of blokes waffling on about quads and cadence (and we realised that we can do that perfectly well ourselves, thank you very much). Right here, we talk about all the things that affect us when we step out the door: sexism, hormones, menopause, food, pelvic floors, relationships, mental health, seagull attacks and wild weeing. But. BUT. We will also talk about races, PBs, shoes, training, starting running, enjoying running, finding the fun. And quads and cadence. This is the Women’s Running podcast, and it’s for women who love to run. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


Luis: Maratón y ultramaratón.

Running podcast en español. Perfecto para runners que quieran correr maratón, media maratón o su primer 10k o 5k. Entrevistas con expertos, directores de carreras y runners aficionados te mantendrán inspirado, informado y entretenido.

Running Rogue

Chris McClung

Running Rogue is a podcast produced by Rogue Running in Austin, TX. We are here to talk about all things running and help you become a better runner along the way! Check us out at www.roguerunning.com.

The Strength Running Podcast

Jason Fitzgerald

The Strength Running Podcast treats you like a pro runner: we surround your with coaches, physical therapists, strength experts, elite runners, sports psychologists, and other thought leaders. We only have one goal: to help you run faster. Guests include world-class academics, clinicians, runners, coaches, and subject matter experts like David Roche, Victoria Sekely, Sally McRae, Zach Bitter, and hundreds more! We also publish coaching calls with Jason working directly with a runner chasing a big goal and course previews for major races like the New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon, the Philadelphia Marathon, and the Marine Corps Marathon. You'll learn how to prevent injuries and become resilient to niggles and common overuse injuries, the best ways to structure marathon training and how to fuel for endurance races, how to improve your speed and ability to kick at the end of races, run more consistently, and make running a more sustainable part of your life. The Strength Running Podcast is hosted by Jason Fitzgerald, a 2:39 marathoner and USATF-certified running coach. He's a monthly columnist for Trail Runner Magazine and was previously Men's Running Magazine's Influencer of the Year. His coaching advice and running guidance has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Runner's World, Health Magazine, and most other major media. If you want to become a better runner, you've found the right running podcast! Connect with Jason and Strength Running: - Instagram: http://bit.ly/2FARFP2 - Strength course: http://bit.ly/2Pjvlge - Training: http://bit.ly/2YgBLAv

Convos Over Cold Brew with Emma Abrahamson

Emma Abrahamson

Welcome to "Convos Over Cold Brew with Emma Abrahamson." Emma is a cold brew fanatic with a background in running, who shares her life on her YouTube channel and Instagram. Tune in to hear conversations with her friends about anything from relationships, social media, food and running. New episodes each week. Follow Emma on Instagram and YouTube.

Science Of Ultra

Shawn Bearden

For endurance athletes who want to do more than improve race performance. How you sleep, think, eat, and move all play a role in helping you Become Your Ultra Best!




Laufen und Leben

Anna Hughes

Du brennst dafür, den nächsten Schritt zu wagen, weißt aber nicht genau wie. In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles darum, was es braucht, um deine nächsten Laufziele zu erreichen und auch mutige Entscheidungen für dein Leben zu treffen. Du bekommst neben Trainingtipps auch Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsberichte an die Hand, die dir helfen können, dein Leben leichter zu gestalten, zu mehr Zufriedenheit zu finden und dabei Mut, Selbstvertrauen und Leichtigkeit zu gewinnen.

Laufen ist einfach

Jan Fitschen

Laufen ist einfach, aber nicht immer leicht. Quäl dich wenns sein muss und feier überschwenglich deine Erfolge. Damit du noch mehr Spaß am Laufen hast, bekommst du hier die besten Stories rund um unseren Lieblingssport: - Die erste Serie 'Einmal im Trainingslager...`, ist der Runners-Nerdtalk. Unter anderem mit vielen Gästen und ihren schmutzigen Details aus den Laufcamps rund um den Globus. - In Serie 2: #Projekt10.000x10.000, gibt es Tipps und Tricks zum Laufeinstieg. Denn unsere Begeisterung fürs Laufen mit anderen zu teilen und diese mitzureißen, das ist meine ganze Leidenschaft.

Every Step of The Way

Allie Ostrander and Spencer Brown

We want to show the real side of running, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Running is a sport that has been with us through every stage of our lives, and driven some of our most important decisions, but it isn't always amazing. With this podcast, we plan to share about chasing goals, hitting personal bests, falling short, and all of the lessons that come along the way (e.g. social media, body image, comparison, mental health, coaching, NCAA experiences, self worth, and much more) We're so excited to share about our lives and how running has impacted them. Welcome to Every Step of The Way!

Conversations About Running

Running Trips

A podcast all about running from the team at Running Trips. Gavin and Callum host the podcast and are joined each episode by a guest from the running world, from elite athletes to world class coaches and sports performance experts. An informal, informative, wide ranging discussion between people who love the sport of distance running.

Marathon Running Podcast by Letty and Ryan


Are you a runner looking for a new source of inspiration and motivation? Our weekly podcast brings experts in the running community straight to you, covering everything from training and nutrition to race recaps and reviews, and even mental training. We're more than just a podcast - we're a community. Our Facebook group, SpeedStriders, is a place for runners to connect, share their stories, and support each other on their running journeys. Our goal is to motivate and inspire runners of all levels, and to build a strong and supportive community of like-minded individuals. Join us!

Running Lean

Patrick McGilvray

Running Lean is hosted by Patrick McGilvray - NASN Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionist, NASN Certified Personal Trainer, UESCA Certified Running Coach, Master Life & Success Coach, experienced marathoner and ultrarunner, and The Weight Loss Coach for Runners. Patrick helps runners properly fuel their bodies and their minds so they can achieve peak performance and optimal health and fitness. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get stronger, run faster or further, or improve your mindset, you'll learn it all in this informative, inspirational weekly podcast. Learn more at www.runningleanpodcast.com

In the Zone

Kobe Blondeel

This is where we explore the world of running. From the art of performance to the state of running culture. And from how to live a life of running to how it shapes us as human beings. To us, running is how we connect to ourselves, others, and the mystery of life. We're curious about where it'll take us, what it has to teach us, and who we'll become. Running is how we practice. Running is how we live. Running is our Religion. You can follow us on Instagram, tune into our Discord, or join our coaching program.

The Run Testers Podcast

The Run Testers

The Run Testers are a group of experienced running, fitness and tech journalists. We test kit for dozens of different publications, covering everything from running shoes and GPS running watches to smartwatches, headphones, apparel and nutrition. We bring all that testing together in easy-to-digest videos on YouTube – and now a monthly podcast series that you can listen to on your runs. Subscribe for all the latest news on running shoes, headphones, watches and races.

Про бег и девушек

Nina Zarina

Истории российских чемпионок. Душевные аудио-интервью с девушками, которые добивались в легкой атлетике наивысших наград: Олимпийские игры, чемпионаты мира и другие крупнейшие международные соревнования.

Der beVegt-Podcast | vegan leben und laufen

Daniel Roth und Katrin Schäfer

Die veganen Läufer, Blogger und Laufcoaches Daniel Roth und Katrin Schäfer versorgen dich im beVegt-Podcast einmal pro Woche mit Tipps, Interviews und Inspiration rund um vegane Ernährung, Laufen, Training, Fitness, Motivation, Nachhaltigkeit, Minimalismus und mehr.

Go Girl! Run! – Dein Podcast über Laufen, Achtsamkeit & Female Empowerment für Frauen

Mandy Jochmann | Laufen, Achtsamkeit & Female Empowerment

Hole Dir die kostenlose Trainingsplan-Vorlage & Wettkampf-Checkliste. Abonniere einfach meinen Newsletter: www.gogirlrun.de/newsletter  Willkommen zum "Go Girl! Run! – Podcast". Hier dreht sich alles ums Laufen, Achtsamkeit & Female Empowerment. Ich lade Dich ein, mit mir über alles, was uns Frauen rund ums Laufen und Achtsamkeit bewegt zu plaudern. Dich erwarten Wissen, Inspiration, Tipps, Interviews und Geschichten aus meinem eigenen Leben, damit Du Dich motivierst ein bewegteres Leben zu führen. Weitere Infos findest Du auf www.gogirlrun.de/podcast


Jason Koop

Coach Jason Koop covers training, nutrition and recent happenings in the ultramarathon world.



Cześć! Bieganie.pl to największy polski portal o bieganiu tworzony przez biegaczy. Do wspólnych rozmów zapraszamy ciekawych i inspirujących ludzi z biegowego świata. W naszych podcastach znajdziesz merytorykę treningową, wywiady z inspirującymi ludźmi oraz cenne wskazówki. Nasz podcast jest idealny do biegania. Z nami pobiegniesz dalej i szybciej niż kiedykolwiek, gdziekolwiek teraz trenujesz.

Human Performance Outliers Podcast

Zach Bitter

Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast. Your host Zach Bitter, will take you through a series of interesting topics around health, fitness, endurance, running, hybrid athlete training, ultramarathon, and nutrition. Join in for interviews with folks exploring their outer limits and research in a wide variety of sports, fitness, and nutrition.

Crack A Brew With AJW

Andy Jones-Wilkins

Runner and Coach Andy Jones-Wilkins talks with trail running athletes, coaches and race directors about topical subjects. Each episode features a beverage and will last as long as it typically takes to leisurely enjoy the beverage.

Rehab For Runners

Dr. Lisa DPT

All runners want to know the secret to running pain free. Dr. Lisa DPT is a physical therapist that specializes in helping runners prevent and treat injuries and believes runners can meet their goals without injuries getting in the way. She integrates the current research with her experience as a PT and runner to bring you tangible takeaways from each episode that you can apply to your running. www.drlisadpt.com
