Fain & Simplu Podcast

Mihai Morar


Într-o lume tot mai dezbinată, în care tot mai mulți ne căutăm reperele, Mihai Morar și Dumitru Borțun descifrează adevăratul sens al susținerii de care s-a bucurat Naționala la Euro 2024.Este vorba doar de fotbal și pasiunea pe care o generează constant? Sau este vorba despre ceva mult mai profund? România are nevoie de coeziune. Are nevoie de identitate. Dezamăgită de clasa politică, aflată în plină paradigmă a schimbării care afectează întreaga planetă, România își caută cu ardoare reperele de suflet care să ne aducă pe noi toți, din nou, împreună. Iar germenii coeziunii unui popor s-au regăsit în efortul plin de curaj al Generației de Suflet, o generație care și-a depășit condiția și așteptările tuturor. Nu rata podcastul care îți dezvăluie adevărata performanță a băieților lui Edi Iordănescu la Campionatul European din Germania.

Mind Architect

Mind Architect

Sezonul 10, Episodul 12 - Cea mai importantă conștientizare din primii 36 de ani. De ce și pentru ce venim pe lume

Sezonul 10 de podcast se încheie cu singurul episod din Mind Architect pe care Paul l-a înregistrat singur.

La două zile după ziua lui de naștere, a pus în acest episod sumarizarea tuturor subiectelor discutate in Sezonul 10, dar si cea mai importantă conștientizare a primilor 36 de ani de viață.
Vă mulțumim că ne-ați fost alături în acest timp și vă invităm să ne rămâneți alături și astăzi, când vorbim despre iubire.

Huberman Lab

Scicomm Media

How to Improve Skin Health & Appearance

In this episode, I discuss skin health and appearance and why both are important indicators of the health status of your immune system, gut microbiome, and other organ systems. I explain why sunlight is essential for skin and hormone health and how excessive sunlight can accelerate skin aging and cause certain skin cancers. I discuss the different types of sunscreens (physical, chemical, and mineral-based) and potential health concerns of the chemicals found in some (but not all) sunscreens.
I also discuss the importance of getting your skin (and not just moles) checked for pre-cancerous and cancer growths, the role of nutrition and lifestyle factors that improve skin health and appearance, and how to improve your skin by reducing local and systemic inflammation and supporting your microbiome. 
I explain what works to improve your skin's youthfulness and appearance, including reducing wrinkles, sagging, and pore size


Catalin Striblea&Radu Paraschivescu

Andrei Jecza. Superstaruri, tablouri celebre și colecții secrete

Prieteni Vorbitorincii, avem o premieră, intrăm în lumea artelor despre care nu toți știm atât de multe, cu toate că ne-am dori. Așa că invitatul acestui episod va face lumină în acest univers și ne va introduce în lumea licitațiilor, a colecțiilor unicat, o lume cu artiști, creatori, vedete și mulți bani.  Doamnelor și domnilor, vi-l prezentăm pe timișoreanul Andrei Jecza, un exemplu foarte bun despre cum să faci afaceri cu artă. Pentru că arta nu este doar frumosul care ne înconjoară, ci și o afacere care poate ajunge la cifre cu multe zerouri la coadă. Andrei este fiul sculptorului Péter Jecza și fondatorul galeriei Jecza, pe care o puteți vizita la Timișoara. Are studii universitare la Timișoara și Londra, la Sotheby's Institute of Art, nume cu greutate pe cartea de vizită a oricărui negustor de artă. ”Dacă aș alege să trăiesc unde mi-ar plăcea, aș alege Viena. Din punct de vedere al afacerilor, eu tre

Istoria României


Ep 185 - All good things…

În acest ultim episod, îmi iau la revedere de la voi, povestind istoria acestui proiect.Support the Show.

Dj Dark @ Radio Podcast

Dj Dark

Radio Podcast (22 June 2024)

Dj Dark

Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

4 IULIE 2024. Iarnă grea: trei weekenduri consecutive de alegeri

Cele mai importante știri ale zilei, alese de Recorder și grupate într-un newsletter audio. În fiecare seară, de luni până vineri.

Acasa La Maruta

Catalin Maruta


Știi care este ABC-ul siguranței banilor pe internet și ce trebuie sa faci sa nu cazi in capcana fraudatorilor? Cum sa-ti îmbunătățești relația cu banii? Urmăreste acest podcast "Acasă la Maruță" cu Gabriela Folcuț, director executiv Asociația Româna a Băncilor, iar la final poți intra pe
www.sigurantaonline.ro sa-ti faci un test să vezi cât de bine îți protejezi banii. Share sa-i ajuți și pe ceilalți cu informația de siguranța a banilor.

Psihologi la Cafea

Cristina Ursu și Lucian Negoiță

PsihoLIVE la Cafea - Partea I

Prima ediție live, cu public, a podcastului Psihologi la cafea a răspuns întrebărilor arzătoare ale participanților despre domeniul psihoterapiei. Din cauza duratei evenimentului, înregistrarea a fost împărțită. Aceasta este partea I.

The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett


Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante

In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew  introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, yo

#EpicTalk – The Podcast

Pagina de Psihologie

sezon 6, ep. 1: Cum prevenim traumele copiilor?

Andreea Brașovean și psihoterapeutul Gáspár György dezbat subiecte de interes pentru sănătatea relațională. Primul episod din acest sezon este despre vindecarea și prevenirea traumelor în rândul copiilor.


Boof Media

Andrei Dudoiu, despre platforma de equity management și crowdfunding | Educație Financiară Ep 39

?? Equity management și crowdfunding, un subiect extrem de interesant și destul de nou pentru piața românească, pe care îl abordăm în acest episod. Andrei Dudoiu, cofondatorul și managing partner-ul SeedBlink România, este cel care ne dezvăluie informațiile esențiale despre această platformă și nu numai. Nu rata acest episod captivant și informativ!  VREAU SĂ ȘTIU Educație financiară, un podcast cu Horia Gustă, pentru că omul, cât trăiește, învață!Invitat: Andrei Dudoiu #39? ABONEAZĂ-TE ca să știi și tu: @vreausastiutvVrei să fii parte din comunitatea "Vreau Să Știu"? Urmărește-ne și pe... ? Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/vreausastiu.net? Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vreausastiu.tv? TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@vreausastiu.tv? LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/8297... ? Powered by:?https://www.bcr.ro/https://www.facebook.com/BCR.Romania/https

The Rest Is History

Goalhanger Podcasts

466. The Murder of Franz Ferdinand: The Conspiracy (Part 2)

Gavrilo Princip, having been sent to school in Sarajevo, has become mixed up with the wrong crowd, and is now entangled in a secret Serbian nationalist organisation, the Black Hand. Hoping to be more involved in the struggle for a greater Yugoslavia, he’s left for Belgrade, and after a few years, sets in motion a plot, supported by his underground network. The Austro-Hungarian emperor is on his deathbed, and now is the perfect time to eliminate his heir, Franz Ferdinand, and spread chaos across the Balkans…

Join Tom and Dominic in the second part of our series on the murder that sent shockwaves through the world, as they look at the simmering tensions in the Balkans and the wider Habsburg Empire, the various nefarious groups conspiring for power and revolution, and the young man at the heart of it all.


*The Rest Is History LIVE in the U.S.A.*
If you live in the States, w

George Buhnici | #IGDLCC



În acest episod captivant, alături de profesorul Borțon, descoperim subtilitățile comunicării eficiente, explorând diferențele dintre cunoașterea comună și expertiza specializată. Vom analiza teoriile clasice ale lui Aristotel și Platon, influența culturii mass-media și contribuțiile lui Gaston Bachelard în înțelegerea relațiilor dintre simțul comun și cunoașterea științifică. Episodul subliniază importanța metodologiilor științifice, adaptarea la schimbările globale și rolul fundamental al educației și culturii științifice în dezvoltarea personală și profesională. Alăturați-vă pentru a învăța cum putem comunica eficient pentru a evita conflictele și a ne dezvolta pe toate planurile.00:00 Introducere în Comunicarea Eficientă 01:19 Salutări și Introducerea Invitatului 01:51 Distincția dintre Cunoașterea Comună și Cunoașterea de Specialitate 02:11 Comunicarea Non-Verbală și Parav

Modern Wisdom

Chris Williamson

#804 - Dr Mike Israetel - Exercise Scientist’s Masterclass On Losing Fat

Dr Mike Israetel is a Professor of Exercise and Sport Science at Lehman College and the Co-Founder of Renaissance Periodization.
If you’ve ever wondered “is this diet actually working” then you're probably not alone. However there are now scientifically proven optimal methods for losing fat in the most efficient way possible. And today we get a full breakdown of the optimal approach for fat loss from the best teacher on the planet.
Expect to learn how the physiology of fat loss actually works, whether calories actually matter in your weight loss journey, if you need to count macros when trying to lose fat, how to actually build and keep 6-pack abs, whether there are any fat loss supplements worth your time to take, how long you should stay on a diet for before taking a break and much more...
See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com

Banii Vorbesc

Banii Vorbesc

Stiinta de a Investi in 2024 cu Valentin Nedelcu S08E02

Valentin Nedelcu – fondatorul grupului și a blogului Știința Banilor, cea mai mari comunitate de educație financiară și investiții de pe Facebook este iar alături de noi. Valentin este un investitor cu experiență vastă pe piața de capital și este unul dintre oamenii care au un cuvânt puternic când vine vorba despre investiții în cele […]
Articolul Stiinta de a Investi in 2024 cu Valentin Nedelcu S08E02 apare prima dată în Laurentiu Mihai.

The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan

#2173 - Jimmy Dore

Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comic, political commentator, and host of "The Jimmy Dore Show" on YouTube. Watch his new special, "Covid Lies Are Funny," at jimmydore.com.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The Mel Robbins Podcast

Mel Robbins

Secret Service Agent Explains Psychological Tricks To Read Anyone & Spot A Liar

Today, a secret service agent is teaching you how to read body language, master your emotions, and spot a liar. In this one of a kind episode, agent Evy Poumpouras is unpacking proven strategies and psychological tricks to get what you want. Evy is a former secret service agent who has protected 5 U.S presidents. She is a “human lie detector” who has been specially trained in the art of lie detection, human behavior, and cognitive influence. And today, she is giving you a masterclass of all of her best secrets from over 3 decades of training and experience.Evy’s extensive and decorated career includes operating undercover, complex criminal investigations, and working as an interrogator for the Secret Service’s elite polygraph unit – and she’s here to arm you with information, tools, and strategies in this special episode.For more resources, including links to Evy’s work, click here for the po

Vin de-o poveste

Radu Tibulca


Cătălin Striblea revine la o poveste, alături de mine. Povestim despre ce opțiuni au românii la alegerile locale, ce înseamnă primarul Bucureștiului pentru restul țării, ce viziuni ar trebui să aibă parlamentarii români ce merg la Bruxelles, de ce nu se vorbește la fel de mult despre alegerile euro-parlamentare, ce s-a întâmplat cu partidul AUR și multe, multe altele.

On Purpose with Jay Shetty


Why You are Wasting Your Time with Cardio & 6 Small Changes to Make For Weight Loss (The Secret Behind Kim Kardashian’s Workout) with Senada Greca

Have you been wanting to lose weight?  Do you want to transform your body with your workouts? Senada Greca is widely known as Kim Kardashian’s Personal Trainer as well as a renowned fitness and wellness expert. Senada shares her transformative journey from struggling with depression and anxiety to becoming a thought leader in fitness. She is the founder of We Rise, a female empowerment platform focused on health, wellness, and personal development, and Zen toa, a women's athletic apparel brand. Senada has trained high-profile clients such as Miranda Kerr, Bebe Rexha, and Kim Kardashian. Senada's turning point came when she discovered the mental health benefits of strength training, shifting her focus from aesthetics to holistic well-being. Emphasizing the importance of building consistent fitness habits, she advocate

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

261. The Story of Possum Trot | Joshua Weigel, Bishop and Donna Martin

Jordan and Tammy Peterson sit down with the screenwriter and director behind “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot,” Joshua Weigel and the real life inspirations for the film, Bishop and Donna Martin. They discuss the presumption of understanding, parsing out falsehood from a message from God, how compassion spreads through giving, the miracle of adoption, and how the film came to be through hardship and grace. Joshua Weigel is an award-winning filmmaker with a unique ability to create deeply moving stories that transform and inspire action.  Josh began working closely with his wife, Rebekah, writing and producing award winning short films which he directed, culminating with what has become one of the most beloved short films of all-time, The Butterfly Circus, a viral phenomenon receiving over 100 million views, and garnering over 35 film festival awards, including the Clint Eastwood Filmmaker Award pr

Vast and Curious, cu Andreea Roșca

Andreea Roșca

Vasile Dîncu. Relația noastră complicată cu viitorul. De ce nu credem că putem schimba ceva

Vasile Dâncu este sociolog şi profesor universitar. A deținut trei mandate de ministru și este senator în Parlamentul României. Ca sociolog, are o lungă experiență de explorare a  societății românești, a mentalităților și instituțiilor din societate. Este fondatorul revistei Sinteza și al săptămânalului Transilvania Reporter.  Discuția noastră a plecat de la un interes comun legat de felul în care noi, românii, ne raportăm la viitor. O recentă cercetare arată că suntem de părere că țării îi va merge mai rău, dar nouă ne va merge mai bine.  Credem că, în mare parte, viitorul nostru nu e în mâinile noastre. Avem îngrijorări în fața cărora părem, adesea, lipsiți de putere. Ne-am pierdut, pare-se percepția progresului.  Ce înseamnă și cum am căpătat această atitudine?  Am vorbit cu Vasile Dîncu despre ce arată cifrele, de ce ne raportăm astfel la viitor, care sunt consecințele și cum și d

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Esther Perel Global Media

Impotent is No Way To Define a Man

This is a classic session, from the first season of Where Should We Begin? A husband hasn’t had an erection in 12 years and struggles with acknowledging it openly. His wife, in despair over her feelings of hopelessness in the bedroom, seeks relief from her sexual frustration and feelings of resentment. Esther reinforces to both of them that defining him as “impotent” is only making things worse.

Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther: https://www.estherperel.com/newsletter
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

English in a Minute - VOA Learning English

VOA Learning English

English in a Minute - VOA Learning English


Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal

Starbucks (with Howard Schultz)

Starbucks. You’d be hard pressed to name any brand that’s more ubiquitous in the world today. With nearly half a billion global customer purchases per week across its stores and 3rd party retail channels, a significant portion of the human population gets their daily fix in the green and white paper cup. (Including our own Ben Gilbert who famously enjoys his daily spinach feta wrap. :)But it wasn’t always this way. Long before the frappuccinos and the PSLs and the cake pops, Starbucks was just a small-time Seattle roaster that only sold beans — and was started not by Howard Schultz but rather the guys who later ran Peet’s (!). Starting from six tiny stores when Howard took over in 1987, this quirky coffee company named after a character from Moby Dick has scaled to nearly 40,000 locations worldwide.Today, in a first for Acquired, the protagonist himself joins us as a third cohost to tell the whole story of Starbucks. And Howard i

100 Best Albums Radio

Apple Music

100 Best Albums Radio

#TeAscult cu Ilinca Vandici

Ilinca Vandici

Mihaela Geoana, despre candidatura sotului la presedintie: “Indiferent de decizia lui, eu voi…”

Într-un nou episod al podcastului “TeAscult”, Mihaela Geoană dezvăluie dacă soțul ei, Mircea Geoană, va candida la președinție și dacă e pregătită sa devina…”Prima Doamnă a Romaniei”. Discută despre provocările și satisfacțiile de a sprijini un soț cu o carieră în funcții înalte, despre metodele prin care și-a crescut copiii și a gestionat schimbările majore din viața lor, precum plecarea fiicei în America. Urmăriți un interviu plin de emoție, dar și de lecții valoroase.

00:00 | Ce inseamna sa fii o femeie puternica?
03:55 | Prima intalnire cu Mircea Geoana
08:24 | Copilaria in familia de aromani
12:25 | Ce fel de mama este?
14:00 | Mesele in familie - pe ZOOM!
17:10 | Deciziile luate de copii si educatia primita
23:32 | Cand Ana a plecat de acasa…
25:28 | Nunta Anei, ca in povesti
28:07 | Relatia copiilor! Cum se inteleg cei doi

Podcastul de Istorie

Dorin Lazăr, Sergiu Motreanu

#152 - Alexandru Severus - pe marginea prăpastiei

E greu să-ți dai seama când locul în care te afli este un punct de maxim al societății în care trăiești. Spre deosebire de istoria citită, istoria trăită n-are viitor, și oamenii care trăiau sub Alexandru Severus nu aveau cum să-și dea seama că trăiesc la apogeu, pe marginea prăpastiei. Pentru ei totul pare ca de obicei - după un împărat neconvingător vine unul care să pună lucrurile la loc în ordine; nimic neobișnuit, s-a mai întâmplat.

Cufărul cu povești


În văzduh, de Nicola Davies

Dacă ai fi o pasăre, ce pasăre ai fi? De ce?

Ce poți învăța de la păsări? Gândește-te cel puțin la 3 idei.

Global News Podcast

BBC World Service

Britain's new PM Keir Starmer appoints cabinet after election win

The UK's first female finance minister Rachel Reeves said the central mission was to boost economic growth nationwide. Also: Hungary's Russia-friendly prime minister meets Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and Kenyan leader responds to criticism from young people in online debate.

Philosophize This!

Stephen West

Episode #205 ... Why a meritocracy is corrosive to society. (Michael Sandel)

Today we talk about the dark side of meritocracy, the effects it has on the way people see each other, the dialectic of pride and humility, education reform, and a rethinking of the way we see government officials. Hope you enjoy it. :)

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Website: https://www.philosophizethis.org/
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Podcastul lui Damian Draghici

Damian Draghici

Podcastul lui Damian Draghici ?️ Invitat: Natanticii

00:00 | Teaser
07:25 | Bullyingul in online
13:22 | Ii lasi sa vada viata privata
15:43 | Am facut terapie
17:56 | Vindecarea prin alimentatie
19:44 | Nu am avut probleme reale
20:52 | Toata societatea este cladita pe minciuni
22:30 | Imi place sa ajut oamenii
24:08 | Perioada fatidica de spitalizare
25:31 | Cine gateste in familie?
28:31 | Nu m-am enervat 3 saptamani
30:57 | M-am lasat greu
29:44 | Cum se fac copiii
31:08 | Ne-a unit Asia Express
34:38 | Nu am tinut cont de camere
35:40 | Am slabit 7 kg la Asia Express
39:43 | El este totul meu
41:11 | Mamele nu au apucat sa ne vada
49:57 | Comedy Box
53:29 | Pop cu influente folclorice
59:47 | Nu va lasati
01:01:33 | Sa ne ajutam reciproc

Lingokids: Stories for Kids —Learn life lessons and laugh!


Mini-series: The Mystery of the Missing Torch

Ready for the NEW Mini-series from Lingokids? Buckle up and join the gang on their BIG adventure to France! In this exciting mini-series, the Lingokids friends use their keen observation skills to uncover clues that lead them on an unforgettable journey to the Summer Olympic Games! Along the way, they meet incredible Olympic athletes who not only teach them about their sports but also lend a hand in the search for the missing torch. ? From learning about basketball to diving into swimming, our heroes discover the wonders of sportsmanship and the richness of French culture. Meet our amazing star guests: ?? Jamal Hill, an American National Champion and Paralympic bronze medalist in Para swimming?? Laurie Hernandez, an American former gymnast, Olympic gold medalist⛹?‍♀️ Kim Gaucher, a Canadian national basketball team coach, former professional basketball player?‍♀️ Missy Franklin, an American former competitive swimmer and five-tim

Glad We Had This Chat with Caroline Hirons

Wall to Wall Media

14: Grace Dent and Caroline Hirons Answer Your Questions: What Is Your Nando's Order?

Join Caroline Hirons, the UK’s leading skincare expert and Grace Dent as they answer all your questions!

Episodes are published weekly on Monday and Wednesdays.

Presented By: Caroline Hirons 

Ad Details: Download the Skin Rocks App for free and sign up for Premium with your exlusive code CHPOD (all capitals), to save £10 off your annual subscription. To redeem the offer: 1) Download the Skin Rocks App for free from Apple or Google Play Stores. 2) Create an account 3) Go to 'Your Subscriptions' 4) Click on 'Do you have a code?' Enter CHPOD and select your annual exclusive tier to enjoy!                                                          

Got a question to ask? Let us know at pod@carolinehirons.com

Produced by Wall to Wall Media.     

Produced by: Danielle Bondzie

Executive Producers fo

Rotten Mango

Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#372: K-pop Idol Goo Hara Helped Expose the BURNING SUN Sex Scandal In Her Final Days

A young man calls the police around 3:30 am to report that he had just been physically assaulted by his ex-girlfriend. Officers are dispatched and the caller greets them with a few red scratches on his face. He had gone over to his ex-girlfriend’s apartment to break up with her—but that’s when she went crazy; scratching his face and twisting his arm. The officers ask the man for her name.
Goo Hara. A K-pop idol from the girl group KARA.
When the police begin investigating, the man’s story begins to fall apart. If what he’s saying is true, why is there CCTV footage of Goo Hara on her knees—seemingly begging the young man? Why did he email Dispatch, a Korean tabloid, twice during this so-called ‘one sided assault?’ And what does all of this have to do with Burning Sun?
A couple of months pass, and Goo Hara helps reporters blow the lid off the Burning Sun case.
Not e

The History of Byzantium


Episode 301 - The Fifth Crusade with Nicholas Morton

Professor Nicholas Morton returns to tell us the story of the Fifth Crusade. To learn more check out his book The Mongol Storm: Making and Breaking Empires in the Medieval Near East.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Befriending Your Inner Voice

You know that negative voice that goes round and round in your head, keeping you up at night? When that negative inner voice gets switched on, it’s hard to think about anything else. Psychologist Ethan Kross has a name for it: chatter. In this favorite conversation from 2022,  we talk with Ethan about how to keep our negative emotions from morphing into chatter. Our podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+, is now available across devices and podcast platforms. You can join on either Apple Podcasts or via our Patreon page. Thanks for your support of the show — we truly appreciate it! 

Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern

Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German

495: Deutschland trägt Pink

Cari ist noch immer im EM-Fieber und erzählt, warum Fußball für sie so emotional ist und warum die pinken Trikots der deutschen Mannschaft für gemischte Gefühle in der Gesellschaft sorgen. In "das nervt" sprechen wir über den Rechtsruck in Europa und wie die AfD versucht, ihr wahres Gesicht zu verschleiern. In "Manuels Manual" erklärt Manuel, wie Tageslicht am Morgen für besseren Schlaf am Abend sorgt. Außerdem erklären wir den Ausdruck "Bergfest" und beantworten Hörerfragen zu deutschen Märchen und zum Siezen.   Transkript und Vokabelhilfe Werde ein Easy German Mitglied und du bekommst unsere Vokabelhilfe, ein interaktives Transkript und Bonusmaterial zu jeder Episode: easygerman.org/membership   Sponsoren Hier findet ihr unsere Sponsoren und exklusive Angebote: easygerman.org/sponsors   Ausdruck der Woche: Bergfest Bergfest (Metapher)(Wikipedia)   Das ist interessant: Schwarz-Pink-Gold DFB-Trikot: Schwarz-Pink-G

The Guardian's Women's Football Weekly

The Guardian

Barcelona reign and retain Champions League title – Women’s Football Weekly

Faye Carruthers and Suzanne Wrack are joined by Sophie Downey and Ceylon Andi Hickman to review Barcelona’s 2-0 over Lyon in Bilbao

Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman

#436 – Ivanka Trump: Politics, Family, Real Estate, Fashion, Music, and Life

Ivanka Trump is a businesswoman, real estate developer, and former senior advisor to the President of the United States. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
- Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off
- Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial
- NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour
- Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off
- ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free

Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/ivanka-trump-transcript

Ivanka's Instagram: https://instagram.com/ivankatrump
Ivanka's X: https://x.com/IvankaTrump
Ivanka's Facebook: https://facebook.com/IvankaTrump
Ivanka's books:
Women Who Work: https://amzn.to/45yHAgj
The Trump Card: https://amzn.to/3xB22jS

Fall of Civilizations Podcast

Paul Cooper

18. Egypt - Fall of the Pharaohs

Far in the distance, three colossal shapes tower over the desert horizon…

In this episode, we travel to the Nile Valley, and tell the story of one of the most iconic cultures ever produced by humankind – the civilizations of ancient Egypt. I want to show how this series of related cultures grew up in the floodplains of their great river, and built some of the most enduring and recognizable structures in the world. And I want to tell the story of what happened to bring the age of the Pharaohs finally and cataclysmically to an end.


Michael Hajiantonis
Nick Denton
Paul Casselle
Alexandra Boulton
Tom Marshall-Lee
Rhy Brignell
Peter Walters
Lachlan Lucas

Narrated and produced by Paul Cooper
Sound engineering by Alexey Sibikin
Readings in Arabic by Nassim El-Boujjoufi
Readings in reconstructed ancient Egyptian by Seqnenra (Mohammad Habib) and Do

Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author

#467 BITESIZE | 3 Ways We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop | Dr Ramani Durvasula

We often seem to be our own worst enemies and there are some common ways that many of us self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is a spectrum of feelings, beliefs, and behaviours, but they all set us up to fail.Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.Today’s clip is from episode 332 of the podcast with clinical psychologist, Dr Ramani Durvasula. In this clip, she explains why perfectionism, social comparison and not living in alignment with our values are common forms of self-sabotage, and she shares some practical solutions to help overcome them.Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemoreSupport the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms

Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu pentru astăzi

Fundația S.E.E.R. România

Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu pentru astăzi

The Infinite Monkey Cage

BBC Radio 4

The Infinite Monkey's Guide To… Audience Favourites (Pt 2)

`This week it's over to you the listeners, as we hear some of your favourite moments from The Infinite Monkey Cage. Comedian Claire Hooper hears about the mating rituals of spiders, which use several of their legs in this complex process. But she discovers the females of the species get their own back by eating the males once the deed is done. Comedian Noel Fielding explains how he made a plasticine figure of singer Joey Ramone, prompting Robin to wonder about the pitfalls of building a real-life Frankenstein. And writer Alan Moore tells Jonathan Ross how he used string theory as inspiration for a comic strip... about a virtuoso violinist.New episodes are released weekly on Wednesdays. If you’re in the UK, listen to the full series on BBC SoundsProducer: Marijke Peters
Executive Producer: Alexandra FeachemEpisodes Featured:
Series 26: Australia's Scariest Spiders
Series 14: 200 Years of

Morning Glory, cu Răzvan Exarhu

Rock FM

Morning Glory - 21.06.2024

Morning Glory - 21.06.2024

România în direct - Europa FM

Cătălin Striblea

România în Direct: OMV Petrom, cel mai mare profit din istorie. Ce înseamnă un profit corect?

Efectiv Podcast

Efectiv Podcast

Efectiv Podcast

La Fileu


#50 "CONFRUNTAREA" - LA FILEU cu Catalin Bordea

Jillian on Love

Jillian Turecki | QCODE

Lust, Love, and Limerence: Why You Can't Stop Obsessing About Them

In this long awaited and most frequently requested episode, Jillian explains in detail what limerence is and busts some myths about what it is, and isn't. She also teaches why it happens, and what to heal if it gets out of hand.

Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove
Email the show at hello@jillianonlove.com
Subscribe to Jillian on Love+ on Apple Podcasts or Patreones
Find Rources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations
Follow Jillian Turecki on
Instagram: @jillianturecki
TikTok: @jillian.turecki
X: @JillianTurecki
Visit her website at jillianturecki.com
Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE.
To advertise on the show, contact us!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

The History of Rome

Mike Duncan

The Storm Before The Storm: Chapter 1- The Beasts of Italy

Audio excerpt from The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic by Mike Duncan. Forthcoming Oct. 24, 2017. Pre-order a copy today!  Amazon Powells Barnes & Noble Indibound Books-a-Million Or visit us at: revolutionspodcast.com thehistoryofrome.com

Call Her Daddy

Alex Cooper

Rebel Wilson: Dating Fails to Finding the One (FBF) [VIDEO]

Rebel Wilson joins Call Her Daddy to discuss her journey to love and motherhood. Rebel reflects back on high school and her time in the “popular” crowd…that lasted one day. She discusses how she actively avoided dating all through her 20’s and was often left feeling friendzoned. Rebel dishes on her “year of love” where she said yes to every date proposed to her which ended with a few hilarious stories. She cautions women to remove some of the pressure around finding “the one” and shares that she did not have her first relationship until she was 35. Rebel opens up about her current partner, Ramona, and the realization she wanted to date women. She discusses how her life has changed since the birth of baby Royce and what motherhood means to her.
Fluid is available for download for iOS now and you can also sign up on the website at: www.fluiddatingapp.com
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoic

The Slow Newscast

Tortoise Media

Master: The allegations against Neil Gaiman - episode 1

Episode one: The bath Neil Gaiman is one of the world’s most successful authors. And one of the most loved. His works have been adapted for film, TV and the stage. Now two women, a former nanny and a fan, allege he sexually assaulted and abused them while they were in consensual relationships with him. He strenuously denies all the allegations.Clip: The Sandman trailer - DC Comics/NetflixClip: The Ocean at the End of the Lane trailer - National TheatreClip: The Simpsons - DisneyTo find out more about Tortoise:Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalistsSubscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts for early access and ad-free contentBecome a member and get access to all of Tortoise's premium audio offerings and more Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

How to Know What's Real

The Atlantic

How to be Immortal Online

With digital spaces regularly evolving and updating, and the infinite scroll beckoning to us at all times, this episode questions if we have, as a culture, fully embraced the end of endings. Hanna Reichel, an associate professor of reformed theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, helps illuminate how the emergence of godlike AI and the rise of creator culture compare with the reformations and transformations through which people lived (and died) in the past.
Write to us at howtopodcast@theatlantic.com. 
Music by Forever Sunset (“Spring Dance”), baegel (“Cyber Wham”), Etienne Roussel (“Twilight”), Dip Diet (“Sidelined”), Ben Elson (“Darkwave”), and Rob Smierciak (“Whistle Jazz”).

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

The Mindset Mentor

Rob Dial

How to Reinvent Yourself At ANY Age

It's never too late to start fresh and chase your dreams. We'll talk about how to actively search for what excites you, step out of your comfort zone, and try new things. I'll share an inspiring story about how my mom found joy by taking dance classes, showing that amazing things happen when you push yourself to explore new experiences. Let's make today the start of something new and exciting. Appreciate you all and have an amazing day!Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.Join

MCN Podcast

MCN Podcast

M.C.N. Podcast | Episodul 13 - Optimismul activ și reach-ul profesorilor

M.C.N Podcast s-a întors!

În cel de-al 13-lea episod, i-am avut invitați pe Sebastian Severin (Proiect ROSPIN-SAT-1), Vlǎduț Dinu (Proiect SmetyTech) și Alexandru Hǎnțǎscu (Proiect ECRIDA). Ei și proiectele lor au fost aleși în urma a peste 100 de e-mailuri pe care le-am primit din partea studenților.

Ne-am bucurat să vedem câte lucruri interesante în domenii diferite au loc în același timp și cum fiecare proiect are în comun o echipă care visează și muncește activ la schimbarea societății și a educației din România.

Pe cei 3 aveți ocazia să îi cunoașteți în episodul de astăzi. Optimismul lor, pasiunea și rezultatele i-au adus la aceeași masă cu profesioniști din toată lumea, alături de care au învățat și s-au dezvoltat până acum.

ROSPIN-SAT-1 se pregătește de lansarea primului satelit open-source din România - satelit care va monitoriza pădurile de pe teri

The History of Egypt Podcast

Dominic Perry

Mini: Rain Over The Pyramids

Between 2500—2200 BCE, Egypt witnessed a period of surprisingly high rainfall. While the Old Kingdom was much wetter than today, archaeologists have found strong evidence for huge downpours, sweeping across northern Egypt and flooding tombs, cities, and forcing the ancients to adapt…
This episode is a brief epilogue to the Decline & Fall of the Old Kingdom series.

Intro music: Michael Jackson – Stranger in Moscow (Instrumental Version).

Outro music: Toto – Africa (Bardcore) by Stravitticus.

Logo image: Rain spout/gutter at the pyramid complex of Niuserrra (c.2400 BCE). Photo by Kairoinfo4u.

References used in this episode:

K. W. Butzer, ‘When the Desert Was in Flood: Environmental History of the Giza Plateau’, AERAgram 5 (2001), 3—5.

K. W. Butzer et al., ‘Urban Geoarchaeology and Environmental History at the Lost City of the Pyramids, Giza: Synthesis and Review’, Journal of Ar

Dj Dark - Deep Sessions

Dj Dark

Private Thoughts (February 2024)

Dj Dark

Az élet meg minden

Tóth Szabolcs Töhötöm

#068 Mestyán Ádám – A mekkai serif elfelejtett királysága

Nem csak Közép- és Kelet-Európa a világnak olyan része, amelyet az I. világháború és az azt lezáró béke a mai napig meghatároz: a Közel-Kelet is ilyen térség.Ebben az epizódban Mestyán Ádámmal, Amerika elit egyeteme, a Duke University történelem tanszékének docensével beszélgetek az oszmán birodalom szétrobbanásáról és a mai arab államok kialakulásáról, brit ügynökökről és egy magára hagyott királyról.No és egy kicsit a punkról, mert hogy a Közel-Kelet-kutató életét egy ideig nem az arabisztika és a tudomány, hanem a költészet és a Vágtázó Halottkémek határozták meg – amely bandának igen fiatalon basszusgitárosa lett.? MűsorjegyzetekA részletes műsorjegyzeteket (linkeket cikkekhez, könyvekhez, filmekhez és sok egyébhez) itt találod a műsor honlapján:https://azeletmegminden.hu/068-mestyan-adam-podcast/Az időkóddal ellátott tartalmi kivonathoz görgess lejjebb!? A műsort itt is megtalálodhonlap: https://azeletmegminden.h

Arnold's Pump Club

Arnold's Pump Club

#151: The Pain and Reps Are Worth It

Arnold loves to say, "reps, reps, reps." But it's not just a slogan. It's wisdom based on experience. Because more than anything, Arnold has found that the best things in life occur when you're hungry to learn -- and hungrier to put in the work. In this episode, Arnold explains why, at 76, he's still working as hard as ever.
You'll also learn why dumping water on your body might not be a great way to cool off. And the latest science on high-protein diets and kidney stones.
If you'd like to join Arnold's Pump Club and receive his free daily newsletter, you can sign-up with this link: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://arnoldspumpclub.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Production and Marketing: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://penname.co/

Vocea Natiei

Starea Natiei

Podcast #VN Vocea Nației #223

Foarte mulți dintre voi ați întrebat în ultima perioadă cum să faceți ca să identificați știrile false. Cum să faceți ca să vă informați corect. Credem că e un subiect foarte important în contextul acestui an și ne-am gândit să atingem azi, la Vocea Nației, o parte din această problemă.

Judecata de Acum

Ovidiu Vanghele&Vlad Stoicescu

Judecata de Acum, episodul 148

La ediția „normală” de după alegerile „europarlamentaro-locale” (ce oroare!), în obișnuita seară de joi, am discutat preț de mai bine de o oră cu sociologul Barbu Mateescu, care ne-a ajutat să înțelegem ce înseamnă votul de duminică. Ce înseamnă el pentru fiecare dintre competitorii politici, ce înseamnă pentru România europeană, pentru România la nivel local, azi și pentru următorii patru ani, dar și, la fel de important, ce înseamnă această poză a rezultatelor acestei prime chemări a românilor la urne în 2024 pentru ce urmează: prezidențiale și parlamentare.
Pentru noi a fost o discuție revelatoare. Vă invităm s-o ascultați și voi.
Vă mulțumim tuturor!
Pe joia viitoare!
Acest episod este produs și cu susținere din partea Departamentului de Stat al SUA, prin Ambasada României la București, precum și cu sprijinul Fundatiei Friedrich Naumann pentru Libertat

13: A Taylor Swift Fan Podcast


1989 (Taylor's Version) Final Track Rankings- Yes, It Is Over Now

It’s taken us all year long but it is over now.. It’s time for us to do our initial rankings of the pop bible, 1989 Taylor’s Version.  How have our rankings changed since our initial rankings? Do we have any song surprises? And is there a long overdue payoff that happens in this episode?  Nick Adams, Ana Szabo, Amy Nichols and Lacey Gee do the final rankings for 1989 TV and discuss what’s to come next when we break down The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology.. Are you ready for it?  Don’t forget to grab the first ever 13 Podcast merch! You can find that at the13podcast.net.  What did we miss? What would you like to hear from us next? There are lots of ways to reach us! CONTACT THE PODCAST!Voicemail Number- (689) 214-1313Email- the13podcast@gmail.comIG- https://www.instagram.com/the13podcast TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@the13podcastTwitter- https://twitter.com/the13TSpodcastYouTube- https://www.yo

Planet Money


The two companies driving the modern economy

At the core of most of the electronics we use today are some very tiny, very powerful chips. Semiconductor chips. And they are mighty: they help power our phones, laptops, and cars. They enable advances in healthcare, military systems, transportation, and clean energy. And they're also critical for artificial intelligence, providing the hardware needed to train complex machine learning.On today's episode, we're bringing you two stories from our daily show The Indicator, diving into the two most important semiconductor chip companies, which have transformed the industry over the past 40 years. First, we trace NVIDIA's journey from making niche graphics cards for gaming to making the most advanced chips in the world — and briefly becoming the world's biggest company. Next, we see how the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's decision to manufacture chips for its competition instead of itself flip

The Peter Attia Drive

Peter Attia, MD

#308 - AMA #61: Sun exposure, sunscreen, and skin health: relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer, vitamin D production, and photoaging, how to choose a sunscreen, and more

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter delves into two topics that have generated a lot of questions over the years: skin cancer and sunscreen. He begins by exploring the basics of UV radiation, discussing its effects on vitamin D conversion, photoaging, and its role in skin cancer. He examines various skin types, discussing their implications for sun exposure and vitamin D levels, as well as how to determine where you fall on the skin type scale. He then delves into the various types of skin cancer, with a particular emphasis on melanoma, exploring its complex relationship with UV exposure and other contributing risk factors. Additionally, he covers tann

Quanta Science Podcast

Quanta Magazine

New Cell Atlases Reveal Untold Variety in the Brain and Beyond

Recent efforts to map every cell in the human body have researchers floored by unfathomable diversity, with many thousands of subtly different types of cells in the human brain alone. Read more at QuantaMagazine.org. Music is “Confusing Disco” by Birocratic.

TED Talks Daily


The secret ingredients of great hospitality | Will Guidara

Restaurateur Will Guidara's life changed when he decided to serve a two-dollar hot dog in his fancy four-star restaurant, creating a personalized experience for some out-of-town customers craving authentic New York City street food. The move earned such a positive reaction that Guidara began pursuing this kind of "unreasonable hospitality" full-time, seeking out ways to create extraordinary experiences and give people more than they could ever possibly expect. In this funny and heartwarming talk, he shares three steps to crafting truly memorable moments centered in human connection – no matter what business you're in.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

Mark Manson

Life-Changing Insights From Traveling To Every Country In The World (ft. Drew Binsky)

Drew Binsky is a fearless traveler who's seen it all. From chatting with North Koreans in their homeland to dodging bombings in Somalia and volunteering in Syria in the middle of a civil war, Drew's adventures are nothing short of incredible. He's been to every country in the world, witnessing the most dangerous places and surviving a few close calls. Yet, his experiences have led him to a surprising conclusion: most people, most of the time, are good. Even in the direst circumstances, Drew finds that human resilience can prevail.
In our conversation, Drew shares why he's drawn to war zones and failed states, revealing the profound lessons he's learned from them. We discuss why you should never judge a country by the news you hear about it, how the most impactful trips are often the most challenging, and where to find the friendliest people on Earth. Drew also offer

Gand la Gand cu Teo

Teo Trandafir

ȘTEFAN FLOROAICA E CA UN FRATE PENTRU TEO! „Când voi fi tată…” #gandlagandcuteo #podcast #24

Ștefan e fratele pe care nu l-am avut. Nu sunt vorbe mari, e ceea ce simt de când l-am descoperit. Am vorbit mult despre relația specială care ne leagă, dar și despre familia lui și dorința de a deveni tată. Despre planuri de viitor, iubire, dar și lipsa banilor, într-un nou episod Gând la Gând cu Teo.

Chopper's Politics

The Telegraph

The Lockdown Files: Episode 6, The Forgotten Victims

In January 2021, the first Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccines made their way into people’s arms. By mid-march, 11 million people had received the jab.After successive lockdowns, it felt like a way out. But now, more than two years on, storm clouds are gathering.Today, 80 of them are preparing to sue Astrazeneca. They say that until now, no one has wanted to hear their stories. So we’re telling them.Find out more: ‘We were told the vaccine was safe - but what happened has been life-changing’Archive used in this episode from: BBC, Sky News, 10 Downing Street.Read more about the Lockdown Files here: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/lockdown-files |For 30 days’ free access to The Telegraph: www.telegraph.co.uk/lockdownfilespodcast |If you have any information that could help the investigation, you can email the team on lockdownfiles@telegraph.co.uk | Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Daily

The New York Times

Biden’s Slipping Support

A major Times poll has found that voters’ doubts about President Biden deepened after his poor performance in the first debate, with Donald J. Trump taking by far his biggest lead of the campaign.Shane Goldmacher, a national political correspondent for The Times, explains what those results could mean for Mr. Biden’s future.Guest: Shane Goldmacher, a national political correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading: Mr. Trump now leads Mr. Biden 49 percent to 43 percent among likely voters nationally.Mr. Biden has been left fighting for his political future after his faltering debate performance. Read the latest.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Podcastul de Filosofie

Octav Eugen Popa

52. Empirismul 5. Quine și dogmele empirismului (cu Alexandru Cârlan și Andrei Mărășoiu)

Împreună cu Alexandru Cârlan (SNSPA) și Andrei Mărășoiu (UB), facem un triplusalt în istoria filosofiei pentru a citi celebrul articol al lui Quine "Două dogme ale empirismului." Care dogme? Bună întrebare! Mulțumesc! Cu plăcere! Continuăm? OK. Întâi, spune Quine, vechea distincție dintre adevăruri analitice și adevăruri sintetice e vrăjeală. Apoi, vechea idee că înțelesul termenilor poate fi redus la date senzoriale e și ea vrăjeală. Dar oare are Quine dreptunghi? N-are? Despre toate astea plus câteva discuții adiacente despre natura numerelor naturale, în episodul care încheie seria despre empirism. 00:00 Intro02:24 Cine a fost Quine?06:28 Quine, copilașul lui Hume?12:43 Prima dogmă: analiticitatea15:58 Structura argumentativă per ansamblu29:19 Țin argumentele? E bune ele?34:54 O paralelă în filosofia matematicii43:38 Un pasaj cheie!45:55 A doua dogmă: reducționismul01:01:03

The Nerds Are Typing: An Enneagram and MBTI Podcast

The Nerds Are Typing

The Nerds Are Typing: An Enneagram and MBTI Podcast

Happy Place

Fearne Cotton

Iwan Thomas: Self-loathing, hard graft, and soft play

It can feel awful when other people judge you, but it can be even worse when you judge yourself. Despite his immense achievements, Former European, Commonwealth and World Champion 400m medallist Iwan Thomas is no stranger to self-loathing. In this chat with Fearne, Iwan talks about the innate need to make our parents proud throughout our lives, as well as how becoming a dad himself has changed his outlook on life. They also try to figure out the balance of pushing your kid to believe in themselves, without stressing them out with too much pressure. Iwan is honest about the reality of feeling he couldn’t talk to even his closest friends about his mental health during his lowest moments, as well as how he’s learnt to open up. Iwan’s memoir, Brutal, is out on July 4th. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Magyar Kultúra Podcastok

Petőfi Media Group

A "legtalpigabb" magyarok | TALPIG MAGYAR ep.69. (záróepizód)

69 epizód, közel 2400 percnyi tartalom és több mint 200 vendég és téma - ez a Talpig magyar – ahogy a reformkor nyomot hagy podcastsorozat mérlege számokban. A Petőfi-bicentenárium hivatalos podcastműsorát egy rendhagyó záróepizóddal búcsúztatjuk. A tartalomból: "A reformkor legnagyobb vívmánya az áprilisi törvények voltak.""Mennyire máshogy alakult volna nemzetünk történelme, ha Arany Jánosra építünk nem Petőfi Sándorra.""Magyarország addig nem lesz polgári nemzet, amíg Deák Ferencnél népszerűbb Kossuth Lajos."Vendégeink:Katona Csaba történészNényei Pál író, irodalomtanárVaderna Gábor irodalomtörténész TALPIG MAGYAR – ahogy a reformkor nyomot hagy. A Petőfi-emlékév hivatalos műsorában vasárnaponként betekintettünk a reformkor kulisszái mögé: megelevenedtek a korszak emblematikus figurái és megismertük a korabeli hétköznapokat. Műsorvezető: Rédl ÁdámKöszönjük,

Life Kit: Money


Check, please! The etiquette of splitting the tab

Dining out with a large group and not sure how to handle the check? In this episode, chef and food writer Kiki Aranita walks us through common dining scenarios to ensure the bill is handled fairly and smoothly.Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoicesNPR Privacy Policy

Real Survival Stories


Swept Away in Antarctica: Great White Chaos

Two friends from Australia attempt the first unsupported crossing of the Antarctic Peninsula. The brutal conditions of the world’s southernmost continent have defeated many an intrepid explorer. But Peter Bland and Jay Watson are undeterred. Disaster strikes though, in the middle of the night. When Peter is mysteriously swept away, it’ll be down to Jay to find his mate and keep him alive…
A Noiser production, written by Paul Olding.
For more on this story read A Step Too Far: Peter Bland and the Obsession of Adventure (https://www.peterbland.com).
For ad-free listening, bonus material and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started. Or, if you’re on Spotify or Android, go to noiser.com/subscriptions
If you have an amazing survival story of your own that you’d like to put forward for the show, let us know. Drop us an email at support@noiser.com
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Answers for Claudia

Audio Always

Who Is Claudia? | 1

In March 2009 Claudia Lawrence vanished without trace. The 35 year old seemed happy, healthy and was enjoying life. So what happened? Claudia's 80 year old mother Joan has spent the last 15 years trying to find out - without success. She sees this podcast as one final search for answers. So who is Claudia Lawrence....Binge all episodes of Answers for Claudia exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in theWondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting https://wondery.com/shows/answers-for-claudia/See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

David Guetta

David Guetta

Playlist #727

01. David Guetta, MORTEN, Prophecy - Kill The Vibe (Extended Mix)02. Tate McRae - Greedy (Ape Rave Club Bootleg)03. Alle Farben - Lotus (PAROOKAVILLE Anthem 2024)04. KREAM - Where Are You Tonight05. Ken Bauer x Jaison Silva x BackFaze - Dreams (Extended Instrumental Mix)06. Huminal - Paradise Found (Extended Mix)07. Miss Melera - Sage (Extended Mix)08. David Guetta & OneRepublic - I Don't Wanna Wait (Miss Monique Remix)09. Because of Art - Ranger (Extended Mix)10. KASS feat. Bianca - Breaking (Extended Mix)11. Alan Wools, Etonika - Sadness12. Ilija Djokovic - Zelda (Extended Master)13. MRPHLNDR - Captain Future (Extended Mix)

Povești pentru copii

Povesti pentru copii

Amintiri din copilărie. Partea a II-a

Povești ascultătoare: Amintiri din copilărie. Partea a II-a (de Ion Creangă). Lectura Damian Victor Oancea.

I Weigh with Jameela Jamil

Earwolf & Jameela Jamil

Ask Jameela Anything 5

Join Jameela for another AMA style episode answering your questions about body neutrality post pregnancy, how to handle friendship breakdowns, and dealing with stress at work. You'll also hear about what project Jameela is currently working on! This episode also lightly touches on domestic abuse and sexual abuse so please take care while listening. 
If you have a question for Jameela, email it to iweighpodcast@gmail.com, and we may ask it in a future episode!You can find transcripts from the show on the Earwolf websiteI Weigh has amazing merch – check it out at podswag.comSend what you 'weigh' to iweighpodcast@gmail.comJameela is on Instagram @jameelajamil and TikTok @jameelajamilAnd make sure to check out I Weigh’s Instagram, Youtube and TikTok for more!

The Meb Faber Show

Meb Faber

The Cambria Chesapeake Pure Trend ETF (MFUT) | Jerry Parker & Meb Faber

Today’s returning guest is Jerry Parker, CEO of Chesapeake Holding Company. Jerry began his career in 1983 when he was accepted into Richard Dennis’ Turtle Program.
In today’s episode, Meb & Jerry discuss the launch of their new ETF, the Cambria Chesapeake Pure Trend ETF (MFUT). They delve into the fund, which uses a systematic trend following strategy across stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities. Jerry covers the key principles of trend following, the importance of capturing big trends, and the benefit of trend following in a portfolio.
(0:26) Welcome to our guest, Jerry Parker
(0:42) The Cambria Chesapeake Pure Trend ETF
(10:10) The various assets the fund trades
(13:09) The benefit of short positions
(19:08) Trend following principles
(22:08) The importance of following rules and hunting outliers
(33:16) How trend following fits in a portfolio

striblea's podcast

Catalin Striblea

Out of the Box 14. Lucruri din anii 80 pe care azi nu mai poți să le faci

Lorand Balint și Cătălin Striblea găsesc un mod de a vedea progresul societății rememorând o parte dintre lucrurile din anii 80 care astăzi ar fi imposibile. Sunt acțiuni care amintesc de o societe abrutizată și care lăsa loc violențelor. Și nu vorbim doar de societate românească, ci și de tarele lumii vestice pe care românii o vedeau perfectă.   Lorand Balint este om de marketing, Head of Publicis Sports. a lucrat în companii globale de marketing, în poziții de top. Este școlit la ASE, dar are cursuri la New York, Boston, Londra, Ierusalim, Amsterdam. Predă ca profesor asociat la ASE sau la MBA-ul Româno-Canadian. Este editorialist în publicații de afaceri sau de sport.  

Călătorii în trecut

RFI România

Călătorii în trecut

The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll

Michael Chernow Is A Creature Of Habit: A Story of Sobriety, Resilience & Redemption

Michael Chernow is a restaurateur, entrepreneur, and the founder of Kreatures of Habit.  

This conversation explores Michael’s cinematic journey of sobriety, resilience, and redemption. We discuss his traumatic childhood, the depths of his addiction, the heights of culinary success, and how fitness and recovery eclipsed a life beyond his dreams. Michael emphasizes the power of daily habits, morning routines, stacking small wins, and breathwork in his transformative process.

With no-nonsense insights, Michael discusses healing one’s inner child and his unwavering belief that anyone can change their life—no matter how far gone they think they are.

Michael is an incredible individual. And this conversation is powerful. Enjoy!

Show notes + MORE
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Today’s Sponsors: 
Seed: Use code RICHROLL2

How to Be a Better Human


How to have a say in how society is built w/ Tessza Udvarhelyi

No matter who you are or where you live, political choices influence your life. Hungarian activist and academic, Tessza Udvarhelyi, emphasizes that anyone, whether or not they work in politics, has collective power. This week, she joins Chris to discuss her work fighting for democracy under an increasingly authoritarian government, why affording power to the people is a must, and how we can all participate.For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts 

O Chilie Athonită - Bucurii din Sfântul Munte

O Chilie Athonită

De ce nu se sfințesc creștinii – p. Varnava Iankou

Ascultați un cuvânt scurt și clar în care părintele Varnava Iankou ne explică de ce nu se sfințesc creștinii.Vizionare plăcută!Pentru Pomelnice și Donații accesați: https://www.chilieathonita.ro/pomelnice-si-donatii/Pentru mai multe articole (texte, traduceri, podcasturi) vedeți https://www.chilieathonita.ro/

Andrew Huberman - Audio Biography


Huberman Fans Remain Loyal

Huberman fans aren't leaving the show behind, despite the recent revelations about his personal life in the New York Magazine article. The piece, which spanned 8,000 words, delved into Huberman's complicated romantic relationships, alleging that he maintained multiple relationships simultaneously and deceived the women he was seeing. It also questioned his expertise on wellness topics. However, the article seems to have had little impact on his overall listenership. Huberman's podcast continues to rank in the top 15 on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify, indicating that his audience remains loyal. Among the readers of this newsletter, who are likely more engaged with the podcasting industry, the responses have been more varied. Some readers have come to Huberman's defense, particularly regarding his approach to scientific subjects. Ioakim Boutakidis, a professor of child and adolescent studies at California State University at Full

Wines of Romania Podcast

Marinela Ardelean

Wines of Romania Podcast

The Edition

The Spectator

The reckoning: it's payback time for voters

This week: the reckoning. Our cover piece brings together the political turmoil facing the West this week: Rishi Sunak, Emmanuel Macron, and Joe Biden all face tough tests with their voters. But what’s driving this instability? The Spectator’s economics editor Kate Andrews argues it is less to do with left and right, and more a problem of incumbency, but how did this situation arise? Kate joined the podcast to discuss her argument, alongside former Cambridge Professor, John Keiger, who writes in the magazine about the consequences that France’s election could have on geopolitics (2:32). 

Next: what role does faith play in politics? Senior editor at the religious journal First Things Dan Hitchens explores Keir Starmer’s atheism in the magazine this week, but to what extent does it matter? What impact could it have on his politics? As the UK has an established Church, what implications could there be for our constit

Wrongly Accused: The Annette Hewins Story

BBC Radio Wales

Wrongly Accused: The Annette Hewins Story

Duolingo French Podcast


The Voice of France (La voix de la France) - Revisited

To celebrate France’s love of culture, we’re revisiting some of our favorite episodes featuring francophone artists and performers. This episode, the story of Simone, who unknowingly became the most “listened-to voice in France.” Stick around until the end for an update on what Simone has been up to since the first episode aired! A transcript of this episode is available at https://bit.ly/49R1BPW.

Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Mindful In Minutes Meditation

8 Simple Happiness Habits

In this informal freeform episode Kelly shares 8 new habits that she has started doing to promote happiness, care and ease into her life. Each habit is a small shift, change, or activity that has had a profound effect on her wellbeing as she rediscovers her happiness after the postpartum period.

More Mindful in Minutes

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Icelandic Homecoming
October 5-10, 2024
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Wild and Wondrous Woman
Scottish Highlands
May 5-10, 2025
Learn more here

Order Meditation For The Modern Family
You Are Not Your Thoughts: An 8-Week Anxiety Guided Meditation Journal
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Boom! from The Economist

The Economist

1. 1968 - Born to be wild

The generation born in the 1940s grew up in a land of endless growth and possibility, ruled by a confident, moderate elite. But just as they were embarking on adult life, all that started to come apart. The economy faltered, and the post-war consensus came under pressure from two sides: from the radical right, who hated government moves on civil rights  – and from the ‘New Left’, as boomers rebelled against their parents' generation and its war in Vietnam.To listen to the full series, subscribe to Economist Podcasts+. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account.

Eu cu cine gândesc? - Podcast de istorie și filozofie cu Theodor Paleologu și Răzvan Ioan

Casa Paleologu

EP 99: Montaigne

Michel de Montaigne, unul dintre cei mai mari autori ai secolului al XVI-lea, este creatorul genului literar și filozofic al eseului. Nobil din sudul Franței, Montaigne a renunțat la o carieră promițătoare de magistrat pentru a se retrage la moșia sa și a se dedica scrisului. A scris despre experiențele sale personale și introspective, transformând propria melancolie într-o serie de eseuri pline de referințe la filozofia și literatura antică, marcate de influențe din Seneca, Plutarh și Virgiliu.Stilul său reflectă o franceză bogată în latinisme, fiind apreciat pentru perspectiva sa onestă și sceptică asupra vieții. Montaigne, deși implicat indirect în conflictele religioase ale vremii, a devenit un simbol al moderației și al onestității. A fost invitat de regele Henric al III-lea să fie primar al Bordeauxului și, ulterior, sfătuitor al regelui Henric al IV-lea, influențând astfel politica prin prisma filozofiei sale echilibrate.Din punct de ved

The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes

10 TOOLS to Reclaim Your Life: Live in PEACE & ABUNDANCE

Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet? What’s holding you back?! lewishowes.com/ticketsIn this episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes hosts an inspiring discussion with Muniba Mazari, Jay Shetty, and Gabby Bernstein, focusing on mental strength, self-love, and overcoming trauma. Muniba Mazari shares her journey of finding gratitude and self-acceptance despite her physical challenges, emphasizing the importance of not comparing oneself to others on social media. Jay Shetty discusses mindfulness and the intentional design of life, stressing how sights, sounds, and scents can positively influence our daily experiences. Gabby Bernstein delves into coping mechanisms and the internal family systems therapy, explaining how we can heal from past traumas by acknowledging and understanding our protective behaviors. Together, they offer powerful practices to help listeners achieve mental peace

Arta De A Te Iubi

Cristian Stan

Arta De A Te Iubi



1 - 20240628 6 óra

1 - 20240628 6 óra by Balázsék

Dj Optick - Obsession - Ibiza Global Radio


Dj Optick - Obsession - 01.04.2024 - Deep | Organic | Afro Mix

Hey everyone! It's been quite a while since I ve posted a new mix, thank you for your patience. Here is a new mix, in the same flavour as all the beloved Obsession podcast series, good, melodic, positive vibes. In the meantime, I ve purchased from Av Store Romania, and I am currently testing, a new pair of headphones from Meze Audio, absolutely crazy headphones. The entire set is mixed and mastered on them, as the following ones will be. If you have any suggestions about the final sound, please leave a comment or dm me.
Don't forget to subscribe on your favourite platform:
Apple Podcasts: goo.gl/j0GoFg
Listen on Deezer: deezer.com/show/1743732
Find me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/djoptick
Find me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/djoptick
If you want to be featured/playlisted in the podcast, please send your promo tracks at: promo@djoptick.ro

The Intelligence from The Economist

The Economist

Starming victory: Labour sweeps to power

Britain has elected a Labour government for the first time in 14 years. The party inherits a spattered legacy and a country that is often seen as a laughing stock internationally. We consider Sir Keir Starmer’s long to-do list: growing the economy, mending Britain’s reputation…and moving house within 24 hours. Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology—Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account. 

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss: Bestselling Author, Human Guinea Pig

#752: Terry Crews and Richard Koch

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the last decade. I could not be more excited. The episode features segments from episode #287 "Terry Crews — How to Have, Do, and Be All You Want" and episode #466 "Richard Koch on Mastering the 80/20 Principle, Achieving Unreasonable Success, and the Art of Gambling"Please enjoy!Sponsors:LMNT electrolyte supplement: https://drinklmnt.com/Tim (free LMNT sample pack with any drink mix purchase)Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)Eight Sleep’s Pod 4 Ultra sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $350 on the Pod 4 Ultra)Timestamp
