





モスキートラジオ / Mosquito radio

うなぎの寝床 ハルグチ

福岡県八女市にある地域文化商社 " うなぎの寝床 " のバイヤー 春口が蚊の鳴くような声でお店で取り扱っている物とその周りの事を中心に話します。車中で喋ってるので雑音たっぷりでお届けしております。静かな場所でお聴きください。 #うなぎの寝床#unaginonedoko#地域文化商社#NATIVESCAPE#UNAPRODUCTS#CRAFT#ART#FOLKART#culture#MONPE#

The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Gayle & Sharlene

Gayle and Sharlene talk about what they are wearing, what they are stalking, and of course, what they are knitting. Grab your knitting needles, your favorite yarn--or your favorite craft--and come knit with us! We are on Ravelry as gayleywayley and knitterninjashar. Show notes at http://yarniacs.blogspot.com/

The Long Thread Podcast

Long Thread Media

The artists and artisans of the fiber world come to you in The Long Thread Podcast. Each episode features interviews with your favorite spinners, weavers, needleworkers, and fiber artists from across the globe. Get the inspiration, practical advice, and personal stories of experts as we follow the long thread.

Nördic Knitting

Johanne Ländin och Heléne Wallin

En podcast om långsam och krånglig stickning - allt från stickhistoria till intresanta intervjuer. Snabbstickat? Nej, tack.

make good: a knitting podcast

Scratch Supply Co.

Techniques, skillbuilding, pattern discussion, interviews with makers we adore, our favorite tools... and the knitting advice column you've been waiting for!



《全台最熱門的威士忌Podcast》 竟然有台灣人在蘇格蘭擔任蒸餾師? 來自酒廠第一線最真實的業界秘辛, 帶你脫離酒商行銷話術, 體驗威士忌的歷史、製程與美味。 - IG及FB請搜尋《業務用威士忌指南》 - 歡迎小額贊助維護節目品質: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/8680042



2人のおっさん、あったくとぴかりが、曖昧な記憶を頼りにゆるっと雑談しているだけのPodcastです。 今日も話題がふわふわ脱線していきます。(´・ω・`) 毎週木曜日に更新して行きますよー

Knit Picks' Podcast

Knit Picks

Find camaraderie and understanding as Knit Picks employees confess to their own knitting triumphs and complete blunders. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, tune in weekly for the further adventures of the gang at Knit Picks and any other knitters we can round up.

VeryPink Knits - Knitting Q and A

Staci Perry

VeryPink Knits, the companion podcast to the VeryPink Knits YouTube channel, focused on answering your knitting questions. With Staci Perry and Polly Baker.

Cast On

Brenda Dayne

Cast On began on Monday, 31 October, 2005, founded on nothing more than the desire to talk about knitting to people who get it. All the other stuff, about how memories, thoughts, hopes and dreams are knit into the fabric we create, and so become part of the fabric of our lives; about how life and knitting intertwine, and how sometimes you simply cannot tell where one part leaves off the other begins; about how the only thing wrong with the world today is that there is not enough knitting in it, all that came later, over time. Since 2005 the podcast has evolved to focus on finding inspiration in the ordinary, using it to kick start the process of making stuff, and finding ways to carve out the creative time and space that allows you to work your ass off on the projects that matter most to you. Like knitting a sweater. Or saving the world.

Seamwork Radio: Sewing and Creativity


On Seamwork Radio, we share practical ideas for building a creative process, so you can sew with intention and joy.


Juliet Hinman

ASMR is what I saw when I opened YouTube.

Scrapbook Your Way

Jennifer Wilson

In a world where a camera is always within reach and creative options are abundant, “Your Way” is the memory-keeping approach that fills you up and fits your life right now. This free, scrapbooking-focused show celebrates the breadth of ways to be a memory keeper today. Scrapbook Your Way is hosted by Jennifer Wilson, owner of Simple Scrapper and author of The New Rules of Scrapbooking.

SEAMSIDE: Exploring the Inner Work of Textiles


はりこまラジオ radio Harikoma

はりこまラジオ radio Harikoma

山形らしい、庄内らしい張り子を目指す 「はりこま屋」がお送りします。 張り子や楽しい庄内、山形、東北の 情報をお届けします。


Oscar Ticas

Ripstop on the Record

Ripstop by the Roll

Welcome to Ripstop on the Record. The podcast for makers, by makers. Where we talk about all things Make Your Own Gear (MYOG). You'll hear from gear companies, textile engineers, cottage vendors, and other leaders in the Textiles + Outdoor Gear industry. Brought to you by Ripstop by the Roll.

Descubre el Quilting

Lina Owen

Este podcast tiene como propósito expandir el bello arte del quilting en la comunidad Hispano-Latina. Compartir las diferentes técnicas en el quilting, entrevistar profesionales en la industria como diseñdores de patrones y telas y otros temas relacionados con la costura. Como dulce agregado conocer un poco de mi vida y mi pasión al quilting. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lina-owen/support

Craft Industry Alliance

Abby Glassenberg

A recommendation show for creatives.

Quilt & Tell

Quilting Daily

Every quilt has a story to tell. Tracy, Lori and Ginger from Quilting Daily cover the full spectrum of experience, from a third-generation quilter to a practicing novice, and pull inspiration from their distinct backgrounds. Each episode features a patchwork of in-depth conversations and engaging stories that appeal to quilters of all skill levels and all quilting genres.



たまき木工所 玉木陽祐の頭の中。 ・第1、第3金曜日 17時ごろ更新 https://www.instagram.com/tama_yosu/



GLOBAL★BROTHERSは、 MVP CHANNELおおうみの7つ上の兄tomoと届けするちょっとオタクな兄妹トーク。世界中のビジネス/テクノロジー/ライフスタイル/カルチャーなど、バブル世代・X世代の新しい価値観にまつわる情報をお届けするポッドキャスト番組です。 tomo: 大学卒業後は時計と電卓で有名な某メーカーに就職。 その後3年でベンチャー企業に転職。パソコン黎明期にプロジェクトリーダーとして複数のノートパソコンを世の中に送り出す。 売上5億円から100億超えまで一気に伸びたが、バブル崩壊とともに会社も崩壊。捻余曲折を経て、歌舞伎町の飲み仲間と最初の会社設立。1年後に株主さんの会社を手伝うことになり2、3年で戻る予定で転籍。ケータイ電話の普及とともに会社は大きくなり30人から世界規模に広がって2000人に。子供の頃に「世界を股にかけるビジネスマンになりたい!」と思っていたが、念願かなって21世紀になってヨーロッパに生活の拠点を移す。 東日本大震災の年に二つ目の会社を作って今に至る。 属性は「異なる世界をつなげる翻訳者」と本人は思っている。 モットーは、Why not?(やってみなはれ)

Why I Knit

Dr Mia Hobbs

Welcome to the Why I Knit podcast! My name is Dr Mia Hobbs and I am a Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about the mental health benefits of knitting. Each episode of the podcast I interview a different knitter about why they knit and the (k)nitty gritty of how it impacts their mental wellbeing. I have an inspiring and diverse range of knitters lined up who have generously shared their stories with me. You can follow me on Instagram @knittingistherapeutic and get more information on the therapeutic benefits of knitting at my website www.therapeuticknitting.org

Pardon My Stash

Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess

Knitters (and crafters) unite! Come join us weekly for a conversation about knitting, crochet, and yarn crafts all around. With a touch of comedy and sass, we talk about projects, pitfalls, and pointers about the fiber arts. Find more about our content and our cast at pardonmystash.com



\シーズン3からは月イチ更新!/ お便りはフォームまで→ http://bit.ly/3A7fxDT 映像クリエイターのララッシュアワーと デザイナーの端くれWassyoisambaが 最近あったことからクリエイティブ話まで… 縦横無尽に喋りたおす番組です! 【twitter】 ゴディメンレディオ 公式アカウント →https://twitter.com/5jigendoukoukai ララッシュアワー →https://twitter.com/rrrushhourrr Wassyoisamba →https://twitter.com/sugoku_saikou

Handspun A Podcast about Handspinning, Knitting, and Yarn

Kim Biegler

A podcast all about handspinning yarn, knitting, wool processing and farm life with Kim Biegler, owner of Ewethful Fiber Farm and Mill. In this podcast I share how to tips and life inside owning a wool mill, making yarn, spinning yarn and owning a fiber flock of animals.  I own a wool mill where I process animal fibers into products for hand spinners. I also have an online course for learning to handspin yarn on a spinning wheel from the comfort of your own hom- Let's Make Yarn! As well as courses for those in the craft wanting to learn new techniques. 

Australia Sews Podcast

Louise Sherry

Celebrating the Australian home sewing community with stories from everyday sewers transforming their lives and their wardrobes.

Planner Pals

Planner Pals

Planner Pals, Mark and Jess, cover various topics about Planning, Bullet Journaling, Stationery, Productivity Methods, and more.

Mostly knitting podcast

Mostly knitting podcast

Welcome to the Mostly Knitting Podcast. A monthly, free audio podcast, coming to you from Norway with Ingvild and Vibeke. We speak about knitting and creativity. Mostly knitting, but also some other crafty things. Sometimes we have guests from around the world.

Pattern Shift

Saskia de Feijter

Hi! My name is Saskia de Feijter and welcome to the Pattern Shift podcast. In this podcast, I support overwhelmed small business owners in the fiber and needlecraft industry, helping them set up and organize their businesses for growth and personal well-being. Together, we can be a force for good and a counterbalance to fast fashion, helping makers craft garments and accessories slowly and more sustainably. You can be part of that change and make a profit in the process.



イトにまつわるモノたちの イトにまつわるモノガタリ 編み物や手紡ぎなど糸仕事に携わる方々をゲストにお呼びして、これまでの活動や、糸仕事に対する思いを語って頂くpodcast番組です。 #編み物 #毛糸 #イトバタ会議 #ボクラノアミモノ #knitting #crochet #yarn

The Crochet Baes

Jessica Sellenberg

Grab your hook, yarn, and cup of coffee and hang out with Jess and Megs as they discuss all things crochet! We’ll cover yarn, patterns, Q and A, the business side of crochet, and more (all while having WAY too much fun). Tune in every other week for fresh episodes!



テーブルや椅子といった木の家具を作ったり、革財布や名刺入れといった革小物を作ったりするPLYLIST(プライリスト)の中の人、小尾口達貴が送る一人語りPodcast。 クラフト作家が日常で感じたことや、木工、革細工などのものづくりに関連したお話をします。

Stitch Please

Lisa Woolfork

Dive deep into the vibrant world of sewing with the award-winning Stitch Please podcast, an official show of Black Women Stitch – the sewing group where Black lives matter. Uniquely crafted for those who love sewing, this sewing podcast is a gem that centers around Black women, girls, and femmes, weaving threads of creativity, technique, and passion with every episode. Hosted by Lisa Woolfork, a 6th generation sewing enthusiast, this podcast not only mirrors her ardor for the craft but also her roles as an artist, activist, and academic. Specializing in African American literature and culture, Lisa seamlessly stitches together her varied backgrounds to produce episodes that are both informative and engaging. You'll be immersed in lively interviews that are enriched by her expertise, presenting a fresh perspective that few other podcasts in the sewing community can offer. As an artist, Lisa Woolfork brings a unique eye for detail and aesthetics, offering listeners the chance to envision sewing in new, vibrant ways. As an activist, she ensures that the podcast sewing narratives and discussions are rooted in liberation, particularly emphasizing the significance of Black lives. Her academic background adds another layer of depth to the podcast, allowing listeners to delve into the rich tapestry of African American literature and culture, shedding light on how these narratives can influence and inspire one's sewing journey. Each week, listeners of the Stitch Please podcast can look forward to insightful discussions that celebrate Black creativity in sewing and quilting. Moreover, as a bonus, this sewing podcast shares invaluable tips and techniques, making it a must-listen for both beginners and seasoned sewists alike. Join us as we thread the needle of history, art, and activism with the love of sewing, creating a tapestry of stories and tips that resonate with every stitch. If you cherish the world of sewing, quilting, and the rich narratives of Black creativity, the Stitch Please podcast is your ideal companion. Tune in weekly. This sewing podcast will “help you get your stitch together.”

Keep Calm and Carry Yarn: A Knitting and Crochet Podcast

Vivian & Alyson Chu

Keep Calm and Carry Yarn is a podcast in equal parts measure about knitting, crochet, and the mother-daughter bond between its co-hosts, Vivian and Alyson. Join us for our twice monthly chat as we talk about our latest projects and yarn obsessions, advice from a long-time fiber fanatic to a beginner, living in Edinburgh, Scotland (Alyson) versus Virginia, USA (Vivian), fangirling over TV shows we love, and other everyday pursuits.

art for all

Sketchbook Skool

Creative inspiration and advice to help you stop procrastinating and start making stuff. Any kind of stuff. Hosted by best-selling author Danny Gregory. Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool. 


tatsuya kimura/issyu fujita

誰の足元にもある「土」。 それを地球と人との間を作陶人として仲介する木村達哉とイラストレーションをメインに活動する坊主、藤田一秀が 土から広がるあれこれを話します! 毎週土曜 午前5時公開! 木村達哉instagram https://www.instagram.com/_tatsuya_kimura_/ 藤田一秀 site https://booozcreation.studio.site/


kengo matsuda



Quiet. Please

Knitting is a captivating six-episode podcast series that takes listeners on a fascinating exploration of the world of knitting. From its ancient roots to its modern-day resurgence, each episode delves into different facets of this timeless craft. Discover the history of knitting, learn essential techniques and tools, and explore the art of pattern design. Dive into the therapeutic benefits of knitting, uncover the sense of community it fosters, and explore innovative applications beyond the needles. Whether you're a seasoned knitter or new to the craft, this podcast offers inspiration, insights, and stories that celebrate the beauty and creativity of knitting.

Unraveling ...a knitting podcast

Greg Cohoon and Pam Maher

A podcast about knitting, crocheting, sewing, and other fiber arts. Hosted by Greg Cohoon (KnittingDaddy on Ravelry) and Pam Maher (pammaher on Ravelry). Follow along as we talk about our knitting and explore books written by popular knitting authors.

Spin Control Podcast: a knitting, spinning, and fiber craft podcast.


A podcast about knitting, spinning, sewing and a bit about me.

Maniacs And Martensite

Manaics And Martensite

A knifemaking community podcast on the discord server The Blade Spectrum.


Maria Theoharous

Sew organised style- listen to people just like you. We'll cover sewing, style and interview people who are the backbone of our sewing community and provide you with reputable organisations you can go to for help when you need it. Go to our website: https://seworganisedstylepodcast.com/ There will be evolving playlist series as we find experts with gems of information and resources to keep you creative. Don't keep our podcast channel a secret. Tell your friends and rate us on Itunes.

Check Your Thread

Zoe Edwards

Hello! Welcome to Check Your Thread, a podcast about sewing more sustainably. Each episode we enjoy nerding out about sewing, whilst picking up ideas and useful tips for how to reduce our impact on the environment. My aim is always to approach topics with a sense of curiosity and fun, and hope to leave our listeners feeling inspired by the end of each episode. Examples of topics that we cover include sourcing second hand textiles, zero waste sewing patterns, mending, upcycling, scrap-busting and alternative and surprising sources for fabric. If there are any topics you’d like CYT to cover, anyone you’d like me to get on the podcast to chat to or you’d just like to say hi, please email me at zoe@checkyourthread.com or message me via Instagram @checkyourthread.

Running Stitch - A QSOS Podcast

Quilt Alliance

Running Stitch - A QSOS Podcast explores quilt stories, revealing the inner thoughts, feelings, and motivations of contemporary quiltmakers by drawing on Quilters S.O.S. -- Save Our Stories, the long running oral history project created by the Quilt Alliance in 1999.


Eve Bierbrauer


The Lost Geek Podcast

Arlin Chondro

A podcast where I talk about knitting, spinning, getting lost in life and enjoying life in Indonesia.

Little Cabin Knits


Welcome to Little Cabin Knits. A podcast that explores knitting, crocheting, crafting, and mental health in my little cabin in the wilds of Alaska. Episodes include: On the Shelf, On the Couch, Storing Up, Roaming & Foraging, Homesteading, and Around the Campfire. You may find me on Ravelry as andersmillknits, with groups on Ravelry as Betweenknitsandpurls and on Instagram as andersmillknits, and betweenknitsandpurls. My website of https://andersmillknits.wixsite.com/website Please subscribe and leave a review!



日本のものづくりを応援するチャンネル。 【「魁!メイドインジャパンの底力」とは?】 世界に誇る日本のものづくりを未来に伝承すべく、メイドインジャパンの魅力を紹介するチャンネルです。 日本に住んでいると当たり前すぎて見えにくいCOOLな日本のものづくり...全力で応援していきます! 【こんな時に聴いてみませんか?】 ちょっとした気分転換に 雑談知識の獲得に 1日のやる気スイッチに 【放送時間】 月水金 毎朝 7:00〜 【パーソナリティ】 たく ものづくりとメイドインジャパンの製品をこよなく愛する元FAセールスマン。 【今後の予定】 ・工芸品に代表される伝統的な技術 ・日本が世界に誇る日本発のモノ 等を取り上げていきます。 【チャンネル公式twitter】 @mijcrelab2 https://twitter.com/mijcrelab2


tatsuya kimura/issyu fujita

誰の足元にもある「土」。 それを地球と人との間を作陶人として仲介する木村達哉とイラストレーションをメインに活動する坊主、藤田一秀が 土から広がるあれこれを話します! 毎週土曜 午前5時公開! 木村達哉instagram https://www.instagram.com/_tatsuya_kimura_/ 藤田一秀 site https://booozcreation.studio.site/

The Pentertainment Podcast


A PenBoyRoy Podcast on fountain pen related topics. Got good words? Wanna share? Email us at pentertainmentpodcast@gmail.com Podcast website: https://penboyroy.podbean.com

Two Ewes Fiber Adventures

Kelly and Marsha

Who are we and why are we podcasting? We are Kelly and Marsha.  We came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but we both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn.  Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves.  Fiber is one of the many interests we share after over 30 years of friendship. 

Quilting Stories podcast

Jeff Rutherford

The Quilting Stories podcast interviews quilters about their quilts, their quilting journeys, and their creative process. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/quilt-stories/support

Whitchurch Silk Mill Podcast

Whitchurch Silk Mill

A podcast series about Whitchurch Silk Mill, the oldest silk mill in the UK still in its original building, located in rural Hampshire. This podcast series follows the fascinating journey from thread to woven cloth at the Mill. Every episode will include chats with the Mill’s own weaver/tacklers and interviews from experts on the wider topics of weaving and silk, the weaving process, our efforts to preserve traditional silk weaving skills on looms dating back to the 1890s, the design process, sustainable cloth and how silk made at the Mill is used.

Workshop Banter


UK based woodworking maker podcast by Matthew Smith (Badger Workshop) and Keith Brown (Rag 'n' Bone Brown)

Pomcast! A knitting podcast from Pom Pom Publishing

Pom Pom Publishing

Pomcast is Pom Pom's knitty and witty podcast, now twice monthly! Lydia and Sophie talk to all sorts of interesting fibre folk, as well as indulging in knit-chat and plenty of giggles. Remember you can keep in touch with us and other Pomcast listeners via our Ravelry forum, and you can send us your musings via email at podcast@pompommag.com. To be kept informed with all the latest updates, delightful titbits, and treats, we recommend signing up to our weekly newsletter!  pompommag.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



just wanted to post some songs :D
