22. How To Contract 은/는 Particle & Use Conjunctive Words in Korean


Send us a Text Message.Welcome to the Essential Korean Podcast, where I help break down the nuances of the Korean language to help you become a more aware and confident speaker of Korean. Ready to elevate your Korean skills and join a vibrant community of learners? Join the EK Community at my.essentialkorean.com for engaging courses, comprehensive resources, exclusive content, and great conversations on diverse Korea-related topics with other members. Visit our membership page to choose a plan that gives you access to episode transcripts and an enhanced learning experience with weekly classes and study sessions alongside like-minded people. Let’s embark on this wonderful journey together! -----In this episode, we will learn how the contraction of the particle 은/는 works in colloquial speech and practice speaking contracted phrases in sentences. We will also practice using the sentence connectors 그리고 and 그런데.  The contraction of the 은/는 particle is indeed prevalent in colloquial speech, and not discussing the topic would only cause greater confusion. However, do not concern yourself with the contraction for speaking as a beginning student. Rather, your focus should be on when and where to appropriately place the 은/는 particle, so you can become more familiar with the sentence structure of the Korean language and in turn continue to build a sound foundation for advancing to the intermediate level. This is the last episode to focus on the  은/는 particle in a three-part series (Episodes 20, 21, and 22). We spend this much time on the particle because of its importance in the Korean language, so stay with me :) Happy learning! *Featured Song >Title: 강남스타일 (2012)Artist: 싸이 Psyhttps://youtu.be/9bZkp7q19f0

22. How To Contract 은/는 Particle & Use Conjunctive Words in Korean

22. How To Contract 은/는 Particle & Use Conjunctive Words in Korean
