Daebak Show w/ Eric Nam

DIVE Studios

Daebak (대박), a Korean word and phrase to describe something spectacular. Cue ‘Daebak Show’ hosted by Eric Nam, a long-time veteran in the industry as both a K-pop artist and celebrity personality. Here we celebrate music and media’s greatest hits, the people behind them, and get a glimpse into the industry. Catch up with us every Monday! Patreon members receive special perks like ad-free listening! To learn more, visit www.patreon.com/divestudios Connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @thedivestudios

GET REAL S4 w/ Ashley, BM, JUNNY, and PENIEL

DIVE Studios

📲 Download DIVE Studios' daily wellness app (for FREE) at www.getmindset.com GET REAL is BACK with another season! Please welcome our fantastic four hosts: ASHLEY, BM, JUNNY, and PENIEL. This show is a place for these close friends to open up about all the ups and downs of work, love, and adulthood from their perspective. 🤳 FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS 🤳 TikTok (1.6 million): www.tiktok.com/@divestudios Instagram (560k+): www.instagram.com/thedivestudios Twitter (230k+): www.twitter.com/thedivestudios Discord (45k+ members): www.discord.gg/divemindset

[KBS] 이은지의 가요광장


이은지의 가요광장

우울한 빵집옆 음반가게5


2012년 부터 방송된 DJ shaker의 음악일기 카테고리 설명 Scene - 우울한 빵집 옆 음반가게 메인 에피소드 Reshoot - 기존에 선곡했던 에피소드를 바탕으로 다시 선곡한 에피소드 monologue - 하진이 선곡하는 에피소드 * 본 콘텐츠에서 발생하는 수익은 음악 저작권자에게 돌아가고 있습니다.

[KBS] 청하의 볼륨을 높여요


청하의 볼륨을 높여요 KBS Cool FM, 월-일 20:00 – 22:00

자유로운, commentary


안녕하세요. 저는 영화감독 지망생이자 시나리오 작가, 작곡가 그리고 공대생입니다. 자유롭게 커멘터리를 들어주세요.

Oh My K-Pop

Arirang Radio

Every Tuesday with NIve, we will be closely exploring the K-Pop stars! In Oh My K-Pop, we will explore and analyze K-pop stars with Korea's one of the most talented musicians Sam Carter and NIve, talking about K-pop music, histories, and its updated news with the fans around the world. Learn the K-pop music world by looking into the latest news of K-pop stars from idols to Indie musicians. In addition, you can meet the hidden masterpieces of famous K-pop singers in the corner "B-side Track" recommended by Sam Carter and NIve.

Classic Music Podcast

Laurence Lewis

A review of new releases by labels from Eastern Europe and America. Expect a mix of Early Music down the multi-styles of Classical music through the decades, alongside Jazz and Rock to the musicians and composers creating the sounds - in all its forms - of our time.






每周通勤在路上,感受着音乐带来的欢乐,还是很赞的。希望把这份情怀带给大家。 来也匆匆去也匆匆,在这个忙碌的世界、快节奏的生活,坐在车里的时间希望你轻松,感受美好的音乐希望你快乐。

Attention to Detail: The Classical Music Listening Guide

Jacob Joyce

Classical music can be intimidating to newcomers and frequent concertgoers alike. Attention to Detail introduces practical techniques for finding meaning, enjoyment, and confidence in the process of listening to classical music that everyone can use, regardless of background.

The Tablo Podcast

DIVE Studios

The Tablo Podcast is hosted by rapper, writer, luminary, dad, and guru Tablo of Epik High. This K-pop Asian dad will have people laughing their butts off with his unique brand of dark humor, tearing up with heartfelt stories, learning valuable life lessons, geeking out over geek-worthy subject matter, and tickling their intellectual curiosity through his deep conversations with amazing, eclectic guests. This podcast is not the podcast we deserve, but the one we definitely need. Patreon members receive special perks like ad-free listening! To learn more, visit www.patreon.com/divestudios Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter @thetablopodcast and @thedivestudios for life-changing content.

Every Single Album

The Ringer

Nora Princiotti and Nathan Hubbard are two pop music enthusiasts. Together, they break down every single album from some of your favorite stars, like Taylor Swift, Adele, and Harry Styles. Topics include favorite collaborators, track five meanings, where these artists get their inspiration, and more.


The New York Times

The Popcast is hosted by Jon Caramanica, a pop music critic for The New York Times. It covers the latest in popular music criticism, trends and news. Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

アンコール 〜クラシックの展覧会〜


ミュージカル女優《岩井萌》と作曲家《内田篤志》 による、クラシックを分かりやすく、楽しく、時にマニアックに語る番組です🎶各ポッドキャストで毎週木曜夜19時に配信中(audiobook.jpの聴き放題にて毎週金曜19時に1話分先行配信中)。公式のTwitterアカウントもあるので、そちらからコメントやメッセージをお願いします!!

Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

DJ Phalanx

Passion Classique, le podcast

Radio Classique

Trente minutes d’entretien rythmées par de courtes respirations musicales avec Olivier Bellamy. Des conversations intimes avec les plus grands artistes classiques, des moments d’une rare intensité, délicats et sensibles. Avec l’ambition d’aller toujours plus loin dans l’exploration des cœurs et des âmes de ces personnalités hors du commun qui font rayonner la musique classique dans le monde entier. Pour ne rater aucun épisode de Passion Classique, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

In the Groove, Jazz and Beyond

Ken Laster

Klassik to Go


Wer mehr weiß, hört auch mehr: Das neue Audio-Format "Klassik to Go" stimmt in aller Kürze bestens auf den Konzertbesuch ein. Noch schnell zu Hause oder auf dem Weg zur Veranstaltung in Bus, Bahn oder Auto die Musik kennenlernen, die gleich gespielt wird? Bereits Tage zuvor die Vorfreude steigern? Oder im Nachgang tiefer in die Welt der Komponistinnen und Komponisten und ihrer Werke einsteigen? Mit der digitalen Werkeinführung zum Download kein Problem! Kompakt und kurzweilig fassen Yaltah Worlitzsch, Insa Axmann, Kathrin Höft und Julius Heile die wichtigsten Hintergründe, Geschichten und Anekdoten rund um das jeweilige Stück zusammen und geben zugleich einen klingenden Eindruck von der Musik. Die Audios stehen einige Tage vor dem Konzerttermin online und bleiben danch im Archiv abrufbar. So entsteht Stück für Stück eine Art "klingende Musikbibliothek" für Klassikfans und alle, die mehr wissen wollen.

Switched on Pop


A podcast all about the making and meaning of popular music. Musicologist Nate Sloan & songwriter Charlie Harding pull back the curtain on how pop hits work magic on our ears & our culture. From Vulture and the Vox Media Podcast Network.



漫漫长路,总有音乐相伴 ,曾经听过的歌曲 ,或许在偶然的一天都会变成一段似曾相识的故事。 而你,就是故事里的那个人 。欢迎收听《音乐记事本》,每一首歌里,都有一个故事,关于你,关于我,或者关于Ta...... 合作微信:lemonxiang1106

Rolling Stone Music Now

Rolling Stone | Cumulus Podcast Network

Inside the biggest stories in music, hosted by Rolling Stone senior writer Brian Hiatt. Featuring interviews with top artists, expert insight on new releases and breaking news from the Rolling Stone staff, and much more.

听 . 岚调|一个人,一小时的音乐节目


从《夜色如歌》到《听.岚调》 还是那个熟悉的声音,那首你最念的歌,那些脑海里徘徊许久的事~~ 我的“个人电台”节目 每晚十点,准时更新 声音有记忆 . 听岚调 我是小岚,大小的小,山风岚 今天你过得好吗:》

[종영] 비투비의 키스 더 라디오


비투비의 키스 더 라디오KBS Cool FM, 월-일 22:00 – 00:00

Ask Me About Kpop

Ask Me About Kpop

Have you ever been curious about Kpop, but don’t know where to start? Or are you a huge Kpop fan with no one else to geek out with about it? Lucky for you, best friends Shannon & Angélica love talking about Kpop more than anything! Tune into Ask Me About Kpop each week for Kpop history, vocabulary words, great music, and of course some good old fashioned fangirling.  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Cafè Jazz

Catalunya Ràdio

Catalunya Música es converteix en club de jazz a l'hora del cafè per acompanyar-vos amb una sessió per a tots els públics guiada per Pilar Subirà.

McCartney In Goal

McCartney In Goal

McCartney In Goal is a monthly podcast that debates and dissects the greatest albums of popular rock music. Hosted by David Hughes, and fellow judges, Brett and Steve Sumner, each episode  the McCartney In Goal team pick a rock or pop music album that they love and put the songs through an imaginary competitive style-knock out format to find the best song on the album. At times, they may be uninformed, biased and they are often a bit unruly. Come and listen in on the fun - and if you enjoy it, TELL A FRIEND!!! Twitter - https://twitter.com/mccartneyin Website - https://mccartneyingoal.com 

Learn Jazz Standards Podcast

Brent Vaartstra: Jazz Musician, Author, and Entrepreneur

The LJS Podcast is the podcast where you get weekly jazz tips, interviews, stories and advice for becoming a better jazz musician! Hosting the show is the jazz musician behind learnjazzstandards.com, author, and entrepreneur Brent Vaartstra, who’s one goal is to answer any question about playing jazz music you may have. Jazz can be a challenging music to learn and play, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. Each episode features a specific musical challenge that jazz students may come across, where it is discussed and answered. Special jazz guests frequent the show, sharing their expertise on an array of different musical subject matter. Listeners are invited to call in with their jazz questions to the podcast hotline, where it could get answered on a future LJS Podcast episode. Join thousands of other listeners getting free jazz education every week!



交响乐(不等同交响曲,交响乐与交响曲有区别也可以通用)是包含多个乐章的大型管弦乐曲,一般是为管弦乐团创作。交响乐就是大型管弦乐套曲,从意大利歌剧序曲演变而成。“交响乐”的名称源出于希腊语,意即“一起响”。至十八世纪后半期发展成为独立管弦乐作品,通常包含四个乐章(有时冠以慢板引子),个别也有多于或少于四个乐章的。各乐章的体裁与奏鸣曲极似,只是规模较大,音乐主题有较大发展,管弦乐法也丰富些,适于表现戏剧性较强的内容。交响乐队是近代大型管弦乐队,按规模大小,分为双管、三管、四管,即小、中、大等编制。人数自数十至百余人等。通常由弦乐器、木管乐器、铜管乐器和打击乐器等各组乐器组成。有时也根据作曲、指挥的创作意图和具体要求,对乐器有所增减。 法国大文豪罗曼·罗兰说:“艺术中没有进步的概念,因为不管我们回头看多远,都会发现前人已经达到了完美的境界……。假如有人认为几个世纪的努力已经使我们进一步接近完美,那将是荒谬可笑的……。” 交响音乐的起源可以追溯到十分遥远的历史长河中。它的名称源于古希腊,是当时“和音”和“和谐”两个词的总称。到了古罗马时期,它就演变成为泛指一切器乐合奏曲和重奏曲的代称。 15、16世纪,也就是欧洲的文艺复兴时期,交响乐这一名称被当作了一切和声性质的、多音响器乐曲的标志。而到了巴洛克音乐的初期,它又主要指歌剧、神剧和清唱剧等作品中的序曲及间奏曲。 18 世纪初期,音乐艺术在欧洲得到了迅猛的发展,随着欧洲产业革命的进程,音乐艺术也开始逐步地走向平民化和社会化。在这个时期中,交响乐作为一种独立的艺术形式,其规模和形式都慢慢有了明确的含义。当时的意大利歌剧序曲,以它特有的“快——慢——快”三个段落而成为了古典交响乐的基本雏形。 到了18 世纪中叶,德国曼海姆(德国南部的文化中心)乐派的作曲家们,以一系列积极而富有创新性的创作,使交响乐的基本形式得以进一步的完善。 交响乐队的真正形成是在近几百年内,严格来说就是在维也纳古典乐派所兴盛的时期。在这之前,交响乐队的结构组成并不完善,还只是一些编制不全的管弦乐队。如在海顿和莫扎特的创作中,乐队的编制和规模也仅仅限于室内乐特征的小型乐队。 交响乐队形式和编制是在贝多芬的创作中达到最终完善的。如在贝多芬交响乐的创作中,双管或三管编制的交响乐队得到了基本确定。 后来,在整个19世纪早期到晚期的浪漫主义音乐全过程中,交响乐队编制和组合形式又得到了进一步的完善。大型四管交响乐队的出现和各种特性乐器的加入,更加丰富了交响乐队的音响效果和艺术表现力。这些特征在马勒、理查-施特劳斯及20世纪现代作曲家普罗菲耶夫、肖斯塔科维奇和斯特拉文斯基等人的创作中体现的尤为充分。

Music To Calm The Mind

The Relaxation Channel

BAYFM ロバート秋山の 俺のメモ帳!on tuesday Podcast


コント、体ものまね、最新鋭のクリエイターを紹介する「クリエイターズ・ファイル」など斬新かつ独自のスタイルを様々アウトプットする表現者、ロバート秋山。 それらのアイデアの源流、ネタは、他愛もないひらめきを日々書き込む膨大な「メモ」が元となっている。 この番組「ロバート秋山の 俺のメモ帳!on tuesday」は、そんなまだテーブルに乗せていない無垢の状態のメモを自由に蔵出し公開!源流掛け流しならではの未完成な面白さ、ラジオならではの手作り感、ロバート秋山の貴重な「素」な部分をお楽しみいただきます。 放送でお届けした本編をポッドキャスト版として毎週アップしていきます(公開期限:本放送終了後から1ヶ月) 番組サイト #bayfm #ベイエフエム #俺メモ

YourClassical Daily Download

American Public Media

Add free classical music to your collection, every weekday. yourclassical.org

CMSL クラシック名曲サウンドライブラリー【ライセンスフリー素材音源 700曲】



Classical Breakdown

WETA Classical

John Banther takes classical music fans behind the scenes with interviews, deep dives, and analysis. Episodes released bi-weekly on Tuesdays. Produced by WETA Classical in Washington, D.C.

The Pitchfork Review


Brought to you by the music critics at Pitchfork, The Pitchfork Review is a show for music fans and obsessives who can’t wait to talk about the latest releases. Co-hosted by Pitchfork editor-in-chief Puja Patel and Reviews Editor Jeremy D. Larson, this podcast pulls back the curtain on our reviews and scores, dives deep into new music, and gives an expert guide to what’s exciting, what’s great, and what’s just plain terrible.

Permission to Stan Podcast: KPOP Multistans

Joco & Haylee (Kpop Podcast)

::NEW EPISODES EVERY THURSDAY!:: Multistans Joco & Haylee talk K-POP News & Gossip (BTS to Blackpink, Twice, Stray Kids, NewJeans, Big Bang & more! [everything from Gen 2, 3, 4]) with a sprinkle of Anime!

The Taylor Seminars

The Taylor Seminars

Studying the impact of Taylor Swift through 1-hour-ish seminars with Hannah (@sippingaugust) and Exquisite (@exquisitewill). In upcoming episodes, the two will discuss the much anticipated "The Tortured Poets Department" as well as conduct track-by-track analysis of the album. Art Credit: Alef Vernon @alefvernon. Find him on Patreon!

Weekend Jazz Meetup

Weekend Jazz Meetup

Genre: Jazz/World/Talk, Language: Japanese, some English, Theme: introducing Japanese jazz artists as well as close peers in the host's New York-based artists network. Mostly presented in Japanese language. All materials are provided by each artist appears with her/his approval and acknowledgement. // ジャンル:ジャズ、ワールド、トーク, 言語:日本語、少々英語あり, テーマ:平の音楽仲間である日本人ジャズアーティストを中心に紹介する番組。選曲は、愛に満ちた独断と偏見で。ニューヨークでの生活の話も織り交ぜてお届けします。

Word In Your Ear

Mark Ellen, David Hepworth and Alex Gold

Mark Ellen and David Hepworth have been talking about and writing about music together and individually for a collective eighty years in magazines like Smash Hits, Mojo and The Word and on radio and TV programmes like "Rock On", "Whistle Test" and VH-1. Over thirteen years ago, when working on the late magazine The Word, they began producing podcasts. Some listeners have been kind enough to say these have been very special to them. When the magazine folded in 2012 they kept the spirit of those podcasts alive in regular Word In Your Ear evenings in which they spoke to musicians and authors in front of an audience.  Over these years they've produced hundreds of hours of material. As of the Current Unpleasantness of 2020, they've produced yet hundreds of hours more with a little help from guests kind enough to digitally show them around their attics such as Danny Baker, Andy Partridge, Sir Tim Rice and Mark Lewisohn. For the full span of the Word In Your Ear world, visit wiyelondon.com. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

SINPHONY Radio w/ Timmy Trumpet

Timmy Trumpet

New episodes weekly including exclusive music from the biggest artists in the game.

Dirty Disco - Electronic Music Podcast

Kono Vidovic

Dirty Disco is a Electronic Music Podcast for DJ's & Music lovers. Every week I curate the latest and forthcoming releases in electronic dance music. A weekly selection of the finest recently released music. Always carefully selected, mixed and hosted by me Kono Vidovic. Next to new releases, I handle free downloads, interesting stories from the music scene and a touch of happiness and personal growth coaching. More on www.dirtydiscoradio.com Next to our website we also have our radio-show listed as a podcast feed on the iTunes Store. We are available on Mixcloud, Spotify and the TuneIn app. So get there and subscribe to our feed and never miss out on an episode again. If you are interested in doing a feature on one of your tracks or when you are running a label and you are interested in a label spotlight or music promo, just let us know.

대중음악 웹진 이즘의 뮤직 클라우드


대중음악 웹진 이즘의 팟캐스트 입니다. 한 주에 하나씩 재밌는 음악 이야기를 풀어놓습니다. K팝, 힙합, 록 등을 가리지 않는 이즘 필자들의 이런저런 수다를 들으실 수 있어요. 렛츠 로큰롤!




Classical Podcasts


We are convinced that lovers of classical music include people who are always looking for(1) music that they have not heard before that might attract them, and (2) the best performance of music that they are familiar with and already enjoy.This website was created to help these music lovers achieve both goals. We are uniquely able to fulfill this mission because we bring together two exceptional resources that are not available on any other classical music website: (1) a classical music record collection that includes over 60,000 recordings of more than 35,000 different pieces of music from every corner of the globe, representing every historical period from biblical times to the present — one of the largest collections of classical music in the world; and (2) the expertise of some of the best professional music commentators, musicians, and composers involved in the classical music world.With these unique resources, we present three specialized podcasts and the opportunity to respond to them through our blog: (1) "Buried Treasure" will introduce music from all periods and places, providing an opportunity to explore rarely heard works; (2) panel discussions on the interpretation of classical music in which well-established record critics will review recordings of more familiar works, play excerpts of the performances under review, and explain their individual standards for judging performance; and (3) a podcast in which one of the leading composers in New York interviews notable performers and composers, discussing with them the latest developments in classical music.

Chairmen of the Boards

Chairmen of the Boards

Welcome to the Chairmen of the Boards Podcast! The ultimate pedalboard podcast with the foremost rig builders in the world: Grant Klassen (Goodwood Audio), Brian Omilion (Omilion Audio), and Mason Marangella (Vertex Effects/The Rig Doctor). We've teamed up to democratize great tone and provide you our best tricks, tips, resources, and hacks so you can build the pedalboard of your dreams!

Billboard News Now


Billboard News runs through today's top stories from the music world.

You'll Hear It

Peter Martin & Adam Maness

A podcast about jazz - how to listen, play, practice, and enjoy. Listen for a combo of advice, insights, and occasional humor from pianists Peter Martin and Adam Maness. A podcast from Open Studio https://www.openstudiojazz.com

In Our Headphones


Finding good new music can be a full time job, so let KEXP help! In Our Headphones brings you five song recommendations every Monday, straight from KEXP’s DJs and Music Directors. We learn stories and insights about the artists, make connections between the music and the world around us, and get to know the diverse roster of DJs that make up the KEXP airwaves. Join hosts Janice Headley and Isabel Khalili on this never-ending journey of music discovery.

John Summit - Experts Only Radio

John Summit

Disconnect from reality every month with house and techno giant, John Summit. Check out the best new & exclusive music from John & his DJ friends plus his featured ‘Hottest Track’ & ‘Under The Radar’ track.

[KBS] 작당모의


K-POP 작사가와 K-POP 가사를 직접 들여다봅니다.

My Chemical Fancast

My Chemical Fancast

A biweekly podcast about all things My Chemical Romance, created by two die-hard fans. Join us as we chronicle the journey of this iconic group and discuss their discography (and more) in depth.



笹川日仏財団がお届けするプログラム「フレンチ・クラシック・カフェ」。フランス音楽の素敵なところをちょっと変わった切り口でご紹介します。ご案内役は軽妙なトークで定評のある指揮者の中田昌樹さんです。 《中田昌樹プロフィール》 1951年札幌生まれ。道立札幌西高校卒業。国立音楽大学器楽学科卒業後、フランスに留学。パリ・エコール・ノルマル音楽院指揮科を一等賞首席にて卒業。アメリカ・タングルウッドで小澤征爾、バーンスタインの教えを受ける。 パリ・コンセール・パドゥルー管弦楽団を指揮してヨーロッパデュー、その後、フランス国立リヨン管弦楽団で音楽監督セルジュ・ボドのアシスタントを務める。ベルリン放送交響楽団、ブルガリア国立ソフィア室内管弦楽団などヨーロッパ各地で指揮。 帰国後、新国立劇場開場当初からオペラ制作に携わり、オペラ研修所特任講師も務める。 吹奏楽の分野では、吹奏楽コンクール全国大会/支部大会/県大会の審査、各地の指揮講習会の講師を長年に渡って担当。 札幌大学文化学部 客員教授、新国立劇場オペラ制作部 専門員、新国立劇場オペラ研修所特任講師 、Institut Francais du Kyushu (九州日仏会館) 『フランス音楽の陰影』レクチャー講師 等を歴任。

The Album Argument

Ryan Stroud & Jeremy Dudman

We’re two dads, fellow educators, and musicians who like to get together and listen to music. Before each episode, we’ll share an album with the other and determine the best and worst song on the album. Each episode will be our live reactions to our picks. Sometimes we might agree and sometimes we’ll have an album argument.

Back to NOW!

Pop Rambler

Celebrating all things related to the variously compiled world of pop. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

17 Carat K-Pop

Hope Jacobson

This channel hosts two podcasts that currently have an audience spanning 50 countries! 17 Carat K-Pop is a podcast covering news from both the world of K-pop and the music industry as a whole. Episode topics include the history of K-pop, artist-specific episodes diving into their music video universes, album reviews, and much more! The other podcast with episodes on this feed is Enthusiasts, a show about both specific fandoms and fandom culture as a whole. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hope-jacobson/support



Bringing you the best sounds and ideas in K-pop each week. Featuring guests in and around the k-pop community. On a regular basis, we recommend "hit replay" songs you should listen to, as well as provide semi-regular in-depth k-pop editorial told nowhere else. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sidetracked with Annie and Nick

BBC Sounds

For music and pop culture lovers looking for an authentic and light-hearted take on the week in music… with broadcasters and music fanatics Annie Macmanus and Nick Grimshaw

One Song


On each episode of ONE SONG, friends Diallo Riddle ( Emmy-nominated star and creator of HBO Max’s South Side and IFC’s Sherman’s Showcase) and Blake "LUXXURY" Robin (Music Producer & TikTok creator) will hilariously break down ONE SONG from the pop music canon that you know - or need to know - but have never heard quite like this.



佛教音乐大全 佛歌曲合集 观音菩萨系列大全

Song of the Day

Minnesota Public Radio

Music lovers from 89.3 The Current comb through mountains of music to choose the best new, independent, and unreleased songs to share with you each weekday.






Btswiki.com è un fan podcast creato da due Army, Ludovica e Ginevra. Si parlerà dei BTS, trattando di argomenti dal debutto fino ad ora. Una guida creata con l'intenzione di aiutare tutti gli Army che vogliono scoprire qualcosa in più dei Bangtan. Per maggiori informazioni seguiteci su instagram @btswiki.com_ e su twitter @wiki_bts Stay tuned!!

All The Right Notes

Our Media

The team from BBC Music Magazine demystify the world of classical music through down-to-earth discussion and lively interviews. Want to know what an orchestral conductor actually does? Or how to write an effective soundtrack? Then this is the podcast for you!

Funky House by Party Favorz

Party Favorz

"Funky House" is your go-to channel for grooving to a blend of today's Disco House, Nu Disco, Gospel House, Soulful House, Garage, and high-energy House Music. It's all about non-stop mixes that bring the beats to keep you moving. Whether you're a fan of soul-stirring rhythms or hard-hitting bass, this channel has the perfect mix to fuel your dance floor moments. Get ready to boogie with the best in contemporary house music!



Nuevos lanzamientos musicales

Mayonaka Hour真夜中アワー City Pop Podcast

Yuki Tasaka & Van Paugam

真夜中アワー is a podcast created by Yuki Tasaka and Van Paugam focused on the revival of City Pop in the West. Discussion is based on the artists, style, and significance behind the music and it's origins. Yuki Tasaka is a Grammy nominated Japanese producer who plays multiple instruments and teaches in addition to being a bartender and music promoter. Van Paugam is an internationally credited DJ who specializes in Japanese vinyl records mainly within the City Pop. He is associated with the resurfacing of the genre in the West. Together they present an hourly podcast aimed at uncovering the nuance, intrigue, and creative force behind the unique style of Japanese music that has been re-introduced to the world as City Pop. The intro theme was produced by Yuki Tasaka. The outro theme 'MIRAI' was produced by Mika Bridgebook & Philadelphia




A Moment of Bach

Alex & Christian Guebert

Welcome to A Moment of Bach, where we take our favorite moments from J. S Bach's vast output—just a minute's worth or even a few seconds—and show you why we think they are remarkable. Join hosts Alex Guebert and Christian Guebert for weekly moments! Check your podcast app and subscribe for upcoming episodes. Our recording samples are provided by the Netherlands Bach Society. Their monumental All of Bach project (to perform and record all of the works of J. S. Bach) will serve as source material for our episodes. https://www.bachvereniging.nl/en https://www.bachvereniging.nl/en/allofbach Artwork by Sydney LaCom

The Swift Talk - A Taylor Swift Podcast

Kait and Sam

A Taylor Swift fan (a Swiftie) and a non Swifty walk into a podcast. Listen along as Kait, a certified Swiftie, tries to convert Sam into a Taylor Swift fan. Each week they listen to a random song and chat about it. Will this be the week that changes Sam mind? Tune in to find out.

Tay To Z: A Taylor Swift Podcast

Devin and Gab

Hosts Devin and Gab chat about Taylor Swift's songs in alphabetical order. From "22" to "You're On Your Own Kid." New episodes every Tuesday! Come hang out! 

Hip-Hop Now Podcast


A weekly podcast discussing the latest in Hip-Hop music and Culture!

Love Handels

James M Brown

A boozy romp through the musical dramas of GF Handel

OM Library / OnlyMusic™

Paul Sidorov

Dear Friend's, This is sections of the music library, are a selection of the best musical works of an individual author. We have specially selected & mixed them for you, Listen music and enjoy! Paul Sidorov & OnlyMusic™

Twilight J-pop Station

翼 大塚

J-pop music




Bleu's Life

Bleu Static

Hi! I'm here to talk about games, comics, music, life and so much more! I hope you guys enjoy and find my channel very helpful! Thank you for listening! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bleu-static/support



听ta...您将得到最高级的休息...请闭上双眼,静静收听,感受内心的沉静 ~艺术疗愈、正念冥想,助眠

ASOT | A State of Trance Podcast

Ruben de Ronde

In this official A State of Trance Podcast Ruben de Ronde discusses recent ASOT projects, developments & events and they interview special guest DJs and producers from the ASOT radio show. Enjoy!

K-pop Weekly Podcast

K-Pop Weekly Podcast

A weekly K-pop podcast for music lovers from the creator of NYC K-pop Queens. Join Emily as she covers all things K-pop, including music reviews, fandom face-offs, exclusive interviews, and more. Please subscribe and follow the show: Parteon - https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=102105058&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_linkTikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@kpopweeklypodInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/kpopweeklypod/X - https://twitter.com/kpopweeklypodNewsletter - https://kpopweeklypod.substack.com/Discord - https://discord.gg/ez69Pjm3Email: kpopweeklypod@gmail.com


DJ Skandalous

Welcome to the Party! This 2Pac Podcast is hosted by YouTube Star DJ Skandalous. This will feature commentary only podcast that will break down 2Pac stories, news, song facts, album facts and many more! All uploads will be available for playback on here and other podcast/music apps. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2pacmusic/support

Don't Feed the Artists

Don't Feed the Artists

Don't Feed the Artists is a show about music featuring interviews, topical discussions, stories about important moments in music, and deep dives into artist's discographies. New episodes are released every Thursday.

Pop Shop Podcast


Billboard's Keith Caulfield (Managing Director, Charts and Data Operations) and Katie Atkinson (Executive Digital Director, West Coast) offer weekly Billboard chart breakdowns, discuss the hottest music news and cover the year’s biggest musical events. Casual pop fans, chart junkies and everyone in between are invited to this weekly half-hour discussion.

BTS and Dynamite

Rityelle Marques

BTS and Dynamite

Summer Mix Ibiza Best Deep House Music Techno 2024 Dance Chill Out Lounge Podcast

Summer Mix Ibiza

Summer Mix Ibiza 2024 Best Deep House Music Techno Dance Chill Out Lounge  Relaxing Song Playlist Podcast  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Hit Bollywood Songs

lokesh B

Good song create Your mind positive. They can also spread positive vibes around us. Songs can us also motivates us and change our wrong perception towards life.

Hindi Song Review

Hansa Juhi Rani

Thank you so much for listen my podcast and follow me. I crossed 1.3M plays all time just because of all of your support. I am so grateful for your LOVE! ❤️ My name is ❤Hamsa John Rani. I am a Taro Healer, relationship counsellor, Hindi Blogger and successful Freelancer. My Blogs: Hindi Song Review Hindi Leela Path Pradarshika (YouTube Channel) For tarot reading or promotion, contact: Telegram/Facebook/Instagram - @hansajuhirani, email - juhirani199305@gmail.com



あなたの声を聞き、一緒に考えるラジオ!メッセージテーマについてのリスナーの声を、ゲストと紹介していきます。 パーソナリティ:工藤大輝(Da-iCE)/ねおTALK ABOUTパーソナリティ:ねお 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/

The K Korner

The K Korner

Calling all K stans!! This is the Korean Entertainment segment for Unnecessary Commentary. We're just a bunch of friends who enjoy the Korean culture and want to chat about it. Come and hang out with us and listen in to all things K!!


kora leiu


Pop, Collaborate & Listen

Pop, Collaborate & Listen

A tongue-firmly-in-cheek podcast where Dave Fensome and Krister Greer, two lifelong music fans, go back and listen to every UK number one album from the 90s in chronological order to see if the decade's music holds up to scrutiny.

Strong Songs

Kirk Hamilton

Music: it's good. On each episode of Strong Songs, host Kirk Hamilton takes listeners inside a piece of music, breaking it down and figuring out what makes it work.



节目主题: 高端车载DJ原创合集 主播介绍: Russia电音工作室:Assen 适合人群: 80后 90后 00后 更新频率: 每天更新1~2首音乐 建议听众: 带耳机或音响-效果更佳!

Perfect Pitch: Classical Music Deconstructed

Nick Hely-Hutchinson

Unlock the secrets of classical music with Perfect Pitch – the podcast that takes you on a journey through the centuries of timeless compositions. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a curious beginner, Perfect Pitch offers an accessible and relaxed exploration of the world's most beautiful classical works. Join us as we reveal fascinating stories behind the music and the composers who created them. With Perfect Pitch, you'll discover new insights into the classics and develop a deeper appreciation for the art form. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of classical music like never before!




The Music Industry Blueprint Podcast

Rick Barker

The Music Industry Blueprint Podcast is consistently rated as one of the Top Music Business Podcasts. Hosted by Taylor Swift's Former Manager Rick Barker. Rick is known for his straightforward and honest approach when it comes to the Music Business. This weekly podcast is designed to help keep you up to date with what is happening in the world of music and the latest trends when it comes to digital marketing. Rick, also has a Subscriber ONLY Podcast that comes out daily called the "MIB Secret Society." You can subscribe at www.rickbarker.com/secret


Dj Hunky Vevo

Showcasing Trending Somali Pop Hits Remixed in Moombahton Beats Fusion. Enjoy a VIBE from The Horn!



This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

Our Shawol Soul: A SHINee Podcast

Gin and Jen

We are Shawols of SHINee's World. We created this podcast as a place for Shawols to share their stores and to have a safe, supportive community. Let's have tea and chat about SHINee!



文劲松2015 - 2021原创轻音乐合集。 作曲/编曲:文劲松



经典永流传,老歌精选集。 深情地演绎,用心地歌唱。