[휴식을 위한 지식]전쟁사 문명사 세계사




テレビでは語らない安住アナのホンネがたっぷり楽しめる「オープニングトーク」やリスナーの皆さんのメッセージに安住アナが毒ッ気たっぷりでコメントする応えるコーナーなど、ランダムにお送りします。TBSラジオで毎週日曜10時から放送中! TBS Podcastでは番組一部をお聴きいただけます。配信するコーナー、箇所、更新日時などは番組の都合上変更する可能性がございます。なお配信期間はエピソードごとに異なります。ご了承ください。 --- 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/



杨天真播客 欢迎来到我的播客。 在这里,我会和大家分享那些或“天真”或“不天真”的故事。有时邀请好友,有时探寻人生,与世界碰撞,聊着聊着,聊出真相。



instagram: hanavely_1018 youtube: http://bit.ly/hanavely Contact: 5637ehgml@naver.com



玄而未决,量子力学! 这是一档以大韦和夏一小师姐情侣围炉夜谈为主的泛玄学文化节目。我们粗通八字、奇门、阴阳风水,浅谈民俗文化、故事传说。风格大概是:命理锅的缸、风水娱乐师。 添加「微信」咨询交流:xiayixiaoshijie 或 weizizhangok 订阅「公众号」获取更多内容:玄而未决 商务合作:weizizhangok@163.com



《东亚观察局》是由主播梵一如、沙青青、权小星三人为固定成员的对谈聊天节目,聚焦以中日韩三国为核心的“东亚地区”的热点话题、文化现象以及历史趣闻。节目每周五上线。【出品/制作:番薯剥壳工作室 Yakimo Studio】



来都来了 | 听了再走



오소 덕스


무서운 이야기 2023


The Plant Based Podcast

Michael Perry & Ellen Mary

More people than ever are appreciating the importance of plants in our day to day lives. Whether it's a plant-based diet, clothes made from plants, the wellbeing qualities of plants, or simply a fun shelf of cacti and succulents! The Plant Based Podcast is about anything that can be traced back to plants… with subjects ranging from foraging for medicinal plants and baking with edible flowers, to plant-based body builders and clothes made from bamboo... This is not just another gardening podcast.. this is The Plant Based Podcast!

Game Theory

The Game Theorists

Join Game Theory host MatPat as he breaks down the real-world science, math, and lore from ALL your favorite video games!

Cardboard Creations

Candice Harris

Candice Harris of BoardGameGeek interviews a variety of game designers to  discuss the process, techniques, and inspiration for designing board games. Each episode features the backstory for a particular board game, from the initial inspiration to the finished product.  

Red Moon Roleplaying

Red Moon Roleplaying

We are an ENnie-award winning podcast that plays roleplaying games set in dark worlds.

View From The Top

View From The Top

We are a Haikyu!! podcast covering the latest manga, anime, news and more! You can follow us on twitter @haikyupod

Chasin' The Racin'

Chasin' The Racin'

Motorcycle racing podcast brought to you from two Geordie bike racers @ChrissyRouse & @DomHerbertson. We talk all things motorbikes, covering Road Racing, BSB, WSBK, MotoGP and much more. Powered by COLCHESTER KAWASAKI CLICK BUY DELIVER Follow @MotorbikePod on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also watch the pods on YOUTUBE

The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast

The Major Pod Network

Join Matt Cardona (Former WWE Superstar Zack Ryder) and Brian Myers (Former WWE Superstar Curt Hawkins) as they talk about one of their favorite hobbies, collecting wrestling toys! Each week listen to two of the most prolific figure collectors chat about the latest news, upcoming releases, toy history, vintage collecting and much more!

Canine Conversations - Dog Training Podcast

Robert Cabral

Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs worked with countless pet dogs with clients and has shown dogs in AKC, IPO, Mondio Ring - covering obedience, protection, conformation and more. The guests and conversations are always engaging, interesting and fun to listen to. Robert is a dog lover first and foremost and speaks about creating a better life for dogs in each podcast.

Perpetual Chess Podcast

Ben Johnson

Perpetual Chess features weekly conversations with the chess world's best players, trainers and accomplished amateurs about their careers, current projects, best practices and the latest in chess news. Learn more at PerpetualChessPod.com

Have A Sip


“Đi cà phê không?” “Tối nay đi uống nhé?” Vietcetera tin rằng: gặp nhau và gọi một món đồ uống chính là tạo ra không gian để bạn và người khác kết nối. Món đồ uống khác nhau cũng đại diện cho những tính cách khác nhau. Vì thế, cứ mỗi tuần, chúng tôi sẽ mời một vị khách tới studio cùng uống và trò chuyện về cuộc sống, về những gì xảy ra gần đây với họ, như những người bạn cũ. Bạn sẽ gọi món gì?

권용주, 김나진의 차카차카


MBC 표준FM 매주 토,일 오전 8시 5분 ~ 9시 (※ 본 콘텐츠는 MBC의 사전 동의 없이 영리목적으로 사용되거나 재제공(링크제공 포함)될 수 없습니다.)

자동차 전문방송, 이차저차


지식 한 스푼 - 청년 변호사, 유통전문가, 벤처사업가가 떠먹여 드리는...

팀 지식한스푼

진・컨텐츠 잡담회


종합콘솔게임방송 - 겜덕비상


PS, XBOX, NINTENDO 모두 아우르는 신개념 콘솔방송 겜덕들이여 날아라! 겜덕비상!!



思文的播客。 人一旦有“必须成为胜者”的想法,就很难获得真正的自由,所以这是一档不讲述胜者故事的播客。而把“败类”两字放在名字中,也并不是将自己置于低位进行一番妄自菲薄。只是这个世界上有那么多难以启齿的丑陋和阴暗面,想作为其中一员随便讲讲。祝大家听得愉快。

Brain Farts | Myanmar Podcast


Join our discord channel: https://discord.gg/Y39eyRCUww အရေမရအဖတ်မရ Show (circa 2020): A Burmese podcast where two young adults from creative backgrounds talk about random nostalgic moments from their lives. Each episode features a guest or two with interesting stories to tell. Brain Farts Podcast (2021 onwards): an exploration of Burmese identity and chatting random shit with people I met on the internet.

The Beginner's Garden with Jill McSheehy

Jill McSheehy

Welcome to the Beginner's Garden Podcast! This is the podcast with easy-to-understand resources, tips, and information to help beginning gardeners get the most out of their gardening adventure -- big or small. When I began gardening in 2013, I scoured books and Internet resources to find all the information I could. Although good information was abundant, I had trouble understanding all the gardening lingo and sifting through the information to figure out what would work for me. In this podcast, my aim is to provide helpful information while explaining the gardening lingo as we go. I want to equip YOU to have the best start ever this gardening season!

Game Scoop!


IGN.com shoots a week’s worth of gaming news straight into your ear!


Grace & Danny

休閒中帶點黑暗刺激的雙人TalkShow 主菜是海龜湯、真實事件、怪談鬼話以及都市傳說 配餐有各種生活的大小事,直播陪你談天說地 偶爾加上主持人的個人單元當佐料 快來和我們一起猜猜海龜湯,聽聽各種案件、奇聞與傳說 不用擔心太恐怖,因為我們兩個都很白目 若你聽完太害怕,需要來點輕鬆的,歡迎收聽【龜話連篇】或【Danny’s Corner】單元 想讓大家玩你的自創海龜湯或聽你的恐怖經歷 馬上來這裡投稿吧:https://www.surveycake.com/s/0pe0y 我們的廬山真面目和一刀未剪的真實錄音狀況 會出現在我們的同名YouTube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/@gdtalkshow03 👉各大收聽平台,或者小額贊助支持我們:https://portaly.cc/gdtalkshow03 👉我們很常出沒在IG:turtledie03(https://www.instagram.com/turtledie03/) 👉合作邀約:gdtalkshow03@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

[데이라잇 SHOW] 남자심리 파헤치기


ときどき 村上春樹



The Story of the World


"You wake in an unknown place. You don't know where you are or how you got here." Amnesia and danger. In video games, it's a familiar scene---so familiar that its weirdness has been worn away by repetition. It's a trope! It happens all the time! Characters get amnesia; it's just what they do. They get amnesia, explore their world, pick things up, and fight monsters. But these tropes become a lot less familiar when they're plopped into the pages of a book, where (in the absence of a player) characters are expected to have motivations that are entirely their own. Why would a character who is lost and scared "go north," "get food," or "attack monster"? How does it feel to "search corpse"? What does someone actually do when instructed to "check inventory"? To plumb these depths, I made a game. I recruited friends to play the game. Then I adapted that experience into a book. And I made that book into a radio drama. This is the result. I hope you enjoy it.

History on the Table

History on the Table

A monthly podcast discussing historical board games and other topics

Trash Taste Podcast

Trash Taste Podcast

Trash Taste is the premiere anime podcast exploring anime, manga, and otaku culture with top anime YouTubers: Joey from The Anime Man, Garnt from Gigguk, and Connor from Cdawgva, and occasionally special guests. For advertising opportunities please email: PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4  Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

Top Gear Magazine

Immediate Media The Top Gear Magazine Podcast

A peek behind the scenes at what it’s really like to drive other people’s cars for a living. Car chat, interviews, special guests and games – all brought to you from the team behind the world’s favourite car media brand

책을 듣다 (종영)


본 프로그램의 풀다시듣기는 MBC mini 혹은 "책을 듣다" 홈페이지에 청취 가능합니다. (※ 본 콘텐츠는 MBC의 사전 동의 없이 영리목적으로 사용되거나 재제공(링크제공 포함)될 수 없습니다.)

サンデーマンガ倶楽部 Sunday Manga Club


出版界の片隅にいる4人が、マンガについてゆるーく語っていく番組です。【毎週日曜日更新】 海外マンガの翻訳をしている原、マンガ編集者のハヤシ、デザイナーのタダ、司書のみさきでお送りします。



玄门有鲤,科学搞玄。这里是一档由映漫和十三共同主持的泛玄学文化播客节目😉 👏我们主张以人为核心,用玄学趋吉避凶,用科技创造美好生活。 🤓脚踏奇门,风水入目,紫微在心中,追求无止境的惊奇。 添加「微信」咨询:xuanmenyouli2024 订阅「公众号」获取更多内容:玄门有鲤



情感播客!主播是INFP 主要和两种人聊: ①一线经验者 ②基金经理们 Dare to inquire, eager to learn. 请不到嘉宾时,主播偶尔自己上来嘚嘚一期。 「面基」的愿景:不当聪明投资者,只做合格持有人,把时间花在自己的高ROE事情上,多陪伴家人。 建议您在收听节目时,能找件更有意义的事做,比如:逛公园,骑行,刷碗,擦地,收拾衣柜,洗大澡... 祝听友们更幸福、更富有、更睿智(顺序分先后)。



李诞的播客 播客让我有种使用古早互联网的感觉,真诚的分享,遥远的共鸣,匿名般的交流,人与人更显亲密,我好像也不是那么“李诞”了。 我由于说话太多,对自己的话究竟有没有人想听早已失去了判断。 袁袁是我非常信赖的朋友,我们好像都没一起吃过饭,只是聊过几次很长的天,请她来做这个播客的制作人再合适不过。 在这里与你分享我的所见所闻,所思所想,所困所惑。现代生活就是一场茫茫黑夜漫游,因为种种误会我们总希望找到灯塔,总误以为看到了灯塔,然而其实看到的往往只是另一个人晃来晃去的手电。希望这个播客能成为一个照亮你某时某刻的手电,如果不能,那我们就共享黑暗,enjoy!

자동차 전문방송, 이차저차


[국내 최초 자동차 전문 팟캐스트, 이차저차] - 눈으로 봐야 할 자동차를 '오디오 방송'으로 만든다? 자동차 산업의 이슈, 자동차 브랜드의 역사, 꼭 알아야 할 자동차 상식들과 자동차 업계의 핫 인물, 우리를 기다리는 미래 자동차까지! 소리가 전하는 자동차 토크의 즐거움을 함께 공유합니다! - 자동차에 대한 모든 질문들, 팟빵 댓글창에 적어주시면 매월 [질문인] 코너에서 상세하게 다룹니다!

AvTalk - Aviation Podcast


An aviation podcast by aviation geeks for anyone who looks up when they hear an airplane fly overhead. Listen in as Ian Petchenik and Jason Rabinowitz bring you aviation news, views, and special guests every Friday. If you're a new avgeek or just can't get enough aviation in your life, get your avgeek fix with us.



三联中读出品的一档泛文化类播客,用声音记录嘉宾当时当地的经验与思考。栏目以《三联生活周刊》每期封面故事和重大报道为主题,分享报道背后的故事,以个人以及专业的视角提供丰富的新知与思辨的可能。 节目每周更新,更多详情,欢迎下载《三联生活周刊》官方APP“三联中读”留言互动。

ユウキ食品 presents 高嶋ちさ子 taste of the World


日曜日夜6 時…言葉と言葉が響き合う、たのしい時間。ヴァイオリニスト高嶋ちさ子が、日常の小さな出来事から世界の話題までを自身の言葉でそして、時々やってくる親しい友人やさまざまなジャンルで活躍している方をゲストに迎えて、リスナーのみなさんと一緒にたのしく過ごす30分間。 休日、行楽帰りの車のなかの聴いている人、夕食のテーブルを囲んでいる人・・・明日の仕事の準備をしながら聴いてる人もいるかもしれません。誰もが休日のエンディングを楽しく迎えられ、明日に向けてちょっと背中を押してくれる、、そんなチカラとなるような番組をめざして、笑いと発見のある、番組をお届けします。 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/

보는 예능에서 즐기는 예능으로, 탁상예능!

구르는 사람들

이제, 지친 당신의 책상 위에도 예능이 필요합니다! (음질이 신경쓰이면, 역주행을 추천합니다!)




杉野遥亮の今夜もオフトーク supported by SOYBIO 豆乳ヨーグルト





飄洋過海的台妹+幻想中的韓國歐巴=戳破你對韓國美麗的粉紅泡泡🫧 搭上我們的時空飛船,帶上一杯小酒,一起來面對這殘酷的韓國社會 異國戀愛、職場文化、人際社交…絕不藏私! 關於: - 天線 🐰 - 韓國東國影像大學院 在學 - INFJ | 處女座 - 세로 😺 - 韓國漢陽大學 畢業生 失業中 - INFJ | 處女座 “팟캐스트를 처음 해봐서 많이 부족하지만 열심히 해볼게요 하하 여러분이 한국에서, 혹은 한국인과 겪은 사연을 보내주세요! 그리고 한국이나 한국인에 대해 궁금한 것이 있다면 언제든지 물어보셔도 좋습니다~ 감사합니다 많관부! 👻” “大家如果有在韓國生活過、和韓國人交流的經驗,歡迎私訊給我們你們的故事!以及對於韓國有其他好奇想知道的東西也歡迎隨時私訊~!” 拍打餵食專區✌︎☺︎ Email : podc8210@gmail.com IG : ser0__14 (세로) / meizei.yt (天線)

IGN Game Reviews


Reviews for the hottest games of the year from IGN.



被蚊子叮了一下,酥酥麻麻好带感~ 没有营养,纯粹聊天!

Knit Picks' Podcast

Knit Picks

Find camaraderie and understanding as Knit Picks employees confess to their own knitting triumphs and complete blunders. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, tune in weekly for the further adventures of the gang at Knit Picks and any other knitters we can round up.

귀담 [옴니버스 호러드라마]


여름밤, 당신의 귓가에 울리는 옴니버스 공포드라마 귀담. 실화‧괴담 등을 storyonghosts@gmail.com으로 제보해주시면 드라마화 해 방송합니다. 사연 채택시 푸짐한 선물이.

The InEVitable


Welcome to The InEVitable! Join MotorTrend’s Ed Loh & Jonny Lieberman each week as they explore the future of mobility, the future of the car, and the future of transportation! Where are we going, and how will we get there? Each week, the guys are joined by special guests ranging from celebrities, industry leaders, and car crazy folks. Charge up & join us!

Tales from the Stinky Dragon

Rooster Teeth

A D&D actual play podcast in the midst of its second campaign! Join us in the world of Grotethe —a dark domain ruled by vampires, ghosts, and other monstrosities. Four adventurers get tangled up in a murderous mystery that not only threatens peace across the lands, but perhaps their very lives! You can also go back and listen to where it all began in our first campaign - The Tale of The Infinights! Dungeon Master Gus Sorola leads these band of misfits - Barbara Dunkelman, Chris Demarais, Jon Risinger, & Blaine Gibson - in "Tales From The Stinky Dragon"!

TBSラジオ『ジェーン・スーと堀井美香の「OVER THE SUN」』


ジェーン・スーと堀井美香による、Podcast番組。リスナーのみなさんともに語らいながら、〝太陽の向こう側〟を目指していきます。 ※メールアドレスは、⦅ over@tbs.co.jp ⦆ ※毎週金曜日・午後5時に配信予定 出演:ジェーン・スー(コラムニスト・作詞家)、堀井美香(フリーアナウンサー・ナレーター) 「幸せの黄色い私たち」特設サイト https://www.tbsradio.jp/ots2days/ 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/

代码之外 Beyond Code

Beyond Code

代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。 节目地址:https://bento.me/beyondcode 欢迎在 ⁠https://forms.office.com/r/RknWt97QPL⁠ 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。

서늘한 마음썰


Airplane Geeks Podcast

Airplane Geeks

Our aim to educate and inform you, explore and develop your passion for aviation, and entertain you a little along the way.



ポッドキャストリスナー歴10年の妻と1年前まで全く知らなかった夫が素敵なポッドキャスター達との出会いにより一年後に配信スタート! おしゃべり関西人夫婦がエンタメや歴史、浮世のよしなし事に何でもヤイヤイ言っていくポッドキャスト番組です。 お便り、ご感想はこちらから yaiyairadio@gmail.com Twitter #ヤイラジ うまやん Twitter アカウント @umayan2020 いっぷく Twitter アカウント ippuk_podcast までどうぞよろしくお願いします。

공포채널 더블유티에이치(WTH)


The Big Fib

GZM Shows

In the era of fake news, kids need to learn to be able to tell what’s true from what’s false. And what better way to do that than a game show that puts kids in the driver’s seat, adults on the hot seat, and a sound-effects robot strapped to the roof? Each week, a kid interviews two experts in a particular topic, one of which is a genuine, credentialed expert, the other a liar. Hilarious and fast-paced, the show teaches kids to ask insightful questions, weigh the evidence before them, and trust their guts. For more great shows visit, GZMshows.com.



패드던지는 인생




系列栏目「成年人的兴趣班」持续更新,一起打开那些不曾看见的世界图层。 小红书官方生活方式内容品牌「about关于」自制播客,每期围绕一个关键词聊聊天。 全国发行的《about关于》MOOK持续出版中,小红书搜「about编辑部」了解更多。

Dinner with the Heelers - A Bluey Podcast

The Bluey Podcast

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bluey-podcast/subscribe Our family loves Bluey! Mom, Dad, and our two kids talk about each episode of Bluey, starting with the very first episode and continuing in order as they appear on Disney+. We discuss the events of the episodes, plus touch on what lessons we've learned from. It's good family fun for anyone who loves Bluey.



你是否也和你的好朋友互道一万多次姐妹 没有的话就来「姐妹过情关」电台 好闺蜜子都是怎么聊天的?!

하나블리ASMR - Eating


instagram hanavely_1018 김하나치어리더



「历史学人」是由单向街基金会出品的播客。我们和历史学家们聊天,展现他们关于历史、关于人的经验和理性思考。 让我们一起分享历史学者们的爱和怕,他们被触发的兴趣,对过去的沉迷,以及理性和想象的分配。这不仅仅是知识,更是关于人的价值的分享。



秋田県出身の堀井美香さんが同じく秋田県出身のゲストをお招きし、秋田弁で楽しく語らう勝手に秋田応援番組「秋田県人しか出ない」全4回に渡りお届けする予定です。 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/

Over the Radio

Over the Radio

Горящий бензовоз

Павел Пивоваров, Вадим Елистратов, Иван Талачев

«Горящий бензовоз» — это несущийся прямо на вас поток новостей, мнений и прогнозов о массовой культуре. Рассказываем, что посмотреть и во что поиграть, обсуждаем главные события в индустрии и очень много шутим. Ведущие: Павел Пивоваров («Не занесли»), Иван Талачев («Один дома») и Вадим Елистратов (экс-главред DTF и Кинопоиска).



美容家の神崎恵と編集者の大森葉子でお届けする雑談ポッドキャスト『WONT(ウォント)』。 ふと「私って誰なんだ?」と思う瞬間ありますよね? 恋愛、友情、キャリア、育児……など、テーマは縦横無尽。 思わず自分がぐらついてしまう時の戸惑い、そして、「その時どうする?」を アラフィフ2人組がリスナーの皆さんと一緒に考えていきます! ニューエピソードは毎週月曜日・水曜日に配信。 ▼X ハッシュタグは #ウォント ▼メッセージ投稿はコチラ https://sbwl.to/wont_message 【WONT 公式アカウント】 Instagram @wont_podcast X @WONT_Podcast

Plants Grow Here - Horticulture, Landscape Gardening & Ecology

Daniel Fuller

Come along with horticulturist Daniel Fuller as we enter a hidden world of horticultural, ecological and landscape gardening knowledge with featured experts, industry professionals and enthusiasts. We inform and inspire you with weekly episodes to help you become an unstoppable plant whisperer.

Coffee Shop Vibes

Euphoric Media

Professional quality coffee shop ambience for studying, working, or just straight chillin. Click follow to get notified every time a new track is released. * * * COPYRIGHT WARNING: The use of any affiliated audio of these episodes is not allowed, as it is a direct violation of copyright law and will result in legal action. Copyright © 2023 Euphoric Media #coffeeshopmusic #coffeeshopvibes #coffeeshopambience #studymusic #ambience #cafemusic #cafeambience




Leaguecast: A League of Legends Podcast


Longest running podcast about all things League of Legends! We discuss builds, lore, listener feedback, and so much more! If you want to just sit back and have a good time listening to some good old fashioned conversation (with a few laughs thrown in) then this is the podcast for you!

EXFIL - An Escape From Tarkov Podcast


Regular in-depth conversations about Escape From Tarkov (EFT)

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias

Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias is an irregular podcast devoted to the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, horror movies and horror gaming in general. It is hosted by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward, three freelance writers who have worked on the new edition of Call of Cthulhu and other horror roleplaying games. Episodes are usually built around a particular theme, always centred on our shared love of all things dark and horrifying.

Pardon our French

Justine Fanget + Quincy MacShane

Bffs Quincy and Justine give the 411 on navigating their lives in Paris as twenty somethings. This space was created to speak candidly about their experiences moving abroad and all that comes with it, from being reduced to tears by the repeated phrase "ce n'est pas possible" to realizing some of their greatest dreams. Talking on topics like dating in France, culture differences, physical and mental health, friendships, bureaucratic obstacles etc. Are the french better lovers? TBD. Produced by: Jean-Charles Kraimps

The Stories of Escape from Tarkov

EUL Gaming

Not many players really know the full story behind Escape From Tarkov. Come explore the rich storytelling and cinematic landscapes of Escape from Tarkov. All podcasts and videos are based on documents BSG has placed around on the internet.

OMGcraft (Video)


OMGcraft is your one-stop-shop for everything Minecraft. Discover the big new tips, tricks, and stuff you should know about Minecraft. Hosted by Chad Johnson, this show will make you a Minecraft expert in no time. Although the show is no longer in production at TWiT, you can enjoy these episodes from the TWiT Archives and find Chad's new episodes on YouTube.

가치관 소개팅 더커피클럽 (연애&라이프 인사이트)




毎週金曜日の夜10:30~11:00にオンエアしている DK SELECT WEEKEND LIVING の番組PODCAST。WEEKDAYが終わり、それぞれの人が自分をリセットする時間。週末と新しくはじまる週を楽しくすごせるように、俳優の松下洸平が、一週間の疲れをリフレッシュしてもらうためのトークをお届けします。オンエアの翌週の金曜日午前0時以降に各プラットフォームで順次配信します。

Что было раньше

Иван Талачев, Павел Пивоваров

Подкаст, в котором мы вспоминаем старое, чтобы подготовить вас к новому. Фильмы, видеоигры, сериалы, комиксы и многое другое. Подкиньте нам копеечку из России — https://donatty.com/pashapony Подкиньте нам копеечку из заграницы — https://destream.net/live/podcastCBR/donate

목소리로 상상하기


나의 심심함과 외로움을 달래기 위한 방송. 듣는 당신도 그랬으면 하는 방송. [목소리로 상상하기]입니다. 안녕하세요 인다코입니다. 매주 수요일 업로드됩니다 :) Contact : voice.mayjune78@gmail.com

SVT x 127


random vlive / dingo killing voice

자동차에 관한 모든 것 [모터클립] by 천하태평


팟캐스트 천하태평에서 털어드린 자동차의 모든 것을 짧은 클립으로 편집했습니다. 신차뉴스? 슈퍼카? 그런거 말고~! 우리가 진짜 운행하는 자동차에 관한 모든 것을 털어 드립니다.

서초동 1 강의실 - 우리가 고등학교 때 배웠던 것들

달님, 찬님



한달에 한번 독서토론을 하는 사람들의 모임입니다.




Enchantment: Dragon Age Let‘s Play Podcast

Brandon & Manny

Brandon and Manny play through all of Bioware‘s Dragon Age franchise, now with Dragon Age: Inquisition!

Split the Veil

Split the Veil

Split the Veil covers all things Bioware - from Mass Effect, to Dragon Age, Bioware classics, and Anthem. Hosted by Caitie (Ghil Dirthalen on YouTube) and Jordan (The Exalted March on YouTube).



《自我进化论》一档由颜晓静创作,持续分享「自我探索」和「自我成长」内容的播客。通过分享真实的人生经历和成长领悟,启发更多人自我觉醒和向内探索,拥抱真实自我,活出丰盛人生。 第二季,我们将深入生活,由自我走向他人和更大的世界,通过与更多鲜活个体的深度对话,分享并见证生命的平凡与伟大。 欢迎在小宇宙、苹果播客、Spotify和喜马拉雅等平台订阅,全平台同步更新中 : ) 主播:颜晓静Athena 公众号:颜晓静Athena 小红书:颜晓静Athena

Завтракаст (Zavtracast)

Завтракаст (Zavtracast)

Завтракаст – это самый популярный подкаст про игры, медиа и технологии в России. Веселые ведущие, свежие новости, советы и обсуждения под хорошую музыку и крутыми гостями. • СТРОГО 18+ • Официальный сайт: https://zavtracast.ru • Twitter: https://twitter.com/zavtracast • Telegram: https://t.me/zavtracast • VK: https://vk.com/zavtracast • YouTube: https://youtube.com/zavtracast • Вопросы и предложения: zavtracast@gmail.com • Поддержать Завтракаст: https://boosty.to/zavtracast • Поддержать Завтракаст: https://patreon.com/zavtracast



竹子最新播客《嗨咻》,是她一个人的唠嗑节目。成为新手妈妈后的她,奔波在职场和家庭中间,有许多吐槽。竹子会选择在孩子休息后(孩休和嗨咻也是谐音梗),一个人跑到小客房,深夜寂静无人,一边盯着孩子睡觉的监视器,一边举一杯红酒跟大家唠嗑。 《嗨咻》话题横跨爱情、生活、工作、自我成长。 每双周四10:00更新。 商务咨询请加微信:Cxiaoluan,备注:嗨咻合作。



欢迎来到宁浪别野,这里是城市浪人的海边乌托邦。四个阶段性逃离北京的大龄女生,在中国最嬉皮的浪人聚集地万宁合租了一个拥有270度大落地窗的大别野。我们想在这里拥有阳光自由、呼吸自由、冲浪自由、发呆自由、胡思乱想自由。 我们的Wi-Fi 密码是:gosurf666,有缘来蹭网。 主创: @fit4life 姥爷:“是一个安全感与自由,眼前的苟且与诗和远方并存的地方。” @Yoyo孙佳祺:“不确定的流动生活中,一个确定的心安之处。” @赵依侬_ :“如果你有幸在年轻时尝试过‘浪人生活’,那么不管以后你去哪里,这里的生活都会跟着你一生一世。” @轻食堂猪侨:“去想去的地方,见想见的人,做想做的事。来跳伞吗?”





声優アーティスト・田所あずさと、お笑いコンビ天津の向による異業種ラジオ!リスナーのあなたと傷つけあい・傷をなめあいながら、笑いとジャパニーズカルチャーを世界へ届けます!毎週木曜日に最新回を配信。 "Douse wareware nante..." are variety podcasts by Azusa Tadokoro,  a Japanese voice actress and singer, and Seitaro Mukai, a Japanese comedian.  We deliver Japanese culture to the world with laughter flirting with you! The latest episode is on every Thursday(JST). メールアドレス:douse@allnightnippon.com

Отвратительные мужики

Disgusting Men

Последний рубеж беспощадного мужского лайфстайла. Игры, кино, жизнь, еда и приключения. С 2013 года.