과장창 : 모두에게 과학이 필요한 시간



WNYC Studios

Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. It is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.

이과 여자


내 전공이나 직업의 영역이 아니더라도 과학은 내 몸과 이 세계를 설명하는 언어이자 나의 일상을 채우는 무수한 존재들 자체다. from 책 신비롭지 않은 여자들



元NASA・理研の研究員が話す1話完結チャンネル。 スナックをつまむかのように聴くだけで宇宙開発の最先端をすぐにキャッチできます。 NASA、理研で宇宙を研究したリョウが 「明日誰かに話したくなる」 そんな宇宙のハナシを1日10分でお届け! 天文学者、宇宙スタートアップCEOら 最前線で活躍するゲストを定期的に迎えて、 生の声もお届けします。 「宇宙」「宇宙人」「天文学」「宇宙ビジネス」「宇宙開発」 一つでも気になったらまずはおひとつどうぞ。 ★第3回Japan Podcast Awards "Spotify NEXT クリエイター賞"受賞★ ★Apple Podcast日本全体ランキング3位達成★ ★Apple Podcast 科学カテゴリー 日本1位達成★ ★Spotify 日本全体ランキング最高17位★ LISTEN https://listen.style/p/uchu-banashi?aionhdFR

과학이 빛나는 밤에

Best of iBlug

낭만적 과학 이야기 여행

The Michael Shermer Show

Michael Shermer

The Michael Shermer Show is a series of long-form conversations between Dr. Michael Shermer and leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers and thinkers about the most important issues of our time.



Podcast Station



【サイエントークとは?】 おしゃべりな研究者レンと普通のOLエマが科学をエンタメっぽく語るポッドキャストです。 学校では教わらない科学の歴史や日常に潜む「なぜ?」という疑問、個性豊かな研究者のストーリーを深堀り! 世界にあふれる科学の魅力を声で伝えるべく、たまに日常と併せておしゃべりしています。 ▶詳細プロフィールやおたよりは公式サイトへ! → https://scien-talk.com/ 【パーソナリティ】 研究者レン:おしゃべりな野良研究者。話し手と企画担当。趣味は科学者の逸話やクセ強めな研究をネタとして集めること。化学を習得すれば何でも作れるのでは?と考え研究者の道へ。現在は企業の研究職として働く化学博士。 OLエマ:自称普通のOL。番組のイラスト製作と聞き手を担当。学生時代にカナダに留学していた。よく間違えられるが実は理系で、研究室に所属していたこともある。 お問い合わせメールアドレス → scientalkclub@gmail.com サイエントークはAmazonのアソシエイトとして適格販売により収入を得ています。 https://listen.style/p/scientalk?uVGlcu8H

과학책 읽어주는 남자 [과읽남]


Microbiome (Audio)


You have up to ten times as many microbial cells in and on your body as you have human cells. Discover how the cells that make up our microbiome can impact everything from mood, weight, sleep patterns, allergies and more.


rbb24 Inforadio

Was ist wissenswert in Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaftswissenschaft? Auf Fragestellungen rund um Wissenschaft und Forschung erhalten Sie Antworten: werktäglich und sonntags in der rbb24 Inforadio-Rubrik "Wissenswerte".

적분이 콩나물 사는데 무슨 도움이 돼?


수포자들을 위한 트라우마 극복 심리치료 힐링 방송

Science Friday

Science Friday and WNYC Studios

Brain fun for curious people.

이원영의 새, 동물, 생태 이야기 (시즌 1, 2, 3, 4)


홈 http://cafe.daum.net/koreanbirds 페이스북 www.facebook.com/koreanbirds

사마리아의 특별한 별자리 방송국


사마리아의 아주 특별한 별자리 방송국

Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe


A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.



Whether the topic is popcorn or particle physics, you can count on BrainStuff to explore -- and explain -- the everyday science in the world around us.

The Numberphile Podcast

Brady Haran

Interviews with people who love numbers and mathematics. Hosted by Brady Haran, maker of the Numberphile series on YouTube.



여러분들을 우주의 세계로 본격 우주 입덕방송! 인터스텔라, 마션에 들어있는 과학적 지식이 궁금하신가요? 오늘 밤하늘에 떠있는 저 밝은 별이 궁금하신가요? 우주덕후들의 우주이야기가 시작됩니다! 우주라이크를 다른 곳에서 만나고 싶으시다면?? http://www.facebook.com/wouldyoulike/ http://www.wouldyoulike.org/ 제작지원 : 푸른숲

NASA ScienceCasts

NASA Science

UFO Chronicles Podcast

Nik Hunter

First-hand witness encounters of the Strange and unexplained. The host Nik will take you head first down the rabbit hole in a refreshing and different podcast format. Witness accounts from everyday people from all over the world with uninterrupted monologues of their encounters. The phenomena that people experience shared here range from sightings of UFOs to traumatic alien abductions, scary heart stopping stories of ghosts, demons and the Occult. Accounts of crossing paths with Bigfoot, Sasquatches and all manner of dark entities that lurk and dwell in the dark woods and remote areas. Psychic abilities of precognition, premonitions, and the people who have journeyed to the other side with their near-death experiences. The encounters in this podcast will stay with you long after you have finished listening. Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ufo-chronicles-podcast--3395068/support.

DarkHorse Podcast

Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying

On The DarkHorse Podcast, we will explore questions that matter, with tools that work. Weekly episodes of "The Evolutionary Lens" are co-hosted with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, in which we use an evolutionary toolkit to reveal patterns in nature--including human nature. Guest episodes feature Bret hosting long form discussions. Some guests are well known, others obscure, but all are chosen because they have demonstrated unusual insight. The state and future of civilization will be a recurring theme, so buckle up!



这里是科学声音科普联盟的官方声音,也是思想碰撞的舞台。 摆下龙门阵,等你来高谈!

The Lab Coats & Life™ Podcast

The Lab Coats & Life™ Podcast

The Lab Coats & Life™ Podcast provides listeners with reflective, empathetic, and widely accessible conversations with guests from all corners of science who are passionate about passing on their knowledge and experience to others. Although this podcast is for scientists, it is not your typical science podcast. Instead, each episode aims to keep you informed about useful soft skills, relevant trends, and important efforts from within the scientific community to help you thrive as a scientist.

老高与小茉 | 最全专辑 | 修音去尾完美版



In Defense of Plants Podcast

In Defense of Plants

오늘의 영장류 토막상식 (오영토막)


현직 영장류학자들이 직접 알려주는 오늘의 영장류 이야기 코너입니다. 우리의 가장 가까운 친척인 영장류를 더 잘 알아가기 위하여!

Infectious Disease Puscast

Vincent Racaniello

A review of the infectious diseases literature from the previous two weeks.

The Common Descent Podcast

Common Descent

Join David and Will as they explore the paleontologists’ perspective on various topics in life and earth history. Each episode features a main discussion on a topic requested by the listeners, presented as a lighthearted and educational conversation about fossils, evolution, deep time, and more. Before the main discussion, each episode also includes a news segment, covering recent research related to paleontology and evolution. Each episode ends with the answer to a question submitted by subscribers on Patreon. New episodes with new topics every fortnight!

[잡스그] 잡스러운 스터디그룹


다양한 분야의 잡스러운 지식에 대해 함께 공부해나가는 잡스러운 스터디그룹. 우리는 잡스그입니다. 정서방, 가바, 김만타와 함께 과학, 예술, 문화 등 다양한 분야에 대해 부담없이 같이 배워봅시다. 매주 수요일에 방송을 업로드할 예정이오니 많은 청취 부탁드립니다. 우리 모두 열공해요~!

The Genetics Podcast

Sano Genetics

Exploring all things genetics. Dr Patrick Short, University of Cambridge alumnus and CEO of Sano Genetics, analyses the science, interviews the experts, and discusses the latest findings and breakthroughs in genetic research. To find out more about Sano Genetics and its mission to accelerate the future of precision medicine visit: www.sanogenetics.com

The Immunology Podcast

The Immunology Podcast

Join Drs. Brenda Raud and Jason Goldsmith as they discuss the latest in immunology research, and interview some of the greatest minds in the field.

니들이 환경을 알아?


서울EM환경센터를 통해 뭉친 그들이 EM 뿐만 아니라 각종 환경 관련 이슈에 대해서 나누는 이야기들.

Brain Inspired

Paul Middlebrooks

Neuroscience and artificial intelligence work better together. Brain inspired is a celebration and exploration of the ideas driving our progress to understand intelligence. I interview experts about their work at the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, and more: the symbiosis of these overlapping fields, how they inform each other, where they differ, what the past brought us, and what the future brings. Topics include computational neuroscience, supervised machine learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, decision-making science, AI agents, backpropagation, credit assignment, neuroengineering, neuromorphics, emergence, philosophy of mind, consciousness, general AI, spiking neural networks, data science, and a lot more. The podcast is not produced for a general audience. Instead, it aims to educate, challenge, inspire, and hopefully entertain those interested in learning more about neuroscience and AI.

Microbiome (Video)


You have up to ten times as many microbial cells in and on your body as you have human cells. Discover how the cells that make up our microbiome can impact everything from mood, weight, sleep patterns, allergies and more.

Tiny Matters

The American Chemical Society

From molecules to microbes, Tiny Matters is a science podcast about the little things that have a big impact on our world. Every other Wednesday, join hosts and former scientists Sam Jones and Deboki Chakravarti as they answer questions like, 'what is a memory?', 'is sugar actually addictive?' and 'are we alone in the universe?'

Astro arXiv | astro-ph.HE

Corentin Cadiou

Daily Astro papers on the arXiv in astro-ph.HE.

김희준 교수의 우주와 생명


2014년 3월부터 서울대 '자연과학의 세계' 강의를 시작으로 팟캐스트를 활용하면서 나 자신도 다른 분들의 팟캐스트를 많이 들으며 인터넷을 통한 학습과 정보 공유의 가능성에 빠져들었습니다. 밤늦은 시간에 아들의 공부방에서 내 강의가 들린다는 동료 교수도 있었고, 수업 시간에 놓친 내용을 다시 들으니 확실히 이해할 수 있다는 수강생도 있었습니다. 그래서 중고등학생이나 일반인을 상대로 하는 강의에서도 팟캐스트를 자신 있게 소개합니다. 2014년 7월에는 광주과기원 학부 강의에서 녹음한 '퀴리의 노벨 렉처를 올리고 있고, 8월에는 서울대 국제하계강좌에서 강의하고 있는 '기초화학'을 올릴 예정입니다. 9월에 가을학기가 시작되면 이번에는 영시 퀴즈를 통해 우주와 생명을 공부하는 새로운 형식의 서울대 '자연과학의 세계' 강의, 그리고 왓슨과 크릭의 DNA 이중나선 구조에 관한 1953년 네이커 논문을 다루는 광주과기원 강의를 올리려고 합니다. 재미있게 듣고 공부하세요. 자유롭게 코멘트와 질문도 해 주시고요. ================================================================ 이 강의는 제가 '자연과학의 세계'라는 제목으로 서울대에서 15년 정도 강의해 온 내용입니다. 과학의 배경이 약한 인문 사회 예능계 학생을 주 대상으로 하였기 때문에 과학의 기본도 빠뜨리지 않고 다루어야 하지만, 한 학기 동안 과학의 기본만을 다룬다면 기존의 교양 수준 과학 과목들과 차별화도 안 될 뿐만 아니라 21세기를 사는 학생들의 흥미를 끌기도 어렵다고 생각했습니다. 그래서 빅뱅으로 시작된 우주가 별의 진화를 통해 화학 원소들을 만들어내고, 이런 원소들이 지구 환경에서 생명을 출발시키고 현생 인류로 진화시킨 원리들을 우주의 진화라는 거시적 스토리 라인에 따라 구성했습니다. 다행히 과학을 겁내하던 수강생들도 재미를 느끼고 잘 따라와 주어서 제가 2013년 2월에 정년퇴임 한 후에도 서울대에서 이 강의를 계속하고 있습니다. 그리고 2013년 3월부터 석좌교수로 근무하고 있는 광주과기원에서는 '우주와 생명'이라는 제목으로 비슷한 내용을 이공계 학생들에게 약간 수준을 높여서 강의하고 있습니다. 다행히 요즘 팟빵, 아이튠즈 등 쉽게 자료를 올릴 수 있는 사이트 들이 생겨서 한 학기 강의 내용을 녹음해서 '우주와 생명'이라는 큰 제목으로 올리려고 합니다. 수강생들의 예습 복습에 도움이 될 뿐 아니라 직접 대학 강의를 들을 수 없는 일반인이나 중고등학생들도 접근할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 참고로 제가 10여년 서울대 강의를 정리해서 출간한 '철학적 질문 과학적 대답' (2012, 생각의 힘)을 대학 강의에서 교재로 사용하고 있고, 녹음된 이 강의도 위의 교재의 내용에 따라 진행된다는 점을 말씀드립니다. 강의를 들으면서 생기는 의문을 Q&A 코너를 통해 알려주시면 성의껏 답변해 드리겠습니다.

The Microbiome Podcast

The American Microbiome Institute

The Microbiome Podcast, hosted by The American Microbiome Institute, discusses the latest news in the microbiome field. The microbiome refers to the bacteria and microorganisms that live in and on our body, which have vast impacts on human health, disease, and nutrition. In each episode we talk with the leading microbiome scientists to hear their thoughts and opinions on the latest science, and to discuss the cutting-edge research being conducted in their laboratories.


Steve Hsu

Steve Hsu is Professor of Theoretical Physics and Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering at Michigan State University. Join him for wide-ranging conversations with leading writers, scientists, technologists, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and more.

New Books in Environmental Studies

Marshall Poe

Interviews with Environmental Scientists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/environmental-studies

The Stem Cell Podcast

The Stem Cell Podcast

Join Drs. Daylon James and Arun Sharma as they discuss the latest stem cell research, and interview some of the brightest minds in the field.



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Climate Connections

Yale Center for Environmental Communication

How is global warming shaping our lives? And what can we do about it? We connect the dots, from fossil fuels to extreme weather, clean energy to public health, and more. Join Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz of Yale University for a daily 90-second podcast about climate change, where we confront reality and share inspiring stories of hope.

The Big Beard Theory

Anton Pozdnyakov

«Теория Большой Бороды» выходит каждый четверг с 2015 года. Автор: Антон Поздняков

Editors in Conversation

American Society for Microbiology

Editors in Conversation is the official podcast of the American Society for Microbiology Journals. Editors in Conversation features discussions between ASM Journals Editors, researchers and clinicians working on the most cutting edge issues in the microbial sciences. Topics include laboratory diagnosis and clinical treatment of infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, epidemiology of infections, multidrug-resistant organisms, pharmacology of antimicrobial agents, susceptibility testing, and more. The podcast is directed to microbiologists, infectious diseases clinicians, pharmacists and basic, clinical and translational researchers interested in the microbial sciences. A particular emphasis is on basic, epidemiological and pharmacological aspects of infectious diseases, including antimicrobial resistance and therapeutics.

Ask a Spaceman!

Paul M. Sutter

What would happen if you fell into a black hole? How big is the universe? Just what the heck is a quasar, anyway? You've got questions, and astrophysicist Paul Sutter has the answers! Submit questions via Twitter using #AskASpaceman or post to facebook.com/PaulMattSutter. Every week you will come closer to COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE!

BirdNote Daily


Escape the daily grind and immerse yourself in the natural world. Rich in imagery, sound, and information, BirdNote inspires you to notice the world around you.

I Know Dino: The Big Dinosaur Podcast

Garret and Sabrina

New dinosaurs are discovered all the time. Have fun and relax with hosts Garret and Sabrina each week as they explore the latest dinosaur news, chat with paleontology experts, dive deep into a “dinosaur of the day,” go down Oryctodromeus burrows with their fun facts, answer your burning questions, and connect dinosaurs to topics ranging from chocolate to the Titanic and more! Educational and entertaining, I Know Dino is a must listen dinosaur podcast for experts and newcomers alike. Dinosaurs have been found on every continent of planet earth: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, in places like the Badlands in Black Hills, the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, Haddonfield, New Jersey, Munich, Germany, Hateg Island and more. Dinosaurs lived in the north and south hemisphere, in forests, swamps, and more habitats. The podcast talks about types of dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous—all of the Mesozoic. Different kinds of dinosaurs covered include Allosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Archaeopteryx, Baryonyx, Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, Dilophosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Oviraptor, Parasaurolophus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Triceratops, Troodon, Tyrannosaurus (sometimes known as t-rex), Utahraptor, Velociraptor, and many raptors. Past interviewees include Brian Engh, Bolorsetseg Minjin, Darren Naish, Dustin Growick, Glen McIntosh, Gregory Paul, Hans Sues, Jack Horner, Jim Kirkland, Jingmai O-Connor, Matt Lamanna, Michael Benton, Mike Gunton, Nizar Ibrahim, Phil Currie, Phil Tippett, Riley Black, Steve Brusatte, Tim Walker, Thomas Carr, Tom Holtz, and Victoria Arbour. Topics covered include paleontology (paleo), natural history, history (and prehistory), geology, art, mathematics, geography, earth sciences, life science, zoology, evolution, and culture. Past dino episodes have dealt with dinosaur armor, big dinosaurs, small dinosaurs, bones, cannibalism, cartilage, carnivorous animals and predators, herbivorous animals and prey, claw, crest, courtship, dueling, facial features, feathers, being flightless, gliding, natural disasters (like with a volcano and lava, which forms igneous rock, and tsunami), natural science, opals, sail, sedimentary layers, skeletons, skulls, smell, species, spikes, termites, mating, microscopes, the last days of the dinos (and how the asteroid impact crater made them go extinct). Also, the atmosphere, bacterial infections, a cabin made of fossils, calcium, charcoal, comets, dinosaur hunter, and common misconceptions. Past episodes about dinosaurs in the media include topics like how accurate the dinosaurs are, computer animation, Arlo from The Good Dinosaur, science fiction movies, Rexy, Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, King Kong, Gertie, Victorian sculptures like Crystal Palace, dinosaur animatronics, dinosaur game, dinosaur world, and Prehistoric Planet. Famous people in history covered in the podcast include Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, Charles Knight, Charles Marsh, Edward Cope, Franz Nopsca, J. R. R. Tolkien, Richard Owen (who coined the term Dinosauria), Roy Chapman Andrews (who indirectly inspired Indiana Jones), and Thomas Jefferson. Museum of science covered include the American Museum of Natural History, Yale Peabody Museum, Royal Tyrrell, Field Museum, and more, as well as state parks. Additional past topics include different animals of the animal kingdom like the armadillo, sloth, crocodile, birds (like hummingbirds, the kiwi, ostrich, wild turkey, the dodo bird, and vulture), turtles, marine mammals like Mosasaurus, pterosaurs like Pteranodon, and other prehistoric reptiles.

The Science Show

ABC listen

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.

Main Engine Cut Off

Anthony Colangelo

MECO is opinion and analysis of spaceflight, exploration, policy, and strategy, by Anthony Colangelo.

Into the Impossible With Brian Keating

Big Bang Productions Inc.

A podcast about how we understand the world, scientifically and as humans. Each conversation brings together visionaries from the worlds of arts, sciences, humanities, and technology discussing the nature of reality and how we collaborate to create the future. Hosted by Dr Brian Keating, Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC San Diego. For show notes go to: https://briankeating.com/podcast

Science with a Twist

Thermo Fisher

It’s almost impossible to overstate how many aspects of daily life are impacted by science. From technologies that help ensure the quality of the water we drink, to medicines that deliver lifesaving treatments – it’s all thanks to science. Each month, members of Thermo Fisher Scientific's team talk to experts who are on the cutting-edge of redefining how we exist. This is Science with a Twist.

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Подкаст про секс на экране и в жизни. Гости и ведущие обсуждают, что смотрят только в режиме «инкогнито». По вопросам сотрудничества — stupidtowel@yandex.ru

What The Duck?!

ABC listen

The show with a mission to explore the mysteries of nature - especially the ones that make you go What the Duck?!




The Science of Everything Podcast

James Fodor

In this podcast I discuss a variety of topics in both the natural and social sciences, exploring the many fascinating insights that the scientific method yields about the world around us.

不成气候No Such Climate


一档广泛地关注气候变化、空气污染等大气科学议题与时事热点、社会生活的相交点的播客。 【收听方式】 欢迎通过苹果播客、小宇宙、Spotify、Pocket Casts等泛用型播客客户端订阅我们的节目。我们也会在喜马拉雅、荔枝播客、网易云音乐、QQ音乐等平台同步更新。 【联系我们】 新浪微博@不成气候NoSuchClimate 微信公众号 不成气候No Such Climate nosuchclimate@gmail.com



A show where curiosity and the natural world collide. We explore science, energy, environmentalism, and reflections on how we think about and depict nature, and always leave time for plenty of goofing off. Outside/In is a production of NHPR. Learn more at outsideinradio.org

Oxford Sparks Big Questions

Oxford Sparks

'Will my bacon sandwich kill me?', 'Is vaping better than smoking?', 'How do you become an astronaut?' - just some of the Big Questions we ask some of the brightest minds behind Oxford science. Join us in each podcast as we explore a different area of science.

La Ciencia Pop

Gabriel León

La Ciencia Pop es un podcast semanal sobre historias de ciencia que está inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, editado en Chile, España y República Checa. Si te gustó, puedes aportar en mi Patreon www.patreon.com/LaCienciaPop

MIT News

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT News is dedicated to bringing news from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to the world. We cover research, innovation, teaching, entrepreneurship, and the Institute’s distinctive and quirky culture. We find ourselves educated and amazed by our community of hands-on problem-solvers who are eager to know how things work — and inspired to make them work better. We hope you are amazed, too.


Jake Robins, Anthony Colangelo

Two friends, two beers, and a casual conversation about space. Landing monthly in your podcast feed.




Night Science

Itai Yanai & Martin Lercher

Where do ideas come from? In each episode, scientists Itai Yanai and Martin Lercher explore science's creative side with a leading colleague. New episodes come out every second Monday. 

The Missing Link

The Swaddle

In ‘The Missing Link,’ the Swaddle’s science podcast, we take a look at humanity’s most urgent questions – and the answers that might be lurking in unexpected science.

과탐잡설 시즌2 환장의 4인큐 - 물화생지 골방환장곡(2015개정 통합과학)


Curiosity Unbounded

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The Curiosity Unbounded podcast brings you behind the scenes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) through conversations between MIT President Sally Kornbluth and the people working in its labs and in the field. Along the way, Sally and her guests discuss pressing issues, as well as what inspires the people running at the world’s toughest challenges at one of the most innovative institutions on the planet.


MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative

Get smart quickly on climate change. This award-winning MIT podcast, Today I Learned: Climate, breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what our society can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change — from real scientists — to help us all make informed decisions for our future.

Vaccine Curious

Christine Stabell Benn

This podcast investigates vaccines and does so with curiosity. Whether it be from a medical or a personal angle each guest offers different perspectives on what we know about vaccines. Your host is professor in global health from University of Southern Denmark, Christine Stabell Benn. // Coronapandemien har stillet skarpt på, hvad vi ved om vacciner, og hvad en nål i skulderen betyder for den enkelte, for samfundet og for forskningen. Spørgsmålene stilles af professor ved Syddansk Universitet, Christine Stabell Benn.

This Week in Science – The Kickass Science Podcast

Dr. Kirsten Sanford Science Media

The kickass weekly science and technology radio show presenting a humorous and irreverent look at the week in science and tech. Each show TWIS discusses the latest in cutting edge science news on topics such as genetic engineering, cybernetics, space exploration, neuro science, and a show favorite Countdown to World Robot Domination. The show is hosted by Dr. Kirsten Sanford, a PhD in neuroscience, Justin Jackson, a wisecracking professional car salesman and armchair physicist, and Blair Bazdarich, a zoologist. Consistently voted one of the top science radio shows on the web - check it out and hear a science news program like no other.

Climate Change (Audio)


Climate change is here; it's happening. Find out what that means, why scientists are so sure and what we need to do now.

Goethe's Theory of Colours Audiobook


Theory of Colours Audiobook by Goethe Wolfganga Von Goethe. Translated by Charles Lock Eastlake in 1910 written by Goethe. Read by Dale Brunsvold



Scientific presentations on developments in genome bioinformatics and computational biology.


Лучшее Радио

Ваша любимая передачка про науку. Новости израильской и мировой науки, последние открытия, новые технологии и разоблачения антинаучных мифов.



팝콘을 부르는 대학원생들의 과학 토크! 쉽고 재미있는 과학 이야기, 천방지축 어리둥절 빙글빙글 돌아가는 대학원생들의 리얼 라이프를 만날 수 있는 과학 팟캐스트 매주 수요일 저녁 업로드됩니다!

Quantum Mongolia

Quantum Mongolia

Quantum Mongolia подкастын дугаар бүр дээр шинжлэх ухаан, танин мэдэхүйн сонирхолтой сэдвүүдийг хөндөн ярилцах болно.

Mushroom Revival Podcast

Alex Dorr

A podcast devoted to the wonderful world of fungi. Our eclectic show covers fungi in health & wellness, technology, science, culture and more. Welcome to the Mushroom Revival.

SAGE Anthropology & Archaeology

SAGE Publications Ltd.

Welcome to the official free Podcast site from SAGE Publications for Anthropology & Archaeology. SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets with principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore.

POWER ON - The Reinhausen Podcast

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen

POWER ON - This is the podcast for everyone who is interested in trends and challenges of the energy sector or who works in the field of energy technology. As host, Christian Schaider welcomes experts who discuss topics related to the energy transition, the transformer and new technologies in energy generation. Together, we delve deeper into topics related to the energy transition, power transformers and new technologies in energy supply. We will answer questions such as: What a transformer oil sample has in common with the human blood count, why the energy transition is taking place in the distribution grids and how green hydrogen will complement the power supply in the future. Stay tuned, and be sure to join us when we power on! Visit our website: reinhausen.com

Ö1 Wissen aktuell


Die Ö1 Wissenschaftsinformation in ihrer kompaktesten Form. Fünf Minuten, Montag bis Freitag, zu jüngsten Studienergebnissen, wissenschaftlichen Debatten, Vorträgen und Symposien.

Terrible Lizards

Iszi Lawrence and David Hone

Terrible Lizards is a podcast about Dinosaurs with Dr David Hone and Iszi Lawrence.

Food Safety Matters

Food Safety Magazine

Food Safety Matters is a podcast for food safety professionals hosted by the Food Safety Magazine editorial team – the leading media brand in food safety for over 20 years. Each episode will feature a conversation with a food safety professional sharing their experiences and insights into the important job of safeguarding the world’s food supply.

Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology On the Beat

Paul J. Wang, MD

Each podcast will include key highlights from the journal's current issue and a report on new research published in the field of arrhythmia and electrophysiology.

sustainable development goals

Valeria Molina

17 sdg’s


Радио Маяк

Физик Александр Пушной и лирик Маргарита Митрофанова пытаются разобраться в современных научных тенденциях.

Science unscripted

DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

The science stories that will actually change your day — and maybe make you laugh. Science unscripted is a podcast, radio show & YouTube channel driven by listeners. Hello from Germany :)

原来是这样 Dscience

原来是这样 Dscience


Hablando con Científicos - Cienciaes.com


El conocimiento científico crece gracias a la labor de miles de personas que se esfuerzan por encontrar respuestas a los enigmas que plantea la Naturaleza. En cada programa un científico conversa con Angel Rodríguez Lozano y abre para nosotros las puertas de un campo del conocimiento.

Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN): Internet Seminar Video Archives

Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN)

Since 1998, The Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) website has presented Internet Seminars covering a wide variety of technical topics related to hazardous waste characterization, monitoring, and remediation. For select seminar topics offered since 2012, we are making complete video recordings available through our archives. This feed contains all video seminars archived in the last 12 months. For a complete list of seminars archived since 2000, please visit http://www.clu-in.org/live/archive/. Our Rehabilitation Act Notice for reasonable accommodation is available at http://www.clu-in.org/training/accommodation.cfm. CLU-IN was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) but is intended as a forum for all waste remediation stakeholders. For more information and to view upcoming live offerings, please visit http://www.clu-in.org/live/. For a complete list of RSS feeds available on CLU-IN, please visit http://www.clu-in.org/rss/about/.

Unsupervised Thinking

Neuro Collective

A podcast about neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and science more broadly, run by a group of computational neuroscientists.


Cristina Blancas


FAZ Wissen

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung F.A.Z.

So spannend kann Wissenschaft sein: Die beiden F.A.Z.-Redakteure, Astrophysikerin und Wissenschaftsphilosophin Sibylle Anderl und Biologe Joachim Müller-Jung, sprechen in jeder Folge des Wissenspodcasts über relevante wissenschaftliche Themen und aktuelle Studien. Sie stellen Bahnbrechendes, Nützliches, Überraschendes, Spannendes und Skurriles aus der Welt der Forschung verständlich vor. Die Bereiche reichen von Medizin und Ernährung, über Weltraum, Leben und Gene, Geist und Soziales, Erde, Wald und Klima, bis hin zu Archäologie und Altertum. Immer am Ende der Woche erscheint eine neue Episode. Alle Folgen können jederzeit auch hier angehört werden: https://www.faz.net/podcasts/f-a-z-wissen-der-podcast. Anregungen, Themenwünsche und Feedback nehmen wir gerne per E-Mail mit dem Betreff „Podcast Wissen“ an wissenschaft@faz.de entgegen.



True stories on harnessing cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve the quality of life and the health of the planet.

This Week in Evolution

Vincent Racaniello

This Week in Evolution is a podcast on the biology of what makes us tick. Hosts Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello take you through the new evolution that has been revolutionized by the field of genomics and molecular biology.

그게 뭐길래 시즌2: 우리가 몰랐던 동식물 이야기


'그게 뭐길래 시즌 2'에서는 그동안 볼거리로만 소비되었던 동식물들의 '진짜 이야기'를 하려고 합니다. 그것도 그 생물을 오랫동안 관찰하고 연구한 전문가들과 함께요! 그들의 삶은 어떤 모양일까요? 궁금하다면 '그게 뭐길래 시즌2'와 함께해주세요!



我是汪洁,我是第八届文津图书奖获奖书《时间的形状——相对论史话》的作者,我自己给大家播讲我的这本书。 一直以来,你一定会有这样的疑问: 永恒流淌的时间,是真的摸不着看不见,还是有形状和终点? 我们所处的空间,是三维四维还是五维? 我们能不能踏上时光机,任意穿越时空回到过去和未来? 这些,都将在本书中找到答案。 跟随作者,你可以进入爱因斯坦的梦境,坐在牛顿老师的课堂,来到星光实验的现场……近距离接触科学的真相。你将轻松了解一个你以为深奥得无法捉摸的理论,你将进入一个你以为奇妙得永远理解不了的世界。 本书上部和大家一起回顾物理学走过的坎坷历史,这段历史的精彩程度不亚于任何一段战争史。在伽利略、牛顿等巨星纷纷谢幕之后,超级巨星爱因斯坦闪亮登场。他就像一位横空出世的大侠,无门无派,但出手即震惊天下,他的绝招就是“相对论”。 书的下部比上部还要精彩,结构宏大,故事神奇,真相惊人。在下部,作者细致地剖析时空真相,带你领略神奇的四维时空奇境,了解整个宇宙的终极图景,再回到原子的深处见识不可思议的微观世界,然后看一看当下物理学的新进展——万物理论。 一本人人都能读懂的相对论,用通俗幽默的语言讲解深奥的科学道理。这不是一本书,这是一个全新的宇宙观。

Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

Paranormal Mysteries | Unexplained Supernatural Stories

There are things in this world that cannot be explained. Join me on a weekly journey down the path of high strangeness, as I explore Hauntings, Bizarre Creatures, Extraterrestrials, Folklore, Missing People, and countless other unexplained supernatural phenomena. The unknown awaits you. Share your paranormal experience with me through email or voice message at www.ParanormalMysteriesPodcast.com © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria

Cara Santa Maria

Cara Santa Maria is a science communicator, television host, producer, and journalist. She is excited to present "Talk Nerdy," a place for conversations with interesting people about interesting topics.

The Basement Hangout

The Basement Hangout

It's a strange world. From the basement come Bob & Chad to contemplate it. Beer mandatory. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-basement-hangout--4783268/support.