13. How To Say Something Is Present or Is Absent & What Someone Has or Does Not Have In Korean


Send us a Text Message.Welcome to the Essential Korean Podcast, where I help break down the nuances of the Korean language to help you become a more aware and confident speaker of Korean. Ready to elevate your Korean skills and join a vibrant community of learners? Join the EK Community at my.essentialkorean.com for engaging courses, comprehensive resources, exclusive content, and great conversations on diverse Korea-related topics with other members. Visit our membership page to choose a plan that gives you access to episode transcripts and an enhanced learning experience with weekly classes and study sessions alongside like-minded people. Let’s embark on this wonderful journey together! 5-----In this episode, we feature two verbs, 있다 and 없다. The verb 있다 means 'to be present'  or 'to have'; and the verb 없다 means 'to be absent' and 'to no have.' We also introduce 5 new nouns, which are not English-borrowed loanwords. By the end of this episode, you will be able to say what something exists and doesn't exist as well as what someone has and does not have - all in Korean!  The show consists of two parts: Lesson with speaking practiceMini Quiz for ReviewTune in and follow along - repeat after Teacher Kay, answer the questions, and find yourself SPEAKING Korean!If you have any suggestions or requests for future episodes, email us at contact@essentialkorean.com. We love to hear from you!

13. How To Say Something Is Present or Is Absent & What Someone Has or Does Not Have In Korean

13. How To Say Something Is Present or Is Absent & What Someone Has or Does Not Have In Korean
