EP29 | The Art of Attunement


Thomas Hübl further expands on Attunement– a relational mindfulness practice that allows our nervous systems to feel one another and transmit many layers of information. He explains that each of us contains a rich inner world that we must get to know in order to attune with others. When we create inner calm, we also create a safe space where we can be fully present with people in their authentic entirety. These attuned environments can lead to entire ecosystems of Attunement where deep emotional connections are fostered over time. Thomas also explores how Attunement grants us greater social agency, or the ability to effectively transmit our inner gifts to the outer world. This quality is essential to activism and change-making as it deepens our care for the world and enables us to take action. Key Points: 00:00 Introduction 03:21 What is attunement? 06:38 Creating safety and social impact 08:35 Creating ecosystems of attunement 10:24 Precision is love 12:31 Enriching life and cultivating presence 14:45 Attunement breeds citizens with a purpose 16:54 Appreciating quietness to encourage growth 18:10 Balancing one’s needs with the world's needs Sign up for updates by visiting our website: 👉 pointofrelationpodcast.com ✨ Preorder Thomas Hübl’s new book, “Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma–And Our World” and get free gifts when you follow the steps in the link below: 👉 attunedbook.com ✨ Sign up for Thomas' new self-paced online course: The Art of Attunement 👉 artofattunementcourse.com Thomas Hübl is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator whose lifelong work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since 2004, he has taught and facilitated programs with more than 100,000 people worldwide, including online courses which he began offering in 2008. The origin of his work and more than two decades of study and practice on healing collective trauma is detailed in his book Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds. Connect with Thomas here. Website: https://thomashuebl.com/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/Thomas.Huebl.Sangha/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thomashuebl/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ThomasHuebl YouTube: https://youtube.com/@thomashuebl

EP29 | The Art of Attunement

EP29 | The Art of Attunement
