50: A Brand New Data Visualization Language w/ Dr. Jürgen Faisst


Free Data Storytelling Training Attend our FREE 'How to be the Chief Datastoryteller in your Org - Part 2 using our Analytics Design Guide' training at webinars.bidatastorytelling.com and download the FREE 50-page Guide! In this episode, you'll learn: [03:21] New Language, New Book for Reporting: Music to your ears! [05:24] Keys to Success: Visual Consistency, Certified Tools, and Management Support. [17:55] Hichert’s impact and influence on how dashboards and reports are created. For full show notes, and the links mentioned visit: https://bibrainz.com/podcast/50   Enjoyed the Show?  Please leave us a review on iTunes.

50: A Brand New Data Visualization Language w/ Dr. Jürgen Faisst

50: A Brand New Data Visualization Language w/ Dr. Jürgen Faisst
