Episode 060 | Tracking Mycotoxins In Beer And Spent Grains w/ Dr. Erica Pack


Dr. Erica Pack joins Cade in the lab this week to chat about the fascinating work she's done on tracking mycotoxins in beer and spent grains. The Brü Lab is brought to you by Imperial Yeast who provide brewers with the most viable and fresh yeast on the market. Learn more about what Imperial Yeast has to offer at ImperialYeast.com today. | Read More | Tracking Zearalenone and Type-B Trichothecene Mycotoxins in the Commercial Production of Beer and Brewers’ Spent Grains

Episode 060 | Tracking Mycotoxins In Beer And Spent Grains w/ Dr. Erica Pack

Episode 060 | Tracking Mycotoxins In Beer And Spent Grains w/ Dr. Erica Pack
