Golfstunde – Golftraining zum Anhören (Golf Podcast)

Marcus Bruns & Christophe Speroni

Der Golfstunde Podcast: PGA Professional Marcus Bruns und Golfamateur Christophe Speroni reden über Golftraining und ihre Erlebnisse auf dem Golfplatz. Also vor allem über Golf.

Golf in Leicht - Der Podcast rund um dein Golfspiel mit Fabian Bünker

Golf in Leicht

Herzlich Willkommen zum Podcast “Golf in Leicht”, dem Nummer 1 Podcast für dein Golfspiel. Egal ob es Tipps für deinen Schwung, das kurze Spiel, zur Strategie, Equipment, Mentaltraining oder der Technik sind, in diesem Podcast geht es darum, dass wir mit leicht umsetzbaren Tipps und Tricks deine Konstanz in deinem Golfspiel und damit dein Handicap schnell und langfristig verbessern. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Zuhören des Podcasts, dein Fabian Bünker.

Tee Time - der Golf Podcast

Hobby Golfer Jens Zielinski, Golf Coach Florian Fritsch, Golf Profi Bernd Ritthammer

Tee Time ist der Golf Podcast für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. Moderiert wird Tee Time von Hobbygolfer Jens Zielinski und den beiden Ex-DP World Tour Spielern Florian Fritsch und Bernd Ritthammer. Tee Time gibt Dir ein Update in Sachen Golf! Was sind die heißen News? Wie haben sich die Profis auf der DP World Tour geschlagen? Was machen die Stars wie Tiger Woods, Scottie Scheffler, Rory McIlroy oder Nelly Korda? Alle Touren, alle Highlights aber auch spannenden Insides, Profitipps und natürlich Eure Themen. TEE TIME ist außerdem offizieller Podcast der BMW International Open in München, der Big Green Egg German Challenge powered by VCG und der Deutschen Golf Liga. Infos zu Tee Time gibt es auf oder auf Instagram. Tee Time wird von der Podcastagentur PODEVER produziert. Impressum:

The Rick Shiels Golf Show

Rick Shiels, Guy Charnock

Welcome to The Rick Shiels Golf Show podcast! Every Tuesday a new podcast brings you golf chat (and none golf chat) from Rick Shiels. EMAIL: INSTAGRAM: @therickshielsgolfshow Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Grün & saftig - der Golfpodcast


Drei Hacker und ein Golfball: Herzlichen willkommen zu eurem Lieblingspodcast zum schönsten Sport der Welt. Das ist Grün & saftig – der Golfpodcast des Magazins GOLF’n’STYLE. Wir, Hinnerk, Sven und Julius sprechen einmal in der Woche (meistens montags) über all das, was das Golferherz begehrt: Wie haben die deutschen und österreichischen Spielerinnen und Spieler am Wochenende auf den Touren dieser Welt abgeschnitten, was gibt es Neues aus dem Verhandlungs-Zirkus mit der LIV Golf Tour, welchen Starspieler schnappt sich die Saudi-Tour als nächsten, was für Trainingstipps haben wir für euch parat und wo kann man eigentlich besonders schön Golfurlaub machen? Unsere Bandbreite an Themen ist so groß wie die Streuung unserer Drives. Immer wieder gern sprechen wir dazu auch mit Gästen – seien es deutsche Spieler von der Tour wie Marcel Siem, Max Kieffer oder Nick Bachem, oder Experten ihres jeweiligen Fachs wie Golf-Reiseguru Jochen Taaks oder Golftrainer und ehemaliger Tour-Spieler Benedict Staben. Wer den Podcast bisher nicht kennt, hat etwas verpasst. Also hört rein, habt Spaß und teilt es mit euren Golf-Buddys! Zu unseren Hosts: Hinnerk Baumgarten (56) ist seit 2004 Fernsehmoderator für den NDR und spielt seit 1982 Golf. Wenig auf dieser Welt macht ihm so viel Spaß, wie auf die weiße Kugel einzuschlagen und darüber zu reden. Handicap: 8.0 Sven Hanfft (55) ist Journalist seit 1990, Golfjournalist seit 1999 und spielt Golf seit 1991. Er hat schon alles gesehen, was man als Golfenthusiast sehen kann. Ryder Cups, Majors: egal! Sven war überall dabei. Handicap: 12.0 Julius Allzeit (26) leitet das Sportressort von GOLF’n’STYLE und kann, seit er vor einigen Jahren mit dem Golfen begonnen hat, von dem Sport nicht genug bekommen. Auch in seiner Vita stehen mittlerweile Majors und ein Ryder Cup. Handicap: 9.9 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mental Score - der Podcast rund um mentale Stärke in Sport und Golf

Maren und Max

Max Helmich golft seit über 20 Jahren und hat viel Erfahrungen im Turnier- und Mannschaftsbereich. Mit einem Handicap von 3 kennt er die Themen die Golfer mental bewegen. Max arbeitet für einen Golfclub und bildet sich aktuell als Mentaltrainer im Sport weiter. Dr. Maren Grütters ist promovierte Neurobiologin und seid 10 Jahren im Management tätig. 2021 hat Sie Ihr Unternehmen me time ( gegründet und begleitet Menschen mit RTT Hypnose in ihr volles Potenzial. Maren ist Neugolferin mit einem Handicap über 40, Läuferin und macht Yoga und Fitness

The Shotgun Start

The Fried Egg

The Shotgun Start with Andy Johnson and Brendan Porath of Fried Egg Golf is a podcast waiting for you early in the morning that quickly blasts through a variety of topics (usually) related to golf and (ideally) relevant to the day. It covers news from the pro tours around the world, amusing and important topics from the amateur game the rest of us play, and some irreverent stuff in between. There will be short interviews, previews, reviews, and dives into the archives. It provides what you need to know on golf through a rapid and fun catch-up discussion.

Ausgelippt Der Golf-Infotainment-Podcast

Christoph Herrmann und Christian Marysko

Ausgelippt - Der Golf-Infotainment-Podcast In diesem Podcast sprechen Christoph Herrmann und Christian Marysko über die olympische „Top Ten Welt-Sportart“ Golf. Training, Wettkampf, Physis und Psyche, Voraussetzungen für Leistung, sportlicher Lifestyle, Golf-Philosophie - das Themenspektrum ist wie Golf selbst - vielschichtig und herausfordernd. Hochkarätige Expertise und spannende Inhalte liefern auch die inspirierenden Gäste aus dem riesigen Netzwerk der beiden Bundestrainer. Der Podcast versteht sich frei, ungezwungen, authentisch. Die Leidenschaft für den Sport steht im Mittelpunkt.

Off The Tee - Der Golf Blog Podcast

Patrick Emery

Der Golf Blog goes Podcast. Lange hat es gedauert bis wir endlich den Schritt gewagt haben einen eigenen Podcast zu senden. In unregelmäßigen Abständen veröffentlicht Patrick Emery neue Folgen rund um das Thema Golf. Wenn auch du keine der spannenden und nützlichen Folgen verpassen willst aktiviere die Glocke bei Spotify, Apple Podcasts und Co. und drücke auf abonnieren.

Preshot Der Golfpodcast

Preshot Der Golfpodcast

Willkommen bei 'Preshot: Der Golf Podcast für alle Spielstärken'! Begleite uns auf einer spannenden Reise durch die Welt des Golfsports, die sich an Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen richtet – vom Neuling bis zum Profi. Unser Podcast bietet Einblicke von Fachleuten und liefert wertvolle Tipps zur Vorbereitung auf die perfekte Golfrunde. Egal, wo deine Interessen im Golfsport liegen, bei 'Preshot' findest du inspirierende Inhalte und Expertenmeinungen, um dein Spiel zu verbessern. Viel Spaß beim Anhören!

The Hank Haney Podcast

The 8 Side

Hank Haney gives his direct and powerful opinion on the biggest topics in the game of golf. It’s time you heard an honest and compelling judgement about the sport you love! Will Tiger catch Jack? How elite is Brooks Koepka? Hear Hank break down and analyze the biggest names in the sport. Also, take Hank on the course with you! Hank will help you improve your game with knowledge and experience that he’s gained being surrounded by the best.

The Brain Booster - Improve Your Mental Golf Game

Karl Morris

Welcome to The Brain Booster with Karl Morris. The ultimate podcast for golf enthusiasts seeking to enhance their mental game and take their golf performance to new heights. Hosted by Europe's leading performance coach to PGA Tour players, Karl Morris, along with special guests, this show is your gateway to unlocking the hidden potential within you on the golf course. In each episode, we delve into the intricacies of golf psychology, offering valuable insights, expert interviews, and practical tips to help you conquer those mental obstacles that often stand between you and your best golf game. Whether you're a beginner looking to gain a mental edge or a seasoned pro aiming for peak performance, our podcast is your go-to resource. Discover how to silence the inner critic, conquer first tee jitters, stay focused under pressure, and maintain a winning mindset throughout your round. Our episodes cover a wide range of topics, from pre-round routines and visualization techniques to mindfulness exercises and strategies for handling setbacks. Join us as we explore the minds of golf's greatest champions, share success stories from everyday players, and provide actionable advice that can transform your golf experience. Subscribe now to The Brain Booster and start your journey towards becoming a mentally resilient golfer. Get ready to tee off with confidence and watch your game soar to new heights. Download the Brain Booster companion mobile app to work on your game, Mind Caddie, available from the iOS and Android app stores:

Freizeitgolf - Alles rund ums Golfen


Freizeitgolf ist die Heimat für alle Hobbygolfer. Die Golfer, denen es um Spaß am Spiel geht, die durch Ehrgeiz ihre Leistung steigern möchten und die gerne Teil einer tollen Community sein möchten, sind hier genau richtig. Du erfährst, was uns auf dem Golfplatz beschäftigst, erhältst Insights zu unserer Entwicklung im Golfen und lernst uns persönlich kennen. Wer sind wir? Wir, das sind Lara und Lena. Zwei mittelmäßige Golfer mit dem YouTube Channel FREIZEITGOLF. Wir arbeiten daran, besser im Golfen zu werden. Sportlich möchten wir ein Handicap unter 10 erreichen. Begleite uns!

No Laying Up - Golf Podcast

The No Laying Up Podcast is a fresh, funny and informative conversation on all things golf. Founded in 2014, No Laying Up and its flagship podcast seeks to entertain and inform a community of avid golfers around the world. What started as a group text among college friends has now grown into one of the most popular podcasts in the game of golf, and our archives include appearances from the biggest names in the sport. Outside of the podcast, No Laying Up also produces multiple video travel series, best-in-class writing about the PGA Tour and LPGA, a robust social media presence, and a thriving community of friends and fans (The Nest). 

The Rough Cut Golf Podcast

Finch Golf Media

The Rough Cut Golf Podcast is part of the Finch Golf Media network. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Zunker & Zunker

Florian Zunker & Steffen Zunker

In dem wirklich wichtigen Golf Podcast für alle Schönschwinger, Hacker und Möchtegern-Hacker, für alle Golffreaks und alle Liebenden dieses unglaublichen Spiels sprechen die beiden Berliner Golfprofessional Brüder Florian und Steffen Zunker über ihre verrückten Erlebnisse. Mit lustigen Anekdoten, angeberischem Golf-Fachwissen und tollen Technik Tipps wird euer Spiel ab sofort auf neue Höhen katapultiert. Alle 14 Tage, überall wo es Podcasts gibt.

Hart aber Fairway - Golf Podcast

Beauty & Benny

Dein Golf Podcast: Bretthart, aber immer fair! Direkt aus der Hauptstadt und am Puls der Zeit - Immer schön auf dem Fairway bleiben!

Golf IQ

Golf Digest

Become a smarter, better golfer — faster. Hosted by Golf Digest's Play and Game Improvement Editor Luke Kerr-Dineen, the GOLF IQ podcast is a twice-weekly game improvement podcast that will deliver golfers bite-sized doses of insight and analysis that will raise your golf IQ, and play better golf because of it.

BÖHMES BIRDIES - Alles andere ist nur Golf

Golfschule Böhme I Holger Böhme

„Böhmes Birdies“ – immer ein bisschen besser als (Platz)Standard! Wie das geht und wie auch du besser werden kannst in deinem Golfspiel und deinem Wissen über Golf hinter den Kulissen erfährst du in diesem unterhaltsamen und informativen Podcast rund um das Thema Golf. Der erfahrene Pro und Eigentümer der Golfschule Böhme, Holger Böhme, nimmt dich mit auf eine spannende Reise in die faszinierende Welt des Golfsports. In einigen Folgen ist auch Golf-Rookie Dirk mit an Bord, der selbst seine ersten Schritte in Richtung Golf unternimmt, natürlich mit den üblichen unterhaltsamen Ups und Downs des Golflebens. Egal ob du Anfänger, ambitionierter Hobbygolfer oder Profi bist, es erwarten dich hilfreiche Tipps zum Thema Training und Equipment, du erlangst aufschlussreiche Einblicke in das Leben und Arbeitswelt eines Golfpros, unterfüttert durch viele interessante Interviews mit Fachleuten und Profis aus der Golfbranche. Und das Ganze natürlich gewürzt mit einer Prise humorvoller Anekdoten aus der Golfwelt.

Golfbuddies - Der Pro und sein Amateur

Tobi Freudenthal & Steffen Bents

Steffen Bents ist Teaching-Pro und Tobi Freudenthal Comedian, also Amateur. Beide verbindet die Liebe zum Golfsport und allem was dazugehört. Besprochen wird alles vom Weg zum Golfplatz und dann bis über das 19. Loch hinaus. Viel Spaß beim Golf-Podcast, der am Ende ein Gefühl übertragen soll: GOLF ist KILLER! Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß beim Zuhören und Einlochen.

Stock Shot Secrets

Kyle Morris

Kyle Morris, Owner & Director Of Instruction of The Golf Room & The Golf Room Everywhere brings you these secrets so you're able to become your BEST on and off the course.

SmashBoxxTV's Disc Golf Podcast

Jonathan Van Deurzen

We talk about the newest information in disc golf. In depth conversations with the game's top pros. And all the inside information that you won't find anywhere else. Get bonus content on Patreon and early episode access. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

On the Mark Golf Podcast


Mark Immelman, golf broadcaster, acclaimed instructor, and former college coach, delivers top insights to improve your golf game. He interviews PGA Tour Players, swing coaches, caddies, fitness and mental coaches, equipment gurus, and more, giving listeners inside the ropes access to the very best minds in golf.

Chasing Scratch: A Golf Podcast

Chasing Scratch

Two friends. One goal. Unlimited optimism.

Golf Beneath The Surface

Dr. Raymond Prior and Chase Cooper

Performance Consultant  Dr. Raymond Prior and Golf Instructor Chase Cooper talk about all things golf in their new podcast titled 'Golf Beneath The Surface.' Dr. Raymond has worked with some of the best players in the world and brings a unique perspective on what it takes to get in the right mindset to perform when the stakes are the highest. Chase Cooper has travelled the world educating coaches how to use some of the latest golf technologies, taught some of the games greatest golfers, and played at a very high level. Together Dr. Raymond and Chase make a team unmatched in helping you the listener play better golf. 


Oliver Kelch / Sören Duda / SD Golf

Ich bin Sören Duda und PGA-Golfprofessional auf der Golfanlage Jammertal in Datteln (Kreis Recklinghausen). Hier leite ich SDGolf-Golfschule. Mit diesem Podcast gebe ich Euch einen Einblick in den Sport und ihr erfahrt Tipps und Tricks - vor allem für Menschen, die bisher noch keine oder nur wenig Erfahrung mit diesem wunderbaren Sport gesammelt haben. Im lockeren Gespräch mit dem Host Oliver Kelch (erst seit 2023 mit dem Golfsport infiziert) klären wir auch gerne Eure Fragen.

The Sweet Spot - Golf Podcast

Adam Young/Jon Sherman

A deeper look into golf improvement. Adam Young and Jon Sherman provide real, actionable game-improvement advice for golfers of all levels. If you want to take your game to the next level, this is the podcast for you.

GOAL IN ONE - Mentale Stärke im Golf und Business mit Yannick Rosenberger

Yannick Rosenberger

GOAL IN ONE - Der Podcast für mehr mentale Stärke im Golf & Business. In diesem Podcast erwarten dich spannende Inhalte zum Thema Mentaltraining. Ich teile mit dir die Geheimnisse des Erfolges der erfolgreichsten Golfspieler und du erfährst wie dieses Wissen und die angewandten mentalen Techniken auch dich erfolgreicher machen können. Viel Spaß dabei und viel mentale Stärke. Dein Yannick

Fore Play

Barstool Sports

"Fore Play" is a weekly podcast by common golfers, for common golfers. Trent, Riggs, Frankie, Dan Rapaport, and their wide variety of guests talk about everything golf like normal folks sitting at a bar watching coverage, venting about the game's difficulties, and weighing in on pro gossip. Your classic golf addicts, the "Fore Play" crew brings a young, unique voice to the rapidly-evolving game, discussing freely and openly everything golf. There is nothing like it. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

Sky Sports Golf Podcast

Sky Sports

We'll keep you up to date with all the latest golf news, reviews of the week's tournaments and a look ahead to forthcoming events. If you'd like to contact the podcast then you can tweet Josh using @JoshAntmann or email at

The Smylie Show

Smylie Kaufman, SportsGrid

Smylie Kaufman is a PGA Tour winner, pro golf broadcaster, and the host of "The Smylie Show". Every week, along with his producer and co-host Charlie Hulme, Smylie provides insights and analysis on the game of golf (along with a handful of other miscellaneous items), in addition to sharing long-form conversations with Tour pros and other celebrities who love the game.

An Loch 19 - Der Golfpodcast

Bernd Schmelzer, Thorsten Felske

An Loch 19 – der Podcast für Hobby-Golfer mit Leidenschaft!
 Nach einer gemeinsamen Runde fachsimpeln die beiden Sportjournalisten und Hobby-Golfer Bernd Schmelzer und Thorsten Felske über ihre große Leidenschaft. Dabei steht vor allem der Spaß an der Sportart im Vordergrund. Mit ihren launigen Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen wollen sie immer mittwochs alle 14 Tage zusammen mit Experten, dem Anfänger und Freizeitgolfer persönliche Tipps geben und vielleicht auch das ein oder andere Geheimnis der faszinierenden Sportart verraten. Frei nach dem Motto: Tigerline muss nicht sein! Viel Spaß beim Zuhören. Schickt uns WhatsApp- und Sprachnachrichten mit Euren Vorschlägen, Erfahrungen, Anregungen & Kommentare an unser Loch 19-Handy 01520 / 511 45 19 oder unseren Instagram-Account „An Loch 19“. Schreibt uns, was Euch interessiert. Welche Geheimnisse des Golfsports sollen wir für Euch aufdecken?

The First Cut Golf

CBS Sports, Golf, PGA Golf Tour, PGA, LIV Golf, Golf Picks, Golf Bets, Tiger Woods

The First Cut takes you inside the ropes of the golf world, on the PGA Tour and beyond. Tournament previews and picks, deep dives into the players and storylines that matter in the sport of golf. Rick Gehman (@RickRunGood) and Greg DuCharme (@therealGFD) join us every week for PGA Tour DFS, betting picks and information you need to know to win your 'One and Done' pools. Kyle Porter (@KylePorterCBS) and Mark Immelman (@mark_immelman) bring you the news to know and expert analysis on the world's most elite players.---'First Cut' is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox and wherever else you listen to podcasts. For more golf coverage from CBS Sports, visit To hear more from the CBS Sports Podcast Network, visit

Hack It Out Golf

Golf Swing Productions by Mark Crossfield Greg Chalmers and Lou Stagner

We dive deep into golf, sharing expert insights to help you improve your golf swing and lower your scores. Renowned golf coach Mark Crossfield, stats expert Lou Stagner, and PGA Tour player Greg Chalmers join forces to bring you an engaging, informative, and entertaining show dedicated to all things golf. Your game will improve, and you will have a lot of laughs along the way listening to the banter of these three friends. Whether you're a seasoned pro or beginner golfer, this podcast is your ultimate resource for enhancing your skills and unlocking your full potential on the golf course. Join Mark Crossfield, a highly respected and sought-after golf coach, as he shares his extensive knowledge and experience in the sport having given many thousands of golf lessons to golfers of every skill level. Through in-depth discussions and engaging anecdotes, Mark guides you through the intricacies of the golf swing, unraveling the mysteries and helping you understand the nuances that can make all the difference in your performance on the golf course. Lou Stagner, our resident stats expert, brings a unique perspective to the podcast. He breaks down the numbers and provides you with invaluable statistical analysis that will empower you to make more informed decisions on the golf course. Learn how to leverage data to assess your strengths and weaknesses, strategize your game plan, and gain a competitive edge. But that's not all – we have the privilege of having PGA Tour Player Greg Chalmers on board. Greg shares his firsthand experiences and insights from competing at the highest level of professional golf. Hear his stories, learn from his successes and failures, and gain a glimpse into the mindset and discipline required to excel on the PGA Tour. Each episode of the Hack it Out Golf Podcast is packed with practical golf lessons, actionable tips, and strategies to improve your golf swing, enhance your accuracy, and optimize your overall performance. From mastering the fundamentals to refining advanced techniques, we cover it all. Whether you're looking to straighten out your drive, hone your short game, or improve your putting, our expert panel is here to guide you every step of the way and improve your golf game. We will help you to learn how to gain better control over your golf ball not only in practice, but out on the golf course. In addition to the practical golf lessons we provide, we also do preview and recap shows for the biggest events in golf. We cover the four major championships (The Masters at Augusta National, The US Open, The Open Championship and the PGA Championship). We also cover the Ryder Cup, The Presidents Cup and other current events in the world of golf on the PGA Tour, LPGA Tour, DP World Tour and LIV Golf. We also have in-depth chats on some of the biggest names in golf like Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, Jon Rahm, Jordan Spieth and Justin Thomas. So, grab your clubs and tune in to the Hack It Out Golf podcast. Let us be your trusted companions on this golfing journey, as we equip you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration you need to take your golf game to the next level. Get ready to swing for success and experience the thrill of reaching new heights on the golf course.

The Fried Egg Golf Podcast

The Fried Egg

A deeper level of golf: conversations and stories about golf course design, professional golf, and more from the team behind

Drop Zone - GOLF Podcast

Golf writers Sean Zak and Dylan Dethier break down everything important and entertaining from the golf world, taking you behind the scenes with weekly recaps, hilarious segments and in-depth interviews. The Drop Zone is a must-listen for golf fans!

Putt Pro's - der Golfpodcast

Putt Pro's

Herzlich willkommen bei "Putt Pro's"! Hier, bei uns, Flo und Björn, entdeckst du alle zwei Wochen die lustige Seite des Golfsports. Wir nehmen dich mit auf eine vergnügliche Tour über die Golfplätze, teilen kuriose Geschichten und geben dir Tipps, wie du dein Spiel mit einem Lächeln verbessern kannst. Bei "Putt Pro's" geht es nicht nur um Birdies und Bogeys, sondern auch darum, wie viel Spaß Golf machen kann. Also schnapp dir deine Schläger und sei bereit für eine Runde voller Humor und Herzlichkeit!

GOLF’s Fully Equipped

Hosted by GOLF’s Jonathan Wall and Ryan Barath alongside True Spec’s Kris McCormack and Golf Laboratories’ Gene Parente, Fully Equipped aims to share gear knowledge from two unique expert perspectives. It is your go to podcast for first hand gear news from the tour, detailed information on all equipment releases, and in depth interviews featuring PGA and LPGA players, Gearhead Celebrities, and the key influencers in the industry.

Golf Channel Podcast with Rex & Lav

Golf Channel writers discuss and debate the latest news from the PGA Tour, DP World Tour, LPGA, Korn Ferry Tour, Champions Tour, College Golf, and the amateur game.

The Fire Pit Podcast

The 8 Side

In the 25 years of covering golf, the development of the game, courses and the camaraderie that’s core to the culture, it was time for Matt to share some of the best stories he has heard around fire pits all over the world. From PGA Tour players, caddies, architects, avid amateurs and buddies-trip planners, Matt has forged relationships with some of the most colorful and influential people in the game. So grab a drink, a seat and settle in. We’re getting to the essence of one story per podcast. A narrative so deep and meaningful, you save it for a post-round fire pit, which is where no one is in a hurry for the night to end.

Wicked Smart Golf

Michael Leonard

Welcome to Wicked Smart Golf - hosted by Michael Leonard. This golf podcast will help you shoot lower scores and play your best WITHOUT changing your swing. Michael is a full-time golf writer who has written over 2,000,000 words about the sport since 2017 and been playing golf for more than 20 years. In high school, he dropped 50 shots in four years (124-74), played college golf in Southern California, and now plays competitively in Arizona through the USGA, Arizona Golf Association, and Outlaw Tour. He even went to Q-school in 2019 as an amateur golfer. His goal is simple - help golfers shoot lower scores and drop their handicap without all the technical swing changes. Because let's face it, no matter how good you get, your swing will never be perfect and a work in progress. The good news is that you don't need a "perfect" swing to break 80 or become a scratch golfer. In this podcast, he will teach you how to play more consistent golf by mastering your mindset, playing wicked smart golf on the course, learn to practice like a pro, and simplify the short game for lower scores. Enjoy weekly solo episodes and plenty of interviews with golf coaches, elite players, best-selling authors, and other inspiring golf stories.

The Golf Coach with Toby McGeachie

Toby McGeachie

Toby McGeachie, a highly regarded golf coach in the coaching world, is a self-confessed golf nerd who is passionate about helping people improve their golf game. In this podcast he has conversations with a variety of people in golf, from PGA Tour players, Tour Coaches, Fitness instructors and many more. Toby’s holistic approach and excellent communication skills helps make the complicated sound simple.

Beef's Golf Club

Crowd Network

How do you become a member of the world's greatest golf club? We're glad you asked. Welcome to Beef's Golf Club, a place where anyone can get involved. Whether you are an experienced golfer, a total amateur, or you just want to give it a go… this is the club for you. Join us every week, as European Tour winner Beef Johnston and his golf fanatic friend John Robins unpick the wonderful world of golf. There will be guests, there will be laughs, and there will be excellent chat about what it's like to be an actual professional golfer. To become a member of Beef's Golf Club, simply subscribe and enjoy the podcast.


Fred Greene

The fastest way to lower golf scores is by having a strong mental/emotional game! Golf Smarter is the longest running golf podcast that's helped thousands of amateur golfers worldwide since 2005. Host Fred Greene, a former radio personality and passionate golfer, has dropped his handicap from the high teens to a single digit by learning weekly from PGA Teaching Pros, mental coaches, fitness experts, course architects, and more. All the Pros agree; to raise your golf IQ and lower your scores, you need to Golf Smarter!

Golf 360


Golf 360 came about from a theory I wrote a decade ago called The Golf Paradigm. It is something I came up with after spending over 30 years in golf and meeting a lot of exceptional people. Some of them were within the industry while others were outside of it but they all had phenomenal information that helped me improve. Whether it was a world-renowned coach, genius club fitter or engineer, ground breaking health professional or therapist, fantastic mental coach or psychologist or someone that understood how to utilize all of these to the benefit of the whole, they are some amazing people. There were also many others, all highly accomplished and from various fields; the business world, other professional athletes, and many more that were kind enough to pass along the knowledge they had acquired over a lifetime of work. Not only did their input help me as a touring professional, it also helped me in life and with my current teaching position with the The Golf Paradigm Academy. I wanted to take my good fortune of having access to so many people and bring that to you so you could apply it to your own game and life. With such a wide array of people I thought why not call it 'Golf 360'?

PING Proving Grounds


The PING Proving Grounds podcast dives into PING's celebrated history and immeasurable contributions to golf equipment, custom fitting and the game of golf in general. Broadcaster Shane Bacon and Marty Jertson, PING's Vice President of Fitting and Performance and professional golfer, discuss what happens behind the scenes at the PING Proving Grounds where data-driven research helps a team of scientists and engineers develop products and fitting tools to help golfers play their best. From the gold putter vault to PING Man and everything in between, tune in to hear more about what goes on at the PING Proving Grounds. Want to watch the podcast? Go to

Fit For Golf

Mike Carroll

Conversations to help you improve your golf, fitness, and health.

GOLF’s Subpar

GOLF’s Subpar, hosted by featuring former PGA Tour pro Colt Knost and his long time friend and on course rival Drew Stoltz, pairs colorful segments with in-depth sit-down interviews with the game’s biggest personalities. It will be available across’s platforms every Tuesday.

The Mental Golf Show

Josh Nichols

Host Josh Nichols shares from his own 20 years of competitive and golf psychology coaching experiences, along with years of learning psychology, as well as interviews with players, coaches, and experts in the golf industry, all with the goal of helping you think better on and off the golf course. *This podcast is not meant to apply to every individuals’ mental health. And not all opinions expressed by guests reflect Josh’s opinions and experiences.

Son of a Butch with Claude Harmon

The 8 Side

Claude Harmon is back and breaking down all things golf – a simple game that tends to confuse smart people. On Son of a Butch, Claude shares world-class swing instruction to help improve your scores while hosting conversations about what the best players, personalities and fanatics love about the game.

Talk of the TOUR Golf Podcast


PGA TOUR LIVE host John Swantek has conversations with top players and discusses trending topics with leading broadcasters and content producers in the golf world.

The Chipping Forecast

Folding Pocket

Leading commentator Andrew Cotter and fan favourite Eddie Pepperell are joined by one of the most distinctive voices in golf, Iain Carter, to bring you the warmest three-ball in the sport.

Seinni níu

Logi Bergmann og Jón Júlíus Karlsson

Þáttur um golf. Allir léttir. Þáttastjórnendur eru Logi Bergmann & Jón Júlíus Karlsson

The Golf Guru Show

Jason Sutton

This is a show hosted by Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher and ranked #1 in North Carolina by Golf Digest, Jason Sutton, "aka The Guru" in which he has top teachers and coaches in the golf industry on to share their techniques for success in golf, life and personal development. The goal is to dissect and uncover traits, tactics, habits and applications that will help the teachers but also be applicable to other businesses and occupations.

College Golf Talk

Golf Channel

Keep up with the latest from the college golf world with Golf Channel's College Golf Talk with hosts Steve Burkowski and Brentley Romine. From in-depth conversations with current players and coaches, to Golf Channel experts breaking down the biggest collegiate events, this podcast will keep you in the know throughout the college golf season.

Straight Down the Middle'ish

Live Forever Golf

Honest (and hilarious) conversations with the pros shaping the game. Join PGA Tour pros Matt Every and Aron Price along with Live Forever Golf's Scott Riley for an irreverent take on an irreverent game.



Golf auf – Hier findest Du alle Podcasts zur PGA Tour, European Tour, LPGA, Ladys European Tour und allem, was der Golfsport sonst noch zu bieten hat. Malte Asmus präsentiert in seiner Podcast-Serie „Nur Golf“ tägliche Updates zum internationalen Golfsport. Abonniere jetzt diesen Podcast-Feed und erhalte alle Podcasts zu Deiner Lieblingssportart. Äußerungen unserer Moderatoren und deren Gesprächspartnern geben deren eigene Auffassung wieder. macht sich Äußerungen seiner Gesprächspartner in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

The Erik Anders Lang Show: Golf - Travel - Comedy

RGC Radio

Hi! I'm Erik and I'm the co-founder and CEO of Random Golf Club, a global community of local golfers. Welcome to my completely unedited and off the cuff golf podcast! Each week I seek to uncover the stories of WHY we golf, not necessarily HOW we golf. NO SWING TIPS HERE. Listen in on Mondays for a mix of my musings, stream of consciousness golf inspired rants by yours truly, listener questions and a look into the life of this golf-crazed, travel-addicted and sleep-deprived journalist, plus interviews with golf inspired guests -- PGA Tour and LPGA players, actors, architects, coaches, authors and inspirational people from all corners of the golf world. Enjoy!

The Open Podcasts

The Open

Welcome to The Open Podcasts, the home for golf's greatest stories and documentaries from golf's original major. From feature length documentary episodes telling some of the most incredible stories in sport, to relaxed chats with some of golf's biggest stars, there is something for everyone with The Open Podcasts. Be sure to subscribe to never miss an episode. You can also stay in touch with The Open via our website and social channels, and you can email us at or join the conversation at

The Golfer's Journal Podcast

The Golfer's Journal

Join Tom Coyne as he travels around the country interviewing the most interesting people in golf.

TrapDraw Podcast – No Laying Up

No Laying Up

The TrapDraw is No Laying Up’s podcast playground for all topics beyond the world of golf. Episode formats vary week to week and usually include Chop Sessions (where hosts TC & Randy explore their many eclectic interests), The Booth (where Neil & Cody interrogate each other), Interviews (with subject-matter experts from a wide swath of society), and Perfect Clubs (in-depth examinations of pop culture phenomenons). Through the TrapDraw members of No Laying Up are able to share glimpses into their daily lives with their most ardent, engaged audience.

The Par Train - A Mental Golf Show

The Par Train - Helping Frustrated Golfers #EnjoyTheRide Again

Golf game off the rails? Sick of riding the struggle bus? You've come to the right place. The Par Train helps frustrated golfers #EnjoyTheRide again, because if you can learn to smile through bad golf, you can smile through anything. The Par Train Podcast unpacks the mental game with PGA Tour Pros, best-selling authors, CEOs, sports psychologists, every day golfers, and more to make the hardest game in the world feel easy and help you finally get back on track. Welcome aboard!

Fairway To Heaven

LIV Golf

Since the arrival of LIV Golf, the world of golf has never been more fascinating. Finally, a podcast has arrived to bring not only inside perspective from LIV Golf, but compelling insights on the entire game of golf. Hosted by LIV Golf veteran analyst and former Tour player Jerry Foltz and former pro golfer and current LIV Golf on-course commentator Su-Ann Heng, Fairway To Heaven - A LIV Golf Podcast will be a weekly show that brings takes, opinions, and storytelling, elevating golf content to a new level. Each episode will bring you the biggest names in the sport, and inside coverage of the constantly unfolding storylines in golf playing out around the globe.

No Putts Given


Unbiased. Independent. NoPuttsGiven. The #NoPuttsGiven golf podcast (powered by MyGolfSpy). "The World's Most Extensive Golf Gear Reviews."

The 18STRONG Podcast / Jeff Pelizzaro (Golf Digest Top 50 Fitness Professional)

The 18STRONG Podcast is a golf show that has its roots in fitness but has grown to include much more than just talking about exercise for golfers. Whether you’re looking to win a club championship, trying to break 90, or just excited about an epic golf trip with your buddies, each episode contains powerful information you can immediately put into action, on and off the course, that will have a massive impact on your game. Join Jeff Pelizzaro, Golf Digest Top 50 Golf Fitness Professional, Physical Therapist, and co-founder of 18STRONG, as he interviews and trades epic stories with the biggest names in golf (players, coaches, trainers, and other unique personalities) about what it means to be “18STRONG”.

Earn Your Edge: Decoding Excellence in Golf & Life

Cameron McCormick and Corey Lundberg

How do the most successful among us Earn their Edge? What separates the highest performers from the average ones? What are the behaviors, mindsets, and tactics deployed by the best in the world and how can you develop those traits? Cameron McCormick and Corey Lundberg of Altus Performance are joined by a host of high performers from a variety of domains to uncover how the most successful among us earn their edge. Each episode unpacks a variety of High Caliber Characteristics, Separating Skills, and Edge Earning Actions to help you pursue your goals.

Par 3 Podcast with J.R. Smith & Stephen Malbon

J.R. Smith x Stephen Malbon x DBPodcasts

Hosted by Two-Time NBA Champion & NCAA Golfer J.R. Smith (The Pro Athlete) and Malbon Golf Co-Founder Stephen Malbon (The Wave Maker). Par 3 Podcast gives listeners a candid, unapologetic and fun look at golf while redefining what ‘Golf Is Life' means. These golf addicts and cultural influencers are coming together to provide a brand new diverse POV on Golf with the Par 3 Podcast.  New Episodes air every Thursday on all Podcast Platforms & YouTube. Golf & Adulting. Made Possible by DBPodcasts For Business Inquiries Contact:

The Loop

Golf Digest

This is The Loop, a refreshing mix of everything you love to talk about around golf, with the only rule that you don’t take yourself or the game too seriously. Each week hosts Christopher Powers, Alex Myers, and Steve Hennessey, along with special guests from across the sports and entertainment worlds, will touch on what’s going in the game, who they’re putting money on, and whatever else comes up along the way.

The LET Golf Podcast

The Ladies European Tour

Welcome to The LET Golf Podcast! Every week we will have guests ready to open up about the world of life on Tour, and give you an insight into the life of a golfer. Send over your questions for the players and get involved! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Jesse Perryman

Hello and welcome to Flaghunters ! It is a privlage to bring to you this powerful insight into playing better Golf. In all my years of being in the game of Golf from competing at a high amateur level, to caddying, teaching, and being a overall Golf geek, I have an insatiable, curiosity driven desire to get down to the bottom of what it takes to truly get better playing the game of Golf that we all unconditionally love. This has been one of the greatest journeys of my life and I am deeply grateful for all that Golf has given me. Thank you for joining me in this incredible journey. This is my ever evolving love letter to Golf. Jesse Perryman P.S. Please Rate, Review and Subscribe !

Country Club Adjacent

CCA Productions

A podcast with comedians Aristotle Georgeson (aka Blake Webber) Jake Adams, Griff Pippin & Mark Smalls. Country Club Adjacent is changing the game of golf with a much edgier perspective on where the game is going. With an occasional celebrity comedian guest or professional golfer this podcast is high energy for over an hour every week!


Musings on Golf

Musings on Golf welcomes top guests from around the world of golf to tell their unique stories and visit with Bob Bubka (The Voice of Golf) and longtime golf exec Kelly Elbin. Musings on Golf drops new podcasts on Tuesdays.

Fairwayfreunde - der Golf Podcast


Dennis, Christian und Pascal reden über ihr liebstes Hobby: Golf

Be The Right Club Today Podcast

Hal Sutton Golf

Season 2 of Be The Right Club Today Podcast brings your favorite PGA Tour Legend Hal Sutton together with Director of the Academy, Jamie Fraser and Head Golf Instructor, Jamie Marshall. Hal talks experience, memories, instruction, the modern game and much more. Hal is joined by guests from the world of golf with the two Jamies. Don't worry -- the accents make it easy to tell them apart. Follow us @halsuttongolf on Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Keep those questions coming in and stay up to date with all the latest podcast news.

Inside the LPGA


Hosted by the dynamic duo of the LPGA’s Hope Barnett and renown golf journalist Adam Stanley, alongside weekly guest hosts including current LPGA Tour athlete, Emma Talley, the Inside the LPGA podcast aims to immerse listeners in the heart of the LPGA Tour action. The Inside the LPGA podcast podcast promises a unique blend of golf insights and entertainment. Each episode will feature informative discussions about golf enhanced by KPMG Performance Insights, insightful interviews with top LPGA athletes, lighthearted banter that'll have you laughing along with the hosts. 

The Cookie Jar Golf Podcast

Cookie Jar Golf

A British take on current affairs in the world of golf. Some of it interesting, most of it not.

Bros And Birdies

Bros And Birdies

2 Brothers bring a different podcast. Golf chat, parody songs and tournament reviews. Guests pop in from time to time #sport #golf #podcast

The Golf Fitness Bomb Squad with Chris Finn

The 8 Side

The Golf Fitness Bomb Squad with Chris Finn is the ultimate podcast for golf enthusiasts looking to hit bombs on the course, avoid exploding as they age, and achieve longevity in their game! Our podcast brings you a variety of topics, from covering recent injuries in professional golf and offering tips on how to avoid them, to exclusive interviews with some of the top golf personalities in the world. We also explore common pain areas for golfers and provide invaluable insights on how to gain distance and speed while simultaneously achieving longevity in their game. Tune in each week for a dynamic, entertaining, and informative discussion on all things golf!

Golf Post - Das digitale Zuhause für Golfer

Golf Post

Der Golf Post Podcast liefert Euch alle Themen rund um den schönsten Sport der Welt - Golf! Bei uns bekommt ihr interessante Interviews, Themen rund um Equipment und Golfreisen, Profisport uvm. - Wir freuen uns auf Euch und wünschen allzeit schönes Spiel!

ASGCA Insights


ASGCA “Insights” features discussions with men and women who are making a positive difference in the golf industry. The challenges facing all aspects of golf are many and varied, but so are the people working each day to meet those challenges head on. “Insights” provides perspective and information that details what folks are experiencing today and gives thought to what the future may hold for the game and industry.

Golf Betting System Podcast

Golf Betting System

The official podcast for Golf Betting System, the number 1 free betting resource for Major Championship, PGA Tour and European Tour golf.

The Stripe Show

The Stripe Show

The Stripe Show Podcast is a one-on-one discussion with top coaches, players and personalities in the game of golf. Host Travis Fulton will entertain listeners along with show guests sharing unique insight on the professional and amateur game.


Hally and James Leadbetter

It’s here, finally. The best golf podcast in the history of podcasts. Hally and James Leadbetter (a sister and brother combo unlike any other) take you through the hottest topics and gossip in golf. It’s Golf news. Golf culture. Golf comedy. Every week. You’re welcome.

The bunkered Podcast

DC Thomson


Fried Egg Golf

Eggsplorations is a podcast from Fried Egg Golf that takes you with the team on their golf travels. Each season will focus around a singular golf trip, with episodes ranging in length and subject matter based on what glory or misfortunate may be found that day on the road. Discussions will range from golf course design deep dives and impressions on a top-rated blue chipper or hidden gem played that day, to a short 15-minute episode on a great social or bar scene hit along the way, to some clerical mistake Andy might have made that has the group up a creek. Episodes are recorded in real time while Fried Egg Golf team members are on the road, serving as a sort of audio travelogue. All members of the team will join at various times offering impressions and expertise, and local guests will also be rotated into the experience. So subscribe for Season One as we head to Northern Ireland. 

Local Knowledge

Golf Digest

The best golf stories have multiple layers to them. In each episode, Local Knowledge dives deep into a subject golfers want to know about, whether it’s about the game they play, the competition at the highest level, or the surprising ways golf factors into larger conversations throughout society. Hosts Alex Myers, Keely Levins, Shane Ryan and Sam Weinman weave together original interviews, Golf Digest reporting, and additional elements to tell the type of compelling stories that have been a Golf Digest staple for decades.



Chaque semaine, l'équipe du Journal du Golf vous donne rendez-vous pour un débat autour de l'actualité du golf. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Golf Psychology Podcast

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.

Golf Psychology Podcast - Mental Game Sessions with Doc is a podcast for serious golfers who want to improve their mental game performance. Hosted by Dr. Patrick Cohn of Peak Performance Sports, the golf psychology podcast allows junior, collegiate, amateur, and professional golfers to ask Dr. Cohn a question on golf psychology or the mental game of golf.

Tales from the first tee

Rich Easton

Stories about my life experiences and others as I work as a starter at one of the premier golf clubs in Charleston, SC. Interviews with golfers around the world that have one thing in common...the pursuit of excellence on a golf course and everything else that happens along the way.

Golf IQ

Golf Digest

Become a smarter, better golfer — faster. Hosted by Golf Digest's Play and Game Improvement Editor Luke Kerr-Dineen, the GOLF IQ podcast is a twice-weekly game improvement podcast that will deliver golfers bite-sized doses of insight and analysis that will raise your golf IQ, and play better golf because of it.

The Thing About Golf Podcast

Golf Australia

Estimates say there are as many as 60 million golfers in the world and we all know at least some of them who are completely addicted. The question is why? Join us as we try to discover the answer to that burning question, interviewing golfers both famous - and not - on a monthly quest to solve the riddle of this maddening game.

Winning Golf

Mark Pearson

PGA European Tour Coach, Mark Pearson has given over 40,000 lessons to golfers of all abilities and worked with winners on all of Europe's major Professional Tours. Now he shares his knowledge and the secrets of fellow coaches to enable you to play better golf more often. Mark and guests will provide thoughts, lessons, tips and outline how to achieve winning golf. Music used on intro/outro - Realizer by Kevin MacLeodLink:

Golf Podcast: next on the tee

Chris Mascaro

Each week I'm joined by Tour Legends and the Top Instructors in the game who share their stories, insights, and playing lessons. Hear what it was like playing on Tour during the golden age of the game. Plus get tips from the best Instructors in our game, so you score better, enjoy the game more, and leave your wallet in your pocket at the 19th hole. Check out our Web site,, to stay up-to-date with our guest schedule and other happenings with the show. Thank you for making the show a part of your weekly golf content.

Golf: next on the tee

next on the tee

Golf Podcast: next on the tee

Chris Mascaro

Hear Golf's Greatest Legends, Players, & the Top Instructors in the Game Sharing Their Stories, Insights, & Playing Lessons

Fairgame: Connecting the Global Golf Community

Fairgame, Inc.

Welcome to the FAIRGAME Podcast, the golf podcast. FAIRGAME is a new voice in the game; a voice that shares all the good stuff golf has to offer from a fresh and unique perspective. Our episodes are hosted by Andrew Haynes with feature co-host Champion Golfer Adam Scott. Swing tips not included.

Me And My Golf Podcast

Me and My Golf

Me And My Golf is the largest golf YouTube channel in the world. PGA Coaches Piers Ward and Andy Proudman have dedicated their lives to helping golfers get better and as European Tour coaches, they know what it takes to become a world class golfer. This podcast is going to help you get up to speed with the latest trends in golf coaching, news, mindset and overall performance as they discuss and interview some of the world leaders in golf. Giving you simple tips and tools to help you take charge of your game.

Top 100 Clubhouse - Golf Podcast

Top 100 Golf Courses

'Top 100 Clubhouse' is the ultimate destination for golf course enthusiasts! Join us as we delve deep into the minds of fascinating individuals from every corner of the golfing world.  From players to course designers, caddies to golf historians, we'll leave no stone unturned in our quest to share unique insights and experiences with the Top 100 Community. Together we'll explore stunning courses and breathtaking landscapes, enjoying the unforgettable stories that bring the game of golf to life. Visit our website at Top 100 Clubhouse is brought to you by Eden Mill, St Andrews.

The Golfstore Podcast

Golfstore, Martin Hardenberger Sverkas and guests

The Golfstore Podcast is a podcast about golf, where we share our tips, knowledge and passion for the game. In by-weekly episodes we will interview Golfstore Teaching Professionals to provide compelling and inspiring stories that will help you with golf game.

Golf Badgers

Sam Cooper

Golf Badgers (ɡɒlf bæʤə) - noun: A group of golfers obsessed with the game. Does this sound like you? If so, you're in the right place. Sam Cooper (Associate with Clayton, DeVries & Pont) and James Bledge (Course Manager @ Royal Liverpool Golf Club, Hoylake) invite some of their friends from across the architecture and green keeping industries to join them for a deep dive on all things golf. Feasting on a gluttonous diet of golf course architecture, greenkeeping, agronomy and all of the topics usually too dull for polite conversation. We hope you'll enjoy spending some time with us.