Astronomia al Planetario

Planetario Di Modena

"E’ così bello fissare il cielo e accorgersi di come non sia altro che un vero e proprio immenso laboratorio di fisica che si srotola sulle nostre teste. " cit. Margherita Hack. Siamo appassionati membri del CeSDA del Planetario di Modena che si divertono a raccontare di astronomia, tra racconti mitologici e teorie scientifiche. Ci troviamo in mezzo alla nebbia della pianura ma ci piace osservare il cielo. Sei curioso e ti domandi cosa ci circonda nello spazio? Ascoltaci!

Astronomia Semplice

Dino Porello

Astronomia Semplice è un programma per neofiti, curiosi e principianti, per chi alza lo sguardo verso il cielo e vuole saperne di più

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Stuart Gary

19 years on Australian Public Radio (as StarStuff), 8 years of podcasting and counting. We have a lot of content to share with you. Recognized worldwide by our listeners and industry experts as one of the best and most thoroughly researched programs on Astronomy, Space, and Science News. Hosted by Stuart Gary, a veteran radio science reporter, broadcaster and now podcaster. Keep up-to-date and learn something new with every episode. New episodes weekly. Three new episodes are published on Mondays for our subscribers and individual episodes publicly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Show your support for SpaceTime, help us reach our goals with early access to commercial-free episodes and bonuses via Supercast, Patreon, Apple Podcasts and YouTube. Links at Enjoy! Become a supporter of this podcast:

Crash Course Pods: The Universe

Crash Course Pods, Complexly

Dr. Katie Mack, a theoretical astrophysicist, walks #1 New York Times bestselling author John Green through the history of the entire universe - including the parts that haven’t been written yet.

ESA Explores

European Space Agency

Meet the space makers as we journey across Europe and into the cosmos to build a future beyond Earth alone. From astronauts to space doctors, engineers and mission controllers, ESA Explores goes behind the scenes of Europe’s greatest adventure yet.

Oroscopo Del Giorno


Previsioni Astrologiche e oroscopo giornaliero per ogni segno zodiacale.

The Supermassive Podcast

The Royal Astronomical Society

This is The Supermassive Podcast from the Royal Astronomical Society. Every month, science journalist Izzie Clarke and astrophysicist Dr Becky Smethurst take you through the universe with the latest research, history from the society’s archives and astronomy you can do from your own home. Support the team by buying their book, The Year in Space - You can send your questions to the team via or follow them on Instagram @SupermassivePod. The Supermassive Podcast is a Boffin Media Production by Izzie Clarke and Richard Hollingham.

Spacetime Fika

Jonas Enander

Fika is a Swedish word which means to have a social coffee break with cakes, and Spacetime Fika is a podcast where Jonas Enander meets people from the world of science to have an informal talk – like having a fika! – about how the universe works and how we have figured that out. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Universe Today Podcast

Fraser Cain

Space news, interviews, Q&As, and exclusive content from Universe Today. Audio versions of Fraser Cain YouTube channel.

Astronomia alla radio

maria letizia la noce

Appuntamento con i grandi temi dell'astronomia su Radio Blue Point con l'ing.Carlo Rossi. In studio Maria Letizia La Noce.

Astronomia Semplice

dino porello

Astronomia semplice è un programma per neofiti, curiosi e principianti, per chi alza lo sguardo verso il cielo e vuole saperne di più

Astronomy Cast

Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay

Take a fact-based journey through the cosmos. Tune in to hear weekly discussions on astronomical topics ranging from planets to cosmology. Hosted by Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela L. Gay (Planetary Science Institute), this show brings the questions of an avid astronomy lover direct to an astronomer. Together Fraser and Pamela explore what is known and being discovered about the universe around us. Astronomy Cast is supported thru

Astronomie & Astrophysik

Dr. René Heller

Aktuelle Themen aus der Forschung zum Sonnensystem, zu Planeten um andere Sterne, zur Milchstraße und zum Beginn und Werden des Universums. Unterhaltsam und allgemein verständlich aufbereitet vom Astrophysiker Dr. René Heller, Wissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung in Göttingen. Musikalisch professionell untermalt, als Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst. Kontakt:

Settle the Stars: The Science of Space Exploration

Edgeworks Nebula

Exploring and terraforming Mars will be the greatest scientific and engineering challenge in the history of our species. From landfall and building the first cities to manipulating an entire planetary environment, this podcast will dive into the science of space exploration, settlement and terraforming! Join Alexander Winn, creator of TerraGenesis and founder of Edgeworks Entertainment, as he walks you through the real science behind his hit indie terraforming game, TerraGenesis, and how those same concepts will work in real life.

Punto Bernal

Punto Bernal

Un cruce espontáneo de historias, ideas, conceptos de astronomía realizado entre amigos a un océano de distancia. Realizado por: Jorge I. Zuluaga y Antonio Bernal. Producción: Jhossua Giraldo, Universidad de Antioquia.

IFLScience - The Big Questions


From saving the planet to understanding ourselves, this series will see experts discuss the major topics of our times.

Der unerklärliche Podcast

Mr. & Mrs. Fröhlich

Stell dir vor, du sitzt mit deinen Freunden zusammen und ihr redet über unerklärliche Themen wie Pyramiden, Mythen, Legenden oder Außerirdische. Das sind wir, deine Freunde von "Der unerklärliche Podcast". Und, Bock zu quatschen?

Mitiche Stelle


Perché Mitiche Stelle? Perché quello tra l'uomo e le stelle è stato ed è un rapporto intimo, speciale. Da esso sono nati gli dei, ad esso ed alla sua interpretazione dobbiamo la nostra stessa sopravvivenza. E con "Mitiche Stelle" proveremo a comprendere e descrivere questo intimo legame fino a risalire all'origine dei miti, in una sorta di "mitologia comparata" tra tra gli antichi popoli del mondo.


Paul & Dr Jeni

Awesome Astronomy explores the frontiers of science, space and our evolving understanding of the universe. Join Ralph, Paul & Jeni for informative and fun astronomy programmes dedicated to space and astronomy news and monthly podcast extras covering hot topics and special interviews in the world of science and astronomy.

Scienza e Astronomia for Dummies


Un podcast insolito , 15/20 minuti di vera scienza raccontata con una onestissima stupidità in modo che anche i non addetti ai lavori possano apprezzare un pò di conoscenza senza l'intervento di paroloni ogni mezzo secondo. Affronteremo un po di astronomia , un pò di scienza in generale e tutto ciò che serve per capire , il tutto contornato da una buona dose di ironia. IG ubi_mmc per info e richieste

Ciel & Espace

Ciel & Espace

À la fois ludique et original avec ses contenus audios présentés par les plus grands spécialistes français, Ciel et Espace radio vous propose de découvrir et d'approfondir vos connaissances sur le ciel, la Terre et l'Univers.

Space Nuts

Professor Fred Watson and Andrew Dunkley

Join Professor Fred Watson, world-renowned Astronomer at Large, and Sci-Fi Author and Broadcaster Andrew Dunkley, on their captivating podcast, Space Nuts. Dive into the vast universe of space, astronomy and astrophysics as they discuss the latest news, exciting space travel adventures, groundbreaking discoveries, and unravel the enduring mysteries of the cosmos. This engaging series offers a unique blend of expert insights and imaginative storytelling and listener input, making it a must-listen for space enthusiasts and science fiction fans alike. Become a supporter of this podcast:

Das Universum

Florian Freistetter, Ruth Grützbauch, Evi Pech

Ruth und Florian reden über das Universum. Mit Fragen. Und Antworten. Die Astronomin Ruth (Spezialgebiet Galaxien) und der Astronom Florian (Spezialgebiet Asteroiden) reden über das Universum. Ruth betreibt ein mobiles Planetarium; Florian erzählt auf Bühnen, in Büchern und in Podcasts über den Kosmos und beide plaudern gemeinsam über alles, was dort so abgeht. In jeder Folge erzählen sie einander eine spannende Geschichte aus der aktuellen Forschung. Und beantworten Fragen aus der Hörerschaft zu allem was man gerne über das Universum wissen möchte. In der Rubrik "Science Frames" untersucht Evi die Verbindungen zwischen Science Fiction und echter Wissenschaft. Spenden gerne unter oder oder

Sleep Space from Astrum

Alex McColgan

Welcome to the Astrum Sleep Space podcast; the perfect place to come and wind down for the evening while you learn more about the grandeur of the universe. I’m Alex McColgan, the founder of the Astrum brand, and your host on this podcast. Come and listen as I tell you about incredible missions, fascinating discoveries, and everything I’ve come to love about space.If you like what you're listening to, be sure to check out my YouTube channel at for more great space content.

The 365 Days of Astronomy

The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. Everyday, a new voice, helping you see the universe we share in a new way. This show is managed by Avivah Yamani, edited by Richard Drumm. This podcast is funded through and produced out of the Planetary Science Institute.

Gemeinsam durch die Galaxis

Planetarium Bochum

 „Gemeinsam durch die Galaxis“ heißt der astronomische Plauder-Podcast mit Bochumer Planetariumsleiterin und Astronomin Prof. Dr. Susanne Hüttemeister und ihren galaktischen Mitreisen, darunter der stimmgewaltig-wortgewandte Kabarettist und Hobby-Astronom Jochen Malmsheimer in Staffel eins bis zweieinhalb, Astrophysiker Michael Büker bis in Staffel drei und Susannes langjähriger Freund und Astronomiekenner Paul Hombach ab Staffel vier. 

Astronomie | Sternwarte Gahberg

Benjamin Hartwich & Florian Zimmermann

Die Sternwarte Gahberg veröffentlicht seit dem Jahr 2021 jeden Monatsanfang eine Podcastfolge. Benjamin Hartwich behandelt in der sogenannten „Sternenführung“ wichtige astronomische Ereignisse des kommenden Monats. Der Podcast ist in drei Teile eingeteilt: Sonnenlauf, Planeten & Fixsternhimmel. Geschnitten und recherchiert wird dieser von Florian Zimmermann. Clear Skies!

Poussière d'étoile

Ripley Media

Qu’est-ce que la matière ? L'univers a-t-il une fin ? Comment naissent les étoiles ? Chaque mois, laissez votre esprit vagabonder au travers des merveilles de l’univers et de l'espace. Pour vous conter l’histoire de l’univers, vous pourrez compter sur verve de Willy Brahami, astrophysicien et vulgarisateur, pour vous emmener au-delà des possibles grâce à l’imaginaire. Willy répondra également aux questions en rapport avec la physique que vous lui soumettrez via les réseaux sociaux et commentaires. Abonnez-vous à Ripley Media pour découvrir pleins d'autres émissions autour de la science !

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido es la tertulia semanal en la que, medio en broma medio en serio, repasamos las últimas noticias de la actualidad científica. Separando la paja del trigo o, como nos gusta decirlo, la señal del ruido, nos leemos los papers para que usted no tenga que hacerlo. Sírvete un café y acompáñanos en nuestra tertulia. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Cosmic Latte

Eva Pech, Jana Steuer, Elka Xharo

Willkommen beim Cosmic Latte Podcast! Begleite Eva, wenn sie mit Jana und Elka bei einem Kaffeehausgespräch, über Galaxien, Sterne und die faszinierenden Wunder unseres Universums plaudert. Ihre Leidenschaft für Astronomie und Wissenschaftskommunikation verbindet die Podcasterinnen miteinander. Eva studiert Astronomie an der Universität Wien. Sie hat einen Abschluss in Kommunikationswissenschaften und erst vor kurzem ihre Masterarbeit über Wissenschaftskommunikation geschrieben. Sie ist neben diesem Podcast auch im Podcast „Das Universum“ zu hören, wo sie über Science in Science-Fiction Filmen redet. Sie träumt davon, eines Tages ins Weltall fliegen zu können. Elka ist zur Zeit FH-Lektorin und hat eine Ausbildung zur Medizinphysikerin abgeschlossen. Außerdem beitreibt sie als @thesciencyfeminist auf Instagram einen erfolgreichen Wissenschaftskommunikationskanal, der vor allem Frauen in der Wissenschaft sichtbar machen soll. Sie träumt davon, eines Tages Evas Weltraumflug programmieren zu dürfen. Jana ist unser neuer Zugang bei Cosmic Latte. Sie hat nach ihrem Masterabschluss in Astrophysik nach Exoplaneten geforscht, bevor sie in die Wissenschaftskommunikation wechselte. Heute ist sie Redaktionsmitglied des YouTube-Kanals „Terra X Lesch & Co“. Neben Cosmic Latte ist sie auch in den beiden Podcasts „translunar“ und „Ein großer Schritt für die Menschheit“ zu hören. Tauche in diesem Podcast in spannende astronomische Gespräche ein. Mach es dir gemütlich und erfahre Interessantes über die Geheimnisse des Kosmos! Falls du Fragen hast oder mit uns in Kontakt treten möchtest, erreichst du uns jederzeit per E-Mail unter: Du kannst uns gerne unterstützen und zwar bei Steady (, Patreon (, Paypal (!

This Week in Space (Audio)


The new space age is upon us, and This Week in Space leaves no topic untouched. Every Friday, join Editor-in-Chief of Ad Astra magazine, Rod Pyle and Managing Editor of, Tariq Malik as they explore everything related to the cosmos. New episodes posted every Friday.

Zimmerman en Space

Hens Zimmerman

Een astronomische combinatie van wetenschap en flauwekul. Die naam, "Zimmerman en Space", klinkt mogelijk wat megalomaan. Maar dat is alleen maar omdat dit het vervolg is van de NPO podcast "Zimmerman in Space", die ik destijds cadeau had gekregen van de NTR met titel en al. 

Supernova - Border Radio

Border Radio

Supernova è una trasmissione radiofonica di approfondimento specifico dei tanti aspetti che ruotano attorno all'astronomia. Una scienza tanto affascinante, sebbene ben poco conosciuta al grande pubblico. L'astronomia come soggetto privilegiato di un sapere. Un sapere in grado di raccontarci una storia incredibilmente antica e straordinaria, al contempo così attuale ed in continuo cambiamento e divenire. Una storia che ci coinvolge tutti e che tocca in modo sensibile e delicato questioni intime che l'uomo si pone da sempre: dall'origine al significato della vita, dai misteri irrisolti dell'universo, alla ricerca di forme di vita aliene, sino a giungere al desiderio di esplorazione dello spazio. Condotta da Giovanna Ranotto e Daniele Interdonato

Guardare in alto, vedere le stelle

Amalia Ercoli Finzi

La vita di Amalia Ercoli Finzi è stata caparbiamente proiettata nel futuro. Fin da quando, contro il volere della famiglia si iscrisse prima al liceo scientifico e poi al Politecnico di Milano, dove è diventata Ingegnera Aeronautica in una classe dove c’erano 52 iscritti, ma solo 5 donne.Dopo una carriera che l’ha portata ai vertici di tutte le principali agenzie aerospaziali, il suo futuro è pieno; come afferma lei stessa, con incrollabile energia, quando ricorda del rinvio del suo ultimo progetto - portare un veicolo su Marte alla ricerca di tracce di vita - procrastinato di due anni per l’invasione russa in Ucraina. In questo podcast, Amalia Ercoli Finzi racconta con entusiasmo i suoi difficili inizi in un mondo ‘al maschile’, la sua fede mai contrasto con il mondo della scienza, la passione per l’insegnamento, per le nuove generazioni e per un futuro che trova le sue radici in un passato dal quale non si può prescindere.Amalia Ercoli Finzi è accademica, scienziata e Professoressa Onoraria al Politecnico di Milano dove si è laureata in Ingegneria Aeronautica nel 1962. Ha dedicato gran parte della sua vita a studiare le comete, contribuendo alla riuscita della celebre missione Rosetta dove ha svolto il ruolo di Principal Investigator del trapano montato sulla sonda Philae per perforare la superficie di una cometa raggiunta e fornire campioni del terreno da analizzare. La missione, partita nel lontano 2004, si è conclusa con esito positivo il 30 settembre 2016. Dal 2018 un asteroide porta il suo nome, segno del riconoscimento dell’Unione Astronomica Internazionale per il lavoro svolto per la comunità scientifica internazionale nel campo della meccanica del volo spaziale e della progettazione di missioni spaziali. Nel 2020 il Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, le ha conferito l'Onorificenza di Grande Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana. GUARDARE IN ALTO, VEDER LE STELLE Di Amalia Ercoli Finzi è stato registrato il 29 settembre 2022 Realizzazione di MONDADORI STUDIOS, in collaborazione con Randstad A cura di Miriam Spinnato, Michele Dalai, Danilo Di Termini Coordinamento editoriale di Elena Marinelli Progetto grafico di Francesco Poroli Voce di Michele Dalai Musiche di Bluescore Ky publishing Post produzione di Stefano Di Modugno per Bluescore studio

مقالات الفضاء

Ahmad Alenezi

هذا المحتوى الصوتي مختص لترجمة مقالات الفضاء المهمة والماتعة

Looking Up

Dean Regas

Join Dean Regas, astronomer, author, and space expert on a journey through the stars! Guests from all over the globe bring their knowledge and passion about today’s latest scientific discoveries and advancements. From eclipses to supernovas, from rockets to rovers; there’s a whole universe to explore! Dean is the author of “How to Teach Grown-Ups About Pluto” and “100 Things to See in the Night Sky” and was the longtime host of PBS' Stargazers television program. Looking Up is a production of Cincinnati Public Radio.

Evrim Ağacı ile Bilime Dair Her Şey!

Evrim Ağacı

Bu yayın listemizde, Evrim Ağacı'nda yayınladığımız içeriklerden seçilmiş yazılarımızı yazarlarımızın kendileri, diğer yazarlarımız veya ses sanatçıları seslendirerek, sizlerin kulaklarına ulaştırıyor.

Scienz'altro da Dire

Maicol e Deimer

La scienza spiegata senza prendersi troppo sul serio, in modo semplice e divertente, alla portata di tutti. Scienz'altro da Dire è un podcast di Sofos APS, scritto ed ideato da Maicol Della Chiesa e Deimer Alvarez, uno studente ed un dottorando di astrofisica a Bologna.

Alla scoperta degli esopianeti

Alessandro Antonio Massimo Golinelli

In questo podcast, Alessandro Golinelli ti porterà in viaggio verso gli stravaganti pianeti che abitano l'universo. Esplorerai mondi ricoperti di lava, pianeti interamenti ghiacciati, oscuri e tanto altro.... Un lungo viaggio ti attende, allaccia le cinture!

La scoperta del Cielo

Museo Scienza e Tecnologia

Dall’osservazione degli astri all’esplorazione dello Spazio, un viaggio astronomico guidati da Luca Reduzzi, curatore del Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci di Milano.🔈 Alcune delle più belle storie di Astronomia e Spazio partendo dalle esposizioni del Museo per arrivare nelle profondità dell’Universo, passando da globi e telescopi, lanciatori e satelliti, le missioni Apollo sulla Luna… e anche i marziani.

Attraverso il sistema solare - Unicam

Marianglona Rondinelli - Unicam

Sai tutto sul nostro sistema solare? Vieni a scoprirlo con Maria! Ogni settimana una pillola di conoscenza su pianeti, comete, asteroidi e tutto il sistema solare

Astronomy Daily - The Podcast

The Astronomy Daily Podcast team brings you a summary of the days Space and Astronomy News so you never feel left behind. There's a lot going on 'out ,' and we endeavour to bring it all to you. The team consists of Steve and Hallie on Mondays, Anna on Tuesday and Wednesdays and Charlie on Thursdays and Fridays. For more visit, our website and sign up for the free daily newsletter and check out our continually updated newsfeed. Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) ...just search for AstroDailyPod. Enjoy! Become a supporter of this podcast:

Galileo Galilei

Luigi Gaudio

Pale Blue Pod


Pale Blue Pod is an astronomy podcast for people who are overwhelmed by the universe but want to be its friend. Astrophysicist Dr. Moiya McTier and comedian Corinne Caputo demystify space one topic at a time with open eyes, open arms, and open mouths (from so much laughing and jaw-dropping). By the end of each episode, the cosmos will feel a little less “ahhh too scary” and a lot more “ohhh, so cool!” New episodes every Monday.

La Esfera Celeste Astronomía

Pep Campas

Un podcast sobre astronomía, observación, astrofísica y astrofotografía contado por sus protagonistas. Entrevistas con astrónomos de referencia para conocer su actividad y trayectoria. Toda la información de todos los invitados y episodios en


Javier Atapuerca, Matías S. Zavia

Un podcast sobre la nueva era de la exploración espacial presentado por Javier Atapuerca y Matías S. Zavia. ¿Quién pisará antes Marte, Estados Unidos o China? ¿Podrá Blue Origin competir con SpaceX? ¿Qué están haciendo la NASA y la Agencia Espacial Europea para retirar la basura espacial? ¿Cuántos satélites son demasiados? ¿Podremos desviar un asteroide si se dirige a la Tierra? Sal de dudas con esta distendida conversación semanal entre un ingeniero aeroespacial y un bloguero que sueña con ir al espacio.

The Space Race

The Space Race

The Space Race is dedicated to the exploration of outer space and humans' mission to explore the universe. We’ll provide news and updates from everything in space, including the SpaceX mission to colonize Mars. We’ll focus on news and updates from SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and NASA. If you’re interested in space exploration, you’ve come to the right channel. We love space and hope to inspire others to learn more!

The LIUniverse with Dr. Charles Liu


Join us for a half-hour dose of cosmic conversation with scientists, educators & students on the cosmos, scientific frontiers, scifi, more. And if you love science, please support us on Patreon.

Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures

Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures

Listen to exciting, non-technical talks on some of the most interesting developments in astronomy and space science. Founded in 1999, the Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures are presented on six Wednesday evenings during each school year at Foothill College, in the heart of California's Silicon Valley. Speakers include a wide range of noted scientists, explaining astronomical developments in everyday language. The series is organized and moderated by Foothill's astronomy instructor emeritus Andrew Fraknoi and jointly sponsored by the Foothill College Physical Science, Math, and Engineering Division, the SETI Institute, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and the University of California Observatories (including the Lick Observatory.)

Oh My God Particle Show!

iHeartPodcasts and Seneca Women Podcast Network

Dahlia Wilde – Walt Disney Writing Fellow, New York Foundation for the Arts Playwright, CERN Atlas Large Hadron Collider Creative Fellow, iHeart Next Great Podcaster, Truman Scholar – presents a podcast about science, art, creativity, particle physics and the responsiveness of the universe. “If the entire universe was born from the Big Bang, we must all be connected! Unpack your imaginations and get ready to rumble through the universe that we are so lucky to live in. Keep looking up! Stay positively charged! We are the stars!” Please follow me at @DahliaWildeOfficial The “OH MY GOD PARTICLE SHOW!’ podcast is Executive Produced by Dahlia Wilde in partnership with iHeartmedia and is part of the Seneca Women Podcast Network. Sound Design by Paul Mercier Music by Ivo Moring

Le pillole di Albano


Caffè culturale e divulgativo di astronomia con Salvatore Albano, astrofilo, autore di articoli e libri dedicati all'osservazione del cielo e a test di strumenti e accessori per l'astronomia.


Luciana Maniero


Naked Astronomy, from the Naked Scientists

The Naked Scientists

Naked Astronomy: the Naked Scientists' Astronomy and Space Science Podcast - audio that's out of this world...

Astro Interviste


Alcuni dei più famosi scienziati si raccontano ai nostri microfoni!

AstroCast - L'Astronomia Per Tutti


Ciao io sono ale e benvenuti su astrocast il podcast astronomico alla portata di tutti


Karl Urban und Franziska Konitzer

Im AstroGeo Podcast erzählen sich die Wissenschaftsjournalisten Franziskia Konitzer und Karl Urban alle zwei Wochen eine Geschichte, die ihnen entweder die Steine unseres kosmischen Vorgartens eingeflüstert – oder die sie in den Tiefen und Untiefen des Universums aufgestöbert haben. Es sind wahre Geschichten aus Astronomie und Astrophysik, Geologie und Geowissenschaften.

Mystères & Étoiles


Mystère é Étoiles est un podcast sur l'astronomie de plusieurs épisodes extraits de vidéos de ma chaîne "Zebroloss". Nous partons à la recherche des plus grandes énigmes, des plus grands mystères de l'univers et tentons de les comprendre. Expliqué simplement avec une ambiance sonore, laissez vous portez dans cet univers...

Radio Astronomy

BBC Sky at Night Magazine

The weekly astronomy podcast from the makers of BBC Sky at Night Magazine.

Temna stran Lune

Dunja Fabjan

Podkast o zanimivostih vesolja in astronomije. Z vami sva enkrat na mesec Maruša Žerjal in Dunja Fabjan. Podkast lahko podprete na! Pridružite se nama na Telegramu: Vaša vprašanja, pripombe in ocene zbirava v spletnem obrazcu na

GiTi Cast

Siavash A Noorbakhsh

داستان آفرینش گیتی، پیدایش زمان، ماده، انرژی، کهکشانها، سیارات، و زندگی ...

EVSN: Escape Velocity Space News

Dr. Pamela Gay, Erik Madaus, Beth Johnson, Ally Pelphrey

Get your weekly dose of all that's new in space and astronomy with Escape Velocity Space News. The sky is not the limit, as we bring you the latest scientific discoveries and rocket launches. EVSN is brought to you by the team behind CosmoQuest at the Planetary Science Institute, and features hosts Dr. Pamela L. Gay and Erik Madaus with special guest interviews by Beth Johnson and audio engineering by Ally Pelphrey. EVSN is supported through Patreon at

Via Lattea

Luigi Gaudio

A che tante facelle? Riflessioni sulla Via Lattea

Agamemnon reist durchs All


Der Astro-Podcast des ORF für kurze Blicke ins Universum. Paul Agamemnon Sihorsch vermittelt in Gesprächen mit Expert:innen Grundlagen der Astronomie und versucht, komplexe Fragestellungen einfach zu beantworten.


Martin Ostios Arias

Podcast dedicado a la astronomía y temas relacionados.



コペテンナイトは春名まことと葦原みづほでお送りする、宇宙系おしゃべりポッドキャストです。 科学の視点が、これまでのものの見方を変える。コペテンの可能性を秘めた、広大な宇宙の旅へ。 毎週水曜更新!

ASTROtrezzi in viaggio nel Cosmo


Benvenuti sul podcast “ASTROtrezzi in viaggio nel Cosmo”. Mi chiamo Davide Trezzi, sono un fisico, e vi accompagnerò con la mia voce attraverso le affascinanti strade dell’Astronomia, dell’Astrofisica e dell’Astrofotografia. Seguiteci sui social e visitate il sito

Radio Space

Radio Space 104 FM

Azərbaycanın ilk kosmik dalğası 🚀🪐 | Elm və Kosmosu daha yaxın etdik!

Astronomia em Meia Hora


Astronomia em Meia Hora é um podcast com uma linguagem simplificada que tenta te ajudar a montar o quebra-cabeça do universo.

ASTR 103: Introduction to Planetary Astronomy - Spring 2019

Robert Wagner

Osa Esplorare - Ex Astris, Scientia


Alan Sorrenti cantava "noi siamo figli delle stelle", e in effetti quale miglior modo per definirci! Partendo dal presupposto che ogni elemento di ogni singola cellula del nostro corpo è stato sintetizzato all'interno di una stella, Alan Sorrenti aveva proprio ragione. E non solo siamo figli delle stelle, ma in quanto esseri umani siamo dotati di quell'innata voglia di spingerci oltre i nostri limiti, di andare verso l'ignoto, di esplorare. 'Osa Esplorare' vuole essere la voce di tutti coloro che giorno dopo giorno continuano a esplorare: dai misteri del cosmo e delle scienza, all'arte, alla cultura e allo spettacolo. Quindi mettetevi comodi e state pronti a partire con 'Osa Esplorare'.

تكية في الفضاء


بودكاست تكية في الفضاء هو لنشر العلم! وهذا لقلة المصادر العربية المختصة بعلوم الفلك. أغلب أسماء النجوم عربية. أفضل علماء الفلك عرب. الأوائل اعتمدوا على علم الفلك لممارسة الدين والحياة بشكل عام. وبتكية في الفضاء، أقل ما يمكنني فعله هو أن أنقل لكم هذا العلم باللغة العربية.


Vamsi Krishna Reddy

Just a space enthusiast talking about space.



Hoy les platicaremos acerca del universo en general.

The Actual Astronomy Podcast

Shane Ludtke & Chris Beckett

Join amateur astronomers, Chris and Shane, as they share their experiences of observing the night sky.

The Rover

The Rover

The Rover is an educational podcast for the Astrobiological Research and Education Society at Florida Institute of Technology. Join us as we discuss anything from ancient astronomy to colonizing Mars and beyond.


Costanza Torrebruno e Sergio Ferragina

Se avete mai guardato il cielo chiedendovi come riconoscere una costellazione o una stella ma anche quali meravigliose storie si nascondessero dietro quell'insieme di luci lontane, Astronomiti è il podcast per voi. Un Nerd e una Classicista si raccontano l'un l'altro ciò che conoscono del cielo stellato e dei miti ad esso associati. Con tanta passione e tanto, tantissimo divertimento. A cura di Costanza Torrebruno e Sergio Ferragina --- Date le tante richieste: contrariamente a quanto avremmo sperato, Astronomiti si ferma qui. Grazie a tutti per il sostegno e l'ascolto!

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

American Astronomical Society

When you head outdoors tonight, take Sky & Telescope's Sky Tour astronomy podcast with you for a guided tour to the night sky. Learn what constellations are visible, find out where and when you'll see the planets, and catch each month's celestial highlights, from meteor showers to eclipses.

x space


x space

Black Holes

Nitesh Kabi

Black Hole - a mystery

James Webb Space Telescope

Quiet. Please

James Webb Space Telescope Podcast OutlineEpisode 1: Introduction to the James Webb Space Telescope What is the James Webb Space Telescope?Why is it so important?What are its goals?How does it work?What kind of discoveries can we expect from it?Episode 2: The Latest News and Discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope What are the latest images and data from the James Webb Space Telescope?What have we learned about the universe so far?What are some of the most exciting discoveries yet to come?Episode 3: The James Webb Space Telescope and the Search for Exoplanets What are exoplanets?How can the James Webb Space Telescope help us find and study them?What are some of the most promising exoplanet candidates?Could the James Webb Space Telescope help us find evidence of life beyond Earth?Episode 4: The James Webb Space Telescope and the Early Universe What can the James Webb Space Telescope tell us about the early universe?How did the first stars and galaxies form?What role did dark matter and dark energy play in the evolution of the universe?Episode 5: The James Webb Space Telescope and the Future of Astronomy How will the James Webb Space Telescope change the way we study the universe?What are some of the most exciting scientific questions that it could answer?What can we expect from the next generation of space telescopes?Episode 6: The James Webb Space Telescope and the Public How can the public get involved with the James Webb Space Telescope?Where can you find images, data, and other information about the telescope?How can you talk to scientists and engineers who are working on the project?Episode 7: The James Webb Space Telescope and the Future of Space Exploration What role will the James Webb Space Telescope play in future space exploration missions?How can it help us prepare for human missions to Mars and beyond?What are the ethical implications of the James Webb Space Telescope and other powerful space telescopes?Episode 8: The James Webb Space Telescope and Our Place in the Universe What can the James Webb Space Telescope teach us about our place in the universe?Are we alone?What is our future as a spacefaring species?

Punti di Scienza

WeScience - BergamoScienza

Dalla fisica alla biologia, passando per storia e psicologia, un podcast sulla scienza dai punti di vista più disparati. Con le voci di Giada, Lucia, Claudia, Chiara, Jacopo, Matteo, Davide e Andrea di WeScience

Ça Se Passe Là-Haut

Eric Simon

Astronomie, astrophysique, cosmologie, astroparticules...

Origins & Evolution


The Origins & Evolution Podcast features hosts Dimitar Sasselov & Frank Laukien discussing the multiple potential origins of life, in conjunction with Harvard's Origins of Life Initiative, of which Dimitar is the director and cofounder. Please send all questions and emails to:



در هیچکست از زمین و دغدغه هایش دور میشوم، به آسمان، تاریکی و نورهای حیرت انگیزش نگاه میکنم

Asteroids Comets Meteors Space Show


Here on the Asteroids-Comets-Meteors Space Show we explore all new and exciting developments in the world of space - Join us on our journey!!

Leading Edge Discovery Podcast

Charlie Camarda Ph.D, ITSPmagazine

Join dynamic Astronaut Charlie Camarda each week as he interviews an intriguing variety of guests who are leaders and experts in their fields. They will share their visions for transforming the way we work, learn, and solve some of the most daunting challenges on Earth and throughout the solar system, with unique insights and questions from Astronaut Camarda.

The AstroGuy Podcast

Wayne Zuhl

The podcast for Amateur Astronomers. Topics, interviews, information and fun for whatever level of Amateur Astronomy you're at or heading towards.

Big Bang

josue Sandoval

En este podcast hablo sobre la teoría del big bang

Big Bang

Dennese Devine

This podcast talks about the Universe's expansion and the three pieces of evidence/discoveries of the Big Bang. Also, there are some in-depth explanations of things that led to the stars and galaxies' birth.

¿Existe para ti el Multiverso?

Andrea Torres

La teoría del Multiverso, la historia detrás de tan misteriosa teoría y sus datos importantes a lo largo del tiempo.

Space News


All about Space News.

Der Weltraum über uns

Der Weltraum über uns

Willkommen zu "Der Weltraum über uns" - dem Podcast, der dich auf eine atemberaubende Reise durch die unendlichen Weiten des Universums mitnimmt! Begleite uns auf spannenden Abenteuern im All, während wir die Geheimnisse des Weltraums erkunden, von fernen Galaxien bis zu unseren Nachbarplaneten.
