Podcast de Juan Ramón Rallo

Juan Ramón Rallo

Podcast de Juan Ramón Rallo sobre economía, filosofía, política y liberalismo. Hazte miembro en: https://plus.acast.com/s/juanrallo. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.

Filosofía, Psicología, Historias

Hernán Melana

Relatos breves de filosofía, Psicología e Historias varias, con biografías y algunas reflexiones, leyendas y fantasías Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/hernu00e1n-melana/support

Ático Primera con Laia Castel


Cada miércoles Laia comenta sus experiencias navegando el mundo. Relaciones, hacerse adulta, quererse a una misma... Una charla relajada de la que salir sintiéndose mejor. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laiascastel/ Youtube: https://youtube.com/@hotgirltalks6115?si=oKwr9qlA88PzsRia


Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes - SJM España

Semillas es un podcast de SJM (Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes). Escucha todos los episodios aquí: https://sjme.org/podcast-semillas/

The Psychology Podcast


In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.

The ABCs of SBC


How does social and behaviour change support child rights? We are on a mission to find out. Through interviews with experts from across the globe, this podcast explores what Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) is and whether it can move the needle forward in the battle for gender equality, climate action, and other complex challenges. Tune in to hear Social and Behaviour Change practitioners across a variety of disciplines share their knowledge, learnings, and experience on whether SBC can help us achieve better outcomes for children across the globe.  Uncover the limits and possibilities of SBC in various global issues  — without the complexity, while on your commute.  Learn more about UNICEF SBC at www.sbcguidance.org


Yale School of Medicine

Les Conférences de France Inter

France Inter

Cycle "Bien vivre ensemble", "Cerveau" et ""De l’assiette à la planète", Retrouvez toutes les conférences proposées par France Inter Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.

Choiceology with Katy Milkman

Charles Schwab

Can we learn to make smarter choices? Listen in as host Katy Milkman--behavioral scientist, Wharton professor, and author of How to Change--shares stories of high-stakes decisions and what research reveals they can teach us. Choiceology, an original podcast from Charles Schwab, explores the lessons of behavioral economics to help you improve your judgment and change for good. Season 1 of Choiceology was hosted by Dan Heath, bestselling author of Made to Stick and Switch. Podcasts are for informational purposes only. This channel is not monitored by Charles Schwab. Please visit schwab.com/contactus for contact options. (0321-1S88)

KIPD Podcast

Қазақстандық қоғамдық даму институты

KIPD Podcast – қоғамдық дискурсқа арқау болған өзекті тақырыптарды ғылыми тұрғыда талқылайтын подкаст.

In dubio pro reo

Rocío Arregui Montoya

Un podcast de derecho penal donde se comentarán novedades legislativas, discusiones doctrinales, contenidos jurídicos relacionados con el derecho penal y el derecho procesal penal, sucesos con trascendencia penal y, en definitiva, cualquier aspecto relacionado con los delitos, las penas, y los fundamentos de esta apasionante rama jurídica. Presentado por Rocío Arregui.

CoolTóbe podcast

CoolTobe podcast

Күлтөбе жобасында Қазақстан қоғамындағы трендтер, саяси, экономикалық және әлеуметтік жағдай туралы сол тақырыпты зерттеп жүрген сарапшылармен сөйлесеміз. Әр шығарылымның тақырыбы болады. Сол тақырыппен айналысатын ғалыммен халыққа барынша түсінікті тілде сол зерттеу саласының мәселелерін талқылаймыз. Жобаның негізгі тілі қазақша болады. Жобаға шақырылатын қонақ орыс тілді болған жағдайда, әңгіме орыс тілінде жүргізіледі. Ал сарапшы ағылшын тілді болған жағдайда әңгіме ағылшын тілінде жүреді. Подкаст видео форматында түсіріліп, YouTube арнамызда жарияланады.

Stanford Psychology Podcast

Stanford Psychology

The student-led Stanford Psychology Podcast invites leading psychologists to talk about what’s on their mind lately. Join Eric Neumann, Anjie Cao, Kate Petrova, Bella Fascendini,  Joseph Outa and Julia Rathmann-Bloch as they chat with their guests about their latest exciting work. Every week, an episode will bring you new findings from psychological science and how they can be applied to everyday life. The opinions and views expressed in this podcast represent those of the speaker and not necessarily Stanford's. Subscribe at stanfordpsypod.substack.com. Let us hear your thoughts at stanfordpsychpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter @StanfordPsyPod. Visit our website https://stanfordpsychologypodcast.com. Soundtrack: Corey Zhou (UCSD). Logo: Sarah Wu (Stanford)

The Science of Happiness

PRX and Greater Good Science Center

Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by award-winning professor Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by PRX and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center.

Productividad y Desarrollo Personal by ProducTIPS

Ismael Martín & Efraín Altaber

¿Crees que no llegas a todo en tu día a día? ¿Quieres mejorar en tu forma de organizarte? ¿Necesitas encontrar un método que te ayude? Pues este es tu sitio... En nuestro Podcast encontrarás recursos y trucos sobre organización y productividad personal.

My Pocket Psych: The Psychology of the Workplace

Dr. Richard A. MacKinnon

My Pocket Psych is all about the psychology of the workplace. Each episode, we'll examine the world of work and explore a topic through the lens of psychology. We'll aim to give listeners tips to help improve their experience of work - moving from surviving to thriving! My Pocket Psych is brought to you by WorkLifePsych Ltd and hosted by Dr. Richard MacKinnon and Pilar Orti.

Le comptoir de la psychologie

Le comptoir de la psychologie

Je suis Jo, psychologue clinicienne et j'ai crée ce podcast afin de rendre accessible les différents reliefs de la psychologie. Il s'agit d'un travail de construction et de déconstruction pour apprendre et s'ouvrir autour des différents thèmes que logent la psychologie et la psychanalyse. J'aborde le métier du psychologue et de sa rencontre mais aussi ses outils, concepts, représentations, symptômes etc...  Pour me soutenir, j'ai crée une page Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/lecomptoirdelapsychologie Merci beaucoup pour vos contributions ainsi que vos encouragements, vos retours ❤️ Bonnes écoutes :-)  Contact : lecomptoirdelapsychologie@gmail.com Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Mitología Griega

Mauricio Ossa

En este podcast abordaremos historias sobre la tan conocida mitología griega

Tertulia Jurídica - Podcast de Derecho

Ángel Seisdedos

El podcast donde los profesionales del derecho se quitan la toga y comparten su visión sobre temas de actualidad Este podcast se publica tres días por semana bajo dos formatos diferentes. Lunes hablamos de Constitucional, repasamos nuestra Carta Magna Miércoles nos tomamos un café jurídico y hablamos de forma más personal con profesionales del Derecho. Viernes tratamos asuntos de actualidad en formato tertulia con profesionales del Derecho.


Podium Podcast

Un programa de ensayos sonoros sobre temas absolutamente contemporáneos, de carácter tecnológico (Big Data, Plataformas, Computación Cuántica, Algoritmos creativos), científico (Hongos, Inteligencia vegetal, cultura animal, Marte, Agujeros negros) y sociológico (Viralidad, Poliamor, Porno, Cultura de la terapia, Posverdad). A través de libros, series, películas y otros objetos culturales, voces de procedencias diversas desarrollan fascinantes discursos sobre conceptos clave de nuestra época. Escritas y narradas por el escritor Jorge Carrión y con diseño sonoro de Andreu Quesada, las tres temporadas de "Solaris" (2020-2021) marcaron un antes y un después en el periodismo y la crítica culturales en español y crearon escuela en el ámbito del podcast en español. El proyecto mereció el premio Ondas al Mejor Podcast Experimental.   "Hace un uso magistral del potencial que el podcast ofrece como género", Culturamas "Fascinante", Valencia Plaza "Un proyecto disruptivo, que se ha convertido en un referente como formato narrativo innovador sobre temas relacionados con tecnoperiodismo, vida digital y experimentación", Jurado de los Premios Ondas.

Therapist Uncensored Podcast

Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP & Ann Kelley PhD

Two Austin therapists and their world-recognized guest experts break down modern attachment, relational neuroscience and trauma in a challenging but entertaining format designed to keep you off unconscious autopilot and moving towards closer connections. Find us at https://therapistuncensored.com

Psych With Mike

Dr. Michael E. Mahon

Being human is hard work. Let Psych With Mike be your users manual to make it a little easier. Psych With Mike started as a radio show in 2017 and has now evolved into a podcast. The show explores topical events from a psychological perspective and gives insightful, practical and expert information. Psych With Mike is presented by two individuals with more than 60 years of clinical experience between them.

Luna de Lobos

Luis Alvarez

Vivimos rodeados de puro ruido, de información “fast food", espejismos, y prisa... En Luna de Lobos le invitamos a descubrir aquellas cosas que los medios convencionales no tratan.

Tertulia Jurídica - Podcast de Derecho

Ángel Seisdedos

El podcast donde los profesionales del derecho se quitan la toga y comparten su visión sobre temas de actualidad Este podcast se publica tres días por semana bajo dos formatos diferentes. Lunes hablamos de Constitucional, repasamos nuestra Carta Magna Miércoles nos tomamos un café jurídico y hablamos de forma más personal con profesionales del Derecho. Viernes tratamos asuntos de actualidad en formato tertulia con profesionales del Derecho.

Talking Bodies

Dr. Silva Ladewig, Dr. Jana Bressem

In Talking Bodies, sprechen wir, Jana Bressem und Silva Ladewig, promovierte Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und Gestenforscherinnen, über ganz verschiedene Phänomene der Alltagskommunikation. Wenn du jemand bist, der gern hinter die Kulissen unserer Sprache schaut, dann bist Du bei uns richtig. Wir erklären Dir, wieso sich Getränke bestellen wie Flirten anfühlen kann, wie wir im Alltag erzählen oder warum auf Parties erst einmal alle am Rand stehen. Ratschläge zur Körpersprache oder zum "richtigen Deutsch" findest Du bei uns nicht. Wir erzählen Dir auch nicht, mit welchen Gesten Du Dein Gegenüber überzeugen kannst, auf welche Wörter Du beim Sprechen verzichten solltest oder warum Du die Arme beim Bewerbungsgespräch nicht verschränken sollte. Do's and Don'ts finden wir nämlich nicht so spannend und sind auch kaum umzusetzen (warum nicht, erfährst Du bei uns). Viel mehr teilen wir mit einem Augenzwinkern unseren ganz persönlichen Blick auf unser Sprechen und Handeln im Alltag und machen so die faszinierende Welt der Kommunikation für Dich greifbar. Von Begrüßungen in Pandemiezeiten über Metaphern in der Alltagssprache bis hin zu Emojis auf Twitter: Alle 2 Wochen werfen wir ein Licht auf ganz verschiedene Alltagspraktiken. Wissenschaft zum Anfassen und Anhören für jede und jeden! Weitere Infos zum Podcast findest Du auf www.talkingbodies.de. Du hast Themen oder Fragen, die Dich besonders interessieren? Dann schreib uns! Wir freuen uns, von Dir zu hören. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Geografía para 3º de la ESO

Juan Jesús Pleguezuelos

Geografía para 3º de la ESO, reunimos todo el temario referente a dicho curso.

Social Research Methods

Armin Trost

This podcast covers all relevant aspects around research methods in social science. After a short introduction all steps will be considered from defining the hypothesis and research question to academic writing. All slides of the entire series can be downloaded here: https://armintrost.de/en/professor/digital/social-research-methods/

Normale Mensen Bestaan Niet


Welkom bij Normale mensen bestaan niet, de podcast over psychologie waarin wij vieren dat geen mens gelijk is. Wij zijn Lennard Toma en Thijs Launspach, psychologie-nerds, schrijvers én goede vrienden. In deze podcast behandelen we de onderwerpen uit de psychologie waarvan we denken dat je ze moet weten. Alles dat je wilde weten over je hoe je in elkaar zit dus, en nog véél meer waarvan je niet wist dat je het wilde weten. Want zeg nou eerlijk: heb je wel eens een normaal mens ontmoet? En, beviel het?

Economic Forces

Economic Forces

Brian Albrecht, Josh Hendrickson, and guests ponder price theory, past and present www.economicforces.xyz


Karim Piriou

Une émission pour tenter de mieux comprendre notre monde dans son versant politique et social, à travers les théories en sciences humaines et en philosophie, les pratiques, les auteurs et autrices, les doctrines et les pensées d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Vous pouvez soutenir le projet sur Patreon ou Kiss kiss bank bank. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Ideas Having Sex

Chris Kaufman

Il Minimalista


Il minimalismo è una filosofia di vita straordinaria. In Italia non è ancora una realtà, mentre in America e in altri paesi Anglofoni le persone stanno abbracciando questo cambiamento. Il minimalismo non è solo un percorso personale, è anche l'unica risposta seria che abbiamo allo sfrenato consumismo che governa la nostra società, l'unico strumento in grado di ridurre i consumi e di conseguenza ridurre l'impatto che l'uomo ha sul pianeta terra e le sue risorse. In questo podcast affronterò il percorso che mi sta portando ad essere un minimalista ed un essenzialista e le difficoltà incontrate.



Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.

No es país para Abogados

No es país para abogados

Derecho, Derecho y Derecho.

VoxDev Development Economics


Hear about the cutting edge of development economics from research to practice.

Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Dipl. Psych. Eskil Burck

Willkommen beim Podcast "Klinische Psychologie", dem Podcast, der die bedeutsamsten und neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Psychotherapie beleuchtet. Nicht nur Fachleute können von diesem Podcast profitieren: Auch Betroffene oder Angehörige erfahren, welche Therapieformen bei Angststörungen, Depressionen, Zwangsstörungen etc. besonders wirksam sind. NEU: Zu allen Episoden gibt es jetzt Video-Versionen auf YouTube! (Kanalname: Psychologie-lernen.de)

Opinion Science

Andy Luttrell

A show about the psychology of opinions, where they come from, and how they change. Interviews with experts and deep dives into areas of research uncover the basic psychology of persuasion, communication, and public opinion. Hosted by social psychologist, Andy Luttrell.

P3 Dystopia

Sveriges Radio

Saker står på spel - Du borde lyssna. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Karin Grönberg

Die Kinder des Prometheus

Alexander Kluge

In der Sage vom Prometheus und dessen schusseligen Bruder Epimetheus berichten die Mythen davon, dass alle Tiere und Naturwesen spezielle Eigenschaften erhielten. Nur der Mensch wurde vergessen.

Smith and Marx Walk into a Bar: A History of Economics Podcast

Smith and Marx Walk into a Bar

Smith and Marx Walk into a Bar is hosted by historians of economic thought Jennifer Jhun, François Allisson, and Çınla Akdere. Each month, the hosts discuss themes related to economics, its history and methodology, and its relevance to contemporary affairs.

A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Here is Hans Hoppe's first treatise in English — actually his first book in English — and the one that put him on the map as a social thinker and economist to watch. He argued that there are only two possible archetypes in economic affairs: socialism and capitalism. All systems are combinations of those two types. The capitalist model he defines as pure protection of private property, free association, and exchange — no exceptions. All deviations from that ideal are species of socialism, with public ownership and interference with trade. Narrated by Jim Vann.


Qwerty Podcast

Somos David Cerdá y Juan Carlos Blanco, y queremos ofreceros conversaciones profundas y amenas sobre lo que más nos importa a todos: la vida buena en sociedad, en nuestras relaciones y como individuos. Trabajo, amor, ética, tecnología, empresa, emociones, todo aquello de lo que sepamos o podamos informarnos. Comparte tus propuestas con nosotros a través de: algohumanos@qwertypodcast.com

La Suite dans les idées

France Culture

Esprit de justice

France Culture

Something You Should Know

Mike Carruthers | OmniCast Media | Cumulus Podcast Network

Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.

Géographie à la carte

France Culture

De Ignorancia Sí que Sé

Alberto Aparici

De Ignorancia Sí que Sé es un pódcast sobre educación de las ciencias, especialmente centrado en la física y las matemáticas en la enseñanza secundaria. En él hablaremos de cómo es el día a día de los profesores, en qué se diferencian las distintas metodologías y cómo diferentes contenidos presentan problemas diferentes. También hablaremos sobre la relación entre la enseñanza primaria, secundaria y universitaria, y sobre diversos aspectos de la legislación educativa. Los participantes permanentes en dISqS son Alberto Aparici, divulgador científico, Víctor Marco, profesor de matemáticas en el IES El Grao de Valencia y Javier Vargas, profesor de física en el IES Playa de San Juan de Alicante. Además tendremos a diferentes invitados de otras áreas. La música del pódcast ha sido compuesta e interpretada por Víctor Marco, y grabada y mezclada por Javier Ibáñez. El logo ha sido diseñado por Arcadi Garcia.

Слушай Город

Anastasiia Seliverstova

Подкаст о том, как города делают нас быстрее, сильнее и выше, а иногда медленнее и слабее. Настя Селиверстова говорит о том, как городская среда влияет на нашу жизнь. В каждом выпуске мы используем примеры из фильмов, литературы и игр, чтобы проиллюстрировать городские феномены. А еще всегда опираемся на историю, экономику и социологию. www.instagram.com/am.seliverstova/ https://t.me/listen_city В канале ведущая выкладывает материалы к выпускам и рассказывает короткие истории из мира архитектуры и городского дизайна.

Conquista y colonización en América

Gabriela Sánchez Idrovo

La conquista y colonización europea en América representa el sometimiento pasivo de los pueblos indígenas a la cultura occidental

Mysterious Universe

8th Kind

Always interesting and often hilarious, join hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy as they investigate the latest in futurology, weird science, consciousness research, alternative history, cryptozoology, UFOs, and new-age absurdity.

Inside Kaboul

France Inter

Geoeconomic Competition

Francesca Ghiretti

Welcome to "Geoeconomic Competition", a thought-provoking podcast diving deep into the intricacies of geoeconomics. In each episode, Francesca Ghiretti engages with other economic security and geoeconomics experts to navigate the intricate and often hidden manoeuvres of economic security and of global economic power plays. From the growing set of policies to the changes in globalisation, we explore how countries leverage their economic strengths, engage in trade wars, and form strategic alliances to gain geopolitical advantages. Logo by Daniele Saccani

VoxTalks Economics


Learn about groundbreaking new research, commentary and policy ideas from the world's leading economists. Presented by Tim Phillips.

Inquiring Minds

Indre Viskontas

Each week we bring you a new, in-depth exploration of the space where science and society collide. We’re committed to the idea that making an effort to understand the world around you though science and critical thinking can benefit everyone—and lead to better decisions. We want to find out what’s true, what’s left to discover, and why it all matters.

The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast

Kelly Chase

The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast is a structured, science-based deep dive into the phenomenon. Grounded enough for skeptics, accessible for newbs, and deeply researched enough for seasoned ufologists. There are no agendas and no sensationalism—just a no-nonsense overview of everything we know so far, so that you can decide what you think for yourself. New to the UFO topic and don't know where to start? This podcast was created so that you can start on episode one with no prior knowledge and get up to speed with the most seasoned researchers in the field. Hosted by Kelly Chase. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ufo-rabbit-hole-podcast--5746035/support.



知名媒体人、专栏作家 「晃然大悟」播客主理人


Brian Dunning

The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.


Entelekia Filosófik

NO NI NÁ es un podcast producido por Entelekia Filosófik, plataforma dedicada a la divulgación de la filosofía por Raquel Moreno. En estos podcast nos asomamos a una filosofía cínica. Atendemos a la actualidad desde una perspectiva cínica, con humor, para luego practicar el viejo arte de la mayéutica en nuestras particulares entrevistas, con personajes destacados de la cultura, a los que se les invita a filosofar, y en los que Raquel, evocando a Sócrates finge no conocer a los invitados para así lanzarles la pregunta fundamental del saber filosófico ¿Quién eres tu? Filosofía y humor nunca estuvieron reñidos, para prueba la ironía socrática, también sello de este podcast. Aprendemos del mundo que vive en los otros, reflexionamos y nos divertimos. NO NI NÁ

Lo que sé de Norcorea - Podcast sobre Corea del Norte (investigación y temas relacionados)

markolino style

Desde hace unos años me llamó la atención Corea del Norte y quise saber más sobre el país. Realmente no sabía mucho salvo que era un país extraño por alguna razón. Empecé a investigar un poco antes de las famosas amenazas de "fuego y furia" que Trump hizo, así que realmente lo que me motivó a empezar no fueron los asuntos geopolíticos, sino una enorme curiosidad por saber más de su gente, de su cultura, etc. Mal que mal, se supone que es el país más aislado del mundo. ¿A quién no le atrae eso?

The Power Shift: Decolonising Development

Kate Bird

The Power Shift: Decolonising Development podcast brings together activists, practitioners and thinkers to join a wide-ranging conversation on decolonisation, where they share ideas and identify tools for practical action. If you’d like to know more about decolonising development – and what it means in practice, or you would love to change the way you do your work in the development sector, then this is the right place. 

Sin Verba: Especialista no verbal

Alan Crawley

Comunicación No Verbal con los mejores especialistas Iberoamericanos. En esta serie de 13 entrevistas con especialistas de habla castellana vas a aprender acerca de cómo los especialistas estudian el comportamiento no verbal, cómo clasifican los gestos, que libros y autores recomiendan, cuáles son los beneficios de aplicar estos conocimientos y mucho más! Entrevistador: Alan Crawley, licenciado con honores en psicología, diplomado en Comunicación No Verbal y certificado en FACS (Facial Action Coding System). Docente Universitario e Investigador (Equipo IPCP).

Somewhere in the Skies

Ryan Sprague/ Entertainment One (eOne)

Somewhere in the Skies is a weekly podcast covering UFOs and the unexplained. New episodes every Monday. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/somewhere-in-the-skies. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Black Vault Radio - Hosted by John Greenewald, Jr.

John Greenewald, Jr.

The Black Vault Radio with John Greenewald, Jr. dives deep into the world of secret U.S. Government and Military History spanning more than a half century. Using an archive of more than 3,000,000 declassified government documents as a starting point, Greenewald speaks to some of the most brilliant minds on the planet trying to get to the truth.

🧠 Let's Talk Brain Health!

Virtual Brain Health Center

🎙"Let's Talk Brain Health!" is a podcast that delves into the fascinating world of the brain and how it affects our overall health and well-being. Join us as we explore the latest research, cutting-edge technology, and practical tips for enhancing brain function, preventing cognitive decline, and optimizing the health of your brain. 💡Whether you're a health enthusiast, a medical professional, or simply curious about the inner workings of the brain, "Let's Talk Brain Health!" offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help you optimize your cognitive potential and live your best life. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/virtualbrainhealthcenter/support

Pogi Podcast


Pogátsa Zoltán közgazdász-szociológus politikai gazdaságtani podcastja a globális gazdaságról a klímaválság, az automatizáció, a digitális gazdaság, az egyenlőtlenségek és a poszt-demokrácia korszakában. https://www.facebook.com/pogiblog https://www.patreon.com/pogipodcast

Mind The Disruption

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

Mind the Disruption is a show about people who refuse to accept things as they are. It's about people pushing for better health for all. It's about people like us who have a deep desire to build a healthier, more just world. Season 1 out now! Brought to you by the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health Hosted by Bernice Yanful Created and produced by Rebecca Cheff, Carolina Jimenez, and Bernice Yanful Coordination of communications, webpage development and dissemination by Caralyn Vossen Technical production and original music by Chris Perry Artwork by comet art + design Special thanks to Claire Betker and the rest of the NCCDH team The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health is hosted by St. Francis Xavier University. We are located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. Visit our website to learn more about our podcast and what we do: https://nccdh.ca/learn/podcast/ This podcast is made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada through funding for the NCCDH. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada. Established in 2005, the NCCDH is one of the six National Collaborating Centres (NCCs) for Public Health that work together to promote the use of scientific research and other knowledge to strengthen public health practices, programs and policies in Canada. For more information, visit the NCCPH website.

El podcast macroscópico


El Podcast de Macroscopio. Sé cada día mejor terapeuta. Con más seguridad, más creatividad, más recursos.

This Anthro Life

Anthrocurious, LLC

This Anthro Life is the premiere go-to Anthropology Podcast that fuses human insights with cultural storytelling. We equip you with a deep understanding of the human experience to revolutionize your decision-making strategies and social impact. Head over to https://www.thisanthrolife.org to learn more. Spearheaded by acclaimed Anthropologist Dr. Adam Gamwell, This Anthro Life equips leaders, individuals, and organizations to shape a more compassionate future. We aim to broaden perspectives and fortify decision-making skills by fostering a profound understanding of culture coupled with the transformative power of storytelling. With curated conversations and thought-provoking discussions featuring humanity's top makers and minds, prepare to have your perspective transformed. This Anthro Life delves into various facets of human society—from examining the complexities of cultural identity to understanding the influence of technology on our everyday lives. 🌍 Change Your Perspective Explore the complexities of life in a simple and engaging way. From AI and robotics revolutionizing the nature of work to emojis changing how we communicate, we delve into the forces shaping our world. No topic is off-limits—fossil fuels and their impact on our planet, the race to find alternative energy solutions, and so much more. 🎙️ Captivating Conversations Go beyond surface-level discussions with deep dives into fascinating topics. Dr. Adam Gamwell's interviews are thought-provoking, enlightening, and always entertaining. Carefully crafted questions ensure engaging conversations that are free from jargon, making them accessible to listeners of all backgrounds. ✨ Key Takeaways Gain valuable insights from each episode that you can apply to your own life. Discussing wisdom gained from the edges of society, we extract impactful quotes and actionable ideas from our guests. Expand your horizons and develop a fresh perspective on the challenges we face as individuals and as a global community. 🔊 Join the Community on Substack Subscribe to "This Anthro Life" now for a weekly dose of eye-opening conversations. Share the podcast with friends and family who crave intellectual stimulation and diverse discussions. Be a part of the movement to change how we approach design, culture, business, and technology. Beyond offering an engaging outlook on human experiences, This Anthro Life lends its anthropological expertise to businesses, organizations, and individuals. We help them navigate challenges with effective communication techniques and innovative problem-solving strategies rooted in a nuanced understanding of human behavior and social structures. Get in touch. Join us on this captivating voyage of storytelling at the crossroads of culture, design, technology and business. We're excited to collaborate with you in shaping a more compassionate world through an enriched narrative of the human experience. Experience breakthrough perspectives on human experiences and come away equipped to make enriched decisions that contribute positively to your sphere. Join us as we shape a more connected, hopeful narrative - one human story at a time.

Powrót do Siebie - Uwolnij się od Traumy z Dzieciństwa.

Magdalena Pala

Czy zastanawiałeś się dlaczego w życiu powielasz zachowania, które Ci kompletnie nie służą? Czy zadajesz sobie pytanie, dlaczego autosabotaż staje się dominującą częścią Twojego życia? Odpowiedzią na te pytania jest dzieciństwo. Jest to okres krytyczny, w którym kształtuje się Twój mózg i układ nerwowy: centrum podświadomych zachowań w dorosłości. Nazywam się Magdalena Pala, jestem psychotraumatologiem, psychologiem i terapeutą. Moją misją jest pomoc w uzdrawianiu traum przeszłości przekazywanych z pokolenia na pokolenie. Chcę, aby ten podcast stał się bezpieczną przestrzenią do rozmów, dzielenia się wiedzą, szczerości i pomocy w powrocie do siebie-swojej autentyczności. 

¿Y quiénes son los economistas?

Pensando en Política

Desde Pensando en Política preparamos este podcast para comprender de manera sencilla algunos de los temas más importantes de la teoría económica. La economía pareciera tener un lugar destacado en la vida diaria del ciudadano común, aún así ha estado confinada a las cátedras de un olimpo académico. En este programa contaremos con invitados expertos en la materia con los que conversaremos de estos temas, y de las vidas de sus principales exponentes.

SAGE Sociology

SAGE Publications Ltd.

Welcome to the official free Podcast site from SAGE for Sociology. SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets with principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore.



総再生回数300万回突破! Voicyでも配信開始! https://voicy.jp/channel/3381 ヒトの思考、意識、感情、行動を本気で科学する「超リアルな行動心理学」。 日常に潜むヒトのナゾを紐解き、あなたの観察力と洞察力を最大限に引き出すエピソードを地上波では語れない本音トークでお届けします。 『内向型人間が声と話し方でソンしない本』の著者であり、言語学、発声法の専門家テノール齋藤と、『心を動かす音の心理学』の著者であり、音楽心理学、行動心理学の専門家フェルモンド齋藤がそれぞれのリアルな体験を元に分かりやすくお伝えしています。 2009年から継続している大人のコミュニケーションスキルが学べる「音色塾」ではさらに濃い内容でお届けしています。 https://www.neirojuku.com/

That UFO Podcast

That UFO Podcast

Bringing you up to date news, interviews and guests from around the world of UFOs, UAP & connected phenomena Hosted by Andy Mcgrillen

Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Mysterious Radio

Follow Mysterious Radio to immerse yourself in the most captivating subjects beyond your wildest imagination! Engage in thought-provoking discussions with best-selling authors, researchers, and award-winning journalists on topics encompassing sinister hauntings, terrifying alien abductions, unexplained disappearances, tales of time travel, sinister secret societies, shocking conspiracies, unimaginable true crimes, heart-stopping creature encounters, bizarre phenomena, and beyond! By staying true to our mission statement – To inform and empower people through knowledge – we strive everyday toward a vision that seeks mental enlightenment for all who seek it. Are you ready? Listen to hundreds of other episodes by becoming an Apple Subscriber on Apple Podcasts or by joining our community on Patreon now! Mysterious Radio is proudly produced by an independent podcast team.

Economics for Rebels

Dr. Köves Alexandra

The world is on fire. We have to radically and rapidly transform every aspect of society to stay within 1.5 degrees of global warming. How is this possible? And how do we do this in a way that is fair? Ecological economists integrating ecological and critical social perspectives have long been working on ideas to bring about just sustainability transformations. This podcast aims at communicating these ideas in order to open them to critical discussion, from global problems to people’s everyday lives.

Rompiendo Esquemas

Rompiendo Esquemas

Podcast de Psicoanálisis y Filosofía dedicado a la pregunta por la Subjetividad. Instagram: @rompiendo.esquemas_ YouTube y Spotify : Rompiendo Esquemas Buenos Aires, Argentina.


France Inter

Women Making Moves

Amy Pons

Women Making Moves is a podcast that celebrates the moves that women are making on a local, regional, national, and global level. Amy Pons is a master certified life coach dedicated to amplifying the work that humans are doing toward the equity of all women worldwide.

Personality Psychology Podcast


This is a show on the science of how people are different from one another, where these differences come from, how they develop, and why they matter. The podcast’s hosts are Lisanne de Moor, PhD, René Mõttus, PhD, and Rebekka Weidmann, PhD, three personality researchers. It is a collaboration of the European Journal of Personality and the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), and sponsored by EAPP. www.personalitypsychologypodcast.com

Why We Do What We Do


We explain popular and weird, little-known ideas in psychology. Whether you are a little curious about psychology, or a student, or even a professional, we have something for everyone. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/why-we-do-what-we-do--3419521/support.

The We Society


Beyond the politics, beyond our geography are the intangible connections that hold us together - The We Society. The We Society podcast is here to tell you about the thousands of ways the Social Sciences can help us understand and enhance this complicated and fascinating human network. What can we do to fix the NHS? How can we better manage climate change? How do we end the cost of living crisis? Brought to you by the Academy of Social Sciences, this podcast tackles the big questions through a social science lens and brings you some of the best ideas to shape the way we live. Join acclaimed journalist and Academy president Will Hutton, as he invites guests from the world of Social Science to explore the stories behind the news and hear their solutions to society’s most pressing problems. Don't want to miss an episode? Follow the show on your favourite podcast platform and you can email us on wesociety@acss.org.uk and tell us who we should be speaking to or follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/thewesocietypod Brought to you by the Academy of Social Sciences: https://acss.org.uk  (https://acss.org.uk%20%20)

Theory and History

Mises Institute

Mises moves beyond economics to address questions regarding the foundation of all social science. He discusses his methodological dualism: one approach for hard sciences and another for the social sciences. Rothbard writes "It is Mises's great methodological work, explaining the basis of his approach to economics, and providing scintillating critiques of such fallacious alternatives as historicism, scientism, and Marxian dialectical materialism." This audiobook is narrated by John Pruden.

Behavioral Grooves Podcast

Kurt Nelson, PhD and Tim Houlihan

Stories, science and secrets from the world’s brightest thought-leaders. Behavioral Grooves is the podcast that satisfies your curiosity of why we do what we do. Explanations of human behavior that will improve your relationships, your wellbeing, and your organization by helping you find your groove.

Converging Dialogues

Converging Dialogues

Converging Dialogues is a podcast that is designed to have honest and authentic conversations with a diversity of thoughts and opinions. Wide-ranging topics include philosophy, psychology, politics, and social commentary. A spirit of civility, respect, and open-mindedness is the guiding compass. convergingdialogues.substack.com

La chronique de Caroline Goldman

France Inter

The Archaeology Podcast Network Feed

Archaeology Podcast Network

Find shows from Cultural Resource Management Archaeology to technology to anarchy to whatever. We cover it all in this feed. 

DE ESO NO SE HABLA - Alejandro Trapé

Alejandro Trapé

1. PODCAST: Democracia en blanco y negro (12 episodios) - Terminado II 2. PODCAST: Estamos inflados (6 episodios) - En curso ...

El Lado Oscuro

Santi Galeota

Send a message voice: https://anchor.fm/santi-galeota/message El Lado Oscuro es un podcast semanal para levantar la voz acorde a las realidades contemporáneas, la cultura popular y lo que no se habla ni se pregunta, mirar los lugares silenciados de nuestra sociedad. Acá la psicólogia, la política y la espiritualidad se mezclan para darle voz al corazón. Instagram: @santigaleota. Correo: santiagogaleota@outlook.com.ar Patrocina el podcast en: https://www.patreon.com/santigaleota

Je vote pour la science | Agence Science-Presse

Agence Science-Presse

Les enjeux scientifiques mondiaux ne manquent pas, et même au niveau local : le recyclage, l'achat de véhicules électriques ou encore les toits verts ne sont que quelques-unes des questions abordées à Je vote pour la science, une émission de radio hebdomadaire de l'Agence Science-Presse où science et politique se parlent!

New Books in Sociology

New Books Network

Interviews with Sociologists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/sociology

International Law

Yale Law School

User Weekly

Jan Ahrend

The bi-weekly User Research podcast that helps you understand what is happening in User Research. It's the best way to keep up on trends, methods and insights across User / UX Research. Each week I capture the pulse of our community and answer a simple question: What mattered in User Research this week? This is the podcast version of the User Weekly newsletter. Views expressed are mine and are not necessarily the views of my employer. --Welcome to User Weekly, the User Research podcast where I help you stay up to date on the latest trends and happenings in the world of User Research. My name is Jan, and as a User Researcher, I know how important it is to stay informed about what's going on in our UX Research industry. That's why I've created this podcast – to bring you the most recent and relevant resources from the world of User Research, all in one place.This is the podcast companion to the newsletter of the same name that over 12 thousand user researchers, UX Researchers and People Who Do Research just like you read every week. I go through hundreds of articles from mainstream media to small blogs to capture the pulse of our UX Research community and answer a simple question: What mattered in User Research and UX Research this week? Every second Wednesday. I'll be discussing 3 of my favorite articles from the UX Research newsletter, so you can stay informed even if you don’t have the time to read the full newsletter every week. By following the User Experience Research podcast, you'll be able to follow the trends and themes that are top of mind for your peers, and get a birds-eye view of our industry in just 10-15 minutes each week. If this sounds relevant to you, consider following the User Research pod and if you haven’t already, subscribing to the free newsletter. And I am looking forward to hopefully seeing you in the next one.

Oposiciones Judicatura Siglo XXII Legal (S22)


Canal dedicado al derecho. Primera emisora jurídica. Repaso de la Oposición de Judicatura, del Examen de Acceso a la abogacía y mucho más. El derecho contado como nunca te la habían contado. Más información en www.sigloxxiilegal.com



Why do we do the things we do? Lowell Brillante investigates the complex details of our minds - from psychopathology to excellence, nature to nurture. We've sequenced the human genome and explored Mars, but we still don't really understand how our brains work. Join Lowell as he talks to leading experts about what we know and don't know about our minds.

Judaísmo, cristianismo e islam


José María Pérez Gay (Ciudad de México, 1944 - 2013) fue escritor, académico y diplomático. Se licenció en Ciencias y técnicas de la información en la Universidad Iberoamericana y fue doctor en Filosofía germana por la Universidad Libre de Berlín. Vivió más de diez años en Alemania y fue traductor de la obra de autores como Goethe, Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Karl Kraus, Hermann Broch, Walter Benjamin, Jurgen Habermas, Theodor W. Adorno, Elias Canetti y Hans Magnus Enzensberger, entre otros. De entre sus obras destacan El imperio perdido y Hermann Broch, una pasión desdichada, entre otros. Se le distinguió con el Premio Nacional de Periodismo en Divulgación Cultural en 1996. Además, el gobierno de la República Federal de Alemania le otorgó la Orden de la Gran Cruz al Mérito y del gobierno de la República de Austria recibió la Cruz de Honor para las Ciencias y las Artes, Primera Clase. En esta conferencia, impartida en 2010 en el marco del coloquio Valores para la sociedad contemporánea. ¿En qué pueden creer los que no creen?, el escritor y filósofo mexicano presenta un análisis histórico y sociocultural de las tres grandes religiones monoteístas. Pérez Gay desarrolla en esta ponencia su idea de que el individuo y la esperanza son los principales valores laicos del monoteísmo y explica las razones por las que estas religiones se conservan y toman fuerza como instituciones mundiales. Si te interesa este autor, también puedes escuchar un capítulo de la novela El cerebro de mi hermano, que su autor, Rafael Pérez Gay, le dedica a su hermano mayor, en voz del propio autor. D.R. © UNAM 2017

New Books in Critical Theory

Marshall Poe

Interviews with Scholars of Critical Theory about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/critical-theory

Elemental Podcast

Alberto Moreno Gámez


David Pizarro

Join two psychology professors (Paul Bloom and David Pizarro) as they cover a wide variety of topics about human psychology. Based on Paul Bloom’s new book Psych: The Story of the Human Mind.

Richard Wiseman's On Your Mind

Podimo & TellTale

Why are some people so happy? How can you tell when politicians are lying? Is it logical to carry a lucky charm? Why do long lists of questions hold our attention? Welcome to Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind, the podcast that aims to answer a thousand questions about the human mind. A magician, academic and author, Richard holds the UK’s only professorship in the public understanding of psychology. Together with science journalist Marnie Chesterton, they take on all manner of questions from the public, celebrities and each other, on everything from ghosts to laughter, dreaming to luck, sleep to memory. This fact-filled, irreverent, interactive podcast is the ultimate guide to the human psyche and provides listeners with an invaluable toolkit for successful living. Don't want to miss an episode? Follow the show (it's published weekly). Got a question for Richard? We’d love to hear from you - send a text or voice message to @wisemanpod https://twitter.com/wisemanpod CREDITS Presented by Professor Richard Wiseman and Marnie Chesterton Produced by Kate White Executive Producers for Podimo: Jake Chudnow and Matt White Executive Producers for TellTale: Rami Tzabar & Jago Lee Music: For My Friend / Daniel Fridell & Sven Lindvall / courtesy of http://www.epidemicsound.com