Non hanno un amico

Luca Bizzarri – Chora Media

Nessuno che conti fino a 3 prima di twittare, e nessuno che chieda consiglio a un amico prima di postare. Piccoli e grandi tic degli italiani (e dei loro rappresentanti politici). “Non hanno un amico” è un podcast di Chora News, prodotto da Chora Media. Scritto da Luca Bizzarri con Ugo Ripamonti. La cura editoriale è di Francesca Milano. La post produzione e il sound design sono di Filippo Mainardi, Cosma Castellucci, Daniele Marinello e Guido Bertolotti. La supervisione del suono e della musica è di Luca Micheli. Il producer è Alex Peverengo. Musiche su licenza di Universal Music Publishing Ricordi Srl e di Machiavelli Music.


Will Media - ISPI

Il mondo non è mai stato così veloce, complesso, in crisi. Le storie da raccontare sono tante e serve chiarezza. Questo è Globally, il nuovo podcast di Will e ISPI dove spieghiamo la geopolitica in modo chiaro. Seguici anche su Instagram @will_ita


Essere Animali

Il podcast di Essere Animali dedicato all’intricato rapporto tra animali e politica. Una volta alla settimana, di lunedì.  La prima stagione è dedicata alle elezioni europee dell’8 e 9 giugno 2024. Navette, come quella procedura adottata nel nostro Parlamento che permette di rimbalzare le leggi avanti e indietro tra Camera e Senato, per garantire dei testi legislativi identici in entrambe le Camere. Ma non solo: anche in Europa Parlamento, Commissione e Consiglio devono approvare tutti lo stesso testo. Ed è così che nascono quelle leggi così importanti per noi, gli animali e l’ambiente.  Scritto da Chiara Caprio e condotto insieme a Claudio Pomo e Simone Montuschi. Supervisione Maria Mancuso, musiche e post produzione di Francesco Fusaro.  Segui Essere Animali su tutti i social o visita il sito  Scopri la nostra campagna per le elezioni europee su 

Breaking Italy Night

Breaking Italy

Il Night di Breaking Italy, condotto da Alessandro "Shy" Masala.

La via per l'Impero

Imperium Aureum

Interventi e approfondimenti di Geopolitica per comprendere e discutere su ciò che avviene nel mondo. Spesso fatichiamo a renderci conto di quanto gli scenari geopolitici influenzino le nostre vite, diamo per scontati tantissimi aspetti che plasmano la realtà in cui viviamo e in cui siamo nati e cresciuti. Capire quali meccanismi regolano il mondo è il primo passo per acquisire piena consapevolezza della nostra realtà e per poter agire per cambiarla o mantenerla. Selezionerò gli interventi più interessanti degli esponenti più autorevoli e coinvolgenti.



Il podcast di Geopop sulla geopolitica che raccoglie notizie e approfondimenti di attualità. Ogni episodio si concentra su argomenti utili a capire cosa succede oggi nel mondo e fare chiarezza sulle cause e gli effetti.


Il Post

La politica italiana spiegata bene, ogni giovedì. Un podcast del Post con Marco Simoni e Chiara Albanese

Zuppa di Porro

Nicola Porro

Il podcast ufficiale di Nicola Porro, che tutti i giorni cucina una rassegna stampa per i suoi ascoltatori.

Questa è l'Europa

Corriere della Sera

TG Luna

TG Luna è una breve rassegna stampa quotidiana a cura di Alessandro Luna che racconta con ironia e leggerezza le notizie del giorno. Dal lunedì al venerdì alle 12.

Elettorale americana

il manifesto

Una newsletter. Una rubrica. Un podcast. Tutto questo, e tanto altro, è Elettorale Americana, il viaggio del manifesto verso la Casa Bianca. Un viaggio che faremo insieme ai nostri corrispondenti dagli Stati Uniti, Luca Celada e Marina Catucci

Poteri forti

Pagella Politica

I politici parlano, i giornali riportano, noi verifichiamo. Il meglio del nostro fact-checking e della nostra informazione politica ogni settimana, il venerdì pomeriggio. Conducono Davide Leo e Federico Gonzato Prodotto da Jessica Mariana Masucci

The Campaign Managers with Kellyanne Conway and David Plouffe


Renowned strategists and successful Presidential campaign managers, Kellyanne Conway and David Plouffe, delve deep into the complexities of the 2024 election. These two seasoned insiders go beyond the headlines to dissect the latest campaign strategies, analyze the pressing issues shaping the political landscape, and share their first-hand experiences running the campaigns of history-making Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Barack Obama, offering an engaging and informative look into the high-stakes world of American politics.


ZDF, Markus Lanz & Richard David Precht

In dem neuen ZDF-Podcast sprechen Markus Lanz (Journalist, Talkshow-Moderator) und Richard David Precht (Philosoph, Schriftsteller) über die gesellschaftlich und politisch relevanten Themen unserer Zeit. Informativ, inspirierend, kontrovers: „LANZ & PRECHT“ ist der wöchentliche Gedankenaustausch zweier Menschen, die sich persönlich zugetan, aber nicht immer einer Meinung sind. Immer freitags, überall wo es Podcasts gibt.

The Political Scene | The New Yorker

WNYC Studios and The New Yorker

Join The New Yorker’s writers and editors for reporting, insight, and analysis of the most pressing political issues of our time. On Mondays, David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, presents conversations and feature stories about current events. On Wednesdays, the senior editor Tyler Foggatt goes deep on a consequential political story via far-reaching interviews with staff writers and outside experts. And, on Fridays, the staff writers Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos discuss the latest developments in Washington and beyond, offering an encompassing understanding of this moment in American politics.

The Inside Story Podcast

Al Jazeera

The Inside Story Podcast -- where we dissect, analyse and help define major global stories.


Domani | Francesca De Benedetti

Today in the EU


Today in the EU is the first daily podcast exclusively dedicated to politics and policy in the EU. Evi Kiorri together with Giada Santana and the production team, Miriam Sáenz de Tejada, Nicoletta Ionta, with Euractiv's expert journalists, will be your guide and voice to ask your questions, explain and to enrich your understanding of EU dynamics every day at 6.00 am.

Inside with Jen Psaki


Jen Psaki draws on her 20 years with a seat at the table – from the campaign bus to the Oval Office – to tackle the most pressing issues of the week, interview the biggest names in politics, and pull back the curtain on the lives of the people shaping every aspect of American life.

EU Confidential


EU Confidential is a weekly European news and politics podcast published every Friday by POLITICO Europe. Each 30-minute episode features POLITICO’s analysis of the top stories driving EU politics, as well as notable guests shaping European policy and deep-dive stories from around the Continent. It’s hosted by Sarah Wheaton, POLITICO’s chief policy correspondent, who is joined by reporters from around Europe. Discover our show notes for EU Confidential here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Deadline: White House

Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC

Drawing on years of experience as communications chief for President George W. Bush and senior advisor for the McCain-Palin campaign, Nicolle Wallace provides political insight and clarity on where the decision-makers stand on complex issues. Join her for analysis and discussion with the key newsmakers every weekday.

The Rest Is Politics: US


In a pivotal year for the United States, democracy and global affairs, Britain's biggest podcast, The Rest Is Politics, launches stateside with Katty Kay and Anthony Scaramucci. The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers the secrets from inside the Biden and Trump inner circles, as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy. New episodes released every Friday. The Rest Is Politics: UK, with Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, is released twice-weekly.

Speciali e fili diretti con Matteo Renzi

Radio Leopolda

Matteo Renzi in diretta su Radio Leopolda con Roberto Giachetti

Comunicazione politica - capire le strategie del consenso

Marco Venturini

L'esperto di comunicazione politica Marco Venturini, vi svelerà le strategie usate dai leader politici italiani, nell'ultima settimana, per ottenere il vostro consenso. Interverranno molti ospiti, fra cui giornalisti, altri consulenti in comunicazione politica, sondaggisti e politici, per commentare e spiegare il perché di certe uscite comunicative, le strategie dietro annunci, attacchi, slogan, gesti, video, foto, post e slogan. Seguite il podcast e fate le vostre domande. Marco e gli altri esperti vi risponderanno.

Non siete fascisti MA

Giuseppe Civati - Daniele Soffiati

Con l’arrivo dell’estrema destra al governo, si ripropone un tema mai scomparso nella storia della Repubblica italiana: quello del fascismo e della sua eredità storica e politica. Un tema attualissimo che “Non siete fascisti MA” affronterà in modo analitico. Pippo Civati, saggista, attivista ed editore di People, e Daniele Soffiati, autore dei podcast di successo "DOI" e "Mondiali senza gloria", ci parleranno, insieme a importanti ospiti, di teorie cospirazionistiche, razzismo, nazionalismo, revisionismo storico, negazionismo. Per non dimenticare mai, come scriveva Primo Levi, che ogni tempo ha il suo fascismo. "Non siete fascisti ma" è una produzione di Gabriele Beretta per People. Il podcast trae ispirazione dall'omonimo libro di Pippo Civati edito da People.

Poltrona Politica Podcast - il Podcast dalla Parte dei Politici

Poltrona Politica - il Podcast dalla Parte dei Politici

Poltrona Politica è il podcast che parla di politica italiana stando dalla parte di chi la Politica la fa. Dellimellow è un professionista della comunicazione politica e delle strategie digitali, professore a contratto in Web Marketing in un master universitario di secondo livello. 🔥 Newsletter Poltrona Politica:

Radio Atlantic

The Atlantic

The Atlantic has long been known as an ideas-driven magazine. Now we’re bringing that same ethos to audio. Like the magazine, the show will “road test” the big ideas that both drive the news and shape our culture. Through conversations—and sometimes sharp debates—with the most insightful thinkers and writers on topics of the day, Radio Atlantic will complicate overly simplistic views. It will cut through the noise with clarifying, personal narratives. It will, hopefully, help listeners make up their own mind about certain ideas. The national conversation right now can be chaotic, reckless, and stuck. Radio Atlantic aims to bring some order to our thinking—and encourage listeners to be purposeful about how they unstick their mind.

Jung & Naiv

Tilo Jung

Politik für Desinteressierte: Interviews, Talks und Shows. Uns gibt es nur dank eurer finanziellen Unterstützung Auf Youtube als Video, hier als Podcast - DE/EN -

The Rachman Review

Financial Times

Gideon Rachman, the Financial Times chief foreign affairs columnist talks to the decision-makers and thinkers who are shaping world affairs. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Political Fix

Financial Times

The Financial Times takes you into the corridors of power to unwrap, analyse and debate British politics with a regular lineup of FT correspondents and informed commentators. New episodes available every Friday. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle


An early look at the stories that will drive tomorrow's conversation.

Sinica Podcast

Kaiser Kuo

A weekly discussion of current affairs in China with journalists, writers, academics, policymakers, business people and anyone with something compelling to say about the country that's reshaping the world. Hosted by Kaiser Kuo.

The Curator


The best of the week on Monocle Radio, compiled into one show.

The Dig

Daniel Denvir

I Podcast di AI

Istituto Affari Internazionali

Opinioni, testimonianze, analisi e inchieste sui grandi dossier della comunità internazionale.

Power Play


Power Play is POLITICO's new weekly transatlantic podcast hosted by renowned British journalist Anne McElvoy. It takes listeners inside the minds of those who wield power to better understand the choices they face. The show features guests at the top of their fields in government, business, civil society and more — accompanied by the expert analysis of journalists across POLITICO's newsrooms globally, giving listeners the inside take on the most significant issues raised by the guest, as well as the implications. Read our show notes here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Se un ribelle spento


"Se un ribelle spento passa il testimone siamo pronti a prenderlo?" Questa è la domanda centrale del brano di Fronte Unico "L'ultimo respiro fa da testamento", una canzone che cita moltissimi personaggi storici che hanno segnato la storia del mondo attraverso la ribellione e la rivolta. In questo podcast li ricordiamo uno per uno, cercando di tratteggiarne un ritratto.

Канцлер и Бергхайн

Dima Vachedin and Alex Yusupov

Политическое шоу из Германии — так о немецкой политике еще никто не говорил. Раз в неделю журналист Дмитрий Вачедин и политолог Алекс Юсупов объясняют страну, в которой после ухода Ангелы Меркель события несутся с головокружительной скоростью.

A Fondo Con María Jimena Duzán


El exceso de información que recibimos y consumimos en Colombia nos ha acostumbrado a quedarnos con lo superficial, con lo necesario. Pero como sucede con la cebolla, hay que ir retirando capa por capa, pelando una a una para llegar al fondo y así captar la esencia de los hechos sin filtros. De esto se trata A Fondo, el podcast de Maria Jimena Duzán que podrán escuchar de lunes a viernes en Spotify.

Date y cuenta

Ibero 90.9

El periodista Alejandro Domínguez explora a profundidad los temas que están en las noticias, memes y conversaciones al vuelo, para entender mejor la realidad con entrevistas a expertos y un toque de contexto histórico.

The Rest Is Politics

Goalhanger Podcasts

Two men who’ve been at the heart of the political world - former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy Alastair Campbell and cabinet minister Rory Stewart - join forces from across the political divide. The Rest Is Politics lifts the lid on the secrets of Westminster, offering an insider’s view on politics at home and abroad, while bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably. October Election Tour - buy tickets: Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Instagram: @restispolitics Email:



Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create honest conversations with fascinating people. New episodes every Sunday and Wednesday. Become a Premium Member to receive exclusive benefits

Eye Of The Storm Podcast (with Yanis Varoufakis and Raoul Martinez)

Raoul Martinez

Join Yanis Varoufakis and Raoul Martinez for a series of fascinating discussions on power, capitalism and the crises of civilisation with renowned guests from the world of politics and the arts. Yanis Varoufakis is an economist, politician, author and the former finance minister of Greece. To find out more, go to: Raoul Martinez is a philosopher, author, artist and filmmaker. To find out more, go to: This podcast series is released in conjunction with an acclaimed new docuseries about the journey and thought of Yanis Varoufakis, "In The Eye Of The Storm — The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis". To find out more, go to: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Prosecuting Donald Trump


Veteran prosecutors Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord discuss and dissect the cases against former President Donald Trump, including the historic indictments from the Manhattan D.A., Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis.

Le monde devant soi

Chaque semaine, Jean-Marie Colombani, Alain Frachon et Christophe Carron décryptent l'actualité internationale. Le monde devant soi est un podcast de Jean-Marie Colombani, Christophe Carron et Alain Frachon, produit par Slate Podcasts. Direction et production éditoriale: Christophe Carron Montage et réalisation: Aurélie Rodrigues Présentation: Christophe Carron

The Bulwark Podcast

The Bulwark Podcast

Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest political news for the flagship podcast of the Never Trump movement and the reality-based community. Every weekday we provide insightful analysis, political hot-takes, an unabashed defense of liberal democracy and long-form interviews that cut through the "both-sides" BS. Plus a few laughs to help you wash down the crazy. Bulwark+ members can get a totally ad-free version of the show delivered right to their favorite podcast player.

The Foreign Affairs Interview

Foreign Affairs Magazine

Foreign Affairs invites you to join its editor, Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, as he talks to influential thinkers and policymakers about the forces shaping the world. Whether the topic is the war in Ukraine, the United States’ competition with China, or the future of globalization, Foreign Affairs’ biweekly podcast offers the kind of authoritative commentary and analysis that you can find in the magazine and on the website.

Politics At Jack And Sam's

Sky News

Two of Westminster's best-connected journalists Sky News’ Sam Coates and Politico’s Jack Blanchard provide the essential guide to politics in the week ahead. They'll be across the key interviews, the stories and the entire political agenda in order to keep listeners ahead of the game in UK politics, straight from their homes each week.

Die Dunkelkammer – Der Investigativ-Podcast

Michael Nikbakhsh

Korruption, Machtmissbrauch, Briefkastenfirmen, Pressefreiheit: Die Dunkelkammer ist Österreichs erster Investigativ-Podcast. Hier recherchieren Michael Nikbakhsh und Edith Meinhart – unabhängig und transparent. Disclaimer: Korruption hat keine Farbe. Kontakt:

Your Politics

RTÉ News

The RTÉ team at Leinster House and guests have an informal discussion about what has been happening in the world of Irish politics. New episodes available every Thursday evening.

Israel Policy Pod

Israel Policy Forum

A weekly podcast that goes beyond the headlines to bring you analysis from Israel Policy Forum experts and distinguished guests including policymakers, activists, and academics.

Candace Owens

The Daily Wire

Candace Owens holds nothing back in her brand new show as she takes on the political and cultural issues of the day. Featuring deep dives, investigations and exposés on today’s burning topics. Listen to CANDACE OWENS Monday through Friday at 3 PM ET / 2 PM CT.

White House Watch

White House Watch

Da Telegram e Instagram a Spotify, White House Watch è il posto dove scoprire tutte le notizie sugli Stati Uniti: dalla loro politica interna alla politica estera.

Bajo la Lupa

Diálogo Político, Franco Delle Donne

En América latina necesitamos poner el foco más allá de lo obvio. Encontrar esos aspectos, esos temas, esos detalles que nos permitan entender más sobre los procesos y los desafíos de nuestra región. Para eso hace falta un buen enfoque. Que sea preciso, original, relevante. Hace falta poner cada cuestión Bajo la Lupa. Conduce Franco Delle Donne. Bajo la Lupa es un podcast de Diálogo Político. Un proyecto de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer. Visita

Pod Save America

Crooked Media

Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Ad-Free Pod Save America episodes available NOW through Friends of the Pod subscription. Head to to join today! For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email (edited)

La storia di B.

Il Fatto Quotidiano

Storia di B. Marco Travaglio racconta a puntate l'epopea di Silvio Berlusconi, dagli esordi imprenditoriali di Milano 2 al tentativo di scalare il Colle. Produzione a cura di Alice Gussoni e Sara Sartori.


Goalhanger Podcasts

Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, hosts of Britain's biggest podcast (The Rest Is Politics), have joined forces once again for their new interview podcast, ‘Leading’. Every Monday, Rory and Alastair interrogate, converse with, and interview some of the world's biggest names - from both inside and outside of politics - about life, leadership, or leading the way in their chosen field. Whether they're sports stars, thought-leaders, presidents or internationally-recognised religious figures, Alastair and Rory lift the lid on the motivation, philosophy and secrets behind their career. Tune in to 'Leading' now to hear essential conversation from some of the world's most enthralling individuals.  Goalhanger Podcasts

The Red Line

The Red Line

Three experts, one Story. Each fortnight we host a panel of international experts diving into the biggest geopolitical stories shaping the news both here and overseas. Hosted by Michael Hilliard

GZERO World with Ian Bremmer


The United States will no longer play global policeman, and no one else wants the job. This is not a G-7 or a G-20 world. Welcome to the GZERO, a world made volatile by an intensifying international battle for power and influence. Every week on this podcast, Ian Bremmer will interview the world leaders and the thought leaders shaping our GZERO World.

Inside Austria


Der Österreich-Podcast von SPIEGEL und »Standard«. Für alle, die sich für die politischen Abgründe Österreichs interessieren. Lucia Heisterkamp und Antonia Rauth erklären, was die Republik bewegt. Jeden Samstag neu.

The MeidasTouch Podcast

MeidasTouch Network

Ben, Brett and Jordy Meiselas are three brothers with very unique backgrounds! Ben is a top lawyer and Colin Kaepernick’s business partner. Brett is a two-time Emmy award winning video editor from the world of film and television. Jordy, the fan favorite, was an award-winning advertising executive in New York. The brothers' unique approach at covering news by combining hilarious brother banter with an unapologetic support of democracy has earned them millions of supporters in America and across the globe and made them social media icons. The MeidasTouch Podcast combines brotherly love, comedy, news coverage, and deep discussions about supporting our democracy and is the go-to destination for top political leaders who view the podcast as a pivotal stop for their interviews. Join the Meiselas brothers and their loyal following — the self-described MeidasMighty — with new episodes featuring all three brothers released every Tuesday and Friday morning, and breaking news updates every single day! Catch the MeidasTouch Podcast with the brothers LIVE on video every Monday and Thursday night at 8p ET/5p PT on the MeidasTouch YouTube channel!

Lage der Nation - der Politik-Podcast aus Berlin

Philip Banse & Ulf Buermeyer

The Run-Up

The New York Times

“The Run-Up” is your guide to understanding the 2024 election. Host Astead W. Herndon talks to the people whose decisions will make the difference. Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at

Radio Tragedy رادیو تراژدی

Radio Tragedy Team

در راديو تراژدي برايتان هر ماه يك زندگي و داستان تراژيك نقل خواهيم كرد. راديو تراژدي داستان‌هایی با پایه واقعیت و برآمده از کار روزنامه‌نگاران تحقیقی را منتشر می‌سازد. وب‌سایت آدرس تلگرام Listen to the stories of amazing people who led tragic lives, every month here on Radio Tragedy.



Få dansk politiks vigtigste historier. Kritiske interview med politikerne, landets bedste analytikere og DR's hold af politiske journalister i marken. I DR's politiske podcast, der lander klokken 16 alle tirsdage og fredage.

The Source with Kaitlan Collins


Kaitlan Collins goes straight to the source and chases the facts so you can get the very latest on The Source with Kaitlan Collins.

USA 24 - Verso le Presidenziali negli Stati Uniti

Agenzia di Stampa ITALPRESS

Claudio Brachino e Stefano Vaccara commentano insieme le tappe che porteranno, il 5 novembre 2024, all’elezione del 60° presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America.

Risky Business with Nate Silver and Maria Konnikova

Pushkin Industries

Risky Business is a weekly podcast about making better decisions. The hosts, Maria Konnikova and Nate Silver, are both journalists who moonlight as high-stakes poker players. On Risky Business, they bring their analytical framework to everything from politics to poker to personal decisions. Maria has a PhD in psychology and is the author of several books including, most recently, The Biggest Bluff. While researching the book, she inadvertently became a professional poker player, with over $500,000 in tournament winnings. She is a PokerStars Team Pro. Nate is the founder and former editor-in-chief of FiveThirtyEight, and one of the country’s leading election forecasters. He has over $800,000 in lifetime poker tournament winnings and his forthcoming book, On the Edge, is about gambling and risk. Risky Business is a co-production of iHeart Media and Pushkin Industries.

Oqalliffik, KNR

Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa

Inuiaqatigiinni pisut pillugit aallakaatitassiaq. Aaqqissuisoq Thora Monrad Hansen

Pod Save the World

Crooked Media

“Pod Save America” cohost Tommy Vietor thought foreign policy was boring and complicated until he got the education of a lifetime working for President Obama’s National Security Council. On “Pod Save the World,” he and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes break down the latest global developments and bring you behind the scenes with the people who were there. New episodes every Wednesday. To get access to extended ad-free Pod Save The World episodes, sign up to be a Friends of the Pod member at

Ex voto

Marco Damilano – Chora

Il prossimo 25 settembre gli italiani torneranno a votare per eleggere il diciannovesimo Parlamento dell'età repubblicana. In vista di questo appuntamento Marco Damilano fa un viaggio nelle campagne elettorali di ieri e di oggi per capire come, voto dopo voto, gli italiani hanno “perso” le elezioni. Sono usciti sconfitti e hanno smarrito il senso della partecipazione alle urne. Andando avanti e indietro nel tempo, Damilano racconta aneddoti, retroscena e intrighi delle campagne elettorali del passato.

Popular Front

Jake Hanrahan

Popular Front is a grassroots media organisation that focuses solely on war and conflict. We go deeper than mainstream news in a way that makes important war coverage accessible for everyone. The podcast focuses on the niche details of modern warfare and under-reported conflict. See more at

Oh God, What Now?


Making sense of our political hell every Tuesday and Friday! Oh God, What Now? is the no-bulls**t politics podcast, making the unbearable bearable with top quality guests and analysis, plus poor quality jokes.  Regulars include: Dorian Lynskey, author of The Ministry Of Truth: A Biography of Orwell’s 1984 and host of Origin Story • Alex Andreou, writer, commentator, cook, actor, secret agent • Writer and commentator Ros Taylor • Rachel Cunliffe of the New Statesman • Writer and host of This Is Not A Drill Gavin Esler • Hannah Fearn of the i paper • Comedian Matt Green • New Statesman policy and politics corresponent Zoë Grünewald • Group Editor Andrew Harrison • Journalist Marie Le Conte • Podmasters Managing Editor Jacob Jarvis Sign up and get ad-free shows earlier than anyone else: Oh God, What Now? is a Podmasters production



Der Politik-Talk des SPIEGEL mit Markus Feldenkirchen. Für alle, die mitreden wollen.

Politics Weekly UK

The Guardian

Guardian political columnist John Harris hosts a cast of voices from up and down the country as well as across the political spectrum to analyse the week’s political news. For US Politics with Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland, make sure to search 'Politics Weekly America' wherever you get your podcasts

L'Asse nella Manica's Show

L'Asse nella Manica

La m***a è un marchio di fabbrica. E noi l'abbiamo brevettato. Support this podcast:

We The 66


We The 66 is the official podcast of RocaNews. 66% of Americans don’t trust the news. We explore topics, people, and ideas that Big News ignores.

Caren Miosga

Das Erste

Die ganze Sendung als Audio-Podcast.

Novara Live

Novara Media

The biggest stories and guests from the UK and international left. Livestreamed on YouTube weeknights at 6PM GMT.


Ringier Slovakia Media s.r.o.

Všetky podcasty spravodajského portálu

The Weeds


Politics is how people achieve power. Policy is what they do with it. Every week on The Weeds, host Jonquilyn Hill and guests break down the policies that shape our lives, from abortion to financial regulations to affirmative action to housing. We dive deep and we get wonky, but we have fun along the way. New episodes drop every Wednesday. Produced by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

The Seen and the Unseen - hosted by Amit Varma

Amit Varma

The Seen and the Unseen, hosted by Amit Varma, features longform conversations that aim to give deep insights into the subjects being discussed. Timeless and bingeworthy.

Der Wegscheider


Der satirische Wochenrückblick mit Dr. Ferdinand Wegscheider. Der Name ist Programm: Autor der Sendung ist Ferdinand Wegscheider, der darin regelmäßig Themen und Zusammenhänge analysiert, und aus seinem ganz persönlichen Blickwinkel Stellung dazu nimmt. All das stets mit einem Augenzwinkern, um den Zuhörer zum Nachdenken anzuregen und ihn dazu zu bringen, sich seine eigene Meinung zum jeweiligen Thema zu bilden. Frei nach dem Motto: "Da scheiden sich nicht nur die Wege, sondern auch die Geister!"

Radicals in Conversation

Pluto Press

’Radicals in Conversation’ is a monthly podcast from Pluto Press, one of the world’s leading independent, radical publishers.

Geopolítica Económica

Benjamín Norton

Noticias y análisis independiente para entender un mundo en cambio, con el periodista Benjamín Norton.


Ringier Slovakia Media s.r.o.

Všetky podcasty spravodajského portálu

Radio Libertà

Radio Libertà

War on the Rocks

Ryan Evans

Discussions over drinks with security, defense, and foreign policy insiders and experts. The original War on the Rocks podcast series.

Acht Milliarden


Der Auslands-Podcast des SPIEGEL. Für alle, denen die Welt nicht egal ist. Olaf Heuser will die Geschichten hinter den Nachrichten erfahren. Jeden Freitag neu. Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zum Krieg in der Ukraine finden Sie unter Wir freuen uns über Kritik und Vorschläge an

In Geopolitica Veritas

In Geopolitica Veritas

Siamo un canale di divulgazione geopolitica; cerchiamo di tradurre e rendere comprensibile a tutti ciò che leggiamo e studiamo dalle più importanti testate nazionali e internazionali di geopolitica.

The Foreign Desk


​Presented by ​Andrew Mueller, Monocle’s flagship global-affairs show features​ expert guests ​and in-depth analysis of the big issues of the week. Nominated for ‘Best Current Affairs’ show and the ‘Spotlight Award’ in the 2022 British Podcast Awards. 


Il Foglio

Il lato sexy dell'Europa, di Micol Flammini e Paola Peduzzi EuPorn è il podcast nato dall'omonima rubrica settimanale di Paola Peduzzi e Micol Flammini su Il Foglio. Tradimenti, passioni, fughe e ritorni del matrimonio tra 27 nazioni europee. Il primo episodio online giovedì 1 aprile 2021.

LeoniFiles: le interviste

Istituto Bruno Leoni

Una serie di interviste agli esperti del settore per andare alla radice dei cambiamenti della politica, dell'innovazione e della società. Un podcast dell'Istituto Bruno Leoni con Serena Sileoni, Carlo Amenta e Carlo Stagnaro

Political Currency


Ed Balls and George Osborne take us behind closed doors into the rooms where decisions are made. Having battled it out across the despatch box, the former Chancellor and shadow chancellor now meet in the studio to discuss the decisions that affect the nation’s pockets. Our frenemies have the knowledge and experience to explain how good politics follows the economics - and expose how the powerful become powerless when faced with market forces and political currents they can’t control. Join us every Thursday. Send your messages or voice notes to Find us on social media @polcurrency Political Currency is a Persephonica production. Subscribe now on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Checks and Balance from The Economist

The Economist

Checks and Balance unlocks American politics by taking a big theme each week and digging into the data, the ideas, and the history shaping the country. Join John Prideaux, Charlotte Howard, Idrees Kahloon and Jon Fasman as they talk to politicians, pollsters, academics and people across the country about the great experiment of American democracy. Published every Friday. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs page here Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Politics Without The Boring Bits

The Times

Join Matt Chorley as he guides you through what really matters in British politics. Formerly the Red Box podcast, he brings together the best interviews, smartest analysis and funniest panel discussions from his Times Radio show, Politics Without The Boring Bits. Listen live on DAB, smart speaker or app 10am-1pm Monday to Friday. If you like what you hear, then read more at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Campaign Moment

The Washington Post

“The Campaign Moment” cuts through the noise and connects the dots of political developments with unmatched reporting, expertise and lively conversations. Co-host Aaron Blake is one of The Washington Post’s veteran political reporters and is a constant each Friday as he analyzes and distills the moments that matter. He also writes our Campaign Moment newsletter. He’s joined by rotating colleagues from the Politics team and “Post Reports” co-hosts Martine Powers and Elahe Izadi.


The Intercept

The people behind The Intercept’s fearless reporting and incisive commentary discuss the crucial issues of our time: national security, civil liberties, foreign policy, and criminal justice. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Let's Talk Palestine

Lets Talk Palestine

"Let's Talk Palestine," a truly thought-provoking podcast, aims to shed an illuminating light on the occupation of Palestine. Whether you're a newcomer to the subject or a seasoned advocate, join us on this electrifying platform for incisive dialogues and provocative insights. We're resolutely committed to pushing the boundaries and fostering a meaningful and respectful dialogue that paves the way for a brighter, more just, and equitable future for all. With a kaleidoscopic approach, we will dive into the history, politics, culture, and daily realities of the Palestinian people.

Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan

CBS News

CBS News’ Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan is America’s premier Sunday morning public affairs program. For nearly 70 years, Face the Nation has sought to help audiences understand how current events affect their lives. Today, that mission remains the same. Hear moderator Margaret Brennan’s illuminating and informative interviews with elected officials, policy experts and foreign leaders. Face the Nation airs Sundays at 10:30 AM, ET on the CBS Television Network and at 12 PM, ET on the CBS News Streaming Network. Face the Nation is also available on Paramount+.
