Sleep Tight Stories - Bedtime Stories for Kids

Sleep Tight Media

When your kids Sleep Tight, you will too. Sleep Tight Stories brings joy and comfort to millions of families worldwide with new calming bedtime stories every single week. Each episode is relevant to children’s lived experiences, and sparks wonder (without overstimulation) so listeners can easily drift off to sleep. As one young fan eloquently states, “The stories are very entertaining, but they also are not entertaining enough to make it hard for me to sleep.” Make bedtime the sweetest part of everyone’s day with Sleep Tight Stories.  For an ad-free listening experience with bonus stories, subscribe to Sleep Tight Premium!



นิทานชาดก ได้รับการสนับสนุนโดย คุณบุญชัย เบญจรงคกุล คนในโลกนี้อยากทำดี อยากเป็นคนดีทุกคน แต่เพราะไม่มีต้นแบบดีๆ เป็นแบบอย่าง จึงต่างคิดหามาตรฐานทำความดี ต่างๆ กันไป ที่พอมีปัญญาก็ทำดีถูกวิธีได้สั่งสมความดีเป็นบารมี ไม่เสียทีที่ได้เกิดมาเป็นคน แต่ที่มีปัญญาน้อย เห็นผิดเป็นชอบก็หลงทาง ขาดทุนไปชาติหนึ่ง ด้วยเหตุนี้เราจึงควรศึกษาต้นแบบการทำความดีจาก "ชาดก" เพื่อเป็นแบบอย่าง ในการศึกษาปลูกฝังศีลธรรมผ่านเรื่องราวของบรมครูผู้เป็นต้นแบบคือพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าเมื่อครั้งท่านเป็นพระโพธิสัตว์ ในเรื่องราวของชาดก

Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids

Oh, Muses! Hear our podcast and allow us to recall some of the greatest stories ever told. Stories of gods and goddesses, monsters, and heroes! Enjoy this kid-friendly retelling of classic ancient Greek myths for the whole family. We have two seasons a year, one starting in April and one starting in October! If you want to listen to Greeking Out early and ad free, you can do that on Wondery+! ---- Parents, Greeking Out book #2 is coming out in Sept 2024! Preorder here:

Lingokids: Stories for Kids —Learn life lessons and laugh!


Tune into our award-winning podcast, Lingokids: Stories for Kids. Discover rich storytelling combined with traditional learning and modern skills for kids. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 💙

Disney Stories For Kids | Fairy Tales | Classic Tales for Kids

Kids Candle

Thank You Kids Candle Family for Your faith and kindness in me and My Show. Listen to very popular and awesome bedtime stories, funny stories, and moral stories with Kids Candle. Make your children's night beautiful with full of morals and happiness. Listen continuously story without any Disturbance. Full Entertainment with Learning. Every story Teaches a beautiful Lesson. Follow us to Listen to More Interesting Stories

Sleep Tight Relax - Calming Bedtime Stories and Meditations

Sleep Tight Media

You’re getting *very* sleeeeepy…… 🥱 Sleep Tight Relax is a weekly bedtime show for anyone who needs a good sleep. Get nice and cozy as we tuck you in for bed with a mix of dream-inducing bedtime stories, relaxation techniques, calming sounds, and soothing music. Designed for kids but suitable for sleepers of all ages, Sleep Tight Relax quiets busy minds by making bedtime blissfully calm—the way nature intended. Please do not operate heavy machinery while consuming this podcast. Recommended for ages 4 and up. PJs and stuffies sold separately 😉

Circle Round


Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids ages 3-103. Each 15 to 25-minute episode explores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And each episode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation between children and grown-ups.

Bedtime Stories For Kids

Sweet Dreams Inc.

Get ready for a good night's sleep with our fun bedtime stories.



本節目由【如果兒童劇團】製作,每一季10集,5個故事,全新第七季上線中!每週五更新,訂閱別錯過 ◆ 豬探長推理故事集 ◆ 動物界知名偵探!偵破無數案件,獲頒警界最高榮譽「獅子王銀心十字勳章」的豬探長,出現在podcast了!讓你不論是通勤,還是走路時,都可以跟著豬探長憶起推裡解謎。 一聽就上癮的推理廣播劇,用「聽」的豬探長,明星風采立刻被圈粉,讓我們一起聽下去 小額贊助支持本節目: ———————————————— 各類合作請洽 ———————————————— 【豬探長動畫線上看】 ►WOW豬探長: ►WOW聽故事: 【豬探長也推薦】 ————————————————— 全新型態的線上互動劇場 🔍《蘿蔔蹲餐廳Go!》 . 播出時間▸2024/1/14(日) 17:00 試營運特價▸$300 馬上購票▸ ————————————————— 🐷少年豬探長《小店·小偷·小豬探》 📍 台北親子劇場 1/20(六)10:30 14:30 1/21(日)10:30 14:30 馬上購票▸ ————————————————— 🚓救援小英雄舞台劇《波力開心過好年》 📍 台北兒童新樂園 1/27-28、2/3-4、2/10-14 馬上購票▸ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Bedtime Stories for Kids丨Good Night Stories丨Nighty Night, Sleep Tight


Our podcast offers a selection of the best bedtime stories for kids, your little one's passport to dreamland. Each tale is a warm, gentle lesson, perfect for setting a calming bedtime mood. Join us nightly for delightful adventures with charming characters. It's bedtime made serene, a soothing end to your child's day. Our podcast weaves a lullaby of imagination, heart, and wisdom. Tune in and let us add a dash of magic to bedtime. Our Bedtime Stories Podcast is produced by Babybus. Email us at and leave your suggestion and idea!



丁丁說故事 | 原創兒童故事 故事每周三9:00上架 二寶媽和小孩一起成長 用故事記錄一路上的學習,愛和勇氣 講上學,講偵探,也講小煩惱 創作有趣快樂的故事陪伴小孩長大 #原創故事 #兒童故事 #偵探故事 #幼兒故事 #品格教育 #睡前故事 第1季. 小兔子上學記 (第一次上學) 第2季. 丁丁東東的字島探險 (學國字) 第3季. 小兔子的暑假歷險記 第4季. 小熊阿尼的小煩惱 第5季. 東東偵探 - 歐洲篇 第6季. 魔術師的祕密 第7季. 小兔子上星星班 第8季. 星星家人 第9季. 東東偵探 - 美國篇 第10季. 小兔子畢業季 第11季. 聽故事學英文 圖片由高性能駝獸和Shyla Lan提供 音樂由 Music Time版權音樂網提供 【Facebook】丁丁說故事-102891781998687/ 【Instagram】 【合作】 【贊助一杯咖啡~支持丁丁寫出好聽的故事】 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Koala Shine: Daytime Kids Stories

Koala Kids

Koala Shine is a mindful show of Daytime Kids Stories, with adventures taking us all over the globe and even out of this world! I'm Kelly MacBride and In every episode, we'll learn something new, with cool facts and jokes, topsy-turvy tales and even the opportunity for you to be on the pod too. Koala Shine is meaningful, mindful entertainment for developing brains, with not a screen in sight! Hit ‘follow’ so you never miss an episode, and subscribe to Koala Shine+ for ad-free, uninterrupted adventures! 🌞

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

Rhea Pechter

Little Stories for Tiny People features original stories the whole family will love. Filled with endearing characters and inventive story lines, LSFTP is sure to spark your child’s imagination and to delight the entire family. Lovingly crafted to appeal to all ages, LSFTP is perfect for car rides, bedtime, or any time! Little Stories Premium offers even more stories, an ad-free listening experience, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast. Visit to learn more.

Melon's House Party


Welcome to Melon’s House Party! Did you know that the objects in your house sing and speak all day long? They just do so in a key only dogs can hear. Enter, Melon, an eight pound dog with a thousand pound heart who is the key to a world that lives right under our noses! She lives in a world full of friends; an always singing record player, a soulless computer, her bookshelf therapist and many more. But her best friend in the world is Couch. No musical adventure is too big for Melon and Couch as long as they can figure out a way to do it together. As Melon learns about herself and the world around her, she shows us how to appreciate the little things in life and the importance of friendship and family.

Сказки, бутер, три сырка

Когда родители устают пересказывать детям одни и те же истории — за завтраком, по дороге в школу или просто в момент «маам расскажиии», — они пускают в ход фантазию, внезапно меняют сюжет и... сочиняют собственную сказку. Читатели “Мела” поделились с нами идеями своих «сказок на ходу» — а мы адаптировали их вместе с детской писательницей Анастасией Строкиной и записали вместе с брендом плавленых сыров “Карат” подкаст. Готовы ко встрече с Вороной-Макароной, дядюшкой Бомом, говорящими котами и динозаврами? Включайте наши аудиосказки — и слушайте вместе с ребенком. Текст читает: Екатерина Замеховская Редактор: Анастасия Волоснова Продюсер: Кристина Бедняк Монтаж: Александр Казанцев Джингл: Ася Фрейдкина Обложка: Ксения Малкова

Lingokids: Growin' Up! —Discover dream jobs!


Lingokids: Growin' Up is an award-winning podcast for kids that sparks imagination and helps answer one big question we all had once: "What should I be when I grow up?" We're kicking off season two with the Emmy-nominated presenter Emily Calandrelli and her new, young assistant Winston. From athletes to doctors to scientists, meet inspiring grown-ups and learn all about their jobs. Join us today for an interactive audio journey where we combine fun with learning to ignite kids' minds. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 💙

Short Stories for Kids: Bedtime ~ Car Time ~ Downtime

Short Stories for Kids

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Short stories for Kids! I’m Lucy and me and my team of writers, Simon and Alex will turn your ideas in to a magical story! We upload a new story every Tuesday and Friday! So to be in with a chance of being in one of them, write your story ideas in an Apple Review. To become a Premium member and get Ad free listening plus bonus stories! Sign up at See you soon Gang :)

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.

Netflix Jr.

Wind down with your favorite Netflix Jr. characters in these bedtime stories designed to help your little ones relax and sleep. Created with Dr. Tina Bryson, childhood development expert and author of “The Whole-Brain Child,” each episode is crafted to help children successfully transition gently to sleep, while also building skills to navigate the world.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Rebel Girls

A fairy tale podcast for kids about real life extraordinary women from all over the world. Based on the bestselling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, each episode explores the lives of women from the books, encouraging young listeners to ask questions and explore their interests. 

Story Time

Bedtime FM

Children's bedtime stories delivered fortnightly as a free audiobook. For toddlers, preschoolers, young children aged 2-13, or the whole family. Download the mp3, listen in Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Leela Kids, or listen online at Proud member of Kids Listen, a grass roots organisation promoting content just for children

Super Great Kids' Stories

Wardour Studios

Supergreat Kids' Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105… Buy a colouring book HERE or a T Shirt HERE We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.

Stories For Kids

Kids Candle

On 19, September 2020 I started this show with one VO Artist. This show was supported by advertising but 1 month ago ads were stopped on my show because of the children's policy and now I am running this show with my pocket budget with my VO. I am not asking you to support my show but if you are my show listener then only support me through your motivational Mail. It gives me hope for doing very interesting and entertaining stuff for your children. My email: Thank You Kids Candle Family for Your faith and kindness in me and My Show. Tell Awesome Stories to your little-aged kids. Make your children's night beautiful with full of fun and morals. Listen to Very Popular Stories and more bedtime stories. Peter Pan Stories Snow White Stories The Little Mermaid Story and more... Bedtime Stories, Children Stories, Children Entertainment. Hey, kids, if you want to read more interesting stories, don't forget to follow us.

Princess Bedtime Stories

Help Me Sleep!

Stories about Princesses!



童年的經驗能有多長,能記多久? 充沛飽滿的幸福記憶,是長大的彈力跳床 讓我們大手牽小手,穿越故事的奇幻旅程 為孩子的童年時期,加入幸福與快樂能量 用最純粹的聲音 分享給愛聽故事的你 是份心意,也是精挑細選的好書 願大家的孩子,共享共好共成長 一起在夢想的天際裡,自在翱翔 如果您有喜愛的小說故事繪本 也可以和我一樣,買回家珍藏 一輩子受用無窮喔 任何想對叮噹媽咪說的話 可以到粉絲團留言唷~ Facebook粉專 : 叮噹媽咪的故事花園 更多好故事 各種合作請來信 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Story Train: Magical Bedtime Stories for Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

All aboard the Story Train for weekly storytelling escapades designed specifically for children aged four and up! Dive into fantastic, G-rated tales that transport young listeners on magical journeys to far-off places across the globe. From whimsical to heartwarming, each episode is perfect for bedtime snuggles or serene quiet time. Trusted by parents and adored by children, Story Train is an imaginative oasis for families seeking enriching and safe listening. Join us as we journey through our enchanting train tunnel to discover stories from every corner of the world. Perfect for those in search of delightful bedtime tales and peaceful auditory adventures!

Frozen Bedtime Stories

Help Me Sleep!

Bedtime Stories about Elsa :)

Whose Amazing Life?


You venture deep into the jungle to solve its greatest mysteries. You gaze at Earth from the surface of the moon. You write music that has the whole world humming along. WHOSE AMAZING LIFE? is the new series from the creators of Little Stories Everywhere and Adventures of Cairo. Walk in the shoes of the world’s most inspiring people, from Amelia Earhart to Lin-Manuel Miranda to Ariana Grande. Experience the challenges and triumphs they faced on their journeys — before everyone on the planet knew their names. Listen closely for clues, because we won’t reveal who the person is until the very end of each episode! Each week brings a new adventure where listeners of all ages can immerse themselves in the life of someone amazing. New episodes come out every Friday for free, with 1-week early access for Wondery+ Kids subscribers.

Blue's Clues & You: Story Time with Josh & Blue


You're just in time; Josh is about to read Blue a story! Listeners will skidoo with Josh and Blue into storybooks where sweet and silly sleepy-time adventures await. In this second season of the popular official Blue’s Clues & You! podcast, Josh will tell tales of Blue’s adventures, sing songs, and help Blue (and You!) wind-down for a snuggly, restful snooze.

Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (US)

Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends™ Storytime, a new kids' podcast series featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! With new episodes, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favorite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts!

Stoopkid Stories

Melly Victor

Stoopkid Stories is a compilation of fun and exciting stories written by Melissa Victor. We follow 7 characters every episode as they face a new adventure and will have to overcome different obstacles dealing with their friends, family, school, and community. These stories are perfect for children ages 5 and up. I hope that you will enjoy these stories and that they will be a great way for you to start conversations with the children in your life. To connect and join the #StoopkidCrew follow along on IG ,Twitter and Facebook @stoopkidstories.  Welcome to the Stoopkid Crew⭐️

The Holidays


Introducing a family called the Holidays. Yup, you guessed it - they run a party planning store. And they celebrate a different holiday every day. It’s their thing. There’s shoe day, the day of the banana, karaoke day, talk like a pirate day, and more! The Holidays are the coolest family ever when you’re in grade school. Every day is a party! But when you’re about to turn 12, it becomes totally embarrassing. Enter Clementine Holiday. It’s an awkward family to be a part of when you want to be a kid, but you also want to grow up. For ages 7-12

Live from Mount Olympus

Onassis Foundation

An adventure for tweens and listeners of all ages, Live from Mount Olympus weaves timeless Greek myths with the artistry of foremost contemporary theater-makers and the imaginative power of audio. Hermes, god of storytellers, travelers, and thieves (Tony Award-winner André De Shields) is our host. Season Four: Prometheus: You’d think being able to see the future would be a gift – but Prometheus’s visions are never completely clear, and he quickly learns that not everyone wants to see what lies ahead.  When he glimpses a coming war that will threaten the whole world, Prometheus knows he must forge an unlikely alliance with the young Olympian Zeus.  But their friendship is tested when they find they have very different ideas about how to restore a shattered world. Season Three: Atalanta: A tiny newborn, abandoned in the forest, is adopted by a mama bear who raises her as her own. Under the divine guidance of Artemis and Athena, the bear girl grows up wise and strong, a skilled archer ready for adventure. When she meets the greatest heroes in all Greece - who are none too happy to hunt alongside a girl - Atalanta surprises them all. Season Two: Demeter and Persephone: Persephone is eager to strike out on her own for the first time, but is immediately pulled into the underworld and must find her power in the darkness. Her mother Demeter fights to bring her back to the sunlight, and nothing can grow.  Can the Olympians stop fighting before humanity starves? Season One: Perseus: Young Perseus makes a rash promise to save his mother from the clutches of an evil king, and must strike out on a dangerous quest full of terrifying monsters, powerful gods, and a brave girl who will change our hero’s life forever. Live from Mount Olympus is a production of the Onassis Foundation. This bold and original audio drama is created and produced by Peabody Award-winning showrunner Julie Burstein, co-produced by the Brooklyn-based theater ensemble The TEAM, and directed by Tony Award-winner Rachel Chavkin, Zhailon Levingston, and Keenan Tyler Oliphant. Karen Brooks Hopkins is the executive producer. Live from Mount Olympus is distributed by PRX. Find out more at Since 1975, the Onassis Foundation has been dedicated to culture, community, and education, with projects that can effectively inspire social change and justice across borders. Learn more at

What If World - Stories for Kids

Eric O'Keeffe / What If World LLC

What if a dragon lived in my closet? What if there were a never-ending bowl of ice cream? Pirates, fairies, wizards, robots, and friends help Mr. Eric tell stories inspired by kids’ questions. What If World’s progressive stories will keep kids laughing while fostering curiosity, imagination, and resilience. Listen Ad-Free: Call in a What-If Question to 205-605-WHAT or email!

Super Truck: Stories for Kids

Amuse Kids

A Podcast for Kids & Families! Super Truck Stories for Kids is a storytelling show adapted from our most popular series Carl the Super Truck. We bring you new engaging audio-stories for kids each week. Featuring characters children love and engage with, each episode focuses on a new adventure and lesson. Safe for kids of all ages, Super Truck Stories for Kids is a perfect addition to your family’s routine! Meet Super Truck, a superhero dedicated to protecting the town of Car City. Always ready to jump in and rescue a friend in trouble, he has the ability to transform into any type of vehicle!

Fairy Tales with Granny MacDuff

Little Ears Media

Granny MacDuff transports you into a world of fantasy and imagination as reads both classic and original fairy tales in this award winning children's podcast. Unlock imagination and enjoy more screen free activities at the links below! Instagram 🎧 YouTube & YouTube Kids 🎧 Patreon For more information go to our Official Website.



陪玩陪到頭昏腦脹? 快讓童話阿姨替你爭取一點休息放空的時間! 各種童書繪本、寓言童話,還有童話阿姨自創的爆笑故事!從說故事、角色扮演到學動物叫聲,童話阿姨全部一口包辦(動物我盡量😂)!最棒的是,每則故事都讓孩子學會一句英文會話。 每週三上午10:30更新 快來跟童話阿姨一起快樂聽故事,輕鬆學英文! Facebook|IG 搜尋:從前從前 各類合作請洽 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages

Starglow Media / Wondery

On the Stories Podcast, we perform a new story for your children every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit and even completely original works. Everything is G rated and safe for all ages. The perfect kids podcast for imaginative families. Whether you’re driving with your children or just want to limit your kids’ screen time, Stories Podcast delivers entertainment that kids and parents alike will love.

ХРУМ или Сказочный Детектив


Encore une histoire

Encore une histoire

Encore une histoire est un podcast destiné aux enfants (et à ceux qui le sont encore dans leur tête) qui aiment qu'on leur raconte des histoires. Chaque semaine, vous retrouverez ici une histoire lue, tirée d'un livre de littérature jeunesse ou une création originale. Un podcast produit par Benjamin Muller, interprété par Céline Kallmann et réalisé par Alexandre Ferreira. A écouter avant de se coucher, allongé dans l'herbe, dans la voiture ou dans le train, Encore une histoire veut mettre en avant la formidable création littéraire destinée aux jeunes lecteurs (et aux moins jeunes, donc). Vous retrouverez bien évidemment à chaque fois les références des livres lus, si vous voulez aller plus loin en vous offrant le livre en question. Vive la lecture, vive la littérature jeunesse, vive les histoires Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Reading Bug Adventures - Original Stories with Music for Kids

The Reading Bug

Let's Fly! Reading Bug Adventures is a story podcast for kids from The Reading Bug. Each episode is a new adventure with original songs -- just hop into the Reading Bug's magic book bag, and we'll be transported to whatever time or place is in the books inside! Join us for action and adventure, and bring your crayons and paper so you can color your own illustrations. Reading Bug Adventures is created, written, and produced by The Reading Bug, an independent, family-owned children's bookstore. Learn more at

Floozeville: Silly Stories for Creative Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

Floozeville is home to the Fizzies, hilarious creatures who live far below a sleepy suburban town in an underground cavern, where they secretly run a snack factory and attempt to stay hidden from the ever-curious people of Earth!



每週三、日晚上,讓強哥說故事給你聽 希望用這些好聽的故事,陪你長大。

Kids Meditation & Sleep Stories

New Horizon

New Horizon create Guided Meditations & Sleep Stories for Kids and Adults of all ages. Our Meditations are used in schools and homes throughout the world. We have an App available which is free to download: | Ideal for: Bedtime Routine, Sleep, Stress, Anxiety and building a calm and peaceful inner life.

Musicland Stories

Starglow Media / Double Elvis

Hey there, Cosmic Cats! Welcome to Musicland Stories, the origin point for all music and adventure stories. Each week The Conductor comes to you live from the Musicland Concert Hall with an original story. Join us for an immersive and educational journey that orbits around the magic that music brings to the world. Tune in with your kids every Tuesday while you’re in the car, winding down after school, beginning bedtime, and everything in between. Musicland Stories is sure to ignite the imagination of young listeners! Kids will embark on thrilling journeys alongside colorful characters, where every twist and turn is accompanied by delightful tunes that enhance the storytelling experience. From whimsical fairy tales to epic quests and heartwarming tales of friendship, each episode is a treasure trove of entertainment that will keep young audiences eagerly listening. Designed with curious children in mind, Musicland Stories is not just a podcast – it's a gateway to creativity and exploration. Parents will love Musicland Stories for its blend of education and entertainment. Not only does the podcast provide a fun-filled escape for children, but it also offers valuable learning opportunities.  From fostering a love for music and literature to sparking curiosity about different cultures and traditions, each episode is packed with enriching content that parents can feel good about. Musicland Stories also includes a number of musical easter eggs for parents – from Wu Tang Klan and The Beatles to Beyonce and Dolly Parton. If you’re a parent who wants to ensure your child has a rich knowledge of musical legends, Musicland Stories is the podcast for you. What truly sets Musicland Stories apart is its ability to bring families together. Musicland Stories  encourages co-listening among families. Listen and discuss Musicland Stories together to create new family memories! Whether it's during car rides, bedtime routines, or lazy Sunday mornings, parents and children can bond over the shared joy of listening to enchanting tales set to mesmerizing music. It's a wholesome experience that fosters quality time. Moreover, "Musicland Stories" promotes active listening skills, helping children develop concentration and comprehension abilities while they follow along with the captivating narratives. By engaging multiple senses simultaneously, the podcast creates a multisensory experience that enhances cognitive development and encourages a deeper connection to the stories being told.  So, if you're a parent looking for engaging content to entertain and inspire your little ones to embark on thrilling adventures in a world where music reigns supreme, Musicland Stories is the podcast you've been waiting for. Tune in each week, let your imagination take flight, and discover the magic of storytelling through music!

Spotty Dinosaur and Friends丨Cute Short Stories about Little Animals for Kids丨Sweet Moment


Hey, kiddos! Meet Spotty Dinosaur, the one with the loooong tail. And his friends: the lovely dancer from South America, Mimi Crocodile, the little gentleman from the UK, Peppy Hedgehog, and the Kung Fu girl from Asia, Skipper the Squirrel. Plus, a bunch of other little animal pals from all around the globe! In each episode, we spin a cute and heartwarming story to spark your imagination and share the true meaning of friendship. Come join the fun with us! We're gonna play some games and become the best of buddies. ? Suitable for ages: 3-7 years old ? Enjoy three new episodes every week ?‍?‍?‍? Family Bonding:listen to stories together at bedtime,cartime,downtime and anytime! Can't wait to hang out with you!

Storytime with K - Kid Story Podcast

Storytime with K - Kids Books Read Aloud

THANK YOU FOR 1.5 MILLION PLAYS!! Listen as K reads aloud your favorite children’s books! Whether you use reading time to help build reading skills or help your little ones fall asleep, this podcast has exactly what you need.

Les P'tites Histoires


Les P'tites Histoires, c'est le podcast d'histoires originales pour enfants à écouter dès 6 ans. Chaque jeudi, découvrez une nouvelle histoire. Aventure, enquête, rire, action, frisson, tranche de vie, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Il y en a plus de 235 à écouter ! Become a member at Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Dork Diaries: Tales From a Not-So Fabulous Life

Rachel Renée Russell

Meet Nikki Maxwell! She’s starting eight grade in a new school—and her very first diary. In 15 fully dramatized episodes, an animated cast of characters hilariously present Nikki’s Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life. Adapted from Rachel Renée Russell’s bestselling series, the Dork Diaries podcast offers family entertainment for longtime fans and those meeting Nikki for the first time. Produced in partnership with Simon & Schuster Audio, this fiction podcast for kids stars longtime Dork Diaries audiobook narrator and award-winning actress Jenni Barber. New episodes land Monday and Friday. Learn more:

Spyology Squad | Kids Podcast

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Welcome to "Spyology Squad," the thrilling kids podcast where science meets espionage in a world of "spyience-fiction"! Join the intrepid trio—Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim—as they embark on gripping missions to thwart Dr. Stinkybreath and his devious Purple Ninjas. Each episode of this dynamic kids podcast is a blend of exhilarating adventure and intriguing science, perfect for young minds eager to learn and explore. Dive into the heart-pounding world of "Spyology Squad," a kids podcast that's more than just entertainment. It's a journey into the realm of science, where each episode is a new mission, combining the excitement of spy adventures with the wonders of the scientific world. This kids podcast is designed to captivate listeners aged 6-12, providing them with memorable stories that are both fun and educational. "Spyology Squad" stands out as a unique kids podcast, offering episodes thrice a week that are tailored to complement what children are learning in school. With its engaging narrative and educational content, this kids podcast is the perfect supplement to your child's learning journey, making science both accessible and enjoyable. Listeners will be on the edge of their seats, following the adventures of Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim in this kids podcast, where each episode is a new opportunity to learn about science, develop critical thinking skills, and be part of the team that saves the world! It's not just a kids podcast—it's an adventure into learning that your child will look forward to every week. Subscribe to "Spyology Squad," the kids podcast where science and adventure collide, and be part of a community that values curiosity, learning, and fun. Join the squad and delve into a world where kids podcast episodes are not only memorable and perfect for children aged 6-12 but also a fantastic addition to their educational experiences. Don't miss out on the action, the learning, and the chance to be part of the Spyology Squad, where every week is a new adventure in the world of "spyience-fiction"!

Video Game Bedtime Stories

Help Me Sleep!

Bedtime Stories About Video Games! :)

Bobby Wonder: Superhero Adventure Stories for Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

Bobby just found out he's from another planet, he has superpowers, and Mighty Mila is out to get him! At least protecting his hometown of Pflugerville will be a little easier with Grabstack, his hilarious constant companion, at his side. Bobby Wonder, part of the GoKidGo universe of shows for kids, is written and directed by NY Times bestselling children's author Patrick Carman, starring Danny Pudi (Ducktales, Mythic Quest, Community), Kat McNamara (The Stand, Arrow, Shadowhunters), and Ian James Corlett (The Loud House, Vampirina, Dragon Ball Z). For ages six and up.

Ms. Adventure‘s Treehouse: Christian Stories for Kids

Charity Campbell

Do you wish you could entertain your kids without a screen? Want something to make drive time more fun? Bedtime stories more purposeful? Something to get you and your kids through another long day at home? What if that entertainment was wholesome, silly, and life-giving all at the same time? Here at Ms. Adventure‘s Treehouse, that‘s my goal! Join me in my treehouse for adventure (and misadventure) as I share original, Christian children’s stories. My hope is to reflect the greatness of Jesus Christ to kids (and their big people) in a unique and entertaining way. Ms. Adventure‘s Treehouse

นิทานอีสป By Krish

kasame chawla

รวมเรื่องนิทานอีสป Support this podcast:

Snoop and Sniffy: Dog Detective Stories for Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

What happens when Snoop, an experienced dog detective from London, gets sent to small-town Pflugerville to train clueless puppy Sniffy as an undercover agent? Mystery! Adventure! And CHAOS! Seriously -- the town of Pflugerville isn’t dullsville like Snoop expected and he quickly realizes that he can’t handle all the action without Sniffy by his side. Even when they’re able to turn a blind eye to the alien superheroes and villains battling it out for control of Pflugerville, Snoop and Sniffy have their paws full on Bark Street with hilarious busy bodies like Loraine the Neighborhood-Watch duck, Poot the Groundhog and Fred the Squirrel popping ‘round! Do you love to laugh? Do you love animals? Do you have the brightest mind since Sherlock Holmes? Yes?! Then tag along with us for the fun and see if YOU can help Snoop and Sniffy solve some mysteries! For ages 5-12



知名親子共讀推廣頻道【我們家的睡前故事】,由專業配音員許伯琴(小妹媽媽)及她開朗可愛的女兒(小妹)共同主持,有趣、歡樂、好聽又溫馨,是您與孩子睡前故事的首選,也是共讀的最佳示範。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Girl Tales

Starglow Media / Cordelia Studios

Girl Tales is a podcast featuring reimagined fairytales. Damsels in distress? Princesses in need of protection? You won’t find those here. The girls in our stories take control of their own destinies, turning your favorite fairytales into exciting new adventures. With energetic voice actors and professional sound design, these stories burst to life at the touch of a button. Episodes air every Monday. Recommended for ages 5-10.

Bedtime Stories With Mozart

Bedtime Stories With Mozart

Welcome to Bedtime Stories With Mozart. This is a podcast designed to help your young ones fall asleep. As a group of youth musicians, we are passionate about exposing others to classical music. Each episode, we play a short excerpt of a calming selection of classical music, followed by a reading of a bedtime story. Enjoy our work!

Fairy Tale in Magical Realms丨Folklore Fables & Fanciful Stories for Kids


Timeless classic fairytales, folktales, and fables were narrated in a different way. We are going to take you on a journey of the fantastic story world. The stories tailored for kids are perfect for bedtime routines, car rides, and road trips. Let's start our incredible journey right now. "Wonder Tales in Magical Realms" Podcast is produced by Babybus. Email us at and leave your suggestion and idea!

Storynory - Audio Stories For Kids


Beautifully read and written audio stories for kids. The original stories podcast, founded in 2005.

Story Spectacular

Angela Ferrari

Join children's book author/illustrator Angela Ferrari for a Spectacular weekly children's podcast with original stories and classic retellings. Stories come alive through colorful music, lively sound, and fun characters. Listeners will recognize familiar faces like Humpty Dumpty and discover new friends like Digger the Dog. These spectacular stories are sure to delight listeners of all ages and ignite the imagination within.


海苔熊 & SoundOn 製作團隊

【SoundOn原創】 海苔熊,專欄作家、心理學暖男。 在有如叢林的都市之中,你是否覺得茫茫然呢?邀請你一起踏入童話故事中的森林。 【海苔熊說故事】從童話出發,透過心理學知識,提供一個不同以往的童話分析,以及深入內心認識自我的解方。 【聽你聽我】邀請各領域的來賓,透過對話探索這世界或心底的各個角落,找到與他人和自己相處的處方。 贊助海苔熊: 通告合作邀約 ✉️ 廣告合作請洽 ✉️ 🎧SoundOn APP下載🎧 - - - - - - 📣訂閱SoundOn Facebook▶️ Instagram▶️ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

English Kids Story with Katrina

Katrina Hao

✨Simple stories for children and English learners. Fairytales 🧚 folktales 🧙‍♀️ and original stories by Katrina Hao from U.S.A. Watch on Youtube @mskatrinahao 📚 S16: Emotions S15: Grimm's (video) S14: British Fairy Tales S13: Lucy the Cat: Summer Vacation S12: Winnie the Pooh S11: Farm Animals S10: Lucy the Cat: Food S9: Hans Christian Andersen S8: Mother Goose S7: Lucy the Cat: Countries S6: Happy Holidays! S5: Grimm's Fairy Tales S4: My Father’s Dragon - beginner S3: My Father's Dragon - advanced S2: Scandinavian Stories S1: Aesop’s Fables

Adventure Kids

KoDee Browning

Kid stories read outloud, allowing their minds to paint the pictures.

Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature

Disney Publishing, ABC Audio

Queen Anna has a lot on her plate – there are visitors in her Kingdom, a friend in need, and even the Duke of Weselton’s nephew skulking around – so when the Spirits of Nature start acting up, she knows she has to solve the problem – and fast – before things get more out of control. But when Anna and Elsa travel to the Enchanted Forest, they find mysterious copper machines that are disrupting the natural order of things. Who made these machines and what are they doing in the forest? And more importantly, how do Anna and Elsa stop them? Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature is a 12 episode audio-first story for kids 6-12. Two new episodes released every week, or listen early and ad free on Wondery+.

Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest


In every episode of Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest, bestselling author Adam Gidwitz retells a classic fairy tale to a group of inquisitive kids, who anticipate plot twists, crack jokes, and share their own perspectives on these very Grimm tales.

Pokemon Bedtime Stories

Help Me Sleep!

Bedtime Stories About Pokemon! :)

Mr. Bedtime Stories

Mr Bedtime Stories

Mr. Bedtime Stories reads books from Mr. Men and Little Miss for bedtime.



*每週五更新節目* 說故事,是孩子學習表達與邏輯最棒的起點。 你們投稿,我們改編,由專業編劇與混音團隊製作的超好聽廣播劇! -- 官網: -- 想知道更多節目的新消息,請加入「一起說故事」的臉書社團: 商業合作或收聽相關問題請來信 (部份月份有第五週為休更日) Powered by Firstory Hosting

Children's story told in English


Stories from around the world, told in English, for children to read along with.

Kids Short Stories: a Bedtime Show By Mr Jim

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Welcome to Kids Short Stories, the unique podcast where your child's imagination becomes the star of the show! Dive into a world of adventure, mystery, and fun as Mr. Jim brings to life exhilarating tales inspired by story ideas submitted by kids from around the globe. Whether your child dreams up a story about space-traveling aliens, underwater adventures, or magical forests, Kids Short Stories transforms their creative sparks into captivating audio experiences. Each episode of Kids Short Stories is a new journey, tailor-made for young listeners who love to explore, learn, and imagine. With a special emphasis on kids' stories, this podcast is not just entertainment—it's a platform where children's voices and ideas lead the narrative. Listen as kids' stories about heroes, mythical creatures, and everyday challenges come to life, fostering a love for storytelling and enhancing listening skills. Kids Short Stories is more than just a podcast; it's a community where children are encouraged to be creative and where their stories are valued and celebrated. By focusing on kids' stories, we aim to inspire a generation of young thinkers, dreamers, and storytellers. Join Mr. Jim every week for a new, exciting kids' story that ignites imagination and brings joy and laughter into your child's world. Parents and educators love Kids Short Stories for its commitment to delivering engaging, thoughtful, and age-appropriate content. Each kids' story is crafted with care, ensuring that it's not only entertaining but also educational. If you're looking for a podcast that enriches your child's day with fantastic kids' stories and a healthy dose of imagination, you've found the perfect listen with Kids Short Stories. Don't let your child's imaginative ideas stay untold! Tune in to Kids Short Stories and embark on a storytelling adventure where kids' stories come to life. Subscribe now and be part of a podcast that celebrates the power of children's creativity through kids stories.

Whale of a Tale: Sea Stories for Kids Who Love the Ocean

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

Zavia and Atlas are a 10-year old sister and brother with different temperaments and skills but one big common interest: fearlessly exploring the vast ocean while driving around in their home -- a high tech whale-shaped submarine!



彩虹奶奶的先生是個童話作家,以前寫了很多故事,給孩子看。但隨著時間流逝,現在那些故事都靜靜地躺在那裡。 彩虹奶奶覺得很可惜,她想要讓故事活起來,要讓孩子們聽到有意義又有意思的童話,所以開始錄音製作podcast 。 孩子聽故事的快樂,就像看到彩虹一樣的開心,爸爸媽媽如果沒有空說故事給你們的孩子聽,那就讓彩虹奶奶來幫忙吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Abide Kids Bedtime Stories

Abide Stories for Kids

Kids' Christian Bible Bedtime Stories by Abide with peaceful background music & sounds to help children fall asleep fast. ⭐Abide is the #1 Bible app to stress less & sleep better. Join the millions of people who download the 4.9 star reviewed Abide app to reduce stress, improve sleep and experience the peace of God everyday. ⬇️Get the Abide app FREE: According to meditation research... 84% of Christians who meditate at least weekly have the strongest faith in God 81% of Christians who meditate at least weekly experience God's peace the most Mindfulness meditations like Abide Christian meditations can measurably: ▶ Improve the quality and length of your life ▶ Reduce stress, blood pressure, pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, addictive impulses & cravings ▶ Grow brain density in regions responsible for memory, compassion, self-awareness and introspection

Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (UK)

Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends™ Storytime, a new podcast series featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! With new episodes, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favourite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts!

Kids Animal Stories

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Welcome to "Kids Animal Stories," the captivating kids podcast where education meets entertainment through the exploration of the animal kingdom. Hosted by the engaging Mr. Jim, this show takes young listeners on thrilling adventures into the wild, diving deep into the lives of animals from every corner of the globe. Each episode of this kids podcast is a journey, rich with learning opportunities and fun facts that spark curiosity and foster a love for nature. "Kids Animal Stories" is the perfect kids podcast for young animal enthusiasts eager to learn about the natural world. Through immersive storytelling, Mr. Jim brings to life the fascinating behaviors, habitats, and conservation stories of animals, making each episode an educational expedition. With a focus on being a kids podcast, it provides a platform where children can not only listen but also engage with the content, learning about the environment and the importance of caring for our planet. As a leading kids podcast in the realm of educational entertainment, "Kids Animal Stories" combines factual information with engaging narratives, making learning about animals exciting and memorable. Whether your child is interested in the deep sea, the jungle, or their own backyard, this kids podcast delivers stories that captivate and educate, sparking a lifelong interest in wildlife and conservation. Parents and educators value "Kids Animal Stories" as a resourceful kids podcast that complements learning with fun. Each episode is thoughtfully crafted, ensuring that the content is not only informative but also suitable for children of all ages. As a trusted kids podcast, it's an excellent way for children to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, all through the power of storytelling. Subscribe to "Kids Animal Stories" and join Mr. Jim on this exciting kids podcast, where each episode is an adventure waiting to happen. Ignite your child's passion for learning and their love for animals with this engaging kids podcast, where every story is an opportunity to learn something new about our planet's incredible wildlife. "Kids Animal Stories" is more than just a kids podcast—it's a window to the world, opening young minds to the wonders of the animal kingdom, one story at a time.

Pinkalicious & Peterrific

GBH & PBS Kids

Join Pinkalicious and her little brother Peter as they sing along to their favorite songs from the hit PBS Kids show, Pinkalicious & Peterrific. Each episode you’ll go on a pinkcredible adventure – dancing, singing, and making believe with the pinka-tastic sister and brother podcast hosts, Pinkalicious and Peter. Based on the bestselling picture book Pinkalicious by Victoria Kann and Elizabeth Kann, the Pinkalicious & Peterrific podcast is made by GBH Kids, the producers behind some of your all-time favorite PBS KIDS series: Arthur, Curious George, Molly of Denali, and more! Connect with Pinkalicious and Peterrific on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Kids Star

Varsha Batwara

Kids poems| kids stories| kids yoga| kids mind game| and many more...

Books That Speak

Asawari Doshi

BooksThatSpeak is our effort to help our kids fall and stay in love with books and stories - even if it means that they are listening to the stories instead of reading them. Tune in for audio versions of children's stories in Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English.

Sunny Story นิทานเด็ก

Sunny Story

นิทานสำหรับเด็ก นิทานก่อนนอน มีเสียงดนตรีประกอบ ฟังสนุก พัฒนาการเรียนรู้ ได้ข้อคิด ให้น้องๆใช้เวลาว่างให้เกิดประโยชน์

Adventure Journey of Dino Warriors


Welcome to our world of courage and imagination! Listen to our thrilling adventure stories! Allow your imagination to run wild and be creative to experience the allure of adventure stories! Adventure Journey Podcast is produced by Babybus. Email us at and leave your suggestion and idea!



現在下載『媽爹講故事2.0官方版』APP 更多精彩故事 & 小知識每日更新: 【品牌簡介】 媽爹講故事是台灣知名兒童早教品牌,由親子網紅媽爹Mom&Dad為主理人,替孩子打造多樣化的精品故事與有聲內容。我們結合快樂,多元,成長三大核心理念,提供上千個原創與改編IP內容,包含繪本、童話、科普、歷史、寓言等;2-12歲孩子喜歡的故事應有盡有。 聯繫我們 Powered by Firstory Hosting

DISO - Simon

Paradiso Media

Le plus mignon et malin de tout les lapins c'est Simon Lapin bien sûr ! Ce petit personnage c'est l’alter ego facétieux des enfants, il dédramatise avec humour le quotidien. Ce classique de l'Ecole des Loisirs est a écouter sans se priver sur Diso ! ______________________ Abonnez-vous à DISO pour profiter de tout le catalogue (plus de 40 séries de podcasts) sans publicités, et en illimité ! Pour s'abonner, c'est 3,99 € par mois ou 39,99 € par an, sans engagement, et les 7 premiers jours sont gratuits 👉 Pour retrouver toutes les séries du catalogue si vous êtes déjà abonné.e 👉 Bonne écoute ! ______________________ Une série produite par Paradiso Média © Funny Flux Studio and Alpha Group Des histoires de Stéphanie Blake produites par Johanna Bondoux avec la voix de Bernard Lanneau, Diane Dassigny, Kaycie Chase, Gwenaelle David, François Perrache, Geneviève Doang, Jean-Paul Bordes, Brigitte Barilley, Lucine Dorso Produit par Johanna Bondoux et réalisé par Adrien Le Blond.




The Adventures of Foxie and Bunny Coco


A bunch of super cool story podcasts just waiting for you: Play with cute animals in fairy tales>>>"Wonder Tales in Magical Realms | Dreamy Fairytale Fables for Little Ears" Time-travel to dinosaur battles>>> "Dinosaur Friends: Kids' Adventures with Dino" Solve mysteries cases and learn safety tips>>> "Sheriff Labrador's Mystery Files: Sunflower Kindergarten" Embark a journey about courage and friendship >>>"Spotty Dinosaur and Friends丨Funny Stories for Kids" Thrilling adventures? Don't miss >>> "Adventure Journey of Courage and Imagination | Funny Quest for Kids" So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive into a world of stories that'll take you on the coolest adventures ever! --------------------------------------------------------------- The Adventures of Foxie and Bunny Coco is a story series full of surprises and joy, telling the story of two unusual friends. Cute Bunny Coco, bad Magician Foxie, although they often quarrel and bicker, sometimes they also have "common dreams and goals". They explore a wonderful world together, encountering various magical creatures and dangerous adventures. Fortunately, Magician Foxie always uses his intelligence and creativity to make some magical items that help Bunny Coco overcome difficulties and enemies. Their adventure is funny and touching, exciting and warm, let's join their adventure journey right now!

Journey with Story - A Storytelling Podcast for Kids

Kathleen Pelley. audio story podcaster, children's author

Journey with Story is a storytelling podcast for kids ages 3-10. These audio stories are told with a Celtic flavor and calming voice of Scottish author, Kathleen Pelley. She shares fairy tale stories, bedtime stories, classic stories, and her own original children's audio stories.

Koala Tots: Bedtime Stories for Toddlers

Koala Kids & Abbe Opher

This is Koala Tots, a show designed to help your babies and toddlers sleep. In each episode, there’ll be soothing wind-down rhymes, calming sounds and beautifully crafted bedtime stories read by me, Abbe Opher. Making Koala Tots a part of your baby's routine will not only improve their sleep onset.. and duration.. but it will also help their language comprehension and cognitive development! Hit ‘follow’ so you never miss an episode, and subscribe to Koala Tots+ for an ad-free, super sleepy experience. 👶💜



รวบรวมนิทานสำหรับเด็กทั้งเก่าและใหม่ ภาษาไทยและ ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่แฝงแง่คิดสอนใจ สำหรับเด็กๆวัยเรียนรู้ พร้อมภาพประกอบสวยๆจากพี่พิม Chonni.andco และเสียงจากพี่ส้อมทุกๆสัปดาห์นะคะ

My Little Pony: The Podcast

My Little Pony / Entertainment One

Join popstar Princess Pipp Petals and her trusty pony producer Jazz Hooves in the all-new podcast series, My Little Pony: The Podcast. With eight episodes filled with fun life lessons, music and guest appearances from all your mane friends in Equestria, everypony can learn how to make their mark and celebrate what makes them unique! It’s going to be ICONIC! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Story Me Share

กาลครั้งหนึ่ง Podcast รายการที่จะพาน้องๆท่องโลกจินตนาการ ไปกับนิทานเรื่องต่างๆกับพี่เปิ้ล นักเล่านิทาน

Story Quest – Stories for Kids

Fun Kids

Original stories for kids and families, suitable for all ages. New episodes every week! Story Quest episodes are perfect stories for the car, bedtime stories, or as a way to unwind.  Get even more stories with Story Quest+: The Full Collection when you become a Fun Kids Podcasts Plus subscriber. As well as that show – and 30 others! – you'll get our podcasts ad-free and be supporting the work Fun Kids does in bringing you high-quality, entertaining, and safe content for your family. Find out more at

Kulbeli Moral Stories in English | Kids English Story | Kid Bedtime Stories In English | Short Story

Kulbeli Kids Stories in English

Kulbeli provides History and Kids stories, series like Akbar Birbal, Tenaliram, Panchtantra, Short Stories Kulbeli Moral Stories in English | Kids English Story | Kid Bedtime Stories In English | Short Story

Fierce Girls

ABC listen

From skaters to singers, mountaineers to Mars mission-leaders. From the deep blue sea to the dark, black skies. Australia is full of girls who dare to do things differently. Adventurous girls. Girls with guts and spirit. Girls who stand-up and say, "watch out world, here I come!". Do you know what they are? They're FIERCE. These are their stories. Join the amazing Amy Shark, Julie Bishop, Yael Stone and more as they tell the inspiring tales of some of Australia's most extraordinary women.

Life at the Pond

Charlie Richards and Christian Parenting

Try holding back the giggles as your friends at the Pond take you on adventures and everyday challenges with a smile. Each episode applies solid, biblically-based truths to life lessons that build character in your kids and provide more than a splash of humor along the way from a crew building lifelong friendships at The Pond. Life at the Pond is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

Classic English Stories For Kids


From the legendary writers like Beatrix Potter, Grimm Brothers and Watty Piper to name a few, Chimes Radio brings to you children stories of Cindrella, Snowdrops and Seven Dwarfs, Puss in Boots, Alice in Wonderland, Goldilocks and Three Bears, The Tale Of Peter Rabbit, Little Red Riding Hood, Aladdin and Magic Lamp, Goose Girl, Sleeping Beauty and many more. Enjoy these all time Classic English tales in our kids bedtime stories section and let your own imagination shape your vision of the story.   For more kid's podcasts and 24x7 web radio, download the free 'Chimes Radio' apps from Apple and Google App Stores.


Piefaa Kanjana

เล่านิทานฟังสบายสำหรับทุกเพศทุกวัยพร้อมคติสอนใจ สไตล์พี่เล่านิทานให้น้องฟัง คุณแม่เล่านิทานกล่อมลูก คุณยายเล่านิทานสอนหลาน เล่าโดยคุณหมอผู้ชื่นชอบการฟัง การอ่าน และการเล่านิทาน โดยเฉพาะนิทานอีสปและนิทานพื้นบ้าน หวังว่าเสียงเล่านิทานนี้จะมอบความสุข เสริมสร้างสมาธิและจินตนาการให้กับผู้ฟังทุกท่านทั้งในยามเช้า ก่อนเข้านอน หรือแม้แต่ระหว่างการเดินทางในทุกๆวันค่ะ

African Folktales with Miss Jo Jo

ABF Creative

African Folktales with Miss Jo Jo is a Webby Award-winning children's podcast of diverse short stories originating in Africa, originally passed down through generations by word of mouth. These traditional tales told with a new twist, are not only entertaining but serve to teach a lesson as well. Sometimes of a moral value and other times of survival. Tune in and share with a friend.

Stories Podcast Sleep Series

Starglow Media / Wondery

Stories Podcast Sleep Series is all the stories you love, told in a low and soothing voice, perfect for helping you fall asleep.

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Gobooki Media

Korean kid's book read by Korean children and man[한국 동화책 읽기]

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KenoStory Team

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The Baby Big Mouth Podcast for Kids

Baby Big Mouth Podcast Network

The Baby Big Mouth Podcast! Sing, dance and explore with fun, educational, music filled episodes that kids will love. Join Baby Big Mouth and all of his friends for BIG FUN!