Real English Conversations Podcast - Learn to Speak & Understand Real English with Confidence!

Real English Conversations: Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies - English Podcast

Welcome to the Real English Conversations podcast, your ultimate destination for immersive English learning! If you're eager to elevate your English proficiency beyond the basics, you've landed in the perfect spot. Our mission is to empower you to master listening, speaking, and comprehending English in real-world scenarios, regardless of your location. From casual discussions to professional dialogues, we cover a wide spectrum of topics, ensuring you're prepared for any context. Learning with us is not only effective but also enjoyable! Our episodes are packed with engaging content designed to captivate your interest while enhancing your English skills. Whether you're pursuing personal growth or aiming to excel in your career, we've got your back. Our podcast is custom-tailored to support your goals and boost your confidence in English communication.

Talk To Me In Korean

Talk To Me In Korean

The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At, we provide a systematic curriculum of easy-to-follow lessons, and a wide selection of self-study Korean-learning books!

IELTSCast | Weekly shadowing exercises for IELTS Speaking

Ryan Higgins

This show publishes 'Repeat After Me' IELTS Speaking lessons. All speaking scripts are written by active examiners, and all questions are taken from real exams. For full lessons, visit: Contact Ryan at

TED Talks Education


What should future schools look like? How do brains learn? Some of the world's greatest educators, researchers, and community leaders share their stories and visions onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.



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几十年的人生风雨中他们与学术为伴,教书育人,求知探索。清华学术大师们的求学旅途中有哪些动人故事,他们的学术志向、学术观点、学术思想是如何确立和产生的?那些曾经登上“人文清华”讲坛的学术大师,他们的人生际遇对我们有哪些新的启发和思考?人文清华将与您一起走进他们的学术人生。 #关于我们 “人文清华”讲坛是清华大学于2016年初开启的大型活动,遍邀当代人文大家,阐述他们的经典学说、独特思考和重大发现,致力于构建一个人文思想持续发声的公共空间,推动人文日新、社会进步。 本播客精选自清华大学新闻与传播学院教授、知名主持人张小琴女士对登上讲坛的清华人文学者的长篇访谈,全面反映学者的成长经历和学术经历,使各位听众不仅知其学术之所然,亦知其所以然。他们作为亲历者的口述,同时呈现了特定时期中国社会、人与文化发展的鲜活历史。

Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Federal Aviation Administration

"The Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge provides basic knowledge that is essential for pilots. This handbook introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that will be needed as they progress in their pilot training. Except for the Code of Federal Regulations pertinent to civil aviation, most of the knowledge areas applicable to pilot certification are presented. This handbook is useful to beginning pilots, as well as those pursuing more advanced pilot certificates." (Summary from the preface) Study of the handbook should include the PDF from the FAA, which is available at View our full collection of podcasts at our website: or YouTube channel: This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.

Teach Me Biology

Sarah Matthews & Ria Corbett

A Revision Podcast for A-Level Biology Students Hosted by Ria Corbett and Sarah Matthews. Ria Corbett is a former science teacher with a biology specialism. Sarah, is her younger sister and learning A-Level biology. Ria will be teaching her topic by topic to provide you the listener with an audio revision resource.  We hope you can incorporate us into your revision as a part of your learning journey. Dip in and out, listen to the topics you need to work on or use us as your biology bible. Whatever you need us for, we are here!

» Divine Intervention Podcasts

Divine-Favour Anene

Podcasts/Vodcasts relevant to the USMLE Step 1-3 exams and 3rd year shelf exams.

Law School TA

Kasey Baughan

Stanford Law graduate Kasey Baughan takes you through the first year of law school. We will start with a brief overview of the US legal system, and then move to contract law, tort law, criminal law, and the other subjects you'd typically cover in the first year of law school. Join our PodTalk Section 3 group at

Arabic for Beginners I

School of Humanities an Media Studies

NCLEX Review

NCLEX Reviews

This Podcast is a one-stop-shop for the best NCLEX review materials. Remember to Favourite and Subscribe for automatic notification whenever new episodes are uploaded. Kindly consider supporting the podcast on the link below. It will go a long way in helping many more access preparation materials. Support this podcast:

Chalk Radio

MIT OpenCourseWare

Chalk Radio is an MIT OpenCourseWare podcast about inspired teaching at MIT. We take you behind the scenes of some of the most interesting courses on campus to talk with the professors who make those courses possible. Our guests open up to us about the passions that drive their cutting-edge research and innovative teaching, sharing stories that are candid, funny, serious, personal, and full of insights. Listening in on these conversations is like being right here with us in person under the MIT dome, talking with your favorite professors. And because each of our guests shares teaching materials on OCW, it's easy to take a deeper dive into the topics that inspire you. If you're an educator, you can make these teaching materials your own because they're all openly-licensed. Hosted by Dr. Sarah Hansen from MIT Open Learning. Chalk Radio episodes are offered under a CC BY-NC-SA license (

高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资源


感谢大家的喜爱和支持!不知不觉,《高效磨耳朵》已经陪伴大家走过两年半时间,相信通过坚持不懈的练习,每个人都已经有了进步。 高效磨耳朵,每周一三五七的7:30更新一期,下面调整后的内容分类。 周一:单词造句磨耳朵 10个单词 每个单词2-5个句子 从字母A带头的单词开始,每期列10个单词,每个单词配2-5个句子,适合练习听力的初学者。 周三:句子反复磨耳朵 10个句子 经典的句子磨耳朵材料,词汇和句子相对简单,适合多听练语感。 周五:英文名著分级阅读 一篇 精选经典的英文名著,配以精彩演播,剧情前后连续,表演生动有趣。 周日:level 4短文 一篇 关于各类话题的断篇文章,难度相对较高,适合听力进阶,觉得太难的朋友可以先去听level1到level3。


Russ Roberts

EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused the 2008 financial crisis, the nature of consciousness, and more. EconTalk has been taking the Monday out of Mondays since 2006. All 900+ episodes are available in the archive. Go to for transcripts, related resources, and comments.

Musée du Louvre - for iBooks

The Open University

The Musée du Louvre houses 35,000 works of art, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo, but how were they brought together as a collection? This unit examines the importance of art through history and the impact of personality and conflict. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.


Yuru Gengogaku Radio

ゆるく楽しく言語の話をするラジオです。「springはなぜ春もバネも意味するの?」「『象は鼻が長い』の主語は象?鼻?」などの身近なトピックから、コトバの奥深さを感じましょう!「言語学の二歩くらい手前の知識が身につくラジオ」を目指しています。 YouTubeとPodcastで配信中! 第3回Podcastアワード、ベストナレッジ賞&リスナーズチョイスの2部門同時受賞。2022年に日本一多く票を集めたPodcastです。 ※ゆる言語学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています

Русский язык за 10 минут


Кратко про русский язык В этом подкасте мы рассказываем про основные правила, ударения, термины русского языка, которые могут встретиться в ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по русскому языку. Проект Studybell направлен на качественную подготовку к экзаменам, а также расширению знаний по основным предметам Телеграм канал - Группа ВКонтакте -


Yuru Minzokugaku Radio

ゆるく楽しく民俗の話をするラジオです。 「民俗学の二歩くらい手前の知識が身につくラジオ」を目指しています。 YouTubeとPodcastで配信中!




Talk To Me In Korean

Talk To Me In Korean

The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At, we provide a systematic curriculum of easy-to-follow lessons, and a wide selection of self-study Korean-learning books!

Teach Me, Teacher

Teach Me, Teacher LLC

Designed from the ground up as a no nonsense approach to teacher development, this podcast is your gateway to bettering your craft (and having some laughs along the way). It is a show for you. To help you better your craft, learn new skills, and get ideas to fuel your own. It is a show for anyone in the field of education, and has featured teachers and administrators from all over to offer their unique perspectives on some of the most relevant and hottest topics in public schools. Teach Me, Teacher has won several "best of" awards and has featured some of the top minds in education to date.

Master the MRCPCH

GOSH Learning Academy

GOSHpods presents Master the MRCPCH, a regular podcast for doctors training in paediatrics brought to you by the Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Academy. Whether you're preparing for your membership exams, or just fancy a run through of a clinically relevant, interesting topic, hopefully this is the podcast for you. Our sister podcast GOSHpods has a range of podcasts highlighting the work of the GOSH Learning Academy; you can find GOSHpods on your preferred podcast platform. We would love to get your feedback on our podcasts, as well as your suggestions for future topics you would like to hear about. Please help us by filling out our feedback survey at: This podcast is brought to you the GOSH Learning Academy. To find more about our work you can visit our website here:  Twitter: @GOSHLearnAcad Instagram: @GOSHLearnAcad Sound effects obtained from


Yuru Tenmon Radio

ゆるく楽しく天文学の話をするラジオです。「クリスマスの星は"夏の星座"」「地球以外に住むならどの惑星?」などの身近なトピックから奥深さを感じましょう!「天文学の二歩くらい手前の知識が身につくラジオ」を目指しています。 ※ゆる天文学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。

Область знаний


Авторские лекции о космосе, истории, литературе и многом другом. Ежедневно в эфире Радио ЗВЕЗДА. "Область знаний" — лауреат премии Радиомания - 2022.

Equilibrium PRO

Олег Горбовский Об Эквилибриуме - системе комплексного развития человека через движения. Система разработана  Олегом Горбовским - экспертом по биомеханике тела. Система позволяет через работу с телом прийти к совершенно новому состоянию бытия, которое мы называем Эквилибриумом и любые невозможные ранее задачи становятся легко выполнимыми и вы в буквальном смысле этого слова начинаете жить "в кайф" получая удовольствие от ситуаций, которые раньше у вас вызвали бы только стресс и напряжение.


Yuru Seitai Radio

ゆるく楽しく生態について話すラジオです。「サイパン島をハチで救った無名の英雄」「非モテのための参考にならない動物の行動」など、生き物の凄さ・可愛さ・面白さをこれからどんどん伝えていけたらと思います。毎週水曜日20時更新! できるだけ正確な情報を話せるよう心がけていますが、自由闊達な生態トークですので、情報に誤りが含まれている可能性があります。 ※ゆる生態学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。

LSAT Unplugged + Law School Admissions Podcast

Steve Schwartz

Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged created this podcast to help you with the LSAT and law school admission process. He started teaching the LSAT after scoring a 152 and gradually working his way up to a 175 (it took over a year!). Please (1) subscribe, (2) rate + review, and (3) email me your questions:



Where aviation comes to study!

Law School Admissions Unplugged Podcast: Personal Statements, Application Essays, Scholarships, LSAT Prep, and More…

Steve Schwartz

Stressed about applying to law school? Looking for that *something* to provide an edge when your LSAT scores and GPA aren't enough to set you apart? Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged shares insights on everything law school admissions – personal statements, diversity statements, LSAT prep, recommendation letters, and more. This show is for you if you’re looking to craft law school applications that will showcase your strengths and maximize chances of law school admission. Please (1) subscribe, (2) rate + review, (3) email me your questions:

LSE: Public lectures and events

London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.

Think Like An Economist

Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers

Think Like an Economist and you’ll see the world more clearly, empowering you to make better decisions at work, at home, and in your community. Leading economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers will take you on a joyous romp through their field as they introduce you to the big ideas in economics, and show how you can apply them to live in your own life. Their signature approach reveals that every decision is an economic decision and this podcast uncovers the economic forces that shape the world around you. Betsey and Justin believe that economics is a superpower, and they want to teach you to fly.

The Extra Mile Podcast For Bar Exam Takers from Celebration Bar Review

Jackson Mumey, Celebration Bar Review

A Podcast for Bar Exam Repeaters from Celebration Bar Review. We'll look at tips, techniques, and ways to improve your bar exam scores, plus interview successful bar exam takers for their insights. Our bar review expert coaches review student questions and offer insights and direction to Make the NEXT Bar Exam Your LAST Bar Exam!®

Religion, Geschlecht und Sexualität

Prof. Dr. Almut-Barbara Renger, Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf (Co-Autor)

Der Podcast beschäftigt sich mit den wechselseitigen Beziehungen von Religion, Geschlecht und Sexualität. Sowohl theoretische Strukturkategorien als auch religiöse Praxis werden von Wissenschaftler*innen und Vertreter*innen verschiedener Disziplinen und Religionen auf ihr Zusammenwirken untersucht.


Bùi Văn Huy

Kênh podcast chuyên về phát triển bản thân và khoa học tâm linh

IOE insights

IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society

The official podcast featuring our academics, alumni, students and other brave thinkers, brought to you by IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society. We're the world's leading centre for education and social science research, courses and teaching, and a faculty of University College London (UCL). More from IOE:



「FMフェスティバル 未来授業~明日の日本人たちへ」のレギュラー番組。日本が世界に誇る各界の「知の巨人」「次世代の知のフロントランナー」を講師に迎え、未来の日本人たちへ送るアカデミックな授業をお届けします。若い世代が社会の主軸となる「10年後の日本」を生き抜く智恵を探ります。

The Simple Nursing Podcast - The Simplest Way To Pass Nursing School


SimpleNursing has helped over 100,000 nursing students pass their nursing exams and the NCLEX! Our users have reported an 82% or higher test average! Our content is based on NCLEX curriculum standards. We're now making some of our most popular courses into a podcast! Up first is our pharmacology course!


London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ

4 Legal English Podcast

Timothy Barrett

4 Legal English Podcast is for lawyers, law students, and other professionals from anywhere in the world, who want to improve their Legal English skills. The podcast discusses legal topics in a way that is informative, interesting, and educational. Listen to improve your knowledge of the law, legal terms, Legal English and general English skills.

Хүний эрх ба үндсэн хууль

Nandin-erdene Ch

Хүний эрх ба үндсэн хууль

Technique for IELTS Listening

Amanda Fox

This is about some techniques for IELTS listening to enforce understanding.

Dear Abby,

Chicago Maroon

Meet Abby and Abby, the hosts of the Maroon's advice podcast, Dear Abby. Each week they will grace you with (not so) great advice.

Veterinary ECC Small Talk

Shailen Jasani MA VetMB MRCVS DipACVECC

Small talk and jibber jabber about small animal (canine, feline) Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ECC). Hosted by ECC specialist Shailen Jasani, Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical care, episodes cover a variety of topics relating to ECC including literature references and evidence-based medicine considerations. So join us for some ECC small talk, why don't you?

The Clinical Problem Solvers

The Clinical Problem Solvers

The Clinical Problem Solvers is a multi-modal venture that works to disseminate and democratize the stories and science of diagnostic reasoning Twitter: @CPSolvers Website:

Bon départ: beginners’ French second edition - for iPod/iPhone

The Open University

What’s the difference between formal and informal greetings in French? How do people in Paris discuss their daily routines? This second edition of Bon départ contains a variety of short conversations covering topics as varied as ordering a meal in a restaurant or visiting a flat for sale. The following audio, video and slideshow collection was devised for those beginning to learn French and touches upon many everyday situations and scenarios. This material forms part of The Open University course L192 Bon départ: beginners' French

Mr. Mercieca’s AP World History and AP Human Geography

Mr. Mercieca

Readings for AP World History and AP Human Geography students.

Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers

Angela Watson

Truth for Teachers is designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators and get you energized for the week ahead.

Let's Master English! An English podcast for English learners

Coach Shane

The Let's Master English podcast is for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners! This podcast has many features--news, Q&A, English learning advice and other fun sections. You can join the Let's Master English community on Google+ and see the full transcripts. Transcripts are made by you, the listeners! I hope you enjoy my podcasts and please visit my!

Neurology Exam Prep Podcast

Neurology Exam Prep Podcast

Study materials for in-service and certification examinations in neurology residency.

Triple R Teaching

Anna Geiger

It's time to reignite your passion for teaching! Triple R Teaching provides simple strategies and practical tips for PreK-grade 3 educators. Anna Geiger, M.Ed., author of Reach All Readers, will show you how to make small changes to improve how you teach literacy concepts. Look forward to episodes about Anna's transition from balanced literacy to the science of reading, and expect episodes that will help you understand the research while giving you practical tips that you can implement today. Hit subscribe, and get ready to transform your teaching!



ゆるく楽しく音楽の話をするラジオです。「ドラゴンクエスト序曲から交響曲が分かる!?」「ベートーヴェンの交響曲第9番は彼の人生を表している?」など音楽がより身近に感じられるようなトピックを扱います! ※ゆる音楽学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。



拼娃时代是面向家长的 K-12 教育主题播客,主播张珺是一位真正的学生家长。他以理工男出色的分析能力和整合能力,帮普通家长理解复杂的教育知识、跟上多变的教育市场

Conflict Zone from the LSE

Conflict Zone from the LSE

Cutting edge research into the drivers of intractable conflict. Our researchers bring together the big ideas and concepts needed to understand the causes of organised violence in the twenty-first century. We expose the political economy of organised violence: the networks of money and power that stand behind many of the world's trouble spots. Produced by the Conflict Research Programme, an international research project funded by the UK Department of International Development.

Law Schoolers

Law Schoolers

Join Will as he gives prelaw advice and carries you through his law school journey by reviewing law material in study sessions.

One Direction

Nerea Bawin

Trabajo PCC

KI Science Film Festival

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 – Künstliche Intelligenz präsentierte das ZAK das internationale KI Science Film Festival. Das Festival zeigte internationale Filme rund um das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) mit dem Ziel, KI stärker im Bewusstsein der interessierten Öffentlichkeit zu verankern und eine offene Debatte über ihre Potenziale, aber auch über mögliche Schattenseiten anzustoßen. Zusätzlich zum Filmgenuss wurde mit Filmschaffenden und Expertinnen und Experten zum Thema KI diskutiert. Das KI Science Film Festival im Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 – Künstliche Intelligenz wurde vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert.

SOC 119

HM Podcasts

Sociology 119 (SOC 119) is the largest Race and Ethnic Relations class in the United States. Join Dr. Sam Richards and over 700 students in the largest lecture hall at Penn State University in conversations with students and international guests about the world we live, the cultures we're surrounded by, and the ability to question the "invisible strings" of society.

Литература за 10 минут


Кратко про литературу В этом подкасте мы рассказываем про основные произведения, термины и направления, которые могут встретиться в ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по литературе. Проект Studybell направлен на качественную подготовку к экзаменам, а также расширению знаний по основным предметам Наш телеграм Сообщество вконтакте -

Slavoj Žižek - Collected Recordings

Slavoj Žižek - Collected Recordings

A collection of lectures, debates and speeches of Slavoj Žižek

Advanced Device Physics

Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology on iTunes

Civil Procedure

Prof. Thomas Main

This podcast is for law students and others who are interested in learning Civil Procedure.

Minh Xin Chào Podcast

Thiện Minh

Minh Xin Chào Podcast






New podcast weblog created by Khalid Essam as a test

Study and Work in Canada

Tamsin Plaxton

Welcome to Study and Work in Canada. In this podcast, through interviews with subject matter experts and international students, host Tamsin Plaxton provides answers to questions prospective international students have about opportunities to study and work in Canada. Get valuable information and tips about career training and immigration opportunities in Canada and how to qualify for and fund your studies in Canada. Join us for deep conversations with experts, and current students and graduates of Tamwood Careers College‘s work and study programs. If you like what you hear, we’d love to get your feedback. Email us at


Susan Elizabeth Cooper-Nguyen

These podcasts are for students interested in learning or reviewing topics in an introductory statistics class. Podcast topics include describing and summarizing data both graphically and numerically, probability, various distributions, confidence intervals, tests of significance, and exploration of bivariate data. This show focuses more on practice with using a graphing calculator and Microsoft Excel and less of the formulaic approach. Some of the podcasts are raw (unedited) clips from a live classroom. This course, taught on campus twice per week for 100 minutes, was recorded at the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College. This course requires the use of a graphing calculator such as a TI-83 or TI-84 and Excel.

The Dr. Luke Hobson Podcast

Dr. Luke Hobson

The Dr. Luke Hobson Podcast discusses designing learning experiences, teaching, and learning. The purpose of this show is to help folks, like yourself, learn about best instructional design practices by sharing stories and bringing on incredible guests. We also discuss career tips and guidance for transitioning into instructional design and related learning and development positions. Other podcast topics include higher education and online learning. If you are a learning nerd, you are welcomed here. Dr. Luke Hobson is the Senior Instructional Designer and Program Manager at MIT xPRO and a Lecturer in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Miami's School of Education and Human Development. He's also the author of the book What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming an Instructional Designer, the host of the Dr. Luke Hobson Podcast and YouTube Channel, and the Instructor for Instructional Design Institute. Dr. Hobson was named as one of the top learning influencers in 2022 and top e-learning experts in 2023.

나랏말쌤의 국어먹방


국어를 공부하기 위해 노트를 꺼내지 않아도 되요~ 그저 듣기만 하세요~ 제가 떠먹여 드릴게요!! 편하게 듣는 국어 요리~ 나랏말쌤과 함께 해보아요~

Aesop's Fables Podcast


Aesop's Fables Podcast collects the timeless moral fables of the Greek storyteller Aesop. A perenial choice for the early education of children, these brief tales of virtuous living can be enjoyed by the young and old alike.

The GMAT® Strategy Podcast

Isaac Puglia

Taking your GMAT skills to the next level! For more head to - Please help us make our free content better with this survey: GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council. The Graduate Management Admission Council does not endorse or sponsor, nor is affiliated in any way with The GMAT® Strategy or the material presented therein.

What Happens Next in 6 Minutes

Larry Bernstein

What Happens Next offers listeners an in-depth investigation of the most pressing issues of the day. Visit for all the links and to subscribe

UNESCO Media and Information Literacy


Media and information literacy are like glasses to see facts and truth. This radio-based podcast series, centered on developing the concepts and competencies of Media and Information Literacy (MIL), to enrich our knowledge and understanding of how to critically search, read, analyze, and utilize information, media content, as well as digital technologies, enabling us to become active, media-literate citizens.   Here we can hear stories from all over the world and practical advice from media experts in a content-based learning to educate and raise awareness of media and information literacy and digital competencies.    This podcast series is an excerpt from UNESCO's massive open online course: "Think Critically, Click Wisely: Media and Information Literacy in the Next Normal." If the podcast has ignited your interest in getting more in-depth and comprehensive training on these competencies, check out our MOOC for a deeper dive into media information literacy.  Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

Reading Political Philosophy: From Machiavelli to Mill - Audio

The Open University

The history and development of political philosophy has been dominated by many inspirational and radical thinkers. The tracks on this album offer both an introduction and an in-depth insight into the leading theorists in this field and their most important works. In a series of lively and invigorating discussions, leading political philosophers examine canonical texts and seminal thinkers from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century, highlighting their intellectual and cultural impact and the context in which the texts were originally written. This material forms part of The Open University course AA311: Reading political philosophy, from Machiavelli to Mill.

Inside the Admissions Office: Advice from Former Admissions Officers

InGenius Prep

Need help navigating the admissions process? We’re here to help! Every other Monday we’ll bring you exclusive interviews with Former Admissions Officers, graduates from top universities, and admissions experts. Each episode will be filled with application tips and first-hand experiences that will help you get into your dream school. Brought to you by InGenius Prep, the world’s largest team of Former Admissions Officers.

职场法则 | 参透职场“潜规则“,助你轻松升职加薪!


《你不知道的职场潜规则》专辑: 1、金锋老师每天分享职场干货、送礼技巧、人际交往、求人办事等绝密内容,此专辑颠覆你的人生观,学完课程,你在职场中的把控能力将超越 98%的人。 2、金锋老师为什么贵人不帮你?为什么领导不提拔你?为什么你办事总办不成?在课程中全部都能找到答案,此专辑只适合需要开窍的兄弟姐妹们,卫道士、滥好人、玻璃心、傻白甜等谢绝收听。 3、金锋老师每日更新送礼技巧、请客技巧、人情世故、沟道技巧等,让你把话、把事做到别人心里,让你轻松抓住人生机会、改变人生命运。 要知道生活中永远不缺机会,而是缺少一位高人指路,金锋老师将用多年的职场经验,为你的成长保驾护航。

GRE Snacks


Taking or considering the GRE Exam or graduate school? You’ll love our short, approachable, and insightful episodes about the GRE Exam and graduate school admissions. This podcast is hosted by Tyler York, co-founder and CEO of Achievable, a modern test prep platform for the GRE exam. You can try it for free at

The Practitioner-Scholar: The PennCLO Podcast

Penn Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania

Welcome to "The Practitioner-Scholar: The PennCLO Podcast," the flagship production of the renowned Penn Chief Learning Officer Executive Doctoral Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Immerse yourself in a curated blend of scholarly insights and industry expertise, offering a profound exploration of organizational learning and leadership. Unveiling strategies and success indicators crucial in today's dynamic landscape, this podcast is a testament to the distinctive approach fostered by our program. Join us on a transformative journey through the multifaceted world of leadership, where practitioner-scholar approaches shine as a beacon of excellence. As we spotlight luminaries within our esteemed student, faculty, and alumni circles, "The Practitioner-Scholar" podcast becomes a unique channel for intellectual engagement and actionable takeaways. For prospective students, seasoned executives, and dedicated scholar-practitioners alike, this platform is your exclusive access to the extraordinary content emanating from the heart of the PennCLO Executive Doctoral Program. Subscribe now to tailor your learning journey and be part of the vibrant community shaping the future of leadership. To learn more about the Penn Chief Learning Officer, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program, visit the Penn GSE website.


Felisa Mae Tabornal

enjoy listening physiology discussion

Exam Study Expert: ace your exams with the science of learning

William Wadsworth

Don’t work harder, work smarter: how to study effectively and get the grades of your dreams with winning review strategies, killer memory techniques and exam preparation tips you won’t hear anywhere else. Join Cambridge educated psychologist, study techniques researcher, coach and tutor William Wadsworth as we dive into the secrets of academic success.Looking for the grades of your dreams? Want to know the real secrets to preparing for and taking exams? Through a powerful combination of rich personal experience and the very latest learning and memory science, William and his expert guests are here to help. Here's to results day smiles!

10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher

Vicki Davis

Jam-packed with cool classrooms, cool apps, and cool teaching ideas, full-time teacher and award-winning edtech influencer, Vicki Davis, who blogs as the Cool Cat Teacher Blog, loves to interview awesome teachers and educators from around the world on this teacher podcast. Her goal is to interview the most in-classroom teachers on one helpful teacher podcast. This encouraging show will give you quick ideas you can use right away. You can follow Vicki @coolcatteacher on all social media and join the conversation.

Big Data Systems (WT 2019/20) - tele-TASK

Prof. Dr. Tilmann Rabl

Public International Law

Craig Forcese

Audio primer series in public international law. The audio lectures recorded in 2016 for a course in public international law, offered by Craig Forcese at uOttawa law school.

Shalom Production

Shalom Production

Shalom Production Podcast là tập hợp những loạt bài do Mục Sư Bùi Văn Ba giảng dạy.



我是嗡嗡,每日坚持人民日报精读,分享考公干货。 bilibil:爱学习的嗡嗡(视频讲解干货) 小红书:爱学习的嗡嗡(笔记干货) 入听友群:公众号【爱学习的嗡嗡】,回复【学习群】 获取精读笔记+vx:wjtaiztt - 让我们一起学习打卡。日拱一卒,功不唐捐!每日5分钟,听出申论80+。让我们一起加油,变成更好的自己。






Escribir de manera práctica

读《人民日报》人民时评 | 学习申论写作评论


人民日报1948年6月15日在河北省平山县里庄创刊,由《晋察冀日报》和晋冀鲁豫《人民日报》合并而成,为中共中央华北局机关报,同时担负党中央机关报职能。毛泽东同志亲笔为人民日报题写报名。1949年3月15日,人民日报随党中央迁入北京(时称北平)。1949年8月1日,党中央决定人民日报为党中央机关报,并沿用1948年6月15日的期号。 人民日报社承担着宣传党的理论和路线方针政策,宣传中央的重大决策部署,宣传党的主张、弘扬社会正气、通达社情民意、引导社会热点、疏导公众情绪、搞好舆论监督,及时传播国内外各领域的信息,报道世界上发生的重大事件并发表评论等重要职责。人民日报是中国第一大报,1992年被联合国教科文组织评为世界十大报纸之一。 创刊以来,在党中央坚强领导下,人民日报坚持政治家办报和党性原则,与党和人民同心同德,深入宣传党的理论和路线方针政策,热情报道人民的伟大实践,在革命、建设、改革各个历史时期发挥了十分重要的作用,创造了光荣历史。 根据发表时间排序,不定期更新中 2023年之前文章陆续补充,可根据时间线选择收听

瑞鼎前程 | 托福雅思常用英语习惯用语


欢迎订阅瑞鼎前程出品的托福雅思常用英语习惯用语。  主播:明星老师Tim老师。Tim老师,高级口译,20多年国际英文交流经验,亲自用英文作为教学语言教过来自几十个国家的学员,对英美文化、英文口语、中英口译有深刻理解。 【节目亮点】 英语学习者经常看到一些小词,每个词都认识,放到一起就不知道了。这是你英语水平高还是低的重要区别标志。另外,备考托福雅思的同学们也经常发现,进一步提高英语口语表达能力,如果有地道的习惯用语可以增光添彩。但是,Tim老师也发现,有些不太...

Fundamentos de Contabilidad

Fundamentos de contabilidad

Te contamos de que se trata esta sección

Psychiatry Boot Camp

Mark Mullen, MD

A current resident interviews world leaders in psychiatric education to bring you their clinical expertise. We cover need-to-know topics for anyone interested in learning the nuts and bolts of psychiatry.

Emma & Tom Talk Teaching

Emma O'Dubhchair & Tom Breeze

We’re Emma (PGCE Secondary Drama) and Tom (PGCE Secondary Music) from Cardiff Metropolitan University. Welcome to our podcast, in which we muse about the joys of working with student teachers, the expressive arts, research, and teaching in general. Expect deep discussions, topical debates, celebrations of great practice, and things to steal for your own lessons! Our primary audience is student teachers and early-career teachers, but we hope there's something here for everyone who's involved in the world of education, whether you're new or experienced. Most of our episodes involve a main discussion (often with one or more guests), and two regular slots: something interesting and something to try. And when we hit the holidays, we bring out some weird and wonderful talking points from the internet and just have a chat. Podcast artwork by Beth Blandford (@blandoodles on Facebook and Instagram) Music by Cameron Stewart

Physics of the Human Body

Richard Ingebretsen

These interesting podcasts come from the University of Utah Department of Physics and Astronomy and describe how physics is utilized by the human body for every day activities like blood pressure, running vision, breathing, and hearing.  They talk about how strokes are caused, blisters are formed ,how sun screens work and how diseases are caused.   Listen as Richard ingebretsen MD, PhD helps us understand how physics helps to operate our bodies. 


Daniel Ayala Camelo

Here is a space to share our class recordings. It is meant as a complementary (helping) tool for your studying.

NAEYC Radio- The National Association for The Education of Young Children

BAM Radio Network

The National Association for The Education of Young Children and BAM Radio Network have partnered to bring you NAEYC Radio. Rae Pica and Mark Ginsberg host the program that will focus on a different topic each month. The program was developed by early childhood professionals to bring the best and latest insights directly to parents and educators.

K-12 Greatest Hits: Your shortcut to what works in education

BAM Radio Network

K12 Greatest Hits compiles the most popular conversations on BRN based on listener statistics and editors’ picks. Explore these collection to quickly locate the most compelling and helpful episodes on the topics you care about most. With over 5,000 discussions on BRN, K12 Greatest Hits is your shortcut to some of the best teaching strategies, school leadership practices, and innovative thinking in education — find what works, find it faster. K-12 Greatest Hits brings together the most insightful, relevant, compelling, and up-to-date thinking on the education issues that parents, educators, and advocates really care about -- through interviews with the nation's leading advocates and educators. Subscribe and get a 360 degree perspective from some of the leading education thinkers in the nation.

Я знаю, я могу больше

Елена Заитова

курс психотерапевта Елены Заитовой о том, как справиться с апатией, депрессией, прокрастинацией и постоянным недовольством собой

A Year for the Books PDCast

Stenhouse Books

In this companion podcast series to their book, A Year for the Books, authors Katie Walther and Maria Walther share their process for tackling dilemmas and making decisions at particular points across the school year while sharing their favorite hints and book suggestions along the way.

Latin Music

Innovation Center

Música con alumnos del colegio Lantin American School bajo la dirección de los maestros Guillermo Llanos y Víctor Muñoz.

Scholastic Book Fairs Podcast

Scholastic Book Fairs Podcast Group

Scholastic Book Fairs provides book summaries of the titles offered through their Book Fairs.