G4 Podcasts: Gestão e Alta Performance

G4 Educação

O maior grupo de Podcasts de Negócios do Brasil. Conteúdos voltados para empresários, empreendedores, founders e profissionais Nossos podcasts: - Papo de Gestão: Bruno Nardon entrevista grandes gestores e traz aprendizados para você aplicar na sua empresa. - Extremos: Alfredo Soares e Bruno Nardon conversam com empresários e influenciadores para apresentar os EXTREMOS de suas jornadas - Vox Luminis: Tallis Gomes e Matt Montenegro recebem personalidades influentes e inspiradoras para conversas profundas, que vão iluminar a sua jornada para a evolução. Nos acompanhe no Instagram: @g4podcasts

Podcast Empresa Autogerenciável | Marcelo Germano

Marcelo Germano

Marcelo é empresário há mais de 20 anos. Dono de 5 empresas de diferentes segmentos. Ano passado gerou um faturamento de mais de 20 milhões de reais nas suas empresas. Nos últimos 6 anos, já treinou e maximizou os lucros de mais de 600 empresários através dos Programas EAG. E nesse Podcast você vai ouvir tudo o que você precisa saber para que a sua empresa funcione sem depender 100% de você para funcionar, ou seja, uma Empresa Autogerenciável.

HBR IdeaCast

Harvard Business Review

A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.


Cleiton Pinheiro

Podcast by Cleiton Pinheiro

HBR On Leadership

Harvard Business Review

Hand-curated insights and inspiration to unlock the best in those around you.

Jocko Podcast

Jocko DEFCOR Network

Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

Masters of Scale


On Masters of Scale, iconic business leaders share lessons and strategies that have helped them grow the world's most fascinating companies. Founders, CEOs, and dynamic innovators join candid conversations about their triumphs and challenges with a set of luminary hosts, including founding host Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock partner). From navigating early prototypes to expanding brands globally, Masters of Scale provides priceless insights to help anyone grow their dream enterprise.

Business Wars


Netflix vs. HBO. Nike vs. Adidas. Business is war. Sometimes the prize is your wallet or your attention. Sometimes, it’s just the fun of beating the other guy. The outcome of these battles shapes what we buy and how we live.  Business Wars gives you the unauthorized, real story of what drives these companies and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights -- or to ruin. Hosted by David Brown, former anchor of Marketplace. From Wondery, the network behind Dirty John and American History Tellers. New episodes come out Wednesdays for free. Binge new full seasons early and ad-free, plus get exclusive past seasons, only with Wondery+.

Thinkers & Ideas

BCG Henderson Institute

Inspiring and thought-provoking conversations with leading thinkers about influential ideas on business, technology, economics, and science. Hosted by Martin Reeves, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, and Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, Global Chief Economist of BCG. For more ideas and inspiration, sign up to receive BHI INSIGHTS, our monthly newsletter, and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

ESG de A a Z


O podcast para quem quer mudar o mundo. O jornalista Rodrigo Caetano conversa com as principais lideranças do capitalismo de stakeholder sobre os desafios dessa jornada em direção a uma economia mais justa e ambientalmente correta, sem abrir mão da lucratividade.

Gestão de Pessoas: cases e tendências de RH

The Foursales Company

O Gestão de Pessoas é o programa da Foursales Company que entrevista os principais executivos e especialistas em RH do Brasil para compartilhar cases, tendências e boas práticas de gestão de pessoas. É atualmente o podcast de Recursos Humanos mais assistido do país, contando com uma audiência de +50.000 profissionais de RH ao longo do ano. 📆 Novos episódios todas as quintas-feiras às 19h00 no YouTube e nas principais plataformas de podcast. 🔔 Siga nossa playlist para receber notificações de novos episódios assim que forem lançados. Prepare-se para elevar suas competências e se destacar em meio às demandas desafiadoras do universo de RH. 🚀 A The Foursales Company é uma holding de empresas especializada em resolver os problemas mais complexos de recrutamento e seleção. Saiba mais em: www.foursales-company.com ou entre em contato pelo e-mail atendimento@foursales-company.com

Kitces and Carl - Real Talk for Real Financial Advisors

Michael Kitces, MSFS, MTAX, CFP and Carl Richards, CFP

A no-holds barred conversation for Real Financial Advisors with industry nerd Michael Kitces and client communication expert Carl Richards. One draws with a Sharpie, the other nerds out with spreadsheets, and both provide you with unique perspectives so that you can more effectively communicate with and serve your clients, run a more fulfilling practice, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

dhekacast - Tudo sobre BPM

Andrea Magalhães

Seja bem-vindo ao dhekacast, o podcast da dheka! O nosso objetivo aqui é descomplicar e trazer mais para perto de você todo o conhecimento da área de BPM. Quem somos? A dheka é uma empresa de Consultoria em Gestão de Processos & Colaboração com mais de 15 anos de experiência no mercado.

WorkLife with Adam Grant


You spend a quarter of your life at work. You should enjoy it! Organizational psychologist Adam Grant takes you inside the minds of some of the world’s most unusual professionals to discover the keys to a better work life. From learning how to love your rivals to harnessing the power of frustration, one thing’s for sure: You’ll never see your job the same way again. Produced in partnership with Transmitter Media.

Caos Corporativo

Escola do Caos

Caos Corporativo é um podcast que fala com você que acredita na inquietação e na impermanência como princípios fundamentais da criatividade e inovação. Aqui você terá informações intrigantes sobre a dinâmica da nossa vida profissional. Falaremos sobre tabus, temas e situações que todo mundo sabe que existem mas que são difíceis de tratar abertamente. Nossa pauta vai te ajudar a pensar de forma diferente e enxergar além de rótulos e pré-conceitos. Vamos instigar as pessoas à pensar de maneira subversiva, questionando seus próprios conceitos e as verdades absolutas do mundo corporativo.


André Gonçalves

GroTalk é o lugar para pessoas que querem crescer em entendimento, visão e liderança com propósito.

Coaching Real Leaders

HBR Presents / Muriel Wilkins

We all want to get to the next level of our career, but so many of us get stuck. Longtime leadership coach Muriel Wilkins takes you inside real-life leadership coaching sessions with high performers working to overcome professional challenges and grow as leaders. Listen in on real conversations and leave with new insights and practical guidance for your own career. The views expressed on this podcast are those of its hosts, guests, and callers, and not those of Harvard Business Review.

Recursos Humanos E Gestão De Carreira Com Osmar Durães. Um Espaço Para Falar Sobre Estratégias

Osmar Durães dos Santos

Sou Osmar Durães e atuo no universo de Gestão há mais de 13 anos! Me formei em Recursos humanos e Gestão estratégica de pessoas. Atualmente sou Educador Corporativo, Docente e Coach Manager e Constelador. Quero dividir com você o máximo das minhas experiências, para auxiliar no seu crescimento e também na gestão de colaboradores envolvidos no seu negócio 😉

McKinsey Talks Talent

McKinsey People & Organizational Performance

McKinsey talent experts Bryan Hancock, Bill Schaninger, and others on how to make the most of talent as a competitive advantage, navigate today’s fast-changing talent landscape, and prepare now for the future of work.

Boardroom Governance with Evan Epstein

Evan Epstein

In-depth interview podcast with leading corporate governance experts, including world-class founders, scholars, board members, executives, investors and more. The content is structured as a long-form conversation to explore not only the latest corporate governance trends, but also to get some personal insights from some of the best and brightest minds behind America's boardrooms.


HR Besties

Get ready to mix business and bullsh*t with the HR Besties - your favorite watercooler crew!  Join Leigh Henderson (@hrmanifesto), Jamie Jackson (@humorous_resources and @millennial_misery), and Ashley Herd (@managermethod) for the staff meeting you actually WANT to attend. We have a full agenda to discuss every Wednesday and don’t worry, we’ll stick to your hard stop. On Fridays, you’re invited to meet up with us for Happy Hour to celebrate surviving another week of work! Visit our website at www.hrbesties.com and follow us on the socials (@hrbestiespod) for sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes fun!

Engenharia Civil com uma Filosofia de gestão

Victor Wagner

Uma abordagem expositiva do que e de como é aplicado o método Lean Construction na construção civil, debatendo sobre a importância do processo nos dias de hoje.

Private Equity Power Talks: Map of the Maze


PepTalks: Map of the Maze is a podcast all about Private Equity Leadership. Each episode we will explore a theme related specifically to Private Equity backed and entrepreneurial companies with a PE backed CEO or subject matter expert.

Capital Projects Podcast

Com André Choma

Uma conversa aberta sobre os principais desafios na implantação de Projetos! Nesse canal vamos tratar da Gestão de Projetos de Engenharia e Construção, Metodologia FEL (Front-End Loading), planejamento, orçamento, gestão de riscos, contratos, e mais diversos assuntos da Gestão de Projetos! Também falo com convidados especiais que contam suas experiências no mundo dos projetos, tudo isso para proporcionar um ambiente de aprendizado mútuo! Meu nome é André Choma e convido você a participar dessa discussão! Vamos juntos? Apoio no Catarse, canal YouTube e cursos: https://linktr.ee/andrechoma

Inside the Strategy Room

McKinsey & Company

We talk with McKinsey partners and corporate executives on the challenges they face creating lasting strategies in a fast-changing world. We also examine the different ways these executives approach these challenges and the new and innovative ways they think of creating a vision for their enterprises.

The Hidden Champion

Johannes Wosilat

Hätte ich gewusst, welche Tricks und Kniffe die Interviews enthüllen, hätte ich früher damit angefangen… Millionen Klicks, 100.000 Follower, Spotlight. Menschen deren komplettes Leben man googlen kann. Genau die, gibt es hier nicht. Ich spreche mit Inhabern und Führungskräften, die für ihre Unternehmen Besonderes leisten und sonst nicht im Rampenlicht stehen. Die Löwen im Schafspelz, die Hidden Champions. Lass uns gemeinsam herausfinden, wie sie ihr erstes Geld verdient und es später an die Spitze geschafft haben. Wie sie erfolgreich durch Krisen steuern und in guten Zeiten auf dem Boden bleiben. Welche Persönlichkeit hinter der Businessfassade steckt und welche Geheimnisse sie bis jetzt vor uns verborgen haben. Das entdecken wir gemeinsam mit Inhabern, Führungskräften und Pionieren aus beeindruckenden Unternehmen. Herzlich willkommen und viel Spaß bei The Hidden Champion. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

FatuCast - O Podcast Do Faturamento Médico Hospitalar

Portal do Faturamento Hospitalar

Sejam bem vindos ao Portal do Faturamento Hospitalar, o seu podcast que descomplica o Faturamento de uma maneira inovadora.

FIRST THINGS FRST - Gente que transforma o futuro

FRST Falconi

Um podcast sobre as competências do futuro – e do agora! Aceleramos o seu aprendizado para você gerar mais valor. Falamos sobre liderança, gestão, colaboração, inovação, mercados, economia 4.0 e muito mais. A FRST é uma aceleradora de pessoas que nasce para revolucionar o aprendizado e gerar impacto positivo no mundo.

Descomplicando Projetos

Gabriela N Silva

Gabriela Silva, especialista de sistemas com foco em gestão de projetos e negócios, entrevista pessoas de diversas segmentos afim de descomplicar a visão sobre gestão de projetos. E não deixe de acompanhar nas seguintes redes 👇🏼: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrielan.silva/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielansilva/

Manage This - The Project Management Podcast


Welcome to Manage This, the podcast by project managers for project managers. Every first and third Tuesday of the month we have a conversation about what matters to you as a professional project manager. Andy Crowe and Bill Yates, both well respected thought leaders in the project management industry, cover subjects such as project management certification and doing the job of project management, as well as get inside the brains of some of the leaders in the industry and also hear your stories. Subject Matter Experts join the cast to discuss topics ranging from advice for someone just starting in project management, leadership tips, to how to manage the unexpected, manage project teams, and much more. Whether you're a professional project manager, a PMP, or on the road to becoming one, tune in to hear real advice and relevant information on all things Project Management. If you have questions, we have the project management experts to answer them! Claim 0.5 free PDUs per episode. The Manage This Podcast is a trademark of Velociteach Project Management, LLC. Visit our website and stay connected: https://www.velociteach.com/manage-this-podcast/

FP&A Tomorrow

Paul Barnhurst

FP&A Tomorrow is where we discuss what FP&A looks like today and help shape what it should look like tomorrow by interviewing the best and brightest people in FP&A globally.

Raise The Bar: Cases e tendências de vendas e marketing

The Foursales Company

O Raise The Bar é o podcast que sobe sua régua quando o assunto é carreira, tendências e curiosidades no universo de vendas e marketing. 🚀 Junte-se a nós semanalmente para acompanhar entrevistas com os principais especialistas e executivos de vendas e marketing do Brasil e tenha acesso a cases, tendências e boas práticas dessas áreas. 🔔 Siga nossa playlist para receber notificações de novos episódios e não perca a oportunidade de aprimorar suas habilidades, destacando-se no competitivo mundo de vendas e marketing. 📆 Novos episódios todas as terças-feiras às 19h00 no YouTube e nas principais plataformas de podcast. Oferecimento: Foursales e Salesjobs. A Foursales é uma consultoria de executive search especializada exclusivamente em recrutar e selecionar profissionais de vendas e marketing. Saiba mais em: www.foursales.com.br O Salesjobs é a primeira Agência Tech especializada em contratação de vendedores! Receba 3 finalistas em até 7 dias úteis, em uma plataforma inteligente e 100% digital. Saiba mais em: www.salesjobs.com.br

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast


The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast offers personal, practical coaching lessons that take the mystery out of leadership. In each episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, Craig brings you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and lead your team. You’ll learn effective ways to grow as a leader, optimize your time, develop your team, and structure your organization.

Boss Class from The Economist

The Economist

The best bosses create systems for solving problems old and new—from navigating working-from-home demands to hiring the right people, from running good meetings to managing themselves.  Andrew Palmer, author of the Bartleby column, looks for advice on how to be a better boss by talking to people who have actually done the job. Listen to The Economist's seven-episode guide for managers. Episodes are out on Mondays. If you're not already a subscriber to The Economist, sign up for our podcast subscription, Economist Podcasts+ at economist.com/podcastsplus. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Conselho dos Conselhos

Conselho dos Conselhos

Carol Conway abre as portas dos conselhos de administração para uma mentoria coletiva com as maiores conselheiras e conselheiros do Brasil e do mundo.

The McKinsey Podcast

McKinsey & Company

The McKinsey Podcast, our new flagship podcast series, takes you inside our global firm, and features conversations with experts on issues that matter most in business and management. McKinsey & Company is a management-consulting firm that helps businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations realize their most important goals. Topics covered in this series include strategy, technology, leadership, marketing, operations, organization, and the role of business in society.

Capital Projects Podcast

Com André Choma

Uma conversa aberta sobre os principais desafios na implantação de Projetos! Nesse canal vamos tratar da Gestão de Projetos de Engenharia e Construção, Metodologia FEL (Front-End Loading), planejamento, orçamento, gestão de riscos, contratos, e mais diversos assuntos da Gestão de Projetos! Também falo com convidados especiais que contam suas experiências no mundo dos projetos, tudo isso para proporcionar um ambiente de aprendizado mútuo! Meu nome é André Choma e convido você a participar dessa discussão! Vamos juntos? Apoio no Catarse, canal YouTube e cursos: https://linktr.ee/andrechoma


O juridiquês sem complicação

No podcast “Despachados”, o trio de advogados Samir Choaib, Marcos Paiva e Roberto Justo divide seus conhecimentos jurídicos e experiências profissionais em um bate-papo descontraído mediado pela jornalista Karyn Bravo, âncora do “Jornal da Cultura” e do programa “Melhor da Vida”, da Cultura FM. Toda quarta-feira, eles abordam um assunto relacionado ao Direito, traduzindo o famoso e complicado “juridiquês”.

Financial Modeler's Corner

Paul Barnhurst AKA The FP&A Guy

Financial Modeler's Corner is a podcast where we talk all about the art and science of financial modeling with distinguished Financial Modeler's from around the globe. Financial Modeler's Corner is hosted by Paul Barnhurst a global thought leader in the field of finance.  The Financial Modeler's Corner podcast is brought to you by Financial Modeling Institute. FMI offers the most respected accreditations in financial modeling. 

Result Place | Especialista em Gestão e Consultoria de Empresas de Moda

Result Place

A Result Place é uma empresa de consultoria e cursos voltados para a gestão de empresas de moda. Estamos há mais de 20 anos no mercado colecionando cases de sucesso, utilizando o Método 7 Pilares da Moda, metodologia que foca na gestão sistêmica de uma empresa de moda, direcionando a tomada de decisões estratégicas e levando em conta os indicadores de todos os setores da empresa de forma simultânea. . O objetivo desse podcast é trazer mais conhecimento aos empresários da moda de forma gratuita.

FranklinCovey On Leadership with Scott Miller


Listen to On Leadership With Scott Miller as he interviews Academy Award–winning actors, Olympians, four-star generals, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalists, entrepreneurs, billionaire investors, bestselling authors, survivors of trauma and abuse, and more. To learn more and take your leadership skills to the next level, visit www.FranklinCovey.com Don’t forget to leave us a review so we can reach more people with timeless leadership and life principles!

FP&A Today

Glenn Hopper

FP&A Today is the podcast for Financial Planning and Analysis. The weekly show dives into the challenges and opportunities within the world of FP&A, interviewing FP&A leaders, CFOs and other finance pros in order to give you the freshest insights and takeaways. Each week our top guests provide actionable advice about financial planning and analysis – from career goals to navigating challenges, and powerful Excel tips. Our weekly show provides unrivalled insights for navigating FP&A. FP&A Today is brought to you by Datarails. Datarails is the financial planning and analysis platform that automates data consolidation, reporting and planning, while enabling finance teams to continue using their own Excel spreadsheets and financial models. Get in touch at www.datarails.com

If/Then: Research findings to help us navigate complex issues in business, leadership, and society

Stanford GSB

How do we get people back to the office? How and when can AI be a powerful decision-making tool? How will digital currencies transform payment systems? On If/Then experts from Stanford Graduate School of Business share their research findings on a range of topics that intersect with business, leadership, and society. We’ll tackle practical, cutting-edge insights that will help you manage better, lead more confidently, and understand pressing issues affecting our lives. Join GSB senior editor and host Kevin Cool as we hear about the latest research in technology, economics, marketing, politics, and several other areas.

Cafezinho com RH


Um bate papo sobre gestão e processos de RH para deixar sua empresa mais produtiva.

PMI São Paulo – Papo neXtgen

PMI Capítulo São Paulo

Um bate-papo fora da curva com uma boa mistura de Gestão, Projetos, Liderança, Inovação, Criatividade, Agilidade, Tecnologia em uma linguagem simples, descomplicada e diferente - #neXtgen. Empodere-se da sua carreira e acompanhe o mundo multigeracional. Transforme-se e seja um profissional “neXtgener na veia” Um Podcast realizado pelo PMI Capítulo São Paulo

Juntos no Investimento

Juntos no Investimento

Ensinar as pessoas a ter uma educação financeira e investir melhor o seu dinheiro. - Apresentar estudo de investimentos em diversos setores da economia; - Exemplificar meios para empreender, ao fazer entrevistas e utilizar biografias de businessmen que fazem sucesso no Brasil e no mundo; - Educar a população (empresários, investidores, público em geral) a criar reservas de emergência e de valor; - Abrir cursos online e mentoria sobre educação financeira para um público que deseja aprimorar seus conhecimentos com um atendimento individualizado e personalizado.

The Real State


The Real State is the intersection between the latest trends in real estate and its impact on our everyday lives. Alex Norman and Jamie Blond talk with industry leaders, business owners, and residents discussing issues affecting the real estate industry today and tomorrow. www.therealstate.co

The Engineering Project Management Podcast

Anthony Fasano, PE

The Engineering Project Management Podcast (TEPM) provides engineering career advice and success stories for project managers in the engineering industry. Civil engineer Anthony Fasano, P.E., hosts the podcast, which highlights engineering project managers and professionals. The show features experienced PMs discussing different PM techniques as well as project case studies, to help PMs and their firms deliver more profitable projects.

After Hours

TED Audio Collective / Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, & Felix Oberholzer-Gee

Harvard Business School professors discuss and debate current events that sit at the crossroads of business and culture. Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee engage in a spirited discussion on a range of topics torn from the headlines — from Facebook, to free trade, to the #MeToo movement. Informed by their unique expertise as professors at one of the world’s leading business schools, their takes are always surprising, unconventional, and insightful.

Coaching for Leaders

Dave Stachowiak

Leaders aren't born, they're made. This Monday show helps you discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations. Independently produced weekly since 2011, Dr. Dave Stachowiak brings perspective from a thriving, global leadership academy, plus more than 15 years of leadership at Dale Carnegie. Bestselling authors, expert researchers, deep conversation, and regular dialogue with listeners have attracted 40 million downloads and the #1 search result for management on Apple Podcasts. Activate your FREE membership to search the entire episode library by topic at CoachingforLeaders.com

de Dono para Dono


De Dono para Dono é o Podcast da Auddas que visa disponibilizar, para empresários, conhecimentos e expertises de donos de negócios que compreendem as dificuldades e as dores dos processos de gestão, estratégia, governança e capital. contato: podcastdedonoparadono@gmail.com

Cold Call

HBR Presents / Brian Kenny

Cold Call distills Harvard Business School's legendary case studies into podcast form. Hosted by Brian Kenny, the podcast airs every two weeks and features Harvard Business School faculty discussing cases they've written and the lessons they impart.

Dicas de Liderança com Ricardo Mallet

Ricardo Mallet

Dicas de liderança para você aumentar o engajamento, desempenho e resultados da sua equipe. Conheça minha mentoria em https://www.ricardomallet.com

Antitrust Review

Cleary Gottlieb

Welcome to Cleary Gottlieb’s Antitrust Review – a podcast focused on antitrust enforcement, policy and practice. In a complex and noisy world, we aim to bring insight and clarity through conversations with leading individuals shaping the antitrust agenda. Hosted by Cleary Gottlieb Partner Nick Levy, each episode will feature guests from the world of antitrust, including regulators and practitioners, to discuss critical issues that are dominating the agenda. This podcast was prepared as a service to clients and friends of Cleary Gottlieb to report on recent developments that may be of interest. The information in it is therefore general, and should not be considered or relied on as legal advice.

Café com Prevenção

Café com Prevenção

Criado em 2015, o Café com Prevenção é um Podcast que tem como principal objetivo abordar as áreas de Prevenção de Perdas, Auditoria, Gestão de Riscos, Segurança Empresarial e Gestão de Estoque. O Antônio Balbino e seus convidados costumam trazer temas relevantes no cenário nacional e sempre trazendo uma visão imparcial para os profissionais que desejam começar e até mesmo os mais experientes.

República Da Manutenção

João Óscar

Gestão de Ativos, como gerenciar a área de manutenção e seus benefícios

Oficina de Revenue podcast

Dolores Pineiro

Que legal que você está aqui! Vamos conversar de Revenue Management, Estratégia Comercial e Prosperidade. Sou apaixonada por ensinar e adoro estudar novas ferramentas de desenvolvimento pessoal. Quero te ajudar para tomar melhores decisões comerciais e para poder aproveitar ao máximo todas as oportunidades pessoais e profissionais que o mercado oferece. Acredito que a nossa vida é um constante aprendizado e todas as nossas experiências servem para avançar e para estarmos prontos para novos desafios. Todos merecemos uma vida próspera utilizando nossos talentos e habilidades únicos e especiais.

Diego Maia, Motivação e Vendas

Diego Maia

Apresentado desde 2009 por Diego Maia, o palestrante de vendas mais contratado do Brasil. Mergulhe em um universo de inspiração, motivação e estratégias práticas para alcançar o sucesso nas vendas. Diego Maia apresenta reflexões profundas, insights poderosos e estratégias exclusivas para aprimorar suas habilidades de vendas e alcançar resultados excepcionais.Diego Maia é escritor e empreendedor serial. Fundador e CEO da CDPV Palestras e Treinamentos,  é autor de oito livros publicados e foi eleito um dos "10 maiores influenciadores de vendas do país". Conheça: https://www.diegomaia.com.br/

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

Ryan Hawk

Leaders are learners. The best leaders never stop working to make themselves better. The Learning Leader Show Is series of conversations with the world's most thoughtful leaders. Entrepreneurs, CEO's, World-Class Athletes, Coaches, Best-Selling Authors, and much more.

Gestão de Pessoas e Negócios

Data C

Este Projeto é um programa veiculado através de Lives no Youtube e Podcast nas plataformas de áudio. Desenvolvido pela Data C, o projeto será dirigido pela nossa CEO, Juliana Mantovani, e pela consultora de RH, Nadja Ganda. Uma dupla incrível que mostrará como aplicar a teoria na prática, no universo de gestão de pessoas nos negócios. Os assuntos que iremos abordar serão direcionados aos empresários, profissionais do setor de RH e líderes em geral, visando potencializar a eficiência do capital humano dentro das empresas e também, contribuir para uma melhor gestão.

Shipping Podcast - this is where we talk about the coolest industry on the planet and help raise the maritime industry's prof

Lena Göthberg

The shipping industry is the backbone of international trade, contributing to the globalisation and development of the world, but it's the shipping people who makes the world go around. This is where you meet the maritime professionals, strong characters with an interesting background.



A Solides é a mais completa plataforma de Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas do Brasil. Desde 2015, antecipamos tendências e descomplicamos a rotina do RH da PME. Somos a maior HRtech do Brasil. O Sólidescast, o podcast da Sólides, chega como mais um canal para nos aproximar e ajudar a cumprir o nosso propósito que é transformar as empresas por meio de pessoas. Comandado por Mônica Hauck e David Ledson, aqui você vai poder acompanhar tudo que o RH precisa em vários bate-papos super interessantes. Dê um play em nossos episódios e fique por dentro das tendências, inovações e insights do mundo do RH.

The Disruptive Voice

Harvard Business School

The Disruptive Voice explores the frameworks of Disruptive Innovation across a wide range of industries and circumstances. Guests include academics, researchers, and practitioners who have been taught and inspired by the late Clayton Christensen.

Financial Management (FM) magazine


The Financial Management (FM) magazine podcast series features conversations with executives and thought leaders in management accounting. We discuss topics including governance, risk management, performance management, technology, corporate strategy, and leadership. Interviews are conducted by FM editors and contributors.

Conversations with Zendesk - Interviews about Customer Service, Support, and Customer Experience

Zendesk: Customer Service Software & Sales CRM

Customer relationships are part of any business. Making them great is the next step. At Zendesk, we are here to help you create the best customer experiences and get the best results for your business. On the Conversations with Zendesk podcast, we explore trends in customer experience and share what Zendesk is developing for you. We will be talking about messaging channels, the power of self-service, integrations, conversational CRM, AI and no-code. Like and subscribe to receive new episodes every other week. Visit www.zendesk.com/blog for updates, bonus content, and more.

Podcast Falando de Loja

Falando de Loja

Dos mesmos criadores do consagrado canal do Youtube "Falando de Loja", agora disponibilizam seus conteúdos em podcast, para você ouvir onde quiser.

mereo talks


O podcast sobre gestão de pessoas. Para você pode se inspirar e ampliar o seu conhecimento sobre boas práticas, tendências e conceitos para você impulsionar a performance das pessoas na sua organização. Receberemos pessoas que vivem na prática os desafios corporativos e estão transformando a gestão de pessoas.

The Gartner Talent Angle


The Gartner Talent Angle podcast is a new and exciting approach to talent management. Every month, we’ll talk with those on the forefront of HR innovation — innovators, academics, HR professionals, economists, coaches — to explore the most interesting and cutting edge ideas in the world of HR and people development. Join us as we reimagine talent.

Sintoniza Com Paula Moreira

Paula Moreira

Olá pessoal 👏nesse podcast vou te dar várias dicas de negócios pra você ter uma renda extra nesse período tão difícil. Me chamo Ana Paula Moreira, sou administradora de Empresas há 9 anos e quero dividir meu conhecimento com vocês. Segue meu canal no YouTube e me conheça melhor 👉https://youtu.be/wMqoVFIlfz0 Bjus

Cross-border Tax Talks


PwC specialists share insights and perspectives on key issues impacting the ever-changing tax landscape. Our podcasts aim to provide quick, easy and up-to-date tax developments to help you stay current and competitive in today's challenging business environment. Listen to episodes at your convenience via your desktop computer or smart device.

Leading Up With Udemy


Leading Up is a top-ranking leadership podcast to help you work, lead, and live differently. In Season 6, we’re continuing our focus on GenAI, while digging into the difference between effective and ineffective leadership. We’ll also shine a light on storytelling, and how it can help aspiring leaders communicate better. Alan Todd, VP of Leadership Development at Udemy, sits down with some of the most thoughtful and exciting leaders, practitioners, and thinkers. Together, we’ll help you unlock your potential and become an even better leader. New episodes drop every Wednesday, so be sure to follow the podcast to never miss an episode. Leave us a rating and review if you like what you hear. Learn more about Udemy Business at https://bit.ly/udemy-podcast.

Modern Mentor


Rachel Cooke is your guide to leadership and communication, helping you craft a workplace environment you can feel good about. She’ll share tips to help you balance your work and personal life, effectively invest your time, and be mindful about where you’re devoting your energy. Let Rachel help you navigate your path to success—however you define it.



A podcast by 37signals about the better way to work and run your business. The REWORK podcast features the co-founders of 37signals (the makers of Basecamp and HEY), Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson sharing their unique perspective on business and entrepreneurship along with host Kimberly Rhodes.

Wirtschaft im Gespräch

DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

Immer freitags laden wir ein zu "Wirtschaft im Gespräch". Bei uns zu Gast sind führende Ökonomen und Ökonominnen, aber auch Wirtschaftslenker, Unternehmerinnen, kritische Geister.

The Culture Blueprint

Robert Richman

The Guide to the High Performance Workplace. Read by the author, Robert Richman, Zappos Culture Strategist.

Fim da Firma

Target Teal

O antigo Tealcast. Um lugar pra falarmos de histórias de horror do mundo corporativo, histórias de quem vive a autogestão, de quem cansou de enxugar gelo e também papos nerds sobre o mundo do design organizacional.

WeplanCast - Podcast de Móveis Planejados

WeplanCast - Podcast de Móveis Planejados

A WePlan é uma plataforma que conecta profissionais de interiores com soluções inteligentes em mobiliário planejado, através de credenciados conecta os clientes diretamente com a indústria em todo o Brasil. Inovação está em nosso DNA! Temos muita coisa legal pra conversar, e por isso vamos trazer semanalmente um conteúdo relevante pra você. Nossas tags: Móveis planejados, Modulados, Arquitetura, Arquiteto de interiores, Projetista, Montador, Ambientes, Design de interiores. #moveisplanejados #modulados #arquitetura #arquiteto #interiores #projetista #montador #ambientes #design

The ESG Podcast


The impact organisations have on the Environment and Society and the Governance approach they have in place to oversee these have been growing in importance. Join us as we discuss what this means for business – and how you can put this into practice over time. This podcast is hosted by gunnercooke.

Recursos Humanos

ximena felicitas gomez libreros

Habilidades de la Especialidad de Recursos Humanos

Gestão De Pessoas E Liderança 1 (O Despertar Do Líder)

Break News Smart

Contexto geral de Gestão de Pessoas e Liderança



Soluções contemporâneas para líderes, gestores e organizações, agora também em #podcasts.

Wharton Business Daily

Wharton Business Daily

Bringing together top leaders, innovators and renowned faculty from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania discussing topics that matter to consumers and the business world. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Anxious Achiever

Morra Aarons-Mele

Host Morra Aarons-Mele is on a mission to reframe how we think about anxiety and mental health in the workplace. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. We desperately need better models for leadership and a more holistic view of mental health. Our culture tells those of us who suffer from anxiety and depression that we can’t succeed, but we tell a different story — without sugarcoating the tough stuff. We feature stories from people who’ve been there and experts who can help you thrive. Listen in your favorite podcast app: https://pod.link/1480904163

The HC Insider Podcast: Conversations in Energy & Commodities

HC Insider, Paul Chapman

For related content and to find out more about HC and our talent advisory services to the energy & commodities sector, visit https://www.hcgroup.global/hc-insider Each day, around the world, we have fascinating one-on-one conversations with our connections in the commodities sector. Our collaborators are uniquely informed, creative and inspirational in their fields. We want to provide our community a seat alongside us, listening in to these conversations in that special way podcasting provides as we tackle topical and people related issues with the leaders and leading minds in our sector. Visit www.hcgroup.global and https://www.hcgroup.global/hc-insider for more information on us and our services. To connect with our host Paul Chapman, you can find him at www.linkedin.com/in/paulchapmanhc/

Cultura Organizacional

Marcos Santos

Bate papo sobre tipos de cultura organizacional.

Podcast Q3 Remuneração

Podcast Q3 Remuneração

Podcast com informações, debates e entrevistas sobre Remuneração, Benefícios e Programas de Incentivo para empresas.

Women at Work

Harvard Business Review

Women face gender discrimination throughout our careers. It doesn't have to derail our ambitions — but how do we prepare to deal with it? There's no workplace orientation session about narrowing the wage gap, standing up to interrupting male colleagues, or taking on many other issues we encounter at work. So HBR staffers Amy Bernstein, Amy Gallo, and Emily Caulfield are untangling some of the knottiest problems. They interview experts on gender, tell stories about their own experiences, and give lots of practical advice to help you succeed in spite of the obstacles.

The Look & Sound of Leadership

Essential Communications - Tom Henschel

An ongoing series of Executive Coaching Tips designed to help you be perceived in the workplace the way you want to be perceived.

Gestão de Equipes e Organizações

Sidney Lino Oliveira

Esse é um podcast sobre gestão de equipes e organizações. O texto tem como base o livro Comportamento Organizacional (Robbins; Judge; Sobral, 2010).

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation

Phil McKinney

An award-winning podcast and nationally syndicated talk radio show that looks at the innovations that are changing our lives and how their innovators used creativity and design to take their raw idea and create they're game-changing product or service. Phil McKinney and his guests share real-world practical advice on how to harness the power of creativity and design to create ideas that turn into innovations that radically improve your personal, career and business success. The show is hosted by Phil McKinney, retired CTO of Hewlett-Packard (HP) and author of Beyond The Obvious. The complete backlog of content (going back to 2005) is available at http://killerinnovations.com. Follow Phil on Facebook at http://bit.ly/phil-facebook and Twitter at http://twitter.com/philmckinney

"Company Breakdowns"

Erik Torenberg

Refactoring Podcast

Luca Rossi

Weekly interviews with world-class engineering leaders about writing great software and working well with humans.

Why Lead?

Ben Owden

"Everything rises and falls on leadership," - John MaxwellMy name is Ben Owden and I have weekly conversations with leaders. I hope that these conversations will help you find the clarity and conviction to lead a more meaningful and impactful life. I’ve curated some of the best thinker practitioners from all over the world to help you get to your leadership nirvana. 



Adoramos promover encontro de pessoas, ideias e expressões. A diversidade nos encanta e a cada história que ouvimos aprendemos a promover mais e melhores oportunidades de trocas de conhecimentos. Já são dezenas de vozes em nosso canal. Escolha algumas e inspire-se!

HBR IdeaCast

Harvard Business Review

A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

The Modern Manager

Mamie Kanfer Stewart

Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager. Learn more at: https://themodernmanager.com/ Solo episodes are like mini-courses, providing actionable tips based on experience and research. Guest episodes are engaging conversations that elicit insights and suggestions for how to apply the ideas. Learn more about effective meeting practices, communication skills, managing conflict, team building, time management, group dynamics, goal setting and accountability, team competencies, productivity and collaboration technologies, organizational culture, and more. Be sure to follow the podcast on your favorite platform so you never miss a new episode!

The Sales Management. Simplified. Podcast with Mike Weinberg

Mike Weinberg

Execs, sales leaders, and aspiring sales managers: Ready to create a healthy, high-performance sales culture and drive significant long-term sales growth? Had it with the noise and nonsense that passes for sales advice today and the nonstop pitches promising you a new hack, trick, or tool to solve all that ails your sales? Join practitioner, speaker, coach, and globally trusted sales expert Mike Weinberg, author of the bestselling and most reviewed sales management book, for straight talk, blunt truth, and powerful, practical techniques that will maximize sales management effectiveness and help your team WIN MORE NEW SALES!



【經理人Podcast】由總編輯齊立文、經理人月刊編輯團隊,每周為你解答職場難題、說管理趨勢、訪職場專家,提供下一個世代工作者更多新鮮觀點及職涯提點。有想聽的主題或合作提案,歡迎來信:podcast@managertoday.com.tw Powered by Firstory Hosting

The ISO Show

Blackmores UK

Blackmores is a pioneering consultancy firm with a distinctive approach to working with our clients to achieve and sustain high standards in Quality, Risk and Environmental Management. We'll be posting podcasts discussing ISO standards here very soon!



本節目由《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版執行長楊瑪利(Mary)所主持,帶你輕鬆學到人人都能應用的管理新知。讓我們一起拉近學習的距離,承襲著哈佛的知識觀點,做回自己人生的領導者!   主持人Mary擁有超過30年採訪經驗,足跡遍布全球,曾親炙佛里曼、傅高義等大師風采,個人榮獲近30座國內外新聞獎項,也曾帶領國內第一財經雜誌《遠見》拿下大大小小超過70座新聞獎項,包括金鼎獎、吳舜文新聞獎、曾虛白新聞獎和亞洲卓越新聞獎等。   這回,Mary希望用最平易近人的方式,融合過去財經採訪的經驗與心得,轉譯《哈佛商業評論》的關鍵趨勢,找出人人身上的哈佛DNA。 【輕鬆讀哈佛】 週一至週四,一起讀一篇《哈佛商業評論》的文章,由Mary幫你精準抓取重點,快速吸收商業思維,輕鬆Get哈佛知識。 【哈佛人物面對面】讓Mary用一杯咖啡的時間,彙整本週哈佛主題知識,邀請你我身邊各行各業的代表人物,不論是正在起步發展的新興創業家、時下最夯的YouTuber或是你家巷口的飲料店老闆,都是我們的邀約對象。擁有哈佛DNA的他們,將跟我們一起聊聊自己在經營、管理上的故事,想知道他們如何運用商業思維解決難題,聽下去就對。   了解更多《哈佛商業評論》  官網:https://www.hbrtaiwan.com/  FB:https://www.facebook.com/hbrtaiwan  IG:https://www.instagram.com/hbrtaiwan/  LINE:https://page.line.me/zfc8021l?openQrModal -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
