
Onda Cero Podcast

La expedición científica ‘Mars Prima’ buscaba en Marte un nuevo hogar para la Humanidad. Tras 254 días, los 136 colonos enviados intentaron huir a la desesperada. Solo volvieron 23. Román es un psicólogo que se ocupa de la reinserción de 3 de estos retornados hasta que un día descubre que sus pacientes ocultan algo… Dirección: Julio Rojas, Miguel A. Expósito y Victor Blanco Guion: Julio Rojas Voces: Román: Jose Ángel Fuentes; Estela: Ana Isabel Rodriguez; Foster: Guillermo Romero, Casandra: Emma Cifuentes; Gilian: Licia Alonso; Rebeca: Alma Naranjo; Elena: Elsa Pinillos; Niño: Mateo Fuentes; Voces Noticiario: Mamen Serrano, Alejandra Acosta, Luis Ignacio González, Mario Pérez, Gustavo Risueño y Antonio Alfonso Hernández; Policía: Pablo Irles; Negociador: Richard Del Olmo; Voces Warning: Sara Campbell y Holly Renaut. Diseño de sonido: Alfonso Sanz (Mr. Peaks) y Álex Escutia Producción Mr Peaks: Bernardo Corral y Lucía Rodríguez.


El Extraordinario

Marcos Oliveira, uno de los padres de la inteligencia artificial, desaparece de forma misteriosa en Canarias y lo único que saben es que iba buscando una puerta. El escritor Santiago Álvarez recorre la última ruta que hizo el científico para intentar resolver el misterio pero, cuanto más lo busca, más perdido se encuentra en un laberinto entre la realidad y la simulación. Simulacro es un thriller psicológico especulativo creado por Julio Rojas (autor de 'Caso 63') y protagonizado por Isak Férriz, Mónica López y Alberto San Juan. Producido por El Extraordinario para Turismo de Islas Canarias y financiada con fondos Next Generation de la Unión Europea.

Terrores Nocturnos

Terrores Nocturnos

Historias de terror, misterio, casos reales, hechos inexplicables... Cada martes te traemos una nueva historia que no te dejará dormir. Con Emma Entrena y Silvia Ortiz. Realizado por Yes We Cast. Ilustraciones TheGray.Art Hazte con una suscripción de pago:

Gemelos digitales

Podium Podcast

Un podcast de ensayo ficción (o ficción ensayística) sobre la tecnología de los gemelos digitales o digital twins, ambientado entre Barcelona y China, que explora la condición humana en el contexto de los metaversos, los clones virtuales y la inteligencia artificial. Ciencia ficción sobre un fenómeno que podría volverse pura realidad.  Escrito por Jorge Carrión (Solaris), con diseño sonoro de Teo Rodríguez y la voz protagonista del actor Pablo Derqui. 

La firma de Dios

Podium Podcast

En 2024, un nuevo virus asola la población mundial. Su comportamiento, que parece responder a una voluntad consciente, no tarda en hacer añicos el paradigma de la ciencia. Será el principio de una crisis que pondrá en cuestión todo lo que creemos saber sobre la naturaleza y cambiará por completo a la humanidad. 'La firma de Dios' ha sido galardonado en los II Premios Ondas Globales del  Podcast a Mejor guion y Mejor podcast de ficción.


Podium Podcast

Alicia no está satisfecha con su vida. Tiene un trabajo cómodo, una buena relación de pareja y un sobrino al que le encanta cuidar, pero a pesar de todo, siente que algo no encaja. Una llamada de teléfono lo cambia todo, convirtiendo a Alicia en el blanco perfecto de un ciberdelito. A partir de ahí, su vida dará un giro y no volverá a ser la misma: engaños, manipulaciones, robo de datos, suplantación de identidades… Alicia se adentra en una trepidante trama con elementos conspiratorios e inteligencia artificial de fondo, que la llevarán a comprender qué clase de persona es y la realidad sobre el mundo feliz en el que creía vivir. Titania es un thriller sonoro ambientado en un mundo donde las tecnologías han cambiado las reglas del juego. Prepárate para descubrir que todo lo que hacemos queda registrado, se convierte en datos, en información útil para los hackers, y averigua cómo puedes proteger tu identidad digital en un mundo cada vez más hiperconectado. Titania ha sido galardonado como el mejor del año por “elevar el género de la ficción sonora” y su “impecable diseño sonoro” por los Premios Ondas 2023 y Mejor Branded Podcast en los Premios Ondas Globales del Podcast 2023.

El Gran Apagón

Podium Podcast

El 11 de abril de 2018 se produjo la tormenta solar más intensa jamás registrada. Dos días después, el planeta quedó en completa oscuridad. Este evento fue conocido como El gran apagón. Una serie de Podium Podcast.


SKY Airline | Posta

Un podcast de ficción original de SKY Airline y Posta. Lo que comienza con un vuelo de SKY Airline para encontrarse con su hermano Andrés hace que la vida de Rita Ullman dé un giro sin precedentes: se adentrará en una trama por ciudades y cuevas, aventuras que destapan secretos sobre su familia y sobre la civilización como la conocemos. Protagonizado por Antonia Zegers como Rita Ullman y Nicolás Poblete como Andrés Ullman.

Blum (Español)

El Extraordinario

Clara Pastor, estudiante de Historia del arte, desaparece mientras realiza su tesis sobre Ursula Blum, una pintora vanguardista del siglo XX. Cinco años después, la periodista Emma Castillo decide viajar a Suiza para continuar la investigación de Clara y narrar en un podcast lo que va descubriendo sobre el misterio que envuelve a ambas mujeres. Para más información visita: Blum es una ficción sonora de El Extraordinario, creada, escrita y dirigida por Carmen Pacheco y Manuel Bartual. Protagonizada por Vicky Luengo, Jacinto Bobo, Nikki García y Anahí Di Santo.


Paco Arias | Genuina Media

Hola! Bienvenido a este tu espacio, donde pasaremos muchas horas hablando de temas extra anormales que mis seguidores me hagan llegar, prepárate y disfruta de mucho terror.! Distribuido por Genuina Media

Informe Z

Podium Podcast

Claudia, una niña de once años, encuentra un perro de apenas dos meses abandonado en el bosque. El animal está infectado con un agente biológico. El centro se llena de militares y lo declaran en cuarentena.



Las mejores y más terroríficas historias que llegan al correo de Podcast Paranormal: Capítulos ESTRENO cada JUEVES. Patrocinios y negocios:

El Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos - Audiolibros

El Desván

Relatos clásicos, Audiolibros de misterio y terror, de autores como Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, .. y muchos más, narrados e interpretados con música y efectos. Locutado por Ander Vildósola Música Ander Vildósola, JM Lluch, Kevin MacLeod ( Fuente: Ciudad Seva Soy locutor y actor de doblaje. Admirador incondicional de los Cuenta Cuentos de Salvat y llevado por las sugerencias de grandes amigos, me animé a crear este lugar, este desván.... donde poder encontrar y escuchar cuentos clásicos de misterio y terror que han quedado ocultos tras la polvareda creada por el tiempo y el olvido. Un lugar secreto donde acudir los días lluviosos, las noches en vela, los largos e interminables viajes, o quién sabe, incluso escondido como hiciera Bastian leyendo "La historia interminable" No sabes lo que encontrarás, pero una cosa está clara,...siempre será tu lugar...tu Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos.

Beyond the Dark

Mark R. Healy

Atmospheric sci-fi stories. You might find yourself in the heart of a cyberpunk metropolis, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, or an alien world. Each story features its own original music score for a truly immersive experience.

Relatos De Horror (Historias De Terror)

Relatos De Horror

Proyecto Digital creado como hobby a finales de 2015 con base en México. Creamos contenido original en audio basándonos en experiencias de nuestra comunidad, todo en torno a situaciones de índole paranormal. “Historias De Horror De Reales Vividas Por Personas Reales”. Encuéntranos también en Youtube See for privacy and opt-out information. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Expreso de Medianoche (Oficial)

Expreso de Medianoche

Programa de Misterio y otras realidades dirigido por José Paredes, en los ’’Vagones centrales’’ nos acompañan cada sabado a las 00:00h, las voces de José Paredes, y Chema Galindo, disfruten del viaje.

Welcome to Night Vale

Night Vale Presents

Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide. Never listened before? It's an ongoing radio show. Start with the current episode, and you'll catch on in no time. Or, go right to Episode 1 if you wanna binge-listen.

Transmitiendo a Ciegas

Narrador Oscuro

TAC es una audioserie original de ciencia ficción y terror cósmico. Únete a los pilotos de la Carrie en esta aventura espacial surcando La Otra Orilla, un nuevo universo cuyas riquezas fueron explotadas por la humanidad hasta que estalló la guerra con el Enemigo. Serie escrita, producida e interpretada por Aleix Valverde, síguelo en Twitter @narrador_oscuro Contacto:

Contacto Siniestro Podcast

Contacto Siniestro Podcast

C'è vita nel Grande Nulla Agricolo?

Johnny Faina

Il primo podcast bisettimanale in diretta dal Triangolo delle Bermuda Padano: il Grande Nulla Agricolo. Ogni episodio una nuova strana storia dalla profonda provincia romagnola: cani scomparsi, misteriose luci nel cielo, auto fantasma e molti altri eventi inspiegabili. Perché è proprio dove non accade mai nulla che può accadere di tutto. Benvenuti a Villamara e ricordate: noi non siamo mai stati qui. Con Nicolò Valandro ( Scritto da Nicolò Valandro e Gianluca Dario Rota ( Musiche originali di Leonardo Passanti ( Artwork di Federica Carioli ( Master Gipo Gurrado ( Canale Telegram: Newsletter: Facebook: Merch:

SED: La Advertencia

Sonoro | Xook Audio | SF 110

¿Cómo sería tu ciudad el día que se acabe el agua? SED: La advertencia es una serie en podcast donde una ciudad como la tuya se queda seca. Protagonizada por Tenoch Huerta, Alejandra Robles Gil y Manuel Balbi.

The NoSleep Podcast

Creative Reason Media Inc.

The NoSleep Podcast is a multi-award winning anthology series of original horror stories, with rich atmospheric music to enhance the frightening tales.


Nostromo Audio

Toda especie se enfrenta a la extinción alguna vez en su historia. “El Club Darwin” es más que una novela científica. Es una historia donde la ciencia-ficción se mezcla con el misterio y la intriga, con diálogos profundos, traiciones, acción y drama. Descubre las narraciones en primera persona de los protagonistas de esta aventura de ciencia-ficción que te enganchará desde el primer minuto.

El Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos - Audiolibros

El Desván

Relatos clásicos, Audiolibros de misterio y terror, de autores como Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, .. y muchos más, narrados e interpretados con música y efectos. Locutado por Ander Vildósola Música Ander Vildósola, JM Lluch, Kevin MacLeod ( Fuente: Ciudad Seva Soy locutor y actor de doblaje. Admirador incondicional de los Cuenta Cuentos de Salvat y llevado por las sugerencias de grandes amigos, me animé a crear este lugar, este desván.... donde poder encontrar y escuchar cuentos clásicos de misterio y terror que han quedado ocultos tras la polvareda creada por el tiempo y el olvido. Un lugar secreto donde acudir los días lluviosos, las noches en vela, los largos e interminables viajes, o quién sabe, incluso escondido como hiciera Bastian leyendo "La historia interminable" No sabes lo que encontrarás, pero una cosa está clara,...siempre será tu lugar...tu Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos.

The Left Right Game


Tessa Thompson stars as an idealistic young journalist trying to make a name for herself by following a group of paranormal explorers, obsessed with a seemingly harmless pastime known as the Left/Right Game. The journey takes her into a supernatural world that she and the other members of the expedition can neither handle nor survive.

Relatos por Santiago Segovia

Santiago Segovia | Genuina Media

Lo paranormal y misterioso se unen en este podcast donde la espesa voz de Santiago Segovia, investigador paranormal, relata con lujo de detalle las historias más escalofriantes jamás contadas.

Mitos y Leyendas

caminante iberico

Nos encanta viajar y a lo largo de nuestros viajes hemos descubierto sitios preciosos, increíbles leyendas y efemérides curiosas, venimos a contarte estas historias. Si te apasiona descubrir nuevos lugares y aprender historias cautivadoras, suscríbete, activa la campana de notificaciones y únete a nuestra comunidad. ¡Ayúdanos a preservar estas experiencias para las generaciones futuras! ¡No olvides darle like y dejar tus comentarios!


Emisor Podcasting

En el futuro, ser humano es sospechoso. De los creadores de Caso 63 y Borrado, una nueva audioficción de Emisor Studios. Con Ignacia Baeza y Marcial Tagle, escrita por Julio Rojas.

The Road of Shadows

Mark R. Healy

It's 1984, and Daniel Knox is on the run. He's spent his entire life evading mysterious creatures that are disguised as everyday people - the ones he calls 'Shadows'. Preying on humans in secret, the Shadows are an enigma even to Daniel. But he knows one thing for sure - the Shadows' true nature can't be seen by anyone but him. As he seeks refuge in a remote mountain community, Daniel crosses paths with a traveller who is investigating the disappearance of her sister in the same town. Gradually, the secrets begin to unravel - and for Daniel - life will never be the same again. 'The Road of Shadows' is a Beyond the Dark production. Created by Mark R. Healy.


Scott Sigler

Every five minutes, a transplant candidate dies while waiting for a compatible heart, liver, or kidney. Imagine a technology that could provide those life-saving transplant organs for a high price, and imagine what a company would do to monopolize that technology. On a remote island in Lake Superior, a team of geneticists has unlocked this holy grail of medicine. By reverse-engineering thousands of genomes, they dial back the evolutionary clock to re-create the progenitor of all mammals. The method? Illegal. The result? An AI-designed animal whose organs can be safely transplanted into any person. There's just one problem: these "ancestors" are not the docile herd animals the scientists envisioned. Instead, the project spawns something big, something evil … something very, very hungry. As creators become prey in an ultimate battle for survival, the research team must fight for their lives — even while government agents close in to shut the project down, and the deep-pocketed company backing this research reveals its own cold-blooded agenda. ANCESTOR is a complete, serialized fiction podcast by Number One New York Times bestselling novelist Scott Sigler, with all episodes available -- binge the entire story now in your favorite podcast app. Or for print, eBook, and ad-free audiobook versions of the tale, visit PRAISE FOR ANCESTOR "This story sizzles with tension. Danger and drama mix with cutting-edge science to produce a top-notch, action-packed adventure. If you think Scott Sigler just writes horror, you're dead wrong. This guy is one heck of a thriller writer."  Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of THE PARIS VENDETTA and THE CHARLEMAGNE PURSUIT "Michael Crichton may be gone, but he has a worthy successor in Scott. This book takes thriller and science fiction conventions and slams them together to make something new and fascinating." Simon R. Green, New York Times bestselling author of THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UNCANNY and AGENTS OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS "Sigler has a unique talent for keeping readers on the edge of their seats; I absolutely had to know what was going to happen next. Infected is full of mayhem, action, and gore -- and you won’t be able to put it down." Dave Wellington, author of 13 BULLETS and the MONSTER ISLAND trilogy "Fun, creepy, and impossible to stop reading, Ancestor is the rare thriller that's based on cutting-edge science and is entirely possible. Long after you're done with the book, you'll still be looking over your shoulder. Just in case.” Phil Plait, PhD, author of DEATH FROM THE SKIES and UNDER ALIEN SKIES CREDITS: Presented by Empty Set Entertainment Written and narrated by Scott Sigler Audio engineering by Steve Riekeberg ( Podcast production assistance by Allie Press and Evo Terra of Simpler Media Productions ( For more audio fiction from Scott Sigler, please visit

Cosmic Chronicles

Quinn Howard

Welcome to "Cosmic Chronicles," where imagination meets reality and science fiction comes to life! In this captivating podcast, host Quinn takes you on a thrilling journey through the expansive realm of science fiction, exploring the captivating worlds of books, movies, and shows that have shaped our imaginations and influenced our culture.More Cosmic Chronicles:

Wolf 359

Kinda Evil Genius Productions, LLC

Life's not easy for Doug Eiffel, the communications officer for the U.S.S. Hephaestus Research Station, currently on Day 448 of its orbit around red dwarf star Wolf 359. He's stuck on a scientific survey mission of indeterminate length, 7.8 light years from Earth. His only company on board the station are stern mission chief Minkowski, insane science officer Hilbert, and Hephaestus Station's sentient, often malfunctioning operating system Hera. He doesn't have much to do for his job other than monitoring static and intercepting the occasional decades-old radio broadcast from Earth, so he spends most of his time creating extensive audio logs about the ordinary, day-to-day happenings within the station. But the Hephaestus is an odd place, and life in extremely isolated, zero gravity conditions has a way of doing funny things to people's minds. Even the simplest of tasks can turn into a gargantuan struggle, and the most ordinary-seeming things have a way of turning into anything but that. Wolf 359 is a radio drama in the tradition of Golden Age of Radio shows. Take one part space-faring adventure, add one part character drama, and mix in one part absurdist sitcom, and you get Wolf 359.

La Cabina Audio Drama

Juan Santapau

Serie Radio Teatro de sci-fi y misterio. La psicóloga Celeste Román empieza su nuevo trabajo en la misteriosa fundación Sibila: un proyecto de tecnología experimental que aseguran, puede traspasar el velo de la muerte. ¿Qué son realmente las voces de la cabina?

Otros Mundos (

Phantastica School

Un podcast de Phantastica de análisis de fantasía, ciencia ficción y terror desde un punto de vista narrativo.


Gunpowder & Sky

New to DUST? Start with Season Three: CHRYSALIS, starring Corey Hawkins, Toni Collette, and more! DUST is the premier destination for immersive science fiction audio stories. Previous Seasons: Season Three, CHRYSALIS: When an AI awakens after the genocide of the human race by an unknown alien species, it sets off on a path of vengeance across the known universe...and beyond. Season Two, FLIGHT 008: Eleven of the biggest writers in science fiction, through eleven unique stories, follow one single thread: a non-stop flight from Tokyo to San Francisco that passes through a wrinkle in spacetime and lands in the year 2040. Season One, HORIZONS: An anthology of audio stories ranging from Philip K. Dick and Ray Bradbury to the new voices of today. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Warning Woods | Horror Fiction and Scary Stories

Miles Tritle

Haunting, original horror stories by author and narrator Miles Tritle lurk here, waiting for you to listen. Miles writes highly-rated stories about ghosts and demons, killers, monsters and cryptids, and more. When you are ready, enter The Warning Woods at your own risk. Podcast Website: Author's Website:


Podium Podcast

Podcast de misterior y terror sobre uno de los temas que más inquieta a la humanidad.

Mamones y Mazmorras

Undead Warlock

Somos un grupo de frikis que juega a Dungeons & Dragons y lo graba para que puedas acompañarnos en nuestras aventuras. Adéntrate con nosotros en el mundo de Calaria. Un nuevo episodio todos los miércoles a las 21:00.

Podcast Lab 137 [Cuentos Novelas Ciencia Ficción]


Volverán los relatos a posarse en el balcón. Micro is incoming, conversaciones y logoficciones más habrá. Si enllegas nuev@ por aquí sabe que esto es una m****a amateur con la ´unica intención de acompañar y retribuir karma y que la calidad deja mucho que desear pero puedes encontrar o no cuentos de ciencia ficción variados. Esto tenía escrito cuatro años ha, ya... Seas un ser albuminoso o silicílico, félido o cánido, aquí encontrarás audio-relatos de ciencia ficción (o no) Están ordenados cronológicamente según los fuimos subiendo. Para orientarse recomiendo usar la opción "buscar listas de ivoox" con los nombres que comento más abajo Hay: muchos cuentos de Philip K Dick. Algunos cuentos de otros autores (esta parte . Dos novelas de los años 30, "La Guerra de las Salamandras" de Carel Capek y "El hacedor de estrellas" de Olaf Stapledon. Lo que se dice dos clásicos básicos. El primero es una discronía y el segundo es una novela rara sin trama. Además, tres libros de relatos cortos de Stanislaw Lem. "Ciberíada" es muy gracioso e inteligente. Fábulas de Robots es la precuela y tiene menos calidad pero se salvan varias fávulas, por ejemplo las tres últimas. Los "Diarios de las Estrellas" narran las aventuras de Ijon Tichy y la calidad es variable pero hay viajes muy buenos, sobretodo la primera mitad. Hace poco me hice con un micrófono pero casi todo el contenido está grabado allí donde me pillara un rato y con el móvil, se siente. =^___^= Listas: [1-19] Philip K (Kindred) Dick [20 - 43] Philip K (Kindred) Dick Otros Autores Ciberíada de Stanislaw Lem Diarios de las Estrellas de Stanislaw Lem La Guerra de las Salamandras de Carel Capek El Hacedor de Estrellas de Olaf Stapledon Fábulas de Robots de Stanislaw Lem ´ contacto @mesh_mescalito en instagram, twitter y soundcloud


Emisor Podcasting

¿Qué viene después del futuro? Se acerca el día de un gran borrado, en que la Inteligencia Artificial planea eliminar para siempre todos los registros digitales de la humanidad. Los invisibles darán la batalla final para evitarlo. Los algoritmos no están dispuestos a perderla. De los creadores de Caso 63, la historia que une los mundos de Borrado y Turing en un final donde todo está en juego. Con Antonia Giesen, Marcelo Alonso, Luz Valdivieso, Ignacia Baeza, Álvaro Espinoza y Amparo Noguera, escrita por Julio Rojas.


CurtCo Media

SOLAR, starring Stephanie Beatriz, Tony Award winner Alan Cumming, Academy Award winner Helen Hunt and Jonathan Bangs, is a journey to the heart of the solar system and an exploration of the vastness of the human spirit. Disconnected from Earth and trapped on separate parts of their spacecraft, crew members must fight for survival following a disaster on board the ill-fated Aethon, a manned solar research probe sent to explore temporal distortion around the sun. As painful memories, forgotten dreams, technological challenges and blunt realities collide--they must work together to keep their hope alive in the face of growing darkness. SHADOWS ARE DARKER THIS CLOSE TO THE SUN. SOLAR is a CurtCo Media production. To learn more, visit


Magnesium Film

The first test of light speed flight has gone wrong, hurling an astronaut deep into the future where he searches the planets for remnants of the human race. 12 Episodes. Created, written and directed by Alexander Adell. Join our Discord for bonus content, discussion and AMAs


Night Rocket Productions

Something has been found at the bottom of Earth's ocean. An ancient artifact that can only be described as a giant door, inset into the sea floor. It becomes known as the Vault. A gigantic enigma, buried and forgotten...nineteen thousand feet down. To study the artifact, the galaxy's most powerful corporation, Maas-Dorian, has built a massive, self-contained, secret laboratory base surrounding it, named FATHOM. It's objective: unlock the secrets of the artifact and discover what it holds.​ But some mysteries should remain buried. And some doors should never be opened....The story of DERELICT begins with season one, FATHOM, a narrative podcast experience from award winning science fiction author J. Barton Mitchell, and produced by Night Rocket Productions. Website:

Ad Lucem


The year is 2032, and the revolutionary tech company AD LUCEM O.I. has over 10 million subscribers. Their Corporeal Augmented Reality Assistant, or CARA for short, is a massive success. CARA isn’t just another listening device. It’s a virtual assistant, helmed by a live operator, who responds to the wants and needs of their clients in real time – the way only a human can. With an update to this game-changing technology on the horizon, the company’s CEO is poised to capture the fame and fortune she’s always dreamed of. But it is quickly revealed that her determination to “maintain the thread of human connection” might have unintended consequences…  AD LUCEM is a nine-episode, socio-political thriller about the ethical dilemmas that surface when the pursuit of human connection blurs the lines between technology and reality. All nine episodes will be available for free, but QCODE+ subscribers get early, uninterrupted access to new episodes. Learn more at  Produced by QCODE, Barry Linen Motion Pictures, and SALT with Executive Producers Chris Pine, Olivia Wilde, Ian Gotler, Troian Bellisario, and Joshua Close. Written and directed by Troian Bellisario and Joshua Close. Starring Chris Pine, Olivia Wilde, and Troian Bellisario with Fiona Shaw, Clancy Brown, and Joshua Close.


Critical Role

Three mischievous narrators spin a surreal, reality-bending, sci-fantasy space western about a crotchety outlaw, a struggling cultist, and a diabolical bastard making awful decisions in a world on the edge of disaster.

La Mano Peluda

Radio Fórmula

Es un programa de entretenimiento de lo desconocido, insólito y sobrenatural, casos sorprendentes sin explicación lógica. Investigación, reportajes, entrevistas y análisis de las evidencias del más allá.

Hotel en español

Bloody FM

No está embrujado, no es el infierno, es ¡El Hotel! ¿Te atreves a entrar? Nuevos episodios el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes. Creado por: Travis McMaster y Mark Whitten Producido por: Guillermo Ruiz de Santiago Adaptado por: Alex Villalobos Gerente: Ginette Zavala Botones: Alex Villalobos Propietario: Edgar Cañas Música por Lauren Pokorney y West Rodri  Compositor invitado especial Zach Tatom-Drake



Que la inteligencia artificial tome control de la humanidad ya dejó de ser ciencia ficción. FOOM, una audio ficción escrita por Julio Rojas (Caso 63) y realizada por Emisor Podcasting, Sonoro, El Extraordinario, Anfibia y La No Ficción.

EOS 10

Justin McLachlan and PlanetM

Doctors in space, a deposed alien prince, a super gay space pirate and a fiery nurse who’ll help you win your bar fight.

Historias Para Escuchar

Luis Angel Rodriguez Herrera

Un mundo de historias al alcance de tus oídos. En este lugar encontrarás relatos misteriosos, terrorificos, alegres , motivacionales y de cualquier tipo. Solo dale Play y comienza esta emocionante aventura.

Historias de Terror Reales


3 historias fascinantes que me las contaron familiares y amigos

焕晨讲沙丘 (第一部)




iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild

When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, her unexpected visit turns into a nightmare.  Steeped in history and filled with legends, the residents of Danville soon learn that the past is not always meant to be forgotten. Their lives will be forever changed, while the hope of a future without terror rests on the shoulders of a stranger who may hold the keys to the past. This is Consumed, a brand new story set in the same universe as the award-winning hit fiction podcast, Bridgewater.

Demasiado Poco Tiempo

Javi Kopachi

Demasiado Poco Tiempo es un podcast en el que hablamos sobre ciencia ficción sin ponernos demasiado intensos, ni pasando demasiado por encima. Nos gusta hablar como cuando quedamos con los amigos a charlar para sacarle el jugo a las obras que nos emocionan. En pocas palabras disfrutar de la ciencia ficción .

Cita con Rama - Podcast de Ciencia Ficción

Motor y al Aire

Cita con Rama es un podcast para los amantes de la Ciencia Ficción en todos sus aspectos: libros, películas, series, cómics, juegos de rol. Cualquier formato que nos haga conocer otras realidades y otros mundos de la mano de la imaginación... Únete a nosotros y preprárate a abrir tu mente

Dani 3Palacios Podcast


Audios aterradores, investigaciones, recorridos en búsqueda de fantasmas, y un viaje por el mundo de lo inexplicable como es lo paranormal. Acompáñame y trata de soportar este viaje tan perturbador pero a la vez de mucho aprendizaje y lleno de terror. Bienvenido a mi podcast soy Dani 3Palacios "El Tripas" ¿Quién? En el camino encontrarás Bonus que te hablaran sobre mi.



Ficción sonora de suspense. Ojos negros. Aniridia. MICW. Un hombre normal, como cualquiera de nosotros, parece estar viviendo algo extraordinario, algo que le asusta. Sube sus grabaciones tratando de encontrar ayuda o alguna explicación a lo que le está sucediendo. Este es el inicio de su extraña historia.

Curious Matter Anthology

Knightsville Workshop

Curious Matter Anthology is a multi-award winning fiction podcast that adapts stories from the world’s best Sci-fi, and Horror writers into fully immersive audio movies. Strap in and let your ears take you on an adventure to the most imaginative places in the literary universe. Season 3, launching June 18th, is taking a bold leap forward. We're transitioning to a seasonal anthology format, dedicating the entire season to a single epic story titled "The Exile." This audacious adventure will take listeners to the fledgling colony of Mars, where humanity's fate hangs in the balance. The Exile stars Tiffany Smith and features an all-star ensemble cast including Phil LaMarr, Tracie Thoms, Kevin Smith, Tricia Helfer, Eugene Byrd, Colin Ferguson, Anjali Bhimani, Todd Stashwick, Malcolm Barrett, Milana Vayntrub, Raymond Lee, Caitlin Bassett and many more.

The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast - Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories

Scott Miller

Step aboard our cosmic vessel and embark on a thrilling journey through the annals of science fiction history. Delve into the realms of imagination with us as we traverse the vast expanses of the solar system, encountering aliens, robots, and spacefaring brigands amidst the twinkling stars. Our spacefaring odyssey takes us beyond the confines of light-years, venturing into the unknown to unveil the secrets of distant planets and the enigmatic beings that inhabit them. Join us three times a week as we unearth timeless tales penned by the luminaries of vintage sci-fi literature. From the visionary minds of Philip K. Dick to the poetic prose of Ray Bradbury, from the boundless imagination of Isaac Asimov to the pioneering works of H. G. Wells, Arthur C. Clarke, Harlan Ellison, Fritz Leiber, Alan E. Nourse, Frederik Pohl, and countless others, we bring you short stories that have shaped the genre for generations. Prepare to journey back in time, sixty, a hundred years, or more, to an era when these awe-inspiring narratives first graced the pages of pulp magazines and sci-fi anthologies. Yet, paradoxically, our destination often lies in the distant future, where the echoes of these literary marvels continue to resonate. Guiding us through this celestial voyage is our narrator, Scott Miller, who serves as your companion and guide as we traverse the cosmos, exploring the wonders of yesteryear and the possibilities of tomorrow. Join us as we navigate the depths of space and time, embarking on an adventure that transcends the boundaries of imagination. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Desert Skies

Jared Carter

On a lonely highway between life and the next life there's one last stop that we all have to make. Desert Skies Astral Plane Fuel and Service Station serves travelers as they embark on their journey through the celestial spheres. Meet the Attendant, the Mechanic, and C.A.S.H. Register. Together, they'll make sure you're prepared for the ride. All episodes written and produced, and all characters performed, by Jared Carter. Club 86: Merch: Discord: Website:

Clarkesworld Magazine

Clarkesworld Magazine

Science fiction and fantasy stories from Clarkesworld, a Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning digital magazine. Stories from Clarkesworld have been nominated for or won the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Sturgeon, Locus, BSFA, Ditmar, Aurora, Shirley Jackson, WSFA Small Press and Stoker Awards.


Harlan Guthrie

DEVISER is a Sci-Fi Horror Audio Drama, created by Harlan Guthrie. In this series Son wakes up aboard a spaceship bound for earth in an effort to recolonize. What he discovers however will change everything he knows about his world and himself. All episodes of DEVISER are available now. Find it wherever Podcasts are found. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



Hannah (Lana Condor) finds herself trapped inside her boss Fin Gorale’s (Alan Cumming) subterranean biosphere named Evergreen, alongside seven of the world’s greatest minds. When Fin informs the group that an asteroid has destroyed the surface of the Earth, they find themselves – forced survivors – tasked with rebuilding society. As our characters vie for control of Evergreen, alliances form and fracture as heroes turn into villains. But when Hannah discovers that Evergreen is malfunctioning, can she convince the group to work together to fix Fin’s creation before the utopia that was meant to save them.. kills them? Created by Chloe Stearns and John Wynn (Last Known Position), Evergreen is a 9-episode psychological sci-fi thriller rooted in ego, deceit and the power of choice.

Кабинет Лора


Подкаст «Кабинет Лора» рассказывает о лоре разных вымышленных вселенных из книг, игр, кино. В первом сезоне мы доступно и просто рассказываем о подробностях лора вселенной Warhammer 40.000 (40K) – кто такие тираниды, некроны, тау, что такое Ересь Хоруса и многое другое. Второй сезон посвящен вселенной «Властелина Колец» Дж.Р.Р.Толкиена. Этот подкаст делается силами команды Завтракаста. Изначально он доступен только для премиум-подписчиков на сервисах Apple Podcasts, Boosty, Patreon, но мы обещали в какой-то момент выкладывать подкаст еще и публично, поэтом ранние выпуски теперь доступны для всех остальных слушателей. Поддержать проект: • Apple Podcasts – • Boosty – • Patreon – О Завтракасте: • • – пишите ваши отзывы и предложения с пометкой «Кабинет Лора»

Doce visiones para un nuevo mundo

Fundación Banco Santander

Este volumen especial de la Colección Obra Fundamental reúne los relatos de doce destacados escritores contemporáneos, en los que se aborda la cuestión de lo que está por venir conjugando la ciencia ficción con lo cotidiano. La fugacidad de la identidad y lo ilusorio del amor; el abuso de la tecnología en un mundo sin libros; los engaños de una civilización desaparecida tras una hecatombe; los avances científicos y sus mitos prometeicos; las sociedades orwellianas y el control de la humanidad; la soledad de los ancianos en un mundo regido por la inteligencia artificial; el lugar que ocupan las personas dentro de las estructuras laborales; el hundimiento de ciudades monumentales a causa de desastres climáticos; la inexistencia del tiempo; la vida más allá de la muerte o la elección del ser humano entre materia o espíritu, son algunos de los temas tratados en el libro. Agustín Fernández Mallo, Ana Merino, Andrés Ibáñez, Care Santos, Cristina Cerezales Laforet, Elena Medel, Irene Gracia, José María Merino, Juan Manuel de Prada, Mercedes Cebrián, Pablo d'Ors y Ricardo Menéndez Salmón convergen utopías y distopías en sus originales creaciones. Y, como colofón, el escritor y exministro de Cultura César Antonio Molina nos ofrece en el epílogo una mirada ensayística al horizonte del ser humano.

Büyük Tufan

Mert Günhan, Pelin Baynazoğlu, Yiğitcan Erdoğan

Zamanaltı: Bir Podcast Tiyatrosu’nun üreticileri Mert Günhan, Pelin Baynazoğlu ve Yiğitcan Erdoğan’dan yeni bir kurgusal podcast. | Yayın Partneri: Castle Media | Soru, öneri, reklam ve işbirliği talepleri için:


Terry Miles

When Carly Parker’s friend Yumiko goes missing under very mysterious circumstances, Carly’s search for her friend leads her headfirst into a ancient mysterious game known only as Rabbits. Soon Carly begins to suspect that Rabbits is much more than just a game, and that the key to understanding Rabbits, might be the key to the survival of our species, and the Universe, as we know it.

La torre de vidre

Catalunya Ràdio

Pere Arquillué, Nausicaa Bonnín, Lluís Marco, Pep Anton Muñoz i Artur Busquets protagonitzen aquest podcast dirigit per Santi Faro, a partir d'una història original d'Albert Sánchez Piñol. Una inquietant sèrie de ficció, en àudio immersiu, ubicada en una Barcelona postapocalíptica farcida de soledat, perills inquietants, criatures amenaçadores i intrigues existencials.


Public Radio Alliance

Tanis is a bi-weekly podcast from the Public Radio Alliance, and is hosted by Nic Silver. Tanis is a serialized docudrama about a fascinating and surprising mystery: the myth of Tanis. Tanis is an exploration of the nature of truth, conspiracy, and information. Tanis is what happens when the lines of science and fiction start to blur... S

Dead Space: Deep Cover

Bloody FM

Set in the expansive universe of the Dead Space games - Emmeline Ayuba is a journalist looking for her sister. After last hearing reports of her sister joining the local Unitologist's church on Ganymede, Ayuba follows in her footsteps. For the first time, see the inner workings of a Unitologist church, the internal conflicts, strange customs, and the steep price Ayuba must pay to see her sister. Created in partnership with EA and Motive Studio.

Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality Audiobook

Jack Voraces

All rights belong to J.K Rowling. This is a fan fiction Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (HPMOR) written by Eliezer Yudkowsky. I am Jack Voraces, a professional audiobook narrator: I do not intend to make any money from this podcast. It is a free audiobook for anyone to listen to and it is my hope that it will eventually evolve into a dream I have had for a while. The 500 hour audiobook. I would like to create an audiobook that is 500 hours long, totally free and available in multiple formats. The author has given permission for this recording and if you enjoyed Mother of Learning, you will likely enjoy this too.  Each chapter is recorded live on Discord on Mondays at 20:00 BST: Please do come and join us


OmarCrew | Genuina Media

Soy un Investigador Paranormal y UFO y te contaré historias sorprendentes... ¡Ponte tus audífonos y disfruta!

Trap Street

Tony Martinez and Michael P. Greco

An unemployed gamer has received a mysterious email with two attachments. The first is an image of a woman with red hair and green eyes. The second is an old map of a town called Ocean Bay. What this young man does next will determine the fate of the entire human race. (From the creators of Strange Air.)  


Rogue Dialogue

Ever since the castle first appeared in the sky above the city of Windfall, its residents have been building upward. Now the city consists of towers where the wealthiest residents live at the top while the poor eke out a living on the ground. Our podcast follows Cas, Shaima, and Argus, three brothers who live with their Uncle Vern after being orphaned during the grounder rebellion twenty years earlier. They find themselves drifting apart as Argus, the youngest, falls hopelessly in love with the much-older Helina, a foreign merchant haunted by her past; Cas, the middle brother, works in secret for the local crime boss; and Shaima, the oldest, struggles to keep their uncle’s scrap shop from going under. When Cas’s best friend, Kendall, is offered a position with the Wolfpac, Windfall’s military cult that acts as the city’s police, Cas is forced to decide where his loyalties lie. Meanwhile, something sinister looms over the city itself, threatening the lives of all who live in Windfall, from the wealthiest residents to the ground-level poor. Start at Episode 1.00.

Archive 81

Dead Signals

Archive 81 is a fiction podcast about horror, cities, and the subconscious. New episodes will be released every other Wednesday. Start from "01 - A Body In A New Place"

The Silt Verses

Eskew Productions Ltd

In this horror/fantasy serial drama, Carpenter and Faulkner, two worshippers of an outlawed god, travel up the length of their deity’s great black river, searching for holy revelations.   As their pilgrimage lengthens and the river’s mysteries deepen, the two acolytes find themselves under threat from a police manhunt, but also come into conflict with the weirder gods that have flourished in these forgotten rural territories. Next episode drops 3rd June. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Primordial Deep

No Such Thing Productions

Primordial Deep is science fiction action/thriller, set in the expanded universe of Janus Descending. When a long extinct sea creature washes up on the shores of Coney Island, marine biologist Dr. Marella Morgan is contacted by a secret organization to investigate the origins of the creature’s sudden and unnatural resurgence. Soon, she and a team of explorers find themselves living on the research station The Tiamat, traveling along the abyssal plains as they search for answers far below the waves. But there are dangers in these ancient waters. Reawakened prehistoric monsters are rising from the deep -- jaws wide and waiting, and in the darkness, something is stirring.

Solo Dios Sabe Podcast

Solo Dios Sabe

Hey!, amantes del misterio y lo paranormal, bienvenidos a Solo Dios Sabe, el podcast semanal, donde tocaremos temas paranormales, fenomeno OVNI, miesterios sin resolver, teorias, cine y mucho mas. Si te apasionan estos temas tanto como a nosotros, te invitamos a que nos sigas, nos escuches en todas las plataformas disponibles y asi mismo en nuestro canal de Youtube donde encontrar evidencia visual. Bienvenidos a Solo Dios Sabe

The Leviathan Chronicles | The Rapscallion Agency

Leviathan Audio Productions

Set shortly after the events of the award-winning podcast The Leviathan Chronicles, The Rapscallion Agency continues the adventures of its two youngest characters, Lisette Mainsabiles and Paul Lee (aka Cluracan) who moved to Paris and use their unique skills to start a business, navigate young love, and lovingly care for a cybernetic rat. After converting a bakery van into their mobile hi-tech headquarters, Lisette and Cluaracan explore Paris by calling upon old acquaintances to help them find work for their new agency, But during a professional ‘audition’, Lisette and Cluracan are double-crossed, managing to escape with a priceless research asset that makes them a target of a powerful international conglomerate, VeyTech Pharmaceutical. As they try to decode the mystery in their possession, they have to stay alive as they are ruthlessly hunted by an assassin with a metal arm while figuring out who they can really trust to help them escape France. The Leviathan Chronicles is a full cast audio drama about a race of immortals that have been secretly living in a hidden city called Leviathan, deep under the Pacific Ocean. For centuries, the utopian society has existed in peace, gently influencing world events on the surface. But soon, a civil war erupts between the immortals that wish to stay hidden, and those that want to integrate fully with the rest of mankind on the surface. A clandestine division of the CIA known as Blackdoor discovers the immortals’ existence and seeks to eliminate the perceived threat that they represent to U.S. sovereignty. Soon, a three-way war erupts across the globe as each faction fights for supremacy, leaving the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Discover more podcasts set in the Leviathan Universe at


Paco Arias | Genuina Media

Hola! Bienvenido a este tu espacio, donde pasaremos muchas horas hablando de temas extra anormales que mis seguidores me hagan llegar, prepárate y disfruta de mucho terror.! Distribuido por Genuina Media

Redwood Bureau

Eeriecast Network

Josh Tomar is Agent Conroy, a former operative on the run from a dangerous, secret organization called Redwood Bureau. The Bureau researches and captures supernatural entities usually at the cost of human lives, and Agent Conroy is here to leak their reports to the public. New episodes every other Tuesday.

Old Gods of Appalachia

DeepNerd Media

In the mountains of central Appalachia, blood runs as deep as these hollers and just as dark. Since before our kind knew these hills, hearts of unknowable hunger and madness have slumbered beneath them. These are the darkest mountains in the world. How dare we think we can break the skin of a god and dig out its heart without bringing forth blood and darkness? Old Gods of Appalachia is a horror-anthology podcast set in the shadows of an Alternate Appalachia, a place where digging too deep into the mines was just the first mistake. To learn more about Old Gods of Appalachia, visit our website at, and be sure to complete your social media ritual and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @oldgodsofappalachia, or Twitter and Tumblr @oldgodspod. If you'd like to support the show, you can join or Patreon at, or support us on Acast at You can also find t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and other Old Gods merch in our shop at Old Gods of Appalachia is a production of DeepNerd Media and is distributed by Rusty Quill. All rights reserved. Get Build Mama a Coffin, Black Mouthed Dog and other exclusive content on Patreon!Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Other Stories | Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF Stories

Hawk & Cleaver | A Digital Story Studio bringing you the best new stories to watch, read, sniff, and absorb.

These aren't the stories your mother used to tell you ... no, these are The Other Stories. The Other Stories is a weekly short story podcast. A modern take on The Twilight Zone, Tales From The Crypt, or The Outer Limits. Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF stories delivered right to your podcast feed every Monday morning. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

I Am In Eskew

David Ward

Trapped in the horror-filled and impossible city of Eskew, a man makes endless recordings of his day-to-day experiences, hoping to reach the outside world.This show routinely contains body horror and other disturbing scenes. See the website for detailed Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Night Post

Station 103

In Gilt City, conscripted couriers are both respected and shunned. They inhabit the borderlands between a growing industrial society and the untamed, arcane frontier that surrounds it. The Night Post is a weekly supernatural audio drama about survival, tradition, and the vast unknown.

Within the Wires

Night Vale Presents

Stories told through found audio from an alternate universe. Season four, "The Cradle" is a story about a mother and daughter as they attempt to lead a family-centric commune surviving on the fringes of society. Narrated by Mona Grenne. Written by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson. Original music by Mary Epworth.

Breaker Whiskey

Atypical Artists

BREAKER WHISKEY is an ongoing, daily microfiction podcast exploring one woman’s journey to find additional survivors in an America made empty by an unknown event in the late 1960s. In 1968, two women find themselves in rural Pennsylvania during what turns out to be some kind of apocalyptic event. By the time they discover that everyone else is gone, it’s too late to figure out what happened. Despite not liking each other at all, the women work together to survive, until six years later one of them sets out on her own, driving around the country to find other survivors. This is her, calling out to anyone who might listen. BREAKER WHISKEY is made by Lauren Shippen and recorded on a 1976 Midland CB Radio. It releases daily, Monday through Friday. If you would like the entire week's episodes as one single download, released on Monday, you can support the show at or by becoming an Atypical Plus supporter at Please visit for more information or to send a message to Whiskey.


indrid cold

Un programa dedicado a narrar sucesos de carácter preternatural imposibles, pero reales...

La Última Sala

La ultima Sala

Podcast en el que narramos historias de asesinatos reales e historias de ficción y terror.


Danii Fallen

Hablaremos de conspiraciones, teorías, paranormal y mucho mas


Jimena Flores

El universo y todo lo que nos rodea

The Penumbra Podcast

Harley Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert

At the Penumbra, you might follow Juno Steel, a brooding, sharp-witted private eye on Mars, as he tangles with an elusive homme fatale, tracks dangerous artifacts of an ancient alien civilization, and faces his three greatest fears: heights, blood, and relationships. Or you might enter the world of the Second Citadel, where the merciless Sir Caroline must corral a team of emotionally distraught all-male knights to defend their city against mind-manipulating monsters...even the ones they’ve fallen in love with. These audio dramas and more await you in the Penumbra, dear traveler. We hope you enjoy your stay. (Start with "1.01: Juno Steel and the Case of the Murderous Mask" or "1.09: Second Citadel - The Head of the Janus Beast.") The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert. Follow us on Twitter (@thepenumbrapod), Tumblr (@thepenumbrapodcast), or Facebook (The Penumbra Podcast). You can find all of our transcripts here. If you would like to view trigger warnings or SFX attributions, you can scroll to the end of the appropriate episode transcript:

Cuentos de Terror para Adolescentes

Cuenntos de Terror para Adolescentes

👋🏼 ¡Bienvenidos al podcast de Cuentos de Terror para Adolescentes! 😨¿Estás buscando algo que te haga sentir escalofríos en la columna vertebral y te mantenga despierto toda la noche? Entonces, este es el lugar perfecto para ti. 🎙 En este podcast, te llevaré a un viaje aterrador a través de los cuentos más oscuros y perturbadores. Desde historias de fantasmas hasta monstruos misteriosos, mi podcast de Cuentos de Terror te mantendrá en vilo hasta el final. 🔊 Con una combinación de narrativa experta y efectos de sonido espeluznantes, te sumergirás en mundos oscuros y siniestros que nunca podrías haber imaginado. ¡Pero ten cuidado! Una vez que comiences a escuchar, no podrás parar. 👂🏼 ¿Te atreves a escuchar? Si estás buscando una experiencia emocionante y escalofriante, no busques más. Mi podcast de Cuentos de Terror para Adolcentes es todo lo que necesitas para satisfacer tus necesidades más oscuras. Así que, ¿estás listo para enfrentar tus miedos más profundos y adentrarte en el mundo del horror? 😨 ¡Únete a mí en este emocionante viaje a través de la oscuridad! ✅ Suscríbete y recibe una notificación cuando suba un nuevo episodio! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Polybius Conspiracy (Coming soon: The Skies Are Watching)

Jon Frechette, Todd Luoto

Originally heard on Radiotopia's Showcase, THE POLYBIUS CONSPIRACY tells the story of a mysterious arcade game from the '80s whose alleged existence in the Pacific Northwest is fueled by a blending of fact and fiction. ** Coming soon: THE SKIES ARE WATCHING. A new podcast from the creators of THE POLYBIUS CONSPIRACY & THE INCIDENT AT ONG'S HAT. Launches July 5th via BBC Radio 4. **

Birds of Empire


A cinematic fantasy event in audio. New Dakota: 15,000 CE, thousands of years after the fall of our civilization. The Earth has reclaimed the cities and glories of the modern world, returning humanity to a way of life that recalls advanced, ancient civilizations. The histories of the old world survive only as myths and legends. Our tale focuses on four heroes from the great tribes of what was once South Dakota. They are known as : The Wolves, The Rams, The Bears, and the Birds. Book I : The Dawn Age introduced us to the world and the heroes who we’ll follow as we chart the rise of the first Empire of this new world. Book II : The Seed of Whiterock, begins to weave our worlds and hero quests together as their destinies collide amidst the backdrop of war, natural catastrophes, inflamed rivalries, new alliances, loves and losses. All of them will be tested as the world heaves toward its new age, The Dawn Age. A place where new legends are born and a time when all things return. Created by Jason Lew. From QCODE, makers of fantastic audio fiction. Visit to learn more.

The Strata

Mark R. Healy

In a dystopian city, an ageing courier is forced to go into business with an underworld ganglord in order to pay for the treatment that keeps him alive.

Creepypastas en español

Adonis Alexis Galdamez Tobar

En este programa hablaremos de las creepypasta más escalofriantes del internet , pero no solo por ser una creepypasta no signifique que no pueda ser verdad...

Cuentos y Leyendas de Honduras

Cuentos y Leyendas de Honduras

Cuentos y leyendas de Honduras nació como un programa radial creado por Jorge Montenegro a la edad de 24 años, fue transmitido por primera vez el 9 de septiembre de 1964.

Dirt - An Audio Drama


A strange letter. An impossible sender. Secrets hidden in the ground. From STUDIO5705, a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington State about a man’s journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ago buried. Three complete seasons available to binge. Season 4 coming late 2024.

The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program


What dark deeds unfold on the streets of Arkham? And which unwitting souls will succumb to the maddening call... OF CTHULHU? Cosmic horror and black comedy meld in this award-winning audio drama that explores Lovecraftian lore in queer and uncanny ways. Meet unlikely heroes from all walks of life who'll risk their sanity to keep the world spinning as they face down eldritch nightmares, unholy rituals, kindly creatures, and monstrous humans. Each season is a standalone tale where our cast lives the terror, uncovering the edge-of-your-seat mysteries, in this unholy fusion of live tabletop roleplaying and cinematic audio fiction.