109: Hypothermia: How to not die at WTM 2018 with Molly Kenneth


Molly Kenneth returns to the show to talk about Hypothermia and "How to Not Die 2018". Molly is a Certified Nurse Practicioner and has become a trusted source for medical information as it relates to Obstacle Course Racing. For more from Molly on How to Not Die at WTM, look for her episode from Season One of the podcast. WTM 2018 will be cold. Very. Cold. Molly joins us to talk about the signs and symptoms of hypothermia. We talk about how to recognize them in other runners on course and how to help them. We also talk about what pit crew members can do to prevent their runner from getting hypothermia and how to treat it if hypothermia happens. For more from Molly on Hypothermia, read her article for The OCR Report: Hypothermia and OCR: How to Not Freeze. --- The OCR Report is live! Check out the new website from the people behind World's Toughest Podcast, Overcome and Run, and Obstacle Running Adventures. Let us know what you think. We are excited. --- Elite Week continues! We have interviews with the Elites of WTM every day from now until raceday in Atlanta. Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy Elite Week. --- Who will win the individual podiums at WTM 2018? Email your picks for the top three men and the top three women to worldstoughestpodcast@gmail.com with SO SMART WTM in the subject line and you could win a World's Toughest Podcast sticker and a guest spot on the podcast to talk about how excited you are to win a sticker. Good luck! --- World's Toughest Podcast is excited to partner with Merrell again to give away a pair of shoes every month to listeners of the show. To win a pair of Merrell Agility Peak Flex 2 or Merrell All Out Crush 2.0 trail running shoes, text the word TOUGH to the number 228-28 or email WorldsToughestPodcast@gmail.com with MERRELL in the subject line and your 1)Name, 2)Email Address and 3)Cell Phone in the body of the email. Both options will subscribe you to the World's Toughest Newsletter and qualify you to win. --- Follow us on Twitter or Instagram. What do you think of the podcast? Who in the Tough Mudder community would you like to hear? Let us know on the World’s Toughest Podcast Facebook page at facebook.com/worldstoughestpod. Would you like to be a part of the show? Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or Amazon.com and we'll read it on a future episode. Don't forget to subscribe and listen for new episodes every week.

109: Hypothermia: How to not die at WTM 2018 with Molly Kenneth

109: Hypothermia: How to not die at WTM 2018 with Molly Kenneth
