How To Not Die Alone with Logan Ury


On today’s episode, the Bitches bring on Logan Ury, Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge and author of the best-selling book How To Not Die Alone. We talk about the science behind successful dating, and what matters more and less than we think when choosing a partner. Liat seizes the opportunity to have Logan roast her own dating profile. We also discuss the three dating tendencies from her book and so much more so tune in or miss the F out! SHOW NOTES Principles:AdaptationSelectionismBehavior MomentumAntecedent Intervention Positive Reinforcement Preferences Environment Variable RatioBehavioral PlansMassed Trials Support us at @behaviorbitchespodcastFacebook: Behavior Bitches Podcast

How To Not Die Alone with Logan Ury

How To Not Die Alone with Logan Ury
