Nicole van der Hoeven on Obsidian


Nicole van der Hoeven is a Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs. She is also a communicator, sharing what she learns through her writing, conference presentations, and YouTube videos. The latter are what brought Nicole’s work to my attention: she runs a YouTube channel focused on one of my favorite tools for thought, Obsidian. In this conversation, we focus on how Nicole uses Obsidian to “learn in public.”Show notesNicole van der HoevenNicole on MastodonNicole on YouTubepkm.socialGrafana labsObsidianPersonal knowledge management - WikipediaWork with the garage door upContinuous integration - WikipediaContinuous delivery - WikipediaScrintalRoam ResearchMarkdownGitHubTabletop role-playing game - WikipediaAndy PolaineAndy Polaine on Service Design – The Informed LifeWarbreaker by Brandon SandersonThe Martian by Andy WeirProject Hail Mary by Andy WeirShow notes include Amazon affiliate links. We get a small commission for purchases made through these links.If you're enjoying the show, please rate or review us in Apple's podcast directory:

Nicole van der Hoeven on Obsidian

Nicole van der Hoeven on Obsidian
