
In un mondo dell’alimentazione affollato da promesse irrealistiche e prodotti miracolosi arriva “Buono a Sapersi”, il podcast che illumina il sentiero verso un sano stile di vita. Alla guida Elena Casiraghi, esperta in nutrizione e Alessandra Patitucci, sportiva della domenica che fanno parte della squadra di Deejay Training Center, il programma di Radio Deejay dedicato a chi si allena. In ogni episodio scopriremo cosa c’è di vero dietro le mode alimentari e faremo chiarezza su ciò che realmente può esserci d’aiuto: dalle diete con copyright ai superfood, dai regimi alimentari per vivere fino a cent’anni alle discutibili scorciatoie che promettono miracoli.

ZOE Science & Nutrition


The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery. Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.

Alimentazione e Salute


Alimentazione e Salute, perché l'Alimentazione È salute! Sono Maria Lisa e sono una Biologa Nutrizionista. La mia missione è trasmetterti l’importanza di una sana alimentazione per vivere in salute. In questo podcast, non ti parlo di "formule magiche" per raggiungere velocemente un obiettivo. Voglio farti conoscere un po' meglio lo straordinario mondo della nutrizione, che non è "seguire una dieta"! La nutrizione è scienza, conoscenza e soprattutto consapevolezza. Grazie alle evidenze scientifiche, si può conoscere il cibo e si può diventare più consapevoli delle scelte di ogni giorno.

A tavola con Iader

Iader Fabbri - Dopcast

A tavola con Iader è il podcast di Iader Fabbri, Biologo Nutrizionista e divulgatore scientifico. Dalla pratica clinica abbinata a strategie facili ed applicabili nel quotidiano, in ogni episodio Iader Fabbri parlerà con ospiti speciali di nutrizione, di benessere psico-fisico, di longevità e di trucchi di brain & body hacking. Con le sue indicazioni e i suoi consigli da esperto condividerà con l’ospite la chiave migliore per cambiare il proprio stile di vita, senza rinunciare ai piaceri della tavola… per Iader, i "Jolly". Produzione Dopcast.

L'Alfabeto Nutrizionale

giuseppe scopelliti

Benvenuti in "Alfabeto Nutrizionale", il podcast che vi guida attraverso il mondo affascinante della nutrizione, una lettera alla volta. Ogni episodio è dedicato a una lettera dell'alfabeto, svelando segreti, consigli e curiosità su alimenti, integratori, diete e stili di vita. Che tu sia un appassionato di benessere, un professionista del settore o semplicemente curioso di scoprire di più sulla nutrizione, questo podcast offre un'immersione profonda e accessibile in argomenti vari, dalla A di Acqua alla Z di Zuccheri. Con analisi scientifiche e consigli pratici dati da me Giuseppe Scopelliti Biologo Nutrizionista, "Alfabeto Nutrizionale" è il tuo compagno di viaggio ideale nel percorso verso una vita più sana e consapevole. Unisciti a me in questo viaggio alfabetico alla scoperta del cibo e del suo impatto sulla nostra salute e mi raccomando... Sempre carichi e motivati!

NutriViva, la voce dei Nutrizionisti


Il podcast dell'alimentazione sana dove trovi tanti consigli di Nutrizionisti certificati.

Le vie del tè

Laura Ganzetti

Nel mondo, ogni giorno, di bevono 2 miliardi di tazze di tè. La storia di questa bevanda è millenaria e raccontarla significa viaggiare in lungo e in largo, scoprendo culture e tradizioni diverse. Ma come è nata la bevanda più consumata al mondo, come viene prodotta e in quali varietà? Per rispondere a queste domande faremo visita ai contadini cinesi di millenni fa, passando per i salotti inglesi e alcune ricette gustose. Ovviamente, non mancherà il più classico degli accompagnamenti: la letteratura. Una produzione Emons Record   Un podcast offerto da Ryoga, i tuoi centri yoga a Roma www.ryoga.com

RP Strength Podcast

Nick Shaw

On the RP Strength Podcast, RP co-founders Dr Mike & Nick Shaw breakdown tons of hypertrophy training, nutrition, and other fitness related topics. As a bonus, you'll get plenty of laughs as they go down various tangents on every episode!

The Fit Vegan Podcast with Maxime Sigouin

Maxime Sigouin

Fulfilling my mission of helping 10,000 people get lean, thrive and disease proof their bodies on plants by 2033 and 1 million by 2050. In honor of my late fiancée who lost her battle to breast cancer and of my grand-father who lost his battle to bone cancer. I'm here to show what's possible when you become a Fit Vegan through my own life and through interviewing other amazing Fit Vegans.

Podcast Olistico

Maria Teresa Ficchì : Naturopata e fondatrice di Chetogenicabioenergetica.it

Il primo Podcast Italiano su alimentazione sana, corretta nutrizione e benessere, con un approccio olistico e bioenergetico

NC Podcast - Nutrizione Clinica

NC Podcast

NC Podcast è una serie podcast che aiuta i clinici a tenersi sempre aggiornati su temi riguardanti la nutrizione clinica alla luce delle evidenze disponibili. Questa serie vuole fornire strumenti che possano andare ad ottimizzare la pratica clinica...

ISS SO – der Ernährungspodcast mit Achim Sam

Achim Sam & EDEKA

“ISS SO” ist dein Ernährungspodcast ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger – keine Sorge, denn Host Achim Sam ist alles andere als der klassische Ernährungswissenschaftler! Er ist fit in allen Themen rund um bewusste Ernährung, Lebensmittel, Food-Trends, Sport und kennt Gewichtsschwankungen nur allzu gut. Dabei hat er weder Angst vor Schnitzel, noch ist ihm vegane Ernährung unverständlich. Jeder so, wie es am besten passt und ohne Verbote, denn die bringen laut Achim gar nichts. Julia hilft die teilweise etwas schwierigeren Zusammenhänge in der Ernährungswissenschaft wirklich zu verstehen und stellt für dich deine Fragen an Achim. Dafür schreibst du uns an issso@edeka.de und falls du Themenvorschläge hast - immer her damit! Achim setzt sie gerne auf den Podcast-Speiseplan. “ISS SO” der Ernährungspodcast mit Achim Sam ist wöchentlich für dich am Start und versorgt dich ausgewogen im alltäglichen Game of Foods.

La Nutrizione Intuitiva

Veronica Pacella

La nutrizione intuitiva è il podcast dove ti accompagno a nutrirti con consapevolezza ascoltando il tuo corpo, le tue sensazioni e il tuo intuito. Oggi nel campo dell’alimentazione ci sono tanti stili nutrizionali, studi scientifici e pareri degli esperti. Eppure ognuno di noi è caratterizzato dalla propria unicità: genetica, costituzionale, vibrazionale. Tu rispondi in modo diverso rispetto a qualsiasi altra persona, sulla base di come sei geneticamente, di ciò che senti, di ciò che pensi, del momento che vivi e di come esprimi la tua unicità nel mondo. E la nutrizione non può essere da meno!

Smartfood podcast - La voce della nutrizione

SmartFood IEO

Smartfood è il programma in scienze della nutrizione e comunicazione dell’Istituto Europeo di Oncologia di Milano (IEO). Lo scopo principale del programma è la divulgazione scientifica in tema di nutrizione e salute. Con “Smartfood Podcast - La voce della nutrizione” potrete scoprire numerose curiosità su alimentazione e salute e tanti consigli pratici. Sfateremo alcuni miti legati all’alimentazione e spiegheremo in modo semplice e comprensibile come ciò che mangiamo sia in grado di influenzare la nostra salute.

The Nutrition Science Podcast

Dr. Adrian Chavez

If you are overwhelmed with all of the conflicting information in nutrition this is the podcast for you. On this podcast, Dr. Adrian Chavez, who has a doctorate in nutrition and years of experience working with over 1,000 clients, helps to break down the science and practical application around popular topics in nutrition to help you make more informed decisions about nutrition and your health. Weekly episodes include research breakdowns of specific nutrition topics along with practical takeaways, Q and A episodes, myth-busting, and interviews with subject matter experts.

Briciole di Nutrizione

Micolucci Mara

Vi accompagno, come Pollicino, attraverso questo mondo, che è la Nutrizione, troppo ricco di sfumature e desideroso di chiarezza... Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dietista/support

Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM

Have you ever wondered if there’s a natural way to lower your high blood pressure, guard against Alzheimer’s, lose weight, and feel better? Well, as it turns out, there is. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, founder of NutritionFacts.org and New York Times best-selling author of How Not to Die, How Not to Diet, and the just-released How Not to Age, uncovers the best evidence-based nutrition that may add years to our life and life to our years.

Tribù Alimentare

Alex Revelli Sorini e Susanna Cutini

Connessioni tra gastronomia, nutrizione e cultura. In ogni episodio una sfida tra due scelte alimentari sviluppata con approccio multidisciplinare. I vari argomenti vengono esposti da Alex Revelli Sorini e Susanna Cutini con la partecipazione di esperti al fine di rendere consapevoli preferenze e scelte alimentati della tribù degli ascoltatori.

L' Alimentazione senza Censura - Claudio Tozzi

Claudio Tozzi

Da decenni ci raccontano che i cereali fanno bene all'intestino, il latte è ottimo per le ossa e i legumi sono eccezionali per le fibre: NULLA di tutto questo è vero. In questo podcast, chiamato appunto "L' Alimentazione senza Censura", metterò in risalto le incredibili manipolazioni mediatiche (e non) sul cibo che mangiamo ogni giorno, che magari ci spacciano per "sano" ma che invece magari è proprio la causa principale dei tuoi problemi di salute che ti porti appresso da anni. https://www.geopaleodiet.it/

Dr Maja Czerwińska Podcast

Maja Czerwińska-Rogowska

Cześć, z tej strony Dr Maja Czerwińska. Jestem dietetykiem i poprawiam zdrowie za pomocą diety. Specjalizuję się w onkologii i zaburzeniach hormonalnych. W moim podcaście dzielę się z Tobą moim doświadczeniem i wiedzą opartą o badania naukowe ze świata zdrowia, medycyny, ale przede wszystkim - dietetyki. Rozgość się i posłuchaj kolejnego odcinka

Intermittent Fasting Stories

Gin Stephens

Are you ready to be inspired? Tune in each week to hear real-world stories from successful intermittent fasters, including their best tips to help you find success. Intermittent Fasting Stories is hosted by Gin Stephens, author of the New York Times bestseller Fast Feast Repeat, as well as her other books: Cleanish, Delay, Don't Deny, and Feast Without Fear. Looking for a community of like-minded intermittent fasters? Go to ginstephens.com/community for more information and to join.

Healthy Beyond 40 | Lose Weight, Healthier Habits, Healthy Eating, More Energy, Feel Better, Lose Belly Fat, Weight Loss, Sug

Michele Riechman | Online Personal Trainer, Health Coach, Yoga Teacher

Are you feeling like as you get older it’s harder to lose weight? Have you tried diets only to regain the weight and then you feel like a failure? . Do you have some aches and pains popping up and wondering if you can do anything about them? Are you feeling stressed and low on energy and wondering how to even get started & stay consistent? . On this podcast, you will find answers to questions like: Are you feeling like as you get older it’s harder to lose weight? Have you tried diets only to regain the weight and then you feel like a failure? . Do you have some aches and pains popping up and wondering if you can do anything about them? Are you feeling stressed and low on energy and wondering how to even get started & stay consistent? . On this podcast, you will find answers to questions like: -How to eat better? -How to feel better? -How to have more energy? -How to lose weight? -Healthy weight loss for menopause? -What workouts help with weight loss? -How women can build muscle? -How to eat healthier? -Healthy habits for weight loss? -How to get in shape? -Best nutrition for weight loss? -How to curb sugar cravings? -Is fasting good for weight loss? -Strength training for women over 40 -Sugar Craving help -How to lose belly fat . In this podcast, you will discover how to break free from the diet culture, lose weight, and keep it off in a healthy way. . My mission is to empower women to take control of their health through simple lifestyle changes so they can feel good and live their best life. If you’re ready to get healthy and lose weight as you age, then you’re in the right place! No fad diets or ”all or nothing” approaches here. . Hi, I’m Michele Riechman, a mom of 4 & military spouse. I have my doctorate in physical therapy and I’m an online personal trainer, health coach, and yoga teacher for women over 40. . My health has been a journey for me. After my first child, I remember feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I was having anxiety and heart palpitations, and I found out my cholesterol was high. . Then after my third child, I started to slowly regain the weight that I had lost. I remember going up a flight of stairs and being out of breath. This was a wake-up call and made me reprioritize my health. Through quick workouts and basic nutrition, I kept things simple and stayed consistent. Not only did I lose the weight and keep it off, but I started to feel better and have more energy. . So, I’m here to encourage you to find simple ways to take control of your health. . I have combined my expertise with my real-life knowledge and built my RESET framework to help busy women over 40 just like you, improve their health, so they can feel better. . If you’re ready to create a healthy lifestyle with quick workouts to build strength, healthy eating, and to figure out how to stay consistent then you are in the right place. . 👉 Make sure to grab my 5 favorite smoothie recipes so you can get started with having one healthy, super nutritious meal a day! These are designed to balance your blood sugar and optimize your metabolism. https://programs.micheleriechman.com/f/5-smoothie-recipes-for-weight-loss 👉 Are you struggling with what you should you for your health? Hop on a free health checkup call with me to figure out your next step: https://tidycal.com/micheleriechman/free-coaching-call 👉 Want to know more about me or connect on social media? Head here: https://www.micheleriechman.com/ You got this, Coach Michele Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice.

Next|Health: Forefront Podcast Series

Dr. Darshan Shah

Welcome to the Next Health Forefront Series Podcast. We'll be discussing the latest groundbreaking topics in health optimization, longevity science and wellness technology. Take control of your biology by being on the forefront with Next Health.

No Wellness Wankery

Lyndi Cohen

Struggling to lose the last few kilos? Sick of hating your body or trying diets that don’t work? Wondering how to stop thinking about food all the time? The wellness world is full of dodgy ‘health’ advice. Dietitian and nutritionist Lyndi Cohen (aka The Nude Nutritionist) helps you eliminate those pesky diet rules so you can be healthy, without the wellness wankery. In this podcast, Lyndi talks all things nutrition, shares actionable strategies for ditching your weight loss diet, and will inspire you to finally make peace with your body. From intuitive eating principles, self-care strategies, and doing our part in changing our society's definition of health, to what to do when you're constantly worried about gaining weight - we cover it all. Come join us and thousands of others on their journey to food freedom, be healthy and feel amazing! Have a question or topic you’d like us to cover? Email hello@lyndicohen.com.


Anastasia Zampounidis, AEOY

Hallo, Kalimera und herzlich willkommen in meiner Welt. Ich bin Anastasia Zampounidis, Moderatorin, Autorin, Foodcoach und ab sofort auch Podcasterin. Hier wird sich in Zukunft alles um meine Herzensthemen drehen: Gesunde Ernährung, nicht nur aber vor allem zuckerfrei, Hormone, Bewegung, TCM und vieles mehr. Jede Woche nehme ich Euch mit auf eine spannende Reise, um gesund und zufrieden durchs Leben zu schreiten. Denn es ist nie zu spät und DA GEHT NOCH WAS! Eure Anastasia -- Ein ALL EARS ON YOU Original Podcast.

MNSTRY Podcast: Let’s talk about Sports & Nutrition


Knowledge, tips & tricks for optimal sports nutrition: you can learn all this from top experts & top athletes in the MNSTRY podcast!

Curiosità Alimentari

Alimenti Sicuri del Dott. Panarelli

Sicurezza alimentare, educazione alimentare e curiosità alimentari. Mi chiamo Cristian Panarelli e sono un Tecnologo Alimentare. In questo podcast metterò a vostra disposizione tutte le mie conoscenze. Seguimi sui principali social, sono con il nome "Alimenti Sicuri"

The Nourished with PCOS Podcast

Sam Abbott

Tired of being told to “just lose weight” to manage PCOS? The Nourished with PCOS Podcast hosted by Sam Abbott, registered dietitian nutritionist, is your go-to resource for learning how to manage PCOS without a side of diet culture.Each week Sam welcomes nutrition experts, health professionals, and previous clients to chat about all things related to PCOS and having a healthy relationship with food and your body. You can manage PCOS and improve symptoms while enjoying food and respecting your body.

The Proof with Simon Hill

Live better for longer

The Proof Podcast is a space for science-based conversation. Together with his guests, Simon Hill, a qualified physiotherapist and nutritionist, explores the health and longevity benefits that come with mastering physical exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, recovery, sleep, and alignment. Facts, nuance and trustworthy recommendations minus the hyperbole. All the proof you need to live better for longer.

Energy Women Podcast

Martina Pellegrini

Benvenuta ad Energy Women Podcast! Io sono la dott.ssa Martina Pellegrini, Nutrizionista, Holistic LifeStyle Designer ed esperta nel dimagrimento definitivo femminile. La mia missione è aiutare le donne a realizzare il peso forma con gioia riprogettando le loro giornate. Ogni settimana in questo podcast troverai ispirazioni e consigli per il tuo percorso di dimagrimento, salute e crescita personale. Preparati a diventare la vera protagonista del tuo progetto di benessere!

Como Curar Podcast by Coco March

Cocó March

CÓMO CURAR: Es tu programa de salud natural que traduce la ciencia y la convierte en educación útil, práctica y sencilla para armarte con todo lo que necesitas para decir NO a las sentencias médicas. Soy Cocó March investigadora científica, te invito a explorar mi podcast de entrevistas con los mejores expertos en salud del mundo en español. Únete a la temporada #1 que empezará el próximo sábado 15 de octubre 2022.


Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, DO, MPH, MS, FAAP

You are here for a reason. But navigating this human life can be challenging. How do you care for your body, mind and spirit to make the most of your time here on earth? This podcast explores these questions through rich conversations on plant-based nutrition, lifestyle medicine, personal development, and spirituality. We help bring to light valuable insights to promote health, well-being, longevity, and joy and help you craft your best life yet. I AM HUMAN is hosted by Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, a board-certified pediatrician, board-certified lifestyle medicine physician, and national board-certified health and wellness coach. Dr. Yami is a curious human interested in living a long, healthy, and joyful life. New episodes drop every Sunday.

Life's too short to feel shit

Denise Boon

De Life’s Too Short To Feel Shit podcast is dé podcast waarin ik alles met je deel over hoe ook jij een gezonde buik kunt hebben en houden.Als jij weet hoe je spijsvertering in elkaar zit, hoe de onderlinge organen met elkaar samenwerken èn wat jij kunt doen om dit dagelijkse non-stop proces zo positief mogelijk te beïnvloeden, dan kun ook jij volledige controle krijgen over je buik en je ontlasting.De basis hiervoor is kennis, gecombineerd met begrijpen hoe alles samenhangt en daarna is het aan jou om dikke vette actie te ondernemen. Immers: zonder actie geen resultaat. Als gezonde bourgondiër vind ik het belangrijk dat wat je eet ook lekker is. En als ondernemer weet ik als geen ander hoe challenging het is om gezondheid te combineren met je ambitie. Je wil per slot van rekening iets neerzetten met je business en bent zelf de spil van je bedrijf. De pragmaticus in mij zoekt daarom altijd naar bio hacks die je kunt gebruiken om gezond eten zowel lekker als makkelijk te maken. Juist in een vol leven met een ambitieuze business.Met als doel: meer energie, meer output en meer omzet.Want let’s face it: Life’s Too Short To Feel Shit!

Low Carb Italia Podcast

Dott. Pietro Mignano

Lowcarb Italia podcast nasce per raccontare in modo semplice ed efficace con la voce del dott. Pietro Mignano e dei suoi ospiti cosa sono le alimentazioni a basso contenuto di carboidrati e keto e come queste hanno aiutato e possono continuare ad aiutare moltissimi pazienti. Per maggiori info. visita il sito: https://lowcarbitalia.org/

La dieta giusta per te


Lui è Massimo Spattini, un big nel campo dell’alimentazione e della forma fisica, io sono Francesca Pietra, direttrice di Starbene. Le mie interviste allo specialista chiariscono, in modo approfondito e scientifico, i tanti dubbi che circolano in materia di diete. E offrono gli strumenti per costruire, senza stress, il proprio percorso individuale per stare bene.

Die Ernährungs-Docs - Essen als Medizin


Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hilft und die man leicht umsetzen kann. Deshalb gibt es am Ende jeder Folge ein Rezept für zu Hause.

Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels | Crossover Media Group

Fun, inspirational, informative, and empowering, Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels showcases weekly, in depth interviews with the world's foremost experts in all fields of wellness. From medicine, fitness, and nutrition to parenting, money, and relationships, the show focusses on facts and authenticity. Guests like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Lisa Ling, Tony Robbins, Suze Orman, Dr. Gail Saltz, Lindsey Vonn, Iliza Shlesinger, Kelly McGonigal, and more, give the audience all the info needed to enhance their lives in any way they choose to. So join Jillian each week and learn from top doctors, athletes, entrepreneurs, scientists, and more.

Vivere in Chetogenica - Lorenzo Vieri

Lorenzo Vieri

Benvenuta o benvenuto, sul podcast del Dott. Lorenzo Vieri "Vivere in chetogenica"! Il podcast dedicato alla dieta chetogenica in cui ti spiegherò tutti i punti fondamentali di questa dieta che per alcuni è diventato uno stile di vita! Seguimi e avrai tutte le informazioni! A presto!

Nutrition with Judy | Carnivore Diet

Judy Cho

The Nutrition with Judy podcast is for people wanting root-cause healing with an elimination Carnivore Diet. Judy Cho, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and author of Carnivore Cure shares holistic health insights and wellness tips from her thousand clients, as well as interviews with experts and researchers in nutrition, psychology, and medicine. Judy shares the latest research in nutrition and wellness, and ultimately promotes self-knowledge and self-advocacy. Judy believes in nutrition and wellness for all, and passionately advocates for the people. Judy got a second chance at life with a meat-only elimination diet and is now driven to help people live the life they are meant to live, nearly symptom-free. 

Fast. Feast. Repeat. Intermittent Fasting For Life

Gin Stephens and Sheri Bullock

Whether you are new to intermittent fasting or an experienced intermittent faster, tune in each week to this motivational and down-to-earth podcast to get inspired, learn, and have some fun along the way. Gin Stephens is the New York Times bestselling author of Fast Feast Repeat, and host of top-ranked podcast Intermittent Fasting Stories. Sheri Bullock works in healthcare, and her passion is helping others live their best lives. Gin and Sheri are friends and intermittent fasters, and their shared goal is helping others navigate their own intermittent fasting lifestyles. You can make submissions to the podcast by going to fastfeastrepeat.com/submit.

Quiet the Diet

Michelle Shapiro

Welcome to "Quiet the Diet", the podcast, hosted by Michelle Shapiro, Integrative/Functional Registered Dietitian from NYC. Michelle has supported over 1000 clients to reverse anxiety, approach their weight with love, and heal digestive issues. Utilizing humor, nuance, and compassion, Michelle helps clients access their own liberating self-awareness.On the podcast, Michelle shares her own journey of losing weight the wrong way (and what the consequences of that drastic 100 pound weight loss were), and how she learned to prioritize whole-body health as a result (instead of restrictive diets.)The goal of “Quiet the Diet” is to empower listeners to make health decisions autonomously, every single time they eat. The podcast will arm the listener with the education and support needed to make health decisions based on their own terms. The podcast is a guide to mastering one’s health by listening to one’s self. On "Quiet the Diet," Michelle is not afraid to have hard conversations and tackle difficult topics if it means helping her listeners. She will bring on innovative guests from the healthcare space to shed unique light on important topics. From functional nutrition to the latest research in integrative medicine, Michelle covers it all with her signature nuance and compassion.Whether you're looking to improve your health and well-being or just want to learn more about functional medicine and body neutrality, "Quiet the Diet" has something for everyone. Tune in and join Michelle on her journey to help people quiet the noise of fad diets and focus on nourishing their bodies and minds.

The Plant Free MD with Dr Anthony Chaffee

Anthony Chaffee, MD

Hard Facts and science-based approach to nutrition, athletic performance, and obtaining optimal health and results. Technical enough to satisfy the nerd in anyone but delivered in an easy to digest format that everyone can enjoy. Dr Anthony Chaffee is a medical doctor and former professional rugby player who spent years researching optimal nutrition and living it out as a Carnivore. He has seen the benefits both in his personal life and in his patients. He is joined by world renowned experts in their field who have decades of experience, hard science, and facts to help you understand what you need to do in order to achieve optimal health.

Dr. Matthias Riedl - So geht gesunde Ernährung

FUNKE Mediengruppe

Im Ernährungspodcast mit Elisabeth Jessen und Dr. Matthias Riedl erfahren Sie alles über gesunde Ernährung. Der renomierte Mediziner Dr. Matthias Riedl gibt alle zwei Wochen Montags konkrete Hilfestellung wie sich das Leben gesünder gestalten lässt. Durch gesunde Ernährung und ohne Verzicht auf alles was Spaß macht. Ab dem 19. September auf allen bekannten Podcast Plattformen. Dr. Matthias Riedl ist Deutschlands bekanntester Ernährungsmediziner. Er ist ärztlicher Direktor des Medicum Hamburg, Europas größtem Diabetes Zentrum, und hat mit myFoodDoctor die erste deutsche medizinische Ernährungstherapie-App entwickelt. Weitere Infos unter dem Link: Amazon Music: https://bit.ly/3dbtpXS Spotify: https://bit.ly/3SaIzvj Apple Music: https://bit.ly/3diokgk Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/3ROTb2U Deezer: https://bit.ly/3UfHEeT Samsung Podcast: https://bit.ly/3eRSJT7 ------------ Impressum: www.abendblatt.de/service/unternehmen/article109174655/Impressum.html

The Gut Health Gurus Podcast

Kriben Govender

Kriben Govender is a Food Scientist and Gut Health Advocate. He is the founder of Gut Health Superstore, Nourishme Organics. He had a seemingly happy life which came crashing down. He was bullied in the workplace, his marriage collapsed, he lost his job and found himself alone in an apartment ready to end his life. Kriben soldiered on, and discovered the impact of gut health on overall health. His purpose is to share the importance of gut health in addressing many different health issues. In this show, Kriben explores how you can improve your health and wellbeing by focusing on your gut.

365 giorni da nutrizionista


Ti sei mai chiesto come mangia un nutrizionista? In questi audio ti racconterò, commenterò e analizzerò la mia dieta giorno per giorno. Un modo pratico e alternativo per parlare di nutrizione partendo dalla dieta di tutti i giorni.

Align Podcast

Aaron Alexander

Welcome to the Align Podcast, hosted by me, Aaron Alexander. This is a place where we focus on optimizing your mind, body, and movement through exploring unconventional approaches and unique viewpoints on all things health, wellness, and life. I'm joined by top wellness experts and world-renowned thought-leaders, including Byron Katie, Bruce Lipton, Aubrey Marcus, Jim Kwik, Marriane Williamson, Ben Greenfield, Robb Wolf, Shawn Stevenson, Abel James, Mark Sisson, Wim Hof, James Clear, Zach Bush, Gabby Reece, and many more. Get ready for deep conversations that open you up to new perspectives and ways of life that will ultimately take your mental, physical, and emotional wellness to the next level. If you love this podcast, I would love for you to connect with me on Instagram, @alignpodcast.


Courtney Swan

Welcome to the Realfoodology podcast with your host, me, Courtney Swan! I’m an Integrative Nutritionist living in LA on a mission to change the way we eat in America. Each week I’ll be talking to doctors, food experts and health professionals to bring you the best info so you can thrive. Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of how powerful our food choices are. But it’s never too late to start. You’d be so surprised how resilient our bodies are when we start taking care of them. Trust me, I know it’s overwhelming. That's why I’m here. I’m going to break it down with you, make it more digestible and easier to navigate. Let’s get back to real food! For more info, visit www.realfoodology.com (http://www.realfoodology.com/) and follow me on ig @realfoodology

Die Darmflüsterer

Internationale Gesellschaft der Mayr-Ärzte

Der Darm ist das längste Organ des Menschen und gibt uns weit mehr als nur Schmetterlinge im Bauch. Er nährt uns, ist unser größtes Immunorgan und Glückshormon-Bildner; steuert gemeinsam mit Milliarden von Mikroorganismen lebenswichtige Prozesse und Teil unserer Gefühle. „Die Darmflüsterer“ ist ein 14-tägig erscheinender medizinischer Podcast, der dir alles über diesen essentiellen Teil deiner selbst erklärt. Angeleitet von Ärzten und Spezialisten, zeigen wir dir die Zusammenhänge und möglichen Wege zur Darmgesundheit auf. Neben schlauen Kniffen für eine schonende Ernährung reden wir auch über Ansätze der Präventionmedizin. Schließlich ist der Darm die Wurzel zu allgemeinem Wohlbefinden. Wir freuen uns über dein Feedback!

Well-Fed Women

Noelle Tarr

Radically improve your health, mindset, and relationship with food with Well-Fed Women, hosted by Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Personal Trainer, Noelle Tarr of coconutsandkettlebells.com. Every week, you’ll get to hear authentic, unfiltered conversations about women's health, nutrition, fitness, mindset, body image, balancing hormones, and stress management. Tune in for a mix of entertaining and down-to-earth interviews with leading experts in health and wellness, and exclusive community-driven Q&A sessions with co-host Stefani Ruper. Expect real talk, moderately amusing banter, and empowering health advice for women. The goal? Help you learn how to eat and move in a way that is right for your body without shame or second-guessing. You got this!

The Healthy Rebellion Radio

Robb Wolf

The Healthy Rebellion Radio is a weekly show featuring listener Q and A on all things diet and health. We dig into metabolic flexibility, body recomposition, resilient aging, circadian biology, gut health, low carb/keto/paleo diets and much more. Brought to you by New York Times bestselling author Robb Wolf and his wife Nicki Violetti (hubs and wife). Welcome to The Healthy Rebellion Radio.

Food For Thought

Rhiannon Lambert

Food For Thought is brought to you by Rhiannon Lambert, the UK's leading Nutritionist, founder of private Harley Street clinic Rhitrition and her evidence-based supplements Rhitrition+, and Sunday Times Bestselling author of The Science Of Nutrition. On a mission to simplify wellness, Rhiannon’s Food For Thought podcast will equip you with all the evidence-based advice you need to live and breathe a healthy lifestyle. She is joined by special guests, all of whom can be considered experts in the world of wellbeing, so that together we can learn fact from fiction and empower the healthiest versions of ourselves with trusted, expert advice. For more information, please visit http://Rhitrition.com and follow @Rhitrition. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee

Physicians Committee

Raise your health IQ with a fun and inspiring plant-based podcast from nutrition experts at The Physicians Committee. "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll, who lost 280 pounds, is frequently joined by Dr. Neal Barnard and others to motivate and educate both new vegans and those who have been plant-powered for life. Learn the secrets to improving your health from doctors and nutritionists and become inspired by others who have already reclaimed their health! Dive into the science of a plant-based diet like the effects of eating a single beef hamburger or slice of cheese can do to the body!

The Evolving Wellness Podcast with Sarah Kleiner Wellness

Sarah Kleiner

Sarah Kleiner Wellness challenges preconceived notions about modern health + wellness by breaking down scientific research into digestible, actionable actionable information to help people live genuinely healthy lives. We dive deep into circadian health, quantum health, hormone health, nutrition, and more. As a certified Nutrition + Quantum Health Coach, I provide instructor-led and self-led workshops and programs that allow people to regain control and intention over their wellness journey and health outcomes.

Comiendo con María (Nutrición)

María Merino Fernández

Comiendo con María es el podcast de nutrición y dietética. En el encontrarás todo lo necesario para llevar una alimentación saludable que te ayudará a ganar salud.

Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrison

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS

Helping people make peace with food since 2013. Registered dietitian nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and journalist Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS talks with guests and answers listener questions about making peace with food, healing from disordered eating, learning body acceptance, practicing intuitive eating, escaping harmful wellness culture, and more--all from a body-positive, anti-diet perspective. Along the way, Christy shares her own journey from disordered eater and dieter to food writer and anti-diet dietitian. This podcast challenges diet culture in all its forms--including the restrictive behaviors that often masquerade as wellness and fitness. Food Psych® is designed to offer safe and non-triggering support for listeners in recovery from eating disorders, weight stigma, and body shame. Subscribe for new anti-diet inspiration every week! Learn more and get full show notes and transcripts at christyharrison.com/foodpsych (Disclaimer: All content in this podcast, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship.)

Prep Life

Glam Girl Bikini

Prep Life of bikini competitors and online coaches Amy Ehinger Founder and CEO of Glam Girl Bikini and IFBB Professional Coach and bikini athlete Chris Nicole. Topics include the trials and tribulations of bikini competitors living the "Prep life".

High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel, MS

Author Mike Mutzel interviews Jeff Bland, Datis Kharrazian, Ben Greenfield, Abel James, Dave Asprey, Ben Lynch, Jade Teta and Corey chuler

High Intensity Health features breakthrough health tips and hacks from respected authorities in the Fitness, Nutrition and Functional Medicine fields. Our expert guests have shared insider information that has helped thousands of Moms, Dads, Executives, Health Care Professionals and High-Performing Athletes optimize their metabolism, belly fat, gut bacteria, immune system,both physical and mental performance and overall health. No matter where you sit on the health and nutrition spectrum, you’ll benefit from our cutting-edge discussions, 2-days per week.

How To Not Get Sick And Die

Matty Lansdown

Health information delivered in a fun, entertaining and sometimes controversial way but always covering both sides of the conversation. These 30-60 minute shows cover all of the angles you never knew mattered when it comes to health and wellness. Along with our guests we discuss emotional eating, sugar cravings, cancer, diabetes, alternative medical modalities, food as medicine, regular medicine & disease and psychology. The host, Matty Lansdown is a scientist, nutritionist and an emotional eating coach and loves busting food myths and revealing the truth about our health, medical & food system which often shocks even the most open minded people.

The Wellness Mama Podcast

Katie Wells

The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of WellnessMama.com



このPodcastでは分子栄養学や自律神経にまつわる神経学を中心とした、心と体ケアのヒントになるような内容をお話ししています。聴いてくださる皆さんの毎日が、よりあたたかく、愛溢れるものになりますように。 分子栄養学カウンセラー まなみ

Muscle Science for Women

Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory

Hosted by health coach and author Ashleigh VanHouten and nutritionist and strength and conditioning specialist Rachel Gregory - co-creators of the Muscle Science for Women training program - this podcast dives into all aspects of fitness including nutrition, training, recovery, fitness culture, and so much more, all with a focus on addressing women's unique goals and challenges. It's conversational, interactive, and will help listeners understand their bodies and how to achieve their goals.

A Tavola Col Nutrizionista

giuseppe scopelliti

Dieta e nutrizione spiegate con semplicità da me, Giuseppe Scopelliti un biologo nutrizionista. Risposte alle domande più frequenti e approfondimenti sui temi caldi su dieta, alimentazione e salute.


Juan Carlos Simō

Bienvenidos, Estamos haciendo este PODCAST para llevar un medio de comunicación donde podamos hablar de todos esos mitos y verdades que existen hoy en día, con una filosofía de vida en donde queramos ser o vivir a plenitud nuestra salud mental y física, teniendo presente siempre que tu biografía se convierte en tu biología.

Casa EmotiFood


Cosa accade quando una nutrizionista ed uno psicologo diventano marito e moglie e creano uno dei centri di riferimento sul comportamento alimentare? Cambia il tuo modo di pensare e di nutrirti. Ti diamo il benvenuto a...CASA EMOTIFOOD!

Diet Starts Tomorrow

Betches Media

Welcome to Diet Starts Tomorrow, a podcast hosted by Emily Lubin and Lauren Hope Krass. In a world where wellness can make you unwell and beauty standards feel anything but standard, Betches Media presents a podcast that digs into the emotional side of well-being. Listen as we shed our former beliefs that made us feel bad about ourselves — we’re looking at you, toxic diet culture — and laugh while doing it. We’re here to amuse your bouche. For more DST, follow us on Instagram @dietstartstomorrow. Come back for seconds and subscribe to get access to early release and ad-free versions of all new episodes, plus bonus subscriber-only episodes of the show. To sign up as a Back for Seconds subscriber head to: subscribe.betches.com

The Dr. Gundry Podcast


The mission of the Dr. Gundry Podcast is to help you live your best life — mind, body and soul — by empowering you with the tools and knowledge you need. Dr. Gundry interviews some of the world's leading health experts to glean life-changing insights and offers cutting-edge wellness advice during his topical lectures.

Diete & altre creature mitologiche

Dr.ssa Valeria de Robertis

“Diete & altre creature mitologiche” un podcast di Nutrizionisti creato per rendere fruibile agli ascoltatori la nutrizione in tutte le sue sfaccettature. Un programma sfata-miti volto a semplificare e a pubblicizzare il concetto di salute alimentare.

Everyday Wellness

Everyday Wellness: Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Welcome to the Everyday Wellness podcast with Cynthia Thurlow! Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner, author of the best selling book Intermittent Fasting Transformation: IF45,2x TEDx speaker, with her second talk having more than 10 million views, and the host of Everyday WellnessPodcast. With over 20 years experience in health and wellness, Cynthia is a globally recognized expert in intermittent fasting and women’s health, and has been featured on ABC, FOX5, KTLA, CW, Medium, Entrepreneur, and The Megyn Kelly Show. Her mission is to educate women on the benefits of intermittent fasting and overall holistic health and wellness, so they feel empowered to live their most optimal lives. Her goal with Everyday Wellness is to help her listeners make simple changes to their everyday lives that will result in improved overall wellness and long term health.

Nutrizione e Salute - Dott.ssa Lomazzi

Dott.ssa Vanessa Lomazzi

A tu per tu con la nutrizionista per discutere dei temi più importanti legati all'alimentazione. La Dott.ssa Vanessa Lomazzi, biologa nutrizionista, vi aiuterà a migliorare la qualità della vostra vita partendo da un'alimentazione sana. www.nutrizionistasalute.it Facebook: @Nutrizionistasalute

Feel Good in Body, Mind and Soul with Isa Welly

Isa Welly

Feel Good in Body, Mind, and Soul is a podcast hosted by Isa-Welly a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Wellbeing Coach. Through these episodes, she will bring you tips, tools, and lessons she has learned in her own journey to help you heal and energize your body and mind. Isa-Welly helps overwhelmed and fatigue women heal their bodies and mind through her 1-2-1 program https://isawelly.com/bodymindandsoulreset/

Alimentação Saudável

Mafalda Almeida

Seja bem-vindo ao podcast Alimentação Saudável. O meu nome é Mafalda Rodrigues de Almeida, sou Nutricionista, fundadora da Loveat e autora de 3 livros de receitas. Por aqui vamos falar de todos os temas quentes relacionados com nutrição, alimentação de qualidade e estilo de vida. Vamos receber convidados especialistas em temas como a organização das refeições, as melhores técnicas de leitura de rótulos e compras, impacto da alimentação no crescimento e desenvolvimento entre muitos outros. Queremos que este Podcast venha simplificar as suas escolhas alimentares e ajudá-lo a ter as ferramentas necessárias para uma alimentação mais nutritiva e completa. Por isso, pegue numa cadeira e sente-se bem confortável para ouvir tudo o que temos reservado para si. Este é o seu Podcast!Conheça o nosso trabalho aqui:www.loveat.ptInstagram: @mafaldaralmeidaYoutube: @LoveatLinkedin: @Loveat

Weight Loss For Women: eat more, train less, get results

Kitty Blomfield

Are you a woman who’s obsessed with her weight?Have you jumped from fad diet to diet only to fail when your willpower gave out?Have you cut dairy, sugar and entire food groups to try and lose weight?Do you wonder if you can ever be free from food obsession?Do you suffer one or more of these issues: inability to lose weight, hormonal imbalances, PMS or menopausal symptoms, hair loss, sleep issues, low sex drive, fatigue or bloating/digestive issues?Welcome to the Weight loss for women: eat more, train less and get results podcast.Kitty Blomfield and Craig McDonald, alongside various experts, explore the truth about fad/restrictive diets and why they never work, as well as education on metabolism, hormones, pro-metabolic nutrition, training and mindset so you can eat more, train less and get results.Kitty and Craig are all about empowering women and providing them with the right knowledge, tools and resources to help them restore their metabolisms, lose weight and tone up in a healthy and sustainable way.

Nutrizione in pratica

Dr.ssa Francesca Morganti

In questo podcast porteremo la nutrizione dalla teoria alla pratica. In questo pocast ti parlerò di: 1. fondamenti di nutrizione (macro e mcronutrienti) 2. le diete più popolari ( chetogenica, paleo, vegetariana, vegana...) 3. nutrizione sportiva 4. alimentazione per la salute del cervello, la salute cardiovascolare, la salute della pelle 5. allergie e intolleranze 6. nutrizione e invecchiament 7. alimentazione per il buon umore 8. alimentazione per la gravidanza

小莫老师 | 正说轻断食与生酮饮食


帮大家做好营养性生酮,生活化减脂,尽在KetoCN 公众号:KetoCN 在KetoCN,您可以系统学习掌握轻断食,生酮饮食,营养学等相关知识,信任和真诚是基础,您不会被贩卖焦虑,和无底线营销。 如果您遇到理解上的困难,或需要更多咨询与服务,请留言或访问公众号。 如果您从专辑内容中获益,请力所能及的帮忙推广本专辑,让更多人受益, 您的支持是频道继续发展的原动力。 关于小莫老师—— 2016~2018年从198减重到125斤,生酮+轻断食至今 2018年5月,开始制作营养性生酮科普内容 卫健委“健康管理师”,证书编号:2146000000345657 2021年11月至2022年8月在深圳宝安中心医院,营养减重科实习 专辑在喜马APP“生酮”“断食”相关话题排靠前 强调原型食材,非必要不用补剂,真食材,才能好身材 几年间我接触了数不清的网友,深知大家的痛点: 1,如何选对食材,科学减脂(识别营销陷阱); 2,如何改善亚健康,不“滥用”补剂(补剂不可替代真食材); 3,如何逐渐养成良好的饮食习惯和心态,不受环境左右(知识武装大脑); 4,哪里有干净纯粹的营养性生酮群体(正能量满满,事半功倍)。 生酮饮食和轻断食在国外已有近百年的发展史,最初用来控制癫痫,后来用来控制和逆转许多代谢和精神方面的问题,近年来相关报道和研究有许多,国内尚处萌芽阶段。 虽然还备受争议,我相信会有许多先行者来选择这条路的。 本专辑2018年5月开播。

Nutrition Diva

QuickAndDirtyTips.com, Monica Reinagel

Every week, Monica Reinagel peels back the layers of nutrition news and research, answers listener questions, and helps you feel more confident about your food and nutrition choices.

Afternoon Snack

Meredith Root and Alex Parker

Alex & Meredith are nutrition and fitness coaches and owners of Tactic Nutrition, sure. But this podcast is so much more than that. They are also no-bs straight shooters who want to take out the trash of the health and fitness business, one macro at a time. So yes they will talk workouts, weight training, cardio/endurance, and eating and meal plans. But they will also talk about how the health and wellness space has been affected by social media. What its like to be a competitive athlete with your own spouse but you also own a business together. And maybe occasionally why getting a cat before getting a dog was a good idea and how there is very little good lesbian tv content out there. So join them and the Tactic Nutrition team each week for new episodes right here on Afternoon Snack!

Las 3 R's

Nathaly Marcus

Repara, regenera y resetea para siempre tu cuerpo y vida. Esa es la filosofía de Nathaly Marcus. Junto a ella y sus invitados, descubre capítulo a capítulo técnicas, consejos y anécdotas sobre nutrición, mente, cuerpo. www.tiendabienesta.com YouTube: bit.ly/Las3RsYT Instagram: https://bit.ly/3c6lvLv TikTok: https://bit.ly/3fYWwLd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Nutrition Couch

Susie Burrell & Leanne Ward

Welcome to The Nutrition Couch, a weekly podcast from two of Australia’s leading dietitians & nutritionists, Susie Burrell & Leanne Ward. This is the first nutrition podcast that looks at weekly food & health trends. Every Sunday at 7am AEST, we will be uploading an episode that covers nutrition news, trending food products, case studies and we will also be answering our listener questions. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and follow us on social media @the_nutrition_couch_podcast to ask us questions & see our food product reviews.

Healthy you • Happy you | Koolhydraatarm & Gezond Leven

Noor | The Nourishing State

In deze podcast deelt diëtist en voedingswetenschapper Noor Struik van The Nourishing State alles rondom keto en koolhydraatarme voeding, afvallen, mindset en een gezonde leefstijl. Iedere maandag om 7.00 uur staat er een nieuwe aflevering voor je klaar. Vergeet de podcast niet te volgen, zodat je niks mist! Voeding- en leefstijllpraktijk The Nourishing State helpt cliënten om weer lekker in hun vel te zitten, zonder honger, jojo'en of gedoe. Zo creëren we een leefstijl die voor JOU werkt! Voor meer info www.thenourishingstate.com

Organic Healthy Lifestyle

Talk 4 Radio

Nancy delivers the right recipe for healthy bodies and minds through a personal journey of discovery of what nourishes every cell, tissue, organ, and thought. Audiences are invigorated by her charismatic approach to eating healthy as they gain a real understanding that what we eat is, truly, who we are. Nancy’s clients have reversed medical conditions, lost weight, and learned how to eat energizing, healthy, fresh food. Nancy’s presentations give everyone some easy to implement health suggestions that can impact their health in a positive way for the rest of their life! Organic Healthy Lifestyle is broadcast live Tuesdays at 3PM ET. Organic Healthy Lifestyle TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com). Organic Healthy Lifestyle Radio Show is broadcast on W4CY Radio (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). Organic Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.

The Model Health Show

Shawn Stevenson

The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever.

Rethinking Wellness

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS

Critical thinking and compassionate skepticism about wellness and diet culture, and reflections on how to find true well-being. rethinkingwellness.substack.com

Menopause Nutritionist Podcast

Chanel Stuck Nutrition

Move, Nourish & Thrive

Mentre l'acqua bolle

Monia Caramma

Come sopravvivere al cibo al giorno d'oggi. 

Sam Miller Science

Sam Miller

A Podcast Designed to Bridge the Gap Between Macros, Metabolism, and Functional Medicine. Here we focus on translating complex concepts into leverage for your health, fitness, and nutrition goals with a special emphasis on content for coaches & health professionals. Sam Miller is a best-selling author in the field of nutrition and metabolism has more than 15 years of experience as a health, fitness, and nutrition coach. His programs help coaches and health professionals improve their clients’ results. A popular online educator, podcast host, and mentor, he consistently offers simple, strategic methods for transformation and translates complex concepts into leverage for any health and fitness goal. His workshops, classes, and specialization programs have served over 2,500 coaches worldwide. He has been a featured speaker for companies like LinkedIn and a content contributor for industry titans such as Barbell Shrugged, Muscle Intelligence, T-Nation, Elite FTS, Active Life Rx, and more. He is a certified nutritionist and licensed, board-certified health practitioner who holds a master’s degree from North Carolina State University and a Bachelor of Science from Elon University. If you’re here welcome to the community! We share the goal of learning all of the things pertaining to health, nutrition, performance and physique optimization without being a d*ck about it. You will find that many of our episodes integrate concepts and coaching ideas from common nutrition/fitness industry practices as well as functional medicine, and alternative health. DISCLAIMER: *This Podcast is for entertainment and general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast and the show notes or the reliance on the information provided is to be done at the user's own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and is for educational purposes only. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition program and users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. By accessing this Podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this Podcast, are the property of Oracle Athletic Sciences LLC, or used by Oracle Athletic Science LLC with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this Podcast may save and use information contained in the Podcast only for personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission or editing, of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of Oracle Athletic Sciences LLC, which may be requested by contacting the Oracle Athletic Sciences LLC office via electronic communication (e-mail) at admin@sammillerscience.com. By accessing this Podcast, the listener acknowledges that Oracle Athletic Sciences LLC makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information featured in this Podcast and the listener understands that like any topic or genre information may change over time and it is the listener’s responsibility to stay abreast of these changes as research and industry practices evolve.

To Tylko Dieta

Dorota Traczyk-Bednarek

Podcast o tym, jak poradzić sobie z zaburzeniami odżywiania przy pomocy zmiany nawyków żywieniowych oraz zmianie podejścia do zdrowego stylu życia. Jedyny podcast w Polsce poruszający tematykę zaburzeń odżywiania bez tabu.

The Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast

Elena Kunicki

Are you a health and fitness focused woman struggling with binge eating, a missing period, digestive issues and/or constant thoughts and anxieties around food? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I was in your shoes for 4 years, trying EVERYTHING to stop binge eating only to end up succumbing to that terrifying urge to binge week after week. I finally became COMPLETELY free from the urge to binge, got my period back (without the pill), healed my digestion and found a balanced relationship with food and fitness. I became a Registered Dietitian and since 2019 I’ve been helping other women do this too in my virtual private practice. On this podcast you’ll hear many of them sharing their journey to peace and freedom with food. You’ll also be inspired and educated on all things food, body image, fitness and physique goals, digestive and hormonal health so you TOO can become TRULY healthy and fit.

Biohacking Bestie with Aggie Lal

Aggie Lal

At Biohacking Bestie, we explore a new paradigm for women based on expansion, freedom, and audacity to live life in our fullest expression. We’re here to learn how to optimize our biology, our minds and our spirits not only to live a full f*ck yes life, but to raise the vibration of our communities, and the world at large. (because starvation diets, obsessing about what to eat and then feeling guilty for not getting it all perfect is exactly what keeps women small).  We cover a range of topics that are relevant to women's health, including hormonal balance, healthy practices, and anti-aging. Our guests include leading experts in the field of women's health, including doctors, researchers, and womens activists who share their insights and experiences. We discuss the latest biohacking tools and techniques, including the latest science on nutrition, weight loss, longevity, and fitness. Aggie, being one of the first women in the biohacking space, is now setting out to provide actionable tips and strategies to help women achieve their health and wellness goals. Our podcast is designed to empower women to take control of their health and optimize their performance. Whether you're an experienced biohacker or just getting started, our podcast offers something for everyone. Join us as we explore the exciting world of women's biohacking and discover new ways to enhance your health and wellbeing. Grab your bulletproof, coffee or apple cider vinegar sit back and tune in! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dishing Up Nutrition

Nutritional Weight & Wellness, Inc.

Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balance hormones and so much more! For recipes, articles and more, visit us at weightandwellness.com

Lean With Plants

Chelsea Mae Cullen

Calling all overweight plant based women! This is a podcast for FRUSTRATED vegan gal's who can’t shift the fat, all while eating a healthy vegan diet! (Yes we exist.) Weight loss doesn’t have to be a mystery, but with all the pseudo science and outright quackery online it’s hard to understand the true WHY and HOW. I’m Chelsea Cullen and I’ve lost 18kg (nearly 40 pounds) as a vegan ONCE I understood the science of weight loss, which has nothing to do with counting calories or celery juice by the way.I’m here to simplify the TRUTH about fat burning, what foods to eat for the most effective weight loss, the mindset tools to get you to your goal, and how to make it stick FOR LIFE. To connect with me check out my Instagram: Chelseamaecullen or find me at www.chelseamae.com



食×健康の話やちょっとした豆知識などをご紹介しています。 ※2020年12月からボイスメディア「Voicy」で放送している過去放送を順番にアップロードしています。 より新しい放送回も含め全放送回をVoicyで聴くことができますので、宜しければVoicy内でもフォロー頂けますと幸いです。 https://voicy.jp/channel/1374/all



『管理栄養士も知らない未病予防栄養学®️』 日々の勉強やビジネスにおいてインプットしてきた内容やそこから得た気づきを📣 WELL BE INDUSTRYの栄養おたく山本の個人の見解にて配信しております。 #未病予防栄養学#分子栄養学 ■インスタから分子栄養学の無料勉強会へご招待 https://www.instagram.com/takuma_wellbe/ ■健康第1学校、WELL BE CHECKなどの各種情報・登録はこちらから↓ https://bit.ly/3DfPFtx

Crash Course by Live Unbreakable

Shaun Provost

Welcome to the Crash Course podcast brought to you by the Live Unbreakable brand. If you’re looking to gain some insight on nutrition, learn a little something about fitness, and are ready to completely change the way you see your own physical and mental health, you’ve come to the right place.This podcast was created to share first-hand experiences, mindset shifting information, and top level resources that will help you achieve your health goals once and for all. You can rely on this podcast to change the way you think and feel about food, nutrition, workouts, and the confidence you have in your body to achieve the goals. We bring you the tools, strategies, and teachings to finally ditch dieting, curb your cravings, and become absolutely allergic to the mediocrity you’ve been holding onto.#liveunbreakable


Pasquale Riganello

In questa rubrica si parla di cibo, curiosita' ricette salutari, di diete e di bufale alimentari. Su come mangiare sano, ma senza piangere sopra piatti tristi. Insomma in salute, ma con cognizione

Killer Boobies Podcast

Wendy Bunnell, Leslie Smoot, Brandy Vega

Over 1000 women get breast implants in the US every single day. At the same time, more and more women are having "mystery symptoms" and autoimmune issues that leave doctors scratching their heads. Listen to how both women and medical professionals are starting to put the pieces to the puzzle together You'll gain insight, tools, and protocols to help those you love reclaim their health and lives again.

Il Gusto di Saperlo

Il Gusto di Saperlo

Un podcast didattico in modalità light e scherzosa, per chi voglia approfondire le conoscenze sul mondo degli alimenti dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri e delle innovazioni fondamentali; degli ingredienti capaci di decretare il successo commerciale, della qualità in tutte le sue declinazioni, dell’attuale sviluppo di prodotto e di marketing, fino agli alimenti funzionali o del benessere, arricchiti o impoveriti e al confine con i farmaci. Il tutto condotto con rigore scientifico dal prof.Sebastiano Porretta, Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana di Tecnologia Alimentare, Autore di numerosi lib

Body Bites With Bec

Bec Miller, Health with Bec

Welcome to Body Bites With Bec, a podcast designed for health conscious women who try it all, yet feel stuck in their attempts to reach (and maintain) their balanced weight and thrive at their optimal potential. Bec Miller, founder of Health with Bec and qualified Nutritionist specialising in weight loss, helps you uncover all of the different pieces of the puzzle to weight loss, energy, gut health, motivation and more so that you can quit the yo-yo dieting, find your balance and feel the way that you truly deserve. You can find Bec on instagram for lots more inspiration at @health_with_bec And, find plenty more free resources, including both free and paid programs at www.healthwithbec.com

Beste Version von dir - Podcast

Ralf Bohlmann

Ich heiße Ralf und hier geht es um die beste Version von dir: kerngesund, topfit und voller Energie. Dein gesunder Lifestyle ist der Schlüssel: Ernährung, Bewegung, Entspannung, Schlaf und dein Mindset. Mehr dazu auf ralfbohlmann.com

What The Actual Fork Podcast

Sam Previte & Jenna Werner - Wave Podcast Network

What The Actual Fork Podcast is co-hosted by your favorite Intuitive Eating Registered Dietitians Sammy Previte (Owner of Find Food Freedom) and Jenna Werner (Owner of Happy Strong Healthy). These dietitian besties can’t stand diet culture bullsh*t and love keeping it real! Their mission is for all humans to believe that they are made for so much more than chasing a smaller body. They are also here to share with you that food can be fun and pleasurable again. Although these ladies are medical professionals, they are human too! They are not afraid to share their deepest secrets and how years of their lives were taken by diet culture. They started this podcast so no human has to feel alone in their journey towards food freedom. So join Sammy and Jenna and expect to laugh, cry, learn, and grow!

Digest This

Bethany Cameron

My name is Bethany Cameron and I am a Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer and founder of popular Instagram page @lilsipper. This is where we dig deep on topics such as gut health, nutrition, give light to the food industry and highlight specific ingredients you either should or should not be taking for your health. We will also go into non toxic beauty, home and cooking essentials, mental health, finances and everything in between. If it has to do with your health, I'm talking about it.
