L'ora di Medicina

Paolo Sarteschi

Sono Paolo Sarteschi e sono un infermiere, insieme scopriremo le principali patologie di interesse pubblico, come riconoscerle e come prevenirle in tempo, anche attraverso consigli pratici da attuare ogni giorno.

Anatomia Umana


Pillole di medicina accessibili a tutti!! Seguimi su instagram @aalicecannii e dai un occhiata al mio podcast sulla fisiologia umana! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aalicecannii

I funamboli


Realizzato con il supporto non condizionante di Medtronic | I funamboli camminano su un filo sottile, alla costante ricerca di equilibrio. Da una parte c’è lo zucchero, dall’altra l’insulina, da una parte le ipoglicemie, dall’altra le iperglicemie. I Funamboli vuole raccontare il diabete di tipo 1 attraverso le testimonianze di chi ogni giorno e ogni notte sa che il suo primo esercizio è quello dell’equilibrio, e attraverso le voci degli esperti che li affiancano e li guidano. Nella seconda stagione, diamo spazio a nuove storie, per raccontare il rifiuto e la rabbia dell’adolescenza, il buio dei disturbi alimentari, l’amore di chi ha voluto comunque portare avanti una gravidanza piena di paure, e molto altro. Se vuoi condividere la tua storia, lascia un messaggio su www.ifunamboli.it


Dr. Simona Varì - Medicina Estetica

Difendiamo le persone dalle pratiche estetiche nocive alla salute. Portiamo voci autorevoli per divulgare informazioni mediche scientifiche che ti permettono di prenderti cura della tua pelle in sicurezza. Perché una pelle sana è anche bella.

The Peter Attia Drive

Peter Attia, MD

Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.


Jacopo Cirillo

Tutti la facciamo, ma nessuno ne parla, perché non si fa, è indelicato e poco educato. Ma lei rifiuta d’essere un rifiuto, è l’impertinente che vuole ritornare pertinente. E noi vogliamo darle una mano dedicandole un podcast intero: dieci puntate di liberazione scatologica in compagnia di esperti, medici, divulgatori e intellettuali, per coprire tutto lo scibile degli escrementi. Nientepopodimeno. Da uno stimolo di Studio Raheem, con la spinta e la consulenza medico-scientifica di Santagostino, l’abbiamo fatta grossa: il risultato è Evacuazioni, un podcast sulla cacca.

Dpen Scienza

Andrea Zappia

Ti è mai capitato di fare un salto prima di dormire? perché viene la pelle d'oca? Come si sviluppano le resistenze ai farmaci? cos'è la Celiachia? In questo podcast si parlerà di Medicina e cercheremo le risposte ai suoi grandi perché. Le domande degli ascoltatori saranno indispensabili allo sviluppo del palinsesto, quindi non esitare a commentare gli episodi.Ogni martedì su Dpen.

Critical Care Scenarios

Brandon Oto, PA-C, FCCM and Bryan Boling, DNP, ACNP, FCCM

Join us as we talk through clinical cases in the ICU setting, illustrating important points of diagnosis, treatment, and management of the critically ill patient, all in a casual, "talk through" verbal scenario format.

Dr. Borja Bandera

Borja Bandera

En este podcast recibirás los mejores consejos para optimizar tu salud y así evitar enfermedad. Hablamos de Nutrición, Ejercicio, Prevención y Salud en general.


Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.

A podcast about health, science, nutrition, aging, and fitness.

NEJM This Week

NEJM Group

Concise summaries of everything published in the latest weekly issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). NEJM publishes new medical research findings, review articles, and editorial opinion on topics of importance to biomedical science and clinical practice.

Surgery 101

Surgery 101 Team

Welcome to Surgery 101, a series of podcasts produced with the help of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. The podcasts are intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. We've aimed to cover a single topic in between 10-20 minutes so that you can quickly get a good idea of the basic concepts involved. Every episode is divided into chapters and concludes with several key points to summarize the topic. We are always keen to receive your feedback on our podcasts, and we are accepting suggestions for additional topics. New episodes are published every Friday. 'Surgery 101' was created by Dr Parveen Boora and Dr Jonathan White, and is supported by the Department of Surgery at the University of Alberta. Our 2010 series of podcasts are brought to you by the Undergrad Surgery Mobile Podcasting Studio Team which is: Jonathan, Jenni and Tracy, with the assistance of the Surgery 101 Experts of Edmonton. Note to experts: please note that these podcasts are only intended as brief introductions for medical students - we cannot delve into the more complex nuances of advanced surgery in a 10-minute podcast. We encourage all listeners to supplement their learning by seeing patients, assisting at surgeries and reading widely!

Everything MRI Podcast

Everything MRI

Explore the world of MRI with Everything MRI hosts, Samuel Oliveira and Julien Greggio. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of MRI where we explore topics ranging from remote scanning to A.I. implementation, to patient positioning, physics and much more. Everything MRI Podcast is the home for any and every MRI aficionado, be it a student, a radiographer, a patient, a radiologist, a teacher/educator or a layman. We will be speaking to everyone about Everything MRI

Una Macchina chiamata Corpo

Gli Ascoltabili

Una macchina chiamata corpo, condotta dal chirurgo ortopedico Stefano Guerrasio, racconta i magici segreti del corpo umano, affidandosi alla viva voce di professionisti della medicina che, a partire dalla propria esperienza e dalle proprie scelte di vita, trattano e affrontano temi e patologie vicine al pubblico, rispondendo a tutte quelle domande che ci poniamo quando pensiamo ai nostri disturbi, effettivi o potenziali. Come la lombalgia, il disturbo più diffuso al mondo dopo il raffreddore; o le problematiche connesse alla menopausa, le nuove strategie per affrontare le cefalee, l’abuso dei farmaci da banco, e molto altro.

Fertility Doc Talk

Kaajal Abrol, MD

Dr. Kaajal Abrol is a fertility physician in Toronto, Canada. She started this podcast because she wants to increase knowledge and awareness about fertility and reproductive health. This podcast brings you fertility information from a fertility doctor, to empower you to learn and to make informed decisions about your reproductive health. Join Dr. Abrol as she covers various topics, from the menstrual cycle to fertility testing and treatment options to specific diagnoses that may affect your fertility and reproductive health.

BRCA 1 & 2 Gene Mutations And Cancer Awareness

Christina Henry

Raising awareness of the BRCA 1 and 2 gene mutation and it's link to cancer risk. I am a Registered Nurse who has a BRCA2 gene mutation. My website is Midlifestylist.com where I have written about my personal journey through prophylactic surgeries. I also have a resource page BRCA Gene Mutation and Cancer Awareness.

Dr. Anne Fleck - Gesundheit und Ernährung mit BRIGITTE

BRIGITTE / Audio Alliance / RTL+

Achtung! Bis einschließlich 20.05.2024 könnt ihr für "Dr. Anne Fleck" beim Deutschen Podcast Preis (Publikumspreis-Kategorie "Bester Ratgeber") abstimmen! Einfach auf der Voting-Seite "Jetzt abstimmen" klicken: https://www.deutscher-podcastpreis.de/podcasts/dr-anne-fleck-gesundheit-und-ernaehrung-mit-brigitte/ Wir freuen uns über eure Stimme und bedanken uns schon mal recht herzlich! +++ Anne Fleck ist eine der bekanntesten und unkonventionellsten Ernährungsmedizinerinnen Deutschlands. Im Gespräch mit Meike Dinklage von der Brigitte Redaktion klärt sie Fragen zur gesunden, individuellen Ernährung, deckt Food-Mythen auf und erklärt ihren ganz persönlichen Heilansatz. Mit vielen Tipps zum Nachmachen und Nachkochen.   +++ Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/gesundheitundernaehrung +++    Dr. Anne Fleck - Gesundheit und Ernährung mit BRIGITTE ist ein Podcast von RTL + Musik. Produziert von der Audio Alliance. Hostinnen: Dr. Anne Fleck, Meike Dinklage Redaktion: Meike Dinklage Projektmanagement & Schnitt: Kristofer Koch Postproduktion & Sounddesign: Wei Quan Leitung Postproduktion: Nicolas Femerling  Redaktionsleitung: Ivy Haase Partnermanagement: Patricia Wyrwich Executive Producer: Andrea Zuska, Christian Schalt https://www.rtl.de/cms/service/footer-navigation/impressum.html


Manuel Salvadori

Podcast dove tra scienza e pratica si forniscono chicche tecniche su alimentazione, biohacking, allenamento, sonno e stile di vita in generale, con rubriche ed interviste dedicate.

Not Otherwise Specified

NEJM Group

In “Not Otherwise Specified,” Dr. Lisa Rosenbaum, cardiologist and national correspondent for the New England Journal of Medicine, defies our sound-bite culture to go deep with some of medicine’s most innovative thinkers. Her guests’ stories and ideas about health care’s toughest challenges and greatest promise may change the way you think about medicine, health, and society.

The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show promotes a healthy world, and in order to have a healthy world, we must have transparent conversations. This show is dedicated to such conversations as the listener; your education, understanding, strength, and health are the primary focus. The goal of this show is to provide you with a framework for navigating the health and wellness space and, most importantly, being the champion of your own life. Guests include highly trustworthy professionals that bring both the art and science of wellness aspects that are both physical and mental. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a Washington University fellowship-trained physician who serves the innovators, mavericks, and leaders in their fields, as well as working closely with the Special Operations Military. She is the founder of the Institute of Muscle-Centric Medicine® and serves patients worldwide.


Dr. med. Cordelia Schott

Dies ist kein typischer Ärzte-Podcast, sondern Gesundheit einmal anders. Die Fachärztin Dr. Cordelia Schott gibt dir mit diesem Podcast die Möglichkeit, chronisch kompetent zu werden und Gesundheit zu erschaffen. Humorvoll bekommst du ärztliches Insiderwissen zu typischen medizinischen Problemen und Werkzeuge, um direkt umzusetzen. Neben der wöchentlichen Medizinwissen-Dosis erfährst du erstaunliche Patientengeschichten und lernst nebenbei, wie du deine Ernährung optimierst, Bewegung in den Alltag integrierst, mit Stress umgehst, besser schläfst und was dein Mindset mit Krankheiten zu tun haben kann. GESUNDHEIT KANNST DU LERNEN ist der perfekte Podcast für alle, die nach einem frischen, unkonventionellen Blick auf die Medizin suchen. Komplexe und häufige medizinische Probleme einfach erklärt, Aha-Erlebnisse inklusive – kostenlos, jeden Mittwoch im Podcast-Player deines Vertrauens. Hör rein und lass dich von ihr „schottisieren".

Die Expertise-Piraten • Kindermedizin zum Hören

Der offizielle Pädiatrie-Podcast der GPGE • co-hosting, visuals & social media: Georgia Ortner • hosted, produced, created & music by Kai O. Hensel

Pädiatrie to go: Hier kommt der offizielle Kinderheilkunde-Podcast der Gesellschaft für pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Ernährung. Für alle, die Kinder behandeln: Kinderärzt:innen, Subspezialist:innen, Allgemeinmediziner:innen, (Kinder-)Chirurg:innen, Studierende und für interessierte Eltern. Wir erleichtern die Experten für Euch um ihre kostbarsten Schätze: ihre Expertise. Keine langweiligen Vorträge hier, kein Gelaber! Wir liefern Evidenz-basiertes Wissen aus allen Fachbereichen und Subspezialisierungen der Kindermedizin: high value, practice-changing und up-to-date. Neben harten Fakten entlocken wir den Cracks das, was in Publikationen und Lehrbüchern nicht zu finden ist: die kleinen und großen Tricks, Weisheiten & Geheimnisse, dos & don'ts. Wir schauen gemeinsam über den Tellerrand und nehmen Klassiker und Kurioses für Euch unter die Lupe. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Der Podcast dient ausschließlich der neutralen Information, Fortbildung und Unterhaltung. Er ersetzt nicht die fachliche Beratung durch einen Arzt oder Apotheker und darf nicht als Grundlage zur eigenständigen Diagnose und Beginn, Änderung oder Beendigung einer Behandlung von Krankheiten verwendet werden. Für die Inhalte sind ausschließlich unsere Moderatoren und Gäste verantwortlich. Sie unterliegen dem wissenschaftlichen Wandel des Faches. Änderungen sind vorbehalten. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KONTAKT: EMAIL: podcast@gpge.eu WEBSITE: www.expertise-piraten.eu X: @piratenpodcast - https://twitter.com/piratenpodcast INSTAGRAM: @piratenpodcast - https://www.instagram.com/piratenpodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/expertisepiraten

Linee Guida e Medicina d'Urgenza

Gemma Morabito

Una serie di podcast rivolti a Medici e Infermieri della medicina d'urgenza, nei quali leggeremo insieme le Linee guida di interesse per chi lavora in Pronto Soccorso (una iniziativa editoriale di Gemma Morabito, medico d'urgenza ed Editor in-Chief di MedEmIt)

NEI Podcast

Neuroscience Education Institute

The Neuroscience Education Institute (NEI) is committed to help raise the standard of mental health by providing imaginative medical education that focuses on the highest level of learning. Each episode offers an opportunity to learn about current issues in psychiatry from key opinion leaders in the medical field. NEI's Podcast would be of value to anyone with an interest in neuropsychiatric diseases and psychopharmacology.

AIMS - Medicina Legale


The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

Dr. Mark Hyman

We are seeing an ever-increasing burden of chronic disease, primarily driven by our food and food system. This is perpetuated by agricultural, food, and health care policies that don’t support health. We need to rethink disease and reimagine a food system and a health care system the protects health, unburdens the economy from the weight of obesity and chronic disease, protects the environment, helps reverse climate change, and creates a nation of healthy children and citizens. This podcast is a place for deep conversations about the critical issues of our time in the space of health, wellness, food, and politics. New episodes are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. I hope you'll join me. Hosted on Megaphone.

AIMS - Oncologia


Australian Prescriber Podcast

Australian Prescriber

The Australian Prescriber Podcast provides a regular dive into some of the many great articles that Australian Prescriber publishes every two months. In each episode, our host will chat with one of the authors from a recent issue of Australian Prescriber.

Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike's Medical Podcast

Dr Mike Todorovic

Join Dr Matt and Dr Mike, University Professors of Anatomy and Physiology, on their journey through the human body! Want to support us? Consider becoming a Dr Matt & Dr Mike Club member for $7 per month! https://plus.acast.com/s/dr-matt-and-dr-mikes-medical-podcast-2. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Choses à Savoir SANTE

Choses à Savoir

Développez facilement votre culture dans le domaine de la santé avec un podcast par jour ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Siege der Medizin | Der medizinhistorische Podcast

Apotheken Umschau & gesundheit-hören

Dieser Podcast dreht sich um die größten Erfolge der Medizingeschichte und um die Menschen, die dahinterstehen. Schauspielerin Andrea Sawatzki erzählt in der neuen Staffel die spannenden Geschichten der „Siegerinnen und Sieger der Medizin“ - vom wohl bekanntesten deutschen Chirurgen bis hin zur ersten weiblichen Medizin-Nobelpreisträgerin. Sawatzki löst damit Ulrich Noethen ab, der in den ersten beiden Staffeln auf Zeitreise in die Vergangenheit ging. Reist mit uns durch die aufregende Geschichte der Medizin und genießt ein ganz besonderes Hörerlebnis! Habt ihr Fragen, Anregungen oder Kritik? Dann schreibt uns gerne an redaktion@gesundheit-hören.de Mehr Gesundheitspodcasts gibt es hier: www.gesundheit-hoeren.de

The Lancet Global Health in conversation with

The Lancet Group

Editors at The Lancet Global Health, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy. A monthly audio companion to this open access journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from the global burden of cervical cancer associated with HIV to financing primary health care, the role of poverty in the misuse of antibiotics to intimate partner violence, and more.

SchnellEinfachGesund - Dein Gesundheitskompass

Martin Auerswald, Dr. Martin Krowicki, Maxi Auerswald, Felix Glaser

Nimm Deine Gesundheit wieder selbst in die Hand! Wolltest Du schon immer wissen, wie Dein Körper und wie Gesundheit "funktionieren"? Bei uns erfährst Du alles, was Du für eine gesunde Lebensführung wissen musst und, wie Du das in die Praxis umsetzt. Der Fokus liegt bei uns auf praktikabel und schnell umsetzbar - und wissenschaftlich fundiert, denn erzählen kann ja jeder. Das Ziel ist, Dir die Tipps und Werkzeuge mit an die Hand zu geben, die Du brauchst, um Deine Gesundheit zu verstehen und selbst in die Hand zu nehmen - egal, ob Du einfach nur abnehmen, konzentrierter arbeiten, lange gesund bleiben oder eine Erkrankung besser kontrollieren möchtest. Hier findest Du jede Woche neue Episoden zu Deinen Lieblingsthemen, also abonniere uns am besten gleich, um immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben! PS: Schau gerne auf https://schnelleinfachgesund.de/newsletter/ vorbei und erhalte unseren kostenlosen Email-Kurs "Gesünder in 5 Minuten", um sofort zu beginnen!

Psychic Herbalism

Emily Hamilton

Who are the plants? Join me for intimate spiritual conversations to illuminate the discovery of who the plants and fungi are, what their medicine holds, the type(s) of energy they most specifically work with and apply their medicine to your personal experience.

I Funamboli: voci di chi convive con il diabete di tipo 1

Irene Barrese e Giulia Mengolini

Realizzato con il contributo non condizionante di Medtronic. "I Funamboli: voci di chi convive con il diabete di tipo 1” è un podcast che nasce dall'incontro tra Irene Barrese e Giulia Mengolini, due amiche che in comune hanno una diagnosi di diabete di tipo 1. Il Funambolo rappresenta chi ogni giorno, come Giulia e il figlio di Irene, cammina con fatica su un filo sottile cercando di non cadere, dosando zucchero e insulina, provando a scansare il più possibile ipoglicemie e iperglicemie in una quotidianità fatta di numeri e controlli costanti. I Funamboli vuole raccontare il diabete di tipo 1 attraverso le voci di chi lo vive ogni giorno superando i propri limiti insieme a quelle degli esperti che li guidano. Dall’esordio della malattia alla speranza per una cura grazie alla ricerca, le sei puntate vogliono offrire un vero spazio di condivisione. Condividi la tua storia con Irene e Giulia, lascia un messaggio su www.ifunamboli.it Le Autrici: Giulia Mengolini, 32 anni, è una giornalista e vive a Milano. Nel 2014 ha scoperto di avere il diabete di tipo 1. Dopo aver attraversato una fase di rifiuto della malattia, ha sentito il bisogno di raccontarla: nel 2019 ha aperto la pagina Instagram Senza Zuccheri Aggiunti, dove condivide quotidianamente la sua convivenza con il diabete. Irene Barrese è madre di due gemelli. Nel 2016, a 10 anni, a uno dei suoi due figli è stato diagnosticato il diabete di tipo 1. Presto ha capito che il racconto di questa nuova vita fra zucchero e insulina e la condivisione della propria esperienza sarebbero state la migliore terapia per affrontare il dolore e la rabbia che l'esordio ha portato con sè. Ha un blog, in cui ha raccontato (anche) del diabete di tipo 1, www.a-me-mi.com. Un ringraziamento ad Harmonium Pharma per il sostegno nella divulgazione del podcast I Funamboli Testi e voce: Irene Barrese e Giulia Mengolini Producer: Elena Lina Cai Audio editing e Sound design: Alessandro Cosentino Una produzione GOODmood Tutti i diritti riservati

The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast

The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast

Supercharge your learning and enhance your practice with this Internal Medicine Podcast featuring board certified Internists as they interview the experts to bring you clinical pearls, practice-changing knowledge, and bad puns. Doctors Matthew Watto, Paul Williams, and friends (a national network of students, residents, and clinician-educators) deliver a little knowledge food for your brain hole. Yummy! No boring lectures here, just high-value content and a healthy dose of humor. Fantastic for Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Primary Care, and Hospital Medicine.


Greta Tonelli, Fabio Bernardi, Michele Marelli

Fisionauti è un podcast nel quale si parla, senza troppi filtri, di fisioterapia. Non immaginarti di trovare certezze, ricette pronte o indicazioni chiare. A volte già tanto se riusciamo a capirci tra di noi! Ma se sei curioso di sentir parlare di fisioterapia psicologicamente informata e di dolore persistente, sei fan di evidenze scientifiche e di esercizio... allora questo spazio fa per te!

ESC Cardio Talk

European Society of Cardiology

The ESC podcasts - regular recordings from the European Society of Cardiology. Hear renowned experts discuss cardiovascular advances relevant to daily practice. Check here regularly to stay up to date. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: EHRA Cardio Talk, HFA Cardio Talk and ESC TV Today. Check them out!

ESC TV Today – Your Cardiovascular News

European Society of Cardiology

The European Society of Cardiology brings you the most relevant news in cardiovascular medicine, opinions from leading experts, and insight into the latest developments in our field that really matter. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: ESC Cardio Talk, EHRA Cardio Talk and HFA Cardio Talk. Check them out!

The Resus Room

Simon Laing, Rob Fenwick & James Yates

Emergency Medicine podcasts based on evidence based medicine focussed on practice in and around the resus room.

Clinical Conversations

NEJM Group

From NEJM Journal Watch, this podcast features lively interviews, concise summaries, and expert commentary that busy clinicians need to stay current and improve patient care.

Anesthesia Guidebook

Jon Lowrance

Anesthesia Guidebook is the go-to guide for providers who want to master their craft. We help anesthesia providers thrive in challenging, high-stakes careers through our relevant, compelling guides. You’re on a path to becoming a master anesthesia provider. We’re your go-to guide for deepening your anesthesia practice.

The Matt Walker Podcast

Dr. Matt Walker

The Matt Walker Podcast is all about sleep, the brain, and the body. Matt is a Professor of Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of the book, Why We Sleep and has given a few TED talks. Matt is an awkward British nerd who adores science and the communication of science to the public. 

Mal di testa

Fondazione CIRNA

L’emicrania è una malattia invisibile che colpisce il 12% della popolazione in tutto il mondo. Solo in Italia si stima che circa 6 milioni di persone ne soffrono, ma vista la natura della malattia e la sua diffusione, esiste una percentuale di pazienti che non hanno ricevuto una diagnosi e, di conseguenza, non sono stati presi in carico. Eppure nell'immaginario comune il “mal di testa” non è una patologia, anzi, è spesso considerato un pretesto per non adempiere ai propri impegni. Per sfatare tutti i falsi miti legati all’emicrania Giuditta Pini e la professoressa Cristina Tassorelli ci porteranno alla scoperta di cos’è davvero l’emicrania, dando voce ai pazienti e ai clinici che ogni giorno combattono lo stigma che circonda questa malattia.  https://www.cefalea.it/ Mal di testa è un podcast di Fondazione CIRNA e Alleanza Cefalalgici, prodotto da Hypercast con il supporto non condizionante di AbbVie Con Giuditta Pini e Cristina Tassorelli Scritto da Maria Cafagna e Alessandra Sorrentino Direttore creativo: Raffaele Costantino Project manager: Luisa Boschetti Editing e montaggio: Giulia Macciocca Musiche originali: Maurizio Bilancioni Coordinamento team autoriale: Matteo Strada

HFA Cardio Talk

Heart Failure Association of the ESC

The HFA Cardio Talk provides the opportunity to anyone interested in Heart Failure to receive updates in the field with very specific and diverse topics, go on a deeper subject of an HFA course and to listen to a discussion of key opinion leaders with junior HF specialists. Each month, a new episode lasting approximately 15 minutes and taking the form of a conversation between a member of the HFA Young community and an internationally renowned expert is released. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: ESC Cardio Talk, EHRA Cardio Talk and ESC TV Today. Check them out!

CardioPractice Cardio Talk

European Society of Cardiology

CardioPractice Cardio Talk, regular podcasts to help your daily cardiology practice.

'ne Dosis Wissen | Der Medizin-Podcast für Menschen im Gesundheitswesen

Apotheken Umschau Pro & gesundheit-hören

Neue Studien und Forschungsergebnisse, News aus der Gesundheitspolitik oder überarbeitete Leitlinien: Wer im Gesundheitswesen bzw. in der Medizin tätig ist, hat stets mit verändernden Vorgaben und neuen Entwicklungen oder Medikamenten zu tun. Apotheken Umschau-Chefredakteur und Arzt Dr. Dennis Ballwieser und Gesundheitsredakteurin und Ärztin Dr. Laura Weisenburger informieren darüber in ihrem Podcast – jeden Werktag ab 6 Uhr. Zu den Hosts: Nach seiner Redakteursausbildung und dem Medizinstudium arbeitete Dr. Dennis Ballwieser als Anaesthesist am Klinikum der Universität München. Seit 2015 ist er Geschäftsführer und seit 2020 zusätzlich Chefredakteur der Apotheken Umschau. Dr. Laura Weisenburger ist studierte Humanmedizinerin und Fachärztin für Viszeralchirurgie und hat neun Jahre lang in verschiedenen Kliniken Menschen versorgt und operiert. Im Mai 2019 legte sie das Skalpell nieder und begann als Journalistin in der Redaktion der Apotheken Umschau und deren Partnermagazinen.

Diabetes Core Update

American Diabetes Association

Diabetes Core Update is a monthly podcast that presents and discusses the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes Association’s four science and medical journals – Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Clinical Diabetes, and Diabetes Spectrum. Each episode is approximately 15 minutes long and presents 5-6 recently published articles from ADA journals. Intended for practicing physicians and health care professionals, Diabetes Core Update discusses how the latest research and information published in journals of the American Diabetes Association are relevant to clinical practice and can be applied in a treatment setting. For more information about each of ADA’s science and medical journals, please visit www.diabetesjournals.org . Presented by: Neil Skolnik, M.D. , Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Abington Jefferson Health John J. Russell, M.D., Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Chair-Department of Family Medicine, Abington Jefferson Health

JAMA Clinical Reviews

JAMA Network

Author interviews that explore the latest clinical reviews.

The Checkup with Doctor Mike

DM Operations Inc.

In The Checkup, board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Mike, interviews the biggest names in Hollywood, Washington, sports, music, digital, and everywhere else about their physical, mental, and emotional health, so we can all learn to live happy and healthy together. Watch full video episodes: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/youtube/playlist/CheckupPodcastPlaylist IG: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/instagram/CheckupPod Twitter: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/twitter/DMTwitter Facebook: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/facebook/DMFacebook Contact Email: DoctorMikeMedia@Gmail.com Host and Executive Producer: Doctor Mike Produced by Dan Owens and Sam Bowers Art by Caroline Weigum ** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **



Il podcast ufficiale della Società Italiana di Neurologia dove saranno trattati gli argomenti più interessanti e le novità in campo neurologico Tutti i nostri articoli sono approvati da un team editoriale dedicato e andranno in onda ogni martedì e giovedì

Practical Neurology Podcast

BMJ Group

The essential point of Practical Neurology is that it is practical in the sense of being useful for everyone who sees neurological patients and who wants to keep up-to-date, and safe, in managing them. In other words, this is a journal for jobbing neurologists who plough through the tension headaches and funny turns week in and week out. Practical Neurology is included as part of a subscription to JNNP and provided in print to all members of the Association of British Neurologists. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

Critical Care Time

Critical Care Time Podcast

Critical Care Time is the podcast for everyone who cares for the critically Ill. Whether you work in an ICU, a Med-Surg unit, an ED, a PACU or the back of an ambulance - Dr. Cyrus Askin & Dr. Nick Mark provide practical insights and useful tips to enhance your skillset. They are triple board-certified intensivists who love patient care and teaching. Journey with them through deep dives into physiology and practical pearls, leaving no stone unturned in the world of critical care medicine.  Through their own insights, expert interviews and targeted reviews of the literature, Nick and Cyrus provide practical, relevant critical care pearls. If you bill for critical care time, you must make time for Critical Care Time! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

La Civetta


La Civetta è il podcast in cui Cesare Buquicchio dialoga, ogni mese, con una grande firma del giornalismo anticipando i temi della sanità e ragionando sul rapporto tra comunicazione e salute.

The Curious Clinicians

The Curious Clinicians

The Curious Clinicians is a medical podcast that asks "why?". Why do diseases present in certain ways? What are the mechanisms of treatments we use? Why does the human body function as it does? Join us to explore these questions and many more.

ילדים זה אנחנו

מרכז שניידר לרפואת ילדים

ילדים זו שמחה, אבל גם הרבה דאגות וחששות עבור ההורים. בדיוק בשביל זה אנחנו כאן - "ילדים זה אנחנו", הפודקאסט של  מרכז שניידר לרפואת ילדים מקבוצת כללית. המומחים של מרכז שניידר יוצאים מבית החולים ומתיישבים באולפן עם ד"ר אורלי מיכאלי והילה רענן לשיחה בגובה העיניים על מה שהכי מעניין אתכם ההורים - הבריאות של ילדיכם. מוכנים? "ילדים זה אנחנו" בואו נצא לדרך.

SHAPE IT - Il Podcast Per Dentisti

Fabio Piccotti

Shape it sbarca nel mondo dei podcast e propone estratti di tutti i relatori con cui abbiamo collaborato. Qui troverete interviste, punti di vista, tips&tricks di tutti i webinars che abbiamo proposto in questi anni. L'aggiornamento non è mai stato così facile, da oggi potrete migliorare la vostra clinica semplicemente ascoltandoci senza aver bisogno di essere impegnati di fronte ad un monitor!

Tasty Morsels of Critical Care

Andy Neill

Bite size chunks of critical care medicine targeted at fellowship exam preparation

You Are Not Broken

Kelly Casperson, MD

Empowering women (and the partners who love them) to live their best mid lives. Combining the power of mind-work, body-science and relationships, I joyously smash the societal barriers that are keeping us from living our best intimate lives. Whether you are young or past menopause, single or in a long-term relationship, it is never too late or too early to realize YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. With humor, candor and ease, I break down the stories that we have been told about being sexual beings, to help us play, and normalize our intimacy and health. Nothing in this podcast is personal medical advice, of course.

Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast

Core IM Team

Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges

AIMS - Gastroenterologia


The Internet Book of Critical Care Podcast

Adam Thomas & Josh Farkas

Brought to you by a partnership that transcends the 49th parallel. Join Adam Thomas and Josh Farkas in the podcast that accompanies The Internet Book of Critical Care. The IBCC podcast will explore key points in each chapter. Initially the release of podcasts may lag a bit behind the chapters for logistic reasons. However, our goal is to eventually have a podcast for each chapter. Subsequently, the podcast will discuss updates to the IBCC based on new evidence.

Neurology® Podcast

American Academy of Neurology

The Neurology Podcast provides practical information for neurologists and clinicians to practice the best possible medicine for patients. Examining methods and findings in peer-reviewed journals, the show provides insights that impact clinical practice and patient care. From the journal Neurology and the American Academy of Neurology, providing education and expert analysis since 2007.

2024 WSC Spotlight: Unmet Need in Sepsis Diagnosis and Therapy

Global Sepsis Alliance / PPAHS

This podcast will feature all talks from the 2024 WSC Spotlight, released weekly on Tuesdays, starting on May 7, 2024. The congress will be broadcast live, free, and online on April 23, 2024. Visit wscspotlight.org to learn more and to register for free. All talks from our previous congresses are available here as well – the 4th WSC in 2023, the 2022 WSC Spotlight, WSC 2021, 2020 WSC Spotlight, the 2nd WSC in 2018, the 2017 WSC Spotlight, and the 1st WSC in 2016. World Sepsis Congress is a project by the Global Sepsis Alliance, initiator of World Sepsis Day on September 13 every year. More info: worldsepsiscongress.org wscspotlight.org globalsepsisalliance.org

The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology in conversation with

The Lancet Group

Hugh Thomas, Deputy Editor at The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explores their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy. A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from predicting clinical outcomes in NAFLD to immunosuppressant withdrawal in patients with Crohn’s disease, the primary antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori to surgical versus non-surgical management of malignant bowel obstruction, and more.

JAMA Author Interviews

JAMA Network

Interviews with leading researchers and thinkers in health care about practice-changing research, innovations, and the most pressing issues facing medicine and health care today from JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Ricarda & Doc.Felix

*NEWS Hier kannst du dir mal ANGUCKEN, wie wir in unserem Studio podcasten: https://open.spotify.com/show/7DAFWGhLIjgrDYM3rZv6xL Der Psychologie-Podcast. Ricarda ist Psychologin und Klugscheißer, Felix ist Mediziner und Möchtegern-Comedian. Zusammen sind sie Psycho und Doc und bringen die Psychologie auf ein ganz neues Level der eleganten Laberkunst, ohne dabei den wissenschaftlichen Anspruch zu verlieren. Unsere Website: www.psychounddoc.de Instagram: https://instagram.com/psychounddoc?igshid=85t7565jtefn


Dr. Peter McCullough

America Out Loud Network © – Dr. Peter McCullough is joined by experts in medicine, biotechnology, public health, and policy to bring critical information and insights to the listeners in a concise and understandable format.

USMLE Step 2 Secrets

Ted O'Connell, MD

This podcast features an audio optimized version of USMLE Step 2 Secrets and high yield USMLE and COMLEX style question dissections so you can learn how the experts approach exam questions. Listen while you commute, exercise, clean, or do other "life stuff". This podcast is the perfect on the go study companion for your USMLE; COMLEX; and internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, or family medicine shelf exams.

Neobicast - il Microbiota in pillole by Neobilive


Neobicast è un podcast realizzato dalla componente scientifica di Neobilive ed è dedicato a due concetti che stanno letteralmente cambiando il nostro approccio alla medicina moderna: il microbiota e i probiotici. Il nostro Microbiota Clinical Expert ti condurrà alla scoperta dei cosiddetti batteri buoni che coabitano nel nostro corpo e ti aiuterà ad interpretare i nuovi e rivoluzionari studi scientifici in questo campo.

Support Me, in het nederlands

Léa, Time to listen

Support Me is een podcast met getuigenissen gewijd aan mantelzorgers die voor personen zorgen die kampen met uitgezaaide spijsverteringskanker. Hier vertellen patiënten, mantelzorgers, familie, vrienden of professionelen uit de zorgsector over hun verhalen en ervaringen, met de steeds terugkerende wil om er iets positief uit te halen.  De podcast is een initiatief van patiëntenverenigingen Digestive Cancer Europe en Talk Blue Vlaanderen en van het laboratorium Servier. Het werd gemaakt in het kader van het LEA-project (Listen, Explain, Act), en is bedoeld om de psychologische omkadering van kankerpatiënten en de zorgverleners te bevorderen, gezien ook zij dagelijks met de ziekte geconfronteerd worden. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Veterinary Ophthalmology

DJ Haeussler

Dr. DJ Haeussler and Jon Labbe discuss current issues and stories in veterinary ophthalmology.

Pillole di Alice Pharmacist

Alice Loreti

JAMA Medical News

JAMA Network

Discussions of timely topics in clinical medicine, biomedical research, public health, health policy, and more, featured in the Medical News section of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Frag dich fit – mit Doc Esser und Anne


Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an docesser@wdr.de. 

BMJ Best Practice Podcast

BMJ Group

The BMJ Best Practice podcast publishes interviews with clinical experts, aimed at healthcare professionals and students with an interest in keeping up to date with the latest scientific developments, evidence-based medicine and guidelines. BMJ Best Practice is ranked one of the best clinical decision support tools for health professionals worldwide.* Structured around the clinical workflow and updated daily, BMJ Best Practice uses the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. bestpractice.bmj.com *Kwag KH, González-Lorenzo M, Banzi R, Bonovas S, Moja L. Providing Doctors With High-Quality Information: An Updated Evaluation of Web-Based Point-of-Care Information Summaries The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

JACC Podcast

American College of Cardiology

Each week, renowned editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, records free podcasts highlighting journal findings. To keep clinicians updated on the most important science emerging in clinical and translational cardiology, Dr. Fuster provides an overview of the weekly edition, as well as a short summary of each manuscript. Encompassing JACC and nine cardiovascular specialty journals, the JACC family of journals rank among the top cardiovascular peer-reviewed journals in the world for scientific impact.

Diario di uno studente di Medicina

2000 MP

Il diario di un ragazzo che studia Medicina, per provare a raccontare com'è oggi la vita universitaria di un aspirante medico, giorno per giorno. Un podcast prodotto da 2000 MP

ESAIC Podcast on Anaesthesia and Intensive Care


Tune in for the ESAIC Podcast on Anaesthesia and Intensive Care as we talk about various knowledge-building topics covering Anaesthesia, Intensive Care, Pain, Emergency and Perioperative Medicine, Patient Safety, and more. The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) is the leading society for education, research, and science. Take your career to the next level and help improve patient care everywhere by participating in our Education Tuesday series and beyond. You can also visit us at www.esaic.org.

Curbside Consults

NEJM Group

Annals of Internal Medicine Podcast

American College of Physicians

Issue highlights and interviews from Annals of Internal Medicine.

Fibromyalgia Podcast®

Tami Stackelhouse

Tired of being held prisoner in your own body? Tami Stackelhouse is an author and Master Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® who has gone from disabled to thriving. In this podcast, Tami brings together top fibromyalgia experts and advocates, creating a virtual dream team to help you take back control of your life and health. From doctors and researchers in the traditional medical setting, to coaches and providers of alternative and natural treatment options, this podcast will empower you to feel your best and set you free to live a fibro life you love.

EMJ Podcast

BMJ Group

Emergency Medicine Journal (EMJ) is an international peer review journal covering pre-hospital and hospital emergency medicine, and critical care. The journal publishes original research, reviews and evidence based articles on resuscitation, major trauma, minor injuries, acute cardiology, acute paediatrics, toxicology, toxinology, disasters, medical imaging, audit, teaching and reflections on clinical practice. The journal is aimed at doctors, nurses, paramedics and ambulance staff. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

DTB Podcast

BMJ Group

A monthly audio round-up detailing the contents of the latest issue of DTB. For 50 years, Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB) has provided rigorous and independent evaluations of, and practical advice on, individual treatments and the overall management of disease for doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. DTB has always been wholly independent of the pharmaceutical industry, Government and regulatory authorities. DTB is also free of advertising and other forms of commercial sponsorship. Please subscribe to the DTB podcast to get episodes automatically downloaded to your mobile device and computer. Also, please consider leaving us a review or a comment on the DTB Podcast iTunes podcast page - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/dtb-podcast/id307773309. * The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement, patient care or treatment. The views expressed by contributors are those of the speakers. BMJ does not endorse any views or recommendations discussed or expressed on this podcast. Listeners should also be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. By listening to this podcast, listeners agree not to use its content as the basis for their own medical treatment or for the medical treatment of others.

She's On Call: Weekly Medical Show

Dr. Sujana Chandrasekhar, Dr. Marina Kurian

Two friends and surgeons, Dr. Sujana Chandrasekhar and Dr. Marina Kurian host a medical show that answers your Covid questions and so much more. Each week, they interview top medical experts and explain complicated issues in simple terms.

Cellular Medicine Podcast

Willam A. Seeds, MD

When it comes to your health, it all begins and ends with the cell. This podcast is dedicated to all listeners who are looking beyond the biohacking, above the trendy health fads, and want to understand the science of actual wellbeing: through the cell and the return to efficiency. Our expert is William A Seeds MD, Founder and Chairman of the SSRP Institute, Faculty Developer and Lecturer of the A4M Peptide Certification Program, and a leading Peptide therapy researcher. Still board-certified, he was a surgeon for over 30 years, was the Chief of Surgery and Orthopedic Residency Site Director for University Hospital, Conneaut OH, and has been a professional Medical Consultant for the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, and NBC’s Dancing With The Stars. He currently sees patients at his Cellular Medicine clinic, Redox Medical Group in Beverly Hill, California. Send any questions to info@seeds.md

Chinese Medicine Podcast

Marie Hopkinson

Dedicated to helping people understand Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Herbalist and Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson. Marie appreciates your reviews :) The Chinese Medicine Podcast (CMP) started out in 2013 just as a a way for Marie to share the self help aspects of Chinese medicine with her own patients via youtube, but soon found that people all over the world were watching and benefiting from Marie's Chinese medicine videos, and now we're on audio too!

Salute e Società

Marco Caracciolo

Da oltre 20 anni, con 50 puntate l’anno per la tv e per la radio, Salute e Società è una presenza costante nel panorama radiotelevisivo italiano. Trasmesso da oltre 100 emittenti, Salute/Società raggiunge un pubblico stimato in 2 milioni di contatti nel giorno medio.

Healio Rheuminations

Adam J. Brown, MD

Rheumatology is an incredibly fast-moving and exciting field of medicine that can be difficult to keep up with. This podcast provides busy clinicians with quick updates in the field of autoimmunity, with emphasis on new medications, treatment guidelines and explorations into the pathophysiology of diseases. The show will also feature historical perspectives in the field of rheumatology, as well as fascinating case presentations of medical mysteries complete with discussions from experts in the field.

The Good GP

The Good GP

The Good GP, the education podcast for busy GPs; brought to you by Dr Tim Koh, Dr Krystyna DeLange and Dr Sean Stevens. The Good GP is a proud member of the Talking HealthTech Podcast Network - the premier audio destination for cutting-edge insights and thought leadership in healthcare delivery, innovation, digital health, healthcare ICT, and commercialisation. Disclaimer: The Good GP podcasts are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Always seek the advice of a specialist GP or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Раздвиньте ноги!18+

Оля Крумкач

Оля Крумкач, врач акушер-гинеколог, вместе со своими гостями рассказывает о женском здоровье, обсуждает «стыдные вопросы», делиться опытом и разбирает сексуальные аспекты жизни. Этот подкаст как большой справочник с ответами на вопросы, которые волнуют всех без исключения. 18+ А 18 апреля 2024 года при поддержке HiFi-стриминга Звук выйдет 8 специальный сезон подкаста для пацанов, поэтому слушайте спецсезон в HiFi-стриминге Звук Инстаграм Оли Крумкач: https://www.instagram.com/reo_mur/ Онлайн консультации: https://t.me/Tolko_sprosit_bot Книга "Всё о ней. Бережная гинекология от первой менструации до постменопаузы" https://kiosk.shop/individuum-books/vsye-o-ney-berezhnaya-ginekologiya-ot-pervoy-menstruatsii-do-postmenopauzy Обложка: Нина Захарова Звук и монтаж: Валерия Кусто, Юрий Беляев, Юра Шустицкий Название: Катя Долинина Сотрудничество: info@tolktolk.me

PedsCases: Pediatric Education Online

PedsCases Team

Pediatric educational resource developed by learners for learners. Founded at the University of Alberta. Podcasts, Videos, Infographics, Cases.

erreconzero podcast


La pandemia di COVID19 ci ha fatto capire quanto l'umanità sia fragile davanti alla minaccia posta dalle malattie infettive. Nella lotta contro le infezioni vaccini ed antibiotici hanno cambiato il corso della storia, ma è importante conoscere e saper utilizzare vaccini ed antibiotici perché siano veramente efficaci. Erreconzero vi accompagnerà in un viaggio che vi farà comprendere meglio come si diffondono le malattie infettive e come possiamo prevenirle, con l'utilizzo di lezioni, storie ed interviste ai protagonisti dell'eterna lotta fra l'uomo e i microbi.

Tus Amigas Las Hormonas

Isabel Viña Bas

¡Hola! Soy Isabel Viña Bas, Médico Residente de Endocrinología y Nutrición. Además, desempeño el rol de cofundadora y mente creativa detrás de las cautivadoras fórmulas de los suplementos de IVB Wellness Lab. Mi reputación como una de las principales autoridades en el ámbito de la suplementación en España es sólida, habiendo dejado huella en numerosas charlas y brindando asesoramiento que están ayudando a miles de personas a través de mi plataforma en Instagram. Cada sábado, en este podcast, despliego ante ti un enfoque único y claro sobre todo lo que siempre has anhelado conocer acerca de las hormonas y el intrincado mundo del metabolismo. Mi misión es iluminarte con conocimientos para que sepas más y por tanto puedas tomar decisiones informadas, permitiendo que tus hormonas se conviertan en tus aliadas inseparables de tu bienestar. Los únicos requisitos previos para embarcarte en esta apasionante travesía son un corazón ávido de aprendizaje y un genuino interés en nutrir la salud hormonal. De todo lo demás, encárgate de despreocuparte, ya lo he gestionado por ti. Sígueme en Instagram @isabelvina para mantenerte al tanto de las últimas novedades y no dudes en compartir tus valiosas sugerencias para futuros episodios. Prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia transformadora. ¡Estamos a punto de adentrarnos en un emocionante viaje de descubrimiento, asi que agarrate que vienen curvas!



Il Primo PODCAST italiano di ortopedia, creato dagli Specialisti SIAGASCOT su diversi TOPICS. Interviste, aggiornamenti e dibattiti che vedranno protagonisti i piu’ importanti Opinion Leader italiani in questo settore.


Gianluca Conversa

Questo è il podcast pensato per tutti i professionisti della salute che vogliano approfondire alcuni degli aspetti più caldi, intriganti, intricati e inaspettati sull'argomento dolore. Ci riferiamo in particolare al dolore cronico, nella fattispecie quello cosiddetto "benigno", eufemismo... naturalmente, termine che indica tutti quei dolori che NON originano da una patologia oncologica maligna, per intenderci... Il nostro non è un podcast con intenzioni scolastiche, didatticamente incontrovertibili e scientificamente inoppugnabili... per quanto di scienza ce n'è e ce ne sarà sempre molta. No, l'intenzione è quella di affrontare alcuni argomenti rilevanti che riguardino l'ambito "dolore", scegliendone alcuni degli aspetti più controversi, fuorvianti... o innovativi... e discutendone poi con un esperto della materia, più frequentemente con un algologo, ma non necessariamente... La speranza è quella di lasciare un messaggio, breve ma incisivo, che possa aiutare quelli che, come me, si trovano a dover tentare di dare una risposta ai tanti pazienti afflitti da dolore. Ma naturalmente il podcast è rivolto anche a chiunque abbia interesse ad approfondire la materia... quindi benvenuti su SSSàC!

Movement Optimism

Greg Lehman

A deep dive into the world of exercise, pain and injury with a Movement Optimism spin as opposed to the kinesiopathological model. The traditional view of the human body has considered to be much more akin to car when we should have been viewing like a robust ecosystem. This is a masterclass on critical thinking and hopes to get you challenging your biases as well as ours.

Microbioma.it Podcast


Microbioma.it è il primo portale italiano di aggiornamento medico-scientifico su microbiota e microbioma, realizzato da Clorofilla – Editoria scientifica in collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Microbiologia. Lo scopo è fornire un aggiornamento scientifico qualificato alla classe medica e a chiunque, per lavoro o curiosità, voglia conoscere più da vicino i risultati della ricerca scientifica su questo argomento. Raccontare in modo chiaro e con una base scientifica solida le novità sul microbioma umano che, con ritmo sempre più incalzante, arrivano dai laboratori di ricerca di tutto il mondo: è questa la nostra missione. I batteri convivono con il nostro organismo da milioni di anni, si sono evoluti assieme a noi in una sorta di simbiosi “pacifica”. Li troviamo nell’intestino, nello stomaco, sulla pelle, nei polmoni e non solo. Sono circa 100 miliardi i microrganismi a cui diamo ospitalità. E loro, in cambio, sintetizzano per noi diversi nutrienti essenziali, si prendono cura del nostro sistema immunitario, ci proteggono dai loro “parenti” patogeni. La ricerca in questo ambito è ancora agli inizi, ha cominciato a muovere i primi passi pochi anni fa. Ma i risultati sono già parecchio interessanti e riguardano praticamente tutte le discipline mediche, dalla gastroenterologia all’oncologia, dalla dermatologia alle neuroscienze. Stiamo vivendo quella che secondo alcuni è una vera e propria svolta epocale, che potrebbe rivoluzionare la pratica medica dei prossimi decenni. E questo è esattamente ciò che vogliamo raccontare.

PT Inquest

Jason Tuori, Megan Graham, & Chris Juneau

PT Inquest is an online journal club. Hosted by Jason Tuori, Megan Graham, and Chris Juneau, the show looks at an article every week and discusses how it applies to current physical therapy practice.

The Shoulder Physio Podcast

Jared Powell

The Shoulder Physio Podcast is a podcast dedicated to exploring meaningful topics in musculoskeletal health care.
